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Topiary with roses made of satin ribbons with step-by-step photos. Master Class. Detailed instructions for making topiary from satin ribbons with your own hands. What is topiary made from?

“To prune figuratively” - this is how this decorative tree for interior decoration is literally translated from Latin. Another name is “tree of happiness”. Topiary symbolizes well-being and attracts prosperity to the house.

Today this is a popular handicraft, because you can “grow” a tree from anything, the main thing is desire and patience.

What does a standard topiary consist of?

  1. Crown. This is the main part in this decoration. The crown is made from anything: small flowers, silk ribbons, coffee beans, decorative butterflies, pearl beads, colored buttons, etc.
  2. Ball base. Crown elements are attached to it. There are also a lot of possibilities here: a wad of newspaper, polyurethane foam, paper papier-mâché, even a balloon.
  3. Trunk. It is enough to choose something similar in shape: a stick, a cardboard roll, a thick branch, even a pencil will do. The trunk is then painted or wrapped with ribbon.
  4. Pot. The container is selected to suit the overall image. You can buy a pot ready-made or make it yourself. For example, from a plastic cup.
  5. Decor. Anything is suitable for decoration, just use your imagination to “ennoble” the topiary with cute decorations. The main thing is not to overload the tree.

Materials and tools for topiary

As with any handicraft, a tree of happiness requires materials and tools, without which making topiary is impossible. What will you need for this?

  • Scissors and thread to cut the desired pieces and attach the base ball.
  • The glue should be transparent - there should be no traces left on the tree.
  • Satin ribbons. A necessary item if you are making satin topiary.
  • Decorative elements: beads, rhinestones, glass beads, pebbles, buttons, etc.
  • The braid you will need to wrap the barrel can be replaced with a thick cord.
  • The container where you will “plant” your tree. Pot or mug.
  • The stick needed for the trunk. It's better to choose a suitable branch.
  • Newspaper from which you will build the base of the ball (if you don’t have one ready made of foam).

Popular varieties of topiary

  • Flower topiary. Buds (for example, roses) are made of crepe paper and attached to a frame of crumpled newspaper and wire. A mug can be used as a pot.

  • Coffee topiary. A variety for lovers of the smell of coffee. The heart shape is popular.
  • Money topiary. An original version that uses paper or metal money. The banknotes used are real ones or copies from a joke shop.

  • Spiny topiary. This bizarre type of tree is formed from anything that pricks: pins, toothpicks, decorative needles, etc. It looks like a dandelion.

  • New Year's topiary. This tree is made from New Year's toys and tinsel.

  • Chestnut topiary. Acorns and chestnuts are material for a tree of happiness. This composition looks cozy and homely.

  • Paper topiary. Another popular option is a tree made of napkins, which can be decorated with pieces of fabric, pine needles, beads, etc.

  • Pearl topiary. The base ball is decorated with pearl beads. This look is ideal as a wedding gift.

  • Inverted topiary. This is a complex but extravagant option. Decorative elements seem to flow out of the vessels onto the saucer, forming a trunk. They can leak from mugs, glasses, pots and vases.

  • Satin topiary. Satin ribbons are used for production. This variety is one of the most popular, and below we will provide a master class with step-by-step instructions.

Making a tree of happiness begins with the crown. It is recommended to use crepe paper for the base of the ball to create a “lollipop”, then you need to make 15 small roses from satin ribbons. And use glue to attach all the roses to the ball.

  • First, the first flower is glued, then others are attached in a row under it. The result will be a ball of roses, but with room for green foliage.

  • Next, we take artificial leaves, scattered and in the form of twigs. It is desirable that they be the same size. And carefully glue them under the satin roses, in the place where there is free space left on the crepe paper with the trunk in the middle.

Important: arrange the branches in a checkerboard pattern. They need to be mounted in several rows to get lush foliage. As a result, if you look from above, the future tree should look like a neat bridal bouquet.

