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10 good ones. We invite you to take part in the marathon “10 good deeds. What to do

“Kind people are welcome everywhere,” says the proverb. At what age can a child do good deeds? What exactly can he do?

“What is kindness?” - ask your child. It doesn’t matter how old he is, 3 or 15... Each age has its own view of the world and good deeds.
Invite your child to do a good deed, and then ask how he felt after it.
What good deeds can a child do? We offer you a universal list of good deeds for children.

Lessons of kindness in the family

A child's first teachers are his parents. Family pedagogy does not necessarily mean boring and monotonous lectures and meticulous checking of lessons. Moms and dads should pay more attention to the spiritual and moral education of children. Reading and writing will be taught at school. Work and earn money – at university and at work. But sensitivity, mercy, compassion and simply humanity - only at home. The family is the most important social institution of education.

“All moral education of children comes down to a good example,” Leo Tolstoy taught. “Live well, or at least try to live so, and as you succeed in living a good life, you will raise your children well.”

What good can a preschooler do?

Even a child who has just learned to walk can learn to do good. Show him how to feed the birds, let him sprinkle a handful of seeds for the pigeons. Teach children to share toys in the yard with other children.
Teach the boy to hold the door when his mother, grandmother or sister comes out - this way, an adult gentleman will automatically always let the ladies go first.
Don’t shoo your daughter away from the kitchen when you’re cooking—very soon she’ll be treating you, tired after a day of work, to a dinner she’s prepared with her own hands.

Teach your child mercy by giving alms to those who ask. Model how to be polite when interacting with other people. Do not pass by those who ask for your help - this is the only way a child will learn what kindness is.
“Giving is much more pleasant than taking” - this truth must be learned by a child who wants to be raised in goodness.

Zhanna, Andrey’s mother, 7 years old: “We never taught the child to specifically do something good. But in our family it is customary to help those who need help. I myself supervise an orphanage, my husband flies as a volunteer to countries affected by natural disasters. But we do this not for show, but because it is a way of life. And I realized that we were living correctly when, at the age of 5, Andrei poured all the money he had saved up for a new ball into a begging mug.”

Children grow - kindness grows!

Children watch their parents do good things. As children grow up, they begin to do good deeds themselves. Do not expect impossible feats from your child. If a five-year-old child brings you a glass of water without your request, this is no less a concern than if an already adult son, without reminders, brought groceries to his elderly parents and accompanied them to clinics.

Young children do good deeds more often intuitively, unconsciously, copying the behavior of adults. The older the child, the more conscious his behavior is. And in children by middle school age, when they not only become aware of themselves as individuals, but also express themselves as individuals, all their actions are conscious.

List of good deeds for children in grade 5 and older

What good can a child do consciously?

At home:

  1. Surprise for "fall asleep". On a day off, when you don’t have to rush to work, it’s so nice to wake up to the aroma of coffee and the sound of scrambled eggs in a frying pan! Even a boy can prepare such a surprise for parents - no special culinary skills are needed, but how nice it is for mom and dad!
  2. Cleaning the room (closet). Putting your room in order is a double good deed if you approach it wisely. Unnecessary but still good things - books, felt-tip pens, small toys - can be taken to the nearest clinic or dentistry and asked to be left for little patients - while their turn is coming, the children can distract themselves by playing and drawing.
  3. Be a good nanny. When there are younger children in the family, the older child can take on part of the care of him. Perhaps the help to the mother will be quite insignificant, but even dressing the baby for a walk is already a good deed.
  4. Tidy up your shoes. How nice it is to walk in clean shoes! A child may well do something nice for mom and dad by tidying up not only his own shoes, but also theirs.
  5. Help neighbors. If elderly neighbors live on the landing, they will be very pleased if someone helps them take out the trash or go to the store for bread.

