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Water manicure at home. How to do water manicure at home - technique, step-by-step video. Which varnish is perfect for water manicure?

Water manicure can easily be called a novelty in the world of nail art. In a short time he became incredibly popular. To create it, you do not need special expensive devices. Any girl without special artistic skills can do such a manicure. The drawing is created incredibly quickly and amazes with its variety and brightness.

Making water design at home is very simple. It is enough to prepare everything you need to create it and be patient, because, as in any other matter, you will need to practice before the result completely satisfies your aesthetic taste.

What do you need to create a water manicure?

Basic tools:

  • glass or plastic wide container;
  • water;
  • scotch tape or thick cream;
  • toothpick or needle;
  • nail polish remover;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • nail polishes of various colors.

Scotch tape or greasy cream is necessary to make excess polish easier to remove from the skin around the nail. There should be at least 3 varnishes: one transparent and two colored. It is better to choose bright and contrasting colors, then the manicure will be much more impressive. If everything you need is prepared, let's start creating a water manicure.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a water manicure

  1. We do a regular hygienic manicure: we trim the cuticles, give the nails the desired shape and polish them. Apply clear varnish. It is necessary so that the next layers of varnish adhere better.
  2. Apply base varnish. To do this, you can choose any color, it all depends on the tone of the water design. Such designs look most vivid on white varnish. But don’t overdo it with contrast, otherwise such a manicure will be provocative and ridiculous.
  3. Carefully cover the nail with tape and first apply a rich cream to the cuticle.
  4. Alternately drip yellow and blue varnish into a bowl of water. The first droplets will quickly spread over the surface. All subsequent drops should be applied to the very center of the spreading surface. We do this until the area of ​​varnish on the surface is sufficiently wide and uniform.
  5. Use a toothpick to make the desired design. The toothpick should not be dipped into clean water and then moved across the surface of the varnish. This way you can pull the entire film towards you. It's better to start painting from the second layer. Lines can be drawn in different directions, towards the center or parallel, across the entire surface or stopping in the middle.
  6. Dip your finger into the container. This should be done carefully and smoothly.
  7. It’s better to hold your finger in the water for a couple of seconds, then use a stick to remove any remaining polish on the surface and turn the nail over.
  8. We remove excess varnish from the cuticle and cover it with a fixing layer of transparent varnish.

Don't be upset if this design doesn't work out the first time. You should practice several times and you need to know some secrets that will help make the process easier and more effective.

In this list we have collected the key points that interest beginners in creating this nail design.

So, what do manicurists advise:

  1. Fat cream should be applied only around the nail. If it gets on the nail plate, the product should be removed with a napkin and the nail should be degreased. Otherwise the varnish will not stick.
  2. The water temperature should be warm, but not exceed 40 degrees. It is this temperature that allows you to create the most interesting drawings.
  3. Don't worry if you can't get identical designs on your nails. The meaning of water design is that all the patterns are made in the same style, but differ from each other.
  4. To create such a design, liquid varnishes are best suited. If your varnish is outdated, you should not dilute it with solvents, otherwise the varnish will deteriorate and the manicure will not work.
  5. Varnishes with a gel structure are not suitable for our design. They are simply not able to spread over the surface of the water.
  6. The design can be applied either to a simply clean and grease-free nail, or to one previously coated with varnish. Pastel or white tones are most often chosen as a base - they will make the top shades more expressive.
  7. You should not choose too many varnishes to create a design. You need to know when to stop. When you first try, it is best to choose only two shades.
  8. To ensure that the design comes out beautiful every time, the toothpick should be cleaned with nail polish remover. Or better yet, take a new one.
  9. To save varnish, it is better to take a container that is not too wide. But it must have sufficient depth, otherwise the nail will touch the bottom and the design will be smeared.
  10. This manicure is best done on medium-length nails. On very long or short nails this design will not look so beautiful.
  11. To give your nails a marble look, you should use pastel colors to create a design. Shimmer and holographic polishes give an amazing effect.
  12. The most universal is the black and white drawing. This design can be used for a formal meeting as well as for everyday life or a party.

The most common mistakes when creating a water manicure:

  1. Wrong choice of bowl. If the tip of the nail touches the bottom when immersed in water, it means that the depth of the selected container is insufficient. You should choose a deeper dish.
  2. Wrong choice of water temperature. If the water is too cold, the varnish on its surface immediately becomes crusty.
  3. Old varnishes. Thick varnish will not spread over the surface of the water.
  4. The varnish does not drip onto the surface of the water. There may be two reasons: the varnish is too thick and contact with the surface of the water. The second cannot be allowed.
  5. Dirty toothpick. You should clean the toothpick as you draw each line. It is also worth remembering that you should not immerse it in water deeper than 5 mm, otherwise the drawing will turn out blurry.

