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It is worth doing the first ultrasound of pregnancy. Discussion at what stage of pregnancy routine ultrasounds are performed. How many weeks is the first ultrasound scheduled?

Ultrasound is one of the types of research that is mandatory to monitor the condition of a pregnant woman and her child. When the first ultrasound is performed on pregnant women, why the timing of the procedure and its implementation may differ among different women - we will consider below.

Advantages of the method

The ultrasonic device works using the echolocation mechanism. The ultrasounds emitted by the sensor pass through the tissues, are reflected by them and create a clear picture of the organ being examined or the fetus in the case of pregnancy.

The method is highly informative and quite fast. Preparing the patient is often not required; the method is simple to perform and allows you to study the dynamics of pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination has been used in diagnostics for half a century, during which no side effects or harmful effects on the child and the expectant mother have been identified. The sensor is in emission mode for only a few milliseconds, and the rest of the time it receives signals reflected from the organs.

Since it is easier for ultrasound to be reflected through liquid, women are advised to drink half a liter of clean water an hour before the procedure to fill the bladder. This applies to routine examinations of women and during the first examination of pregnant women.

Over time, the volume of amniotic fluid will increase, and you will no longer need to drink a lot of water before the procedure. The transvaginal method using a sensitive sensor is often used. A condom must be placed on the sensor. This significantly improves the accuracy of diagnosis; organs are clearly visible.

Ultrasound in the first trimester

If the pregnancy is progressing normally, ultrasound is performed three times - in the first, second and third trimester. You can usually do an ultrasound at the end of the trimesters - the 14th, 24th and 38th.

The timing of when you can do an ultrasound can be completely different. It depends on the woman’s concomitant chronic diseases. In particular, the appointment of an ultrasound in the middle of the first trimester may be associated with such pathological conditions as an abnormal structure of the uterus, for example, bicornuate or saddle-shaped, the presence of cysts or fibroids, a non-developing pregnancy or a threat of miscarriage and increased uterine tone.

An early study is carried out for the purpose of constant monitoring of the patient, therefore the timing at which the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy should be done directly depends on the woman’s condition and the level of development of the fetus.

In addition, ultrasound helps to identify twins and subsequently develop the correct management tactics for such a patient, taking into account the fact that she is carrying two children.

Duration of the study

  • In the very first stages, a transvaginal examination can be done. It is acceptable for a period of 4-5 weeks and allows you to estimate the diameter of the fertilized egg, which normally averages 5 mm.
  • In the future, the coccygeal-parietal length of the fetus will be determined according to the usual procedure. At the seventh week, the photograph taken may show the head, and at the eighth week, the limbs. From the 11th week, the rudiments of future bones are visible.
  • The time when it is better to do the first ultrasound is 11-14 weeks during normal pregnancy. During this period, it is already possible to assess the number of fingers, stomach and bladder of the child during a transvaginal examination.
  • It is impossible to determine gender in the first trimester. Diagnosis of gender is carried out at the sixteenth week, the most accurate diagnostic results are obtained at 21-25 weeks.
  • Most important systems can be assessed already in the third month of gestation. Until the 14th week, the first ultrasound can reveal only very gross malformations of the fetus.

Additional diagnostics

If any abnormalities are detected, a repeat ultrasound scan is scheduled after a few weeks to clarify the diagnosed suspicions. Recently, the thickness of the collar zone has been increasingly assessed. This study is carried out in the first trimester.

The normal nuchal region is about 3 mm in thickness. In medical practice, it has been noted that thickening of the collar zone is often accompanied by pathological chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

This indicator identifies a risk group for newborns with hereditary pathologies. Pregnant women in this group undergo additional diagnostics in prenatal laboratories.

The need for additional research should not worry a woman much - first of all, it all depends on her well-being and how she carries the pregnancy and protects herself.

Getting directions

The timing of when to go for the first ultrasound is determined by the doctor based on the clinical picture of pregnancy. It is possible to undergo the procedure without receiving a referral, but it will be pointless for several reasons.

Firstly, the usual elective procedure is carried out superficially and not particularly carefully. Secondly, detection of deviations or anomalies in this case is unlikely.

