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Classes for children 5-6 years old at home. The best educational activities for your baby

A six-year-old child is no longer the foolish child he was just recently. He has already experienced a rapid leap in physical and intellectual development. It is important not to stop there, but to continue to develop the child further, because school is coming ahead, for which he must be well prepared both psychologically, physically and intellectually.

Children's educational activities for children

The main condition for conducting any classes with children is the child and his joy from the activity. Interesting educational activities for children 6 years old are simply necessary for them, but only on condition that they are interesting.

You can study in special children's centers and development schools, where you can find any activity to suit your taste. In addition, classes can be conducted at home if the child agrees. Not every preschooler is able to study at home with his mother, or rather, not every mother is able to study with her child. Some simply do not have the patience, while others do not have enough experience to organize the learning process competently. That is why many parents prefer to turn to specialists who conduct correctional and developmental classes for children.

Physical development of the child

At the age of 6 years, a child’s development occurs very rapidly. The baby’s coordination of movements increases several times; he is already able to do things that mothers had never even dreamed of before: making two or three movements at the same time, for example, jumping up and clapping their hands. Many children at this age are already riding with all their might on two-wheeled bicycles, roller skates and skates.

Nevertheless, physical education and developmental activities for children 6 years old are as necessary as air. Children are very restless, they need to always be on the move, this is one of the basic needs of a child. That's why it's worth sending him to some section or dance class. Boys enjoy swimming, skiing, wrestling, and girls enjoy gymnastics and figure skating. However, such a distinction by gender is very arbitrary. Good physical development is necessary for full intellectual development.

Musical educational activities for children

All children love to listen to, sing, and dance to songs, regardless of their age. In general, music greatly develops a child, improves his memory, attention, motor skills, so music lessons are simply necessary. For one child, these classes will be more in-depth in a special music school. Many children at this age are already beginning to master a musical instrument, for example, the violin, recorder, piano and accordion.

Other children who do not have great musical talent will nevertheless be very happy to attend various musical development classes for children. It is very well received by children aimed at developing a sense of rhythm, intonation and even acting skills. The Zheleznovs' songs are mini-dramatizations and finger games that kids simply adore. These also include group round dances and rhymes. However, it is not at all necessary to look for this particular technique. It is enough to take any song and try to perform it not only with your voice, but also with your body, showing movements. By the way, these movements can be invented together with the child, thereby developing his horizons and imagination. The main rule of any activity is: activity should be fun!

What needs to be developed in a child

In order for the future student to be ready for school everyday life, he simply needs interesting developmental activities! They need to be led in several directions. These include the following:

  • Development of intelligence. This also includes general development, the knowledge that a child accumulates by this age. Knowledge about the world around him, about the properties of objects, about the cause-and-effect relationship of processes, and also it is necessary to develop logical thinking, teach literacy, elementary mathematics and teach the basics of reading. Some children, however, by the age of 6 already read quite fluently, but still this phenomenon is not widespread. In addition, many begin to learn foreign languages, this also relates to the development of intelligence.
  • Development of psychological processes. These processes include memory, attention, concentration and will. The development of these processes occurs constantly, many activities are considered as a means for their development. For example, many parents send their child to learn English in order to develop his memory.
  • Development of imagination and creativity. Many children themselves take great pleasure in drawing, sculpting from plasticine, and practicing unconventional creative art techniques. For some this is not so easy and therefore they need to be helped with skillful but gentle guidance.
  • Speech development. Despite the fact that the child’s speech is already quite well developed, you still shouldn’t stop there. You need to read a lot, then discuss what you read, do all sorts of speech exercises.

Conditions for conducting classes

Developmental activities for children 6 years old should not be random; on the contrary, they should be strictly systematized. Otherwise, there will be no proper result, and your preschooler will not get used to studying, then you may encounter his protest, because he is simply not used to studying.

The main rule of any activity is: it should be fun! If the activity does not bring pleasure to either the child or the adult, it is worth reconsidering the principles of the activity. Educational games and activities for children will be useful only when they are performed and carried out easily and naturally.

Developing intelligence

There are a large number of games and books aimed at developing a child’s intelligence. It is enough to play some games and complete various tasks from books so that the development of intelligence occurs in accordance with age.

Educational activities for children at home are not at all difficult to carry out, knowing only the direction in which you need to move. So, what can you do with your child at home, on a walk, to unobtrusively develop him:

  • Discuss the weather, what has changed compared to the weather yesterday. Discuss the seasons, what happens to nature and animals.
  • Remind your child what day of the week, date and month it is. Remind you what day it will be tomorrow and what day it was yesterday. Discuss the parts of the day: morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Discuss what items are made of what and what they are needed for.
  • Talk about professions, talk about what jobs existed before and what new professions.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the development of a child’s intelligence is directly influenced by his communication with adults, which is very valuable in itself. It is worth paying the child’s attention to everything that surrounds him, asking him questions for reflection, so that he understands himself, and does not receive a ready-made answer.

Development of memory and attention

Developmental activities for children 6 years old must include tasks for the development of memory and attention. In order to develop memory, you need to memorize poems, memorize plot pictures, and various small details. A good task is: look, remember, and then tell me. The child looks at the pictures for a short time, then they turn over and he begins to remember what was drawn on them.

The game “What has changed?” is suitable for this. This is a game in which one is removed from a sequence of pictures or toys, and then the child is asked to remember which picture is missing. In addition, it is useful to compare two pictures and look for differences in them.

