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Sayings about dad and daughter. Statuses about father

A good dad is real happiness. A girl needs him like no other. The statuses of daughter and father emanate warmth, awe and real feelings.

You need to become not a father, but a dad

  1. A girl who is raised like a king is more likely to become a princess.
  2. Usually dad is not as meticulous and scrupulous as mom. That's why he often acts as a friend.
  3. Did your father never manage to tie ponytails either?
  4. He is completely different from even the guy he loves - he definitely won’t go anywhere and won’t find another.
  5. In our culture, a responsible father is already an irreplaceable luxury.
  6. Every daughter needs a dad - she must understand what real man's love is.
  7. Remembering how we spent evenings with daddy is priceless.
  8. It’s not that he’s perfect: he often swears and teaches life. But I still love him...

What a pity that parents are not getting any younger

Every father shows his care in different ways. From the statuses about dad and daughter you can find out how they do it.

  1. It's good when you can talk to your father about your relationship with your boyfriend. You immediately see the truth in full view.
  2. Have you noticed that next to good dads, moms are really happy with life.
  3. Knowing my father, I’m already afraid for the guy who will offend me.
  4. I know my father wanted a son, but that doesn’t make him love me any less.
  5. Dad is the person who will stop you from watching lousy TV series and teach you how to watch good films.
  6. You won’t get loud congratulations or special tenderness from him. But when necessary, he will hug and say: “I’m here.”
  7. A father who cares about his daughter’s problems is not very common.
  8. The more fun the father is, the easier it is to introduce him to a new guy.

Dad won't give you bad advice

The status about a husband and daughter is very necessary for that woman who is lucky enough to know the joy of motherhood and marriage. But is everything really that smooth?

  1. Once upon a time it made my knees tremble, but now I hold our little miracle on them.
  2. I love my daughter and husband so much that I’m afraid to wake up and realize that it was just a dream.
  3. Yes, we are not that young, but we managed to convey youth to our little happiness.
  4. As soon as I feel that the bustle is consuming me, I urgently need to talk to either my husband or my daughter. Then I understand what all this is for.
  5. Lifetime achievements? The daughter looks like her father.
  6. Love is when your child is asked who he loves more. And you’re afraid that he won’t call you and your significant other will be upset.
  7. There is almost no romance in everyday life. But there are children in it, and that is much more important.
  8. Mutual support is when you and your daughter take turns doing homework.

Dad can do anything

Beautiful statuses about your daughter and dad can touch you to the depths of your soul. Particularly sentimental be careful!

  1. So many years have passed, but I still remember your big palm, in which my childhood hand was drowning.
  2. My father told me that I needed to be feminine, but sometimes he taught me that I needed to be strong. Yes, just in case.
  3. For dad's sake, you don't need to put on makeup and pick out clothes. It’s not even necessary to develop your inner peace!
  4. For happiness, it would be enough to know that his heart will never stop...
  5. I can no longer climb into your lap, but I can still come and ask for advice. And that's great...
  6. I hug my father and understand that no one will hurt me with him.
  7. You don’t choose your parents, I was just lucky.
  8. Father, of course, cannot replace mother. But no one can replace such a father either...

Everlasting memory

If you often think about him, choose a status about daughter and dad. Share only the most important things with your friends!

  1. I believe you look from there and protect from everything bad.
  2. You can’t be brought back, but I believe when you can no longer believe.
  3. A quitter and a quitter are two different things.
  4. Years passed, and time healed, but I never forgave fate for its cruelty.
  5. All I have is a yellowed photograph and a couple of childhood memories. But this is enough to love you with all my soul.
  6. Talk, communicate, even quarrel. Take care of moms and dads while they are alive!
  7. I learned to live without you, father. But sometimes I just need you.
  8. It’s probably too early for me to rush, but I’m really looking forward to meeting you.

It's always more fun with dad

If your dad is the smartest, the kindest and generally the best, read the statuses about your daughter and father. Remember that your parent deserves only the best.

