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Gift for a six-year-old girl: nuances of choice. Choosing the best gift for a six-year-old girl. Bright emotions and joy - the perfect surprise! What gifts do 6 year old girls get?

The sixth birthday becomes a significant date for children, and they will remember a good gift for their birthday, just like this day, for a long time. Despite the fact that some kids are already entering school, they remain children who need gameplay to understand the real world and adapt to its conditions, so when thinking about what to give a child for 6 years, you can opt for a quality toy or educational game.

Some children continue to play until they reach adulthood, and there is nothing reprehensible in this - in this way they explore unfamiliar territories, learn to make the right decisions, and communicate with their peers in the social environment. At six years old, children are already selective about their hobbies, and you need to know the child very well in order to please him with a birthday present.

It’s worth saying right away that it’s not at all necessary to give a child an expensive doll or car for his six-year birthday, because some of the children’s favorite toy may be an old teddy bear or an old construction set. That's why family friends need to talk to the baby's parents - who, if not they, know the needs of their son or daughter better.

Of course, the baby has a cherished dream, but adults will have to think carefully about whether he needs this toy, in principle, because at the age of six, children should already have a certain arsenal of useful educational games.

Conventionally, we can distinguish three main categories of gaming gifts that a child needs:

  1. Toys that connect first graders with real life. These are dolls, baby dolls, entire doll families with dad, mom and children, toys in the form of animals and their babies. This also includes toy cars, musical instruments, household, hairdressing and medical supplies, toy devices, scales, dishes, houses, furniture.
  2. Toys for creativity and development - board games, paints, albums, plasticine, books with applications, construction sets, kits for creating paintings, paintings, embroidery, soft toys, as well as alphabet books, logic games and puzzles.
  3. Toys necessary for relaxation and relieving aggression - all types of children's weapons, sets of soldiers, rubber toys, sports accessories - balls, darts, bowling alleys, jump ropes.

At this age, children are not interested in ready-made, assembled automatic toys - cranes, trucks or pistols, since they are not able to satisfy the child’s need to explore and polish their skills. It is better to give them models that they need to assemble themselves, for example, transforming robots, airplanes, ships.

It is important for adults to stimulate the child’s desire to do everything with his own hands, making certain physical efforts, showing imagination and striving for the final result, so the gift idea should be carefully thought out. As schoolchildren, some children often leave toys as such, getting carried away by outdoor games. You can also play on this, perhaps you should buy your son or daughter new rollers, a children’s punching bag for boxing, or a soccer ball.

All useful educational games that have certain rules are also suitable for this period; now you can choose more complex ones that require perseverance from the child in order to achieve victory. That is why gifts for six-year-olds should be chosen wisely, and not collected so that they gather dust in the corner.

The main rules for choosing a gift for 6 years are quite simple:

  • toys should be bought for growth, so that the baby can return to them periodically, even after six months or a year;
  • You should not highlight developmental gifts - six-year-old boys and girls are still interested in playing with cars and baby dolls;
  • It’s better to select games according to the child’s temperament; calmer ones can be given tabletop adventure games, puzzles, games with chips; active children should be given sports equipment, vehicles, and tabletop air hockey.

In a word, you need to build on the child’s individual character traits and abilities.

What to give a 6 year old child: educational gifts

Modern children are able to quickly understand new rules, so different types of educational games are quite suitable for six-year-olds. You shouldn’t think that these are super-complicated tasks, comparable to school activities - as a rule, all kinds of puzzles, labyrinths and educational aids include the same gameplay, exciting and useful for the child.

Thanks to the wide selection and the fact that all of these products have age markings, you can easily find on store shelves and on the Internet what to give a six-year-old child:

  1. Board games for training memory, improving reaction and tactical thinking, developing perseverance - Cats, Checkers-Backgammon, Fauna, Pirates puzzle. Compass Rose, Checkmate, Pyramids, Coconut for a Pirate, Yams. The baby can play some of them with adults or his peers.
  2. Games for concentration, memory training and reaction speed are Cat's Paw, Bear, Knowledge Chest. Fairy tales, Once Upon a Time, Memo. Amazing animals, Mouse skyscraper.
  3. Games will help improve your knowledge of mathematics, geography, history - Hello Russia, Progers, Fruits 10, Box Walks, table darts Catapult, Traffic Jam, Rally.
  4. To develop your child's dexterity and speed of reaction, the following games are suitable for a gift - Read Grab, Accurate balls, Long jump, Green cow, Wall with balls, Brave penguin, Fast fruit, Watch out for flies, Triplets, Crystal of luck, tabletop biathlon, Corsair, Make up 4, Sea battle.
  5. To develop imagination, you should buy your child one of the following games – Magic Theater. Cinderella, Memory. Gems and shells in a bag, a game with Geoform magnets, a set of Rainbow gems, Ciphers and secret messages.
  6. Associative games for the development of speech and logical thinking - Equivocal Space, Scrabble in a Box, Animal Letters, Find the Word, Figuratively speaking, Antoshka.

