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On what day is it better to make a wish? Fulfillment of wishes on the waxing moon - what are the rituals and fortune-telling

Let's start making wishes ;). I will share my favorite rituals.

Game "I agree"

I learned about this game from my beloved Yulia Sudakova (womansanga ru). This game is fun and gives us the right positive attitude. Take pieces of paper and write letters something like this: “Dear (your full name), do you agree to receive (any of your material desires: a car, a new apartment, a couture dress, a certain piece of jewelry) and accept it easily into your life, using it for your pleasure? If you agree with the proposal, sign at the bottom of the sheet I (full name) agree to accept (desired)! Your abundant Universe” And at the bottom of each leaf you sign your full name and I agree! Then these pieces of paper can be folded into an envelope, hidden and forgotten. Soon the Universe will begin to fulfill the contract;)"

Magic chest

We take an ordinary box and make it magical. We cover it with beautiful paper, ribbons, bows, and flowers. At your discretion. Just let the chest say with its appearance that it is capable of fulfilling any wish)). Again, take beautiful pieces of paper and write your wishes on them. Always in the present tense and always without the particle NOT. After all, the Universe does not perceive the particle. That is, if you write: “I am not sick,” the Universe will read: “I am sick.” Therefore, write: “I am healthy.” It's like Mother Teresa said: “I will never go to a rally.” AGAINST War, but I’ll definitely go to the rally For peace! So you, too, start from what you want to get, and not from what to get rid of.

Then you fold up beautiful pieces of paper, write on the back “Everything is God’s will.” You can tie the pieces of paper with a beautiful ribbon and then put them all in a chest. Which will definitely fulfill all the desires that you really need at the best time for them.

"Bank of the Universe Checks"

I learned about this ritual on Instagram from Anita Oleynik.

“You don’t need to just ask for a lot of money. Be sure to ask for a specific amount for a specific item. The point is that the Universe is also a bank from which you can write a check for any item of importance. It is very important to spend the amount of money you received specifically on what you asked for, and not rush into everything or, even worse, suddenly refuse to buy. Don't deceive the Universe, otherwise it won't give anymore.

We fill out the check with two pens, red and blue. In the upper right corner we write in red CHECK. In the upper left corner of the red - Bank of the Universe. Next, under it is red Payment and here in blue we indicate the object of desire: a book, gloves, a vase or new headphones. Next line is red Sum, in blue we put the exact or approximate amount if we don’t remember how much the thing we need now costs. The penultimate point of red To whom, and in blue is your last name, first name and the last paragraph in red Signature Law of Abundance. If you don’t believe in such things, don’t waste time and energy, so as not to be disappointed later. After completing what you want, write for the entire check "PAID"

You can believe or not in all this. But everyone can note the positive aspects of these rituals.

  1. By writing down all your desires, you free your head from excess burden. Everything you need is stored on paper now. And the mind is free for more fruitful thoughts))
  2. Also, after re-reading your wish list, you can cross out a number of unnecessary ones imposed by someone. And finally understand what you really need and what you don’t. Just re-read the list again, putting your hand on your heart.
  3. You will know how much money and why you need it. Everyone will say they want to win a million dollars. And having started to describe where and why it is needed, the majority will falter at the third hundred thousand. Place in your head the amount that you can lift now and strive for it. With each ascent, raising your peak.
  4. By making a list, you will also receive some psychological peace of mind. We don't even track them properly. And most importantly, we don’t joyfully celebrate in our heads everything that we finally received. As a result, there is a lot of dissatisfaction in the head. Which is why sadness appears. So it’s better to keep “I want” and “I need” on paper, and “Hurray, I got/was able to do it” - in my head.
  5. By writing down our desires, we automatically imagine their images in our heads.

I really want to sort out my mess in my head. So I plan to go through my chest early in the morning on the next first lunar day, rejoicing at the wishes that have come true, and write checks with faith in the best. I wish the same for you. Believe in the best!!! And think only about the beautiful, because thoughts are material.