  • If you see that the bouquet does not look lush enough, or there is still free space, you can stick on more leaves. Place the branches all the way to the base of the trunk. Avoid “bald spots” and do not spare twigs and leaves.

  • Now let's move directly to the trunk itself. We decorate it with green crepe paper, first of all we make the base of the crown in the form of an accordion and glue it.

  • Then we wrap the barrel with the same paper (it is better to cut a long strip). We fix the edge of the paper at the base with glue, wrap it around the stick, and fix it again. It is recommended to use a plastic embossed cup as a vase.

  • Cover the future pot for the tree with gold paint (sold in cans) and leave until dry. Prepare a wide ribbon (for the bow) of the same color as the roses. Attach it to the base of the trunk under the branches, and place stones at the bottom of the glass.

  • Now we make plaster to fix the tree in the pot. An ordinary construction one will do, pour it into a glass and stir thoroughly, adding water. The result should be the consistency of thick sour cream, into which you need to quickly “transplant” the tree.

  • Pour the plaster into the pot with the stones, be sure to even out the edges. Wait for the plaster to harden and decorate the surface with pebbles to match the color of the roses. Scatter small beads between the stones, spread the glue with a toothpick, and decorate the roses with drops of varnish.

  • As a result, you will get this beautiful tree of happiness made of satin blue ribbons.

Topiary made of satin ribbons: video instructions

You can also watch a video instruction on how to make topiary from satin ribbons.

A popular art form, topiary, was known back in Ancient Rome. It is still quite common in many European countries, including our country. It is believed that the “tree of happiness,” as it is affectionately called in Europe, brings prosperity, success and prosperity to the home. This article will help you make a chic topiary with your own hands from satin ribbons and organza. Detailed master class and photos are attached.

A variety of materials are suitable for making this beautiful and unusual tree - decorative paper, organza, satin ribbons, artificial or fresh flowers, coffee beans. Some craftsmen even make topiaries from candies and various sweets. And what your “tree of happiness” will be made of, choose for yourself.

  1. Topiary from satin ribbons They look especially stylish and beautiful. In most cases, ribbons are selected in one or two colors that contrast well with each other, for example, white and blue, red and pink, yellow and green. Topiaries made from pastel-colored ribbons look impressive. Ribbons can be twisted into the shape of flowers, balls, droplets, bows, pasted over the crown of a tree or wrapped around a trunk.

Ribbon topiaries are one of the most popular handmade gifts. More than one master class is devoted to how to create a beautiful tree with such an elegant, cute crown with your own hands. Flowers are usually made from ribbons, often roses, which become the main detail of the topiary.

In order for the crown to be a scattering of delicate roses, you need to make at least ten such flowers.

Making roses from ribbons step by step:

  • Take the ribbon so that the reverse side is facing you;
  • Start twisting the left edge in the direction from left to right, getting a column;
  • Twist almost to the end, so that a small triangle with a side of 2 cm remains;
  • Now you need to twist the rose itself, hold the base of the flower with your left hand, and turn the ribbon away from you with your right hand, while bending it;
  • With your left hand, with your thumb and forefinger, hold the rose by the base, twist it counterclockwise, and with your right hand bend the upper edge of the ribbons away from you;
  • When the rose is formed, bend the end of the ribbon and connect it to the base;

In this case, the main thing is skill; the first couple of roses with your own hands may not turn out right away, but then the work will resemble a conveyor belt.

How to make roses for topiary (MK video)

DIY topiary made from ribbons: flowers, master class No. 2

You can also make flowers with petals facing out, like a chamomile. If you are making topiary from ribbons for some joyful event, perhaps for the birthday of a child or teenage girl, this master class will be just in time.

Instructions with step-by-step tips:

  • Take satin ribbons of different colors, you can even have a pattern;
  • Cut the tape into equal lengths;
  • You can make the base of a flower from two felt circles;
  • Bend one piece of ribbon in half, and insert the two open ends into the middle between the felt circles;
  • Do this with each petal, and you can fix it in the felt core using a heat gun or simply stitch it;
  • The petals can be multi-colored or plain, it all depends on what kind of topiary you ultimately want to get.