At school:

  1. Out of turn duty. It's so simple - come to class before everyone else, ventilate the room, wet a cloth, prepare chalk. Also, remove the chairs from the desks and water the flowers if necessary. There is no need to do this for the sake of the teacher’s favor - it’s so nice to start the school day in a clean classroom!
  2. Charge the class with a good mood. You can put a box filled with compliment notes by the door in the classroom. You can write them on paper of different colors - pink notes for girls (“the most beautiful”, “the most smiling”, “the most stylish”, etc.) and blue ones for boys (“the strongest”, “the smartest”, “ the most athletic”, etc.). So, everyone, upon entering the classroom, can take their compliment: a positive mood at the beginning of the school day is guaranteed to everyone!
  3. Become a mass entertainer. During the big break, you can arrange games and mini-competitions for 1st grade students, for example. This way, the break will be useful, because elementary school students are still very tired in class, and they need an active break in order to throw out all the energy that there was no outlet for in class.
  4. Be a mentor. You can offer your help with homework for elementary school children. In advance, you can find out from the kids’ class teacher which children need to “catch up” and which children’s parents are too busy to help with homework (teachers are usually always aware of their students’ home situation). The time for “extension” can be discussed with the school administration so that there are no misunderstandings. Adequate head teachers and directors usually welcome such an initiative with joy.
  5. Help with the wardrobe. During shift change, you can offer your help to the cloakroom attendant. At this time there is usually a very long queue at the locker room - some have just arrived, others are leaving.

In the yard and outdoors:

  1. Organize a party for the kids. You can organize a party for the kids on the playground in the yard. The child can involve his friends in the organization. Decorating the site with balloons and flags, holding fun competitions with purely symbolic prizes is not difficult. But the child will show organizational skills, and in the eyes of the kids and their mothers, the child will become a real magician.
  2. Keep the yard clean. It’s not at all difficult to put away trash left by someone in a trash can, sweep up autumn leaves on the porch, or water tree seedlings and flowers planted in the spring. Or you can go further - paint the benches, sift the sand in the sandbox, wash the children's slide and stairs... A clean yard is not only the merit of the janitor! And looking at the child’s initiative, adults can also help in landscaping the yard.
  3. Play “Take a wish on the road.” In the morning, sleep-deprived neighbors can smile at the sight of a funny notice on the front door with a text like “To everyone who is sad, make a wish,” where below, instead of addresses and telephone numbers, wishes will be written: “have a nice day!”, “bon voyage!”, “not boring roads!”, “smiles everywhere!” etc. And let no one know that the author of the ad is a child from their building: good deeds can be done anonymously.
  4. Help homeless animals. Are there homeless animals near your house? You can show kindness to them too. Of course, not every parent will be delighted if a shelter is created at home, but perhaps it will be possible to shelter an animal in an apartment for a few days. During this time, you need to post advertisements with photographs of the “tail” and an offer to give it into good hands. In many cities there are groups that help animals abandoned on the street; you can place the animal in one of the foster care centers, supervising it and continuing the search for a new owner.
  5. Help nature. Even cleaning up someone else's trash after a picnic, catching a bottle thrown by someone from a lake, putting out a forgotten fire, placing a chick that has fallen from the nest into its own nest - there are many ways you can help nature!

On the street and on the road:

  1. Be a guide. Yes, moving old ladies across the road is a good deed that is still relevant today.
  2. You can also ride while standing. Giving up seats on public transport to elderly people, pregnant women, mothers with children is not just a good deed, but instilling such feelings as respect and sympathy.
  3. Donate your pocket money to a good cause. Adding a few coins to an old lady when it turns out at the store checkout that she doesn’t have enough for milk is a good deed.
  4. Leave a book as a gift. During a long trip on an electric train or train, when you are passing the time reading a book, you can leave the book you read at the end of the journey in its place, putting a note in it: “I hope with this book your journey will be just as fast. Bon Voyage!".
  5. Give a turn. Walking down the street and noticing a long line, for example, at the circus box office, you can take a place behind the last person standing. And then, when there are only one or two people left before the cash register window, you can “donate” your turn to the last person in it.

How to manage to do good?

In order not to forget to do important things, it is convenient to keep a “To do” sheet. What it is? A “To do” sheet or list is a plate to be filled out when performing tasks planned in advance for a certain time period. You can make a list for the day, week or month. What does such a list provide?

