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Age and individual characteristics of a 4-5 year old child. How to help your child develop speech abilities


1 “Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old” The children turned 4 years old and moved to the middle group. We notice many new features in their behavior and activities that have manifested themselves in intellectual, physical and emotional development. What changes in our children at the age of 4-5 years? A game. The game is still the leading activity of the preschooler. In middle preschool age, games become joint, more and more children are included in them, and role-playing interactions appear. The game becomes more complex in content, number of roles and role-playing dialogues. Game actions begin to be performed not for the sake of the games themselves, but for the sake of the meaning of the game. There is a separation between playful and real interactions of children. Children act confidently in their roles. Children's role-playing games have various themes that the child is familiar with from his own life experience. The focus of the child’s attention is on human relationships associated with specific objective actions, thanks to which children learn human relationships. Same-sex play communication predominates. Girls prefer games with family themes and “princess” games. Boys are interested in playing “military, builders, sailors.” Many objects in the game are replaced by conventional ones, and a symbolic game arises. For example, a simple die can represent different objects, depending on the theme of the game. Actions in the game become condensed, short, repetitions disappear, one action is replaced by another. A special role in the game is given to strict adherence to the rules; leadership appears here for the first time. The symbolic form of individual play activity of preschoolers is visual activity. Drawing gradually involves more and more active ideas and thinking. From depicting what he sees, the child gradually moves on to depicting what he remembers, knows and invents himself. The drawing becomes substantive and detailed. The graphic image of a person is characterized by the presence of a torso, eyes, mouth, nose, hair, and sometimes clothing and its details. The technical side of visual arts is being improved. Children can draw basic shapes, cut them out with scissors, and stick images. Competition games also appear in which winning or success becomes the most attractive moment for children. In such games, the motivation to achieve success is formed and consolidated. The child’s motor sphere is characterized by positive changes in fine and gross motor skills. Develops dexterity and coordination of movements.

2 Children at this age are better than younger preschoolers in maintaining balance and stepping over small obstacles. Ball games become more difficult. Perception. Children are able to name the shape that this or that object resembles. They can isolate simple forms from complex objects and recreate complex objects from simple forms. Children are able to organize groups of objects according to the sensory characteristics of size and color; select parameters such as height, length and width. They disassemble and fold a three-part and four-part matryoshka doll, a pyramid, and fold a cut picture of 2 and 3 parts by visual correlation. Orientation in space is improved. Memory. Memory capacity increases. Children remember 5-6 objects or pictures. Voluntary memorization begins to take shape: children are able to accept a memorization task, remember instructions from adults, and can learn a short poem. Thinking. In middle preschool age, the most characteristic form of thinking for a child is visual-figurative, which determines a qualitatively new stage in his development. At this age, a child can already solve problems not only in the process of practical actions with objects, but also in his mind, relying on his figurative ideas about objects. Visual-figurative thinking is basic in preschool childhood and becomes more generalized by older preschool age. Children can understand complex diagrammatic images, imagine a real situation based on them, and even create such images on their own. On the basis of figurative thinking in preschool age, verbal-logical thinking begins to form, which enables the child to solve problems and acquire more complex elementary scientific knowledge. Anticipation develops. Based on the spatial arrangement of objects, children can tell what will happen as a result of their interaction. However, it is difficult for them to take the position of another observer and internally make a mental transformation of the image. The imagination continues to develop. Its features such as originality and arbitrariness are formed. A remarkable feature of children is their imagination. The vividness of fantasies expands the scope of children's mental capabilities. Children can independently come up with a short fairy tale on a given topic. By the age of 4-5, planning is included in the imagination process. The child is planning

3 one step of his actions, carries out it, sees the result, and then plans the next step. We can say that the systemic place of imagination in the general structure of the child’s consciousness is changing. A preschool child becomes able to act in terms of general ideas. Attention. The stability of attention increases. The child finds it accessible to concentrated. interesting activity in minutes. He is able to retain a simple condition in memory when performing any action. Speech. Speech becomes the subject of children's activity, pronunciation of sounds and diction improves. Children's vocabulary increases to 2000 words or more. In conversation, the child begins to use complex phrases and sentences. They successfully imitate the voices of animals and intonationally highlight the speech of certain characters. They use generalized words, name animals and their babies, professions of people, parts of objects. Retell familiar fairy tales with the help of adults. The rhythmic structure of speech and rhymes are of interest. The grammatical aspect of speech develops. Children engage in word creation based on grammatical rules. The speech of children when interacting with each other is situational in nature, and when communicating with an adult it becomes extra-situational. An adult is now of interest primarily as a source of fascinating and competent information. Communication with adults and peers. The content of communication between a child and an adult changes. It goes beyond the specific situation in which the child finds himself. The cognitive motive becomes the leading one. The information that a child receives during communication may be complex and difficult to understand, but it is of interest. Children aged 4-5 years are called inquisitive whys; they actively strive for cognitive, intellectual communication. Often a child repeatedly asks an adult the same question in order to get to the bottom of a topic that worries him. Children of this age awaken an interest in the rules of behavior, as evidenced by numerous complaints to the teacher that someone is doing something wrong or not fulfilling some requirement. At the level of cognitive communication, children experience an urgent need for respectful treatment from an adult. The desire to communicate with peers is actively manifested. Selectivity in communication is characteristic, which is expressed in the preference of some children

