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In terms of vitamin content, few winter dishes can compare with pickled cabbage, but the recipe for sauerkraut with apples remains the undisputed leader in this regard. And the taste of the resulting preparation brings back memories of childhood. And since recipes for sauerkraut with apples often use honey, grapes or raisins as additional ingredients, children will not need to be persuaded once again to replenish their supply of vitamins in winter.

Secrets of sauerkraut with apples

Any experienced housewife knows that sauerkraut can be prepared in two main ways: dry salting and using cold brine, which is poured over vegetables and fruits tightly packed in a container. There are also various intermediate variations of fermentation:

  • when cabbage with additives is sprinkled with salt and filled with ordinary cold water;
  • when shredded cabbage and apples in small portions in a colander are immersed in strong brine for 30-40 seconds, and then, after removing and draining the excess liquid, they are distributed among containers prepared for fermentation: jars, pans, buckets.

Whatever method is chosen for fermenting cabbage, the main thing is that all the ingredients are completely hidden under the surface of the liquid. Therefore, when dry salting, it is necessary to use a load (in the form of a stone, a bag or a jar of water). If there is still not enough liquid to cover the cabbage and apples, then you need to add either clean, unboiled water (if a sufficient amount of salt was used for pickling) or brine.

Special mention needs to be made about salt, since it is the main element of pickling after cabbage. It is not recommended to use iodized salt or those that contain various additives because this can lead to mucus on the finished product.

For dry salting, it is good to use rock salt, but for preparing brine, medium-sized table salt is better, since it contains less contaminants.

The optimal ratio of salt to cabbage when fermenting: 200 g per 10 kg. When using brine, add 500-600 g of salt to 10 liters of water.

Comment! Naturally, when fermenting cabbage in smaller or larger volumes, the amount of ingredients is proportionally reduced or increased.

If you add less salt, the cabbage may turn out soft and loose, and if you exceed the norm, the taste of the finished dish will be too salty, and the fermentation time will increase.

Cabbage for sourdough must also be chosen wisely. Early and mid-early varieties are absolutely not suitable. However, the latest varieties in the first months after harvest are also not very suitable for sauerkraut - they still have bitterness and little juice. Late varieties can be used for fermentation only in the middle - late winter, when they acquire their true taste. In the autumn, the best are mid-season varieties of white cabbage, such as Slava, Podarok, Nadezhda and others. Even when fresh, they have a slightly sweet taste and crispy texture. Red cabbage varieties also ferment well with apples, although it is less common than its white cabbage sister.

The choice of apples for pickling is also important. Apple varieties with firm, crisp flesh are best, regardless of flavor. But it is not advisable to use soft and loose apples. The most popular varieties of apples for pickling are Antonovka, Semerinka, Jonathan.

A variety of additives not only add additional flavor to the finished dish. Honey and cranberries speed up the fermentation process and contribute to better preservation of sauerkraut. To reduce gas formation, add dill or caraway seeds. Adding coriander, anise or allspice will add a stunning aroma to the dish.

When choosing utensils for fermentation, you should give preference to glass, ceramic or enamel containers. You should be especially careful when choosing plastic utensils, since the taste of the workpiece in it is not the most ideal.

Attention! Containers for fermentation must be made of special certified food-grade plastic without any additives.

It is strictly not recommended to use tin, galvanized or aluminum utensils for fermentation, since during the fermentation process lactic acid interacts with the substances from which the utensils are made. As a result, the resulting product can cause real harm to human health.

Recipes for making sauerkraut with apples

Cabbage can be prepared in many recipes with apples. Any of them can serve as both a table decoration for the holiday and a valuable vitamin supplement to the winter menu.

Traditional recipe

For a classic or traditional recipe, a minimum set of ingredients is used:

  • 10 kg cabbage;
  • 500 g apples;
  • 200 g salt;
  • 25 g of caraway seeds or dill - optional.