The received referral must contain recommendations from the doctor on the area of ​​research and the detection of certain suspected defects. In this case, the diagnosis will be carried out precisely with the purpose of assessing and confirming or refuting the doctor’s suspicions.

No harmful effects on the condition of the fetus were found, but it is recommended to avoid unnecessary studies in the early stages and not carry them out unnecessarily, since the individual reaction of the body can be unpredictable.

It is important to save the diagnostic results so that the doctor in the future can assess the dynamics of the child’s development and timely plan further actions to monitor the pregnancy.

Prenatal laboratories

Research carried out in these laboratories is aimed at clarifying the diagnosis made by ultrasound. The amniotic fluid is examined, pathologies are observed, and a chorionic villus biopsy is performed. If the fetal pathology is very severe, termination of pregnancy is proposed in the early stages.

Sometimes the initial test makes an error and prenatal laboratories do not confirm the diagnosis. On the other hand, it is possible to predict possible complications during pregnancy and plan the birth in such a way as to reduce the risks for both mother and child.


Normally, ultrasound is performed three times - once in each trimester. The first study is prescribed at the 14th week of pregnancy to determine the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus and its heartbeat. In the future, in the absence of complications or pathological conditions, studies are scheduled for the end of the second trimester.

Examination of the female body during the period of bearing a child and monitoring the progress of pregnancy is an important measure in order, as they say, to keep everything under control. During the examination, we receive data that guides further actions, if necessary, or creates a favorable atmosphere for the expectant mother and her child. One of these informative examination methods is ultrasound examination (US), which, in addition to various indicators, also includes visual information.

The principle of such research is based on echolocation: the reflection of ultrasonic waves from the tissues into which it penetrates and displaying images of these tissues on the screen. The sensor that receives the reflected rays perceives the response signals differently, depending on the density of the tissues that reflect the rays. Therefore, the image of the fetus in all its outlines is reproduced on the screen. Ultrasound today is the most effective and safe, and therefore the most common research method, used for diagnostic purposes for 40 years. During the entire period of use of ultrasound in diagnostics, no negative effect on the object under study was observed.

Note! In the scope of the study, the duration of operation of the sensor for radiation is only 0.1%; the rest of the time it is busy receiving and processing ultrasonic waves reflected from the object under study. Therefore, nothing threatens the female body and fetus.

The advantages of ultrasound are its reliability and complete information content. A simple and quick examination does not require complex and special preparation of the patient; ultrasound is also included in the list of free diagnostic procedures.

According to experts, during the entire period of pregnancy it is necessary to conduct three ultrasounds at strictly established stages of pregnancy (at 10-12, 20-24 and 32-36 weeks) for strictly defined purposes. It’s hardly worth doing an ultrasound just to please yourself with a picture. Of course, there are cases when the doctor prescribes an additional ultrasound.

Purpose of the first ultrasound

The studies for the periods mentioned above do not include the first ultrasound, which is recommended to be done to confirm assumptions about pregnancy. The importance of the first ultrasound, first of all, is that with its help you can prevent a very dangerous diagnosis - an ectopic pregnancy. An ultrasound will show whether the fertilized egg has attached where it is supposed to, that is, in the uterus. The importance of ultrasound is that this diagnostic method allows you to determine multiple pregnancies.

Note! The first ultrasound examination is carried out for several purposes - to confirm the fact of pregnancy, including multiple pregnancies, and to exclude the possibility of ectopic fertilization.

Timely diagnosis at the initial stage of pregnancy is vital for a woman. It is extremely important to determine an ectopic pregnancy immediately after fertilization of the egg. Early diagnosis will allow you to avoid severe complications in the future by providing emergency care. Therefore, it is important to know when to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy.

Time of the first ultrasound

The first ultrasound examination is carried out at the beginning of the first trimester (up to 12 weeks). To confirm intrauterine pregnancy, an ultrasound is performed 3-5 weeks from the start of the last menstruation.

In obstetrics at this time, two diagnostic methods are mainly used - ultrasound through the abdominal wall and the transvaginal method using a vaginal sensor with special protection like a condom. Vaginal examination significantly increases the accuracy and reliability of the data obtained due to the direct contact of the sensor with the internal organs. In this case, there is also no need to fill the bladder when preparing a woman for the study. Using the transvaginal ultrasound method, pregnancy can be confirmed already at 4-5 days of missed menstruation, that is, embryological pregnancy at 2-4 weeks. During this period, the fertilized egg reaches a diameter of only 5 mm. A little later, the gestational age is determined by measuring the size of the embryo from its tailbone to the crown (head). The probability of an error in gestational age does not reach more than 3.

