Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Trust levels. The highest degree of trust (het)

Hello my dear friend. Today I want to talk to you again about the weaker sex, namely us - girls, girls, women. And the conversation will be about something that I myself have never read anywhere, heard or seen, except that I discussed it with my friends, behind closed doors and with the lights off. And this topic is not at all about erogenous zones. Ours or ours, not about secret secrets seduction or achievement own purpose. The theme is bullshit. It’s just such childishness, fooling around, antics and, at first glance, infantile behavior.

I have said in my letter before, . If we are talking about a woman-woman. If we remember a woman friend, a woman head of a family, a woman colleague, a woman comrade, then they can carry piles of difficulties on their shoulders, and also you for company. I'm talking about a woman-woman, which, if one can be, then only if there is a man-man nearby, in a real understanding of all aspects of leadership, masculinity, wealth, stability and strength.

Nothing gets in the way of a romance like a woman's sense of humor and a man's lack of it. (Wilde)

But behind the woman-woman lies another more fragile and vulnerable soul. Completely defenseless, naive and bright - this is a woman-child.

If a woman behaves like a child, then she is happy

If a woman shows you her inner child- this is the highest degree of her trust to you. And God forbid you, at this moment, click on her nose or not find ten minutes so that she can indulge with you. If a woman can indulge, grimace, play pranks and fool around with you, it means that she trusts you completely, trusts you without a trace and is really not afraid of you or how you will react to this. Although no. Of course, he is afraid. Afraid of being misunderstood, stupid, strange. She is afraid that you will decide that she is “bad”, infantile, inadequate and all that sort of thing.

If a woman with you is not afraid to be a child or allows such a state, this is the highest degree of trust in you. To a man, such behavior may seem strange and incomprehensible. Especially it may not be clear how to react to it. There are several options here - you can play along with your soulmate and fool around together, you can watch and at the same time smile, at least the fact that she trusts you infinitely or wants to trust, but in no case push her away at this moment. Don't call on common sense or to the fact that at her age they don’t behave like that .. they go, it’s not like that either.

You can prove to a woman that she is wrong, but you cannot convince her of this.

To be beautiful, to be desirable, to be passionate is not such a great wisdom for a woman.

Difficult another .. each of us lives a playful mischief that really wants to break out. The more we were clicked “on the nose” with the words that it was impossible, ugly, wrong and not good, the further the same girl hid in us, who really wants to fool around sometimes. I will even say more - if she has never been naughty in front of you - this is also an indicator. Either her inner child hid far away and for a long time, and it’s not a fact that you are to blame, or she may be afraid to relax “to the fullest” with you, and this is not at all a trip to a club and dancing until the morning. This is a funny voice, whims and funny postures while lying on the couch, periodic pinching you, an attempt to bite or tickle. She can hide from you in the room in the most ridiculous place, crawl under the covers, try to crawl under your T-shirt when you are wearing it .... anything that comes to her mind here and now. And here and now you should be proud that she has given you the highest degree of trust, to be funny, funny and ... small. Not for long. Then worries, work and life will spin her again, but believe me, she will be incredibly grateful to you for accepting not only her as a woman, but also as a girl who sometimes wants to fool around.

Women are made to be loved, not to be understood.
Oscar Wilde

This behavior has no age. She either can afford to behave this way, or she has already been so “intimidated” that her inner child sits quietly and is afraid to move. But what if you start the pampering first and invite her to your game?

Biologically speaking, if something bites you, it's most likely female.
Scott Cruz

There is nothing more beautiful than the woman who is able to laugh next to you at the top of her voice. Be yourself and don't be afraid to look "wrong". If you managed to achieve that she is just like that next to you, know that she is yours..sya. A woman can only be a child strong man. If a man does not allow this ... There are many questions.

And go without extremes. Sometimes is sometimes. But if she is in adulthood dresses like a teenager, speaks in a childish voice always and everywhere ... Here it is, most likely - to the doctor.


  • “If I’m in the“ house ”, then that’s it. It’s better not to approach me, ”- Tatyana, 32 years old
  • “Oh… I love fooling around. Of course, this is the highest degree of trust. Another would have passed into the fool ... ”- Irina, 34 years old
  • “Sing for the whole house? Sure, not a problem. Moreover, with such an eerie voice ... He endures and sometimes even sings along, ”- Inga, 36 years old
  • “Sometimes I dance… It’s like I got an electric shock…”, -Valeria, 47 years old
  • "I bite ... sinful" - Alina, 42 years old
  • “I scare him when he is in the bathroom with a loud cry through closed door… Then I laugh for half an hour,” Anna, 38

Thanks for reading. Your friend,

attached to words, big troubles can arise. On< пример, когда эти инженеры решат, что мы защищаем политику.1

Table. 13.1. Policy Compliance

For engineers

From point of view

commonly used

political scientist

and technical me



"Good Politics"

Everything is included






into political


"Bad Politics"



Wednesday with a high degree trust

environment with a high degree of trust I mentioned in the context of culture,

About the inherent organization. Perhaps we should go into more detail about this and explain why such an environment is so desirable.

In an environment with a high degree of trust, the following norms are adopted:

One can expect to hear the truth from each other;

You can count on the help of colleagues in any business;

One can count on the fact that everyone puts the tasks of the whole organization above personal or group tasks;

Intellectual honesty is assumed in all discussions;

Responsible approach to assumed obligations< ствам: невыполнение обязательств рассматривается как злоупотреб< ление доверием. Это предполагает наличие как доброй воли, так и компетентности.

1 Often, the value system of engineers makes itself known to curious and< речивым образом. Например, они, как правило, испытывают дискомфорт, обща< ясь с клиентами, если считают, что не все, что те говорят, – чистая правда. Здесь они руководствуются стандартами, которые иногда оказываются слишком стро< гими. Но их очень удивляет, когда их собственная честность ставится под сомне< ние, если они не сумели уложиться в график в какой<то контрольной точке. Для них это всего лишь техническая проблема, а не нарушение обязательств или злоупотребление доверием. Работая с технологическими компаниями, важно понимать такие особенности, потому что очевидные разногласия с другими подразделениями могут затруднить общение и обмен информацией.