Of course, any wooden container is best for sauerkraut with apples. But if there is no such container on the farm, then you should not be upset. There are little tricks on how to make the product taste like sauerkraut from a wooden oak barrel. To do this, buy oak bark at a regular pharmacy. If oak trees grow nearby in a forest or park, you can even, armed with a sharp knife, cut off a small amount of bark from their lower part.

Comment! You only need a little of it: a tablespoon of bark cut into small pieces per 10 kg of cabbage.

With grapes

This recipe is so unusual in its varied composition that the resulting snack cannot amaze with its bright appearance and unique taste.

You need to prepare:

  • 5 kg cabbage;
  • 7-8 pieces of large apples;
  • 800 g of seedless grapes, better than black varieties;
  • 0.5 kg carrots;
  • 5 pieces of multi-colored bell peppers;
  • 100 g salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • allspice, cumin, bay leaf - to taste.

Despite the variety of recipe components, the manufacturing process is simple.


Using the traditional method, you can prepare sauerkraut with apples according to the recipe with the following spicy ingredients:

  • 3 kg cabbage;
  • 300 g apples with sour taste;
  • 150 celery leaves and root;
  • 50 g garlic;
  • 1 small pod of hot pepper;
  • 50 g each of basil, savory, dill, tarragon, mint;
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds and ground coriander;
  • 5 pieces bay leaf;
  • 8 peas of allspice;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt.

With cranberries

From time immemorial, recipes for making sauerkraut with cranberries have been popular. So, when fermenting cabbage with apples, you cannot ignore such a tasty and healthy berry in all respects.

For 3 kg of shredded cabbage add:

  • 4 apples;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 300 g cranberries;
  • 80-90 g salt.

Advice! If desired, cranberries can be replaced with equally tasty and healthy lingonberries.

To make sauerkraut with cranberries, you can use the technology described in detail in the description of the traditional recipe.

With honey

If, when fermenting cabbage with apples, add 1 tablespoon of honey to 3 kg of vegetables, the taste of the finished snack will be more delicate and soft. Do not be alarmed if the color of the brine in this case darkens slightly. When using natural honey in a recipe, this is quite normal.

Terms and conditions of storage

Under normal cool refrigerator conditions, where the temperature can vary significantly, pickled products made according to any recipe are stored for no more than 2-3 months. If a truly cold storage place is found with a stable temperature ranging from 0 to +3°C, then the shelf life can be increased to 6 months. During storage, it is especially important to ensure that fermented products are constantly covered with brine.


The recipe for sauerkraut with apples is delicious on its own, and with a variety of additives it turns into a real masterpiece of culinary art.

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Little carrot
- sweet apple
- cabbage head weighing about 1 kg
- granulated sugar – 5 g
- fine kitchen salt – 20 g

Subtleties of preparation:

For harvesting, select fruits with white heads. The color can be judged by the cut. If there is a greenish tint inside after the cut, then it is better to refuse the purchase. Choose apples that are sour and sweet and sour. An excellent choice would be the Antonovka variety. There is no specific amount of fruits and carrots, you can completely focus on your taste preferences.

Chop the cabbage head into thin slices. You can use a sharp knife or a special shredder for this. It is also convenient to use a food processor. Grate the carrots into individual slices. Chop the fruit into small, neat slices. For an aesthetic appearance, leave the peel on.

What do you think?

Select a large container and pour the chopped products (except fruits) into it. Add sugar and salt. If you want to use other spices, they should be added at this stage. Squeeze the mixture with your hands, grind it and let it sit for half an hour. After the specified time, repeat the push-up. After receiving the juice, add the fruit and stir one last time.

Select a heavy load that will be used as oppression, place it on top and put it away for three days in the warmest possible place. Pierce periodically with a long stick, reaching to the very bottom. If foam is noticeable during fermentation, skim it off. Finally, distribute into convenient containers and store in a cool room.

Do and.

