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Fairy tale “Why the month doesn’t have a dress. “Why doesn’t the month have a dress?” Abstract of the educational activity in the direction of “Weaving workshop” as part of the implementation of the innovative project The story of why the month does not have a dress

Crescent looked to the tailor,

Not to the heavenly, but to the earthly.

Sew me, master, an elegant dress.

I will walk across the sky on holiday.

The tailor took measurements from the crescent moon,

Invites him to a fitting.

But in just fourteen days

The month became twice as full.

And his shoulders and chest are tight,

Thus the month of heaven recovered.

The tailor almost cries with frustration:

What kind of demon played a trick on me!

Your Grace has gained a little weight

Or the matter has shrunk from washing,

To be honest, I don't understand...

OK! I'll take a new measurement.

Day after day goes by.

The tailor doesn't waste a minute.

Well, what about the month, night reveler,

Meanwhile it became the full moon.

He tries on a tight dress

And, sighing, mutters curses:

Sinner, swindler, villain!

I would be ashamed of good people.

Over the past three days and three nights

The dress has become tighter and shorter!

The tailor did not answer.

How can a tailor argue with the moon!

He took the customer’s measurements again:

The dress will be ready for the holiday!

The tailor ripped out the seams of the dress,

The chest was expanded and the hem was added.

There's a little work left to do,

And the month is already knocking on the window.

Yes, not a month, but a thin sickle:

At this time he was doing damage.

Not the moon, but just half:

Only horns and a round back.

The tailor shook all over with anger:

No, stop making fun of me!

I tried to please you foolishly.

Every day, you changed your figure:

Then you became round like a pancake,

That's as thin as this arshin.

Sewing a dress for you is a waste of time.

Better stay without a dress!

Lesson on Russian literacy Topic: Fairy tales of the peoples of the world. Serbian fairy tale. “Why doesn’t the month have a dress?” Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo"

24.02.2016 1101 295 Khasenova Rysty Saimovna

Topic: Tales of the peoples of the world. Serbian fairy tale. “Why doesn’t the month have a dress?” Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo"
1. Continue to get acquainted with the fairy tales of the peoples of the world. Improve text reading skills.
2. Enrich your vocabulary. Develop the ability to determine the softness and hardness of consonant sounds using unvoiced letters, soft and hard signs. Develop reasoning skills.
3. Cultivate curiosity through a fairy tale.
Lesson type: combined
Equipment: Exhibition of books (tales of the world), ribbon of letters.
On the board “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”
Lesson progress:
I. Org. moment. Psychological mood.

Good morning! The day has begun.
First of all, we drive away laziness!
You shouldn't yawn in the morning,
And wake up and get up!

What mood did you guys wake up in? - And what a mood they came to school in!
I hope that a good mood will help you cope with all the tasks in the lesson.
But for this, what else should you be?
Attentive, Focused, Friendly, etc.
II. Updating basic knowledge.
1. A minute of penmanship.
Ro, zy, bya You
2. Retelling of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”.
3.Work on a tape of letters.
- Which letters show the softness of a consonant?
- Which letters show the hardness of a consonant?
- Which of them do not have sound? b, b
Words on the board. River, Lenya, carry, day, pear, Lucy, Lena, children, glasses, robot, month, moon.
Work in a notebook.
- Write down only those words in which all consonants are soft (letter with comments).
- Compose and write down a sentence with the words children. (Front survey).
The children came to school.
- Emphasize hard and soft consonants. - Divide into syllables, put emphasis.
physical minute
III. Work on a new topic.
1. Guess the riddle. “Horned, but not butted.” And the answer is among the words written on the board.
2. Let's turn to the set of words.
This word always contains a hard sound. Month.
Intonation of a word in a notebook
Vocabulary work. A month is......
Look at the picture in the textbook.
- At what time of day can we see the month?
- Who happened to see the month?
3. Reading a fairy tale. “Why doesn’t the month have a dress?” p.138
Primary reading by the teacher.
- Why was the dress a month too small at every fitting?
- Who guessed what the month turned into?

Above the house by the path
A piece of flatbread hangs (Moon).

What is the moon compared to? (Intonation of the word moon).
- Guess the riddle in the ABC book. - What is the month compared to?
Repeated reading by students in a chain.
Make a sketch in your reading notebook. Months and moons.
What would you do if you were a tailor? (children's answers). physical minute
Summary of the fairy tale.
- What fabulous, unusual happened?
- What image is given to the month?
- Can this happen in real life?
- Why?
4. Reading a fairy tale. "Cuckoo" p.140
Primary reading by the teacher.
Conversation on the content of the fairy tale.
-What mood does this fairy tale evoke?
-Come up with your own ending to the fairy tale.
Lesson summary.
What fairy tales did you come across?
What new did you learn?