When choosing what to give to a 6-year-old child, from this category you can choose a gift for the schoolchild’s home competitions with his peers, for example, First-Grade Quiz, Slicks, Royal Quest, Super Gin.

Six-year-old boys and girls will never refuse such a gift as a good construction set, even if they already have such a toy. For a present for family members of the birthday boy and guests, we can recommend the following toys:

  • electronic constructors – Smart machine, My first steps in electronics, Connoisseur of voice magic, Alternative energy;
  • prefabricated games on solar batteries – Solar energy, Do it yourself. Robot boxer, DIY. Space all-terrain vehicle on salt water;
  • games for creating your own robot – Treasure Hunter Robot, Acrobat Robot;
  • unusual construction sets - Code lock, Miracle triangles, Robots, Fixilab water, Fixie rocket.

Every six-year-old child should also have puzzles and mosaics. Folding pictures from small parts develops motor skills, logical thinking, memory and imagination. Boys and girls like these toys, and they can be selected according to theme - At the ball, Motorcycles, Cars, Animals, The Little Mermaid, Fairies, Magic dress.

It is quite possible that the baby dreams of a game console, meanwhile, this is also a gift option. Don’t think that this toy is useless for your son or daughter - in addition to manual dexterity and reaction speed, it develops children’s spatial and logical thinking. Another thing is that parents will have to limit such pastime for their children.

In addition to beautiful functional dolls of different genders, sets for role-playing games can also be very educational and teach many skills:

  1. Toy sets – Little housewife, Barbecue, Helping mom (kitchen appliances), Mobile kitchen, toy refrigerator with a set of products, toaster, stove with sound and light effects. Girls will certainly love the lighted mixer, meat grinder, sewing machine, and toy washing and ironing devices.
  2. Sets of accessories for playing Doctor, Magician, Astronomer, Salesman, sets for Young Physicist, Chemist, which are perfect as a gift for a boy.

Six-year-old children are well versed in technology, so for their comprehensive development, you can purchase a children's educational computer with a set of developmental programs, a tablet, and e-books, provided that the child loves to read.

What to give a 6 year old boy: video

Presents for creativity and imagination development

You can give interesting and relevant gifts to children who are interested in drawing, sculpting, and who like to make things with their own hands.

You can choose from this list, but, of course, focusing on the child’s inclination towards a particular activity:

  • a set for creating three-dimensional and flat origami figures;
  • a set of multi-colored plasticine, polymer clay or face painting;
  • and special modeling dough with molds and decorations;
  • plaster and wooden figurines for painting;
  • appliques, set for creativity with Fashion stickers;
  • stencils and painting kits;
  • double-sided easel with paints, markers and magnets;
  • kits for creating stained glass frescoes, paintings from sand, plasticine;
  • supplies for painting on stone and plaster.

Many children by the age of six show great interest in the art of music, so you can please these children with children's musical instruments. Despite the fact that they are toys, they have many useful functions, in addition, they are beautifully designed:

  • children's synthesizer Umka;
  • recording microphone;
  • tambourine and drum;
  • accordion;
  • classic children's piano;
  • synthesizer with microphone;
  • a set of Russian folk instruments;
  • play set Merry Orchestra;
  • wooden or electronic guitar;
  • piano Magic notes
  • electric organ Masha and the Bear;
  • set including harmonica and banjo.

In addition, you can give your child a set of audio discs with your favorite musical performances, songs, and instrumental music adapted for this age.

Sports gifts for children six years old

Relatives and guests can present the birthday boy or girl with gifts related to active pastime, which is so important for the harmonious physical development of children of this age.

Surprises may be as follows:

  • roller Skates;
  • punching bag and boxing gloves;
  • jump rope, hoop, ball;
  • home sports complex;
  • badminton set;
  • hoverboard;
  • a scooter or bicycle with mandatory protective accessories to protect the baby from injury;
  • children's home exercise equipment - a treadmill with handrails, a wall bars, a trampoline, rowing devices for strengthening the abdominal, leg and back muscles, a stepper, an exercise bike for use in the cold season.