  1. Walking alone with daddy means allowing yourself a little more...
  2. My father said that I was very good. I easily got used to it.
  3. A real parent teaches not only how to get benefits, but also how to make friends and, in general, to be a worthy person.
  4. My dad is a strict one. But when he smiled at my little success, I was infinitely happy.
  5. My mom can call on business or without anything to do, but if my dad calls... It’s either something very good or very bad.
  6. Mom will play with dolls with her daughter for half a day, and he will simply find an activity in which his participation is not required.
  7. How good it is that I don’t have to demand my father’s love!
  8. He taught his daughter to be flexible and strong-willed at the same time. For this, not only the girl herself, but also her husband should be grateful to him.

Love your fathers!

  • The strongest fatherly anger is more tender than the tenderest filial love. (Henri Monterlant)
  • A man who could not understand his father cannot become a good father. (T. Wilder)
  • Every father of a family should be the master of his own home, and not of his neighbor's house. (Voltaire)
  • The father is something more and, regardless of his qualities, authoritative; a father is gratitude for the bread eaten in childhood, adolescence and youth; it is something obliging oneself to love. (Yu. Nagibin)
  • My father always taught me that if you do good and help others, God will give it back to you double. That's what happened to me. I tried to help those in need, and God helped me much more. (Cristiano Ronaldo)

Best quotes about father

  • A father's love is exceptional, it is not like the love of mothers, there are few words in it. But she is priceless.
  • For a girl, a father is the first and for a long time the only man in her life. He is the best and strongest. There is no need to fight for it, no need to look for it. He loves unconditionally.
  • It doesn't matter who my father really was; what matters is how I remember him. (Anne Sexton)
  • Cosmetics make a girl look pretty, but only a father's smile allows her daughter's face to sparkle with beauty!
  • We must strive to ensure that everyone sees and knows more than his father and grandfather saw and knew. (A.P. Chekhov)
  • Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is difficult. (V. Bush)
  • Quotes about father and daughter- It must be difficult to be a father and live in constant fear that one day your daughter will meet the guy of her dreams. Or, conversely, he will never love anyone.
  • Every good father has something of his mother in him. (Lee Soak)
  • The habits of fathers, both good and bad, turn into the vices of children. (Democritus)
  • The merits of the father do not apply to the son. (M. Cervantes)
  • Only with age do you begin to understand that the batin belt was a friendly, encouraging pat.
  • Father's love is no different from self-love. (Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues)
  • Parents love their children with an anxious and condescending love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, which makes them honest. And this is the true love of a father. (D. Diderot)
  • Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. Everyone is favorable to what they themselves have created. (Aristotle)
  • The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
  • Without good fathers there is no good education, despite all the schools, institutes and boarding houses. (N.M. Karamzin)
  • Father's praise is the strongest of motivations.
  • My father never said he loved me. However, from his actions I always understood that he loved me more than anything in the world.
  • Quotes about father and son- The merits of a father do not apply to his son. (M. Cervantes)
  • If a man has not become a real father to his children, he is not a man. (Mario Puzo)
  • Any worker - from a watchman to a minister - can be replaced by an equally or even more capable worker. It is impossible to replace a good father with an equally good father. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
  • Without good fathers there is no good education, despite all the schools. (N. Karamzin)
  • It is not surprising that sons who are raised by a wise father are rich in knowledge. (Firdousi)
  • I hate to do this behind his back, but to be a good father sometimes you have to be a bad person.
  • Immediately after God comes the father. (Wolfgang Mozart)

There are three beloved men in my life. It's dad... Coffee... Chocolate...

In my life, the only thing I've ever been afraid of is spiders. So I don’t give a damn that her dad is a cop.

If I eat porridge, my pussy will grow, that’s what my dad tells me, and my sister – about boobs.

As dad said, it will be like mom’s way!

The last one is the dad...

Love is when my mom makes coffee for my dad and takes a sip before giving him the cup to make sure it tastes good.

If her mother is recording her swimming lessons, you should be at the pool. Don't worry if you are the only father there. Others don't know what they're missing. Never miss your birthday. Teach her how to control the rollers. Watch her confidence grow every day.

Let it roll in the grass. It's so good for her soul. Ask her to buy a bathing suit. Don't be afraid to veto any of the styles you choose, but you should resist the urge to put her in something that looks like beach pajamas. Somewhere between the third and sixth years, she will ask you to marry her.

My dad is a genius. He can take a car that barely drives and make it into a car that doesn't drive at all!