4 others. Regular play partners appear. Children communicate about toys, joint games, and common affairs. Leaders begin to emerge in groups. Competitiveness and competitiveness appear, which influences the development of the child’s self-image. Emotional sphere. The emotional sphere is actively developing and maturing: feelings become deeper and more stable; the former joyful feeling from communicating with others develops into a more complex feeling of sympathy and affection. Children are hypersensitive to the words, assessments and attitudes of adults towards them. Children develop a need for respect from an adult; their praise turns out to be extremely important for them. They rejoice at praise, but often react to disapproval and remark very emotionally: with outbursts of anger, tears, perceiving comments as a personal insult. The vulnerability of a 4-5 year old child is not a manifestation of individuality, but a feature of age. In the fifth year of life, children show interest in gender issues, and awareness of their gender begins. Childhood fears. At the age of 4-5 years, many children are afraid of fairy-tale characters (Babu Yaga, Koshchei, imaginary monsters). These are age-related fears and are temporary. The main achievements of age are associated with the development of play activity; the emergence of role-playing and real-life interactions; with the development of visual activity; design by design, planning; improving perception, developing imaginative thinking and imagination. Development of memory, attention, speech, cognitive motivation, improvement of perception; the formation of the need for respect from an adult, vulnerability, competition with peers, the further development of the child’s self-image, its detailing.

5 To support and fully develop a child at this age: Take time for educational conversations with your child. Read educational literature to them. A four-year-old child often asks the question: “Why?” He is very interested in learning about the world around him and discussing with you what he sees. Listen to your stories about the seas and oceans, animals, stories from people's lives. When answering children's questions, do not try to explain everything scientifically. Try to formulate your thoughts in simpler language. For example, when a child asks why there is a thunderstorm, you do not talk about static electricity, it is enough to say that the clouds collided with each other. Children of this age love to dress up and dress up. Provide them with as many clothes and items as possible. Children are happy to transform, play roles, imagining themselves as a doctor, artist, singer. They pretend to sing, dance, heal each other. The peer becomes interesting as a play partner. The participation of an adult is useful if the children themselves invite him to the game or voluntarily agree to his participation. Children determine the plot and course of the game themselves, and also assign roles. This is an advantage of the game that it is the only independent activity organized by children. At this age, children love to travel. Take them for walks outside of the kindergarten more. Take you to interesting places. After 4 years, the child begins to be interested in letters and numbers. But don't overload your child. By this age, shortcomings in upbringing take shape in stable unpleasant character traits. Evaluate the child’s actions, not his personality as a whole.

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The rate of physical development of a child from the 4th to the 6th year of life is approximately the same: the average increase in height per year is 5-7 cm, in body weight - 1.5-2 kg. The height of four-year-old boys is 100.3 cm. By the age of five it increases by approximately 7.0 cm. The average height of four-year-old girls is 99.7 cm, five-year-old girls is 106.1 cm. Body weight in the groups of boys and girls is equal to, respectively 4 years 15.9 and 15.4 kg, and at 5 years – 17.8 and 17.5 kg.

Features of the musculoskeletal system

By the age of five, the ratio of the sizes of the various parts of the spine in a child becomes the same as in an adult, but the growth of the spine continues until adulthood. The skeleton of a preschool child is flexible, since the ossification process is not yet complete. In this regard, children 4-5 years old should not be given strength exercises during physical education classes; it is necessary to constantly monitor the correctness of their posture.

Maintaining one position for a long time can cause muscle strain and ultimately poor posture. Therefore, in classes related to maintaining a static posture, various forms of physical education breaks are used.

Muscles develop in a certain sequence: first large muscle groups, then small ones. Therefore, the load should be strictly dosed, in particular for small muscle groups. For pencil drawings, the child is not given large sheets of paper, as he is tired of having to sketch a large surface. To depict individual objects in the middle group, it is recommended to use paper the size of half a sheet of paper, for plot drawings - 28 x 20 cm.