At a period of 3 weeks, the embryo is determined (its coccygeal-parietal dimensions are 4 mm), cardiac pulsation is visible (heart rate is determined).

If there is no need to confirm the fact of pregnancy (when its presence and the absence of ectopic pathology are established in another way), then an ultrasound diagnosis before 12 weeks for a woman will be her first ultrasound, which makes it possible to see on the monitor screen:

at a period of 7 weeks - the head of the embryo;

At 8 weeks - limbs;

At 9-11 weeks - ossification points and limb bones;

At a period of 11-14 weeks - the presence (or pathology) of all fingers, bladder, kidneys and stomach of the fetus. The “neck space” is measured: the norm is no more than 2-3 mm, more than 3 mm leads to swelling of the fetal neck, which indicates a chromosomal disorder, a hereditary pathology of the child - there is a risk of developing Down syndrome. The data of the “nuchal translucency” are especially important in multiple pregnancies. Its early detection will help to be examined for Down syndrome with greater accuracy, since the results of blood tests for Down syndrome in multiple pregnancies are subject to error.

The sex of the child can only be determined in the second trimester (after the 12th week). More accurate and detailed detection of various fetal pathologies is possible only after the 20th week.

Note! The first ultrasound in the first trimester can show only the most serious defects in the development of the fetus, on the basis of which a decision can be made to terminate the pregnancy.

Preparing for the study

It must be said that the principle of ultrasound is that waves pass through a kind of window, which is a liquid. This is especially important when diagnosing the pelvic organs of women with no pregnancy or at very early stages. In this case, the role of such a window is played by a filled bladder.

Note! Before the procedure, the patient needs to drink 500 to 700 ml of liquid one and a half hours before the procedure. As pregnancy progresses, the need for such an amount of fluid for the bladder gradually disappears, as the amount of amniotic fluid increases.

The diagnostic method using ultrasound should not be chosen as the main method of detecting and confirming pregnancy. Modern medical technologies make it possible to choose simpler and cheaper methods for this. Ultrasound, despite its safety, in the early stages of pregnancy should be performed without repetitions, as necessary and only at the direction of the doctor.

It is better to carry out a repeated, more thorough examination in the prenatal laboratory and only if fetal pathology is detected. The results of all studies should be saved to assess the course of pregnancy, to monitor the dynamics of fetal development, which will allow complications to be identified in a timely manner and measures to be taken to eliminate them.


See below for more information about the first ultrasound:

In the article we discuss the first ultrasound during pregnancy. We will tell you when the study is conducted and how to prepare for it. You will learn what screening standards exist and what can be considered during an ultrasound examination in the early stages.

When is 1st ultrasound performed during pregnancy?

The first ultrasound is performed as prescribed by a doctor for a period of 3 to 12 weeks.

The first ultrasound screening during pregnancy allows you to identify possible intrauterine developmental disorders of the fetus or confirm their absence. The research is based on the principles of echolocation. Ultrasound waves are reflected from tissues, using a special device, the data is read and transferred to the monitor.

As soon as a girl registers for pregnancy and childbirth at the antenatal clinic, she is sent for the first tests. Expectant mothers are interested in the question: at what stage of pregnancy is the first ultrasound done? Depending on the purpose of the study, the first screening can be carried out for a period of 3 to 12 weeks.

When you can do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, the gynecologist decides. To do this, he first collects anamnesis, obtains the results of laboratory tests of the expectant mother’s blood, and, based on these data, prescribes an ultrasound.

Most often, the first screening ultrasound during pregnancy at a period of 3 to 5 weeks is performed to confirm the fact of pregnancy. The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination at such a short period of time if there is a risk of developing pathologies of the genital organs, miscarriage, if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected and a diagnosed uterine tumor.