Recently I hit myself very hard and after the hit I held my head. Instead of feeling sorry for me, my dad said: “Well, that’s okay. If there were brains, there would be a concussion!”

Perhaps after a terrible nightmare he will want to get into your bed. There is nothing wrong. Few things are more reassuring to a little girl than the hand of a warm father. Take her to the swing in the park. She will probably want to swing it higher and higher. But her idea of ​​"louder" and "higher" is probably different from yours.

When he grows up, your definition of “taller” and “stronger” will be very close to hers. When this day comes, there is nothing to think about - use all your energy. Holding her ankles with her head down until she laughs uncontrollably is a very good exercise for the biceps. Warning: She doesn't know what "shrink your hands" means.

Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall on your knees, don’t say “You are our Savior!!!”, but just quietly nod your head.

Dad is the only male person who loved, loves and will always love me as I am...

Dad quit smoking, switched to a more powerful drug and put the whole family on it...seeds!

She may ask you to buy her pony. Don't do this unless you have a farm. It's a great idea to hire one. No need to throw gifts on Christmas or birthdays. Instead, give her an unforgettable experience together. Remember that one day, like butterflies, she will spread her wings and fly away. Enjoy it for years like a caterpillar.

Every year, on her birthday, you write her a letter. Collect them and give them to them when it's time for university, becoming a mother, or when you feel it's for them most. Learn to trust her. Gradually give her more freedom. Her behavior depends on your expectations.

Yesterday my dad renamed me on the phone from “Daughter” to “Daddy, give me some money.”

Dad, mom, meet this... This will now live with us...

Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? - Oh, son, I actually just wanted to relax!

Dad, why can't children watch this film? - Sit quietly! Now you will see for yourself.

I stuck my tongue out at dad, and he fucked me! We are definitely relatives.

When in doubt, always listen to your heart. Your daughter is doing exactly that. Knowing when to intervene and when to retire as a teenager will add years to your life. If you can do it - tell me how to do it.

Ice cream hides multiple disorders. Make sure you know your favorite scent. Today she leaves home to go to school, and tomorrow she is already at college. That day will come soon. There is nothing to do to prepare. The sooner you accept this fact, the easier it will be.

My duties included supervising ten agile, energetically smelling, unruly boys ranging in age from five to seven. Psychological methods for achieving good discipline were as distant as the surface of Mars. The fresh air and challenging walking ensured that the children were tired in the evenings and fell asleep quickly!

After I brought a fork to my dad instead of a corkscrew, they didn’t pour me any more.

After I introduced my dad to my boyfriend, he told me: “Yes, love is evil - they loved you too!”

Why is it only mom, the most sacred thing, dad also participated!

Let dad hear, Let dad come, Let dad definitely find me, After all, this doesn’t happen in the world. There's a castle outside, and I'm in the toilet!

A week-long feeling of complete inadequacy led me to the West Virginia University library. This was very helpful as it helped me understand boys' behavior and learn how to control them. My clinical observations show that both mothers and fathers are equally unaware of children and young children. Mothers end up learning something about their children in a purely empirical way. Fathers don't achieve this. And this is where the tragedy is rooted. Fatherhood means an experience from which he is deeply satisfied.

Few are as emotionally rewarding as the pleasure experienced in skillfully guiding our children from the day they are born through the various stages of their development until they embrace their own path. The child, however, is a complex being. There are about ten billion brain cells in a child's head. It is an infinitely more complex set of units than most high-speed computers. How can a father experience constant joy and emotional satisfaction while guiding such a complex person from childhood to adulthood without giving him any instructions?

Today me, tomorrow you, the day after tomorrow mom. - Dad, are you sure that you correctly understand the meaning of the words “family cowards”?

I’m sitting in a Spongebob T-shirt, with huge yellow headphones, and watching Spongebob online. Dad walks by: “You need a guy.”

I'm sleeping. Dad flies up on all fours and yells: “Let’s go ride the horse!” I’m half asleep, turning to the wall: “I can ride a horse, but I don’t want to ride a donkey...”

Society doesn't teach people how to become fathers before they become fathers. No one teaches them in their homes when paternity is already a fact. These dynamically changing times make it much more difficult for fathers to define and fulfill their role. The role of a father twenty-five years ago is different from his role today. Twenty-five years ago, the behavior of men and women, as well as the roles of father and mother, were very clearly defined. Today, the behavior of men and women in society and the family roles of fathers and mothers are undergoing enormous transformations.