A remarkable property of a high-trust environment is its extreme efficiency. If there is trust, there is less need for checks. In re< зультате меньшая команда может выполнить больше работы. Это все рав< но, что уменьшить трение в механизме: больше энергии пойдет на совер< шение работы и меньше – на выработку тепла. Обычно высокого доверия проще достичь в небольших и относительно однородных группах. По ме< ре укрупнения команд, роста их распыленности и функциональности под< держивать атмосферу высокого доверия становится все труднее. По иро< нии судьбы потребность в ней не уменьшается, а сложность растет.

An atmosphere of high trust is beneficial in any organization. And although it is as important in technology companies as in any other< гих (если только не более), установить ее там еще труднее. Если говорить о мировоззрении инженеров (см. табл. 13.1), то видно, что даже «нейтраль< ная» политика отравляет атмосферу высокого доверия. Поэтому для созда< ния в организации атмосферы высокого доверия придется повысить тре< бования и запретить больше типов поведения из «пограничной» зоны, чем было бы допустимо в другой ситуации.

After working in an atmosphere of high trust, you have difficulty finding yourself in an atmosphere of lower trust. All instincts render< ваются ложными, и доверчивый человек в среде с низкой степенью дове< рия легко становится жертвой политических махинаций и может постра< дать. И наоборот, тем, кто пришел из атмосферы с низкой степенью дове< рия, важно, попав в среду с высоким доверием, научиться доверять другим: паранойю, поддерживавшуюся долгие годы, бывает трудно излечить. Эмигранты из бывшего Советского Союза рассказывали мне, что приспо< собление к американской культуре, которой в меньшей степени свойст< венно состояние «повышенной боевой готовности», представляло для них известную сложность.

Other Varieties of Bad Politics

In addition to the types of behavior listed in the "bad policy" section, there may be other negative types. I privo< жу их здесь, чтобы они не прошли мимо вашего внимания.

There is such a particularly harmful form of politics as the unwillingness to "obey". In each process, a discussion period is followed by< нятие решения. После этого «избирательные участки закрыты». После того

once the decision is made, everyone must obey it.1 To continue to whimper and agitate for the rejected decision after the fact< хая политика. Вместо того чтобы дать организации возможность двинуть< ся вперед и реализовать решение, такая политика погружает ее в трясину обсуждения. Хуже того, отказ подчиниться подрывает структуру руковод< ства, снова и снова оспаривая решения. Этот вид плохой политики следует безжалостно искоренять. Менеджеры должны со всей силой дать понять, что несогласным придется покинуть команду. Для здорового политическо< го процесса это разумное условие.

Another symptom of bad political behavior is the obvious builder< ство империи. По<прежнему очень многих привлекают атрибуты и симво< лы успеха: положение в организации, количество непосредственно и кос< венно подчиненных сотрудников, объем финансирования и т. д. Органи< зации, придающие чрезмерное значение таким статистическим символам, пожинают плоды своих трудов: поведение в них определяется системой вознаграждения. Если же, напротив, ваша организация поощряет ориги< нальность, вклад сотрудников, упорство в решении задач и т. д. независимо от должностного положения, то вы на правильном пути. В таких организа< циях прежний стиль поведения выглядит болезненным пережитком и мо< жет осуждаться господствующей культурой. Тот, кто упорствует в нем, про< сто относится к другой культуре – более политизированной и придающей вес мнениям в зависимости от места их автора в иерархии, а не от подлин< ной ценности. В организациях с атмосферой высокого доверия такое по< ведение в конечном счете должно быть отвергнуто, и если оно не изменит< ся, то отвергнуты должны быть его носители, и чем скорее, тем лучше.

Finally, there is the issue of style, often referred to as political< му поведению обычно негативного характера. Есть люди, любое взаимо< действие с которыми превращается в преодоление препятствий: они все< гда «напрягают» окружающих. Такие люди, как минимум, становятся обре< менительными и начинают отнимать силы у коллег: все уже понимают, что в общении с ними всегда приходится занимать «оборонительную пози< цию». Если я попытаюсь привести вам здесь соответствующий пример, ме< ня точно привлекут к суду за клевету.2 Но все поймут, о чем я здесь говорю,

1 I devote the entirety of Chapter 15 to the subject of submission to a decision.

2 Sports analogy: in tennis, this kind of behavior is akin to the fact that the partner constantly goes to the net. On the enemy, this has an irresistible< рывное давление.

because in any organization there are people who call times< дражение именно таким поведением. С ними просто не хочется иметь дело. Постарайтесь сами не быть такими и удерживать других от такого поведения.


The political process is part of the behavior of an individual and an organization. P To try to move away from him means to give way to those who want to participate in this game. From the point of view of morality and logic< стоятельно сначала избегать политики из чувства отвращения, а потом жа< ловаться, что вас лишили всех политических прав.

However, as leaders, we have an obligation to prevent interference< тельству политики в чисто технические проблемы. Даже на государствен< ном уровне мы иногда ошибочно позволяли политическим соображени< ям доминировать при принятии решений, неприемлемых в техническом отношении. Когда факты очевидны, нельзя игнорировать их, каковы бы ни были политические последствия. Не пытайтесь бороться с законами физики.

If we are in politics, we must encourage good politics as outlined in this chapter. Noticing signs of behavior related to< гося к «нейтральной зоне», надо проявить осторожность. А плохую поли< тику необходимо искоренять и душить, предпочтительно с помощью дав< ления, оказываемого коллегами.1 Обычно плохая политика уродует весь процесс, допуская явно неэтичное и бесчестное поведение.

Please note that even actions from "neutral" or "pogra< ничной» зон разрушают атмосферу высокого доверия. Преимущества ат< мосферы высокого доверия настолько высоки, что следует серьезно взве< сить, стоит ли рисковать ей, разрешая приемы из «пограничной зоны».

It is necessary to ensure that all political processes and negotiations< воры завершались после «закрытия избирательных участков», чтобы при< нималось решение, команда подчинялась этому решению и все как один брались за его реализацию, прекратив всякие непроизводительные обсуж< дения.

It has already been said that evil triumphs when good people do nothing. If you resort to the argument that "all politicians are corrupt<

feasted scoundrels,” then I will utter only two words: Harry Truman. True< мен не разбирался в технике, но он был превосходным политиком и лиде< ром.1 Эта тема увела бы нас далеко за рамки данной главы, да и всей книги в целом. Но у меня постоянно вызывает беспокойство (полагаю, что обос< нованное) то обстоятельство, что из<за нежелания разработчиков про< грамм участвовать в процессе, рассматриваемом ими как политический, организация терпит значительный ущерб.