Along with this, you can give children's football, sets of games for developing accuracy - hoops, darts, as well as skis, snow scooters and figure skates if the baby was born in winter.

What to give a 6 year old girl: video

Desirable gifts for six year old boys and girls

For six-year-old boys, one of the most desired gifts is a bicycle, railway or radio-controlled vehicle. In addition, kids love such entertaining games as construction sets, all kinds of toy weapons, they are attracted to computer equipment, so a tablet or phone can be a gift.

You can ask her mother what to choose for a girl - she knows her daughter’s weaknesses better than anyone. As a rule, these are large and small dolls with all the necessary paraphernalia, sets for role-playing games, toy houses, kitchens, household appliances, a children's piano, books with beautiful illustrations, and interactive pets. In addition, little fashionistas are partial to elegant items of clothing, jewelry, handbags and cosmetic bags.

If you take a close look at a six-year-old child and understand what his soul is drawn to most, then it will no longer be a problem what to give a child for 6 years. After all, the most important thing is attention and respect for his own opinion, interests, and children's values.

Are you choosing what to give your 6-year-old girl? We have prepared a list of 56 ideas on this topic. Gifts are divided into categories: toys, for development, for sports and outdoor games, for a children's room, for a young fashionista, impressions and made with your own hands.


Girly toys

The birthday girl is still in childhood, which she really doesn’t want to part with! So let it continue thanks to gifts from the top ten.

  1. Fashion changes every year - there were Barbie dolls, and now “LOL”. To guess with a gift, find out what is trending at the moment. They are usually sold as a set - with clothes and accessories. Cost from 500 rubles.
  2. You don’t have to buy a whole house for a little doll - you can just take a corner. For example, a bedroom or living room with a piano, breakfast table, cabinet and computer desk. Price from 600 rubles.
  3. This is a whole first aid kit with medicines and instruments - a thermometer, tonometer, phonendoscope and so on, only everything is plastic, but it looks like the real thing. The set also includes a white robe with a cap. Price from 250 rubles.
  4. A great gift for role play for 2 or more people. The birthday girl, of course, will sit at the cash register, and her friends will walk along the counters. Price from 500 rubles.
  5. There is a simple set containing combs, scissors, hair dryer, etc., costing from 500 rubles. Or you can buy it together with a hairdressing table, a mirror and a small stool, its price starts from 1500.
  6. Every girl is sure that she is a good helper for her mother. Well, there is no need to convince her of this; on the contrary, let her help with her miniature devices - from brushes to a vacuum cleaner. Price from 300 rubles.
  7. The baby doll can be interactive (cries, eats, goes to the potty), its cost starts from 1,200 rubles. Or it could just be a naked doll that can be bathed and walked in a stroller, and the set includes her clothes. The price is about 500 rubles.
  8. And here, by the way, is the doll transport! There is no need to complicate anything with transformers, the best stroller is a simple “sit-up” one, it is the lightest, well, if only it has a folding canopy. The cost is about 500 rubles.
  9. Everything is put in a plastic basket - a set for tea drinking and various sweets and cakes. True, the treats are intended exclusively for your favorite dolls, and not for your personal diet. Price from 250 rubles.
  10. Or it is also called “slime”. A viscous and jelly-like toy – a hand masher. It does not fall apart into pieces, does not stick to hands and clothes. It stretches and just as easily gathers into one lump. Cost from 50 rubles.

Educational gifts (science and creativity)

First grade is just around the corner, it’s time to prepare your child for it. But boring textbooks are absolutely useless as a gift; you need to buy something that will really interest the child.