No one can predict what final form these roles will take when the situation stabilizes. Feminist movements are just one example of the huge social shifts our society is experiencing. Twenty-five years ago, fathers prepared their sons for a life like theirs. Thanks to the amazing speed at which our culture is changing, this is no longer the case. Social change scientists tell us that of the hundreds of children we see in an elementary school yard, fifty are likely to be inexperienced today!

I'm standing in the kitchen. I drink tea. Night. It feels good. Go ahead and blurt out: “P*ck.” Dad says behind his back: “Yeah. F*ck it! Go.”

Son, tell me honestly, do you smoke weed? - Dad... I'm a daughter!

Only my dad can slip, roll along the road, get up, shake himself and say that he almost fell!

I remember how my mother took me to first grade and I remember how my father carried me from graduation!

Fathers can no longer prepare their children for a life like theirs simply because when their children mature, society will change too much. In The Art of Being a Father, we'll track the growth of a hypothetical child from early childhood through adulthood, describing how you can guide him through each stage of his psychological development. Since girls and boys have different behaviors at different stages, we will look at them separately and explore your role as a father in the development of each gender.

Think of it as "her" if you have a young daughter. In fact, parenthood begins when your wife first finds out that she is pregnant. Over the next nine months leading up to your baby's birth, her body will undergo various physiological changes, which will also cause dramatic psychological changes. They may become irritable or illogical in their actions, or suddenly start asking for things. He may explode, crying over something that seems completely insignificant to you.

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It’s so exciting when a daughter tells her dad stupid things about personal things and hides them... great, hardly anyone will find them.

A student’s father once came to the professor and asked: “I’m afraid that my son might fail the exam, what should I do?” The professor answers: “We bet you a piece that it will pass?”

Darling, I will be happy if you give birth to a daughter!

Her behavior may confuse and puzzle you. It is important to understand that this is absolutely normal for a pregnant woman. Just as you indulge in the psychological changes in your wife while you are in the womb, you should also attend to her pregnancy. Don't expect her to behave the same way she did before she was pregnant. Understanding these changes is especially important for men whose wives become pregnant within months of their marriage. Sometimes, when faced with mysterious manifestations of his pregnant wife, he begins to think: Does this mean that you are getting married?

At his death, dad began dividing the inheritance between his four daughters. - So damn lucky thought Button!

Best status:
I felt bad all day, I called my dad and tears flowed over his words: Daughter, you are my best!

Dad, am I attractive? - Not an amateur, my daughter, but a big amateur!

- Son, answer me, do you indulge in weed? – Dad, I’m actually a girl!!

If so, then it's not her! The husband does not realize that after his wife became pregnant shortly after marriage, he actually had a very limited ability to judge her behavior as a wife in general. All she sees now is her behavior as a pregnant woman. Try to be patient and empathetic to the potential your wife is experiencing during pregnancy. It will mean a lot to her if you hear her worries and troubles during this period. Before moving on to your father's role in the first stage of a child's development, I need to point out two things.

If dad solves his son's eighth grade physics problem, then the world will end!

As Dasha Vasnetsova says: “Life is gloomy, the stripe is black, the stripe is getting blacker.”

When my Mom told me to buy eggs at the store, I immediately burst out: “Aren’t yours the same anymore?” “Her surprised eyes looked at me with a strange look for a long time.

First, although this book will give you information about the psychological aspects of fatherhood, you will also need practical skills, such as how to hold a baby or how to change a baby's diapers. If you've never been a parent before, you need to learn these important things. To learn the practical side of parenthood, sign up for courses offered by the Red Cross for expectant parents. Second, some parenting can be equally successful for both the mother and father.

For example, if a baby feeds a pacifier, it doesn't matter which one does it. There is no “male” or “female” feeding of a baby with a pacifier. Each parent can complete the task, depending on which one is available. My previous book, The Art of Parenting, covers the first five years of a child's life. Most of the rights written there are for mothers and fathers. However, there are other aspects of parenting in which the mother's role differs from the father's. Both genders are not interchangeable.