But political problems do not always arise. Many developers< ки предпочитают не участвовать в них, поскольку в прошлом мы осуждали их участие. Многие опытные люди отмечают, что менеджеры все равно ничего не слушают. Возможно, такая позиция несколько предвзята, но ес< ли мы требуем участия, то должны прислушиваться. И, разумеется, всегда необходимо отделять технические проблемы от нетехнических.

Separating technical and non-technical problems is sometimes very difficult.< сто. Как правило, что делать – это политическое решение, акак – техни< ческое. Однако они могут быть взаимосвязаны. Например, время и ресур< сы, необходимые для реализации некоторой функции (как ), могут повли< ять на решение о том, заниматься ей или нет, т. е.как оказывает влияние начто . Здесь важно иметь уверенность в том, что представленная инжене< рами оценка продолжительности работы сделана честно, а не под влияни< ем мыслей о возможных политических последствиях. В последнем случае вам грозят неприятности.

But sometimes even good listening managers find it difficult to< стями, как только пытаются сами открыть рот. О том, как разговаривать с инженерами, повествует следующая глава. Я озаглавил ее «Ведение пере< говоров», поскольку так этот процесс представляется обеим сторонам. Гла< ва посвящена общению между людьми, занятыми разработкой ПО, в целом.

1 In my opinion, Truman was a man of exceptional integrity, although he came from a highly corrupt political organization at the time.< зации в Америке – партийной машины Пендергаста в Канзас<сити. Меня всегда интересовало это несоответствие.

Gathering everyone together at one table for Yo no longer seems as easy as he thought before. Ren refuses to go to the Patches' bistro, where they make sandwiches and hot dogs, arguing that European cuisine is foreign to him. Anna, on the other hand, insists that “not what she has, she won’t even hold this harmful and high-calorie food in her hands!”, And looks at him with a look from the category “And I don’t advise you.” The rest turn out to be less picky, and the girls in their company, except for Anna, agree to all the voiced proposals.

While they are looking for a place to go, Usui and McDaniel manage to get lost in their company, who quarreled somewhere in the middle of the road and fell behind, which is why Tao, as the captain of their negligent team, has to look for them. Kioyama grimly mumbles something like: “And why do you attract such rabble to you?” - when the guys are still there, to which Asakura only stretches his lips in shame in an attempt to smile.

His fiancee's mood is gradually deteriorating, and he is frantically trying to figure out how to set up Anna in a peaceful way. The guy knows: if something doesn’t suit her again, she can just turn around and leave. And he clearly does not like this arrangement.

Jun finds a way out in this situation, pleased and happy that she saw an inconspicuous sign "All kinds of Asian dishes" on a modest cafe, and Asakura, seeing approval in Anna's eyes, with obvious relief leads everyone to the entrance to the found institution.

The cafe turns out to be cozy and not as crowded as Patch's cafe. Pastel colors and paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling are reminiscent of Japanese style, only here the choice is given to guests: sit on chairs or zabutons.

Tao walks around the room and sits down, cross-legged, on a chair, thus making a choice for their entire company. However, no one began to argue and simply chose a place for himself. Faust and his beloved wife Eliza decide to retire, choosing a small table next to them, but everyone finds this decision common and no longer pays much attention.

When Kioyama chooses a place for himself, Yo moves his chair to her and sits very close to her, to which she squints at him and purses her lips shyly. The guy's face glows with pleasure - he has not been so good and calm for a long time. All his friends are alive and enthusiastically talking, changing one topic after another and discussing dishes from the menu brought by the waiter. To his left is Manta with a laptop, which, while reading something from the screen, simultaneously echoes Ryu and Holo sitting next to him; those, in turn, switched to "purely male conversations." Next to them, Chokolav tries to intervene in the conversation, but his jokes are clearly off topic.

In the center, opposite Asakura, Ren sits proudly and for a long, long time scans the menu for dishes that match his tastes. His sister carefully purrs recommendations in his ear, to which he furrows his brows in displeasure, shrugging it off. Pirika is next to her, unhappy that her brother did not want to sit next to her, trying to attract the attention of Tamao, squeezed by awkwardness. The pink-haired woman is again shy from a large crowd of people and hides behind a list of menus when Asakura, who, as usual, cordially looking around at everyone, touches her with his eyes. After kokkuri, Anna closes the circle: propping her cheek with her fist and as if going deep into herself. She looks distant and completely uninterested in such gatherings.

Itako taps the fingers of his free hand, bored, until he comes across a slight, quivering feeling of an obvious intrusion into his aura. She notices the surveillance and the shaman's obvious desire to get her attention. Asakura moves impermissibly close to her and, although not in front of strangers, Anna still feels discomfort from this. As if recognizing her anxiety, Yo tries to smooth the moment: with chuckles in his eyes, he repeats her pose, resting his cheek on her side, and comically raises his eyebrows. Behind the fist, his smirk is spreading, and Kioyama can't help but roll his eyes. His playful attitude is confusing, but not repulsive. She narrows her eyes, he doesn't dare blink. Staring game. And everything fades into the background, and you can’t even hear what their whole company is discussing there.

Asakura has a vacuum in her head, and in front of her eyes there is only her face with lowered eyelashes in embarrassment and a thin string of lips, slightly tucked in the corner.

Hey! someone shouts.

Yoh blinks and realizes that he can hear Holo's voice in the distance.

Mr Yo? Ryu calls him.

He freezes in place, exactly in the same position with which he involuntarily reached for Anna, watching her turn away to Tamao and Pirika, as if wanting to remain unnoticed. Cruelly leaves him alone to deal with the fact that he has momentarily fallen out of reality. Because of her.

M? - an absent-minded look and, on the contrary, Ren's face with an ironically raised eyebrow.

What will you order, Yo? - Manta's voice is heard nearby, helpful and understanding.

Ah... Oh! Udon! Udon with beef! - the words fly out on the machine. - Oh, wait... do they make this one here?