How to do a water manicure (step-by-step video instructions)

Theory is good, but step-by-step video materials explain all the subtleties and rules of manicure creation technology most clearly.

Let's look at two techniques for creating water-based manicure in blue tones. In the first version, the petals are made in the direction only from the edge to the center, and in the second - from the edge to the center and in the opposite direction. It's very interesting to watch how this is done live!

Classic black and white manicure is not boring at all! Here's one idea:

Basic rules for creating water design:

Well, and several options for unusual nail design solutions:

Water manicure ideas

Every year the fashion world dictates completely different trends to us, starting from color and style. This applies to clothes, makeup, hairstyles and, of course, manicure.

Interesting fact: water design technology dates back to the 7th century. So, in Japan, various surfaces were decorated in a similar way and “marbled” paper was made.

At the beginning of 2014, water art was done mainly on the entire surface of the nail. Both bright and contrasting and delicate pastel colors were used. But by the middle of the year, some changes in technology appeared: now a plate of dried varnish is simply removed from the surface of the water and used as needed - cut out to the shape of a nail or as separate parts.

Nail design complemented with water elements has also become very popular. To create it, the tip of the nail is painted with a bright varnish, and on top, using a water manicure, a design made with white and transparent varnish is applied. It looks very impressive!

In the future, water-based nail designs will become even more popular. With the development of manicure art, more and more new design ideas appear. For example, a combination with liquid stones gives the following result:

Manicurists constantly compete in their skills, and this competition cannot but please the fair sex!

When creating a nail design using water technology, it is not necessary to follow ready-made solutions; You can and should create new ideas yourself. Have fun experimenting!

A water manicure (also known as a marble manicure) for someone inexperienced in nail design may seem like the creation of a real artist; on nails it is a very interesting idea and gives the impression of professional and expensive.

At first glance it seems that it is extremely difficult to complete, but this is not so. With a little effort, any girl can learn how to make it at home with a minimum of equipment.

It will be cheaper than going to the salon and you won’t even have to leave your home. If you don’t succeed on the first try, don’t despair; this requires practice. But once you learn, you will begin to receive a sea of ​​compliments.

  • water in any vessel, a small volume is welcome;
  • set of nail polishes: base coat, top coat, colored varnishes. You need at least two of the latter, preferably more, so the drawing will look more intricate and varied;
  • high-fat cream, cuticle oil or tape;
  • a stick with a sharp tip (a toothpick, skewer or needle will do);
  • nail polish remover;

What should you pay attention to when performing water manicure?

  • Water: she must be strictly room temperature, since in cold water the varnish will harden, turn into a hard crust and you will not be able to apply it to your nails. Hot water, on the contrary, will make the varnish even more liquid and make application more difficult;
  • Varnish: varnishes are only suitable for the procedure liquid consistency, no need to use old, viscous products. You should also exclude gel polish, it is too dense for these manipulations;
  • After every nail clean the stick, which you made the patterns to prevent the patterns from smearing in the next step. Driving on a water surface with varnishes must be strictly tip, do not immerse the toothpick too deeply;
  • To prevent the pattern from smearing on the nail, hold your finger in the water for some time, preferably making fewer movements, and only then carefully lift;
  • When you put your finger in water varnish residue on the water surface it is necessary delete, you can use a toothpick again. This is easy to do and will help you avoid spoiling the pattern on the next nail;
  • The water container must be not too big so as not to waste too much varnish, but also not little so that you can lower your finger without touching the edges of the vessel, otherwise you will not achieve an even pattern;
  • This manicure has no restrictions on nail length, it can be performed even on a short nail plate;
  • Before applying the design, you should do a manicure that is familiar to you, so that remove or push back cuticle, otherwise the pattern on unkempt nails will look sloppy;
  • Don't forget to apply at the end top coating, this way your design will last longer without chipping, the entire surface of the nail will look even and acquire a mirror shine;

Now you are aware of all the nuances of water manicure, it’s time to start practicing.