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text of the material.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Lazy Arina

Once upon a time there lived a man Ivan and his wife Arina. He sent her to the field to reap rye.
So Arina came to the strip, squeezed out such a place so that she could lie down alone; I lay down, slept well and went home, as if I had really worked hard.
“What, wife,” asks the husband, “have you squeezed a lot today?”
“Thank God, I squeezed out one place.”
“Well, that’s good!” the man thinks. “One streak, that means it’s over.”
The next day Arina went to the field again, squeezed out a spot and slept until the evening; and on the third day - the same, and on the fourth - the same; So I procrastinated all week.
It’s time, the man thinks, to go to the field to get the sheaves.
He arrives and the rye is all unharvested; in some places, in some places it is squeezed out by small places, and even then in such a way that only a person can lie down. He began to look for his wife and saw: she was lying in one place and snoring like that!
The man is now home, grabbed a pair of scissors, returned to the stubble, and cut his woman’s head; did all this and returned to the village.
So Arina slept and slept, and finally woke up; she grabbed her head with her hand and said to herself;
- Something happened to her! It seems that I am Arina, but the head is not mine! I'll go home; If the dog barks, it means I’m not Arina.-
She came to the village straight to her hut and asked under the window:
- What, is your Arina at home?
The husband realized and said to her:
- At home!-
Then a dog crawled out from under the gate, did not recognize its owner and rushed at her as if at a stranger; That's enough for the floors. Arina run and run, as soon as she can get away from her house alive!
And she went to wander around the field. The man took pity, forgave her, and from then on Arina began to reap ingenuously.

Leya Arina
(Ruska Shaiva Pricha)

Ivan and Jehovah’s wife Arina lived this day. Ambassador Ivan was once given a wife in Kiev and is very excited.
Arina got to the fine, after edan deo, as much as she could and lie down; lie, poshten se naspava i ode kuћi kao da zaista tseo dan provede radeki.
“What is it, wife,” the husband is drunk, “are you tired of us?”
- Praise the Lord God, edan dobar deo pozhekh!
“That’s good!”, my dear. “One fine, that means it’s completed.”
Another was given to Arina’s ode to Ukraine, after which she died and slept until she was injured; and the third was given for this purpose, and the fourth was given for this purpose; So last the whole week.
“It’s time,” my dear, “let’s eat in Kiev and buy more.”
Before and after that, a rage began to set in; here and there some business behu chew tako yes man can do good and lie down. How much should you treat your wife and herd: lying on a chewed-up place, and for better or for worse...
So, give up your hair, grab your makaze, go straight to the street, and cut your wife’s hair down to bare skin. Uradi tako and vrati se u village.
And Arina, whether she slept or slept, wake her up back. Grab it by the chapter and say to yourself:
„ What is it? What is it like? Do it yourself and do it yourself - Arina, or head nјe moјa! Poki kuki. Ako passed the hall, then je
Before the village, the right to your own food, drink under the seer:
“Hey, does your Arina have the code?”
Husband, let’s say:
„U kuћi јe”.
You flew out from under the gate, didn’t know the Gazdaritsa, but you grabbed onto the slope. Arina ran headlong without looking around, and she was still alive and sounded like she was in her own corner.
Lutala је tako Arina according to љу and њivam. Sejak they imprisoned and forgiven the wife. At that time, Arina’s times were even more harmful and beneficial.

Old man - one year old
(Russian fairy tale)

An old man, a year old, came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each bird has its own special name.
The old man, a year old, waved for the first time and the first three birds flew away. There was a whiff of cold and frost.
The old man, a year old, waved for the second time and the second troika flew off. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared in the fields.
The old man, a year old, waved for the third time and the third troika flew away. It became hot, stuffy, sultry. The men began to reap rye.
The old man, a year old, waved for the fourth time and three more birds flew away. A cold wind blew, frequent rain fell, and fog settled in.
But the birds were not ordinary. Each bird has four wings. Each wing has seven feathers. Each feather also has its own name. One half of the feather is white, the other is black. If a bird flaps, it will become light, it will be light, another bird will wave, it will become dark, it will be dark.
What kind of birds flew out of the sleeve of the old one-year-old?
What are the four wings of each bird? What are the seven feathers in each wing? What does it mean that every feather has one half white and the other half black?