Developing creative intelligence and imagination

Educational activities for children 6 years old must include creativity and the development of imagination. You can and should draw with your child, sculpt from plasticine and salt dough, make appliques from paper and natural materials, stage plays, glue and make various crafts.

There are a huge number of books aimed at developing the artistic skills of the younger generation. You need to create with pleasure, and then make an exhibition of the completed works or give these works to your family and friends. The main thing is not to stop praising and emphasizing the importance of what you have done yourself. Educational activities for children at home, aimed at developing creative potential, are very important for the development of intelligence and various psychological processes.


Living next to a child is extremely interesting; watching how he changes from day to day is simply a pleasure! Correctional and developmental activities for children should be a joy for everyone, and only in this case everything will work out!

Is your child sick and daycare is cancelled? Or is there a long weekend ahead? How to make a child’s time interesting, and what to do with a 5-year-old child at home?

Features of the development of a five-year-old child

"Adult" baby

A five-year-old child is no longer a toddler, but it’s difficult to call him an adult either. This is the transitional age from nursery to primary school age. Look how physically the child has changed in just a year - he has stretched out a lot, the cute childish plumpness has disappeared. A five-year-old preschooler is interested in literally everything. From a little thinker, he turned into a researcher. Like a sponge, absorbing useful information, a child expands his horizons. Scientists have found that this is the age when the volume of assimilated information is the highest: as much material as he assimilates now will never fit into his memory again. 90% of a child’s personality is formed right now, so it is important not to miss the moment and, in the period from 5 to 7 years, to instill the necessary habits and lay down the qualities that he will need in later life.

Reasonableness and calmness

Even very emotional and hysterical children by the age of five become balanced, reasonable, independent and adequately perceive the requests and comments of adults. Now it is very important to start preparing for school: to develop perseverance, memory and attention, fine motor skills and, of course, hard work. Therefore, games should be biased in this direction, but at the same time remain interesting.

Not developed independence

Not all preschool children are still able to study independently for a long time: they need a partner in play. It’s good when there are other children of a similar age in the family, then part of the educational work is transferred from the mother’s shoulders to them: the older children become objects of imitation and organizers of leisure, and the younger ones become the object of guardianship of a five-year-old child, who helps to form a sense of responsibility in the preschooler and develops organizational skills. But if the child is alone, you will sometimes have to play together, simultaneously developing his independence.

“You need to work with your child,” writes Anna Bykova, a child psychologist, “but you don’t need to take up all his time - these are two extremes, harmonious upbringing is the path of the middle, a constant search for balance.”

What can children 5-6 years old do to get involved in the proposed activity? After all, only by enjoying the activity can adults make a child’s leisure time truly interesting and educational.

Interesting activities and games for boys aged 5

What interests a 5 year old boy? Of course, all kinds of cars, airplanes, swords and pistols, construction kits and other boyish paraphernalia that your son is probably already tired of. But even car games can be made more interesting if you use your imagination.

Cardboard town

Take several cardboard boxes (large enough, for example, from a vacuum cleaner, microwave oven, etc. If you don’t have them at home, you can ask at the nearest store, they throw them away anyway), cut tunnels in the cardboard walls, and connect them together with a stapler. You can mount all kinds of bridges, draw pedestrian crossings and road signs, and the child will enjoy driving cars around a box city much more than just on a carpet.


If a boy is persistent enough to complete a puzzle that matches his abilities, reward him! Puzzles develop intelligence, logical thinking, and train memory and attention.


Home bowling will delight the little boy. No skittles? It doesn’t matter – there are plastic bottles in every home. Fill them with sand or water for stability. You can replace the skittles with cubes. Compete to see which of you is more dexterous with the ball.

Board games and building models

If you have board games at home, partner with your son in table football or tennis. Or you can glue together a cardboard model of an airplane or ship.

Books with tasks

Books with stickers, labyrinths and interesting tasks are not only very exciting, but also useful for the development of logic, imagination and creativity. Let your child complete tasks on his own, helping only when he asks for help. This will be another step towards preschool preparation.

Activities and games for girls aged 5

You can find even more exciting activities for girls.


Add variety to doll games? Easily! Let it be not just mothers and daughters, but a fashion show. No time to sew clothes for “mannequins”? Use available materials - bags, napkins, handkerchiefs, and from plastic bottles you can make excellent crinolines for ball gowns.

Beauty games

Or you can be a “model”: visit the hairdresser or beauty salon, which is “managed” by your daughter: all the girls are delighted with such games!

Little needlewoman

The girl will also be fascinated by needlework: offer her a box with beads and beads, show her how you once wove baubles and bracelets yourself. No beads? But there is paper and such an interesting direction as quilling: the art of making crafts and voluminous appliqués from rolled paper. This is very useful for developing imagination and fine motor skills.

And from ribbons and bead buttons you can make exclusive hairpins and elastic bands using the kanzashi technique. Glue gun, scissors, lighter, thread and needles are what you may need. Of course, a girl cannot be trusted with such needlework without supervision. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done this before: learning it together with your daughter will be more interesting.

Don't be afraid to trust your daughter with a needle. Purchase small embroidery hoops and embroidery patterns. Having learned to embroider in childhood, your girl can become a real needlewoman. This activity perfectly develops fine motor skills, color perception, and develops perseverance and accuracy in work. And the masterpieces of your Marya the artist can be given to relatives for the holidays or framed and hung on the wall.