With wishes of happiness,

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How to make a wish so that it comes true? Let’s not think about a fairly popular Chinese proverb, which says that you should be afraid of your desires, because they can always come true. Caution is not always necessary. And if you have definitely decided on what you want, then it’s time to achieve it.

Much depends on the correct wording

So, what should you remember first before making a wish? For it to come true, it must be formulated correctly. In this situation, strict instructions will be in place. Precise instructions and consistent actions, endowed with a certain meaning, can serve as an impetus for the desire to begin to come true. So, how to make a wish so that it comes true? Do special days need to be taken into account? For example, New Year. Or maybe for this you need to visit some magical place?

You need to choose a specific day

The most optimal time to make your wish is the moment at which the beginning and the end come together. For example, the last minute before the start of the new year. A wish can be made a minute before midnight, before the start of a birthday, on the last day of winter and in the first moments of spring. The first night on the waxing moon is considered optimal for achieving what you want. And, of course, the easiest option is Monday. This is where people usually begin their new life, which will become more correct and, naturally, happier.

Optimal time for desires

Answering the question of how to make a wish so that it comes true, it should be noted that the best time for this is the point that can be safely considered a new stage. Naturally, this also applies to time. Those wishes that are made before going to bed will be endowed with special power. If a person constantly thinks about the secret with his eyes closed, then the likelihood that the wish will come true will increase several times.

What you want can be seen in a dream

In addition, the question of how to make a wish may always arise. This is due to the fact that people want to feel their dreams come true, at least in this form. And this will directly affect the execution of what was formulated. So, in order to make a certain dream, you need to think about what you want often, preferably throughout the day. You should try to lay down a certain image of what you should see. If you succeed, then over time you will be able to order any dream for yourself. And he will become prophetic.

Don't forget about customs

If you want to understand how to make a wish correctly, then you should understand that it is undesirable to neglect traditions in this situation. This is explained quite simply. Our hopes for the fulfillment of our desires will be fueled not only by the strength we invest, but also by the thoughts that come from other people. Many are firmly convinced that only with the help of a certain ritual, time and place can they achieve what they want in a fairly short time.

Only sincere words have a chance of being realized

To understand how to make a wish correctly, you need to understand what it should be. This factor can affect the possibility of achieving a certain dream.

First of all, it should be noted that sincerity and a deep conviction that what is planned can happen plays a huge role. If there is no faith, then the desire will not come true. Abstract things will remain unattainable. When forming a certain dream in your mind, you must adhere to the form “I will have everything.” There shouldn’t be any “I want”, “I wish” and “maybe”. The wish you make should be presented as an already achieved goal, and not as a possible accident, which will certainly become happy for you.

When wishing for money, you need to know what it will be used for

You should not think that there is no place for mercantile thoughts about wealth in this situation. Everything is possible. However, before you make a wish to receive a large amount of money, you should decide on the spiritual component of this issue. You will need to carefully figure out where you will spend them. And it is very important that the goals are realistic. For example, you may want to increase your income in connection with a job change, which you will begin looking for in the near future. In this case, the money, for example, will be used to fulfill the needs of your child and his desires.

Close people can help make your dreams come true

How can you make a wish? You should know that the likelihood of your dream coming true, which will be shared with you by your friends or family, is much higher. In addition, what is desired can apply not only to a specific person, but also to his associates. For example, if you wish to increase your income, you can wish the same for your friends who have money problems.

We need to set deadlines

When understanding how to make a cherished wish, special attention must be paid to the timing of its fulfillment. The optimal option would be one in which the time to achieve your dream fits into a certain cycle. For example, a change of season, a year before a certain date or the moment the first snow appears. And it is very important to experience the feeling that will appear at the moment of fulfillment of your cherished desire.

But you shouldn’t just sit and wait for your dream to be achieved. We must try to help ourselves not only with our thoughts, but also with our actions. In addition, do not forget about your desire. To do this, you can make a kind of reminder in the form of a file or image.