Water manicure technique

Stage 1:

Prepare all the tools and resources discussed in the first part of the article. Pour water into the dishes as close to the edges as possible to make it easier to lower the nail evenly. Take the first colored varnish and, holding the brush fairly close to the water surface, put the first drop. If the varnish is chosen correctly, this drop should begin to spread. Next, take a varnish of a different color and do the same procedure with it: make another drop over the center of the existing circle of varnish.

You can settle on a two-color pattern, or you can continue to layer shades, so the pattern will combine a whole rainbow of colors and delight you with its brightness.

So, multi-colored circles will appear before you, from which you can make a beautiful marble design according to your taste and desire, the line in it will be intertwined with the line. Take a stick with a thin, sharp tip and gently move it over the varnish stains, without going too deep. You can also learn more about pattern design options below.

Stage 2:

Work on your fingers and nails. The design should only be on the nail, but since you need to immerse your finger halfway, the entire space adjacent to the nail will be stained with varnish. To make it easier later remove nail polish from cuticles and from the skin of the fingers, everything around the nail plate needs to be lubricated cream, but without going onto the nail itself, otherwise your pattern will not stick.

Another way is to seal everything around the nail. tape, but since open areas will still remain without cream, you still can’t do it.

Pay attention to all the fingers at once, since later with wet varnish you will not be able to seal the others without damaging your design.

In the modern world, there is another product that can make the manicure procedure easier at home; it is usually sold in stores specializing in varnishes.

It is a substance that looks like glue, it is applied near the nail, and after hardening it can be removed by pulling it like a film. All the varnish that has come out beyond the borders will remain on it, and the manicure will look neat and even.

But such a tool requires additional material investments, so you can save money and get by with the techniques mentioned above.

Stage 3:

After all the preparations, it's time to transfer the pattern to the nail. The finger is placed with the nail down and directly above the center of the pattern on the water, parallel to it. Finger carefully falls into the water and lingers there for a while so that the drawing gets a better grip. At this time, you need to use a stick to collect all the varnish remaining on the surface of the water.

After these steps, the finger can be pulled out. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time; later you will learn to do it quickly and deftly.

Stage 4:

Next you need clear All space around the nail. Peel off the tape if you use it, and if you used cream or oil, the varnish can be easily wiped off with a cotton swab or cotton pad.

Stage 5:

Consolidation work done. Wait for the pattern to completely harden, then apply a clear varnish or a special top coat on top. It will extend the wearing time of your manicure without chipping. The cuticle can be moisturized with oil or cream.

Original ideas for water manicure

Combinations of colors and textures

If you are an amateur calm flowers If you don’t like an abundance of designs and think that a marble manicure should always be bright and flashy, and therefore avoid it, then don’t rush to conclusions.

You can create a composition of shades that will look appropriate even in a strict setting.

Take white varnish as a base and alternate it with pastel colors, for example, soft pink, mint, light yellow, gray, lilac. On water it will look like this: a drop of white varnish, a drop of colored varnish, a drop of white and so on.

Black and white traditional manicure also always remains at the peak of fashion. You can even achieve a zebra effect if you like animalistic patterns.

Berry Explosion: mix bright, delicious shades such as raspberry, cherry, lingonberry, plum. Just try not to place close colors next to each other so that they do not merge with each other, create contrast.

Violet aroma: Shades of purple are interesting in combination with each other; you can even create some kind of gradient from light to dark or use only two colors - light lilac and deep purple.

Beach manicure: A composition of yellow, blue and orange will always remind you of summer.

Concerning textures, It always looks interesting to use both glossy and pearlescent particles at the same time; it gives the nail a special volume. You can also use homogeneous ones, this is more traditional.

Don't be afraid to use glitter, but don't overdo it so as not to make your bright manicure look vulgar.

Pattern options

By drawing with a toothpick on the varnish surface on water, you can achieve completely unique patterns.

Don't be afraid to slide the toothpick in different directions, creating intricate interweaving lines.

But you need to do this quickly enough so that the varnish does not harden.

There are also several generally accepted patterns.

Flower : on the resulting circle of multi-colored varnishes, straight lines are drawn from the edges to the center with a toothpick. Don't connect them to each other. First make four lines, you should get four petals. Then continue drawing the petals in the same way.

Zigzags : Use a toothpick to draw a line dividing the circle in half. Then, from the bottom edge, begin to make zigzag movements to the right and left, moving towards the top edge. You will get one zigzag. You can make them more frequent by drawing another one on top in the other direction. But remember that you need to paint quickly so that the varnish does not harden.

