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Warm socks are an indispensable element of the wardrobe of men and women. Which socks are best to wear in autumn and which ones in winter? Angora socks

The arrival of winter evokes the most joyful emotions. Immediately thoughts arise of evenings with a glass of whiskey, the smell of a raging fire, New Year's garland throughout the house and that singer singing so diligently about the upcoming holiday. But winter is not only snowball fights and nose-tingling frost. This is the coldest time of the year, during which many people can freeze their fingers or toes. If you hope to avoid such a sad fate, then you will most likely need a pair of thermal socks.

You may not plan to spend time outside, but you still won't be able to live without this useful item when the cold weather sets in. Even if you just want to scrape ice off your car's windshield, you're not immune to permanent damage, especially if you live in northern latitudes. Thermal socks will also be indispensable if you want to run down to the corner of the store and buy food. And in order not to be mistaken, choose one of 5 best thermal socks from this list.

AlphaHeat Heated Socks – High-Tech

Pros: electric
Cons: discharge quickly

Want to keep your feet warm? Forget knitted socks and wool linings, it's time for electricity. Socks AlphaHeat have a 3.4 V lithium-ion battery that will hold a charge for an hour, and are able to maintain a temperature of about 46 degrees. The power unit at the top of each sock has targeted elements designed to warm up the calves, midsole and toe. This provides maximum warmth where you need it. The socks have several thermal settings, so choosing the right one won’t be difficult. They work best as a liner under a waterproof sock, as high humidity can ruin them (though they are well protected from sweat and even minor wetness).

Price: 6000 rub.

J.B. Extreme - heavyweight

Pros: very warm
Cons: minimal air circulation

These socks are one of Canada's best-selling socks and have helped locals forget about the cold. Made from 70% Merino wool, 35% nylon and 5% spandex, they are durable, stretchy, comfortable and warm. If you live in a house and not a hut that you built with your own hands, then these socks are ideal for walking around the house in them. The spandex used in the cuff will keep them at the right height when wearing tall boots. They don't slip or bunch like some thermal socks, so you don't have to constantly adjust them while walking through snowdrifts. Merino wool is quite breathable, but if you don't plan to spend a lot of time in the cold, be prepared to overheat.

Price: 900 rub.

Barneys Cashmere Socks - perfection

Pros: stylish
Cons: limited heating level

Winter is not a reason to throw everything out of the closet except a warm coat and knitted hats, which, moreover, ruin your hair. There are options that, on the one hand, will look great with a suit and tie, but, on the other hand, will still keep your feet warm. So for those who need thermal socks but don't live in the far north, Barney's has a stylish pair of cashmere winter socks that will keep your feet warm and warm. Of course, they are ineffective in a cold snowstorm, but their warmth is more than enough to hail a taxi or walk a few blocks under the winter sky.

Price: 2500 rub.

Smartwool – long-lasting heating

Pros: keep warm for a very long time
Cons: not very good lining

This is the thicker “big brother” of the PhD thermal hiking socks from Smartwool. But this option is intended not only for hiking fans, but also for true winter sports enthusiasts. There is a thickening in the area of ​​​​the foot and heel, so you can safely walk in them in boots or snowshoes and not be afraid that they will fray and tear. These thermal socks are made from 86% merino wool, 12% nylon for extra insulation and 2% elastane for extra stretch. The knitting on the toe is not embossed, this helps protect it from tearing during descent. While they're relatively warm, they're not the warmest thermal socks, so don't expect them to serve you well in extreme cold. They work best with a lining.

Price: 1100 rub.

Wigwam Canada – “lazy days”

Pros: Quite soft
Cons: relatively short service life if used carelessly

These are not super warm thermal socks, which are bought by those desperate people who have decided to actually go outside in the cold. This option is for those people who understand that snow is a clear sign that nature is saying to stay inside with an Irish coffee and hibernate. Although they are not designed for different wearing conditions, this still does not mean that they will tear quickly. The outsole and reinforced standard seam can withstand a lot of pressure, so walking, shoveling snow, or trekking through huge snowdrifts won't be the last of these thermal socks. They have a looser weave that allows for air circulation whether you wear them on their own or with slippers. The plush softness was designed for comfort rather than durability. Therefore, if your feet are constantly blistered after hiking in regular socks, then these socks are the best option for you.