It is advisable to speak your dream out loud

There are a huge number of superstitions associated with the fact that you don’t need to tell anyone about your dream. It is best for the desire to sound only at the mental level, and at the same time be located only in our hearts. Other people's doubts and prejudices can be harmful. However, by voicing your dream, you can make a stronger order for a certain time. In this regard, if you want your dream to come true, you should try to voice it, at least in a whisper or alone with yourself. The main thing is to believe in what you are talking about.

The moon can help you

How to make a wish for the new moon? During this period, you can perform a variety of rituals, read out conspiracies and much more. The best time for this is the new moon. A wish should be made on the first lunar day. However, it should be understood that this is a very conditional factor. This is due to the fact that the duration of a lunar day can be only a few hours, or it can cover the entire lunar day.

What rituals can help?

In order to make your deepest wish, you can resort to the help of several rituals. We should talk in more detail about the main ones.

  1. Some people have often wondered how to make a wish on paper. To do this, you should take the best notebook and pen for you and make a note that will highlight your most secret thoughts and fantasies. This should be done on the day of the new moon. If at first the list turns out to be quite long, then over time those wishes that have come true will gradually be crossed out. Accordingly, new ones will take their place. Before each wish, you should make a note “I accept with gratitude.” The moment your dream comes true, you will need to write “thank you” opposite it in your notebook. The idea in the notebook should be clearly formulated.
  2. If you were visited by the question of how to make a wish for money, stability or work, then the piece of paper on which the corresponding dreams will be formulated will need to be buried in the ground.
  3. In the very first moments of the new moon, you can simply think about your dreams. To achieve the best effect, you need to focus on the candle flame.
  4. All those projects that you decide to start soon are best postponed to the day of the new moon.
  5. You should draw up a check specifically for yourself, which will include a certain amount. It will need to be put in a red envelope and hidden.

If you want to figure out how to make a wish on the new moon, you should remember that during this period you should not think about the bad. At this time, energy plays a fairly important role. Therefore, you can discover a lot of new things in yourself.

Choose the color of the candle according to your wishes

The fulfillment of desires in some situations is directly related to candles. But there is nothing strange about this. For many people, a candle is a small magical light, unusual and mysterious. And at the same time there is always a feeling of joy. Using a candle to scare away evil spirits. People believe that this element is able to cleanse life from the machinations of evil.

In order to figure out how to make a wish on a candle, you must first make the right choice in favor of a certain element. Color will play a decisive role. A red candle symbolizes love. The pink hue is associated with dreams. If you need to solve work-related problems, then orange is considered the optimal choice. The yellow tone will give confidence, due to which all obstacles will be overcome. A brown tint will help your money-related wishes come true. If everything is not going well in your career, then you should make a wish on a green candle. The blue shade will give harmony and tranquility. The blue tone helps to gain inner strength. With the help of a silver candle you can get rid of negative emotions, and by using a black candle you can cope with serious illnesses. White color is associated with state of mind.

Additional nuances that should not be forgotten

It is very important to choose the right day. During the waxing moon, you can wish for an increase in profits or career growth. During your decline, you should try to get rid of serious illnesses or other difficulties.

For your wish to come true, you need to look at the fire and think only about your dream, about what exactly it should be. Try to imagine it in the smallest detail. At the same time, one must think that the wish has already come true. If the dream is directly related to someone, then his name can be written on the candle. It is quite important to be clear about what you want. You can even formulate your thoughts out loud.

The candle should burn out completely. If you extinguish it, it will be considered a abandonment of your dream. So let it burn until the end.


This review described how to make your wish correctly. To a candle, to the moon - it doesn’t matter which method you choose. It will be used for money, for career growth or any other achievements - it all depends on you. The main thing is to understand that the dream must be clear. There should be no doubt that it can be fulfilled. And if your thoughts are sincere, then your desire will be translated into reality exactly in the form in which it was required. Good luck to you and may all your dreams always come true!

Among all the unusual holidays, one can single out the most magical, the most enchanting. It's Make-A-Wish Day. And it's not just a name. Indeed, July 28 is not quite an ordinary day, but rather an unusual day. The day when your most cherished wishes come true.