Stripes : Place a toothpick in the center and draw a line to the left. Pull it out, draw a line to the right again from the center. Then, from the right edge, start drawing lines from top to bottom and bottom to top, moving to the left. When you then dip your nail into the center, it will create streaks.

The options for nail designs are endless, and they will probably be different on each nail, but that's the beauty of aquatic manicure. You can get interesting drawings that others will be interested in looking at. Practice and you will succeed.

Beautiful nails with a spectacular, original design will always attract admiring glances. Fashion trends dictate to us marble patterns in nail design, and they are very easy to make using water and the resulting colored stains of nail polishes. If you want to make yourself an interesting nail design, try a water manicure. It looks impressive, attractive and fantastic. It is possible to combine different color combinations and various, unique patterns.

Today's site website will show what water manicure looks like and how to do it yourself. Of course, such nail decoration requires accuracy and a certain skill in order to ultimately obtain the desired result.

Creating a water manicure is a creative process from which you will certainly get pleasure and a good mood.

Water manicure – how to do it?


  • Small glass of water room temperature. If the water is cold, the varnish will harden quickly and you won’t be able to make a pattern. Hot water is also not suitable, because... will change the structure of the varnish.
  • Several colors of nail polishes(at least two colors). The palette can be anything and the choice will depend on your taste and mood. Important! – Quick-drying varnishes are completely unsuitable for water-based manicure.
  • Toothpick.
  • Scotch tape or fat cream for application to the skin around the nails. This will help quickly remove the colored varnish film from the skin.
  • Top coat – clear varnish, which is applied at the end of the entire procedure. Smoothes the nail surface and adds shine.

Water manicure can be done on all fingers or highlight one or two nails, because multi-colored nails are now in fashion. The finished drawing can be coated with sparkling varnish with glitter.

Water manicure options photo

Water manicure is a unique application technique and unique mesmerizing patterns! The owner of such a manicure will certainly stand out from the crowd and arouse admiration from others. Water manicure is done today in any salon, but if you want to experiment on your own and save money, then this article with instructions is for you!

Pros and cons of water manicure


  • original unique design
  • the ability to combine different colors and experiment
  • Since a ready-made design is applied to the nail, it dries very quickly


  • high consumption of varnish
  • inability to do a manicure on all nails at once
  • large time costs

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What you need for a water manicure

  • clear nail polish
  • colored varnishes (from 2 pieces of different colors)
  • water container
  • toothpick or orange stick
  • cool water
  • thin tape
  • cotton buds
  • nail polish remover

To achieve a manicure on water, the varnish must be liquid and not dry quickly.

How to do a water manicure

Step 1

Prepare your nails: do your usual manicure (edged, not trimmed), pay special attention to the cuticle, it should be completely removed. The nail plate should be smooth, then the water manicure will look perfect.
Apply a base coat to your nails - white polish or one of the colors you will be using. The manicure will look brighter on white polish.
Wait until the coating dries, cover your fingers with tape so that only the nail is exposed.

Step 2

Pour water at room temperature (no more than 35 degrees) into the container. Many girls select the temperature experimentally; if it doesn’t work at one temperature, they try another.
Place a drop of varnish into the water; it should spread to the edges of the container. Drip from a height of no more than 2 cm, otherwise the drop will drown. Add a different color of polish to the center of the first drop, continue changing colors 3-6 times.

Step 3

Using a toothpick, create the pattern you want in the water (watch the video to understand how to do this). You can draw stars, flowers, spirals or just colorful patterns by moving a stick from the edges of the container to the center and vice versa. After each line drawn in water, wipe the stick with a cloth or cotton pad.

Remember: no more than 90 seconds should pass from the first drop to placing your finger in the water, otherwise the polish will dry completely.

Step 4

Quickly dip your finger into the water onto the resulting pattern, and use a toothpick to push the remaining varnish in the water away from your finger without removing it from the water. Carefully remove your finger, remove the tape and remove excess polish with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.

Step 5

Repeat steps 2-4 for each finger. Seal the manicure with clear polish, sealing the ends. When you learn how to quickly do this manicure, you will be able to dip several fingers at once, reducing the time spent on this process.

What could go wrong?