  • There is no need to keep everything in your head - after all, a lot may be forgotten.
  • This is how self-discipline is formed. The most important things can be highlighted with a marker - and they will not get lost in the general list.
  • The next person on the list gets real pleasure by crossing out what he has done - it’s so clearly visible that he managed to do something good.

It is advisable to always carry the list with you. It is very convenient if a child has such an application on his phone.

Georgy, father of many children: “Our children together make a list of what they plan to do together for the benefit of someone. The list hangs on the refrigerator. There are items from “do the dishes all week” to “get together and buy a gift for so-and-so.” Within a week, almost all the items on the list are crossed off, and there are at least 10 of them.”

However, the list of good deeds that a child can do is just a formality. It is much more important that the child perform actions following not the list, but the dictates of the soul.

Should you praise your child for good deeds?

Undoubtedly, the child should feel that good deeds are right. But it is better to praise not the act itself, but the child’s character. Instead of saying: “How well you did it!”, it would be more effective: “You’re great, you’re very kind!” Thus, generosity is formed in a child as a character trait if actions become a reflection of morality.

In March, Moscow hosts many exhibitions, concerts, tournaments and games. Some of them offer a great time and help charities at the same time. The Philanthropa spring gallery features interesting charity events to combine business with pleasure.

Buy a bouquet of flowers (for yourself or as a gift)

On the eve of March 8, the charitable foundation “Our Children” and the company “And a bouquet for me!” carries out a joint action. By making a donation of 200 rubles or more to support the work of the foundation, from March 5 to 8 you can receive a code for a 10% discount on the flower collection by March 8:

This way you can simultaneously please your loved ones and give attention to orphans, the wards of the foundation.

View an exhibition of children's drawings

Where: Moscow, st. Obraztsova, 11, building 1, Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

The fourteenth exhibition of the wards of the Gift of Life Foundation is called “With a View of Life.”

The organizers of the exhibition decided to show clearly the path children take from the moment they appear in the emergency department until they return home. And the pictures that little patients draw during treatment are perfect for this.

Guests of the exhibition will be treated to a labyrinth or even a quest - the museum space is divided into stages of the journey that the patient must go through before returning home: “Reception Department”, “White Room”, “Procedure Room”, “I Want to Go Home”, “Game Room”, “Red Room” and "The Way Home."

At each point along the way there are thematic drawings, mosaics, collages and crafts - everything that will allow you to understand the path children take from the moment they appear in the reception department until they return home.

Celebrate Beauty Day

Admission is free for spectators and fans.

Go to a photo exhibition "One hundred reserved years"

Where: Moscow, Red Square, 3, GUM, floor 1, line 3

An exhibition of the famous photographer Igor Shpilenok, where you can see more than 400 works of the author, which he created during a photo expedition from the Bryansk Forest to Kamchatka. Most of the photographs are exhibited for the first time. The photo trip was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of conservation in Russia and lasted four seasons.

The organizers of the exhibition are the charitable foundation “Beautiful Children in a Beautiful World” and naturalist photographer, member of the International League of Environmental Photographers Igor Shpilenok. Free admission.

Photo by Igor Shpilenok

Prepare gifts for Easter

Where: The campaign website is open to collect donations

The “Give Joy for Easter” campaign was first carried out by the Orthodox relief service “Mercy” in 2011 and has since become an annual tradition. During Lent, the Mercy service collects funds for Easter gifts for the most disadvantaged: lonely disabled people and old people, homeless people, orphans and hospital patients who will be forced to celebrate Easter away from their families. Last year, the Mercy service was able to congratulate more than 23 thousand clients on Easter. A special website for the campaign will operate to collect donations.

Go to a charity concert by Alexey Kortnev

Where: Club-restaurant “Petrovich”, Myasnitskaya st., 24, building 3

New event of the project “Share the Good, Moscow!” The program includes: an acoustic concert by Alexey Kortnev with surprises and an auction, a lottery, a lot of jokes and fun. And then - disco. The host is actor and friend of Alexei Kortnev Anatoly Bely.
The event is supported by Charity meeting “All Together” in favor of several charitable foundations at once.

Everyone can change the world for the better. And for this it is not at all necessary to do something heroic, for example, to drop everything and go to the ends of the earth to save whales. Start with something simple - wake up with a smile. And life will become better, life will become more fun. Karma benefits are guaranteed.