Price: 500 rub.

Paruta Irina

In order to avoid catching a cold and feel comfortable, first of all, as you know, you need to keep your feet warm. And this task is best accomplished by warm socks, which you cannot do without in winter.

How to choose warm socks?

When you go to any sock store, you will be offered a dozen different pairs, varying in price and appearance. Of course, you immediately want to give preference to beautiful and stylish ones, but don’t rush. Let's first figure out which socks are the warmest for the winter.

First of all, pay attention to the composition - the composition of warm women's socks should consist of at least 40% natural material. The most popular options are cotton and wool.

Cotton thread, although not warm, enhances heat transfer and prevents your feet from sweating and thereby freezing. In combination with artificial insulation, these socks will be a great helper on cold days.

Socks with wool are a more common option in winter, since the unique properties of this material allow the feet to remain warm at all times, improve blood circulation and wick away moisture well. In addition, they have increased wear resistance.

The best combination for warm socks for the winter is wool and cotton. If you choose this option, you definitely won’t regret it.

In addition, on store shelves you will probably find options containing bamboo, cashmere, merino wool and many others. These natural materials will certainly keep you from freezing, especially if their content is high enough.

Models with . can rightfully be called very warm socks for the winter. As a rule, it is added to so-called thermal socks, which have the best warming and heat-saving properties and are excellent even for extreme cold.

In order to avoid catching a cold and feel comfortable, first of all, as you know, you need to keep your feet warm. And this task is best accomplished by warm socks, which you cannot do without in winter.

How to choose warm socks?

When you go to any sock store, you will be offered a dozen different pairs, varying in price and appearance. Of course, you immediately want to give preference to beautiful and stylish ones, but don’t rush. Let's first figure out which socks are the warmest for the winter.

First of all, pay attention to the composition - the composition of warm women's socks should consist of at least 40% natural material. The most popular options are cotton and wool.

Cotton thread, although not warm, enhances heat transfer and prevents your feet from sweating and thereby freezing. In combination with artificial insulation, these socks will be a great helper on cold days.

Socks with wool are a more common option in winter, since the unique properties of this material allow the feet to remain warm at all times, improve blood circulation and wick away moisture well. In addition, they have increased wear resistance.

The best combination for warm socks for the winter is wool and cotton. If you choose this option, you definitely won’t regret it.

In addition, on store shelves you will probably find options containing bamboo, cashmere, merino wool and many others. These natural materials will certainly keep you from freezing, especially if their content is high enough.

Models with . can rightfully be called very warm socks for the winter. As a rule, it is added to so-called thermal socks, which have the best warming and heat-saving properties and are excellent even for extreme cold.

Video: Xazert Warm socks ft Alex Solo

Video: educational and research work "Test purchase of winter socks"

In order to avoid catching a cold and feel comfortable, first of all, as you know, you need to keep your feet warm. And this task is best accomplished by warm socks, which you cannot do without in winter.

How to choose warm socks?

When you go to any sock store, you will be offered a dozen different pairs, varying in price and appearance. Of course, you immediately want to give preference to beautiful and stylish ones, but don’t rush. Let's first figure out which socks are the warmest for the winter.

First of all, pay attention to the composition - the composition of warm women's socks should consist of at least 40% natural material. The most popular options are cotton and wool.

Cotton thread, although not warm, enhances heat transfer and prevents your feet from sweating and thereby freezing. Combined with artificial insulation, these socks will be a great helper on cold days.

Socks with wool are a more common option in winter, as the unique properties of this material allow the feet to constantly remain warm, improve blood circulation and wick away moisture well. In addition, they have increased wear resistance.

