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Fluid secretion during pregnancy. Pathologies accompanying liquid discharge during pregnancy. Watery discharge at different stages of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition of the female body in which multiple changes occur in functional and physiological terms. But pregnancy does not at all exclude vaginal discharge.

True, these discharges can be of a different nature and indicate different pathologies or diseases. Also, the nature of vaginal discharge during the period a woman is carrying a child may change depending on the current period of the menstrual cycle.

Usually, in the first half of the cycle, discharge is regulated by estrogen, it has a thin consistency and facilitates the movement of sperm to the egg, and then the egg itself to the uterus. Then . And the discharge comes under the control of progesterone. At the same time, they become thicker and mucous. This is a kind of protection of the reproductive system organs from various infections and pathogens.

After fertilization, due to changes in hormonal levels, the nature of vaginal changes will also change.

Normal watery discharge during pregnancy

Progesterone continues to control and regulate vaginal discharge throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. The level of this hormone increases in order to maintain and strengthen pregnancy and create the most favorable environment for its development.

From about the twelfth week, estrogen takes over part of the regulation. Accordingly, the discharge becomes more liquid and watery. Therefore, from the second trimester, many pregnant women experience this type of discharge. They are transparent, odorless, may be slightly whitish, and, most importantly, do not give a feeling of discomfort, that is, they are practically invisible. Such discharge is felt only due to the higher level of humidity in the perineal area.

During pregnancy, such vaginal discharge is considered an absolute norm. And any worries and worries about this will be completely in vain. These discharges do not require specific treatment measures. It is only important to comply with everything daily.

It is worth taking water procedures more often, changing your underwear to dry and clean ones. If you are not allergic, you can use daily sanitary pads (during pregnancy, pads should not contain any fragrances or fragrances, and be made from natural bases that are breathable and breathable). Changing pads should be regular, since the environment created by watery vaginal discharge is favorable for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that can become provocateurs of sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

In this case, underwear must be worn only from natural fabrics. The use of tampons by pregnant women is strictly prohibited.

Pathological watery discharge during pregnancy

Safe, that is, normal, watery discharge from a pregnant woman’s vagina can cause the only inconvenience - regular changes of underwear. In cases where the discharge causes burning or itching in the genitals, swelling or redness, and other irritation of the genital tract, an urgent visit to a gynecologist is necessary to check for infection.

During pregnancy, the vaginal microflora becomes more sensitive to pathogenic microbes. As a rule, most pregnant women suffer during this period or. But other infectious diseases cannot be ruled out.

In combination with other manifestations, watery vaginal discharge during pregnancy may indicate the following diseases:

  • (discharge is white or with a gray tint, transparent, liquid, with an unpleasant odor. As the disease progresses, it becomes thick, viscous, foamy, sticky, and acquires a yellow-green tint). Discharge from bacterial vaginosis is accompanied by itching and painful urination.
  • (watery but scanty discharge is usually the only sign of this disease). A characteristic sign of genital herpes are watery blisters on the inflamed skin of the genitals. They burst and dry out. If the disease occurs inside the reproductive system, then its signs may be, and.

Changes in the color and smell, as well as the consistency of vaginal discharge during pregnancy should be alarming. They are usually warning signs that some kind of disease is beginning in the body.

As a rule, all of the above diseases are accompanied by pain of varying intensity in the genitourinary system. In this case, contacting a specialist - a gynecologist is mandatory, since any infectious or sexually transmitted disease can negatively affect not only the expectant mother’s body, but also the development of her fetus.

In addition, watery discharge may be a sign of a pathology during pregnancy such as leakage of amniotic fluid. With this diagnosis, hospitalization is required. Leakage of amniotic fluid can be very scanty, just a few drops per day, or, conversely, abundant, highly moisturizing underwear and filling sanitary pads.

To determine this pathology. You can buy a special test at a pharmacy or it will be carried out in a clinic. Amniotic fluid has a yellow tint and a slightly sweet odor. These are its main distinguishing features from ordinary and normal vaginal discharge.

Prevention of pathological vaginal discharge during pregnancy

The main preventative measure in this case will be compliance with hygiene rules. It is important to shower as often as possible (at least twice a day), not to use any cosmetics with chemical or synthetic ingredients, change your underwear regularly, wear cotton or linen underwear, and avoid wearing thongs.

Did you have similar watery discharge during pregnancy? How dangerous were they for you?