Say nice things to others, give compliments. But only consciously and from the heart. Did your friend get a new haircut and look slimmer? Pay attention to this, do not skimp on positive emotions. It is hardly worth showering compliments on the manager; insubordination will not benefit career growth. If your heart demands it, then you can say kind words to people in line at the checkout and to your neighbors in the elevator.

2. Help the elderly

Hold the door to the entrance, carry a bag of groceries to the elevator, inquire about your well-being - of course. But you can do a little more. Take patronage over your grandmother-neighbor in various areas of her life. At least once a week, go grocery shopping for her, connect her utility auto payments, walk her dog in bad weather and - most importantly - be sincerely interested in her well-being, just listen. Loneliness is the scourge of our time.

If you don't have enough determination to become a volunteer, become a donor. The Russian Red Cross asks everyone who is not alien to the concepts of kindness and mercy to come to blood donation points and save someone’s life. You can also become a breast milk, sperm, egg, spinal cord, organ donor, or donate your body to science. By the way, National Donor Day in Russia is April 20. Support this vital initiative!

4. Give someone a free ride

Surely this has happened to you at least once in your life: the metro is closed, the car has stalled, there is no money, but you have to go. When it seems that everything is lost, a car driver, a tram driver, a prince on a white horse appears on the horizon and delivers you to the right place completely free of charge. Miracles happen. Moreover, we ourselves can create them. And if you don’t risk picking up voting strangers for free or for free, you can take your neighbor’s kids to kindergarten or school. Especially if they have been friends with your child for a long time.

Especially for a quality made one. Always! Especially in a restaurant or beauty salon. Warm words and tips will never be superfluous. Maybe today we can double their amount? Life is not easy for service employees. Is it because the customer is always right? Be a grateful customer.

6. Engage in charity work on a feasible scale

The easiest option is to repost a photo of a homeless animal with the call “owner, find yourself!” There will be theories of small matters. The main thing is to check the relevance of the message, whether the animal found its owner a month ago. Don't walk past the donation boxes at the supermarket or pharmacy. It is from modest deposits of 50 rubles that large sums are added up, which are so needed by sick children, nursing homes and orphanages. You can also donate things to charity, take them to a special collection point or the nearest church, or donate books to the library.

Time is priceless. At the same time, more and more people are sacrificing their leisure time to help others completely free of charge. The volunteer movement is growing stronger around the world: some are saving the Amazon forests, others are volunteering in a children's hospital, nursing home or hospice. You can not only visit people undergoing long-term treatment, but also help with minor repairs and clean the premises. It takes special courage to spend even an hour in the company of an elderly person or someone with a serious illness, but it is so important! Warm words, handshakes, or simply silent participation will benefit all participants in the process. The person will understand that he is not alone, and you will rethink your attitude towards life.

8. Adopt an animal from a shelter

Thousands of devoted hearts are waiting for you. Cute fluffy kittens and puppies are adopted without problems, but more mature animals, and even those with poor health, are less lucky. Of course, you don’t choose friends, but who knows, maybe this lean shepherd with smart eyes has already chosen you? Animals do not deceive or betray, they know how to wait and trust us. Compared to eaten shoes, this is priceless! Because the main things in the world are not things.

It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. Does this even happen? It’s unnecessary to remind you that throwing candy wrappers past the trash can is bad, but it’s worth taking the trouble to separate waste collection, as the entire civilized world does. You can expand your environmental initiative and find out the addresses of the nearest collection points for used batteries, and at the same time the recycling of household appliances: refrigerators, washing machines and microwaves. How long have you been to a subbotnik? Why not repeat this rewarding experience with your own children, colleagues or strangers who might become good friends? Clean up your local area, school or office yard, city park. By the way, more than 2.6 million people took part in citywide cleanup days on April 18 and 25!

10. Share from the heart

Since we spend most of our lives at work, share with your colleagues. Homemade baked goods, apples from your own garden, and very carefully with unsolicited advice and personal comments. But nothing beats the value of discount cards, coupons, and gift certificates. Perhaps there is a person next to you who would be happy to use them. The main thing is not to wait until the last minute, until the expiration date has expired.

