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This is how the only daughter of the legendary musician Kurt Cobain lives now. Frances Bean Cobain - daughter of Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain's 24-year-old daughter Frances Bean has literally burst into the fashion world. Judging by the girl’s new photos, the heir to the legendary musician has become a real beauty.

Frances Bean Cobain starred for the new collection of world famous designer Marc Jacobs. The girl, who, by her own admission, does not like grunge, at one time literally idolized by her eminent parents Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, took part in a shoot of clothes corresponding to this particular style.
The public was delighted with the girl’s appearance. Indeed, Frances, who never sought to be the center of attention, to shine on the red carpet and pose for journalists, appeared before the audience as a real beauty - plump lips, large bright eyes, a magnificent figure. Apparently, Frances decided to open a new page in her life and come out of the shadows.
If you carefully look at the photographs of Kurt Cobain's daughter, which the girl posts on her official page on the social network Instagram, you can judge that Frances. As is typical for many attractive girls, she tries not to focus attention on her appearance. The musician's heiress prefers loose clothes, jeans and sweaters. But in vain!

However, fashion business sharks have long noticed Frances. Judging by the photos that the girl posted on her account, this is not her first shoot with Marc Jacobs. This means that Frances will continue to be invited to advertise famous brands.

Let us remind you that Frances Bean Cobain was born on August 18, 1992. She got her name from Frances McKee, the vocalist of the Scottish twee pop group The Vaselines, beloved by Kurt Cobain. Soon after the baby was born, the new parents had to deal with law enforcement agencies - the Los Angeles Department of Children's Services opened a case against them to deprive the spouses of parental rights.

The fact is that shortly before the birth of Frances, Courtney Love gave an interview in which she admitted that she had been taking heroin for a short time, not yet knowing that she was pregnant. The journalist who spoke with her presented it as if Courtney had been dabbling in drugs throughout her pregnancy, and admitted that she was very “concerned” about this circumstance.

Love categorically denied this, but the journalist assured that she had relevant records. However, Courtney and Kurt managed to defend their right to raise their daughter independently. However, they were required to undergo regular drug tests.
Nirvana founder and frontman Kurt Cobain was found dead on April 8, 1994, in a greenhouse behind his home in Seattle. The perpetrator injected a large dose of heroin, and then shot him in the head with a gun. They say Cobain committed suicide because of drugs.

The daughter of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain and singer Courtney Love, Frances Bean Cobain, gave a candid interview to Rolling Stone magazine. In it, the girl who recently produced the film Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck spoke about her dislike for Nirvana’s work, the relationship between Kurt and Courtney, and her own version of the death of the legendary father.

Francis Bean Cobain

About musical preferences:

I'm not a fan of Nirvana, I don't like grunge. I only scream when I hear their songs Territorial P*ssings and Dumb. May the employees of Universal forgive me. My favorite bands are Mercury Rev, Oasis and Brian Jonestown Massacre.

About the cause of Kurt Cobain's death:

I was against the elevation of my father to a cult, against myths and rumors about him. I understand that Kurt will forever remain a rock icon, he will forever be 27 years old. But the shelf life of artists and musicians is not very long... Ultimately, he had to sacrifice a part of himself for the sake of art. I think that was one of the main triggers as to why he felt like he didn't want to live in this world and everyone would be happier without him. Every great artist is mad. My father was very ambitious, he dreamed of the success of the group, but never wanted to be called the “voice of a generation.” If he had stayed alive, I would have had a dad. And that would be an incredible experience.

On the role of her father in her life:

It would be strange if I were a fan of my father. He passed away when I was 20 months old. But when I turned 15, I realized that this was inevitable. I heard his music everywhere, I realized that he was larger than life, that our culture is obsessed with dead musicians. If only Kurt had been a simple guy who left his family in the most terrible way... But he inspired people to elevate him to the ranks of saints, to worship him. After death he became even more influential than during life.

On the relationship between Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love:

I always knew that their relationship was harmful for both of them. And I was not the child who could solve their problems. But I know from videos and letters that Kurt was real with me... My dad really loved me.

Courtney Love and Frances Bean Cobain

Recall that Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home in Seattle on April 8, 1994, four days after his death. The official version of the singer's death is suicide. Last year, Seattle police released Cobain's previously unknown suicide note. It is addressed to the musician’s wife, Courtney Love, about whom he speaks contemptuously.

The only one daughter of Kurt Cobain And - Francis Bean Cobain– born on August 18, 1992. Naturally, the child of such a stellar and scandalous couple could not help but attract the attention of both the press and fans of the work of Cobain and Love. Photos of the newborn Frances Bean appeared in the media every now and then, and people seriously thought about how good the girl would be in a family where alcohol and drugs were frequent guests. And it seemed that even such eminent and seemingly not irresponsible godparents as musician Mike Stipe and actress Drew Barrymore could not influence public opinion.