If the purpose of the study is to determine the position of the fetus, identify intrauterine pathologies, abnormalities of blood flow and heart rate, then the woman is sent to the first planned ultrasound scan during pregnancy. It is carried out for a period of 10 to 12 weeks.

Did you find out when the first ultrasound is performed during pregnancy? Now we will tell you why diagnostics are carried out and what indicators are measured.

What does 1 ultrasound show during pregnancy?

When going for screening, expectant mothers are interested in what the first ultrasound during pregnancy shows. This screening mainly reveals congenital pathological abnormalities, structural features of the uterus, determines the visual characteristics of the chorion and its location, and heart rate.

Knowing at what weeks your first ultrasound during pregnancy is scheduled, you can understand which systems and organs will be examined. At different stages of gestation, ultrasound examination can reveal certain organs, as they form gradually. For example, starting from the seventh week of pregnancy, you can see the head of the embryo on an ultrasound, and from the eighth week - arms and legs. From 9 to 11 weeks, the musculoskeletal system, including small bones in the limbs, can be examined in more detail.

From 11 to 14 weeks, ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy shows the presence or absence of kidneys, bladder, and stomach. By this time, the fetus has formed all its fingers and toes.

At the first ultrasound of pregnancy in the 1st trimester, the thickness of the nuchal space is necessarily measured, the size of the uterus and its position are determined. During the first screening, the expectant mother has the opportunity to hear the baby's heartbeat.

By determining the size of the uterus and correlating it with the norm at a given stage of gestation, a diagnostician can identify a multiple pregnancy. If the presence of two or more embryos is confirmed, then the next step is to determine the presence of partitions between them, the condition of the umbilical cords and the number of placentas. If abnormalities are detected, they are referred for additional screening after 2-3 weeks and consultation with a geneticist. See what the belly looks like in the photo at 3 months pregnant with two embryos.

You found out what they look for at the first ultrasound during pregnancy. Now let’s look at the norms and interpretation of the screening study.

Norms and interpretation of 1 ultrasound during pregnancy

After the ultrasound, the woman is given the results and a photo

After the procedure, the pregnant woman is given a research protocol, which indicates all the measured parameters. Many expectant mothers are frightened by so many incomprehensible abbreviations and numbers, so we will help you understand the most common ultrasound results.


During the first ultrasound examination, the average diameter of the gestational sac (AVD) is measured. This indicator helps determine the exact duration of pregnancy. The measurement error is 1-1.5 weeks. The table shows the norms and interpretations of ultrasound at the first screening during pregnancy.


One of the most informative indicators of normal fetal development is CTE - coccygeal-parietal size. This is the distance from the tailbone to the crown, measured in millimeters. Look in the table for the transcript of the ultrasound at screening 1.


During the first screening, it is necessary to measure TVP - the thickness of the collar space. This indicator helps to effectively diagnose genetic abnormalities in fetal development.

During normal pregnancy, this figure does not exceed 3 mm. A collar space of 4 mm and above indicates a chromosomal disorder. This pathology increases the risk of developing Down syndrome. The table shows the norms and interpretations of ultrasound at 1 screening during pregnancy.

Nose bone length

At 10 weeks of pregnancy, the skull bones and facial structures should be sufficiently formed and clearly visible on ultrasound. At 12 weeks, the nasal bones are already 98% formed, and in normal condition their length ranges from 2 to 3 mm. Underdevelopment of the nasal bones indicates chromosomal abnormalities that must be identified in the early stages of gestation.

How to prepare for 1 ultrasound during pregnancy

When going for screening, expectant mothers are interested in knowing how to prepare for the first ultrasound during pregnancy? Doctors recommend excluding fried and fatty foods, citrus fruits, chocolate and seafood the day before the procedure. These products can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and make testing difficult. You should take a shower immediately before going to the doctor.

If a transabdominal ultrasound (through the abdomen) is prescribed, then two hours before the procedure you need to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of liquid. Half an hour before the test you should refrain from going to the toilet.

When preparing for your first pregnancy ultrasound, take with you a diaper or large towel to lie on, tissues to wipe off any remaining gel, and a condom if you are scheduled for a vaginal ultrasound. It is placed on the sensor before the procedure. This type of study is often prescribed at earlier stages, when transabdominal ultrasound is less informative.