Goal and tasks

The “10 Good Deeds” project is aimed at raising funds to support charitable organizations, as well as developing a culture of charity in society.

The goal is to attract thousands of people to participate in a charity event and perform 10 good deeds.

1. Creation of the website 10dobrikhdel.rf and its support.
2. Organizing the acceptance of payments on the website 10dobrokhdel.rf 100 days before the start of the final festival “10 good deeds”.
3. Involving the media (participation in the final festival of the “10 Good Deeds” project)
4. Search for partners to organize the final festival, where the main fundraising took place to help funds for participants in the “10 Good Deeds” project.
5. Organization of the festival “10 good deeds” and its implementation.

Target group

The Andryusha Foundation supports the most gifted children of the Southern Urals in the field of art. Movement to help children with cancer “Iskorka” - help for children with cancer. The public organization for animal protection “I'm Alive” is a non-governmental shelter that houses more than 250 dogs of different ages. Organization for helping children “Star Rain” - organization for helping children with Down syndrome, autism, paralysis. Animal Protection Fund “Save Me” is an animal protection fund. Choir of Veterans of the Central Region - has 55 participants; among them are doctors, teachers, engineers. Unfortunately, there are no longer any WWII veterans on the roster. Environmental project “Let’s do it” – a waste collection project. The public organization “Special Families” - supporting children with developmental disabilities and their families “Special Families” was created by a group of proactive parents and specialists with the goal of finding and implementing effective methods of training and rehabilitation of children with autism spectrum disorders. Orphanage No. 8 – orphanage: 55 children - 4 to 16 years old. Organization of assistance to orphans “Women of Eurasia” - assistance to hospital orphans - children abandoned by their parents. Charitable Foundation "Rodnaya" - promoting the well-being of family and childhood.


Preparations for the final festival lasted three months and attracted the attention of more than 30 partner companies who wanted to contribute to such a necessary and important wow. The event was truly a grandiose celebration of goodness. 11 funds became wards of the festival “10 Good Deeds”: the public organization “Special Families”, the Animal Protection Fund “Save Me”, the environmental project “Let’s Do It”, the public organization for the protection of animals “I’m Alive”, Orphanage No. 8, the charitable foundation “Rodnaya” , the “Iskorka” movement to help children with cancer, the “Star Rain” organization to help children, the “Women of Eurasia” organization to help orphans, the “Andryusha” Foundation, as well as the Veterans’ Choir of the Central District of Chelyabinsk. The organizers tried to make the evening program as rich and varied as possible. Many famous Chelyabinsk residents were seen among the guests: Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chelyabinsk Region Alexey Sevastyanov, TV presenter Olga Arakelyan, Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights Alexander Goncharov, Commissioner for Children's Rights Margarita Pavlova, founder of the Andryusha Foundation Yulia Zhabotinskaya, head of the governor's reception Nikolai Deineko, head of the Regional Investment Development Agency Vladimir Pavlov and many others. By the way, more than 2,000 caring people visited the festival that day. The large-scale celebration included performances by talented stars from the Andryusha Foundation, the Here and Now group and a Teslabeat drummer show, master classes on floristry and card making, a children's playground with animators and many other entertainments. In the Happy Market, guests could purchase exclusive handmade gifts; in the Soulful Kitchen area, they could try dishes from the best chefs of Chelyabinsk, as well as purchase sweets and pastries; in the lounge area, the Thai masters of the Chang salon invited guests to make massage. But, of course, the center of attention that evening was the stands of charitable foundations, where everyone could get acquainted with their representatives and leave their contribution to the noble cause of helping those who need it in special cubes. As part of the festival, an auction was also held, the lots of which included exclusive exhibits presented by partners and friends of the festival organizer, the Kompanion Group of Enterprises. As a result, a huge amount was collected during the evening - 593,625 rubles, of which more than 120 thousand through the Internet - network users donated from 1 to 5,000 rubles and left their wishes on the virtual tree. All funds raised, including donations, were distributed and transferred to 11 project participants. This project is planned to be carried out annually.

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