An alternative MK will show how else you can make flowers for topiary.

Flowers from ribbons for topiary (photo master class step by step)

Such a flower can become a bright highlight in your topiary; the remaining elements can be made simpler.

Ribbon topiary: how to make a sunflower

This MK also involves many variations. Most often it is a combination of materials, such as ribbons and coffee beans. This DIY option is probably the most popular.

It's not that difficult to make. You will need a yellow satin ribbon that is wide enough. From it you must cut out at least 20 identical petals. To prevent the fabric from falling off, it will have to be melted over a flame, but only together with the fastenings.

The fact is that you are not just cutting out oval petals, everything is a little more tricky.

To make a sunflower petal you need:

  • Take a piece 15 cm long and bend it in half;
  • Bend it so that when you connect the ends you get a loop;
  • When melted, the ends will not only not crumble, they will also be held together.

You make the core with your own hands from coffee beans. You can glue them onto some kind of durable base like felt or regular cardboard.

DIY sunflower made from ribbons (MK video)

Ribbon topiary: master class from start to finish

So, it's time to use flower blanks and finally make this souvenir flowering tree.

Having collected all the materials together, you can start by making the base for the crown. Let's say you decide not to make this base ball with your own hands, but use a foam blank. Great, save time. But if you don’t find such a blank, take the most ordinary newspapers, threads and glue. Make a ball of newspaper, weigh it down with glue, and wrap it with thread until it looks like a ball. The base is ready!

  • The newspaper ball needs to be painted to match the color of your roses, daisies, etc.;
  • In one of the places of the ball, make a hole for the barrel;
  • You can insert the trunk into the ball immediately, fix the branch or stick with hot glue;
  • Hold the barrel in the ball for some time, do not let go until it “grabs” well;
  • Now this entire structure can be decorated - wrap the trunk with a satin ribbon or decorative braid, without deviating from the general color scheme;
  • Fix the ends of the tape or braid with glue;
  • The time has come to attach the flowers, hot glue and a hot glue gun will help you do this carefully, attach so that the gaps are as invisible as possible;
  • The result is a trunk with a crown that needs to be planted somewhere;
  • You can buy a beautiful flowerpot at a flower shop, and you won’t have to do anything yourself;
  • You can decorate any container - wrap a cup or glass with lace ribbons or crepe paper, paint it with acrylic paints, wrap it with knitting threads to match the crown, etc.;
  • Now pour the gypsum solution into the pot and lower the tree there, hold until it stands firmly and evenly in the plaster;
  • All that remains is the finishing decor - decorate the top layer of plaster with transparent artificial stones, which shimmer so beautifully in the sun.

You can plant a figurine of a ladybug or a butterfly on one of the flowers. Everything is ready, you have made a delicate topiary with your own hands from satin ribbons, worthy of a gift and the best decor for a girl’s room.

Ribbon topiary: do it step by step (video)

Remember that topiary is considered a tree of happiness, which means that by growing a tree in this handicraft way, you are creating. And any creative work is connected with thoughts, desires, and spiritual forces. Make a wish, and your tree may help make it materialize.

Ribbon topiary (photo)

There are countless types of modern needlework. Thus, a fascinating activity that produces amazing souvenirs is the topiary technique. Miniature flower trees made of iridescent satin will be an excellent gift for a colleague, friend or relative.

How to make topiary with your own hands

Today, the technique is used to decorate a room and create souvenirs, but previously this art consisted of giving garden plants clear geometric shapes. This type of needlework has gained particular popularity using satin ribbons, but they alone are not enough for a beautiful craft. Intricate trees and spherical flower arrangements are decorated with beads, buttons, seed beads and other elements, often decorated with pieces of organza or tulle. Craftswomen do not miss the opportunity to experiment, creating new master classes.