Drops of varnish do not spread in water
First, check the water temperature, experiment with it, find the optimal one for your varnishes.
Secondly, make sure you take liquid varnishes; thick or quick-drying ones are not suitable for water-based manicure.
If, when you dip your finger into the water, you touch the edges of the container and thereby smear the design,
use another container with wider edges or add more water.
Your water manicure is smudging
Perhaps you take your finger out of the water too quickly, hold it there longer. Carefully remove the remaining pattern in the water with a stick before you remove your finger.
If you don’t have time to transfer the design to the nail, the varnish becomes crusty in the water.
Check the water temperature: the lower it is, the faster the varnish dries, add hot water.

Read which makeup brush is intended for what, and how to choose the best one.

Photo of water manicure: ideas for you!

Video tutorials: water manicure at home

Blue-green flowers

Red-orange stains


Black and white

Purple stripes

Pastel rainbow

An original combination of rainbow manicure and black and white watercolor

Nails are an integral element of the image of a modern girl, which makes her image complete and complete. In order to remain original, the female gender undertakes many incredible tricks and methods to create a unique manicure. In some cases, this results in complex and lengthy procedures, but there is a way to create an individual manicure that allows you to use your full creative potential and achieve excellent results. In some cases, the most ordinary materials can help create a magical nail design.

How to do a water manicure at home

Oddly enough, the procedure for creating a water manicure is very simple. It won’t take much time and will allow you to add a unique nail pattern to your image, the parameters of which are determined only by the imagination of the creator. This technique does not involve particularly complex manipulations and is accessible even to beginners.

The specificity of the so-called marble manicure lies in the sequential application of nail polish to the surface of the water, creating a soft colored film on the surface of the water. The design is transferred to the nail plate by immersing it in a container of liquid and removing it with the finished masterpiece.

What water and tools are needed

A manicure does not require many auxiliary tools; it is only important to decide on the basic color scheme that will reflect the mood. You can create bright, catchy, truly summer designs using warm varnish colors: yellow, red, green, blue. If an extravagant presentation is not suitable at the moment, then the nails can be covered with more strict shades, using white and black. In water manicure, the main thing is to realize the contrast of color shades, since this is a distinctive feature of the technique.

It is important to understand that varnish is a rather specific material that behaves differently under certain conditions. Based on this, it is important that the water used to dilute the nail coating remains the same, cool temperature. The temperature of the water plays an important role during the implementation of the event; for this reason, to ensure a constant thermal state of the liquid, a sufficiently deep container, such as a glass, should be used. Having filled a pre-prepared vessel with cool water, you can begin mixing paints.

It is also necessary to take care that the process is not delayed due to wiping off the varnish from dirty fingers. To do this, you need to wrap your finger with any material that will protect them from staining. As a barrier, you can use adhesive tape, adhesive tape, or any other material, wrapping it around the phalanx of the finger so that only the nail plate is accessible to external influence.

It will also be necessary to prepare acetone in case particles of varnish get on the skin, since they should be removed immediately with a cotton pad. You will also need a toothpick or some other thin, pointed object to create a design. And, of course, several nail polishes in matching colors.

Step-by-step instructions

  • First of all, add varnish to a glass of water. This should be done carefully by dripping, applying a drop of one color to the center of the container. After the varnish has spread through the water, creating a thin film, apply the next color to the middle of the round spot and so on until the intended number of shades has been accumulated. The result should be something like a target.

  • Then you will need to create the desired pattern; to achieve this goal, take a toothpick and make several cuts on the “target”, moving it from the edge of the container to the base of the pattern. Having performed several manipulations, you can notice that a completely clear composition that suits the creator has formed on the water surface. It is important to remember that before each cut, the toothpick must be removed from moisture and varnish residues.

  • The next step is to create “protective equipment” for the finger so that the varnish film does not get on the skin, which dries out immediately. After this, you can safely dip your finger into the water so that the nail falls parallel to the surface of the water. The immersed finger should be left in the liquid until the remaining varnish film is removed from the glass using a toothpick.

  • After all the stages have been completed, you can take out your finger and remove the barrier clothing from it. As a result, the nails are left with a very original manicure, which is very easy to create yourself at home.

Video tutorial on how to create a marble manicure

This video tutorial will give you all the necessary instructions for creating a marble manicure at home. In addition to simple tips, the author of the video offers several options for creating patterns to create an original and unique look.

Photo ideas for nail design with marble effect

The most important thing that is needed to create a marble effect on nails is imagination. Using a toothpick, you can not only make cuts in the film from the edges to the center, but also vice versa. Spiral cuts will also look great, which allows you to create the effect of marble. In fact, any chaotic manipulation with a thin tool will result in a creative nail design idea.

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