Respiratory system

The child's body's need for oxygen increases by 40% over the period from 3 to 5 years. There is a restructuring of the external respiration function. The predominant abdominal type of breathing in children aged 2-3 years begins to be replaced by chest breathing by the age of 5. By the same age, the vital capacity of the lungs increases slightly (on average to 900-1060 cm '), and in boys it is greater than in girls.

The cardiovascular system

The absolute weight of the heart at this age is 83.7 g, the pulse rate is 99 beats per minute, and the average blood pressure is 98/60 mmHg. However, large individual fluctuations in cardiac and respiratory parameters are observed. So, at 4 years old, the heart rate (pulse) per minute ranges from 87 to 112, and the respiratory rate - from 19 to 29.

At the age of 4-5 years, the rhythm of heart contractions is easily disrupted, so during physical activity the heart muscle quickly tires. Signs of fatigue are expressed in redness or paleness of the facial skin, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, and uncoordinated movements. It is important to prevent children from getting tired and to change the load and nature of activity in a timely manner. When switching to a calmer activity, the heart rate quickly normalizes and the performance of the heart muscle is restored.

Development of sense organs

The first five years of life are the “golden time” for the development of children’s sensory abilities.

The lens of a preschooler's eye has a flatter shape than that of an adult. Hence some farsightedness. However, myopia can easily develop. So, when looking at illustrations, and even at a poorly lit table, when working with a pencil or various small objects, the child strains his eyesight and bends over too much. At the same time, the muscles of the eye change the shape of the lens to better refract light rays,

intraocular pressure also changes, the eyeball enlarges. Repeated often, these changes can take hold. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the correct working posture in children and constantly monitor it both in class and in their independent activities.

In a 4-5 year old child, the process of development of the hearing organ continues. The eardrum is tender and easily wounded, the ossification of the auditory canal and temporal bone has not finished. Therefore, an inflammatory process can easily occur in the ear cavity.

The vulnerability of the hearing organ and the incomplete formation of the central nervous system are associated with the greater sensitivity of preschoolers to noise. If the life of children in a group constantly proceeds against a background of noise of about 45-50 decibels, persistent hearing loss and fatigue occur. Meanwhile, falling cubes and chairs, loud conversation create a noise of approximately 70-75 decibels. That is why preschool institutions must actively combat noise: it is necessary to teach children to use toys correctly, carefully move chairs, and speak quietly.

Development of higher nervous activity

The central nervous system is the main regulatory mechanism of physiological and mental processes.

Nervous processes - excitation and inhibition - in a child, as in an adult, are characterized by three main properties: strength, balance and mobility. By the age of 4-5, the strength of the nervous processes in a child increases and their mobility increases. But especially characteristic for children of this age is the improvement of inter-analyzer connections and the mechanism of interaction of signaling systems.

The ability to accompany their play with speech is gradually improving; children easily perceive the instructions of an adult in the process of various activities. This allows you to diversify teaching methods. In the middle group, for example, it is possible to improve the pronunciation of speech sounds in the process of outdoor games specially designed for this.

In four-year-old children, the mechanism for comparing words with reality is not yet sufficiently developed. When perceiving their surroundings, they are guided mainly by the words of an adult. In other words, their behavior is characterized by suggestibility. In the fifth year of life, especially towards the end of the year, the mechanism for comparing words with the corresponding stimuli of the first signaling system is improved, independence of actions and conclusions increases.

However, the nervous processes in a child of middle preschool age are still far from perfect. The process of excitation predominates. When habitual living conditions are violated or when fatigue occurs, this manifests itself in violent emotional reactions and non-compliance with the rules of behavior. Violent emotions, fussiness, and an abundance of movements in a child indicate that the process of excitation prevails in him and, while maintaining a tendency to spread, can turn into increased nervous excitability.

At the same time, it is by the age of five that the effectiveness of pedagogical influences aimed at concentrating nervous processes in children increases. Therefore, in classes and in everyday life, it is necessary to improve the child’s reactions to a signal: include walking and running in physical education classes with a change of leader; make extensive use of didactic games and games with rules.

Conditioned reflex connections are formed quickly in children: after 2-4 combinations of a conditioned signal with reinforcement. But they do not acquire stability immediately (only after 15-70 combinations) and are not always durable. This applies both to those conditioned reflexes that are formed in response to verbal signals, and to complex systems of connections.