The main rule when making topiary is that the proportions of the product should not change depending on the size: for example, the crown of the tree should exceed the size of the workpiece to which the trunk is attached. But the capacity of the container in which your tree will “grow” should not be larger than the average size of the crown. The height of the craft should be such that it is equal to three diameters of the spherical crown. The container for the satin product should be weighted so that the structure does not tip over.

How to make a topiary from ribbons with your own hands with roses

To create a beautiful tree, you need to have the following tools:

  • decorative pot or cup;
  • satin ribbons of different shades, each width should be 2.5 cm;
  • foam ball;
  • wire for trunks and ribbons to decorate them;
  • decorative beads:
  • glue gun;
  • a solution of gypsum and water.

A master class that will help every novice craft lover make a tree with their own hands:

  1. Prepare ribbons that will later turn into roses. Cut each into strips 30-40 cm in length, depending on what size flower you want. Burn the edges to make them stronger.
  2. Place the pieces with the smooth side facing you, bend the corners of each, twist it, forming a rose. Secure the remaining end with glue at the bottom of the flower.
  3. Attach the finished flowers one by one to the base - a foam ball.
  4. Wrap the wire-trunk with satin fabric, secure it with glue and insert it into a ball with roses.
  5. Fill a decorative pot (or cup) with a mixture of plaster and water, then insert the trunk of a rose tree.
  6. Decorate the container with ribbons, beads, and sprinkle decorative stones on the plaster.

How to make a tree from satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique

The topiary in the shape of a sunflower, which is made using the kanzashi technique, looks original. So, the manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Take yellow satin fabric, 5 centimeters wide, and cut it into pieces 6-7 centimeters long. There should be about fifty pieces that will serve as leaves and petals.
  2. Bend each of them lengthwise and make a cut on one side, achieving a sharp corner. Turning the ends of the products inside out, glue them together.
  3. Cover the foam base of the ball with coffee beans, imitating sunflower seeds.
  4. The stem of the flower will be a wire inserted into the ball. First you need to cover it with green paint, and then cover it with material of the same color.
  5. From the junction of the ball with the stem, begin gluing the sunflower petals, which were made using the kanzashi technique.
  6. Place plaster of paris in the pot, insert the topiary and fill the remaining space with the same mixture.

Topiary made of organza and satin ribbons

Using these materials, you will create a decorative tree that differs from other topiaries in its chic appearance. Topiary made from satin ribbons, which will complement the interior decor of the house, is very simple to make:

  1. Using scissors, cut 7x7 cm squares from pieces of organza. If you don’t want to measure, then cut by eye.
  2. Place one square on top of another to make a total of six corners. Bend the workpiece in half, and fasten the lower part with a stapler. If there is no tool, the material can be sewn with a needle and thread.
  3. Attach the wire to the ball, it will serve as a barrel.
  4. Dilute the plaster and pour it inside the pot, then insert the wire there.
  5. Forming a crown involves placing artificial organza feathers on glue, and inserting several satin roses between them.
  6. Decorate the craft with beads and lace.

Photo: topiary made from satin ribbons

There are many examples of decorative trees or bouquets. Beautiful photos show how gorgeous topiary made from satin ribbons looks using this technique. The iridescent material combines wonderfully with beads, sequins, butterflies, and pieces of organza. Beautiful trees will be a chic decoration for a coffee table or desk.


Usually satin ribbons alone are not enough; the tree is decorated with beads, buttons, seed beads and other decorative elements. Many trees are decorated with organza and tulle. Each master class paints its own version of the decor, but you can make your own design, adding your own twist to such a ribbon topiary.

You can start with MK, which is not the most difficult to perform. To make such an elegant tree with your own hands, you need to prepare all the necessary materials.

Materials and tools:

  • Satin ribbons. Usually ribbons of three colors are taken. But you can also do multicolor if you want a variegated tree. But if, for example, you are making wedding trees, then you don’t need to take more than three colors.
  • Decorative pot. Again, the purpose of the souvenir is important. Wedding topiaries can be placed in pots with wedding symbols. For decoration, it is more convenient to take plastic pots.
  • Stick, rod– anything for a tree trunk. These can be sushi sticks, wire, paper towel rods, etc. Another master class advises using drumsticks, while another insists only on wire that can be bent as needed.
  • Newspaper, thread, scissors, needles, glue.
  • Decor for a pot(textiles, crumpled paper, beads, ribbons, sequins - everything that is available and what your imagination is enough for).
  • Spray can with gold or silver paint(depending on the color of the ribbons and the decor of the pot).