Techniques and methods of making wishes

It just so happens that on any holiday, be it or, or, family New Year, everyone wishes the hero of the occasion fulfillment of wishes.

And we believe that miracles happen and our cherished thoughts will come true.

And to ensure that the wish comes true, many well-known and ingenious rituals have been invented. For some reason, such actions inspire confidence that the hidden will become real.

And if the Universe hears our thoughts and wishes, then they will definitely come true.

What rituals will help you bring your dream closer to reality on Make-a-Wish Day, make you believe in miracles and send your wish high into the heavens?

The easiest way is to make a wish card. To do this, take an ordinary Whatman paper and place on it pictures and inscriptions that embody your innermost dreams.

If you want to relax in the Maldives, stick on your map the most beautiful view of the sea with palm trees and hot white sand.

If you want to buy a car, a fast, beautiful car has the right place on your map.

If you dream of getting rid of those hated kilograms, draw the figure of your dreams with your own photo.

Believe me, the main thing is to say out loud about your dream, put it on paper and it will very soon cease to be a modest desire.

If you have an aquarium and goldfish at home that you don’t forget to feed on time, tell these sorceresses about your desire.

Or you can collect coins and go to the nearest pond. Throw shiny circles into the watery abyss, not forgetting to make your wish.

If you get a lucky ticket on this day, you can be sure that your wish will definitely come true. After all, it’s a special day when the chances are increased hundreds of times.

Be sure to launch a ball into the sky so that it flies high, high into the skies and carries your cherished thoughts closer to the Universe. And the faster you move the ball away, the faster your plan will come true.

Or wait until evening when you can make a wish on a falling star. Just hurry up, you need to have time to formulate your thought before the comet’s tail goes out.

Look around - there are special signs when you must make your wish.

If you saw a stork in the sky, several consecutive identical numbers on the clock, be sure to ask the Universe about the secret, and suddenly this sign will work. Just don’t have to wait for the seconds to click until you reach the desired mark.

This rule only applies to unexpected coincidences.

And for those who have a romantic or love desire in stock, it is a good sign to see a white limousine in the wedding procession.

Of course, we are talking about unexpected meetings, and not about constant duty at the door of the registry office.

Create a truly magical atmosphere and make a wish by candlelight. To do this, take a deep breath, freeze for a second and blow out the candles, sending your thoughts with the air.

This rule also applies when making a wish on a birthday, when the candles on the birthday cake are blown out, but you will have to wait for the holiday.

Come up with your own rituals, remember the signs when your wish comes true, and every year on July 28 you can arrange a real holiday - Day of Making Wishes.

How to make a wish that it definitely comes true: the golden minute for making a wish

For centuries, astrologers, esotericists and psychologists have puzzled over the burning question of how to make a wish so that it definitely comes true.

But it turns out that everything is very simple. The main thing is to know on what day and time our desires can really reach the Universe. And the faster it gets there, the higher the likelihood of dreams coming true.

You can stick to the lunar calendar.

So, the first lunar day is considered the most powerful, most magical day. On this day, the foundation of the entire next month is laid. Therefore, it is advisable not only to make a wish, but also to take at least some steps to realize it, launching a mechanism that will make the wish come true.

On the seventh lunar day, any word can become real. Therefore, increased energy exchange with the cosmos becomes an excellent tool for making a wish. Just be careful with your dreams, because even a casually thrown evil word can become a reality.

But on the eleventh lunar day, the desire needs to be written on paper. In addition, you can meditate and visualize your desire. The stronger the energy message, the faster the Universe will hear it.

It is also advised to make your wish on the new moon and on the full moon.

But if everything were that simple, then all wishes would always come true. We'll have to work on choosing the time for making wishes - the golden minute.

But in this question no one can suggest the correct answer. Each person should feel their individual moment when the energy is the strongest and most positive.

And remember, faith works miracles. Believe, and sooner or later you will be surprised that even the most unrealistic desire has become a reality.