Dad, I love you very much, I miss you, please come to me in my dreams, I promise I won’t cry...

And all that will remain is your message history, a folder with photos on your desktop, and a heart beyond repair...

Daughter, wake me up for work when you go to bed)))*Dad*

I admire my dad! He’s the only one who never quit like some people. Envy weaklings)

The youngest child needs both feminine and masculine behavior models. A parent cannot perform both roles at the same time. In some aspects, fatherhood is similar to motherhood. But at certain moments in a child’s development, the father’s role is unique, and he alone can do it.

If he fails, his wife will not be able to accept him, no matter how good the mother is. A simple example of cultural change is homework in elementary school. Twenty-five years ago, a father would hardly have had any difficulty helping his children with their homework. In schools they still taught what he himself had studied. The school curriculum, like the culture at large, has remained relatively unchanged. But due to the "information explosion" due to the rapid pace of acquiring new knowledge about the world around us, today's school curriculum is undergoing constant changes.

Grandma told dad: You are a man, not a dishwasher: D

xxx: Yesterday my father, drunk, when he came home, called me Rita xxx: everything would be fine, but I’m fucking Seryozha

You’re wrong, my dad doesn’t need a drinking buddy - he doesn’t drink, and my mother imagines another son-in-law - not an egoist and a womanizer.

Mommy, why is daddy bald? And he’s very smart! Why do you have so much hair? Shut up and eat!

There are already such disciplines as “New Mathematics”, “Modern English” and “The New Nature of Science”. And these are just some of the “new” disciplines that are taught in our school curricula. The modern dad will probably have to have a 'new maths' parent course at school if he wants to help his sixth grade class with their homework! Guiding boys and girls over twelve years of age until their final maturity is much more challenging today than it was twenty-five years ago. Then the father and mother were still respected as authorities, just as teachers, administrators, police officers or elected officials were respected.

Don’t Cry Girl Don’t Cry.. And leave everything as it is.. Listen to Dad. Dad is right as before... No one loves you as much as he does. No one will regret and forgive for everything...

Set it for yourself

“Where are you without mommies and daddies!” - that’s why every parent thinks so!

When my dad was washing the dishes, he was sucked into the drain hole and released into the neighbor’s bathtub, just like at the moment when neighbor Nina was washing there. At least that’s what he told my mother.

Today's young people have been skeptical of older people and of authority for thirteen years. They always say: “Don’t trust anyone if you’re over 30!” Therefore, the modern father needs a stronger foundation on which to develop his relationship with his teenager and can no longer rely solely on being the adult. In addition, today's teenagers are exposed to potential dangers that did not exist in the past. Perhaps the main problem is drugs. Fathers must face the fact that their unskilled sons and daughters are in daily contact with modern drug addiction.

My daughter had a blast. To the question “Have you packed your briefcase?” (3rd grade) - Mom, don’t pick my brains!” I'm out...

Who do you love more, mom or dad? - both mom and dad! - and who more? - and no one else.

Dad said, in the middle of the argument: “Daughter, don’t fuck me... don’t make fun of yourself...”

You need to love mom, dad, marmalade, chocolate and summer. The rest is crap!

As a child, two questions annoyed me: - Why didn’t the groom show up there? -Who do you love more, mom or dad?

Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's jokes, it means there are guests in the house.

Has anyone had this happen: Parents come home from the store and dad says: “Daughter, we have a gift for you - a doormat.”

Dad bought soap, it says “Bath Soap” and with a malicious face he signed the letter “E” in front, and laughs, the man is 45 years old. Ppt...)

Dad, where did I come from? - from cabbage. - Dad, am I a vegetable? O_O

The daughter returns home very late. Her father meets her on the threshold. - Well, she was hanging around again, drinking, smoking. - Dad, envy is a bad feeling!

- Mom, if a giraffe has horns, isn’t it a deer? - Son, look at dad... He has horns, but he’s still a donkey.

Moscow 2040. – Dad, is it true that Russians lived here? – Nat, Ahmed, this is fantastic.

“- Daughter, why are you crying?..- We had a fight..- And is it necessary to cry because of this?..- Why not..- Only I, dad, are worthy of your tears.. let’s go eat:*.. I love you Mommy:**..

