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Men's clothing styles: sports, business, classic, military, casual and others. What style of men's clothing suits you? Casual style for men - how to distinguish it from smart casual and formal wear

Nowadays, for many men, the ability to dress normally, stylishly for work is still a stumbling block. Someone thinks that such nonsense is not for him: he took the first clean set he came across from the closet and went ahead - the main thing is that it is warm and comfortable. The other one seems not averse to working on his own style, but is too lazy to dig through the Internet and analyze information. For others, the idea that they can look better doesn’t even occur to them. But if a person has nevertheless matured enough to somehow begin to change for the better in terms of appearance, then style casual for men becomes a lifesaver - a kind of base, based on which you can create an unlimited number of options for clothing sets in which you won’t be ashamed to go to work.


The style became a kind of escape from the shackles of formal office wear in the early 90s, when long-haired guys in khakis and jeans became millionaires in Silicon Valley. Then global corporations were forced to relax the internal dress code in their companies in order to cooperate with the new rich Americans. It is at this moment that the trend begins its history.


If we look at the translation of the English word casual, we will see that the main meaning is “everyday”, “careless”. A fairly accurate description. This is especially clearly visible in comparison with formal, strict clothing.

However, we can call any street clothing everyday, and in this sense, this translation does not give us an exhaustive description. An additional keyword (we'll talk about the differences below) is "neat", or neat, neat, elegant. It is these two concepts together that give us the most accurate definition.


The difference between a formal business dress code and a casual one is fairly easy to see. If formal wear involves a formal suit in blue, gray or black, a white or blue shirt, a discreet tie and conservative shoes, then the style discussed in this article involves a set of jeans and a jacket,

As for the differences between casual and smart casual, everything here is also quite simple. Smart, or business casual, is a little stricter, which is expressed in the presence of a tie, a preference for safer colors in the ensemble, and the absence of other liberties on jeans. Some people still separate smart and business, but the line between them is so vague that we won’t pay attention to it.


So, casual style for men - main attributes:

Let's go from bottom to top. Shoes. Loafers, deserts, brogues

and even sneakers:

The main thing is not purely classic boots and not

Socks. There can be any options here, even quite bright and with a pattern. Remember with at least one more item in your outfit - for example, a tie. Read more about this. By the way, now there is such a trend that in the summer you don’t have to wear them at all.

Jeans, chinos. Here I would advise you to be guided by the circumstances and nature of your place of work. A democratic dress code will allow you to wear artificially aged jeans with holes, and even so that your shoes are completely visible. However, in more formal organizations, you will have to abandon this and stick to dark jeans without bright stitching. Chinos, in this case, must have arrows.

The length should be such that there is one subtle fold at the bottom. If we are talking about winter, then wool pants are a great option. Cargo is also a valid option. These are pants with pockets on the sides, like the guy on the right in the photo.

Examples of watches. Not classic or sporty, but something in between.

These are, perhaps, the main components - the bricks from which you will build your bright, unique image of a person with taste. And, of course, do not forget about the elementary truths - the harmony of colors and...

Let's repeat what it is casual style for men. The meaning of this concept is to look presentable and conservative and at the same time expressive and stylish. I think this is the most accurate definition that captures the essence.

Even more interesting materials in our groups.

In the distant past, men's clothing intended for work was not very different in its originality and diversity.

It was most often customary for men to wear classic suits, and this rule was always passed down from the older generation to the younger.

Over time, the strong foundations were diluted by society until the situation began to change radically - hats disappeared from the wardrobe, jackets were left hanging at home, and men's stores began to focus on fleeting fashion and designer items.

Somewhere along the way, men forgot how to dress in general...
Let's be clear: you don't have to wear a three-piece suit.

In some modern companies, this type of clothing may even work against you - of course, if you do not perform representative functions.

This article will outline five basics of business casual style for men that will help take you from the level of the bland and unimaginative office clerk to the level of the witty and insightful lucky guy.


Many things that don't look "edgy" are actually quite beautiful in terms of color and style.

The problem is that the item does not fit well - this point is often overlooked when buying clothes. Even winter jackets for men should be purchased taking into account the figure, and not “for growth.”