Kurt Cobain's daughter remembers her father only from photographs - she was not even two years old when Nirvana passed away in April 1994. The last time he saw his daughter was a week before his death. In fact, Courtney Love raised her daughter on her own, but it cannot be said that the family was poor - the inherited copyrights to the songs, whose albums sold millions of copies, still bring them good dividends. And a third of this fortune belongs to those who have already reached adulthood Francis Bean.

It cannot be said that the girl grew up in a completely dysfunctional environment, because in addition to her crazy mother in the person of Courtney Love, the vocalist and guitarist of the group Hole– periodically dabbling in both alcohol and drugs, Kurt Cobain’s daughter was surrounded by more adequate relatives, like her grandparents. And they more than once became temporary guardians when Love ended up in rehabilitation clinics. It got to the point that one day Father Love wanted to legally limit the parental rights of the prodigal daughter, but it didn’t work out.

One way or another, Frances Bean Cobain was involved in the crazy world of show business from her youth. At first she starred in videos for the group Hole and appeared in photographs of fashion magazines such as Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Teen Vogue, however, she practically did not give interviews. Despite quite successful vocal tests, music turned out to be not as attractive for Kurt Cobain’s daughter as, for example, modeling and painting - in July 2010, her first personal art exhibition was held in Los Angeles.

I wonder if we would know so much today about a beautiful, talented artist named Frances if her parents were not the sensational rock musicians of the 90s - Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain?

Frances Bean Cobain was born in Los Angeles on August 18, 1992, the only child of Kurt and Courtney Cobain. The name was given in honor of Kurt's favorite singer - Frances McKee, and Bean was added because Cobain looked like a bean on an ultrasound.

It’s curious how life turned out for another star daughter: Mia Tyler

Problems with parental rights for young parents arose almost immediately: during pregnancy, in one of her interviews, Courtney made a reservation that she was taking heroin. They managed to resolve this issue and get their daughter back, but even after Cobain’s death, Frances was raised by her grandmother and aunts, and not by Courtney Love.

When the baby was just over one and a half years old, she was left without a dad. Her difficult relationship with her mother can be explained by Courtney's weaknesses for bad habits and drugs, because of which she had to stay in rehabilitation centers while her daughter remained in the care of relatives.

In Seattle, Frances attended Happy Middle School and studied at Highland Hall Waldorf School, where she always performed well.

Today, on personal pages on social networks you can see many photographs of the happy Cobain family. By the way, the girl’s godparents are Drew Barrymore and Michael Stipe.


Frances could not go unnoticed: from early childhood, attention was drawn to her. In her very first interview with Teen Vogue, Frances said:

"I don't want to be known as the daughter of Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain. I want to be known as Frances Cobain."

For some time, Frances Cobain interned at the New York offices of Rolling Stone and performed on stage as a vocalist.

Unlike her star musician parents, Frances gave preference to another art form - drawing. An exhibition of her paintings has already taken place in a Los Angeles gallery.

Below are some of her works:

In 2017, Cobain presented the spring collection of famous designer Marc Jacobs:

Despite her successful experience in the fashion world, Frances noted that this is not for her, and is not going to continue.

Personal life

As expected, the same creative person became the lover of the daughter of famous musicians. Twenty-one-year-old Frances married Isaiah Silva, her elder by almost ten years, on June 29, 2014, but the couple divorced two years later on March 23.

Fans noted that her husband is very similar to Kurt Cobain:

Cobain's relationship with her ex did not end there. True, these were already legal issues regarding the late father’s guitar. According to TMZ, the heiress has filed court papers demanding that her ex-husband return his 1959 Martin D-18E guitar. It is known that during his lifetime, the leader of Nirvana performed songs using this musical instrument at the MTV Unplugged concert in New York in 1993. The cost of the instrument is estimated at $100 million.

Isaiah Silva insisted that this guitar was nothing more than a gift from his ex-wife. Frances herself categorically denied this version, emphasizing that she would not give a priceless family heirloom to anyone.

Kurt Cobain shot himself when his daughter was 1 year and 8 months old, so Frances can only tell stories about her father that she has heard many times in the family circle.

The girl explains her father’s actions as follows:

“Kurt got to the point where he eventually had to sacrifice everything he had in his art because the world demanded more of him. I think that was one of the main factors that made him leave this place."

Surprisingly, the daughter of the leader of Nirvana is not a fan of his work, with the exception of some individual songs. She treats with trepidation every recording in which his voice is heard and emphasizes that she finds in him a striking similarity with her voice, although they never had a chance to hear each other.

Frances Cobain once answered the question of what would have happened if her father had not died:

“I would have had a dad, and that’s the best thing that could have happened.”

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