  1. School is coming soon, and the requirements there are strict - that the child must already be able to read and write before admission. A children's tablet will help in learning in a playful way. Price from 800 rubles.
  2. Personal book “The Adventures of a Girl Who Lost Her Name.” It is very interesting - the birthday girl will look for her own name on its pages in a playful way. And when he learns to read, he will solve puzzles from it. The price is about 1000 rubles.
  3. Pay attention to the “My Home” set - this is a children's guide for the future interior designer. First, the home itself and its internal layout are designed, then the walls are painted and the furniture is displayed. Cost 1200 rubles.
  4. Choose the My little Pony “Magnetic Tales” theater as a gift - it has all the behind-the-scenes surroundings, and the girl will become a director. The set includes a theater hall, magnetic figures and even tickets! Price from 500 rubles.
  5. There is no need to complicate anything, buy the girl a plant in a jar, which is very easy to plant in the ground and grow. And she will watch the process of growth - from a tiny shoot to a tree or the appearance of flowers. Price from 150 rubles.
  6. This is not a production machine, everything is much simpler - a soap base, dyes, flavors and molds. According to the instructions, everything is mixed, infused and the soap is ready! The cost of the set is from 200 rubles.
  7. Girls really enjoy working with all sorts of tools and getting unique things as a result. For example, bracelets made of rubber bands, beads or rhinestones. The average price is about 300 rubles.
  8. You can assemble the set yourself. Coloring books cost about 200 rubles and painting kits cost the same.
  9. Modeling develops fine motor skills and creative imagination. Unlike simple plasticine, it does not leave stains - neither on clothes nor on furniture. You can also cut bright and elastic clay with scissors. Price from 200 rubles.
  10. For six years old, the number of segments should be from 20 to 40. Puzzles should be bright, light colors, with some kind of fairy-tale picture that is understandable for the birthday girl, and always with her example. Cost from 150 rubles.
  11. Balls and polyhedrons on a tablet with holes - this is what a mosaic should be like! You can post a picture using a multi-colored template, or you can give free rein to your imagination and depict something of your own. Price from 200 rubles.
  12. Magnetic drawing board. It is both marker and chalk, and magnets can be attached to it. But there is a nuance here - you can only use soft crayons, and water-based markers, so it’s better to buy everything in a set at once. The price is about 300 rubles.
  13. A girl must have beautiful handwriting - this is an indicator of her diligence and accuracy. This simulator helps develop the correct placement of the child's fingers. Cost from 140 rubles.

Gifts for sports and outdoor games

The following gift ideas are not only for naughty girls and restless girls, but also for serious girls. In general, it’s great to teach a child to sports with the help of games.

  1. Let's play sports by dancing! This rug is not simple, but interactive - it connects to a computer via a USB port and glows with lights. And you need to have time to get in time with the music. Price from 1200 rubles.
  2. If it is a bicycle, then it has two additional wheels on the back, and if it is a scooter, then it has three wheels. Everywhere you need a height-adjustable steering wheel and wide wheels. And, of course, bright colors with tuning. Cost from 1500 rubles.
  3. A good game with simple rules - from a long distance you need to throw rings onto pins. Excellent development of eye and spatial orientation. You can also learn to count the points that are marked on the pegs. Price from 200 rubles.
  4. Fitness and gymnastics are what interests girls, especially when classes are held in a playful way. The balls are fun to bounce on, and they are also very colorful, with pictures and they have horns. Cost from 300 rubles.
  5. An old, forgotten outdoor game, but how interesting it is! The set contains two long bits, 8 lumps and instructions. The chocks need to be arranged in different shapes, and with a bat you need to knock down this entire structure. Price from 200 rubles.
  6. The weaker sex also has a weakness for football if a girl grows up active and mischievous. Well, so that the game ball was not completely boyish, it was painted pink. The cost is about 500 rubles.
  7. You can even put it in the middle of the room to play with your friends. Well, it’s best to take it somewhere in the fresh air to relax; you can hide in it from the sun and rain. Price from 600 rubles.
  8. Why can only boys be Robin Hoods? Girls are also interested in testing their accuracy. Moreover, arrows are completely safe, even if they hit someone in the forehead. Price from 100 rubles.
  9. A game for aristocrats, measured and logical, and no unnecessary running around. Therefore, such a gift is for a serious girl who will think again before doing something. The set includes clubs, balls and holes. Cost from 300 rubles.
  10. You can tie it to a tree branch somewhere in the country or in nature and swing on it like on a swing, only even steeper - in all directions. Composition: textiles, foam rubber and plywood. Price from 250 rubles.
  11. It is not cheap - at least 5,000 rubles, if you choose a really high-quality product with a strong steel frame, reliable material and mesh walls. But it is so much fun to jump on, especially with friends!
  12. It is simply necessary for a hyperactive child. If a girl cannot sit still, she easily climbs onto cabinets, a horizontal bar and a wall bars, then her accidental fall can be softened with such floor mattresses. Price from 700 rubles.
  13. It's just a ball with an elastic band attached to a ring with a handle. The goal of the game is to be able to throw the ball through the hoop. Although it seems simple, in reality it is quite difficult. Excellent for developing concentration and dexterity. Cost from 500 rubles.