Recipe for sauerkraut with apples for the winter


Cabbage head with white stalk
- small carrot – 90 g
- young fruits – 90 g
- table salt – 30 g
- cranberry

How to prepare:

The cabbage head should be strong and quite juicy. Wash it, cut off the top leaves. Throw away spoiled leaves immediately as they are unfit for consumption. Leave a few good, whole leaves - they are needed for proper preparation of the workpiece.

Rate and.

Cut the head of cabbage into 2 parts or quarters. The stalk cannot be used to prepare this preparation. Throw it away or use it in other dishes. Chop the cabbage into neat slices. Grind carrot roots on a grater. It must first be washed and dried.

Wash the fruits, peel them, chop them into large slices. While slicing, remove the seed pods and stem. Clean the area well. Grind the fruit on a fine grater to make a paste. Prepare a large bowl, place all the ingredients in it, add salt to taste, and mix thoroughly.

Wash the enamel bucket, lay out half of the pre-prepared leaves. Place the mixture of mixed products on a kind of bedding. Wash the cranberries and cover with the next layer of cabbage. Place it under pressure for a day. The next day, foam will come to the surface, which must be collected. For this purpose, use a slotted spoon or a regular spoon. Poke the contents with a long stick from time to time to allow gases to escape. After a week, the workpiece can be distributed into glass containers, covered with plastic lids and put in the refrigerator.

Rate and.

Sauerkraut with apples for the winter: how to cook

You will need:

- white cabbage – 3.5 kg
- small apple – 2 pieces
- laurel
- black peppercorns
- carrot

How to cook:

The indicated amount of products is enough for a three-liter jar. To get a tasty, crispy preparation, choose the right cabbage heads. It is better to opt for late varieties. To finally make sure that you made the right choice, take the cabbage head in your hands and gently squeeze it. If you hear a pleasant crunch, it means the head is suitable for preparing the workpiece.

Consider and.

Cut the large head in half and chop it in a convenient way. Grate the carrots next. Add salt to the contents. For 1 kg of vegetables you will need about a tablespoon of salt. Grind the mixture with your hands, add peppercorns, and throw in the bay leaves. Place the first layer of cabbage along with the carrots, lightly compact to release the juice.

Select sour apples, chop them into quarters, cut out the seed pods. If the fruits are very large, chop them into small slices. Place fruit on the first layer, and then continue alternating. Place the cabbage layer last and lightly compact it. Cover the contents on top with a flat plate and place a weight.

Leave the mixture in a warm room for a couple of days to allow the fermentation process to begin. Pierce the layers from time to time with a wooden stick or rolling pin. The accumulated air should come out. Only in this case the preparation will turn out tasty and with a pleasant crunch. After a couple of days, put the container in the cold, continue to pierce it with a wooden stick until the bubbles completely disappear. On day 3-4 you can take the first sample. Store the workpiece in a cool place. Squeeze the juice thoroughly before serving.

Recipe with dill


Antonovsky apples – 1.5 kg
- large head of cabbage
- carrots – 0.2 kg
- dill seeds – 3.1 tablespoons
- granulated sugar, rock salt - 3 tablespoons each
- cold boiled water – 2.6 liters

How to cook:

Prepare the ingredients: remove the bad leaves from the cabbage, cut off the stalk. Wash the apples, wash the carrots, peel them. Grate the carrots. Grind it as finely as possible. Chop the cabbage and discard the stalk.

Make a brine: add sugar and salt to boiled cold water, stir until completely dissolved. Thoroughly stir the shredded cabbage in a bowl, add carrots and dill. Place the mixture in a bucket in layers, alternating with apples.

Place 1/3 of the cabbage volume in a bucket, top up? liter of brine, tamp with your hands until the brine comes to the surface. Place apples tightly in 1 layer. Distribute another 1/3 of the cabbage, lightly tamp, press. Add a second layer of apples and top with the remaining cabbage. Pour in the brine and compact the cabbage. There should be enough brine on top.