Today I, tomorrow you, the day after tomorrow Mom. - Dad, are you sure that you correctly understand the meaning of the words “family cowards”?

- Mom, look, I’m strong, like dad – I broke a pitchfork too! :)- @la, another asshole is growing:((

I remember how my mother took me to first grade and I remember how my father carried me to graduation!)

Yesterday we had a blast on the flat... Wallpaper, plaster, curtains and chandelier...)

everyone has their own values...some people value mom, dad, money in the bank or something else...but to me the most precious thing is the one that I call mine... -1

Dad is burning: He’s sitting watching Dom2 with the sound off, a phone in his hands and music from the village of fools playing =P)))

how touching it is to call a folder with porn “byaka”

Dad, I got married!!! I don’t know anything... it’ll get dark when I get home...

A cleaned apartment with a working computer and paid internet – no, this is NOT willpower. This is the fear of getting fucked by dad.

Everyone around you praises you.. they say you have become so sweet and kind.. who influenced you so much??-he, dad, HIM!

We sit at the table, eat. Choked. Mom: “Clap?” Me: (Nod) She and dad: “Bravoo!” And they laugh.

I admire my dad! He’s the only one who has put up with me for 18 years! And he’s never abandoned me, like some people. Envy weaklings)

There are three beloved men in my life. This is dad... Coffee... Chocolate...

If mom wants a cat and dad wants a dog, then that means there won’t be a brother!

They say your best friend is your mother... yeah, right now, tell her. In the morning, the second girlfriend, Dad, will already know everything.

I'll be a great mom... All I have to do is find a dad like her. =)

“My children, I’m dying, bring me a glass of water.” - Dad, January 1st, everyone is dying, take it and bring it yourself!

I put on nylon shorts, to which my dad said: “Warn the guy to cut his nails, otherwise he’ll tear them when he takes them off!”

It’s so nice when you come up to your dad and ask: “Dad, am I good with you?” And he replies: “You are my best!

The last one is the dad...

We’re driving with dad in the car, he’s smoking, I’m out of habit: leave it to me... I made excuses for a long time

I met my classmate. Me: - Hello! Congratulations! I heard your daughter was born... It’s a pity not from you... - ???!!! -...It’s a pity that I didn’t hear it from you! And what did you think?

Dad quit smoking, switched to an even stronger drug and put the whole family on it...SEEDS!

- Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall to your knees, don’t say “You are our Savior!!!”, but just quietly nod your head)

- Dad, can you sign with your eyes closed? - Yes, but what? - Then sign in my diary

For a man, “food” and “love” are synonymous words! ("Father's daughters")

- Get in the car, I'll give you candy! - No! - How about two? - Dad, I won't get into a Zhiguli! 1

no, but it happens that parents call their children something special, but calling me in the phone book “daddy give me money” is too much!!!

I want my children to call him dad!

- Slavik, who do you listen to more: mom or dad? - Mom. - Why? - She says more.

It’s all dad’s fault... I’m the one who’s so mean to him...==

Mom and Dad wanted me to get better. Well, the point has come out, but the stupidity remains

You know, cat, love is a drug that makes the tummy grow, such a paw will be born, it will open its eyes and say - dad)

- Radio? Tell your dad my congratulations on the holiday from the bottom of my heart to the penis... - Until what? - Daughter. Lena.

Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? – Oh son, I actually just wanted to relax! =)

A gentle face, every feature, a snub-nosed sniffling nose... Money, career – it doesn’t matter. The important thing is sleeping nearby!!! I love my daughter!!!

This New Year I want only one thing! Mom, dad, let's make peace! :)I love you…

She came at 4 o'clock in the morning. Dad opens the door in shorts. - Why did you come? - Have breakfast

- Dad, how far is it from America? - Shut up and swim.

After I introduced my dad to my boyfriend, he told me: Yes, love is evil - they loved you too...

I'm alone with my mother. But with my dad, I don’t know.

Mom, dad, I fell in love... I left to ruin my life... I'll be back soon. Your fool...

First, your mother persuades you to eat a cake for company at 12 o’clock at night, and then says: “Your butt has gained weight, daughter, you should close your mouth.”

- Darling, you will soon become a dad! - I can’t - I’m leaving!