It is relatively difficult to form various types of conditioned inhibition. Therefore, in order to teach children 4-5 years old to follow the rules of behavior, it is not enough to explain to them what is possible, what is not allowed and what needs to be done, it is necessary to constantly train them in appropriate actions. It is important that the complex systems of connections that make up skills and abilities are strengthened gradually, using material that is repeated with more complexities.

Personal development

To promote the personal development of a 4-5 year old child, the following must be taken into account.

Firstly, at this age the foundations are already being laid creative relationship to the objective world. For this purpose, you can use those modest crafts that a child creates with his own hands for play or as a gift to someone. If an adult systematically emphasizes that the child has done something himself, that he already knows a lot and can create an atmosphere of well-deserved recognition and success for everyone, then the satisfaction that the child will experience will encourage him to continue setting similar tasks.

Secondly, during this period genuine educational attitude towards the world, a disinterested need for knowledge out of interest and desire to know. For the further development of cognitive interest, it is important not only to give the child new knowledge in a fun way, it is necessary to treat his own mental searches and their results with the utmost respect. At the fifth year of life, the child is already able to think without relying on direct experience. He acquires a circle of purely verbal knowledge. Operating with such knowledge, a child can sometimes come to the wrong conclusions and obtain logically imperfect results. Any sign of disrespect for these first independent intellectual steps can discourage a child from becoming interested in the field of knowledge and depriving him of self-confidence. Therefore, the most important requirement for the personal relationships of adults with children and in their relationships with each other is a serious and respectful attitude towards all, even incorrect, considerations of the child.

This does not mean that adults should approve of any wrong thoughts and considerations of children. Adults should not evaluate children, but discuss their considerations with them and object to them as if on equal terms, and not from above. It naturally follows that what is new in a child’s attitude towards other people should be, on the one hand, interest and respect for an adult as a source of new knowledge and a tactful assistant in his own intellectual quests, and on the other hand, a respectful and interested attitude towards similar intellectual quests his peers.

At this age, attitudes towards peers are not yet very differentiated. Children are mainly divided into “bad” and “good”, and these assessments depend to a very large extent on adults. Thus, most children of the fifth year of life consider their peers to be bad because the teacher makes comments to them for eating slowly, not sleeping well, etc.

It must be borne in mind that a child’s reputation in the group, the attitude of his peers towards him and his mental well-being can, without any intent on the part of an adult, be irreparably damaged. For this, a frequent expression of an adult’s dissatisfaction with regard to such forms of behavior that, although they create organizational difficulties, are morally neutral, do not depend on the child and are often determined by his physiological characteristics.

In the development of children's consciousness, two very important opportunities open up, on the correct use of which the overall level of their mental development significantly depends. One of the possibilities is related to the fact that in the fifth year of life, children are capable of go beyond With than they directly face themselves. Starting at this age, children can gradually accumulate factual knowledge about a variety of objects and phenomena that they have not seen and which they know only from the words of an adult (about animals and cars, cities and countries, etc.).

It is very important to understand that when a child accumulates such ideas, he does not simply increase the amount of knowledge about the environment. He naturally develops an attitude towards the new areas of life with which he is introduced: sympathy for dolphins and a wary attitude towards sharks, sympathy for people who live for months in the polar night, and respect for their ability to adapt to difficult natural conditions.

This means that an adult not only provides knowledge, but also fundamentally expands the range of events and objects that evoke an emotional response in a child: sympathy and indignation, respect and interest. It is very important that the feelings and relationships experienced by a child about distant and personally unfamiliar creatures or events are essentially selfless and not associated with momentary egoistic desires and aspirations. Thus, adults take the child beyond narrow and selfish interests, taking the very first steps in the formation of a future citizen of the world, to whom nothing human will be alien.

Children 4-5 years old strive for independence, but failures discourage them. As unsuccessful efforts accumulate, they create uncertainty. Meanwhile, voluntariness is supported precisely by the success of completing an adult’s task or a task that the child decided to do himself.

Role interactions appear in the play activities of middle preschool children. They indicate that preschoolers begin to separate themselves from the accepted role. During the game, roles may change. Game actions begin to be performed not for their own sake, but for the sake of the meaning of the game. There is a separation between playful and real interactions of children.

Development of mental processes

The development of children of middle preschool age (4-5 years old) is most clearly characterized by increasing volitionality, intentionality, and purposefulness of mental processes, which indicates an increase in the participation of the will in the processes of perception, memory, and attention.


