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Knitting overalls for newborns. How to knit a baby jumpsuit with your own hands for newborns and babies up to one year old with knitting needles or crochet for beginners and experienced craftsmen: diagrams, descriptions, sizes, step-by-step photos and video master classes

Knitted overalls for baby.

From materials we will need 200 g of green acrylic yarn, a matching zipper 30 cm long and knitting needles with numbers 2.5 and 3.5.
Patterns that we will need to make: 1x1 rib (1 knit, 1 purl), the purl row is knitted according to the pattern. Fantasy patterns are knitted according to patterns.
The density of our knitting is 10 cm = 22 loops.
The work is knitted with a thread folded in half!
Let's start with the back part. On 2.5 knitting needles you need to cast on 20 stitches (for each leg) and knit the next 7 cm with an elastic band. Then you should switch to knitting needles number 3.5 and continue knitting (pattern 1), while adding 8 loops in the first row. In each 8th row you need to add 1 loop along the crotch line a total of 4 times. When 22 cm is knitted, the loops of both legs are combined (for this, 8 loops are cast on between them), another 20 cm must be knitted straight. When only 42 cm is knitted, 4 loops are closed on both sides for the armholes. Then you need to continue knitting and at a height of 55 cm, close off 21 loops for both hangers and 22 loops for the neck. That's it, knitting ends.
Now is the time to start knitting the front part, which is done in the same way as the back. When a height of 24 cm is reached from the beginning, the knitting is divided into two parts for the cut, and the loops are distributed as follows: 6 loops on both sides of the cut are knitted with an elastic band, another 6 loops are knitted according to pattern 2, and the remaining loops are performed according to pattern 1 When 42 cm is knitted, 4 loops are closed on both sides for the armholes. Knitting continues, and after 10 cm you need to close 4 loops to form the neckline, while in each 2nd row you decrease 2 times 3 and 1 loop on both sides. When the total knitting height is 55 cm, 21 loops are closed for each shoulder. Knitting ends.
To knit the sleeves, you need to cast on 32 loops on knitting needles number 2.5 and knit 4 cm with an elastic band. Then switch to knitting needles number 3.5 and knit the pattern according to pattern 1, and in the 1st row you need to add 12 loops, and in every 6th row - add 1 loop 6 times on both sides. When only 19 cm is knitted, the loops need to be closed and finished knitting.
Now you can start assembling. The shoulder seams are made, then 32 stitches are picked up along the edge of the neckline using 2.5 knitting needles, and another 3 cm are knitted with an elastic band. Then all the loops are closed according to the pattern. The remaining seams need to be completed, then all that remains is to sew on the sleeves and sew in the zipper. When the product is ready, it must be moistened and left to dry.
The jumpsuit is ready! Now your baby will definitely not freeze!

Yarn - Caucasian troika, it took about 400 grams, size - up to 6 months.


Cast on 30 stitches on the knitting needles with white thread and knit 8 cm with a 1x1 elastic band. Switch to the blue thread and in the first row, cast on another 15 loops across the width of the fabric and distribute the pattern. You should have 11 rows of pattern. then knit with the HOUND FOOT pattern to a height of 6 rows of the pattern.

Next, perform an increase, add 6 loops in total. And knit 10 patterns to a height. Then immediately decrease 5 stitches on the inside of the panties and another 5 stitches every other row. Next we knit 8 rows of the pattern in height.

We divide the fabric in half and knit the back and front separately.

On the shelf, perform a decrease as shown in the video. Also knit the second half of the overalls. Sew both halves.

Neck. Cast on 46 stitches along the neck line and knit with an elastic band of 2-3 cm. And immediately knit the hood with the HOOSH FOOT pattern. To make the pattern symmetrical, add one more stitch. There should be a total of 47 loops on the hood. you will get 11 rows of the pattern. Knit up 7 rows of pattern. Then knit only the middle pattern, 7 loops, decreasing the loops on both sides until 7 loops remain on the knitting needles.

Tie the planks with a 1x1 elastic band, leaving buttonholes.