Didn't you read the menu? - laughs Chokolav, and it suddenly dawns on him: - Oh! You were dreaming so much that your brain flew into the sky, and since there is nothing to think about now, you can’t read anything! Ha ha... ha... ha... hah... don't kill! Ren, please...

Asakura almost explodes on the spot in an attempt to stop the conflict.

Ren, yes, everything is fine, leave him ... - raising his hand in a peaceful gesture, he asks Yo and with a slight fright in his eyes looks at how Tao is strangling the American by the throat.

My team must behave! - he hisses in the face of Chokolav and pulls him by the ear for educational purposes.

Usui presses himself against Bokuto's strong shoulder in fear. Dilutes the tense atmosphere of Kioyama, phlegmatically scrolling through the menu:

Honey, there's your udon here. Order, - her voice sounds approvingly, - and I, perhaps, will have a diet salad with tofu.

“Diet… Why? He looks at the girl in bewilderment. - Oh yes. She is still afraid of getting fat ... ".

Noisy conversations are diluted by tapping wooden sticks on ceramic dishes; everyone tries their ordered dishes. Asakura savors pleasantly hot udon and hums contentedly when he chews pieces of meat after noodles. He catches fleeting, envious glances from the medium and quickly throws a new piece into his mouth, closing his eyes, arriving in obvious pleasure from the taste of the most tender beef. He watches as she picks her chopsticks in her low cup, tasting listlessly, without appetite, and mentally wonders, as if addressing her: “And why order something that you don’t like?”.

Maybe you can try me? There is meat in my udon, - the shaman gives out conspiratorially, bowing his head so that only she can hear, enticing, forcing to look at himself, - it is very tasty, not hard - as you like.

How did you know that I want meat? she whispers and squints.

You just devoured me with your eyes when I chewed a piece. I noticed ... - a playful tone and an uncontrollable smirk in response to sternly pursed lips.

Asakura honors his powers of observation and rejoices in the rare moment that his fiancée is so sweetly hurt by his words. She awkwardly adjusts the scarf around her neck, but quickly gathers herself, turning around and dousing him with the coldness of her expressionless face. Without blinking, she looks into his eyes, trying to appear unperturbed and not the least bit offended. The guy withstands her gaze, but will she survive?

Well? he pulls and pushes his udon towards her.

He bows his head, testing it for strength.

All right, - she agrees with a sigh, and turns away, as if being under the pressure of his sunny, blinding smile, - just choose the meat, I will not noodles.

They exchange cups under the dull looks of the whole company.

Mmm, - Yo tastes dietary salad and, grimacing, gives out: - Is this food at all? There is some grass here.

May be enough? Holo mutters, looking at him with obvious displeasure.

Having eaten all the meat from the groom's cup, Anna looks suspiciously at the pompous northerner. As if not hearing him, Asakura asks her if she will eat up and, receiving a negative answer, takes back her cup and wraps noodles on sticks, pulling them into her mouth with pleasure, and chews with a satisfied look.

Ren Tao winces at this picture.

How can you eat from one cup? - his lips stretch in disgust in a question. - And eating up for someone ... it's disgusting!

Ren! - his sister pulls back and adds more quietly, - she is his bride ...

And what?! - Tao snorts, not understanding where in general it is necessary to catch the connection.

Putting his already empty cup on the wooden table with a soft thud, Asakura raises his eyebrows in bewilderment and turns his attention to Ren, who looks very excited for some reason and, as it seems to him, offended.

I don't think it's something disgusting, - Yo says in surprise. "Besides, isn't that the highest degree of trust?"

From his words, Anna feels her cheeks fill with warmth, and she burrows her chin into her red scarf, not noticing June, who is trying to cover her touchingly quivering lips with her palm. Ren, next to her, wrinkles his nose and frowningly draws his eyebrows - a crease appears on his forehead. His whole gaze, fixed on the shaman opposite, screams: “What nonsense are you talking about here ?!”.

I think so, - continues Asakura and turns towards the girl with a warmer attitude, - like Anna, right?

With a sigh, she pulls back her scarf and closes her eyes in a monosyllabic answer:

Yes, dear.

The shaman's palm, out of habit, burrows into the naughty strands at the back of his head. Whenever she says it so simply, without embarrassment, but in a soft, pleasant voice - strange for those who somehow know her, and so loved and dear to him - he simply cannot control himself, smiling stupidly and blushing hopelessly . How does it work out now.

The silence drags on, and Yo hurries to hush up the awkward moment.

ABOUT! Let's order a shabu-shabu, shall we? - excitedly, joyfully he offers the whole company. - We are all not enemies to each other here: no one will spit poison ...

Did you know that the Tao specialize in poisons? Ren grins, to which June shoves him in the side with a slight smile.

- ... so we will eat from one cup. And this not disgusting, - emphasizes Asakura's last word and leans back in his chair, adding instructively, - this is a sign of equality and respect for each other and this definitely brings people together.

Anna burrows into her scarf again, only to hide her understanding smirk. Meanwhile, Yo calls the waiter to him and makes an order. Opposite him, skeptically stretching his lips into stripes, Tao listens to his sister's chirping, her instructions on how to smooth out his mischievous character and how No need talk with friends. And Ryu with interest begins to tell the whole company how, ideally, shabu-shaba is prepared in their homeland, enticing with his speech and thereby fueling interest in the ordered dish.

In it there is not only meat, - the whisper with notes of dissatisfaction reaches Yo.

Anna, did you want a pure meat dish? He moves towards her, looking into her eyes.

The girl chuckles vaguely, frowning.

Oh, I’m sorry…” he breathes regretfully, “but it’s definitely there, so…”

Your order. Bon appetit, - interrupts all conversations and whispers, the approaching waiter.

Hey, it's already done! Umiya exclaims, and stares at the big pot of Japanese soup.

Not at all by tradition, - Anna mutters and, with slight irritation, follows the retreating waiter with her eyes.

Maybe they don't know how to properly serve it? - decides to justify the local chefs Yo, already on a reflex trying to find a logical reason for everything inexplicable. - On the one hand, it's good, isn't it? Everything is ready and how delicious it smells, m?

In his heart, the guy still remains dissatisfied with the existing overlay: Anna becomes gloomy, like a thundercloud, you touch her a little and you get a discharge from all the irritation that has accumulated during the day.