At the zoo... -Dad! Dad! Why is this monkey looking at me so strangely??? - Don't piss, son! We're just at the checkout!

And he doesn’t give a damn how I feel. He's not worried. What if he becomes a dad? Oh, well, he doesn't care.

Morning... I get up... I go to the bathroom. There’s a scream. He: “Oh, fuck, I went back to bed, I’ll bring coffee right now!” Dad, dad.

Many people simply do not understand that they have everything to be happy... Everything – this does not mean clothes, cars, jewelry. Everything is mom and dad.

– Dad, why can’t children watch this film? - Sit quietly! Now you will see for yourself.

It’s my mom’s birthday today!!! Mom, dad and I love you very much, despite the fact that sometimes we behave badly

How I learned to swim...Dad took me to the middle of the river and threw me out of the ship. At first it was difficult to get out of the bag, but then nothing, I got used to it...

It’s cute when your dad comes up to you in the morning and says: “Get up, I’m going to work..breakfast is on the table..” you get up, go to the kitchen, and there’s a plant there :)

- Daughter, who is this young man who kissed you yesterday evening? - What time is it, daddy?

Only dad can fall asleep watching TV and wake up if you turn it off

You need to love mom, dad, marmalade, chocolate and summer! The rest is just that (hobby)…

You said that I would be nice, mom said that I would be smart, dad looked at me and waved his hand... Dad was right :)

Dad didn't quit drinking, dad didn't quit smoking...and he won't quit you either)

They say your best friend is your mom... yeah, right now! tell her... your second friend, Dad, will know everything in the morning: D

Dad is in a good mood: He runs around the house, tickles, sticks out his tongue, does some dirty tricks, sings. He's called an adult!!!

Hello mom, give me dad. -Now. - Hello dad, did Spartak win? -Yes, sure! -give me mom. -Mom, I heard dad allowed me to dance))

The last one is the dad...

I often fall into ecstasy and remember how my mother took me to first grade, how my father carried me home from graduation...

- Dad, damn it, why if I was at a friend’s birthday party, I immediately drank?!? - I am a mother!

In our house, dad decides everything. And who our dad is - mom decides.

Dad, why do all the kids eat cotton candy, and I eat regular cotton candy?

- Dad, dad, give me some money!? - Son, I don’t have any money right now, go out and get it from mom. - Won’t she burn it???

A Papuan is a friend, comrade and food for a Papuan.

- Dad! Vasya throws a chair at me! - So throw it at him! -I can’t, I have liquid...

Selling a folder with photographs. The folder is mine, the photographs are my mother’s

Hello, mom, dad spilled coffee on a white towel. soak it or what? - Don't touch your father. Throw a towel in the machine, I’ll sort it out in the evening

Where is Dad’s “remind me in 15 minutes” function? 0

honest children love not mom and dad, but tubes of cream...

A boy with dexterous buttocks takes his dad's belt during a spanking..

My happiness is with your eyes, my nose, running around our house and shouting: “Mommy, look! Dad and I caught a fish!”

Thanks not to me, but to mom and dad for such a creation!

Well, Durov is original... he hung some kind of thin branch and it’s like a holiday (((

There are two types of girlfriends: the best and the worst..(c).

Girls used to learn to cook like their they drink like their fathers

- Dad, what is the difference between a man and a woman? - Look, my feet are size 44, and my mother’s are size 36. That's the difference between the legs...

Dad didn't raise a princess for you idiot!

Dad, I’m not drunk at all (Hic) - I’m mom...

- Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? - Oh, son, I actually just wanted to relax!

I'm preparing food in the kitchen. Dad comes in and says, “Fuck, Katya, are you preparing to eat? It’s not for nothing that we THEN took you instead of that boy...”

The last one is the dad...

I come home and there is a note in the kitchen: “Son, borscht is in the pan. Mother". Above is another one: “Daughter, sorry, there’s Rollton in the refrigerator. Dad".

Vovochka comes home from school and gives her dad a diary to read. Dad reads: - Russian - 2, mathematics - 2, physics - 2, singing - 5 - Lord! This moron also sings!

She was such a good little girl, but she grew up... and she grew up and grew up©Dad

My daughters, I’m leaving on a long journey, what should I bring from there??? - Dad, is there any way to go buy bread in a less pretentious way?