Design the hood line -

Along the hood line, cast on 62 loops, as on the shelves, from one edge loop 2 and knit 4 rows with stockinette stitch. Then on the front side we knit 2 knit stitches together, yarn over, 2 knit stitches together, yarn over, etc. to the end of the row. On the purl side, purl all the stitches, knit the yarn over so that there is a hole. Next we knit 4 rows again in stockinette stitch. And then I already showed it.

Sleeves. cast on 30 stitches on the knitting needles and knit the cuff with an elastic band of 1x1 8 cm. Next, knit 9 rows of the pattern with the pattern up. The width should be 7 rows of the pattern. Sew the sleeves to the armhole of the overalls. Twist the decorative cord, make pompoms and insert into the trim of the hood. Sew buttons.

Playlist with a step-by-step lesson on knitting this jumpsuit

Jumpsuit knitted They knit for young children, for toddlers, as a rule. Thanks to the knitted overalls, the mother can be sure that the child will not get caught anywhere, nothing will fall off, or get dirty anywhere. In addition, a knitted jumpsuit makes it easier and faster to dress a child in order to get ready for a walk. There are different variations and names of overalls. Some people call knitted overalls bodysuit, sandpiper. Overalls for children are knitted not only with knitting needles, but also with crochet. A combination of techniques is common.

A knitted jumpsuit looks good when combined with other products - booties, socks, hats.. Send a photo of the finished jumpsuit, a knitting pattern and a description.

Animal overalls

Another popular way to use onesies is to knit onesies for dogs (mostly, although there is nothing stopping you from knitting onesies for cats). Dog onesies will not only help your friend feel comfortable outside (especially if the animal is strictly domestic), but these products are simply fun. Remember that picture with the dog in a shark jumpsuit :) This opens up a whole lot of room for creative hands.

Only during pregnancy or while waiting for it does the expectant mother begin to think about how to knit overalls for a newborn? You still have a lot of time, and before the baby is born you can learn more than one way of needlework. After discharge, your miracle will receive a rich dowry of a variety of overalls.

Photos of knitted overalls

Dress up your jewel before going out for the first time. You will find the best models of overalls in our article. In the meantime, we invite you to look at the collection of photographs.

Knitting pattern for overalls for newborns on knitting needles

To ensure that your baby can wear the overalls for at least 2-3 months, knit a model in a larger size. In our instructions, everything is designed for a size of 56 cm. This product is ideal for a large newborn or a very small one, but he will be able to dress up in such a thing for several more weeks.

We knit a winter suit from wool yarn. You will need only 150 g of it. You also need to prepare buttons and arm yourself with knitting needles No. 3. Don't forget to make a pattern, this makes the knitting process much easier.

Knitting starts with panties. Cast on 56 loops and knit 1.5 cm with an English elastic band. Add 1 loop and perform the next 10 cm with the main pattern. If the pant leg is right-handed, add one loop to the left. Subsequently, every third row is increased by one loop. This needs to be done twice. After 11.5 cm, the canvas should be put aside. Start knitting the left leg. Perform all actions step by step in a mirror type, guided by the proposed description.

The basic pattern consists of simple knit and purl stitches. The diagram is attached in the photo.

Combine the loops of the back half of the legs and begin knitting the back of the overalls. At the very beginning, decrease two loops from both edges. Then cut by 1 stitch six more times every other row. When the canvas reaches 39 cm, start making bevels for the shoulders. Cast off 5 loops on each side. Then cut across rows of 5, 4, 5 and 6 buttonholes. Close the rest when the length of the canvas reaches 40.5 cm.

Similar to the back, the front halves are knitted from the panties. Add three eyelets between the legs. The next 18 cm should be knitted according to the pattern. Now you can start forming the fastener. Set aside 21 loops in the middle. Knit the rest separately, making bevels as on the back. We knit the central loops to the end and close.

Work on the sleeves starts from the bottom. Knit 1.5 cm with an elastic band. In every 10th row, add one stitch three times. Then cast on three stitches on every 8th row.

When all the components are ready, start assembling. It starts with the sleeves. Then the legs are connected along the crotch seam. After this, loops are picked up on the front side shelf and a button placket is knitted. Close the knitting and secure the threads. Then sew on the buttons. This completes the work. The knitted baby onesie just needs to be washed and ironed.

The photo shows a pattern for a classic jumpsuit. You can connect all the elements separately using it.