Books with tasks

Books with logical tasks and puzzles are interesting not only for boys, but also for girls. Today there are a variety of books on sale for interesting leisure time.

Mom is busy. Independent games for children aged 5

When a lot of things have accumulated, mom has no time for games. A child of 5 years old already understands that there is no one to play with him, it’s time to move on to independent entertainment.

How to teach a child to be independent

Only a child who consciously strives to be independent will be able to occupy himself for a long time. Therefore, it is important to encourage the child to try to do everything himself already in the first year of life. At 5 years old, it is difficult for a child to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time, so it is good if you and he think through an approximate schedule that the child will adhere to.

Once you teach your child to do something, don’t do the work yourself!

If he manages to make the bed once, turn it into a duty. Do not dress or undress your child: at 5 years old, he can do this very well on his own. Tears and apparent helplessness are attempts at manipulation; stop them, otherwise children’s independence will not be achieved.

Let's take turns playing

Let's draw

Invite your child to create a picture together. Agree in advance that you will draw in turns, for example, 5 minutes each. While the process is in the hands of the child, you can turn on the washing machine or dishwasher, hang out the laundry, etc.

We are building

You can take turns creating a castle using a construction set: the child builds the left wing, you build the right wing.

Let's sculpt

Modeling can also be done jointly, but do it in turns. For example, a mother made a bunny, and now the child is making a hedgehog. While he is busy, adults have time for household chores.

Playing solitaire

If you don’t mind the time, teach your child to play solitaire not on the computer, but with regular cards.

Tasks for the child

Collect an album

If you have accumulated a lot of applications made by your child, give the task of collecting them all in an album (a folder with files or in a binder, you can paste them into a regular sketchbook or photo album).

Draw invitation cards

Are you planning a family celebration? Involve your child and let him draw invitations or color ready-made ones.

You can come up with more serious and responsible tasks:

  • wash the dishes;
  • vacuum the carpet;
  • sort out your purchases.

Don't forget to praise and thank for the completed task.

Hobbies and experiences


Various experiences can be a very interesting pastime for a 5-year-old child. Ready-made kits are available for sale. For example, water experiments, growing crystals, creating slimes and new scents. But you can start with the simplest thing - food coloring and a few jars of paint. The child will learn to mix and create new colors using the original three primary colors.


Soap making, making candles, creating Christmas tree decorations, crafts for the holidays and birthday gifts for grandmothers... A 5-year-old child can independently make simple crafts, provided that an adult shows (sometimes more than once) how this is done.

Attention! Some hobbies, such as making candles or soap, must be carried out under the supervision of an adult!

Teaching a 5 year old child to work

At what age should a child be taught to work? From the age of one and a half to two years, the baby can help put away toys and, at your request, bring some objects, for example, a TV remote control. The older the child gets, the more serious his responsibilities may become. But remember, if for a two-year-old child work is a game, then for a 5-year-old child work is not so interesting. Therefore, it is important to start training as early as possible, but to do it correctly.

The most important thing: be an example for your child. Only by showing your love for work will you raise your child to be hardworking.

Don't stop helping!

But keep an eye on the child's safety. Asks for help cooking? Have the vegetables washed. Instead of a kitchen knife, give a non-sharp one (for example, a table knife or a plastic one): it is suitable for chopping soft or boiled vegetables and fruits.

Give clear instructions

Describe in every detail the task that needs to be done, describing the result in advance: put away the toys and see how clean the room becomes.

Set approximate time limits

For example, you need to fold the coloring books after you draw, but have time to do this before the walk.

Don't overpraise your child

And in no case should you reward with money or sweets: household chores are not paid work, but a duty. You need to praise, but without fanaticism.

Have a clear schedule

Sometimes the written word is stronger than the spoken word: write or draw a schedule of children's activities, attach it in a visible place.

"To-Do Box"

You can put it in a visible place in a box and put cards in it, where you write or the child himself draws things that need to be done, but time is running out. Let the cards be multi-colored. Getting up in the morning, ask the child what color is working today, and, taking out a card of the desired color, the child will do the task indicated there.

Trust the child!

When entrusting a task, do not be afraid that the child will not cope. Many parents begin to give advice at hand, including completely useless ones: “Be careful!”, “Don’t get cut,” “Don’t spill it.” As psychologists say, such an attitude more often leads to failure. Instead, encourage your child and be sure to evaluate the result (not to be confused with praise).

“Sometimes it’s easier to do things yourself than to entrust them to children,” S. Feldcher and S. Lieberman write in their book “400 ways to keep a child from 2 to 8 years occupied.” – And still try not to make comments if the child’s help does not suit you. The child does not know how to do the job as well as you, your task is to cultivate a sense of responsibility for the entrusted work.”

Help with household chores

You can while away the time usefully: redo chores around the house, involving your child in helping. Let it be in the form of a game - it’s more interesting!

“Who throws things around the most in the house?”

It's easy to find out. Allocate a box for each family member and sign them. Ask your child to keep order all day and put things that are out of place in each of the boxes: dad's - in dad's box, mom's - in mom's, etc.


Children enjoy washing and cleaning everything. Entrust your child to clean, for example, all the door handles in the house or wipe dust in accessible places.

