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What is the temperature of pregnant women? Why is temperature considered the first sign of pregnancy?

Many women during pregnancy note that body temperature in the early stages often stops at 37. And since we are accustomed to the fact that such a temperature is characteristic of the development of any disease, it is not surprising that many expectant mothers simply panic when they discover temperature increase. However, an increase in body temperature during pregnancy is not always a cause for concern. What body temperature is normal for pregnant women and whether you should worry if your body temperature has increased slightly - we’ll look at it in today’s article.

Many women during pregnancy note that body temperature in the early stages often stops at 37. And since we are accustomed to the fact that such a temperature is characteristic of the development of any disease, it is not surprising that many expectant mothers simply panic when they discover temperature increase. However, the body during pregnancy is not in all cases a cause for concern. What is normal for pregnant women and whether you should worry if your body temperature has increased slightly - we will look at it in today's article.

The main reasons for increased body temperature during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that low body temperature during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is the norm, so there is no need to worry or worry in advance. This “anomaly” is due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman, undergoing hormonal adjustments, reacts with slower heat transfer from the body, and, as a result, the body temperature rises slightly. Therefore, if in the first weeks of pregnancy your body temperature is 37-37.1 degrees, and there are no other symptoms of the disease, then this temperature is considered normal for your “interesting” position.

In addition, the medical explanation for the increase in temperature in the body of a pregnant woman is due to the production of huge amounts of progesterone - one of the most important and important hormones of pregnancy.

Also, an increase in temperature in a pregnant woman may be due to overheating in the sun or due to insufficient fresh air in the room where she is currently located.

All these factors are not a serious cause for concern - this is a normal reaction of the pregnant body!

Another thing is if your body temperature during pregnancy reached 37.5 or higher - this indicates the presence of an infection in the body and in this case special attention should be paid to the situation. After all, it’s no secret that any infection in a pregnant woman’s body threatens great trouble for the development of the fetus. It is especially dangerous (more than 37.5) in the first two weeks, which leads to spontaneous miscarriage. And during the formation of the fetal organs, in the first trimester of pregnancy, an increase in temperature to 38 degrees can lead to the development of fetal pathologies. In the last stages of pregnancy (from 30 weeks), elevated temperature can lead to placental abruption.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature during pregnancy?

A low temperature (up to 37.5 degrees) during early pregnancy is not brought down, even if it is a consequence of a cold. Doctors explain this by saying that such a temperature, even during a cold, is the body’s protective reaction to the development of infection and perfectly fights viruses on its own.

If a pregnant woman’s temperature has reached 37.5 - 38.5, then it is best to bring it down using traditional methods: tea with lemon, compresses on the forehead, rubbing. A higher temperature can be brought down before a doctor appears. However, remember that high fever is a huge risk for your unborn baby, so call a doctor immediately in this case!

In conclusion, let us recall that a temperature of 37 in the early stages of pregnancy is normal. Therefore, do not worry in vain, but take time for yourself and your future baby. Buy some fruit, take a walk in the park, relax on the couch with your favorite book and don’t think about the bad, because pregnancy is such happiness!

Good luck and good health!

Especially for Ira Romaniy

During the nine months of happily expecting a baby, a woman should carefully monitor any changes in her own body. And such an alarm bell as temperature during early pregnancy should definitely be noticed. What can the thermometer indicators indicate?

Read in this article

Is temperature a sign of pregnancy?

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes restructuring, which is manifested by a slight increase in body temperature during early pregnancy. A woman’s hormonal system reacts sharply to the fertilization of an egg; the hormone is released in large quantities. It is a catalyst for temperature changes.

The functions of the immune system decrease with the onset of pregnancy. A natural reaction allows you to prevent the separation of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus in the first days. Any disruptions in the functioning of the immune system provoke an increase in body temperature by tenths of degrees.Often in women, an indicator exceeding 36.6 C is present during the first 6 months of gestation. Exceeding the optimal value in recent months indicates the presence of a disease.

All doctors say that a temperature of 37 C during early pregnancy is considered normal. It does not provoke defects in the development of the child’s internal organs and does not affect the mother’s health. For safety reasons, if your temperature fluctuates, you should discuss the issue with your gynecologist. From the second trimester, an overestimated indicator requires mandatory observation and testing.