How to perform 1 ultrasound during pregnancy

As we described above, the first ultrasound during pregnancy can be performed vaginally or transabdominally. In the first case, the study is carried out using a thin sensor that is inserted into the vagina. The procedure does not cause discomfort, but slight bleeding may occur after it.

The vaginal diagnostic method provides more informative data. In particular, he is able to determine the duration of pregnancy with an accuracy of days.

If an ultrasound is performed transabdominally, a special gel is applied to the surface of the abdomen, which improves the transmission of readings. Then the diagnostician runs a special sensor over the abdomen, and the device transfers the data to the screen. For clarity, watch the video of the first ultrasound during pregnancy.

To determine fetal viability, heart rate (HR) is measured. Expectant mothers are interested in how the first heartbeat ultrasound is performed during pregnancy. In the early stages, the most informative research method is ultrasound diagnostics, which reliably determines heart rate from 6-7 weeks of gestation. In later stages, an ECG or CTG is additionally prescribed to measure heartbeats.

During the examination, you can take a photo of the fetus at 3 months of pregnancy. At this stage, the embryo acquires a body structure similar to that of a human. Modern equipment even allows you to take 3D photographs, which will be printed for you right in the doctor’s office.

For more information about the first ultrasound during pregnancy, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, the gynecologist decides after collecting an anamnesis. Routine screening is carried out at 10 to 12 weeks.
  2. At the first screening, the visual characteristics of the chorion and its location, the structural features and dimensions of the uterus are determined, the heart rate, the thickness of the nuchal space and the average diameter of the ovum are measured.
  3. The first ultrasound during pregnancy is performed transabdominally (through the abdomen) or vaginally using a special sensor.

A pregnant woman, having learned about her situation, begins to take special care of her condition, health, and feelings. Many expectant mothers are concerned about when the first ultrasound is performed during pregnancy, why is it needed, does the procedure affect the development of the embryo, etc.? You will find the answer to these and other questions in this article.

First ultrasound during pregnancy

Two lines on the test and a million thoughts: what to do, when to go to the hospital, what vitamins to take, what you can and cannot do, do an ultrasound or postpone this procedure?

What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound– a common term that is actively used in medicine. It stands for ultrasound or echography. This procedure can be called looking inside the body without violating the integrity of the skin. Such diagnostics are used in pregnancy management, since diagnostics through ultrasound is considered the most highly effective.

Ultrasound is performed on pregnant women in two ways:

1. Transabdominal, when the sensor touches the surface of the skin of the abdomen, the “inner world” of the pregnant woman is displayed on the screen. When a specialist sees a picture, he can diagnose the fetus and the mother’s reproductive organs.

2. Transvaginal. It differs significantly from the first method, since it requires penetration inside. For this purpose, a sensor is provided in the form of a narrow tube, which is inserted into the vagina. This method is practiced when the period is really very short and the transabdominal version of the study cannot confirm the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

Why is the first unscheduled ultrasound performed during pregnancy?

Many mothers believe that the first ultrasound is planned or not, it is not a mandatory procedure, but this is not so. Thanks to it, you can see what is “going on” inside the belly of the expectant mother. In other words, echography allows:

  • 1. determine whether everything is normal with the embryo;
  • 2. exclude possible defects in the development of the fetus;
  • 3. assess the condition of the yolk sac;
  • 4.diagnose multiple pregnancy;
  • 5. detect markers of chromosomal pathology in a timely manner.

Detection of genetic abnormalities in the early stages allows for timely termination of pregnancy. This is done only after confirmation of ultrasound readings by genetic studies. In addition to detecting abnormalities, the purpose of ultrasound is to establish the exact gestational age of the embryo, based on which gynecologists can predict the date of birth, time of maternity leave, etc.

When, why and who gets the first unscheduled ultrasound during pregnancy in the earliest stages?

The first ultrasound may be a study that confirms the presence of pregnancy. Usually, in the very early stages, the first ultrasound is recommended for women when pregnancy does not occur for a long time, and before conception the woman underwent folliculometry.

Folliculometry is an echography that is performed when the release of an egg from a follicle is monitored in order to determine the beginning of the ovulation period.

When is the first ultrasound done during pregnancy?