Olga, mother of 5-year-old Ruslan: “Ruslan likes to wash things in the sink with a brush and soap. His area of ​​responsibility is his shoes (sometimes adult shoes too)

"Find a Pair"

Folding socks in pairs is feasible for children and makes your household work a little easier.

"From the largest to the smallest"

By arranging books by size, you can bring order to your shelf.

"The fastest"

At 5 years old, a child is interested in competition. Offer, for example, to quickly hang things in the closet.

Have you been planning to clear out your closet for a long time? It's time to have an assistant nearby. The child can sort things, neatly put them into boxes, etc. To make it more interesting, say that you are playing treasure hunter, hide the “treasure” on one of the shelves (chocolate, a new toy, a ticket to the circus, etc.).

And if you plan to bake at home, involve your child in it! Children love playing with dough. You can teach your child how to make dumplings and dumplings - it greatly develops finger sensitivity!

The more creative your approach to everyday activities is, the more willingly your child will be involved in them.

Sports games for children aged 5

You can play sports at home. The child himself can come up with ideas for sports games at home, or you can come up with them too. What to play?

Obstacle course

Make an obstacle course from available materials. For example, at the start, a child may be faced with a “one-legged” task: draw circles with chalk or lay out circles out of paper, which must be passed by jumping on one leg. Next comes the next test: crawl on your bellies. To do this, you can use a bench or a narrow carpet. Chair tunnels, sack jumping, jump rope, hoop - all this can be connected to obstacles.


Mini baskets with mini balls are sold in toy stores. The ball is so light and small that it won't cause any serious mess.


Stretch a string and play using a balloon instead of a ball.

Accurate shooter

Make a “target” out of a hoop or bucket and grab the ball. Compete to see who can make the most hits out of 10 throws.

If you have a child of a similar age or suddenly a friend comes to visit your child, you can play tug of war (ropes, jump ropes, etc.). And if you involve dad in the game, then honestly you can split into 2 teams: mom and child in one, and dad in the other.

It is better not to play such active games before bedtime.

Evening classes

Evening activities should be calm and not overstimulate the child’s psyche before bedtime.

Drawing, coloring, stickers

All children love to draw, color or put stickers in their albums. Paper, coloring books, pencils, felt-tip pens and paints are universal helpers for arranging relaxing children's leisure time.

Evening Tale

In addition to drawing, mosaics and modeling, you can play a fairy tale. Create it based on the past day, and let your child be the main character. This way you can discuss good and bad behavior, some actions, without going into lectures and moralizing. But according to the law of the genre, the ending must be good!

Shadow play

This will be a calm but exciting activity. You can make paper figures or play with your own hands.

If possible, you can invite your child to become a director in a puppet theater. Let him put on a show for the whole family.

In the evening it is good to play quiet games like lotto and dominoes. There is a huge selection of board games in stores; buy something that your child will like.


Replace watching cartoons with a filmstrip if you still have a filmoscope. But it will be perfectly replaced by a children's flashlight with interchangeable disks. Just turn off the lights, turn on the flashlight - and the miracle begins!

Home planetarium

If possible, be sure to purchase this useful “toy”; it will make your evening leisure time educational.

Bath games

Before going to bed, you can play in the bathroom. Water relaxes well, relieves daytime stress and fatigue. Place a non-slip mat on the bottom of the bathtub, fill with water, but no more than up to the child’s chest.

Do not leave your child unattended in the bathroom! Even a five-year-old can get into trouble.


What to play? You can blow soap bubbles. Or you can take finger paints with you and paint on the tiles or the wall of the bathtub itself. The paints are non-toxic and wash off very easily.

Bathroom sets

Buy your child a special bathroom set. They are designed specifically for playing with water: it flows from container to container, flows in waterfalls, spins wheels, etc.

Bath toys

The boy will definitely enjoy organizing sea battles: give him toy boats in the bathroom. A series of Hot Wheels Color Shifters cars, created specifically for playing in water: they change color depending on the temperature!

The girl will love taking water treatments with dolls also created for playing in water, for example, mermaids who change their hair color.

Vasily, father of five-year-old Artem: “I allow Tema to take fins and a mask into the bath. He plays diver. True, a lot of water splashes over the edge of the bathtub, but it’s not a problem.”

What to do with a 5 year old child if he doesn’t want anything?

When you're tired of plasticine, offer an alternative - kinetic or living sand. Children of all ages love to play with this material, and mothers love this sand because it does not create dirt. If sand is not at hand, then there is an interesting activity: making sand for modeling at home. Even the greatest reluctant person will enjoy this activity!

DIY living sand

Take 6 parts sand, 3 parts starch and 2 parts water. Mix in a deep bowl and mold as you like. The result: almost clean palms, not a speck on the floor, and your beloved child is delighted.

Crystals? Easily!

Get your child interested in the idea of ​​growing crystals at home. He will definitely enjoy this experience, however, it lasts more than one day, but the longer the wait, the more interesting the result!

You can grow crystals from regular table salt (without additives!). Take a liter jar and fill it a third with salt, fill it to the top with hot water, and mix. The concentrated saline solution is the environment in which the crystals will grow. But you will need a base - a piece of felt, for example. Cut out the desired shape (rectangle, snowflake, heart, etc.), thread a thread at the top. We cut out a lid for the jar from cardboard, pierce the lid with a needle, thread it and use a toothpick to fix the figure so that when closing the jar the entire piece of felt ends up in the solution. After 7–10 days, the figurine will be completely covered with crystal-looking grains - crystals.