Step-by-step description and video tutorials on knitting overalls

In this section there are two more descriptions of the process of knitting overalls for a newborn. One master class was recorded on video. We will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of needlewoman Svetlana Bersanova, but for now we will consider the first scheme.

Take 120 g of fine yarn, 20% acrylic and 80% wool. The work is done with knitting needles No. 2.

Start knitting each pant leg separately. Then combine them by making five additions every other row. Just before joining, add six more loops. Then knit in one piece.

For armholes in every fifth row, decrease two stitches 10 times. Start cutting at a height of 20 cm from the inseam.

The front panels are also knitted together with the trouser legs. There is no need to combine them. The left part is made symmetrically. The bar should be attached to the right one.

For the sleeves, cast on 45 stitches. At a height of 14 cm, start decreasing. After a row, cut two loops 10 times. Close the rest. Raise the neckline along the edge and tie with an elastic band. Sew buttons and assemble the product.

Now you can start watching the video with a step-by-step description. Its author, Svetlana Bersanova, made a magnificent jumpsuit in blue and white with a houndstooth pattern and donuts. If you want to knit a girl's outfit, simply replace the "boy" color with pink or red. Please note that the video tutorial is presented in four parts.

How to knit overalls for a newborn? Selecting threads and style

The pattern for the overalls can be anything, because the patterns look equally beautiful when using different types of yarn. So don't limit yourself to this. You can make the product without a pattern, but focus on color. We have patterns for beginners, but more experienced knitters often don't need descriptions.

As for choosing a style, first of all, we recommend considering options without seams. This product is easy to knit and crochet. Knitted children's overalls made of wool are indispensable in winter. They are very comfortable to go for walks with. For babies born in the warm season, cotton suits are suitable.

Be sure to select secure fasteners for the product. Many mothers sew on zippers. But there are also those who, paying tribute to beauty, buy sharp buttons. Don’t do this, there is now a large selection in stores, and you can find products that are absolutely safe for babies.

There are valuable tips on knitting baby onesies in the video. Lessons are given by needlewoman Svetlana Erbyagina:

A knitted jumpsuit is always very comfortable, but sometimes it is not so attractive, especially if this is the mother’s first job. So that you do not lack ideas, we recommend several options for selecting colors and patterns in photographs.


Cast on 30 stitches on the knitting needles with white thread and knit 8 cm with a 1x1 elastic band. Switch to the blue thread and in the first row, cast on another 15 loops across the width of the fabric and distribute the pattern. You should have 11 rows of pattern. then knit with the HOUND FOOT pattern to a height of 6 rows of the pattern.

Next, perform an increase, add 6 loops in total. And knit 10 patterns to a height. Then immediately decrease 5 stitches on the inside of the panties and another 5 stitches every other row. Next we knit 8 rows of the pattern in height.

We divide the fabric in half and knit the back and front separately.

On the shelf, perform a decrease as shown in the video. Also knit the second half of the overalls. Sew both halves.

Neck. Cast on 46 stitches along the neck line and knit with an elastic band of 2-3 cm. And immediately knit the hood with the HOOSH FOOT pattern. To make the pattern symmetrical, add one more stitch. There should be a total of 47 loops on the hood. you will get 11 rows of the pattern. Knit up 7 rows of pattern. Then knit only the middle pattern, 7 loops, decreasing the loops on both sides until 7 loops remain on the knitting needles.

Tie the planks with a 1x1 elastic band, leaving buttonholes.

Design the hood line -

Along the hood line, cast on 62 loops, as on the shelves, from one edge loop 2 and knit 4 rows with stockinette stitch. Then on the front side we knit 2 knit stitches together, yarn over, 2 knit stitches together, yarn over, etc. to the end of the row. On the purl side, purl all the stitches, knit the yarn over so that there is a hole. Next we knit 4 rows again in stockinette stitch. And then I already showed it.

Sleeves. cast on 30 stitches on the knitting needles and knit the cuff with an elastic band of 1x1 8 cm. Next, knit 9 rows of the pattern with the pattern up. The width should be 7 rows of the pattern. Sew the sleeves to the armhole of the overalls. Twist the decorative cord, make pompoms and insert into the trim of the hood. Sew buttons.



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