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Are you a wonderful person? People always notice you

    Well, not all countries are great, every country has its own flaws. This is my Motherland and I appreciate it for what it is)

    Cavalier on the Internet

    Yes, I've been loving this wonderful man for a couple of months now :)

    I would hammer a nail into this wonderful man's head

    If you look at the word “Wonderful”, you can understand that it is derived from the word “to notice”
    If they are in the magazine, then they were noticed. hence their "Wonderfulness"

    America..America..what are you pushing against it?
    Did you live there? you studied there, worked there, what’s the point? Yes, there are schools there - crap ones like ours. There are also normal ones.... It’s the same with politics - there are ignoramuses, there are - good people. Then why there high level- salaries? And why is it so developed? A? Probably because she's shit? :(((

    And in general, Americans are very religious...even take the moment that they pray BEFORE every(!) meal.
    That's why God helps them.

    In short, envy silently.


    They steal from you, from your mom and your dad. I'm sure these are all bandits. Well, to be honest, half of them stupidly drive a gift, and the others either work for abroad or sit in the bosses and stir up kickbacks, leak information for competitions and suffer from other crap, cut the money down quickly and put it into something else. Plus, in their justification, I can say one thing, they chose the niche, profession, activity in which their earnings would suit them. If you look for a job from the very beginning where you won’t miss wages then you will always walk past cool cars and stupidly envy or hate the owners of the cars :)

    Yes, and this is our project manager. Because he is an artist and not a damn person who can establish a systemic process.

    There is nothing universal in nature...
    Therefore, Africa has the conditions for the transformation of a monkey into a human, but there are not enough conditions for the rest...

“...I can assure you that everything is fine. Everything is extremely good. Everything is in its place, everything does what it is supposed to do.

Don't judge by appearance. Don't even judge yourself. You are beautiful just the way you are. When I say “just as you are,” I mean your real Self, Consciousness. You are beautiful as you are, not as you think, not as you appear, not as the world shows you, just as you are now.

When you have no thoughts, when you have no needs, no desires, no passions, then you are God. You are the Universe.
You - divine love. You are beautiful. However, when you start thinking about these things, you deny it, because you are thinking about the past and the future, rather than remaining focused on the eternal now...

Your true nature is complete bliss and you are in complete bliss right now.
There is absolutely nothing that you are missing in your life. But when you think about it, it is there.

So don't think. Stop thinking. When you stop thinking, then everything is fine. When you stop thinking, then there are no mistakes. Don't worry about your phone, your body, your business, what seems to be going on in the world. This will pass and something new will come. It never ends. It never stops.

Thoughts will never bring you peace, even if they are good thoughts, because good thoughts lead to bad thoughts and bad thoughts lead to good thoughts. You have to ask yourself: “To whom do these thoughts come? Who thinks? Who is the one who thinks? I? Am I the one who thinks? Then who am I? What is the source of this self that thinks? Where did this me come from? How did it come about? Who gave him birth? What do I have in common with I?”

Wake up. You are an asset to the human race, an asset to your True Self, an asset to God.
You wonderful person just as you are, just as you are...

Nobody can become enlightened. No one can be liberated because the “you” who thinks you can be liberated does not even exist. There is no "you". No personality. There is no person who is human one day and becomes liberated the next day.

There is only the liberated Self and you are That. You are not what you seem. The appearance of the you you think is you is false.

That's why I say that all your problems, all your nonsense that you go on doing, all your worries, all your troubles, all your emotions do not exist. They never existed and they will never exist. This is all a game, maya, lila. She doesn't exist. There is no one in this room. There is no you and there is no me. There is only the True Self. And when the “I” becomes the True Self, then it is no longer “I”, for there never was a True Self.

This is the reason why I emphasize: stop thinking. Your thoughts are pulling you deeper into maya, into illusion.
Don't think about enlightenment, awakening, liberation, about finding a teacher who can help you. You are beyond help. Nobody can do anything for you.

What's really happening is this. Once you begin to understand that you are not your thoughts, that you are not your mind, that you are not the world, that you are not even liberated, that you are nothing, when you start thinking in this way, then everything, what needs to happen in your evolution will happen without any action on your part. If you have to be with the teacher, then you will be with the teacher. If you have to be on your own then you will be on your own. But you have nothing to do with these things.

Remain in the state of no-thought. Leave the world alone. Leave people alone. Don't come to any conclusion. Don't judge anyone. Everything will take care of itself.

The worst thing you can ever do is seek enlightenment and liberation. It's holding you back. It holds you back because there is a self that is searching. There is a self that is searching. There is a “me” that is trying to become something, and the idea is to remove that something from your consciousness.

Therefore, the process of realization is removal, not addition. Removing this and removing that. Removing all concepts and all preconceived ideas. Removing all your thoughts, no matter what kind of thoughts they are, Good thoughts, bad thoughts, they all have to go, and what remains will be nothing, there is nothing, no object. You are That, you are not an object...

You should always be grateful for who you are. Don't feel sorry for yourself.

Love yourself exactly the way you are. By loving yourself as you are, you will move beyond those things that seemed to irritate you, bother you, or hurt you.

They will all leave. You will no longer know about them. Let everything go. Don't wish for anything. Dive deep within yourself. Don't react to anything outside world, nor on your body.

Everything is fine… »

I want to say a huge thank you to you simply for being in my life, for the fact that with every day we live, you make it more amazing, brighter and more interesting. There are practically no people like you, and it is a great happiness to have such a sympathetic, kind, understanding and sensitive person in your environment. Thank you for your help, your endless faith in me and in all my endeavors. Thank you for your patience and support in those very difficult moments, when I literally couldn’t breathe from emotions, but with you we were able to overcome everything.

I thank you for everything you do for me and really appreciate your attention and responsiveness. Thank you for your time, pleasant emotions and for your great kind heart, which always responds to help and support. I want to wish you only the best of all that is good and beautiful, a lot of happiness in your eyes and reciprocal, immense love and respect for your great personality.

Thanks a lot To you for everything. I value your attention and your support very much. I sincerely want to wish you great happiness, peace and goodness for your sensitivity, for your responsiveness, for your understanding. May God bless you, sincere and mutual love in life, light of joy and good luck.

Thank you very much for everything. There are few such kind and sympathetic, sincere and sensitive people, like you, what a pity. After all, such people give others hope and selfless help; such people make others stronger and kinder. Thank you again, may God grant you strong strength and health, the fulfillment of all your dreams and prosperity in life.

I would like to say a few words of gratitude! Thank you for always being there. For support and care, for the ability to listen and help in difficult moment. For simply being in my life, you make it better. From the bottom of my heart - thank you!

I want to thank you for everything! You are the person who always helps not only in word, but also in deed! I really appreciate this, because there are only a few people like you! Thank you so much for your sincerity, kindness and support!

I want to thank you for everything you have done. For every piece of advice, guidance and support. For understanding, hope and faith. Thank you for being in right time you were with me. Your help is priceless and very important to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you only the best!

Please accept my sincere words enormous gratitude, and at the same time warm regards health, peace, prosperity, joy, luck and love. Let such a kind, sympathetic, to a good person always lucky, may everything in your life be the way you want.

Thank you so much for everything. I sincerely wish you health and prosperity in life, happiness, peace and prosperity, because a person like you should always be fine. Thank you for your understanding, for your help, for your support. Be successful in all your endeavors and brave deeds. All the best to you.

Thanks for everything. I could not have done it without you, without your help, without your support. And I want to leave a place with words of gratitude for you sincere wishes all the best and happiness. May everything always work out the way it should, may love and luck triumph in your life.

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