Tired of plasticine or simple applications? Get your child interested in creating origami figures. Of course, it won’t work out right away, but then he will delight you with wonderful crafts!

Non-Newtonian fluid

Science experiments in the kitchen are fun. Prepare a non-Newtonian liquid, it has unique properties: if you immerse your hands in it smoothly, the mass will be liquid, and if you suddenly try to pull your hands out, it will become solid. The viscosity of a substance will directly depend on the speed at which it is acted upon. Let your child help prepare this toy and then study its properties. You just need to mix starch and water (1:1) in a bowl.

Checkers and chess

These games are not only exciting, but also develop logic, imagination, and perseverance.

What to do with a hyperactive 5 year old child?

If your child is a complete bundle of energy who doesn’t sit still for a second, a real problem arises: what to do with a hyperactive 5-year-old child? A strict daily routine is important for such children; only then will there be relative order in the child’s behavior.

Sports section

It’s good if there is a place in the apartment where the child will splash out energy: a sports corner with a horizontal bar, rings, a ladder, a rope and, of course, mats.

Games by time

Set aside time for active games in the first half of the day, and in the second for calm and creative ones. The goal of the game is something that must be indicated in advance, otherwise the child will not be able to concentrate on the task.


A hyperactive child will not last long, but if you pick up puzzles with a picture of his favorite character, he will have a goal: to collect the picture.

Dancing, karaoke

Keep your child busy with music, let him dance or sing karaoke: this will give him an outlet for energy. Play classical music for your hyperactive child. colossal!

Walking the dog

If you have a dog, take your child for a walk with you - naturally, if the size of the pet is appropriate. By running with the dog, the child will temporarily become calmer.

Water games

Water perfectly relaxes, let your fidgety play in the bathtub not only during evening water procedures. Sand has similar properties.

Cartoons as a way to distract a child

All children love cartoons. This is a sure-fire way to keep your child engaged for a long time. But is it worth it?

Pros and cons

Of course, cartoons develop memory and broaden your horizons. They are colorful, story-driven, and exciting. There are special educational cartoons. But everything is good in moderation. Pediatricians advise children 3–5 years old to watch TV no more than half an hour a day. TV negatively affects a child’s vision and can cause aggression, anxiety, and disrupt sleep.

Irina, mother of children the same age, 6.5 and 5 years old: “I let my kids watch cartoons when I’m very busy. I play “Fixies” or “Lessons from Aunt Owl” for them - it’s informative and interesting. But no more than 40 minutes a day and not all at once, but several times for 15-20 minutes.”

Computer, tablet

Computer games literally attract children. Kids who can’t read yet can easily operate a tablet or phone.

Pros and cons

Of course, it’s great if your child is familiar with a computer and tablet: this will be very useful during school years. But the computer worsens vision more than TV, and also causes persistent addiction. You can allow children to play for no more than half an hour a day, but choose educational games according to age. Under no circumstances should you be allowed to sit at the computer before bed.


Sometimes finding something to keep a child occupied becomes a real challenge. But, knowing about your child’s interests and showing a little imagination, you can come up with many activities that will pass the day.

If your home supply of ideas has run out, visit the store: the children's toy departments are replete with all kinds of creativity kits, board and educational games.

  1. S. Feldcher, S. Lieberman. “400 ways to occupy a child from 2 to 8 years old”
  2. Anna Bykova “Developmental activities for the “lazy mother””
  3. K. Matyushkina “The School of Cat da Vinci”
  4. T. Vyatkina “Educational games for children from 0 to 5 years old”

Video on the topic

In this article:

How to work with a 5-6 year old child

At the age of 5-6 years, children need to begin preparing for school. The mental development of the child during this period is active, he is ready to learn. However, for now it is better to conduct classes in a playful way.

Choose books with bright pictures and large text. Books and materials that are a little challenging for your little one are best. Then thinking is stimulated much more actively than with problems that can be solved quickly and easily. There is nothing wrong with thinking and reflecting on the task.

The development of thinking and logic at this age occurs quickly. Studying is now quite easy for children, but they need to organize their daily routine well. It is always better to do math and writing in the first half of the day. Leave reading and creativity for the second half of the day, preferably after a walk.

Preschool age

If you are planning educational activities for children 5-6 years old, then you should pay attention to:

  • thinking;
  • imagination;
  • logic;
  • knowledge about the surrounding world.

Now at
The child must be actively preparing for first grade, which means it is necessary to study in this direction. During this period, children are very receptive to activities. Especially if they are built in an interesting way. You will need educational materials, toys, and visual aids. This is a feature of the mental development of a child at this age - everything should be bright and memorable. Otherwise, the brains of 5-6 year old children simply skip boring information.

For children, activities to develop thinking and logic should be modeled after games. You can invite them to split into teams and promise prizes to the winners. If you are working one-on-one with your child, then offer him small rewards for tasks well completed. But there is no need to put gifts and goodies as the only motivating factor.

Development of thinking

The development of thinking comes first. The age of 5-6 years is considered ideal for starting active activities. The child’s concentration time already reaches 25-30 minutes. Now we are learning to count within a hundred. You need to know simple counting, counting in tens. Within 20, add and subtract by ones, fives and tens. Don't overload
knowledge, but you shouldn’t stop at simple things. School will start soon, and it will be much easier for your child to adapt if he is already used to the classes.