The best combination for warm socks for the winter is wool and cotton. If you choose this option, you definitely won’t regret it.

In addition, on store shelves you will probably find options that contain bamboo, cashmere, merino wool and many others. These natural materials will certainly keep you from freezing, especially if their percentage is high enough.

Models made with merino wool can rightfully be called very warm socks for the winter. As a rule, it is added to so-called thermal socks, which have better warming and heat-saving properties and are excellent even for extreme cold.

Simple crochet socks (the heel is formed at the end of knitting) Video.

The old saying goes that you should keep your feet warm. Indeed, if your feet are constantly cold, you cannot avoid a cold. Warm socks will help keep your lower extremities warm. But what does warm mean? Which socks provide the greatest warming effect? What additional properties should it have? Let's try to figure it out together.

Material for making socks

Even an inexperienced consumer understands that cotton socks are appropriate only in the warm season. In the off-season and winter days there will be little benefit from them, just like from flaxseeds.

Today, terry socks are widely available on sale and are actively passed off as warm. However, the composition of such products often contains synthetics, which does not contribute to the formation of heat at all. Although they still have a small effect.

Most residents of our country, not without reason, believe that it is worth stocking up on a pair of knitted wool socks for the winter. However, wool can be different!

Such different wool

The word “wool” refers to various fibers of animal origin. They are obtained from herbivores. Most of the warm fiber comes from sheep. In addition to them, rabbits, goats, camels and llamas contribute to the production of warm yarn.

The quality of wool suitable for making yarn depends on a lot of factors. It is higher, the more carefully the animals are cared for, their nutrition and maintenance are more complete. It is noteworthy that, for example, the highest quality fluff of Orenburg goats is formed when the animals are in natural harsh weather conditions. When artiodactyls are kept warm, the quality of the fibers decreases sharply.

The thermal characteristics of wool yarn are influenced by the processing methods of the raw materials: cleaning, carding, twisting and spinning. When using fine hairs, the yarn becomes softer and fluffier. Thicker fibers give the yarn stiffness. A lot depends on the twist. Tight twisting is rough. And too weak is not reliable.

Sheep wool socks

If the tape surrounding a skein of wool says “Merino”, this means that the thread contains sheep’s wool. It is from sheep that the largest amount of wool is obtained. Of course, products made from such yarn have warmth. However, this is not the warmest wool, and therefore its cost is quite low.

The disadvantages of sheep wool include some roughness. Shearling socks go well with rubber boots or ski boots. Delicate women's legs, and especially children's, need something softer.

Angora socks

Angora is obtained by carding Angora rabbits. Cute animals are very funny. In appearance they seem voluminous, but in fact their sizes are increased due to fluffy fur. The fluff of the “eared ears” is soft and delicate. Angora socks are almost weightless and quite warm. But they don't stay like that for long. “Bald” products lose their attractiveness - both aesthetic and practical.

Products made from angora are ideal for babies up to one year old - they will give all their tenderness and will not have time to wear them out.

Socks made of natural goat down

The fluff will not be wiped out from socks knitted from down yarn. The downy fibers of the famous Orenburg goats are wavy in shape. This feature allows them to be firmly held in the spun thread. When knitting socks, goat down does not stand out and practically does not visually reveal its presence. In fact, the content of this valuable raw material in down yarn can reach eighty percent. The rest is durable silk, less often cotton.

in the process of wearing, not only do they not thin out, but they also “overgrow” with fluff. With every day of use they become more and more attractive. Feet in such socks are always warm and cozy. Down socks seem to be specially created for children's and women's feet that need care and tenderness. Such products will never cause inconvenience, will not rub calluses, will not overheat to the point of sweating and diaper rash.

Down socks have another exceptional quality. They are able to cure diseased joints. Even over time, when the fluff falls off, the socks will become like soft, warm felt boots.

If you have to make a choice between buying wool and down socks, despite the higher cost of the latter, give preference to them. We assure you that you will never regret your choice!

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