At this age, the child masters the techniques of actively learning the properties of objects: measurement, comparison by superposition, applying objects to each other, etc. In the process of cognition, the child becomes acquainted with various properties of the surrounding world: color, shape, size, objects, characteristics of time, space, taste, smell, sound, surface quality. He learns to perceive their manifestations, distinguish shades and features, masters detection methods, and remembers their names. During this period, ideas about the basic geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle and polygon) are formed; about the seven colors of the spectrum, white and black; about size parameters (length, width, height, thickness); about space (far, close, deep, shallow, there, here, above, below); about time (morning, afternoon, evening, night, season, hours, minutes, etc.); about the special properties of objects and phenomena (sound, taste, smell, temperature, surface quality, etc.).


The stability of attention increases. The child has access to concentrated activity for 15-20 minutes. When performing any actions, he is able to retain a simple condition in memory.

In order for a preschooler to learn to voluntarily control his attention, he must be asked to think out loud more. If a 4-5 year old child is asked to constantly name out loud what he should keep in the sphere of his attention, then he will be able to arbitrarily hold his attention for quite a long time on certain objects and their individual details and properties.


At this age, the processes of first voluntary recall, and then intentional memorization, begin to develop. Having decided to remember something, the child can now use some actions for this, such as repetition. By the end of the fifth year of life, independent attempts to elementary systematize the material appear in order to memorize it.

Voluntary memorization and recollection are facilitated if the motivation for these actions is clear and emotionally close to the child (for example, remember what toys are needed for play, learn a poem “as a gift to mom,” etc.).

It is very important that the child, with the help of an adult, comprehends what he is learning. Meaningful material is remembered even when the goal of remembering it is not set. Meaningless elements are easily remembered only if the material attracts children with its rhythm, or, like counting rhymes, when interwoven into the game, it becomes necessary for its implementation.

The volume of memory gradually increases, and a child of the fifth year of life more clearly reproduces what he remembers. Thus, when retelling a fairy tale, he tries to accurately convey not only the main events, but also secondary details, direct and authorial speech. Children remember up to 7-8 names of objects. Voluntary memorization begins to take shape: children are able to accept a memorization task, remember instructions from adults, can learn a short poem, etc.


Imaginative thinking begins to develop. Children are already able to use simple schematic images to solve simple problems. They can build according to a pattern and solve labyrinthine problems. Anticipation develops. Children can tell what will happen as a result of objects interacting based on their spatial location. However, it is difficult for them to take the position of another observer and internally make a mental transformation of the image. For children of this age, well-known phenomena are especially characteristic. Piaget: conservation of quantity, volume and magnitude. For example, if a child is presented with three black paper circles and seven white ones and asked: “Which circles are more, black or white?”, the majority will answer that there are more white ones. But if you ask: “Which are more – white or paper?”, the answer will be the same – more white.

Thinking as a whole and the simpler processes that make it up (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification) cannot be considered in isolation from the general content of the child’s activity, from the conditions of his life and upbringing.

Problem solving can occur in visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal plans. In children 4-5 years old, visual-figurative thinking predominates, and the main task of the teacher is the formation of a variety of specific ideas. But we should not forget that human thinking is also the ability to generalize, so it is also necessary to teach children to generalize. A child of this age is able to analyze objects simultaneously according to two characteristics: color and shape, color and material, etc. He can compare objects by color, shape, size, smell, taste and other properties, finding differences and similarities. By the age of 5, a child can assemble a picture of four parts without support from a model and from six parts with support from a model. Can generalize concepts related to the following categories: fruits, vegetables, clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes, transport.


The imagination continues to develop. Its features such as originality and arbitrariness are formed. Children can independently come up with a short fairy tale on a given topic.


In middle preschool age, pronunciation of sounds and diction improve. Speech attracts the attention of children and is actively used by them. They successfully imitate the voices of animals, highlight the speech of certain characters intonationally. The rhythmic structure of speech and rhymes are of interest. The grammatical aspect of speech develops. Children engage in word creation based on grammatical rules. The speech of children when interacting with each other is situational in nature, and when communicating with an adult it becomes extra-situational.

Children's vocabulary is enriched and the possibilities of using words are expanded. If you draw a child’s attention to natural phenomena, to its beauty, and look at landscapes with him, then already at the age of 4-5 he begins to master the appropriate vocabulary. And although at this age children mainly talk about the color and size of objects, almost a third of the definitions they give are detailed, that is, listing two or three characteristics, with elements of comparison and explanation “<Снег белый и не­множко голубой»; «Блестит, как золотой»).