The development of thinking can be carried out in a simple game form. You don't need anything special for this. Such classes are required to be held in kindergarten, but you can also do them at home with your parents. Thinking includes situational logic. Try to keep your baby occupied with some kind of tasks all the time. Even while walking, offer to count pillars or trees, for example. Pay his attention to the colors, sizes, shapes of objects.

How to organize classes

If you decide to work with your baby on your own, it is not as easy as it might seem. All classes for the development of thinking and logic, studying the world around us require systematization and a clear daily routine. School will start very soon, and there the times for lessons and breaks are strictly set. Teach your child to this form of work. Now your lessons with him will be shorter than school ones, but it doesn’t matter. The transition from your work pace to the school one will be easier, and the adaptation period will not be as painful.

Working materials

It is best to look for educational materials for a 5-6 year old child in a bookstore or on the Internet. Be sure to pay attention to what age the exercises are designed for and for whom they are recommended. Giving very simple problems is not the best option. The child must have an incentive to develop. Even if they are a little difficult for his level. Before giving study materials, do a short test to check
what the baby knows at the moment. Usually there is always a test like this at the beginning of the book.

Fairy tales and children's stories are suitable for reading. Choose them according to your child’s interests, the choice is huge now. Again, try to take the texts a little more difficult than the baby is used to seeing and reading.

It would be a good idea to ask what books the classes at the school you have chosen will be based on. Many schools accept children from the age of six, and before that you can prepare using first-grade textbooks. You don’t have to start classes on them, you can just scroll through them and show them to your child. Let him get used to the book and the symbols in it.

Activities to develop your horizons can be combined:

  • books and photos;
  • movies;
  • visit to the museum.

Try to check how your child remembers the material. It's not even a matter of whether he learned well or not. Another thing is important: which form of classes is best suited for your child. This way you can interest him in gaining knowledge. Then it will be easier to work with the school curriculum.


For children 5-6 years old, the ideal option would be to study at home for 20 minutes 3 times a day. To this you need to add creative tasks of 30-60 minutes. In creativity, there is no time limit. If a child is interested in drawing or sculpting, let him do it as much as he wants. Of greater interest are classes in logic, counting, writing, and general development.

By the age of five, children have already formed conscious memorization. Previously, the child remembered the poem only after repeated repetition. This is rote memorization. He didn't put much effort into learning it. By the age of 5-6, he already begins to make mental effort in order to
learn the material. This is no longer so easy, so classes need good time organization.

  1. It is best to start exercising 30-40 minutes after breakfast.
  2. First, classes in counting, logic, and writing.
  3. During the break - completely free time, the baby can do what he wants. For a break between classes, 15-20 minutes is enough.
  4. The second lesson is to develop your horizons. Involve your child in an active discussion.
  5. The next break is big. There could be lunch, a walk, free time.
  6. The last activity may consist of reading or retelling.
  7. After this, you can give more time for creativity.

You should not schedule classes in the evening and before bed. The baby should take a break from classes and get ready for bed. Before going to bed, it is best to give free time, games, watching a children's film or cartoon.


Divide the tasks into:

Show everything using simple examples, pictures, sticks (beans, coins and other small things). Now it is very important for a child to see the process itself. Visual aids are used for this. After a few lessons, try to move directly to writing down known numbers. However, continue to explain new material using clear and visual examples.

Logic puzzles

These include small crosswords, labyrinths, searches for similarities and differences between objects. Children 5-6 years old always like such logic and thinking tasks, because they are perceived as a game. Make sure that the task gives you the opportunity to think. There is no point in logical problems if they are solved on the fly, without thinking. This is the only way to really use situational logic and use previous experience and knowledge.


Creativity should definitely be free. Here parents can show a little trick. Give us a general task that implies certain conditions. For example, as part of a developmental lesson you visited a museum or zoo. Invite your child to draw something specific. For example, three mammals from the zoo of your choice. Or imagine what the dwelling, hole or nest of those animals looks like
who live in hot climates. Here the child will have to think, remember what he learned during the excursion.

This drawing can be used in a writing lesson, offering to practice writing the names of animals and colors using felt-tip pens. Of course, it’s worth leaving time for creativity without assignments. This way the child will have the opportunity to rest and relax. This stimulates the development of thinking no worse than classes in mathematics and logic. Drawing and modeling make it possible to imagine objects three-dimensionally, in space.


It is important to teach your child not just to understand letters, but also to read simple sentences. Speech development without reading will not be normal. Invite him to retell the text he read. At the age of 5-6 years, it is allowed to read syllables with emphasis. 1-2 paragraphs per day discussing what you read is enough. Offer different types of work with text:

  • add to the story;
  • retell;
  • answer questions based on the text.

The new generation of parents, brought up in the era of the flourishing of information technology, begins to introduce their children to all kinds of “developmental activities” almost from the cradle, and this gives good results. But for children 5-6 years old, developmental activities are no less important, even if these children already know how to read and count, not to mention fluent use of modern gadgets.

Psychology of senior preschoolers: transitional age

Psychologists say that at the turn of 5-6 years a person begins to realize himself as an individual. He already seems old enough, learns to communicate with peers, makes permanent friends. And at the same time, a willingness to consciously learn something begins to appear. It is during this period that it is important to begin to instill in him the habit of long-term studies, which will be very useful at school.

Little fidgets don’t want to sit at their desks for a long time, thinking about logical problems, and this is natural. A 5-year-old child needs a regular release of energy much more than an adult. To keep children’s attention and direct it in the right direction, learning should be carried out in a playful way, and games can also be active.