Small vaginal discharge is normal for the female body. Their presence supports the necessary microflora in the female genital organs. At the same time, some women have more abundant discharge, which indicates the presence of increased secretion of the epithelium of the vagina and cervix. In addition, more abundant discharge is observed during pregnancy. In this case, their occurrence is explained by hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body during this period. The secretory function of expectant mothers is doubled, which also leads to an increase in the amount of discharge.

During pregnancy, clear discharge appears by the end of the 12th week. As a rule, they are colorless and odorless. By the end of the 13th week, the discharge becomes more abundant and intense. By this time, the female body begins to produce the hormone estrogen, which provokes the intensity of discharge.

Changes occurring in the female body lead to the discharge changing color and becoming whitish. It was because of their color that doctors called them “leucorrhoea.”

Transparent discharge during pregnancy is considered not dangerous to the health of the woman and the unborn child., if they do not have an unpleasant odor, and are not accompanied by itching and burning in the genital area.

Modern special hygiene products allow a woman to feel comfortable when discharge appears. For example, gaskets allow you to avoid annoying inconveniences. When choosing them, you should give preference to products without aromatic fragrances in order to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions in a pregnant woman.

Besides, clear discharge during pregnancy- a reason for the expectant mother to refuse to use personal hygiene products that contain perfume. During pregnancy, it is best to use neutral products for hygiene. It is also strictly forbidden to use tampons for discharge, which pose a risk of infection in the genital tract.

Is clear mucous discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

As a rule, clear mucous discharge during pregnancy appears against the background of an allergic reaction, which can arise due to several reasons.

In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs when the genitals come into contact with one or another irritant. Therefore, pregnant women should be responsible when choosing sanitary pads and avoid wearing tight underwear made from unnatural synthetic material.

An allergic reaction also occurs when the genitals come into contact with any allergen. For example, an unsuccessfully selected intimate hygiene product dries out the vaginal mucosa, while an overly moisturizing product can, on the contrary, irritate the genitals.

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Most allergic reactions are accompanied by unpleasant itching and/or burning. Therefore, at their first manifestation, you should see a doctor. If the allergen is not identified and eliminated in a timely manner, bacteria will form in the woman’s body, which will eventually lead to adverse consequences.

In addition, clear mucous discharge during pregnancy may occur due to an imbalance in the vaginal microflora. As a rule, when a woman abuses douching. Expectant mothers resort to this procedure, trying in every possible way to get rid of the heavy discharge that appears during pregnancy. Unfortunately, douching in this situation is far from the most correct solution. Abuse of it can lead to vaginal candidiasis, commonly known as thrush.

The discharge of clear mucous discharge during pregnancy, you just need to wait it out. As a rule, everything returns to normal by itself by the end of the first trimester.

Is heavy clear discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

Oddly enough, but heavy clear discharge during pregnancy is normal. Thanks to their presence, normal vaginal microflora is maintained. The appearance of abundant transparent discharge during pregnancy is explained by the activation of the secret function of the cervix and vagina.

Heavy discharge in early pregnancy is usually associated with the action of the hormone progesterone. Discharge that is clear or slightly whitish in color, not thick and odorless is considered normal.

In rare cases, heavy clear discharge during pregnancy is caused by some irritant or illness. To prevent this kind of phenomenon, a pregnant woman should wear comfortable underwear and also choose personal hygiene items responsibly.

Is clear liquid discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

Transparent liquid discharge during pregnancy can be caused by the above reasons, and others.

So one of the reasons for the occurrence of clear liquid discharge during pregnancy may be bacterial candidiasis. In this case, a pregnant woman discharges white or gray discharge from her vagina, which has a runny consistency and an unpleasant odor. Their presence irritates the labia. If treatment is not done in a timely manner, the discharge becomes thicker and more viscous and changes in color. At the same time, itching in the labia area increases, and the process of urination is also disrupted.

Clear, liquid discharge during pregnancy can also occur due to genital herpes. In this case, there is no itching or burning. Symptoms of this disease are painful, watery blisters on the skin of the perineum and labia. Over time, the new growths burst and dry out. During the course of the disease, many women also note the appearance of pain in the sacral area.

Leakage of amniotic fluid, manifested in the form of copious watery discharge, should also alert the woman. Timely detection of this pathology allows you to avoid a number of consequences. Today there are special tests on sale that can be used at home to reliably determine whether water is leaking or not. Unlike normal discharge, amniotic fluid has a sweetish odor and light yellow color.