Mom and dad made it, and judging by the result, they didn’t try very hard

Why is it only mom, the most sacred thing, dad also participated! Papul this heart is for you.

He is married. He gives me flowers and toys, indulges my whims, worries when I’m gone until late. He is ready to do anything for me. And he loves me. In short, thank you dad for being here!

and probably everyone thought what life would be like if her father were president)

You said that I would be sweet... mom said that I would be smart... grandfather said that I would be loved by everyone... and dad sat silently and just waved his hand... dad was right...

my dad says that if I step on a rake once, then I’ll step on it again and after that I’ll jump on it again. my rake is trusting you.

My son is drawing a solar circle, the sky around... A woman’s breasts, a fire, a barbecue... And his daddy helped him! 🙂

– Dad, why does our grandmother run in a zigzag? - For some, grandmother, and for others, mother-in-law, give me a second clip.

I’m sitting in a Spongebob T-shirt, with huge yellow headphones, and watching Spongebob online. Dad passes by: “You need a guy.”

- Dad, dad, how did you meet mom? – I’m sitting on VKontakte, and then oops, your mom is being added as a friend!

Left for a walk. I came home in the morning. I fell asleep. I woke up and the whole apartment said: Fuck, I’m on my period! In response to daddy: Huh, periods... =)

Dad, I won’t get married, I will live with you. - Don't you dare threaten your father!

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a father.

God and dad love me. You'll be third!!!

There are three beloved men in my life. It's dad... Coffee... Chocolate...

In my life, the only thing I've ever been afraid of is spiders. So I don’t give a damn that her dad is a cop.

If I eat porridge, my pussy will grow, that’s what my dad tells me, and my sister – about boobs.

As dad said, it will be like mom’s way!

The last one is the dad...

Love is when my mom makes coffee for my dad and takes a sip before giving him the cup to make sure it tastes good.

My dad is a genius. He can take a car that barely drives and make it into a car that doesn't drive at all!

Dad didn't raise a princess for you idiot!

Recently I hit myself very hard and after the hit I held my head. Instead of feeling sorry for me, my dad said: “Well, that’s okay. If there were brains, there would be a concussion!”

He is married. He gives me flowers and toys, indulges my whims, worries when I’m gone until late. He is ready to do anything for me. And he loves me. In short, thank you dad for being here!

Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall on your knees, don’t say “You are our Savior!!!”, but just quietly nod your head.

Dad, why do all the kids eat cotton candy, and I eat regular cotton candy?

Dad is the only male person who loved, loves and will always love me as I am...

Dad quit smoking, switched to a more powerful drug and put the whole family on it...seeds!

Yesterday my dad renamed me on the phone from “Daughter” to “Daddy, give me some money.”

Dad, mom, meet this... This will now live with us...

Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? - Oh, son, I actually just wanted to relax!

Dad, why can't children watch this film? - Sit quietly! Now you will see for yourself.

I stuck my tongue out at dad, and he fucked me! We are definitely relatives.

After I brought a fork to my dad instead of a corkscrew, they didn’t pour me any more.

After I introduced my dad to my boyfriend, he told me: “Yes, love is evil - they loved you too!”

Why is it only mom, the most sacred thing, dad also participated!

Let dad hear, Let dad come, Let dad definitely find me, After all, this doesn’t happen in the world. There's a castle outside, and I'm in the toilet!

Today me, tomorrow you, the day after tomorrow mom. - Dad, are you sure that you correctly understand the meaning of the words “family cowards”?

I’m sitting in a Spongebob T-shirt, with huge yellow headphones, and watching Spongebob online. Dad walks by: “You need a guy.”

I'm sleeping. Dad flies up on all fours and yells: “Let’s go ride the horse!” I’m half asleep, turning to the wall: “I can ride a horse, but I don’t want to ride a donkey...”

I'm standing in the kitchen. I drink tea. Night. It feels good. Go ahead and blurt out: “P*ck.” Dad says behind his back: “Yeah. F*ck it! Go.”

Son, tell me honestly, do you smoke weed? - Dad... I'm a daughter!

Only my dad can slip, roll along the road, get up, shake himself and say that he almost fell!

I remember how my mother took me to first grade and I remember how my father carried me from graduation!

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