Enroll your preschooler in a sports section, dancing or gymnastics: this way the baby can spend his excess energy usefully.

Another feature of the age under consideration comes to the aid of teachers - the child’s mental functions mature enough to allow him to concentrate on some activity for quite a long time. Interesting tasks for children related to coloring, putting together a puzzle or construction set, or arranging numbers can captivate them for a long time. This is possible at an earlier age, however, as a rule, it happens sporadically. Senior is the time when such activities should become systematic.

Children 5-6 years old absorb knowledge like a sponge

The child’s transition to the next stage of physical and mental development determines a new wave of interest in the world around him. He begins to ask questions of a global nature - about the structure of the world, for example. An adult should answer in detail, but at the same time, clearly, preferably with examples. If you don’t have time to answer at the moment, you should remember the question and promise the little why to answer later (and be sure to keep the promise).

Don’t be shy to admit if you don’t know the answer to a question: find it with your child on the Internet or in a book.

Along with the increased interest in the world around them, children’s interest in reading also grows. Children's educational encyclopedias devoted to various areas of knowledge stimulate the development of this skill: if a 5-year-old child does not yet know how to read, he will have a desire to learn as soon as possible. Thanks to such colorful encyclopedias, the first ideas about geography, history, culture are formed, and knowledge about the animal world and natural phenomena is replenished.

It is this age that teachers consider the most favorable for memorizing a large amount of information, which means that the development of a 5-6 year old child will affect his learning abilities at an older age. You can even benefit from a passion for computer games: preschoolers enjoy playing “developmental games” aimed at teaching counting, reading, foreign languages, training memory, attention and logical thinking.

Speech development is the most important aspect of learning

The speech of an older preschooler is normally already quite developed: it contains all types of sentences, including complex ones; The child easily operates with tense forms, freely changes words by gender, number and case. All or almost all sounds are pronounced clearly. The phonetic system of the native language has been completely mastered, but the ability to assimilate the sounds characteristic of a particular foreign language has not yet been lost. During this period, it is useful to focus specifically on the phonetic side of the desired foreign language: for example, memorize poems and songs, easily achieving good pronunciation.

As for the native language, the priority area of ​​preschool education is training reading skills. If a 5 or 6 year old child cannot read, this is the first thing to do. Typically, children at this age already know the letters and are smart enough to understand how they form syllables.

Buy your child a magnetic alphabet as early as possible: this will help him become interested in letters and remember them.

To improve reading fluency, the following exercise is useful: an adult reads the text aloud at the most comfortable speed so that the child follows the voice letter by letter. Over time, the speed of such joint reading increases due to intensive training of visual memory, and independent reading skills also improve. This developmental exercise involves individual lessons and is easily done at home with parents.

In addition to reading in preschool age, it is necessary to develop oral speech. You should ask your child as often as possible to retell a fairy tale, cartoon, or come up with a story for the picture in his own words. Exercises like this are extremely useful:

  • develop memory and thinking;
  • increase the ability to logically and competently express your thoughts;
  • promote the development of imagination;
  • train public speaking skills, which is especially effective when practicing in a group;
  • allows adults to assess the vocabulary and quality of a child’s speech, and to track these indicators over the course of several lessons.

Retelling does not have to be limited to the educational framework: you can ask the child to tell something even on the way to a music school or a dance lesson.

Preparing for school: assessing the level of proximal development

An outstanding Russian scientist involved in child psychology, L. S. Vygotsky introduced into science the concept of the zone of proximal development. It is contrasted with the current level of development of the child and outlines the immediate future to which to strive. An indicator of the current level is the child’s ability to perform certain tasks independently, and the level of proximal development is the ability to perform more complex tasks with the help of adults or in a team with peers.

Sometimes parents, concerned about the rapid development of their child, try to speed up his learning by offering him complex logical or mathematical tasks. Such experiments may not only fail to give the desired result, but also harm the child’s psyche, so determining the zone of proximal development should be entrusted to professional teachers and psychologists. The other extreme is also undesirable, when parents overly control the completion of homework, using hints to achieve the ideal result - this can negate the child’s independence in the future.

At 5-6 years old, the child’s development should be carried out in the following basic areas:

  • mathematics (counting within 10, knowledge of basic geometric shapes, the concept of sizes and distances);
  • the world around us (knowledge of the days of the week, seasons, an idea of ​​the diversity of the animal world, etc.)
  • speech (the ability to give complete answers, describe the proposed pictures, generalize concepts into groups, read syllables).

If you wish, you can study music, painting, dancing, and a foreign language with your child - the list of developmental activities goes on. The main thing is to closely monitor the child’s psychological state, maintaining an ideal balance between study, play and relaxation.

Children of all ages simply need adult attention. This is very important, because it is in communication with elders that children learn everything they need in life. Therefore, now we will talk about how to keep a child (6 years old) occupied at home and on the street.

Active games

All guys love movement. They simply cannot sit in one place for a long time. And this is not surprising, because children have a much greater energy reserve than adults. That is why they are ready to play any game. The best thing, of course, is to do it on the street. But it doesn’t matter if you can’t go out into the fresh air, you can even play something similar at home. So, it can be ordinary hide and seek. But people don't have to hide. You can take a small toy, put it in a quiet, secluded place and give the child the task of finding it, then the parent will have to look for the thing. And so that everything in the apartment does not turn upside down, you can give suggestive hints with the words “hot” or “cold.” You can also play games such as darts (an option for children is to throw not sharp spears, but special darts with Velcro), indoor basketball, boxing, etc. However, for all these fun, you must have special equipment at home.