The secretion produced from the vagina performs several main functions - it protects the mucous membranes of the reproductive system and vagina from mechanical damage and infection. Sometimes its character can change, which often occurs against the background of an increase or decrease in the level of certain hormones. As a rule, such hormonal surges often occur after conception. Therefore, many women begin to notice heavy watery discharge during pregnancy. But can they be associated with pathological processes? Or, when they appear, you don’t have to worry about your health at all? Let's try to figure this out.


During pregnancy, many processes are activated in the body, which have their own “mechanism” and it is very difficult to understand them without special knowledge. However, we will still try to explain why transparent discharge appears.

Once successful fertilization occurs, the gamete begins to actively divide, resulting in the formation of an embryo. For its normal development, progesterone is required, which is synthesized by the ovaries. The concentration of the hormone increases sharply, the secretion produced by the glands of the cervix becomes thinner. And while the body gets used to the new conditions, discharge appears.

Due to the high concentration of progesterone, cervical mucus during pregnancy is produced much more than usual, becomes cloudy and resembles snot in appearance. Some women use these characteristics to determine the onset of gestation even before the delay occurs. Especially if the vaginal secretion is like water and is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Sore nipples.
  • Increased irritability and tearfulness.
  • Changes in taste preferences.
  • Increased urination.

It must be said that the resulting discharge can periodically become either scanty or thick, which is characterized by an increase/decrease in certain hormones. For example, starting from 13–15 weeks, the ovaries slow down the production of progesterone, and it is replaced by estrogen, thickening and reducing the volume of secreted cervical fluid (hereinafter referred to as cervical fluid). Because of this, transparent mucous membranes are replaced by thick, odorless discharge, reminiscent of a cream in its consistency.

But they are observed for a short time. After a few weeks, the productivity of progesterone in the body increases again, and the secretion again changes its character - it becomes thinner and more abundant.

Since an increase in the level of this hormone causes thickening of the walls of the uterus, active cell renewal occurs - “old” cells peel off, new ones appear. This may affect the shade of vaginal mucus released during pregnancy. Therefore, when vaginal secretions in the second trimester acquire a slightly different color, for example, yellowish, this is also not a deviation.

A woman should be alerted to discharge at 40 weeks. After all, their appearance, as a rule, indicates an approaching birth, which can begin at any minute. You should immediately inform your doctor about this and, if possible, go to the hospital so that the onset of labor does not take you by surprise.

Do not forget that labor can begin not only at 40 weeks of gestation. They should be expected starting at 36 weeks. It is generally accepted that the plug must come out of the cervix before labor begins. In most cases, this is true, but in some women the plug comes out along with the amniotic fluid, and therefore they don’t even notice it.

Since we touched on amniotic fluid, we must say that discharge at 33-39 weeks should also be alarming. After all, amniotic fluid can leave in very small quantities and be perceived by women as normal vaginal discharge, which they had before. However, there is still a difference. Instead of mucous secretions, they have clear or cloudy sticky discharge.

Important! If the liquid vaginal secretion during the last weeks of gestation smells bad and contains elements of feces, you should be hospitalized immediately. After all, if no measures are taken, this can result not only in the birth of a child outside the hospital, but also in its infection.

Liquid discharge is normal, but only if there are no symptoms uncharacteristic of gestation. If the occurrence of discharge is accompanied by pain, fever, general malaise, etc., then you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. If you actually develop any pathologies, you need urgent hospitalization and a course of specific therapy.

Other reasons

Discharge can occur not only due to hormonal fluctuations, but also under the influence of other negative factors on the body. So, the discharge can become abundant against the background:

  • Taking certain medications.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Insufficient hygiene.
  • Use of strongly scented cosmetics.

The discharge increases under the influence of medications. They can be prescribed at different periods of gestation to treat, for example, viral diseases or inflammation of the reproductive organs. Thick vaginal mucus in most cases appears after taking antibacterial drugs. Their active components have a negative effect on the vaginal microflora and may well provoke a copious flow of mucous discharge.

Stress is also a common cause of increased vaginal secretion at 14 weeks and later. As soon as a woman learns about her “situation,” she immediately develops fear and anxiety for the health of the child. And this greatly affects the state of the central nervous system, which can give such a reaction. And in the last weeks she begins to worry greatly about the upcoming birth. And since many processes in the body depend on the psychological state of a woman, during these periods she experiences active secretion of mucus.

In addition, vaginal mucous secretion may increase due to insufficient hygiene or the use of gels with a high content of fragrances and fragrances. In both the first and second cases, irritation is observed on the labia.

If personal hygiene rules are neglected, foul-smelling discharge can easily appear. But in case of irritation of the labia that occurs as a result of the use of cosmetics, vaginal secretion in the form of mucus can be supplemented with:

  • severe itching;
  • rash;
  • redness of the skin.