In the fifth year of a child’s life, the morphological composition of statements also changes somewhat due to the more frequent use of verbs, adjectives and adverbs. This favors the appearance of simple common sentences and complex ones in speech. When children learn to tell stories, they develop many elements of coherent speech. The sizes of children's stories are the same as in the senior and preparatory groups and even for primary school students (on average 24-25 words). Accordingly, other signs of coherent speech are formed, for example, completeness of the topic, highlighting parts of the story, etc.

Svetlana Khrabrykh
Age characteristics of children 4–5 years old

Age from four to five years is the middle preschool period. It is a very important stage in a child's life. This is a period of intensive development and growth of the child’s body. At this stage, the child’s character changes significantly, cognitive and communicative skills are actively improved. capabilities. There are specific ones that parents simply need to know so that the development and upbringing of a preschooler is harmonious.

In secondary preschool age the child's physical capabilities are significantly increase: coordination improves, movements become more confident. At the same time, the constant need to move remains. Motor skills are actively developing; in general, the average preschooler becomes more dexterous and faster than younger ones. It should be noted that The age characteristics of children 4–5 years old are as follows: that physical activity needs to be dosed so that it is not excessive.

A 4-5 year old child is still not aware of social norms and rules of behavior, but he is already beginning to develop generalized ideas about how to (No need) behave.

A child can, on his own initiative, put away toys, perform simple work duties, and complete a task. However, following such rules is often unstable - the baby is easily distracted by what is more interesting to him, and it happens that the child behaves well only in the presence of the people who are most significant to him. Children are good at identifying non-compliance with norms and rules not only in the behavior of others, but also in their own and emotionally experience it, which increases their ability to regulate behavior.

Concentration on one’s own well-being appears, the child begins to worry about the topic of his own health, the child capable simply describe how you feel and attract the attention of an adult if you feel unwell.

Behavior in some situations still requires a reminder from an adult or peers about the need to adhere to certain norms and rules.

In that age the child develops initiative and independence in communicating with adults and peers. U children There is a need for respect from adults and their praise, so the child reacts to adults’ comments with increased sensitivity. Communication with peers is still closely intertwined with other types of children’s activities (play, work, etc., however, situations of pure communication are already noted.

Play activities still remain the main ones for the baby. Number children participating in communication, increases. Thematic role-playing games appear. The game is getting more and more complex: she is already plot-role-playing, modeling and group. Now children can play independently. They come up with a plot in advance, assign roles, obey certain rules and strictly control the implementation of these rules. In the game, the child learns to communicate with peers, learns to control his behavior, obeying the rules of the game. In play, the child shows miracles of patience, perseverance, and discipline. In the game, the child develops creative imagination, intelligence, strong-willed qualities, and moral principles.

The first friends appear with whom the child communicates most willingly. In Group children Competition and the first leaders begin to emerge. Communication with peers is, as a rule, situational in nature. Interaction with adults, on the contrary, goes beyond the specific situation and becomes more abstract. The child regards his parents as an inexhaustible and authoritative source of new information, and therefore asks them many different questions. It is during this period that preschoolers experience special need encouragement and are offended by comments and if their efforts go unnoticed. The age characteristics of children 4–5 years old are as follows: that they are more likely to associate with peers of the same sex. Girls prefer family and everyday topics (mothers and daughters, store). Boys prefer to play drivers, etc. At this stage, children begin to organize their first competitions and strive to succeed. There is an increased need for recognition and respect from peers.

In that age in children ideas appear about how girls should behave and how boys should behave ( “I’m a boy, I wear pants, not a dress, I have short hair.”, about the gender of people of different age(boy - son, grandson, brother, father, man; girl - daughter, granddaughter, sister, mother, woman). By the age of 5, children have an understanding of features the most common male and female professions, about types of recreation, the specifics of behavior in communicating with other people, about individual female and male qualities, they are able to recognize and evaluate the emotional states and actions of adults of different sexes.

During the middle preschool period, sound pronunciation improves significantly, vocabulary actively grows, reaching approximately two thousand words or more. Speech age characteristics of children 4–5 years allow you to more clearly express your thoughts and fully communicate with peers. The child is already capable characterize this or that object, describe your emotions, retell a short literary text, answer an adult’s questions. At this stage of development, children master grammatical structure language: understand and correctly use prepositions, learn to construct complex sentences, and so on. Coherent speech develops.

Between the fourth and fifth years, a child can purposefully remember; memory is mainly in the nature of involuntary memorization. Everything interesting for a child is remembered by itself. It’s hard to remember those who are distracted concepts: days of the week, months, seasons, etc.