Sports activities

Let's look further at how to keep a 6-year-old child occupied at home. Why not teach your baby a healthy lifestyle? So, you can come up with a set of exercises that you will have to do with your baby every day. This will be a huge plus for the parent, and, of course, for the baby. At this age, children can already do everything: do push-ups, do abs, try to do pull-ups (if there is a bar at home). You can simply squat and stretch your back by bending.

Happy dancing

What else to do with a 6 year old child at home? So, if your child loves to dance, you can arrange a dance demonstration evening. To do this, just turn on your baby’s favorite music, dress him up nicely and just have fun. It’s both interesting and healthy. You can also prepare one elaborate dance every evening, which you can show to your guests a week later. The child should also like it. However, at least one parent must participate in this entire event.


Using the same principle as dancing, you can prepare a home concert. This is a great tip for those who don’t know what to do with their children on winter evenings. So, you can think over a full-fledged program with dances, songs, poems, drawings. You can also prepare programs and popcorn for guests. By preparing for such a performance in the evenings, you can while away more than two weeks of time. And the child will definitely like this activity.

Games at the table

We further consider options for keeping a 6-year-old child occupied at home. You can play calm board games with your baby. There are a huge number of options here. This could be any game, such as Monopoly or Jumanji. For such fun, it is best to gather a large group (at least three to four people). A big plus: while playing you can “kill” a lot of time, even a whole evening.

Alternatively, you can teach your child to play checkers or chess. You can also teach your child to play cards and dominoes. And even though some people say that these are games of the devil, this is absolutely not true. By playing cards, the baby learns to think a couple of steps ahead, calculating the consequences of his actions. And this skill will definitely be useful to the baby in adulthood.

Learning by playing

The next tip on how to keep a 6-year-old child occupied at home: try to study with your child. If your child goes to school, you can learn all the lessons in the evening; if not, start preparing for attending an educational institution. So, you can teach your child to read, write, and count. However, this should not be done in a boring way. You can try to interest your child in something by preparing interesting tasks or bonuses for completed work.

Skillful hands

We look further at various options on how to entertain a 6-year-old child and how to keep a child occupied at home. Why not start creating with your baby? That is, do some handicrafts. There are already a huge number of options. You just need to know what the baby loves most. You can draw with your child, make appliqués, and sculpt figures from plasticine. Next, you can make a small home exhibition from the material made. If the child has a desire, you can start teaching him various useful adult arts: quilling, decoupage, embroidery (if it’s a girl), cutting or working with a tool (if it’s a boy). Here we can say with confidence that the baby will definitely like this activity. And mostly because he will be perceived as an adult, teaching him not like a small child.

Useful games

What else to do with a 1-year-old child? Why not teach your little one to do household chores? This is very useful, especially if mom often doesn’t have time to do everything around the house herself. So, even ordinary cleaning can be turned into an exciting game. This, of course, will drag on for quite a long period, but both the adult and the child will like the result. And besides, the time will be spent usefully. Here you can teach your child to dust, vacuum, wash and dry dishes, and wash floors. 6 years is the age when the baby is big enough to help his parents.

Role-playing games

All kids love games with characters. In this case, you can come up with a big game in which both children and adults can participate. These may be banal “daughters and mothers,” but it is the child who must give out the roles. Modern kids love characters from modern cartoons more: dragons, supermen, barbies. Why not play along with your child and have fun according to his rules? However, here we must remember that all the conditions of the children will have to be fulfilled, this is the only way the game will be successful.

Any games using toys

The most favorite games for children aged 6-7 years at home are. Here you just need to know what the child likes. You can build a big house with it from a construction set, you can ride cars or play in the kitchen. In this case, you just need to get those toys that the child likes so much and with which he enjoys playing.

Option for the lazy

Let's look at various options for keeping your baby occupied at home. If you have absolutely no ideas and your child doesn’t want to do anything, you can simply turn on his favorite cartoons. If you want to spend time with your baby, you can play his favorite computer games. However, I would like to remind you that you should not resort to this method of entertaining your child too often. After all, this is absolutely not healthy for the baby. But it’s only good if you just need to kill time.

Bath games

As mentioned above, you can play and do useful things at the same time. So, you can fill the bathtub with water, put your baby in it and surround him with various toys. Kids love to swim, and they can spend a very long time in the water. You can, for example, have a tea party in the bath. You can also draw in the bath. Their advantage is that they are completely non-toxic and wash off well. In this case, you can start creating even on tiles. The child will definitely like this activity. You can also simply pour water from large containers into smaller ones, and so on in a descending manner (or vice versa). Parents will be surprised, but such simple activities always captivate children.


Well, the last tip on how to keep your child (6 years old) occupied at home: a girl, just like a boy, will enjoy being creative. Here you should no longer limit the child in his fantasies, you just need to provide, so to speak, a guiding element. You can offer to give dad a gift. Next, the child himself must decide what kind of gift it will be and what elements will be needed for this. It can be almost anything: drawings, postcards made from appliques or clay, large collages, or even something more serious: embroidery or a cake baked with mom, or a picture burned on wood with dad.

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