And when talking about why the secretion begins to be released in large quantities, it should also be noted that the reason for this is wearing tight underwear. As the uterus enlarges, the abdomen also grows. Therefore, ordinary underwear becomes small and squeezes not only the lower abdomen, but also the outer labia. And this also leads to irritation and an increase in the amount of vaginal secretion of a transparent or white shade. Therefore, many gynecologists recommend that after the 10th week of gestation has arrived (it is during this period that the uterus actively enlarges), if possible, purchase special underwear for pregnant women. Wearing it will prevent women from developing excessive vaginal mucus and discomfort.

Let's run to the doctor!

Colorless discharge not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms is considered normal. But if their occurrence is accompanied by discomfort in the vagina or abdomen, you cannot postpone going to the clinic. After all, the appearance of conditions uncharacteristic for gestation may indicate the development of various inflammations, or even worse, infections that require urgent treatment.

Thus, white mucus during pregnancy, containing cheesy pieces, often occurs against the background of the development of thrush. This disease is characterized by increased growth of Candida fungi in the vaginal environment and poses a serious threat not only to the fetus, but also to the woman herself.

If discharge with a curdled piece is not treated, this can cause the baby to become infected during childbirth or the fungal infection to spread to other internal organs, which will cause serious disruptions in their functioning.

But it must be said that upon the onset of gestation, treatment of thrush consists only of removing the general symptomatic picture. As a rule, the main therapy is prescribed when the 39th week of pregnancy occurs, that is, before the birth itself, in order to reduce the risk of infection of the child. Previously, it was not carried out due to the fact that medications prescribed for the treatment of thrush can greatly harm the fetus.

Important! Candidiasis manifests itself with various symptoms. As it develops, a cheesy white discharge may also appear. Moreover, they are always accompanied by vaginal itching and hyperemia of the labia. Candidiasis can be distinguished from other pathological diseases by its sour smell.

In addition, sticky, thick, transparent discharge is a particular signal of the development of vaginal dysbiosis. In this case, they have an unpleasant aroma and often provoke irritation on the labia. This disease can also develop at various stages of gestation, and therefore the appearance of a mucous secretion with an atypical odor should alert every woman.

Important! With the development of vaginal dysbiosis, in addition to clear, abundant mucus, greenish and viscous discharge may be observed.

Transparent mucus during pregnancy occurs for another reason - the development of inflammation in the uterus or cervix. When such pathologies appear, many experience discharge like snot, reminiscent of pus. Moreover, their occurrence can be supplemented by pain in the area of ​​the uterus and bladder, which appears after any physical activity (including fast walking) or during urination.

The appearance of abundant vaginal mucus during pregnancy can also occur against the background of the development of genital herpes. This is a viral disease characterized by various clinical manifestations. Some have only clear mucus, while others, in addition to a slightly sticky discharge, have many watery blisters in the area of ​​the small lips.

Watery vaginal secretions and a rash in the perineum should not be ignored. Since genital herpes, just like thrush, can lead to infection of the baby during birth. Therefore, if you have such discharge, you should not sit idly by. You need to immediately go to the clinic and undergo treatment, since contractions can begin at any minute.

Let's sum it up

If you become pregnant and a lingering discharge suddenly appears, accompanied by increased stickiness, a foul odor, etc., be sure to make an appointment with a specialist. He will conduct an examination and prescribe tests that will help identify why the discharge appeared and select the appropriate therapy.

If the uterus is inflamed, you will need to take anti-inflammatory drugs and sometimes antibiotics. And since any medications can cause a deterioration in health, it is recommended to undergo treatment in a hospital under strict medical supervision.

And this should be the case not only with inflammation of the uterus at 35 weeks, but also with the development of other gynecological diseases, in the event of which discharge is observed during the last months.

In addition, if vaginal secretions in the second or third trimester leave you with the feeling that your vagina is constantly wet, you should wash yourself with warm water as often as possible. However, you should use scented cosmetics less often, as they can further increase irritation. If you neglect hygiene procedures, constant humidity can cause a fungal infection, which will only worsen the course of the disease.

The cervix of every adult woman constantly produces mucus, which in gynecology is called cervical or cervical. During the menstrual cycle, the consistency and amount of cervical mucus changes under the influence of sex hormones, which has a specific meaning and performs important functions. So, at the beginning of the cycle, cervical mucus is quite liquid: this is necessary for the unhindered movement of sperm and further successful fertilization of the egg. After ovulation, the discharge thickens and decreases in volume: this state prevents the penetration of infections and serves as a natural protection for the future embryo from pathological microbes.