I don't really care about traditions! - grinning, Holo gives out and clicks his chopsticks impatiently. - But I know one thing: you need to snatch the most delicious, until all the meat is taken apart and only mushrooms and vegetables are left in the pot. Beware people! Who is faster, huh?

My barbaric northern friend, you will only make enemies this way! - Ryu enters the game, inflamed from the provocation of a nearby comrade.

You say, the game "Who is faster"? Chokolav lights up with passion.

Hey guys! We haven't received individual cups yet! - Pirika looks at Chokolav and Ryu with disapproval and keeps an evil look on his brother, - Good-Good, if you are now ...

His eyes sparkle with anticipation. The sticks reach for the pot.

Too late sister! - Horokei grins maliciously and sends the fished piece of meat straight into his mouth, whole, and almost chokes on its size.

Hey, so unfair! - the American exclaims and stretches out his hand with a fork specially brought for him by the waiter.

Well, look out! - the voice of Bokuto no Ryu is heard in bass throughout the institution.

Don't push Choco! Usui hisses and tries to shove McDaniel's arm off his head.

I can't reach! Guys ... - Manta mumbles offendedly and stands on a chair, trying to reach the contents of the pot with chopsticks.

Well, Asakura, is this your highest degree of trust? - mockingly strains Ren and grins, with pleasure, savoring the bewildered expression on Yo's face, - where is the respect? It's probably not about our company, don't you think?

Oh, guys ... - Asakura looks with disappointment at the unfolding brawl between friends, looks at how Pirika urges the girls not to yield to her brother, notices Anna's tense figure out of the corner of her eye and, as if waking up, rushes to the center of the table, stretches her chopsticks towards the "rivals" and almost breaks into a cry: - Stop! Leave a piece and Anna!

The guys, who did not expect such actions from their "correct" friend, freeze, allowing Yo to complete his plan. With a triumphant cry, he picks up a piece of meat and holds it out to the blonde with a joyful look. The broth is dripping onto the table from an outstretched piece. Frozen, Anna looks at his wands in front of her face, looks at him indignantly, and Asakura catches a flash of color on her face, not understanding in her soul: did he do something wrong?

Ren does not intervene, does not interrupt his teammate, but only chuckles strangely and drinks green tea from a cup, watching the reaction of the shaman sitting opposite. Jun and Tamao freeze from the involuntarily tense situation, while Pirika, having risen from his seat, explodes with a stream of indignation:

Good! If you're unlucky with girls, it's nobody's fault! - in the blue eyes as if the raging sea is boiling. - And do not be rude to others and, oh, Spirits ... envy! she squeals and looks angrily at her pathetic, in her opinion, brother. Beloved, albeit a stupid brother, after his words, fell in her eyes, and from this she drills him with a look, bites her lips out of shame for him and resentfully sinks into a chair.

Yes, you just don’t need to show so openly that you have a girlfriend ... - he mutters ashamedly, more from his sister’s gaze than from remorse for his own words.

Perhaps I agree, - Ren closes his eyelids, and Jun turns in surprise at his brother calmly drinking tea.

Holo looks at their team leader with gratitude (but more disbelief), while Yoh looks from one of his teammates in shock.

Open? Is it… - sticks with meat frozen in his hands sluggishly fall.

Does he really look like a distraught lover who just wants to show his feelings, affection, overwhelmed by his emotions to the whole world? Is it? Should this mean that they should have dropped out, like Faust and Eliza?

Thanks, I'm full.

But Anna! You didn't really eat anything!

He pulls his hand to her, wants to pull her to him and persuade him to stay, but she easily pulls her hand out, and, sliding it along his arm, as if stroking, reassuring, gets to the shoulder and presses, forcing him to sit back down.

Nothing. Don't stay too long.

And he leaves, leaving only a ghostly feeling of warmth from his touch, giving him goosebumps and smell - the cool smell of jasmine flowers and the warm, sweet scent of his skin. He catches his breath.

There is a click of the closing door, and he curses, hisses, resentfully hits the table with his fist and leans back in exhaustion on the back of his chair. A hunted look into the void and tightly pursed lips. Ren looks at him frowningly and sees how he bites his cheek from the inside out of anger, and he himself struggles with mental apologies that are asking for it on his tongue. As if hearing his thoughts, his torment is interrupted by the repentant, gentle voice of his sister:

Oh, Yo, it turned out so ugly ... forgive us.

Why are you sorry, June? Only my stupid brother is to blame for this! Apologize now, Holo!

Hearing the words of his sister, the guy straightens his back, which had hunched over in a repentant pose, and looks at Yo, as if abstracted from the whole world, who bored his gaze into the nearest wall.

Well, that's... never mind, mate. I… foolishly blurted out, - Usui rubs his neck nervously and swallows noisily when he does not see Asakura's response.

June nudges his brother in the side for the umpteenth time that evening and nods at him as if to say, “Come on, Ren…you were in on this too,” which makes him irritated. Double annoyance! Also from the heat on his cheeks and cheekbones, from the fact that he is so simply, with a sweet face, they are ashamed with all their company. But he put himself so well, but his sister and this damn Asakura always want to destroy his image.

Tch! - he rolls his eyes, grimaces and exhales, as if trying to calm his fiery temper, - Asakura, stop pretending to be offended.

Again the sister's elbow and Ren can't stand it:

Yes, excuse us! All satisfied?

He rests his cheek on his palm, and looks around at everyone with a tired, forced smile.

We sat well. It was fun, - Asakura grins and gets up from the table. He stretches, takes money out of his pocket - that should be enough ...

Leaves banknotes on the table, and under surprised glances turns towards the kitchen.

Master Yo, aren't you after Anna-san?

Yes, to her, - he nods to Ryu and blossoms with a dreamy smile, - but I can’t empty-handed?

Ren narrows his eyes at his receding back, and hears a quiet, timid whisper of his negligent partner:

Still, it's a boast...

And no matter how pride screams that it’s not worth it for Tao’s heir to assent to such a frostbitten, the guy still nods, completely agreeing with him.

Yo licks his dry lips and tries to hold back the smile that breaks out, which is why only a small smile comes out on his pursed lips, but the dimples on his cheeks still appear against his will. He does not trample on the threshold of her room, not at all, he only listens to the sounds and tunes in. And the mood itself is somehow good. The guy is so eager to see, enjoy her reaction that the knuckles are already beating an unobtrusive rhythm, knocking on the door, urging the hostess of the room to come out to him as soon as possible.