Gifts for children's room

A girl should be surrounded by a beautiful environment from childhood. Thanks to the ideal design of her room, she will learn to be neat and develop her imagination.

Gifts for a young fashionista

What gift can you give a 6-year-old girl on this topic? After all, she is still just a child! But she should already be learning to take care of herself, and therefore the next five ideas are quite suitable.

Children's gifts-impressions

Such gifts will really delight the birthday girl, especially if she has already asked her parents to take her somewhere many times. Well, a birthday is a great occasion for fun.

DIY gifts

Well, for those who know how to craft and do handicrafts, there are another five ideas. Each description is accompanied by a detailed master class, we highly recommend watching it.

  1. Interior doll made of fabric. Well, of course, a girl needs a doll, especially one so soft and cute. The video tutorial has everything - both patterns and a detailed list of materials. By the way, this doll still needs to be dressed and a fluffy wig attached to it.
  2. Floral panel. Perfect for decorating a children's room. Flower buds are made from colored paper, and to make a lattice for the panel, you need to thinly twist sheets of white paper. Everything is simple and the materials are inexpensive.
  3. Decor with “Tree on the wall for a children’s room” paints. This is a surprise gift, so it needs to be prepared while the girl is not at home. The tree, which “grows” up to the ceiling, has leaves and a fabric birdhouse.
  4. Decoration for a children's dress made of tulle. Any simple little girl's dress can be turned into a royal outfit! The decoration turns out airy, with a garland of tulle flowers and sequins in them.
  5. Toy basket. If the birthday girl constantly scatters her toys, then maybe she simply has nowhere to put them? The problem will be solved by a large and deep basket made of bright fabric and soft lining, which you can sew yourself.

These are the ideas! And the girl will be pleased if you complement your gift with a small bouquet of flowers, even wild ones. After all, she is already a young lady, to whom it is customary to come with flowers!

The sixth birthday is a very important date in the life of any girl. At this age, babies develop their own preferences and tastes, and, in addition, they begin to actively take an interest in fashion, cosmetics and other women's “things”. Of course, at the same time, they still remain children and various games still occupy a large place in their lives. In general, choosing a gift for a 6-year-old girl is not at all an easy task, because you need to take into account a lot of important factors, and most importantly, try not to disappoint the little birthday girl who expects real miracles from her holiday.

Traditional gifts

Traditional gifts are what we are all used to giving to girls of preschool age. True, when choosing such a gift, you need to make sure that it is not boring and banal, because the assortment of modern stores makes it possible to present the little one with some interesting, original thing.

Gifts for a little woman

As mentioned above, it is at the age of six that little children begin to realize that they belong to the fair sex, so they will certainly appreciate some appropriate gift. That is, when thinking about what to give a 6-year-old girl, be sure to think about the things that all women in the world love to receive for the holidays.

  • Clothes and shoes. Choosing the right clothes and shoes for a six-year-old girl is not at all easy, but if you want, you can cope with this task. Most kids like shiny things with images of magical princesses, small heels, brightly colored sneakers, etc. If the birthday girl is interested in some “girly” TV series, the gift option can be “spied” on the heroes of one of them.
  • Decorations. Most of all, the young princess will be delighted with some real jewelry, and it is best to settle on gold stud earrings or a thin chain (the baby will almost certainly lose a ring or bracelet). However, otherwise, you can give the little birthday girl a set of ordinary jewelry made of cupronickel, plastic, etc.
  • Handbag. Such an accessory can easily be called an ideal gift for a woman of any age, because each of them always has a whole bunch of little things that need to be put somewhere.
  • Cosmetics. Of course, we are talking here about special children's cosmetics, which are absolutely harmless to young, delicate skin. You can give a young fashionista anything, from shampoos and shower gels to decorative cosmetics “just like mom’s.”
  • Wristwatch. Girls at the age of six consider themselves to be quite mature and very serious, so they will certainly like a real wristwatch of some original shape.

Sports gifts

A slender figure and the ability to move are very important for every future beauty, so a gift for a girl on her sixth birthday may well be related to sports, dancing and active pastime. So, what sports gifts are best for a six-year-old?