But good fit under the body is often the cheapest way to improve a man's wardrobe. If you're a big guy, you need clothes that don't billow or sag. It's a common misconception that loose clothing makes you look better - a larger than necessary size will not look good on any body size.

Correct selection of clothing length– starting point for a good fit. The trousers should fall far enough to “break” on your shoes: the fabric should lie lightly on the shoes, but not wrap them in any way with its excess. The length of the jeans may be a little longer - it's okay if the fabric bunches up a little.

Just make sure that the back of the jeans does not fall below the beginning of the heel. In any case, excess fabric can always be hemmed.

The belt should rest comfortably just above your hips, around your natural waist (this is the narrowest place on the torso, of course, if everything is normal).


A faded office clerk is easy to spot: he wears gray trousers and a white or blue shirt. This is the safest combination, it is simply the most common. However, since you are reading this, it means you are not interested in looking like everyone else. So as not to be embarrassed, let's start with small changes:

Shirt colors

White and various shades of blue are safe colors for 95% of the male population of the planet. Try pastel lavenders, yellows, taupe (ecru), tan or pale pink instead. These colors pair just as well as white and blue with a wide range of different trousers, ties and jackets - as a bonus, they will make you stand out from the crowd. In a good way.

Why stop there? Swap your plain, solid shirt fabrics for striped or patterned ones that are acceptable outside of conservative corporations, banks, and law offices.

Pants color

Try brown, olive and white. Charcoal wool and flannel will work great. If you want to dilute the severity of a white or blue shirt, trousers with a small pattern will add interest to them.

Leather accents

Everyday office wear doesn't have to be limited to simple black shoes and a black belt. Check out the light, buttery brown shade that goes great with light, light-colored pants. And men's leather jackets have long been considered one of the main attributes of men's business casual style.


There's no need to avoid inexpensive clothing—great pieces can be found at all price points. Avoid blatantly poor quality clothes made from poor fabric that will make you look like a hickey.

Fabric material and structure

Look at the composition of the clothing on the label. All items containing more than 15% polyester or viscose will remain smooth longer. A small amount of chemical fibers also allows items to resist frequent wrinkles and stains. A percentage of synthetics of more than 40% is simply a measure to save on production and a sign of low-quality clothing.

Learn to identify fabric by appearance. Wool can come in the form of a coarse, fleecy tweed or a soft, fluffy flannel. Use heavier clothing for winter and lighter, smoother clothing for summer.

Be sure to test the fabric for wrinkles. Walk back and forth in front of the mirror and watch how the bottom of your pants moves. Wave your arms while watching the movement of your shirt sleeves. If the fabric ripples and moves with every movement, this is a sign of a thin and cheap material that will tear easily, look saggy and show through in the light.

Small parts

Plastic buttons sewn on so loosely that they can be moved up and down right in the store are an indicator of poor quality.
Pay attention to the seams - is it one line with very small stitches or are there only two stitches per centimeter? You need clothes that will look like new even six months after purchase, and will not deteriorate after the first wash.

Button collars are preferred over regular collars for Business Casual. These keep their shape well and look great without a tie.

Double French cuffs with cufflinks are suitable for formal occasions. Although, you can wear shirts only with them as an element of your own style. The French cuff (unlike the familiar Italian one, “with a button”) is never found on cheap shirts.


Competently combining layers of clothing requires the ability to combine colors, patterns, and various fabrics - this issue is described in great detail in a separate article. Combining different pieces is the key to creating an interchangeable wardrobe, in which each item can easily be combined with every other.


Otherwise, your ideal Business Casual look will be ruined by little things. Keep your clothes, shoes and accessories clean and stop underestimating the impact of details on how you present yourself to people.


A pair of good oxfords are fine for formal occasions, but for a more casual look, boots with open laces or no laces at all are suitable.

Have several shoe options: Replacing the classics with moccasins is the easiest way to give a familiar look a new look. Black and dark brown shoes can be easily combined with a variety of clothing colors.

But for the best Business Casual, light brown and reddish leather shoe colors are suitable. And suede or two-tone shoes will definitely make you unique. Don't wear the same shoes every day - let the leather sit and get rid of excess moisture. Clean your shoes after wearing, and not just before.

Make sure that the cream does not change the color of the shoes - you can check this by spreading a little cream on the lower part of the tongue.