Using the most powerful energy of the Moon, you can easily achieve the fulfillment of your desires. If you tune in to luck on a favorable day, you will see in practice that a thought can be material, and that even the most unrealizable dream will come closer to you.

By making a wish, you subconsciously send an energetic signal to the Universe. In order for this signal to be heard faster, you need to choose the right time to make wishes, i.e. the day when higher powers are most attuned to receiving signals - desires.

In fact, remembering the favorable time for making wishes according to the lunar calendar is not so difficult. Astrologers claim that there are only three days in the lunar month when any thought can become material. These are the 1st, 7th and 11th lunar days.

The meaning of lunar days for making wishes

The first lunar day is significant in that during this period it is necessary to lay down a program that will manage the entire subsequent month. The first lunar day is filled with powerful energy that should be used for good. On this day, you need to mentally concentrate on what you want and at the same time do not forget to make a little effort to make your wish come true. Those. Sitting and dreaming of a million dollars is not enough, you need to take at least some action to improve your well-being. By combining thoughts and actions, you thereby launch a mechanism that works to fulfill your desires. For example, if you dream of getting rich, then on this day you can not only mentally imagine the desired amount, but also buy a wallet that will attract and increase money. The first lunar day is the ideal time to learn how to manage your life and luck, and for this you need to wear a watch on your right hand. In order for your wish to come true, you must clearly imagine on the first lunar day what exactly you want to receive, and on the second lunar day you must begin to take action.

The 7th lunar day is characterized by the fact that during this period any word and thought can become material. Be extremely careful in your dreams, as everything you imagine has a high probability of becoming a reality. Carefully weigh whether you really need what you dream of, think about what the consequences might be when your wish comes true. On the seventh day of the lunar calendar, there is a strong exchange between all life on the planet and the Universe, so do not miss the chance and give free rein to your innermost thoughts and dreams.

The 11th lunar day is also ideal for making wishes. On this day, you can write down your dreams on paper, make a vision board, practice meditation and visualization, and in every possible way tune yourself to positive thoughts. The more energetic effort you put in, the faster you will achieve what you want.

If you decide to make a wish on the 1st, 7th or 11th lunar day, then first check that this event does not coincide with the period of the single Moon. On the idle Moon, everything around you freezes, so the Universe may simply not hear your desire.

Having determined in advance on what day you will make a wish and catch your luck, do not forget to take into account the peculiarities of your biorhythms. If the energy of the lunar day coincides with the peak of your energy potential, then the likelihood of achieving your goal will increase many times over. Remember at what time of day you feel the greatest rise in energy, a surge of strength and a burst of good mood, when you feel confident and happy - it is at this moment that you should make a wish.

Why wishes don't come true

You chose the right lunar day and made a wish at the moment when your energy potential is at its maximum, but over time you realized that your wish never came true. What is the reason?

Firstly, you need to know how to make wishes correctly, what the wording should be. For example, dreaming about wealth is wrong; you need to voice to the Universe the specific amount of money you want to receive.

Secondly, this is inaction. Positive thinking can be harmful and the whole secret of success is not only to dream, but also to do something to achieve your goals. Luck does not like lazy people, so answer the question honestly: what have you personally done to make your desires and thoughts become material, what efforts have you made to help the Universe at least a little.

Thirdly, the cause of failure may be a simple lack of faith. You simply don’t believe that your dream can ever become real. All-consuming faith in tandem with the Universe can work miracles. And if you adopt a very simple and at the same time effective way to attract good luck, you can move mountains and achieve whatever you want.

Fourthly, foolproof protection worked. Cosmic energy and higher powers saw that fulfilling a wish could harm either you or your loved ones.

Fifthly, you dream about something that you don’t really need, that in fact this dream is not yours, but imposed on you by someone else.

If these five reasons do not apply to you, then your wish will definitely come true. The main thing is to believe!