Many women preparing to become mothers wonder when they do their first ultrasound during pregnancy? If we answer from a medical point of view, guided by the instructions and recommendations for the management of pregnant women, then according to the plan, the first mandatory ultrasound examination should be carried out at 12 weeks. More details about scheduled inspections are written in the article: ".

What can you see during the first diagnosis?

It all depends on when the woman turned to a specialist. The doctor will be able to see the following on his monitor:

1. When 2 weeks have passed from the date of conception, the specialist can examine only the corpus luteum. The fertilized egg itself is still very poorly visible and it is not always possible to see it.

2. When the 3rd week has passed, with good equipment it will be possible to clearly see the contours of the fertilized egg.

3. When the 4th week has passed, the egg will become more clearly visible. Around it it will already be possible to see a white rim, which in the future will develop into the placenta.

4. After week 5, you can see the embryo located in the fertilized egg. Of course, it is still far from a formed embryo and is only up to 5 mm, but the heartbeat is already clearly felt. Motor activity may also be recorded.

5. When a pregnant woman comes for her first ultrasound at 6 weeks, two fetal sacs can already be clearly seen, which indicates a multiple pregnancy. It should be noted that such a pregnancy involves undergoing echography more often than planned.

6. When the 7th week arrives, you will be able to see the limbs and head of the embryo on the monitor screen.

What effect occurs on the fetus when an ultrasound is performed?

In addition to the question of when to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, expectant mothers are worried about the dilemma - is it harmful or not to do the procedure, especially in the early stages? There is an opinion that performing an ultrasound has an effect on the baby. Why is there such a misconception? The fact is that at later stages during echography, the belly begins to actively tumble, push, and close. The pregnant woman feels all these movements, concluding that the baby is uncomfortable, which means the procedure is harmful.

How to prepare for research and when should it be done?

Since the diagnostic device works on the principle of producing waves that, passing through the fluid of the human body, “read” information, and returning, display it on the screen, there should be a lot of fluid in the body. When the pregnancy is long, the amniotic fluid allows you to “read” all the information about the embryo. During early studies, amniotic fluid is still absent, making it difficult to obtain information. Therefore, if you are going for a transabdominal examination, it is recommended to drink half a liter of water 1.5–2 hours before the procedure, without going to the toilet. In the case of a transvaginal method of examination, you must not forget about things that should be prepared in advance:

  • · diaper, place under the butt;
  • · a towel to dry yourself after the procedure;
  • · a condom to put on the transvaginal sensor.

When you receive the diagnostic results, be sure to save them. They will help to monitor the dynamics of fetal development, and in case of deviations from the norm, immediately notice a possible pathology.

Having found out when the first ultrasound is performed during pregnancy, and dispelling the fears of expectant mothers about its harmfulness, you can calmly prepare for the upcoming pregnancy and wait for the long-awaited meeting with the baby.

Author of the publication: Alexey Kulagin

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most beautiful, but at the same time responsible periods in a woman’s life. Every decision must be made thoughtfully and with caution, because the health of the unborn baby depends on it. There are necessary activities that all expectant mothers face, including carrying out. In this article, we will consider the first ultrasound during pregnancy, what it shows and whether you need to somehow prepare for it.

What does it show

The first ultrasound examination is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. It can be prescribed at any time if there are any signs that may threaten the health of the child and mother. helps doctors closely examine the fetus and make sure the pregnancy is progressing as expected.

The main purpose of the first planned ultrasound during pregnancy is to determine the gestational age and expected date. The doctor can also determine the risk of developing Down syndrome by measuring the thickness of the nuchal region. If the syndrome is detected, it is possible to terminate the pregnancy without serious complications.
In addition, the doctor observes heart contractions, examines the placenta insertion site, and evaluates volume. The expectant mother will already be able to see arms, legs, and some organs. This is usually a very exciting moment for her, because this is the first day of visual acquaintance with the baby.

And for the doctor this is also a very important event, as it allows you to examine everything and identify possible complications and developmental disorders. No matter how sad it is, not everything always goes smoothly and the initial stage of pregnancy is just the time when it is not too late to correct a lot of things.