And the door opens, her intelligent, bright eyes appear from the crack, and, recognizing the guest, she opens the door wide open and leans her shoulder on the doorframe of her room. He does the same, only from the side of the corridor, and looks into her eyes, getting her interest in return.

He notices - she's just out of the bath. She is enveloped in the slight scent of bathing and flowery shampoo that wafts from her wet hair. Asakura inhales with pleasure all this variety of smells, which pleasantly tickled his sense of smell and covers his eyes, leaning his cheek against the wall.

I came to apologize,” he begins softly and exhales, “I was very intemperate, I admit it. And thus put you in an awkward position.

She purses her lips apologetically, swallows nervously, and looks at her hopefully, trying to read the mood, wondering if she can go ahead with the plan without fear of a sudden outburst of her anger or her rejection of the evening he had planned.

Asakura, you surprised me today, - Anna shares with a grin and continues with a sly look in her eyes, - what came over you?

Her posture becomes confident, her arms crossed over her chest out of habit, and her chin is just waiting to rise in superiority. And Yo thinks that there is nothing wrong if it happens when he honestly confesses to her his weakness.

Yes, I just behaved like a fool in love, - he blinks his eyes in a smile and scratches his neck.

Anna stares at him in amazement for a few seconds, and when his eyes find hers, she lowers her eyelashes, struggling with such embarrassment she hates. She wants to look at him, she wants to see such a beloved facial expression on his face, for a long time, without stopping, but the damned body and psyche with their complexes and shortcomings scream that you still need to get used to this. And she gets used to it, gradually, but so far it turns out like this - with burning cheeks and awkward looks in response to his attention. Who would have thought that she would experience something like that with him? And how could he have learned to play on her nerves and feelings like that?

By the way, the guys apologized, - he tries to get her attention again, - and maybe even Holo is right ... maybe my behavior really went beyond gatherings with the company. After all, I was with everyone, not just with you. Although, I caught myself thinking: even though I called everyone, I most of all wanted to be alone with you, Anna.

His new revelation, and she takes her breath away. The girl freezes in a daze from his words, not knowing what to answer to this, how to choose words so as not to destroy the light, pleasant thrill from this moment, so as not to hurt him, sweet, attentive, with his possible causticity, but he does not require words in answer. Asakura just leans his head against her forehead, and looks into her eyes, exhaling:

Can I stay with you?

Seeing her confusion, the shaman breaks away from her and tries to clarify:

I only have pure intentions! - he assures her, to which Anna looks at him with skepticism, - Yes, yes ... and don't look like that. With pure intentions and-and-and ... meat!

His hand, which previously hid a bundle wrapped in cloth napkins behind his back, comes out of hiding and is shown to Kioyama.

Meat? What is this, shabu-shabu? she looks in surprise at the wrapped dish with the dish. - Why did you...

No, it's grilled meat and a couple of sauces, - he explains rather, - he asked the cooks to prepare a purely meat dish. And, like this, "why"? All evening she just muttered - “meat”, “meat” ... and then she left, without really eating anything.

Asakura notices how childishly, indignantly, her nose wrinkles and her cheeks puff up fleetingly. Quickly, in order to be in time before she boils completely, slips into the room without the agreed permission, and hears her stamping her foot, slamming the door as she does so. He discerns her muffled muttering as a soft, hissing "Damn Asakura" and waits for her reaction when she turns around to see him perched on her futon with a large open steaming bowl of hot, flavorful meat.

Come to me, Anna! - he breaks into a smile, and the frozen Kioyama, to her shame, notices the torn thought of protest: she does not want his "pure intentions." Especially when everything is so beautifully served in bed: hot meat and, a little later (if she takes the initiative, and he succumbs, and he succumbs - she has no doubt about it), the same Yo Asakura.

Okay, I'm going…” she comes out breathlessly, and she pulls herself up, crumples the hem of her dress and bites her lip, pulling the skin with her teeth in a bad habit.

But he, carried away by business, does not pay attention to this, fumbling in napkins and pulling out a pair of sticks from one.

You know, I liked Horo's idea, - Anna hears with a chuckle, and she sits down on the futon in front of him, raises a light eyebrow in question, - well ... to feed each other.

And what you wanted to do, catching a huge piece of beef for me, - the girl chuckles.

I didn't on purpose! - his honest answer, - but, yes, somehow it turned out awkward ... but I want to get better!

The guy enthusiastically takes the sticks, and Anna watches his manipulations with surprise. Yo picks up one piece of meat from a full steaming cup and dips it into a small saucepan. He swallows as he hands her the treat with a silent request in his eyes, and she sees that he is torn about in his thoughts with doubts about the correctness of his actions.

Try ... - a timid whisper. Fear of rejection.

Kioyama notes with pleasure his reddened cheekbones and does not hold back a grin from comparison - he is also all on pins and needles, afraid to do something wrong, but tries to be attentive, by all means to please her.

The dripping drop of sauce from the meat stretched out for her does not have time to fall on the sheet: Anna hooks it with her tongue and looks at Asakura - frozen, dazed, with her mouth open, when she completely takes a piece in her mouth and tastes it with undisguised pleasure.

Oh ... - he does not hold back, and the mental stream falls on his clouded mind: “How can you eat meat so erotically ?! And now it is clear why this should not have been done in front of everyone! Fool! I didn't want this! I couldn’t bear it if someone saw her like this…”

Thank you for the treat, - as if through cotton wool, an unctuous-mocking tone reaches him.

And while he is in a frank stupor, the girl takes herself other sticks and with a satisfied smirk, in spite of him, starts eating, dipping pieces of fried meat in different sauces.

Her quiet, contented lowing draws his attention, and Asakura immediately relaxes, throwing his hands behind his head in satisfaction.

Tasty? - looks at her with joy in his eyes and grins at her quiet "uh-huh", - how nice to see you happy, Anna! We need to do this more often, but…

Her wands are demandingly placed next to his face.

We're all fair, right? Open your mouth, dear.

Amber eyes narrow, greedily drinking in his embarrassment.

A-Anna… this is…

What? Awkward? she arches an eyebrow and adds, “quick, do you want to stain the whole bed with sauce?”