All listed materials are variable. If you do not want to make the base for the crown with your own hands, you can take a foam blank. It can be either a ball or a heart. Wedding favors and hearts are more compatible things. But making the same heart with your own hands is more difficult.

You need to make a souvenir tree in several steps:

  • The first thing you have to do with your own hands is the base for the crown. Take a newspaper and crumple it into a neat ball. The ball must be wrapped with thread on all sides so that it is sufficiently dense. Be sure to coat the base thoroughly with glue and set it aside to let it dry.
  • Now you need to make the roses themselves from ribbons. It’s good if you have ready-made ones, but most often you have to make the roses yourself. Take a pink ribbon, 35cm long. Make a bend and twist the ribbon into a small flagellum. Be sure to secure the flagellum with small stitches. Then another bend, which is again fixed at the base. And then according to the same principle, and how many such bends you decide for yourself, depending on how much pomp you need.
  • To secure the flowers, you need to use an awl to make a hole for each rose. During fixation, remember that the flowers must alternate correctly. For example, pink, white, pistachio.
  • Now you can make leaves. Each master class offers its own version of making leaves. This step-by-step MK chose the following method: cut out circles from green satin, fold them in half, and secure with threads. In order for the leaf circles to retain their shape, they need to be ironed. After this, the edges of the fabric are melted over a candle and smeared with a small amount of glue.
  • The trunk of the future tree can be wrapped with twine or decorative braid.
  • After the leaves are ready, they need to be installed in the crown between the flowers. You will get a lush ball filled with flowers and leaves, fixed with glue.
  • In a prepared pot you need to pour plaster into which to insert the trunk of a tree with a crown.

After the structure has hardened, either artificial grass or pieces of the same atlas are placed on top of the plaster.

Topiary made of satin ribbons (video master class)

Topiary made of satin ribbons and organza: manufacturing methods

A beautiful topiary can be made from flowers not only from satin ribbons, but also from organza. If everything is clear with ribbons, then how are organza roses made?

A decorative “tree of happiness” from satin ribbons and organza can be made in an unconventional form

This master class is simple:

  • Method one. A long ribbon of organza can be burned onto a candle and rolled to form a flower shape. The lower tip is fixed with a needle and thread. You will get beautiful simple buds.
  • Method two. First, cut out the templates; organza blanks are already made from them. Also melt the edges over the candle so that they do not crumble and the petals become convex.
  • Method three. From organza you need to build squares that are folded diagonally, folded like an accordion or a fan. They can be connected with a stapler, resulting in a lush organza flower.

MK: topiary made of organza and ribbons (video)

Flowers made from satin ribbons for topiary: sunflowers

You can also make beautiful sunflowers from ribbons for a souvenir tree. You will need approximately 16 pieces of yellow tape, each 9cm long. You bend the segment at an angle in the center, and bend the lower end towards the upper so that the tips of the two ends are connected.

Then the corners of the combined ends are folded to the center and fused over the candle. And so - all 16 segments to get beautiful sunflowers.

A felt brown circle is the middle of the flower. Petals are glued to it. You can lay out two rows of 8 pieces each. To decorate sunflowers with your own hands, you can plant a small ladybug on the flowers.

Sunflowers made from satin ribbons (video master class)

You can create topiary of almost any complexity with your own hands. Whether it’s delicate roses or bright sunflowers, the workpiece is decorated with satin ribbons, and the result is a beautiful crown. Well, choose the place for such a souvenir yourself, and if you want to give it as a gift, the hero of the occasion will definitely be delighted with such a present.

Topiary made of satin ribbons (photo)

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