Banal overheating is the main cause of elevated temperature. This is typical for the hot season or choosing excessively warm clothes.

What do high temperatures indicate?

An increase in temperature during pregnancy in the early stages above the norm of 37.5 C causes discomfort in a woman, signals the presence of a viral infection, and can also be an accompanying symptom. Urgent measures must be taken, since ARVI or viral infection requires drug treatment. The choice of medications should be approached with caution, since many common tablets or syrups cannot be used during the period of fetal formation. A doctor must prescribe medications!

Fever during early pregnancy, caused by a mild respiratory infection, can be treated with folk remedies. Namely:

  • Rubbing with a towel previously soaked in cool water will help bring it down.
  • It is not recommended to use alcohol wraps. Alcohol is easily absorbed through the pores of the skin into the mother's body.
  • Don't forget about diaphoretic teas based on linden and raspberry.

More serious diseases, for example, or impaired renal function, cannot be cured without the participation of official medicine. It is simply impossible to overcome an infection without medication.

Is it worth lowering the temperature?

A temperature of 38 during early pregnancy requires urgent action. Its high indicators threaten:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • fetal development disorders;
  • irreversible changes in protein synthesis, premature birth;
  • deterioration of the placenta, which also provokes premature birth.

Drinking plenty of fluids will help reduce it. The choice of drinks is small: green or black tea, linden or chamomile decoction, berry fruit drinks, milk with butter and honey, liquid raspberry jam (can be diluted with warm water). A prerequisite is the absence of boiling water. Drinks must be warm.

Remember that women carrying a child under their hearts can drink herbal infusions not of all herbs. When fever during early pregnancy is difficult to overcome, you can brew homemade herbal tea. Recipe: mix coltsfoot with plantain, raspberries and oregano in equal proportions and pour boiling water over it, you can keep it on the stove so that the herbal mixture boils a little. Drink 1 spoon of infusion after meals, no more than 4 times.

Speaking about taking medications, remember that taking aspirin in the first months is taboo. It causes and provokes irreversible. Medicines containing paracetamol are taken 1, maximum 2 times. Longer use negatively affects the functioning of internal organs (kidneys and liver).

How to prevent temperature fluctuations during pregnancy

It is difficult to cure a disease; it is much easier to prevent it. In the first trimester of bearing a child, it is no different from general recommendations. Preventative measures to combat fever in early pregnancy include the following:

  • ventilation of all rooms in the house;
  • refusal to visit public places, in particular during an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza epidemic;
  • regular implementation of measures aimed at maintaining health (after going outside, washing your hands, clearing your nose and rinsing your mouth);
  • use .

Reason for low temperature

Low temperature during early pregnancy is a phenomenon familiar to many women. The reasons are hidden in:

  • the specifics of the female body;
  • (intoxication);
  • overwork;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • insufficient amount of nutrients;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Temperatures below 36.6 for a long time can provoke general weakness, dizziness and even. Failures in the body's thermoregulation increase the already significant sweating, which often occurs in women carrying a fetus.

“What temperature is considered normal during early pregnancy?” The question does not have a clear answer. It depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. One thing can be said: there is no cause for concern when fluctuations in indicators are not accompanied by other symptoms. But for the healthy development of the unborn child, you should seek comprehensive advice from a doctor. Nthe normal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages does not fall below 36 C and will not exceed 37.6 C degrees. Any deviations from the norm require contacting a doctor!

Take care of yourself and your baby! Be healthy!

There are many reasons for fluctuations in human body temperature. These are colds, viruses, infections, various inflammatory processes, as well as hormonal fluctuations. This article contains information about what the temperature should be at the beginning of pregnancy, what thermometer readings indicate danger, and basic doctor’s recommendations.

For pregnancy to develop, the fertilized egg must attach to the wall of the uterus. The retention of the embryo is ensured by a hormone called progesterone. It also helps to increase the temperature at the beginning of pregnancy to 37º C in order to provide better conditions for the development of the embryo. Low-grade fever caused by hormonal changes is noticed in most women. In the third week, this indicator should normalize. And the basal temperature remains elevated throughout the first trimester.

If a woman is in good physical health, this stage may be asymptomatic for her. Not everyone regularly takes measurements and knows what value is normal for their body. And even if a woman notices a fever, she may not experience any discomfort. In other cases, false signs of a cold may appear, such as nasal congestion, as well as intestinal problems and emotional breakdowns.