  • Rollers. Almost all girls love roller skating, so good roller skates as a present will delight the little birthday girl. Do not forget that roller skates must come with a helmet, as well as special guards for the elbows and knees.
  • Dance mat. This mat connects to the TV and gives you the opportunity to “have a blast” to the fullest. In addition, it promotes the development of a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements.
  • Bike. Another very good gift that active, active girls will especially like. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a suitable bicycle, it is best to choose a model with an adjustable seat that can be “adjusted” to any height.
  • Children's swimming pool. If a young birthday girl was born in spring or summer, you can give her a small inflatable pool in which she can splash around in the company of her best friends. Of course, such a gift is also suitable for “winter” and “autumn” girls, but the baby may be upset by the fact that she will not be able to use it immediately.
  • Tent. In early childhood, each of us loved to build “houses” from stools, tables and tablecloths. In this sense, modern preschoolers differ only in that they do not need to use improvised means for games, because in any specialized store you can buy a tent of any shape and size. Little girls will surely love the model, made in the form of a real magic castle for a princess.

Living gifts

A pet is a wonderful gift for any child, because absolutely everyone dreams of a puppy, kitten or other living creature in childhood. True, such a gift will definitely need to be agreed upon with the parents of the birthday girl, because not everyone will be happy about a small animal in the house. If the girl’s mom and dad are not lovers of wildlife, you can choose the most hassle-free option - give her a small turtle or an aquarium with fish.

Birthdays are always a big holiday for children. They look forward to it and count the days until they can receive guests and receive gifts. Actually, in this holiday, the child gets at least half of the pleasure from gifts - long-awaited, unexpected, different.

Girls in general, and especially at the age of six, are rather capricious creatures. To choose a gift for such a little girl that will really bring joy, you need to rack your brain. Besides, children are different and, despite the same age, love different toys and have different hobbies.

Inexpensive gifts

Quite often the budget does not allow buying expensive gifts. Sometimes no more than one and a half to two thousand or even less is allocated for this. How can you please the birthday girl with rather modest means? At this age, almost all girls consider themselves princesses. That is why they will be happy about what actually makes them so.

Princess dress

Photo: designer dress for a girl, made to order

Pink, with lots of petticoats, frills, beads and so on. You can modify it yourself by sewing decorations. It will be very inexpensive, and the child will be happy when he finds out that the dress was made “to order.”

Craft kits - decorations

Now there is a huge selection of similar sets in toy stores. With their help, a girl can independently make all kinds of jewelry - earrings, beads, bracelets, and so on. Sets can contain very different materials - beads, large beads, colored threads, chains and much more.

Kits – “Do it yourself”

For example, a set of everything necessary for soap making, making beautiful candles, origami and many many others. Such a gift will certainly make any girl of this age happy and will give her many hours, or even days, of interesting activities.

Board games

Board games are not only very interesting and allow you to keep your child occupied for a very long time. They also belong to the so-called educational entertainment.

Here, for example, is a game called “Igroskaz”. In it, using cards with pictures, you need to come up with your own story or fairy tale, and this is very develops imagination. In addition, you can play Igroskaz on your own, or you can invite friends and girlfriends. Plus, plenty of board game options develop associative thinking, speech, logic and a variety of useful skills. There is a very large selection of similar games in stores; in order to choose the most interesting one for a girl, you need to know a little about her character and interests.


At this age, most girls can read fairly well. However books can be large format, contain little text and a lot of beautiful pictures with your favorite characters. There are also special books for girls of this age, where they can find a lot of interesting things. They are bright, colorful and completely different formats.

Typical gifts

Classic gifts don't have to be considered bad. After all, despite their different hobbies, almost all girls of preschool and primary school age love dolls. And their huge selection in stores will make even adults’ eyes widen.

Baby dolls

Many little ladies want to imitate adults, especially their mothers. For a girl who has recently had or will soon have a younger brother or sister, beautiful ones are quite suitable baby dolls with pink cheeks and a variety of diapers and nappies of the right size. This way the baby can learn her mother’s original skills and abilities.

Toy dishes

Continuing the theme of “imitation”, you can include sets of toy dishes in the list of gifts. They can contain a lot of items, including not only the usual cups and plates, but also pots, pans, colanders, spoons, forks, etc. Quite often, such sets allow you to actually learn how to cook simple dishes, since they are made of thin metal and are not afraid of fire.

Classic dolls

Barbie dolls are still popular today. In addition to them, there are quite a few analogues that are sold along with a change of clothes, shoes and other accessories. In addition, these exquisite dolls can introduce a girl to the attractive world of fashion.