Favorable days for making wishes in 2018

As soon as you understand what exactly you want to receive as a gift from the Universe, then begin to act immediately. Try to decide within 72 hours on which lunar day to make a wish, formulate what wish to make, what to write on the board or wish card, think through all the details and imagine what you will feel when you achieve your goal. Using the 72-hour rule, you can make it clear to the Universe that you not only want something, but that you really need what you want, it is of great importance to you. Thus, cosmic energy will help make your dream come true.

When can you buy a lottery ticket and place bets?

Gambling people will find it useful to know when they can buy a lottery ticket, place bets, take part in prize draws, or play in a casino or slot machines. Absolutely everyone can test their luck, but you have the greatest chance of catching your luck by the tail on the specified days and hours if there are innate indications of winning in your personal horoscope.

Calendar of luck, winnings and luck April 2018

April 3, 2018 – from 16:00 to 19:00
April 6, 2018 – from 13:30 to 16:30
April 8, 2018 – from 14:00 to 18:00
April 11, 2018 – from 15:00 to 17:50
April 13, 2018 – from 11:00 to 14:25
April 20, 2018 – from 12:00 to 15:00
April 22, 2018 – from 01:00 to 05:00
April 26, 2018 – from 8:00 to 11:00
April 30, 2018 – from 20:00 to 23:30
*Times are indicated according to Moscow time

Whether we notice it or not, the Moon affects our daily lives.

Therefore, any Technology for Fulfilling Desires can be strengthened if you use such a powerful tool as lunar days.

Astrologers identify the three most energetic days of the month according to the lunar calendar, when it is very easy to materialize your words and thoughts.

April 28 - Moon phase: II quarter (young Moon), from 13:53 11 lunar day
April 28 - Moon in the sign of Virgo from 1:08 GMT

These are the 1st, 7th and 11th lunar days.

1 lunar day They are unusual in that at this time the program for the rest of the month is laid out. This is a very powerful day and its energy must be used wisely. Astrologers recommend on this day to think about your desire and do at least something that will mark the beginning of the implementation of your plans. Thus, you will set in motion a mechanism that fulfills desires.

7 lunar day - this is the day when any word gains power. Be careful on this day when making wishes, as any of your thought forms can come true. On these lunar days, energy exchange with the cosmos intensifies, so this is another suitable day for making wishes.

11 lunar day . On this day it is good to write down your desires on a piece of paper. On the 11th lunar day it is also useful to meditate, visualize and tune yourself to the positive. The stronger your energy is on this day, the better.

Time to make wishes
The day has been selected. But what time of day is best to make a wish? The hour and time of day is determined strictly individually. It is important to catch the very moment when your energy is on the rise. Observe your condition and mood throughout the day. What time are you energized, when do you feel strong, confident and happy? It is at this time that you need to make a wish.

How to correctly formulate a desire

The most important thing in making a wish is to use the present tense. Not the future and not the past, but the present. As if it had already come true.

For example, you want to attract love into your life, then the desire can be formulated as follows:

I have a relationship with a loved one who loves me.

The next thing to pay attention to is the absence of denial. For example, you want to overcome loneliness, then You can't write "I'm not alone". Since the subconscious does not perceive the particle and receives the signal “I am alone.” Instead, make your wish like this: "I have a loved one."

Another subtlety is to choose only one desire and work with it. You should not waste your energy.

But these are just the basics. Now let's get to the fun part:

In order for a wish to come true, it is important to concentrate on emotions and sensations. In our case, we need to add an emotional component to the goal of finding love. And you get the following formula:

- I am happy having a relationship with a loved one who loves me.

- I feel joy that I have a loved one.

Agree, you can be in a relationship and not be happy in it. We don't need this. Therefore, we clarify the request and feed it with strength. After all, sensations are what makes the power of thought work.

Well, the last secret is the final result in making a wish. For example, you want to raise money. It's better to formulate “I feel the joy of owning 700,000 rubles a month” , how "I'm getting rich". After all, this “getting rich” can last for years...

There are exceptions to the rules. Sometimes the end result is very difficult to imagine. For example, when you are very sick and want to become healthy. Then the desire can be represented as a gradual improvement.

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