What do you think?

Cover the contents with a plastic bag on top, press down with a flat plate and a weight. Take it to a warm place and leave the bucket for three days. After this, take the bucket out onto the balcony and let it sit for a week. Place pressure on top so that the brine begins to appear from above. Place pickled apples in a separate jar, fill with brine, and store in the cold. Distribute into jars, carefully remove the circle and plastic. Lightly squeeze the cabbage and fill the jars tightly. Drain off excess brine and place a thin plastic circle. Store the seams in a dark place. Can be served with aromatic sunflower oil.

For those who want to know all the details of preparing a delicious preparation, we recommend viewing “ sauerkraut with apples for the winter video».

Check out this cooking variation:

White cabbage – 5 kg
- apple fruits – 0.3 kg
- carrots – 0.2 kg
- table salt – 120 g

How to cook:

Wash apples and vegetables. Peel the cabbage head from the top leaves and chop it. Peel the carrots and grate them on a fine grater. Remove the central part from the apples and chop into slices. Combine the chopped cabbage with carrots and salt, rub thoroughly with your hands in a large bowl or on the table until the juice appears. Add apples, stir again. Prepare the dishes, place the vegetables on them, and compact them thoroughly. Place the weight and leave it in the room for about a day.

Prepare and.

Be sure to pierce the contents several times a day to release as much air as possible. After the gas stops escaping, move the workpiece to a cool place: balcony, cellar, etc. Throughout the process, make sure that the vegetables are always in the brine. After a few days the cabbage will be ready. The preparation can be eaten after 5-6 days.

Recipe with cumin seeds

You will need:

White cabbage – 10 kg
- apples – ? kg
- caraway seeds – 25 g
- salt – 0.25 kg

How to cook:

Remove the peel and core from ripe, healthy apples, chop them into slices, combine with shredded cabbage, add salt, and move them with your hands so that the juice begins to come out. Place a layer of large cabbage leaves on the bottom of a barrel or enamel pan, and then a layer of shredded cabbage combined with apples. Fill the container, place cabbage leaves on the surface, cover with gauze, press down with a wooden circle, and place a weight.

The next day, remove the foam from the surface and make several deep punctures. For the first few days, store the workpiece in the room, and after a week has passed, move it to the basement. You can add a few apple slices. For slicing, choose medium-sized fruits. After the contents have been compacted and juiced, you can add a few whole apples.

Recipe with lemon juice

Head of cabbage – 10 kg
- carrots, green apples - by? kg
- salt – 0.3 kg
- juice of one lemon

Finely chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Peel the apples and chop them into medium cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix the cabbage with the addition of salt in a large bowl, grind thoroughly so that the vegetables release juice. Tamp tightly, place in a ceramic or glass container, and leave for 3 days at room temperature. Pierce every day to the very bottom with a wooden stick. After three days, transfer the workpiece to a cool room.


Sauerkraut is a delicious vitamin-packed snack that’s also low in calories! It is a valuable source of fiber, microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, potassium), vitamins A, C, PP, E, H and group B, as well as lactobacilli.

In my family, the recipe for sauerkraut with apples has become traditional. For preparation, we choose late varieties of white cabbage without green leaves; it is better that the head of cabbage is even slightly cracked at the stalk.

And grandma recommends taking the Antonovka variety of apples - a delightful aroma of autumn!

Sauerkraut with apples


3 kg white cabbage
1 large carrot
2-3 green apples
3 tbsp. l. salt


1. Chop the prepared cabbage into strips, grate the apples and peeled carrots. Salt. If you prefer the apples to taste better in the cabbage, cut them into slices. Grandma, when she fermented cabbage in a large saucepan, added whole apples!

2.Mix thoroughly, using your hands so that the cabbage releases juice.

3. Fill the jars with cabbage, compact it and leave the jars at room temperature for 40 hours to ferment.

4. To make the cabbage white and crispy, you need to ensure the release of fermentation gas. To do this, insert wooden sticks into the jars.