Stuffed Toys

All kinds bears and kittens, made of plush or other materials, often become the most favorite of all the toys a child has. Before choosing, it is advisable to ask the birthday girl’s parents what “bears” she already has, so as not to repeat herself.

Graceful porcelain ladies

It is difficult to play with such dolls, as they are very delicate and can break. You just want to admire them. Anyway such a gift can teach the baby to be neat and careful.

Living girlfriend dolls

Another interesting option is quite large modern dolls that can not only open their eyes and mouth, but even walk. They have a special mechanism built into them that allows you to move your legs independently with minimal help from the child. You can simply lead such a doll by the hand next to you. A variety of wigs, clothes, jewelry and shoes will make the gameplay even more interesting.

Jewelry and ornaments

The vast majority of little girls (as well as adults) love to decorate themselves. Earrings, beads, rings, cosmetics - a lot of things serve exclusively for external decoration. Is it possible to give something like this to six-year-olds? Of course, it is possible, and sometimes even necessary.


It’s hardly worth spending a month’s budget on a platinum set with diamonds for a girl who is only turning six. However, there are many jewelry made of precious metals that will suit her. For example, thin and delicate silver or gold chain It won't cost too much. You can give it as a gift or separately. neat pendant, which will echo your favorite fairy-tale characters. Such pendants can be quickly made to order in any jewelry workshop.

It is better to give earrings only if the girl has pierced ears, or the parents do not mind doing it soon. It is better for children to wear only gold items in their ears, as they are safer and punctures heal quickly.

Jewelry sets

Sets containing a complete set of jewelry are also suitable. They can be made from beads or similar materials, as in the case of precious metals they will be too expensive.

Cosmetic bag

This means a complete set safe children's cosmetics. In most cases, such items are sold immediately with a special cosmetic bag or suitcase, which has cells for each item. They may include lipsticks, mascara, nail and hair polishes, eye shadow, blush, scented water and much more. A distinctive feature of such cosmetics is its complete safety. For production, special components are used that do not cause allergies and cannot cause irritation to the child. Therefore, cosmetics for a six-year-old girl cannot be bought in regular stores. Only in specialized ones, where it is indicated that everything is only for children, and there are also quality certificates.

Present for the birthday girl who has everything

The biggest difficulty is choosing a gift for a six-year-old girl who already has everything - dolls, soft toys, jewelry, beautiful dresses, and so on. However, in this case there is no need to be upset. There are many options that will surprise even the wealthiest and most capricious child.

Entertainment Certificates

Surely many entertainment centers(and not only them) issue special invitations or certificates for their services. Here are some examples of such places:

  • water parks;
  • carousel parks;
  • children's centers with many swings, labyrinths and other things;
  • hippodromes (in this case, places where anyone can be taught to sit in the saddle and ride a horse are suitable).

This is not a complete list. Every city has its own entertainment centers. A certificate that allows you to spend the whole day in such a place will surely appeal to any child, even a girl who has everything.

Personal photo session

Meaning real photo shoot, which will be conducted in the studio (or on stage, if desired) by a professional photographer. Here you can change outfits, hairstyles, and use makeup. In fact, in the end the child will receive a real portfolio that can be shown at school, kindergarten, friends in the yard, and so on.

Your own little house

Of course, in most cases the girl has her own separate room. However, this is not enough. Surely she wants to have a special place where she can keep secrets with her friends. It is highly desirable that adults should not go there. The solution may be real little tree house, firmly installed and beautiful. It is imperative to ensure that such a “dwelling” has a convenient entrance, that is, a reliable staircase from which children cannot fall when climbing on their own. Such a house requires, in addition to safe, environmentally friendly materials, appropriate exterior and interior decoration.

Desired renovation

This is not just a cosmetic renovation in the nursery. This decorating a room like a small fairy-tale space in an ordinary apartment. Here it is necessary to take into account the baby’s preferences, which parents are probably aware of. There can be a four-poster bed, like a real princess. Or a sleeping place decorated in the shape of a pumpkin carriage from the fairy tale about Cinderella. A sturdy tree in the corner of the room, whose branches are on the ceiling and made of fluffy rag leaves, will help you move to the jungle from the adventures of Karik and Vali. Of course, all other accessories need to be selected in accordance with the chosen fairy tale or the girl’s favorite book. Unfortunately, not everyone can give such a gift, but only the baby’s parents along with other relatives.