It won't work for me, because you have ... - he explains in embarrassment and nervously licks his lips.

Try, Yo ... open your mouth and stick out your tongue, and I'll just put meat on it for you, - the girl persuaded him, moving closer to him.

It sounds too simple, but in fact ... - he swallows, but seeing her demanding look, he surrenders with a sigh, - All right, Anna.

He opens his lips, blushing wildly and cursing himself for suggesting such a thing to her, but Anna is interested in wandering over his face, inflaming, breaking barriers, and he gives in, prying the tip of the meat with his teeth, and quickly sends it into his mouth, squinting happily from the bright taste and contented "hmm" from his bride.

Asakura opens her eyes and suddenly sees her face very close, freezes when her thumb passes over his lips, collecting stuck sesame seeds from the sauce, and does not hold back a hoarse exhalation when she wraps her lips around this very finger and licks it, pulling it into her mouth.

The shaman swallows, blinks away the delusion and finally understands:

It seems that I'm spending the night today ... - not a question, but not a statement either. Cautious.

I don’t mind,” Kioyama simply replies and, in confirmation of his words, moves close to him, burying his hand in his hair at the back of his head, “but, dear, what about your “pure intentions”? - but does not resist mockery.

Oh, yes ... - he draws out disappointedly and drops his head on her shoulder, almost howling: - Bli-i-in ...

Offendedly, he mumbles something about “seduces when it’s not necessary” and, as if in compensation for himself, wanders with his hands over her body, pulling Kioyama closer, closer to him. She can’t stand it, and a malicious, snow-white smile of superiority, power over him blooms on her lips. But Yo does not see, burying his face in her neck, taking advantage of such an opportunity to quietly inhale, enjoy the smell of her body. Having calmed the chuckles that burst out, Anna lazily examines the strands of his hair sliding through her fingers, and quietly suggests:

Shall we just omit your statement?

Then it'll look like I'm not holding back my own words.” A muffled growl near her ear and Kioyama rolls his eyes.

Well, - the medium agrees with a sigh and maliciously adds, - it means that you will keep your “pure intentions”, and I, not limited by such a promise, am free to do whatever I want.

His despondent figure straightens up, and the guy's face, covered with bright paint, spots that pass to the neck, peers into Anna's cunningly narrowed eyes with shock and disbelief. The naughty lips of the guy are trying to say something, but she covers them with her index finger.

But this is after, - the girl uncompromisingly gives out and removes her finger from his lips, leaving Asakura at a loss. - In the meantime, let's eat our meat. And then it gets cold.

Ah ... oh, yes ... well, - the guy is lost in thoughts and feelings, but quickly bounces back when he sees Anna, quite eating his brought dish. - It's good that I brought you this, m?

She nods and averts her eyes shyly when Yoh gives her a long, searching, but extremely happy look. He mentally thanks the tactless Horo and thinks: would he have had such a wonderful evening with Anna if his envious friends had behaved differently?

His thoughts are interrupted by Anna's light touch on his cheek and her quiet:

Thanks dear, it was delicious.

She moves over and pulls her into a long, hot kiss, and he smiles into her lips, almost laughing. This is just the beginning of the evening, everything interesting is ahead, but ... he already knows - he will definitely remember a kiss with the taste of fried meat for a long time.

The question of whether it is dangerous to trust people is meaningless, as is the question of whether it is dangerous to drive a car. In what car, on what road, at what speed? The meaning of the question is given by clarifications, which are the very essence. Now we will look at the levels of trust, a solid knowledge of which will allow you to properly manage trust, and save you from serious, and sometimes fatal mistakes.

Absolute Trust

There is only one person on this level - yourself. Immediately the question is: why highlight this in a separate level? First of all, in order to clearly realize that no person in the world can enjoy absolute trust. You can trust everything and one hundred percent only to yourself. The expression "I trust as myself" is a figure of speech, nothing more. Those who take this expression literally are in for very strong grief. We are all good people, we care about friends and relatives, we try to fulfill our obligations. But there is one "but". There is a certain situational threshold beyond which everyone begins to save themselves and only themselves. For some, this is torture, but for someone, the prospect of losing a hundred dollars. But the essence of this does not change, everyone has this threshold. And this must always be remembered.

high trust

At this level, there are people who will suffer if something bad happens to you. And the more they suffer, the higher the trust. This includes most parents who will be very sad if something happens to their child. This includes people who depend on you and your well-being. For example, dependents, or those who borrowed money from you, or those whose business will fall apart without you. The arithmetic is simple: by saving you, they will actually be saving themselves. And if serious stakes are at stake, even the most ordinary people will show miracles of ingenuity and heroism. Please note that not all close people are at this level. A wife who inherits a fortune and a wife who is left penniless in the event of her husband's death will show quite different zeal in helping her husband. Sometimes quite the opposite zeal. So if you want to surround yourself with loyal people, make sure they only win as long as you're okay, and lose big if you're in trouble.

It is impossible not to mention one proven and very high-quality way to acquire people you can trust. This is guaranteed retribution. If someone knows for sure that they will get him in case of betrayal, the two-handed ardor cools down significantly. Many small nations stand on this. Try, for example, to touch a Chechen, and his relatives will definitely take revenge. In order to use this method, you need an appropriate reputation, this will not work out of the blue. That is, a certain number of demonstrative vices must be carried out. But if you belong to an organization that does not let anyone get away with pranks, and for them it is a matter of principle, understanding people will think ten times before upsetting you.

trusted level

This includes people whom you know personally and whom you have seen "in action" more than once. That is, if a certain shoemaker has served you well three times, there is a pretty big chance that he will also show himself on the good side the fourth time. But here it is important not to make a common mistake. No matter how good a shoemaker is, this does not mean at all that he will turn out to be a good friend or friend. It is possible that after drinking beer with him, you will hear things that you would like to hear the least. And the opposite is true. Repeated successful drinking of beer with a friend does not at all guarantee his professionalism and decency as a shoemaker. As in any other capacity.

The trusted level does not exist in general, but only in particular. When placing a person at this level in his internal rating, it is imperative to add what exactly he is worthy of trust. You also need to understand the reason for trust. A good shoemaker values ​​his clients, and therefore works well. A friend needs to communicate over a glass of beer, and cherishes you in this capacity. Perhaps someone values ​​you as a sexual partner, tennis partner, customer, customer, mentor or student. In any case, for trust in some area, it is necessary to understand the economic, psychological or other benefits that are received from you.