Old lady - time
(Russian baјka – zagonetka)

Izae eldress – time. Let the flock wave your sleeve and give the bird a push. Svaka is a bird of your own.
I’ll swing the eldress – it’s time to straighten the path. Let the first three birds fly. Nastadoshe is cold and filthy.
I’ll swing the oxbow – time for another putt. Flight friend three. The snow is gone. When you catch a flower, wave your head.
I’ll swing the oxbow – it’s time to tread water. And in flight and three. Nastade vrelina, zhega, sparina. Scratch and sting.
I’ll swing the oxbow - a quarter of a time. And fly like three birds. Zaduva khladan vetar, chesto se prosipahu kishe, lie down muggle.
The behaha bird is more unusual. The matchmaker has four kril each. The svakom krilu has a feather in his hair. And your pen is yours. One half of the beshe's feather is white, and the other half of the beshe's feather is red. I'll wave the bird in the light - it's light - it's light. I’ll swing the bird’s other rope – postade tamnim – tamno.
What kind of bird did you fly out of the old lady’s sleeve?
What are the four wings of the mating bird?
How is it sedam pera svakom krilu?
What do you mean, half of the other half is white and the other half is red?

Why doesn't the month have a dress?

I decided to sew a dress for myself this month. The tailor took his measurements and sat down to work. The month arrived for the dress at the appointed time. And the dress is narrow and short.
“Apparently, I was mistaken,” says the tailor. And he sat down to work again. The month arrived for the dress at the appointed time. Again the dress is too small.
“Apparently, now I was mistaken,” said the tailor. And he began to cut and sew again.
For the third time the month came to the tailor. The tailor saw it walking across the sky all month long, twice as wide as the dress he had sewn for him. What was the tailor to do? He started to run. I looked for him for a month, looked for him, but didn’t find him.
So a month remained without a dress.

Why is the month dumb?
(Russian tale - legend)

Decide the month and dress yourself. Krojach mu narrow measure and gray and shiјe. We agreed on a time before the month to dress. Ali, put it on quickly and briefly.
“Of course, we’ve made a mistake,” says the little one. And again, gray and shinier. We agreed on a time before the month to dress. Opet dressed very little.
“Of course, he knows about those who have sinned,” said the little one. And again the herd and the cut and the shiјe. And the next month will go until the cutter. Coal kroјach as across the sky and you rounded up the doubling of the month at the dress wider than him that beshe put on something for Sasha’s yega. And what kind of garden is it for the sake of kroјach? Why don't you run? Trazhashe ha month, trazhashe, ali ha no naђe.
So you'll be left without clothes for a month.

Olga Trusevich
“Why doesn’t the month have a dress?” Abstract of the GCD in the direction of “Weaving Workshop” as part of the implementation of an innovative project


GCD according to direction« Weaving workshop» V within the framework of the implementation of an innovative project“Network interaction on organizing child accompaniment in ethnographic conditions focus preschool education"

Subject: reading a Serbian fairy tale « Why doesn't the month have a dress?» .

in 1st junior group


Introduce the profession of a seamstress.


Expand children's understanding of the concept "cloth".

Learn to classify her by gender attribute: clothes for boys and girls.

Introduce the profession of a tailor, the attributes and results of his work.

Introduce a new literary work.


Promote the development of attention, perception, imagination of children.

Develop dialogic speech skills.


Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

Cultivate a cognitive interest in the world around you.

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about clothes.

Examination of clothes of children and adults.

Materials for the lesson.

Demonstrative material:

Illustration of a starry sky with month.

Fabric, scissors, meter, thread, needle in a pincushion.


Subject pictures of clothing.

Paper figures of a boy and a girl.




Audio recording of a Serbian fairy tale « Why doesn't the month have a dress?» .

Magnetic board.

GCD move.

1. Introduction to the game situation.

The teacher has a box of paper doll clothes in the play center. If the children have not shown interest in her, then he himself calls them.

Guys, look! What a beautiful box appeared in our group, where is it from?

Children's guesses.

Children, do you want to know what is in it?

Children's answers.

I suggest you open it and see what's in it. Do you want it?

Children's answers. The teacher opens the box and shows the children paper doll clothes.

Children, what is this?

Children name items of clothing.

Guys, what can you call dress, shorts, skirt and trousers in one word? What is this?

Children's answers.

Well done, of course it's the clothes. Do you know what it is needed for?

Children's answers.

We put on clothes to keep warm, to protect ourselves from the wind or sun rays.

2. Actualization in a game situation.

Guys, are the clothes in the box the same or different?

Children's answers.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the paper doll figures in the box.

Who do you think it is?