Changes in cervical mucus do not stop with the onset of pregnancy, and therefore vaginal discharge is also observed in expectant mothers. But not all of them are the norm.

Very often, women are concerned about why heavy watery discharge occurs during pregnancy and whether in this case it is necessary to go to the doctor.

Watery discharge in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs against the background of increased levels of the hormone progesterone in the body of the expectant mother. It creates the conditions necessary for the viability of the fertilized egg and the preservation of pregnancy. Under the influence of progesterone, vaginal discharge acquires a viscous consistency, becomes mucous and thick.

Watery discharge in the early stages is usually not typical. They appear closer to the second trimester, no earlier than after 12 weeks: it is during this period that estrogen production begins to intensify.

Watery discharge in the second trimester

During this period, the hormone estrogen begins to be produced more actively, and by the end of pregnancy, its amount produced by the placenta increases approximately 30 times.

Estrogen prepares the expectant mother's body for childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding. Also, a high level of this hormone promotes cell division in a growing child and other vital processes in the fetal body.

Under the influence of a large amount of estrogens, the cervical mucus also changes: it becomes very liquefied, which is why the pregnant woman has a thin, copious discharge. Sometimes a woman even thinks that she didn’t have time to run to the toilet.

This is the absolute norm in the second and even third trimester of pregnancy. However, such physiological secretions should in no case cause any discomfort other than a feeling of wetness in the perineum. Normally, watery discharge during pregnancy is odorless and colorless (well, except that it may be slightly whitish), it is quite liquid, but sometimes it is also a little mucous. The amount of watery discharge can vary from a few drops to fairly large portions.

Watery discharge in the third trimester

Active production of estrogen during pregnancy continues until the end of the term, and therefore watery discharge in the third trimester is also quite common and normal.

Meanwhile, it is in the later stages that the risk of leakage of amniotic fluid increases, and such a possibility should be excluded when liquid discharge appears. To do this, you can buy a special test for leakage of amniotic fluid at the pharmacy and carry it out at home. Even better and more correct is to go to see a doctor and get the necessary test (more precisely, an amnio test).

Water can leak at any stage of pregnancy, either little by little or in large quantities. The discharge containing amniotic fluid acquires a yellowish tint and a sweetish odor. Such a violation is dangerous (after all, it indicates the loss of integrity of the amniotic sac) and requires, at a minimum, medical supervision. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and eliminate the possibility of leakage.

Dangerous watery discharge during pregnancy

Any watery discharge during pregnancy that differs from the physiological norms described above may be a sign of illness, threatened miscarriage or other pathology. The following changes in discharge during pregnancy should cause concern:

  • the appearance of a noticeable odor (putrid, beer, fishy, ​​sour or any other);
  • color change (grayish, yellow-green, beige, pink, brown, ichor, scarlet red);
  • change in appearance and consistency (stringy, sticky, curdled, foamy, flaky);
  • changes in the condition of the mucous membranes of the genital organs (swelling, irritation, redness, itching, burning, any rashes and formations);
  • other accompanying signs and symptoms (fever, pain, urinary disorders, etc.).

If you detect at least one of the described symptoms, you should visit a gynecologist unscheduled. A pregnant woman’s immunity remains somewhat reduced, including local immunity: the vaginal microflora is now very vulnerable to pathological microorganisms. There is a high probability of developing thrush during pregnancy, colpitis, vaginosis, genital herpes and other sexually transmitted diseases and genitourinary infections.

If the discharge is simply liquid, abundant, transparent, does not smell of anything and does not cause unnecessary discomfort, then, most likely, this is the absolute norm; you can only limit yourself to increased adherence to the rules of personal hygiene during this period:

  • take a hygienic shower at least twice a day;
  • do not use cosmetics with synthetic ingredients for this;
  • change your underwear regularly to clean and dry ones;
  • wear underwear made of cotton fabrics; it’s better to avoid thongs now;
  • Use sanitary pads that are breathable and unscented. Don't forget that you can't use tampons now. And gynecologists recommend doing without any hygiene products at all, replacing them with more frequent changes of underwear.

It should be noted that among the wide variety of changes that normally occur in the body of a pregnant woman and can occur during this period, watery discharge during pregnancy is one of the most common. If in other cases doctors say that this happens or happens, then in this case we can say with confidence: liquid vaginal discharge appears in almost all women carrying a child.

So no need to worry! Enjoy your special position!

Especially for - Elena Semenova

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