Zero Trust

At this level, by default, any unfamiliar person is located. In other words, you can not trust unfamiliar people in anything. It would seem that what has been said is obvious, however, as experience shows, not for everyone. The first mistake is to judge by yourself. If you don't lie, don't steal, and don't talk nasty things about people behind their backs, it doesn't follow that others do the same. Strictly speaking, nothing at all follows from this about others. The habits and customs of those around you have nothing to do with your habits and customs.

The second mistake is a bit similar to the first, only harder and deeper. If you breed guinea pigs and you are a decent person, and your friend who also breeds guinea pigs is also a decent person, there is an underlying confidence in the deep decency of all rodent breeders. However, judging sensibly, we will be forced to admit the fallacy of such a generalization. Many believe that they would never have made such an intellectual oversight. But if the breeding of mice is replaced by something more interesting, the mistake will not seem so obvious. For example, when we find ourselves in a foreign cultural environment, we are unconsciously drawn to people who are close to us in terms of culture or nationality, and tend to trust them more. And this is nothing more than a vulnerability that professionals are well aware of and widely exploited. A person of the same race, nationality or faith as you will be dishonorable with the same probability as the rest.


On this level should be placed those who cannot be trusted in any way. They should not just be distrusted, but assumed that they will cause harm on purpose. This includes people who will benefit if something bad happens to you. First of all, these are competitors in the broadest sense of the word, from business and positions, to personal life. Competition within any organization is a permanent security hole that is constantly exploited by professionals. Are you a spy and need to recruit a high official? Not much difficulty! Eliminate his competitor, and open his way to the top. For this, he will sell his soul, and even some miserable state secret to some miserable intelligence there, and even more so. That is why in the security and power structures, first of all, they are afraid of friends, and only secondarily - of enemies.

The next category is those who have personal scores. Of course, as a motive for the crime of revenge, it is very far from self-interest, but we do not recommend discounting it. Especially revenge for the insults. You must be able to clearly identify those who believe that you insulted them, and never trust them. Therefore, in order not to produce potential aggressors, you must not insult anyone, never and under no circumstances! And you also need to be able to win in such a way that the defeated do not feel offended. And this is great art.

It is also impossible not to mention those who at first glance are interested in your well-being, but in whose interest there are dangerous nuances. Let's take a doctor as an example. What could be nobler than this profession? However, nobility also has a downside. Of course, the last thing a doctor wants is for you to die as a result of his treatment, but the correct treatment also varies. The doctor will formally be right when he prescribes unreasonably expensive drugs from a company that pays him a percentage for this. He will also be formally right when, just in case, he prescribes extra tests or an examination by another doctor, of course, not for free. In essence, lawyers, policemen, firemen, realtors, and any suppliers of goods and services do the same, but adjusted for the specifics of their activities. Therefore, the appeal to all the professionals listed above is justified only on the basis of personal connections.

People with mental disabilities, alcohol and drug addicts, as well as "ideological" people should definitely be included in the category of distrust. The mentally handicapped have their own world with their own laws, which periodically change in the most unpredictable way, and no one, including themselves, can understand it. Do not think that only schizophrenics belong here. People with a pronounced self-destructive complex may appear quite normal, but at the same time oppose you precisely because it will destroy them. Alcoholics and drug addicts have a suppressed will. From such citizens, at the most inopportune moment, you can hear that they did not want to, they regret it, but they could not help themselves. Those who are led by a great idea in life (no matter which one) can easily throw themselves, and at the same time you, onto its altar. Not to mention that if you expressed a seditious thought, they cancel all obligations towards you with a clear conscience and awareness of their unshakable rightness.

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The romantic ideal of a man is August, the hayloft and "Miss Universe". Everyone dreams of getting to know a beautiful woman in order to wallow her in wheatgrass, clover and other herbarium. And decorate her hair with straw. This is what men's ideas about tenderness tell us. After completing the courtship cycle, a man loses the ability to dream until the next hormonal surge.

The erotic fantasies of women, you will be surprised, are not connected with the hayloft at all. Women don't like being pushed around in a dark barn full of dust and insects. In addition, the girl's head in the hayloft fatally takes the form of a hayloft. This is an amazing and disgusting phenomenon.

But, they are happy to visit the apartments of bachelors. Especially those where order and space. Not in order to survive the bunny from the hut. Anything can happen, but more often than not. They are driven by a romantic interest in men's shirts. This should be worn over shorts and sparkle back and forth. This is an old erotic tradition. There is no better gift for a wild man than to ride in his shirt through his home.

Girls know what they want. When, buttoning her collar on her chest, she runs past you on important business, it is impossible not to love her.

Many don't wear heels or tight dresses or hats. But everyone wears a shirt five sizes too big. First, the girl hides in the shower, purrs there and splashes. Then he comes out and with a look, as it were, asks for forgiveness for his unnecessarily open legs. She would have been glad to dress more modestly, but pajamas in a small green dog remained at home. And now she's an awkward victim of circumstance with inappropriately beautiful legs.

And you can immediately see how defenseless she is and how beautiful her eyes are. You can also wrap a towel around your head. From the side it will seem that the towel is about to outweigh and the whole figure will fall. Let everyone be anxious for her unsteady silhouette. You can bring a towel to the kitchen. Sit down, tighten your legs so that your knees are visible from everywhere. And just drink tea. And if the owner is not going to give her the Milky Way before night, then he is either in a swoon, or the woman herself.

If a girl asks you for a shirt, this is the highest trust. And in the next two or three years, perhaps August will come in your life with a hayloft.

Vanya's classmate told me. He has a cambric shirt with the inscription Sosa-sola. Bought from hand in Paris. There is a tomato stain on the chest. He kept it for five years in a separate place in the center of the closet. He kept dreaming, his Nastya would return and come out of the shower in Sosa-sol, as once before. From loneliness, he laid out his shirt on the sofa, approached and stroked. Such a romantic idiot. And all the female acquaintances, with all their boobs, lost to a wrinkled rag in the closet. Vanya did not let anyone wear it.

But one day she met the economic Paradise. She washed the Sosa-sola and put it on. Real cambric, perfect for a nightie.

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