Children's answers.

This is a boy and a girl. Do you think boys and girls dress the same or differently?

Children's guesses.

I suggest you play. Do you want it?

Children's answers.

We need to divide these clothes into two groups: for boys and girls. Can you help me? Can you?

Children's answers.

Didactic game "Lay out your clothes"

In front of the children on the table are paper figures of a boy and a girl. Children must take one item of clothing, name it, and place it next to the corresponding silhouette. The teacher helps children, encourages independence and activity.

Well done guys, you did a great job. All clothes were arranged correctly. What do boys wear?

Children's answers.

What do girls wear?

Children's answers.

3. Difficulty in a game situation.

Children, do you like to listen to fairy tales?

Children's answers.

I suggest you listen to an interesting fairy tale. Do you want it?

Children's answers.

Sit comfortably, listen carefully. The fairy tale is called « Why doesn't the month have a dress?» .

The teacher plays an audio recording of a Serbian fairy tale on the laptop « Why doesn't the month have a dress?» .

"Decided month to sew yourself a dress. The tailor took his measurements and sat down to work. Arrived on time month for a dress. A the dress is tight and short.

Apparently, I was mistaken,” says the tailor. And he sat down to work again.

Arrived on time month for a dress.

Again the dress is small.

Apparently, now I was mistaken,” said the tailor. And he began to cut and sew again.

For the third time the month came to the tailor.

Saw a tailor: walks across the sky round month - not month, and the moon is whole, and twice as wide as dress, which he just sewed. What was the tailor to do? He started to run. I was looking for him month, I searched, but didn’t find it.

It stayed that way a month without a dress».

Guys, did you like the fairy tale?

Children's answers.

I suggest stretching out a little. Do you want it?

Children's answers.

Fizminutka "What do we love?"

We love to clap our hands

And we always clap

(Children walk in a circle holding hands)

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and we always clap!

(Clap their hands)

We love to stomp our feet

And we always stomp

(They follow the teacher)

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and we always stomp!

(They stomp their feet while standing still)

We love to spin

And we're always spinning

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and we’re always spinning!

(Spin around themselves)

Well done guys, what a great game we had. Did you like it?

Children's answers.

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

Guys, do you want to listen to the tale of month?

Children's answers.

Then sit down and listen carefully.

The teacher reads a fairy tale « Why doesn't the month have a dress?» .

Children, do you know who he is? month? Where can we see him?

Children's answers.

Showing an illustration of a starry sky and months on it. Looking at the illustration.

Guys, who did you go to? month?

Children's answers.

- The month went to the tailor. Why needed a tailor for a month?

Children's answers.

- I've been wanting to sew myself a dress for a month. The tailor measured him and what did he do?

Children's answers.

The tailor began to sew dress. Do you know what a tailor needs to work?

Children's answers.

Want to know about it?

Children's answers. The teacher places in front of the children a piece of fabric, a meter, scissors, thread, and a needle in a needle bed. Monitors the safety of children.

First the tailor measured month, took the fabric, measured how much needed to be cut.

The teacher demonstrates the actions.

I cut off the excess with scissors. Threaded a needle and began to sew.

The teacher demonstrates the movements.

What happened to the tailor?

Children's answers.

That's right, it worked dress. But it didn't fit month by size. Came several times a month to the tailor, But I never received the dress. How do you think, Why?

Children's answers.

The work of a tailor is very responsible and important. What is he sewing for us?

Children's answers.

Do you think we can do without clothes?

Children's answers.

We really need clothes. It will protect us from rain and snow, heat and cold. We can't do without tailors.

5. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.

Guys, did you like the story about month? Why?

Children's answers.

What do you remember most?

Children's answers.

I think your parents will really like it too. Will you tell her mom and dad?

Children's answers.

I also really liked the fairy tale. Thank you for helping me figure it out, why doesn't the month have a dress?. You helped me a lot! Guys, what should we do with the box containing doll clothes?

Children's suggestions.

I suggest you leave it in the game center. Do you want it?

Children's answers.

I think you will find it interesting to play with her.

The teacher, together with the children, places the box in the children's play center for independent activities of the pupils.

Publications on the topic:

Summer is the most fertile time for children's creativity. What could be more interesting and exciting than being in the fresh air in the shade, cozy.

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"Stones." Summaries of direct educational activities with students as part of the implementation of an innovative project Summaries of direct educational activities with students as part of the implementation of an innovative project. Project topic: "Network.

Since 2015, a program developed and approved by the entire professional community, the Council of Chiefs, has been launched in the Sverdlovsk region.

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