If the expectant mother is purposefully planning a pregnancy, then she should monitor her temperature daily and keep records. This will help in determining the specific date of conception. It is recommended to take measurements at the same time of day. Changes in the indicator a few days before the expected start of menstruation, a stable temperature of 37º C for 10 days in the absence of obvious signs of illness are signals that fertilization has occurred.

Low temperature and pregnancy

It is also necessary to consider whether the temperature may be low at the beginning of pregnancy. If a woman is characterized by body hypothermia, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist before planning a family. Often this is a symptom of a weakened body or a serious illness that is incompatible with bearing a child. Although this indicator can be a variant of the norm.

If there is a noticeable drop in temperature, especially basal, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this is a symptom of an impending miscarriage. Basal temperature is measured immediately after sleep, and a change of even 0.8º C indicates a decrease in progesterone levels sufficient to lead to a missed abortion. The readings obtained during the day are not informative, since they are influenced by physical activity and emotional background.

Is elevated temperature dangerous for pregnant women?

Women need to be aware that their temperature may rise early in pregnancy and not to worry about it. But prolonged and excessive fever has a rather serious effect on the condition of the expectant mother, causing a feeling of fatigue and weakness. A temperature of about 38º C or higher is a danger signal; it may indicate:

  • about the inflammatory process;
  • about an infectious disease that was previously asymptomatic;
  • about ectopic pregnancy.

If at the beginning of pregnancy a temperature above 38º C lasts for more than a day, this can have a negative impact on the development of the baby’s brain and facial skeleton, lead to the appearance of other pathologies or provoke a miscarriage.

After the twentieth week, the fetus is already completely protected by the placenta barrier, and the risk facing it in the event of a fever in the mother is reduced. But at any stage, it is important to avoid overheating the body, since it disrupts protein synthesis and worsens the condition of the placenta.

It is important to remember that it is natural and safe for a pregnant woman to increase body temperature to 37.3º C, no more. If you have a fever, you should consult a doctor. Overheating and infections negatively affect the development of the fetus and can cause miscarriage.

If the body temperature at the beginning of pregnancy is above 37.5º C and the presence of symptoms such as chills, malaise, nasal congestion, treatment should be started as soon as possible, using only those means that will not harm the baby:

  1. plenty of warm drinks: teas with lemon or cranberry juice;
  2. honey and raspberry jam;
  3. foods containing large amounts of vitamin C.

Pregnant women are prohibited from using traditional medicine such as rubbing with vinegar and alcohol, drinking herbal infusions, steaming their feet, as well as using antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs.

If the thermometer readings are above 38º C, it is reasonable to take paracetamol, strictly observing the dosage. Under no circumstances should you take aspirin. It, like many medications, is prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy. To prevent serious illness from developing and harming your baby, do not rely on self-medication and seek medical help.

The effect of colds on pregnancy

Colds pose a serious threat to the health of mother and fetus. A woman's position weakens her immunity and increases her susceptibility to infections and viruses. In the early stages, any infection poses a great danger to the embryo. If it affects his organs and systems, it will lead to serious pathologies.

Significant disturbances in fetal development resulting from infection serve as an indication for abortion. The greatest danger is posed by ARVI, since this disease is often fleeting and causes severe fever.

It is important to avoid hypothermia and overheating, as well as contact with sick people, and to minimize visits to crowded places. Any infection poses a threat to the development and life of the child. If a pregnant woman experiences hyperthermia, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take measures to relieve the fever.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Sozinova explains:

  • “The combination of delayed menstruation and other secondary symptoms may indicate pregnancy. Mild low-grade fever is one of these markers, along with weakness, emotional instability and early toxicosis, and should not cause concern in a woman. If the temperature drops, especially the basal one, on the contrary, you need to seek medical help, as this indicates a decrease in the concentration of progesterone.”


Many patients ask the question: can the temperature rise to 38º C or higher at the beginning of pregnancy. No, this is a serious deviation from the norm and if such a symptom and other signs of ARVI, headaches and muscle pain appear, it is necessary to quickly begin treatment, since fever and infection are a serious threat to the development of pregnancy. You should use drugs that are safe for the child, folk methods, and do not resort to the help of potent drugs. Taking medications is allowed only after consultation with a competent doctor.

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