Thanks to the development of speech, thinking, memory, perception and, mainly, imagination, a four- to five-year-old child perceives a fairy tale and discovers in it his own solution to pressing life problems. The child does not like instructions, and the fairy tale does not teach him directly. A fairy tale offers a child images that he likes and that help him solve moral problems. All the characters in it are either good or bad. This helps the child separate good from evil and somehow organize his own complex feelings. A child wants to be like a positive hero, and thus a fairy tale instills in him kindness, a sense of justice, the ability to empathize, that is, it develops in him an emotional attitude towards the environment in accordance with the values, ideals and standards of life.

If adults regularly read children's books to preschoolers, reading can become a sustainable need. Children willingly answer questions related to the analysis of the work and give explanations for the actions of the characters. Illustrations play a significant role in the accumulation of reading experience. IN At the age of 4-5 years, children are able to look at the book for a long time, talk about its contents based on the picture. They easily find their favorite book among others, they can remember the title of the work and the author. They strive to bring book situations to life, imitate the heroes of works, and enjoy playing role-playing games based on the plots of fairy tales and short stories. Children often come up with their own plot twists. They also make their suggestions when dramatizing individual passages of the works they read.

4-5 years is an important period for the development of children's curiosity. Children actively strive for intellectual communication with adults, which manifests itself in numerous questions (why? why? for what purpose); they strive to obtain new information of a cognitive nature. "brush it off" from children's questions, because an inquisitive baby actively masters the world of objects and things around him, the world of human relationships.

Talking about parenting children of this age, we must remember that at this stage the character changes significantly. The child becomes much more obedient and flexible than before. It is at this time that children need full communication with their parents. Strictly speaking, this is the basis of education. The main function of adults now is to explain in as much detail as possible and show by personal example. The child absorbs everything like a sponge, reaching out to new knowledge with the curiosity of a discoverer. Parents must listen carefully to numerous questions and answer them, because in the family children gain their first knowledge about the world around them and their place in it. It is now that it is necessary to lay down moral qualities, to develop kindness, politeness, responsiveness, responsibility, and love of work in a child. At this stage, the child makes his first friends, so it is very important to teach how to communicate with peers: give in, defend your interests, share.

Telling your child how much you love him and how wonderful he is is not enough to build his high self-esteem. It is necessary that the value of an individual be measured by some deeds. To do this, the child must be able to do something, be different in some way abilities or skills that would help him be proud of himself. Try to make sure that the child does not feel like a helpless person on whom nothing depends.

Be sure to involve your child in work, try to do a wide variety of household chores with him. Do them with interest, so that the child enjoys this activity.

As an incentive they can protrude: smile, praise, gift, etc. The main thing is that the encouragement is deserved. Sometimes you have to punish the child, but without infringing on his dignity, for example, So: put the child on a chair, in an armchair and tell him that he is punished and until he calms down, he must sit still. At this time, while going about your business, you are talking peacefully with him. It is useless to scold or lecture a child. To that way Punishment should be used every time the child begins to be stubborn and mischievous.

It is worth noting that the best success in education can be achieved in the case of close and trusting cooperation between the family and the preschool institution, since kindergarten employees take into account age characteristics of children 4–5 years old. Consultation for parents is one way of such interaction.

Everyone involved in raising a child must be united in their demands.

According to practicing child psychologists, the family plays a vital role in the development of a child’s personality. The relationship between parents is the first thing a growing child sees; this is the standard that he considers the only true one. Therefore, it is very important that the child has a worthy example in the person of adults. Parents must remember that it is in preschool age character traits such as kindness, justice, truthfulness develop, life values ​​and ideals are laid. That's why it's so important to consider age characteristics of children 4–5 years old. Assistance in developing individual character traits should also be provided in accordance with the gender of the preschooler and the roles of adults in the family. So, the mother teaches the child to find a common language, to seek a compromise, affection, care and love emanate from her. The father is the personification of order, protection, he is the first teacher of life who helps to be strong and purposeful. Relationships within the family are the most important factor influencing the upbringing of a child and his entire subsequent life.

Children of middle preschool age (5-6 years old) are very active, they have a constant need for movement. This is due to some physiological characteristics of their body:

  • the process of ossification of the spine is still ongoing, the spine is quite flexible and can be deformed during prolonged static postures;
  • Large muscle groups are developing, so regular, feasible exercise is necessary.

Also during this period, the following physical abilities of children are improved:

  • endurance increases;
  • coordination improves;
  • movements become more accurate and confident;
  • speed and agility improve.

At the same time, you need to know that muscle development occurs unevenly. The heart rhythm is easily disrupted. Therefore, they periodically need rest.