5.After the fermentation process is complete, place the cabbage in the refrigerator. After 2-3 hours you can take it out and help yourself!

Fragrant, white and crispy, like the first snow... Mouth watering! Try to cook this cabbage - you won’t regret it.

I'm sure your friends will be grateful for such a wonderful recipe!

Who among us doesn’t love the crunch of sauerkraut for dinner with a favorite dish, such as mashed potatoes and a cutlet? And if it is sauerkraut with apples, then the taste of such a dish will become brighter and juicier. If you have the opportunity, be sure to add green apples when fermenting! At the same time, the taste of sauerkraut is not lost, but is revealed even more. After proper preparation, the product can be stored for at least a month in the cold, and sometimes more if you do not eat it before then. Remember that only late varieties of cabbage can be fermented, since summer varieties are softer and turn into porridge when fermented.


  • 1 fork cabbage (1.5-2 kg)
  • 1-2 large carrots
  • 3-4 large green apples
  • 5-5.5 tbsp. salt
  • water - how much will it take?


1. Clean the cabbage forks from the top leaves, which only play a protective role. Cut it in half or into quarters and chop it coarsely or finely, depending on your aesthetic taste and skill.

2. Place the cabbage slices in a deep bowl.

3. Peel the carrots, rinse them in water, and grate them on a large-mesh grater directly onto the cabbage slices.

4. Cut each apple into four parts, cut off the seed blocks and rinse in water, cut into slices and add to the bowl.

5. Add salt. We won't add sugar.

6. Gently rub all the cuts with salt with your hands, trying to distribute it evenly. If you like to first create a brine and then pour it over the cabbage, then dilute the specified amount of salt in 1.5 liters of cold water. After stirring, the cabbage slices will release juice.

7. Carefully transfer the entire contents of the bowl into a three-liter jar, trying to compact it as tightly as possible. Under no circumstances will we fill the jar to the brim - we will fill it only to the shoulders, since during the fermentation process the product will “ferment.”

8. After this, pour cold water into the jar, but also up to the shoulders, so that it lightly covers the contents of the jar. You only need to pour cold water! You can do it straight from the tap.

9. Place the jar with the contents in a wide bowl and leave for three days at room temperature. Every day we will pierce the workpiece to the bottom twice with a long wooden skewer, knife or knitting needle, releasing air bubbles. If this is not done, then the carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process will “give” the cabbage bitterness and the preparation will turn out tasteless!

10. After three days, seal the jar with the contents with a lid with holes and drain the liquid into a saucepan or saucepan.

Cut off the lower part of the stalk and the upper leaves from the heads of cabbage. Remove a few of the firm white leaves and set aside. Cut the heads of cabbage in half and chop into thin strips. Cut 2 or 3 heads of cabbage into halves or quarters.

Place some shredded cabbage on a work surface, add salt and mix lightly. Then rub the cabbage with your hands until the juice appears. At this stage, it is important not to overdo it so that the cabbage does not turn out too soft.

Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.

Add carrots to shredded cabbage and stir lightly.

Place a slice of black bread at the bottom of a clean container for fermentation (these can be wooden or ceramic barrels, large glass jars or enamel pans). Cover with one of the reserved cabbage leaves.

Place some of the prepared cabbage and knead it thoroughly. When the container is filled to the middle, place the cut cabbage heads tightly, one to one. Place apples between them. Place shredded cabbage and mixed with salt and carrots on top. Knock down. Continue filling the container so that a mound forms on top. Blend again until the juice appears. Cover with the cabbage leaves set aside, then with a clean linen napkin, and put pressure on top. Leave in a warm place. When the cabbage begins to foam, use a long wooden rod to make several punctures all the way to the bottom. Typically the fermentation process takes 10 days. After this, the cabbage should be stored in a cool place where the temperature does not exceed 0–2 °C.

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