When choosing a gift, be guided by the child’s preferences and consult with the parents.

And if you decide to give a 6-year-old girl a toy, but have not yet decided which one, watch the following video, the birthday girl will definitely like this gift:

What to gift? This question inevitably torments all parents and invitees before every holiday)) Especially when the child is already a completely independent person of 6-7 years old with a rich baggage of all kinds of toys. It seems like an ordinary toy is already boring, but a newfangled gadget is expensive. What should I do?

SO YOUR GOAL IS buy a gift for a 6-7 year old girl. We will tell you how to please a young lady of this age.

1. Sets for creativity and handicrafts

It’s not for nothing that we put gifts for creativity in first place. In the lives of 6-7 year old girls, creativity is of the greatest interest. They enjoy sculpting from clay and plasticine, drawing, sewing, making jewelry, cross-stitching, folding origami, creating pictures of their sequins, and are passionate about design. What can you give to a 6-7 year old birthday girl:

If a future schoolgirl does not yet have a globe, then buy her this tabletop model of the Earth. It will be useful not only in geography lessons, but will also clearly show the girl the countries, cities, seas and oceans of our planet.

Collect a set of several teaching aids for children 6-7 years old and give it to a future first-grader.

The experiments are interesting for both boys and girls. With the same passion, they dig up dinosaur bones from plaster, make a volcano in the kitchen, grow crystals and make a weather station. The most popular science kits for girls are - (making perfumes, lip glosses, shampoo, etc.), (observing the life of plants and fauna) and (the wonders of chemistry keep everyone busy)).

3. A book is the best gift

For a girl of preschool age, a useful gift would be a good one that will answer 1000 of her questions about everything in the world. You can choose a universal encyclopedia or one based on the girl’s hobbies. A good fiction book will speed up the process of transitioning to independent reading. Choose adventures, magic and good fairy tales about princesses for a 6-7 year old birthday girl.

4. Constructors

In addition to the popular Lego and Mega Bloks, which are very loved by girls of all ages, there are also non-standard construction sets. Here are some construction toys that can please sophisticated individuals aged 6-7 years:

Cardboard creative Makedo, where everything that comes to hand is used for creativity; the extraordinarily cheerful Zolo; fantasy Djeco, etc. This is not just design according to instructions, but a flight of imagination and invention of a child.

A bright construction set especially for girls. You can make anything out of it - a handbag, a bracelet, a crown, a car for a doll. In addition, all the details are with sparkles))

5. Dolls

Girls 6-7 years old collect. What's fashionable this season - Moxie, Winx, Lalaloopsy? Or maybe a new cartoon about Disney princesses has been released? Follow this principle)) Girls love to collect entire collections of fashion dolls and compete with their friends. If the birthday girl has an abundance of popular dolls, surprise her with a sophisticated porcelain beauty. in an elegant outfit requires special treatment. It is intended to decorate the interior and receive compliments)) After the first porcelain doll, many girls become seriously interested in collecting them.

6. Board games for parties and family gatherings

At 6-7 years old, children already understand the given rules of the game and follow them. Therefore, at this age the time comes for board games with two or more participants. Give a 6 or 7 year old girl a good game that she can play with her family or friends. In the ranking of the most popular - Monopoly, Activity, Imaginarium, Twister. Take a look at our section, you will definitely find fun games for a children's group.

7. Active games with friends

Board games are great, but playing outside is even better)) What can you buy for an active, athletic girl of 6-7 years old?

Be sure to be colorful and fast, with two wheels or tilt control.

They teach you to control your body and maintain balance. Plus, rollerblading with your friends or mom is fun! Don't forget about the protection kit for the young racer!

The long-awaited series of weapons for girls. Beautiful design, precise aim and poetic names - Sweet Revenge, Heartbreaker, Sweet Couple. Choose what your Amazon prefers - a blaster or a crossbow?

8. Handbags and jewelry

Not a single girl will be upset if she receives these little things as a gift (even if they are her tenths in a row)):

A wonderful watch for girls with an unusual design. Incredible cuteness)) They will teach the future schoolgirl how to navigate time and not be late for lessons.

There should be a lot of handbags! Different colors and sizes, for all occasions - for a walk, for traveling, for the beach, for a dance section, for pocket change, etc.

A jewelry box, a bracelet, a mirror, an unusual hairpin, a beautiful headband, a good comb, a fan. All these things can be presented as a present to a young beauty if you are visiting.

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