Provide your child with opportunities for active mobility. Do not allow him to become overtired (pale appearance, shortness of breath, loss of coordination). Change your load and type of activity in a timely manner. Do not allow strength exercises.

Psychological development

At the age of 4-5 years, many mental processes in a child become more voluntary and conscious.

The thinking of the average preschooler moves to a new level - imaginative thinking appears. Cognition occurs on the basis of practical actions. Children can compare objects by shape, find similar ones, and group according to essential characteristics.

Offer your child geometric figures, mosaics, Lego and other manufacturers to play with.

At 4-5 years old, a child becomes very inquisitive. He develops a need for intellectual communication. He tries to comprehend the phenomena that surround him, asks a lot of questions to adults.

In middle preschool age, memory capacity increases. Children can remember about 7-8 names of objects. Random memorization appears; they can learn small poems by heart. In the process of mastering speech and listening to literary works, children develop figurative and verbal memory.

In middle preschoolers, attention improves and becomes more stable. Children are able to concentrate on one activity for 15-20 minutes.

Imagination is actively developing. The child fantasizes a lot, invents imaginary friends, and creates a fairy-tale world around himself. He dreams of his own superpowers and great recognition of his merits. Thanks to a developed imagination, a child can understand something that he himself has not seen, but which he will be told about in detail and clearly. Due to his violent imagination, he may develop.

Don't ignore children's fears. Discuss with your child what scares him. Look for information on how you can get rid of fears and, if necessary, contact specialists.

The predominant activity remains play. Its content changes and its forms become more complex. Appear. The content of the game focuses on playing out relationships between people. Children may have conflicts when assigning roles.

From the age of 4, children should be offered games appropriate to their gender.

At this age, children actively and with pleasure master various types of creative activities. They really like to draw. Children actively develop fine motor skills.

Draw with your children, do artistic modeling, teach them to sing and dance. Try to get them interested in these activities, rather than force them. Offer the simplest ideas for crafts. Praise for work done. Some crafts can be given to someone close to you so that the child sees the significance of his work.

Speech abilities are actively developing. Vocabulary increases. Sound pronunciation improves. Children are able to express their thoughts clearly. They can describe their feelings, tell what an object looks like, or retell a short story.

Children develop coherent speech and a grammatical sense. They learn to coordinate words and use prepositions.

If your child still has problems with sound pronunciation, do not ignore this problem - contact a speech therapist.

Social behavior

The average preschooler is not yet aware of the rules of behavior and various social norms; he is impulsive. At the same time, he already has a general idea of ​​how to behave correctly in society. He understands well what a bad deed means. Moreover, the child is able to identify signs of bad behavior not only in his peers, but also in himself. He is very worried if he does mischief, because he understands that it is bad. Therefore, adults can regulate his behavior.

Basic ethical concepts are just beginning to emerge. During this process, the child pays more attention not to the moral teachings of adults, but copies their actions and behavior patterns. He is ready to listen to the advice of his parents.

Never do anything in front of your children that you forbid them to do. Your demands must be reasonable and tactful. Be consistent and patient.

Children already know how to control most of their emotions. They develop emotional responsiveness. They are able to understand the feelings of other people and empathize.

The child becomes more assiduous, flexible and calm. He can perform simple household duties, but he is quickly distracted, loses interest in work and does not always finish the job he has started.

Tip #10

If the child does not finish the task he started, do not scold him, but offer to finish everything together, get him interested in some kind of encouragement.

Children aged 4-5 years have an increased need to communicate and find friends. In addition, from communication in activities (during a game or a walk), which prevails in early preschool age, they move on to personal communication.

Independence increases, the child is able to take initiative. During this period, the recognition of others becomes important for him. He tries to gain their respect, to hear approval of his actions. At this age, children are very touchy and react emotionally to criticism.

Tip #11

Hug. Say that you are proud of him, happy with his behavior or action.

Gender consciousness is strengthening. Children are not only well aware of their gender identity, but also learn to behave according to it. Their ideas about gender are also expanding (male - boy, youth, man, son, old man, etc.). They learn to distinguish between male and female professions, to understand the specifics of behavior and communication with people of different sexes.

The average preschooler can analyze his well-being and begins to pay attention to his health. If he feels unwell, he is able to tell an adult about it and explain what the problem is.

Information according to the Federal State Educational Standard about the age characteristics of children is one of the ways to implement active cooperation between the family and the preschool institution. Thanks to this, parents will be able to properly build their relationship with the baby, which will contribute to the formation of high self-esteem in the preschooler. The child will become more confident, master skills and abilities useful for later life.

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