Ties and pocket squares

Business Casual style offers variety, which can be easily added with ties and pocket squares. A good material for a tie is silk. Woven and knitted wool ties look too casual. This does not mean that you should not use them at all: they will look very original in a pure casual look.

Avoid ties made of synthetics - they have an unnatural shine and quickly become unusable. Read also a more detailed article on how to choose a tie. The knot of the tie should match the collar. A wider collar requires a wider knot, and vice versa. Use a butterfly if you want to evoke more positive emotions in people.

A pocket square can be carried in your chest pocket no matter the occasion. If you don't wear a tie, a pocket square can be a good alternative.

Clothes care

Dirty and wrinkled clothing is not acceptable. Therefore, always hang shirts, suits, jackets and trousers on hangers. Jackets should always hang on wide suit hangers.

Smooth out wrinkles in cotton. Steam out wrinkles in wool. And remove dirt from clothes before ironing - otherwise a hot iron can set them forever.

Use dry cleaning only as a last resort. To keep wool clothes clean, clean them after each wear and hang them carefully in an area with constant access to fresh air.

The modern rhythm of life in a big city forces even men who are far from fashionable to listen to the latest trends and stylish novelties. In order not to look like a black sheep at work or in the company of friends, a man is looking for his own style, which would at the same time meet the general requirements for the wardrobe of a successful person.

Nowadays you can find no less fashionistas among men than among women. This is not surprising, because a forward-thinking guy always pays attention to his appearance. It is clothing that helps the male half look respectable and stylish at the same time, so you should be especially careful in its selection.

Casual allows you to feel comfortable and appropriate both in the office and after the end of the working day. Photo from

Casual style for men promises a great, presentable appearance without incurring excessive costs for purchasing items. Casual is characterized by great democracy and freedom in choosing clothes for any occasion. And by choosing several sets correctly and harmoniously, you can forget for a while about the eternal problem of “what to wear?”, which is not alien to men either.

So, how, where and with what to wear Casual? This style is ideal for everyday life, since the main principles of Casual are comfort and originality without sacrificing attractiveness. Depending on the situation, casual clothing is distinguished for work, for sports, for walking, for semi-formal parties, etc. That’s why Casual is always so different, with it restrictions and dogmas crumble, giving a man a chance to look for the right combinations himself in accordance with his and only his opinion.

First of all, you need to figure out what it is for men. “Smart Casual” provides business people with the opportunity to finally get rid of boring and awkwardly strict suits that prevent them from showing individuality and initiative at work. At the same time, this style does not reject the traditions of the official style, because it is on its basis that any smart casual look develops. This means that, having taken the seriousness and modesty of outfits from office-style, Casual made it more relaxed and free by including elements of different cuts and from different fabrics. In this way, a combination of seemingly mutually exclusive styles was achieved, but the effect was incredibly positive. Slight carelessness, a touch of street trend, a larger selection of colors and materials - all this and much more characterizes the men's Casual style!

A man's wardrobe, compared to a woman's, will always be quite simple, because there is no place for skirts and dresses in it, but, on the other hand, men's clothing has its own charms. Clothes in the office are expected to be in calm, neutral colors, and this rule will have to be taken into account. But you can choose almost any materials: cotton, knitwear, a little denim, corduroy, suede, tweed... Specific examples of attractive Casual outfits for men look something like this:

  • classic dark-colored trousers can be complemented with a shirt or polo shirt, and it’s especially good if you put a knitted jumper or sweater on top;
  • The simplest dark blue jeans should be combined with a turtleneck, a knitted sleeveless vest, a pullover, or a shirt with a jacket. In this case, it is better to leave the tie at home, instead, elegantly tie a scarf or handkerchief, or simply unbutton the top couple of buttons of the shirt;
  • Traditional Casual layering can appear like this - a T-shirt, shirt, vest or jacket, a tie of an unusual shape or color, and a jacket on top.

The overall impression of such combinations does not detract from professionalism and business acumen, but also creates a special colorful image, different from others. Men's clothing in the casual style allows you to feel comfortable and appropriate both in the office and after the end of the working day.