Safety of the procedure

Every pregnant woman probably asked herself the question: is this procedure safe and when can you do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, because the first is one of the most important periods, during which many organs and tissues are formed. But we hasten to reassure you. Back in the last century, studies were conducted on how echography affects the expectant mother and child.
As a result, no negative biological aspects of the effects of ultrasound on living tissue were identified. But if you refuse an ultrasound, the bad consequences are statistically much greater.

Quite a large number of children are born with Down syndrome and other disabilities that interfere with a full life. Such children are doomed to suffer all their lives, and their parents to suffer. Therefore, the importance of this procedure is very significant.

Did you know? Ultrasound began to be used in medical practice in the 30s of the last century. But the image was flat, one-dimensional, which did not allow for a high-quality diagnosis. Only in the mid-twentieth century did scientists manage to achieve the three-dimensional, two-dimensional image that we see now in examinations.

What week should it be done?

So, let's figure out at what stage of pregnancy an ultrasound is done. Basically, the first examination is scheduled for 11-14. This ultrasound is perhaps one of the most important, as it allows you to assess the formation of the fetus at the moment and analyze the prospects for further pregnancy. Next, the doctor schedules an examination from 22 to 23 weeks. At this stage, almost all organs and tissues have already been formed, and the doctor has the opportunity to exclude most of the developmental defects of the unborn child.
And the last ultrasound is usually prescribed at 31-32 weeks. During it, various anomalies in the development of the child’s internal organs are diagnosed. In addition, the doctor determines the position of the fetus in the pregnancy, the location of the placenta, as well as the growth rate of the unborn child and whether its size matches the expected one.

Important! However, do not forget that every woman-This is an individual organism and an examination can be scheduled at any time. It all depends on how your pregnancy is going.

What could be the reason for up to 10 weeks

In modern obstetrics, doctors usually perform three routine ultrasound examinations. However, very often an examination is scheduled before the first planned one, that is, before the 10th week. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Ultrasound on 4-5 weeks may be prescribed due to the fact that there is a suspicion of. If not detected in time, it can lead to such sad consequences as, for example, a pipe rupture, which can even threaten a woman’s life.
  • On 6-8 weeks may prescribe an examination to make sure that there is a pregnancy and the fetus is developing. This is determined by listening to the heartbeat. You can also determine the threat of miscarriage, and. In addition, uterine tone, condition and size are assessed in order to exclude various anomalies in the development of the genital organs, tumors of the uterus and appendages.

It is worth noting that ultrasound examination is voluntary.
However, the doctor knows better how many times to perform this procedure and usually an unscheduled ultrasound is prescribed if any abnormality is suspected.

Important! If you feel that something is wrong with you, any pain or discharge appears, then consult a doctor immediately!

Timely diagnosis will help provide emergency assistance and eliminate serious complications in the future.

How to prepare

There is nothing special in preparing for the procedure. Most likely, your doctor will tell you what you need to do before the examination. But there are a few more nuances that the doctor may take for granted, and you will not know about it.

Preparing for an ultrasound:

  1. Two hours before the procedure, you need to drink about 2 liters of liquid to fill your bladder. This factor is important for transabdominal examination. If the ultrasound is performed transvaginally, then this is not necessary.
  2. You must take a towel with you (to wipe off any remaining gel), shoe covers, a diaper and a condom (in case of transvaginal examination).
  3. And the last thing that should not be forgotten is hygiene. Before the examination, wash your private parts and put on clean underwear.

Did you know? In the beginning, ultrasound was used only to examine animals, most often to determine the thickness of adipose tissue in pigs.

How it goes

Let's look at the ultrasound examination step by step:

  • In most cases, you will be booked in advance for the procedure; the most important thing is not to be late and arrive on time. Why do you need the extra rush and fuss?
  • In the office, the doctor will tell you to lie on a chair with your back (this is where a diaper comes in handy) and bend your knees slightly. Well, the inspection will begin.
  • The procedure itself will not last longer than 10-15 minutes.
  • During the inspection, do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
  • After the procedure is completed, the doctor must give you the results of the examination with a conclusion.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that ultrasound examination is a great achievement in the field of obstetrics, which solves many issues and makes it possible to look at the real picture.
You should not be afraid of it, and the most important thing is to listen to your doctor, because only he knows when you need to do the first ultrasound and will be able to help with any problems that arise during pregnancy.

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