The street and sports direction in Casual implies the presence in the wardrobe of T-shirts, T-shirts (including those with inscriptions and funny pictures), sneakers, and trousers of various cuts. Here you can have a blast with bright colors and non-standard styles. Also required are stylish short jackets, expensive belts, shoes and accessories that will help create a unique look. Casual clothing for men allows you to express your sense of style and look like an elegant and modern gentleman anywhere.

Casual is a style that has replaced the strict office dress code. A new degree of freedom, for those who value it.

In Russia, dress codes are not as common as in the West or America, so many people have spent their entire lives going to work in casual (casual), but didn’t know it was called that.

In order to understand styles, we need to understand what system we will adhere to. For example, according to the American style system, casual is absent altogether, but there is its analogue - sports style. It is a casual and friendly image without pretension. Based on this, its characteristics are built. Name casual more common in Europe. The main emphasis of this style is on convenience and practicality. Accordingly, for every day we will choose practical things and practical fabrics.

But do not forget that if you go to work, as you think, in casual style, then certain stereotypes of this style must be followed.

In stylistics and imageology there are such concepts as dress up (dress up) or dress down (dress down). In simple terms, they determine the degree of formality and rigidity (status) of your style.

An untucked shirt is dress down V casual style (i.e. more informal).

And a sports jacket (blazer) is just dress up "om in the same style (more formal element).

If you choose more fashionable items of clothing that match the latest collections of famous manufacturers, then about this casual they say that he fashion forward (fashion forward).

If you are used to choosing only premium brands and the most expensive materials, then this variation is called casual chic (casual chic). There are other names of the same style casual , For example business casual (business casual). However casual was originally conceived as one of the most convenient business styles, and therefore does not need the “business” prefix.

All these names are just details of the same style. The main thing to remember is that the more you use details from the traditional classic style, the harder you try to look more serious, the more you do dress up in your casual style.

Let's look at two examples. Both in casual . Which of these people looks more serious?

The man on the left looks much more serious. Because he preferred masculine seriousness to youthful laxity. At the same time, there is relaxation in the image. And the more it is, the stronger the style casual begins to resemble another style similar to it - smart casual .

It means that casual everyone has a different one. When choosing this style, you must understand what image, what message you are going to convey to society. The main problem is that people, looking in the mirror, think that they look cool, they are serious and they can go to work in this. However, it often happens that the various parts of the wardrobe do not fit together. This is why I urge you to refer to casual more formal options.

Magazines, television, radio - everything tells us that the framework for casual does not exist.

Everywhere they are trumpeting that casual it is fashionable and everyone wears it, but no one talks about the boundaries that limit this style. Let's try to understand the basic details.

Casual Characteristics:

  1. The second degree of seriousness after the classic style.
  2. Colors - dark, muted (shades with the addition of gray pigment, smoky), practical shades of gray, brown, beige, black, dark blue. No more than three colors. In an elegant version casual (yes, there can be such a thing too), no more than one color.
  3. The silhouette is free, not restricting movement. Straight lines and layers are characteristic, but not at the expense of status and seriousness. The uniform remains quite classic: trousers, jeans, shirts, jackets, coats - all without additional decor (extra buttons, pockets, a large number of zippers, and so on). The silhouette shape is a regular triangle or rectangle. If clothing better accentuates your figure (matches the contours of your body), then this is dress up in style casual .
  4. Accessories - a watch (not necessarily expensive and high-status, but not a sports G-shock either), a belt (not necessarily to match the shoes, but not pink, for example), a tie and a scarf - the theme is individual.


In style casual lightning may be present. In traditional classic there can be no lightning style. If you are wearing a suit, we recommend that you do not wear it with outerwear with zippers, unless the weather is terrible and you are forced to wear an Alaskan jacket.

Remember this most important difference!

As soon as you see a cardigan with a zipper, it immediately means that it is definitely not from classical style. Only in casual There may be a zipper on the pockets. It is significant and distinguishable dress down between outerwear in style casual and classic outerwear.

As soon as you see more than three colors on a person, a play of accessories, an interesting design of things, prints and other elements of individuality and self-identification, you can assume that the person is definitely not dressed in casual or classical style.

Most likely, this is your brother casual , only its more relaxed version - style smart casual , which we will talk about in the next article.

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