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What to do in the club? How to Avoid Common Mistakes Guys Make in Clubs How You Enter

We girls are constantly waiting for our prince charming. It seems that there will be a knock on the door any minute, and He will be on the threshold! He will look with loving blue eyes, throw aside his unruly blond lock of hair and invite you to follow him to the far distant kingdom. It’s a pity that in real life not everything is so simple, you have to take the initiative into your own hands and go towards simple female happiness.

With the advent of the Internet, finding your soulmate has become a little easier. A few clicks - and you are already registered on a popular dating site and after a couple of minutes you begin to receive letters from potential gentlemen. However, a soulless exchange of e-mail will never replace live communication, no matter how many emoticons you attach to the text.

People began to leave their homes less often, and meeting people on the street turned into an atavism. There are only a few places left where you can relax and meet your one and only. Guys and girls visit nightclubs for a wide variety of purposes. Some people want to have a blast after a hard week of work, while others want to chat in an informal setting with the opposite sex. But is it really possible to find true love against the backdrop of alcohol fumes and loud music?

Types of guys in nightclubs

As is known, the psychological characteristics of various social groups dictate certain behavioral frameworks. That is why, before answering a woman’s burning question, it is necessary to understand the most typical representatives of the club crowd. I present ten subjects that can be found at almost every disco in any city in the country.

1. Majors

Rich boys, who have just escaped from under the wing of their parents, behave extremely defiantly and consider themselves the center of the Universe. I emphasize that I do not take into account adequately wealthy visitors. The majors are disrespectful to the serving staff and seek to humiliate the waiters, thus trying to indicate their superiority. Absolutely all aspects of life come down to money. If you find yourself unworthy of a gift like his and don't look at him with reverence, the relationship will fall apart in a matter of minutes.

2. Sticky fish

It all starts with an innocent question, “girl, can I get to know you,” but it can’t end that way. If you refuse, the pursuer will demand an explanation of why you neglected his company, you will have to literally run away or ask for protection from the guards. God forbid, you show interest in the first stages. In this case, the consequences will be much more dire. An annoying fan will follow you on your heels, accompanying you almost to the toilet. Unreasonable outbursts of jealousy are very annoying, because you have only known each other for half an hour.

3. Clear guys

Found in inexpensive nightlife establishments. A distinctive feature is inappropriate clothing, such as a sports windbreaker and dark sunglasses with white frames. The boys came to continue the fun, they were pretty much under the weather. They practically never leave the bar, drinking the cheapest beer or vodka. They dance reluctantly, move awkwardly, mentally calculating how much alcohol they could buy instead of going to the club.

4. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Imagine you and your friends are peacefully dancing at a bachelorette party, when suddenly you feel someone’s sweaty palms on your waist. The guy is a complete stranger to you, and he’s already giving up. Agree, this is a familiar situation. Unfortunately, face control at the entrance does not require a certificate from a psychiatrist, and decent people are not always allowed into the club. There is a high probability that someone who likes to surreptitiously rub against a girl’s thighs will get through the turnstile.

5. Bored

Here two options should be considered: a) the guy was forced to come by his girlfriend; b) he is at the club for work. Statistics show that during a stable relationship, most men become domesticated. They don’t need to once again get their butts off the couch and head to the club to look for a partner. Bored people who came with their significant other patiently wait for their beloved to splash out her energy on the dance floor, sip a cocktail steadily and glance at their watches. It is clear that getting to know them is not the brightest idea. The working contingent includes photographers, club marketers, security, journalists, and so on. In this case, everything depends on you.

6. Party People

Neon light is the habitat of a real party animal. He is on friendly terms with all the staff, from the security and bartender to the cleaning lady, Aunt Glasha. The regular knows every establishment in the city and flits from one party to another. A special category are lovers of substances that expand consciousness. It is important for them to consume and enjoy the trip to the accompaniment of sounds from the speakers. Ask yourself if you want a guy who spends all night and dope.

7. Star of the evening

Have you ever paid attention to competitions in nightlife establishments? The MC pulls out the most tipsy visitors from the crowd and invites them to disgrace themselves for a symbolic prize. So, there are individuals who don’t feed them bread, let them take part in entertainment events. They themselves rush to the stage and are ready for madness to please their own pride (or the immeasurable amount of alcohol bubbling in their veins). The star type is not interested in relationships in principle; he has enough fun without them. The main thing is that you don’t feel ashamed the next morning.

8. Foreigners

I have a great attitude towards visitors, but sometimes guests from abroad behave too defiantly. “Hey, girl, what legs”, “your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law” and other obscene phrases only cause disgust. As a rule, foreigners are not looking for a serious relationship, but act on the “stick it out, stick it out, run away” principle. I would especially like to note the guests from Muslim countries. The problem is cultural dissonance. Eastern women dress much more modestly than our compatriots, so many, but not all, Muslims perceive Slavic women as very approachable girls. If you are happy with one-night stand, then feel free to meet a foreigner in a club. Please note that a citizen of another country is not responsible under our legislation (at most he will be deported), so be extremely vigilant and do not contact suspicious individuals.

9. Generous soul

This subject has two subtypes. The first is a “drunk comrade” who squanders money exclusively during periods of deep alcoholic intoxication. It’s easy to recognize him: an uneven gait, shouts of “I’m treating you, I can afford it,” there are a lot of hangers-on around him who want to drink for free. Naturally, this is not the person you want to wake up with in the morning. The second subspecies is the “purposeful hunter.” The guy spends the entire evening circling the bar counter in search of the perfect victim. He periodically sits down with bored girls, treats them to cocktails, and then invites them to visit him. I don’t need to explain to you that there is no smell of love and bright feelings here.

10. Normal guys

An almost endangered species, the number of which is only 10% of the total number of visitors. They are not remarkable in anything, they take refusals calmly, and if desired, they can simply treat the girl they like (without any ulterior motive). An evening with a normal guy ends with an exchange of numbers and subsequent dates outside the club.

As they say, whoever seeks will always find. My best friend met her husband in a nightclub, but before that she came across 9 types that were completely unsuitable for the role of a true chosen one. The main thing is not to get upset and continue to strive into the arms of true, sincere love. Good luck to you!

Advice from comedian Bekir Mamediev of the Mamakhokhotala Studio

Each girl goes to the club with her own goal. These goals are quite varied: from “just to dance” to “meet a prince from the UAE and become his princess.” The goals are different, but the mistakes are the same. So, how girls should not behave in a club:

Forget about synchronized dancing

If you and your girlfriends have ever danced and have rehearsed synchronized movements, do not dance under any circumstances. You won't succeed, even if it's the “same” music.


The Club is not the Academy Awards. No need to wear red carpet dresses. It looks very stupid when they come to the ball in a Daewoo Lanos. And you can see from the girl that she came in her best dress, she is guarding him. She is ready to voluntarily give herself to a maniac, as long as she is “careful” with her dress. I really feel sorry for the girls who wear shoes under their best dress, and it’s December outside.


When asked what your name is, do not answer: “My name is not, I come myself.” The strangest thing is that those who actually come themselves answer this way. To make it clear why you don’t need to answer this way, it looks like “your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law?”


Leave this matter to the guys, they won’t interfere with your synchronized dancing. Just laugh, it will bring more smiles to the guy's face.

Don't be smart

Many girls in the club think they are smart. They show this with the phrase: “Boy, listen to me.” If you say that, you are not smart, you are just old.

drunken dancing

There comes a moment when the girl thinks that she is almost a stripper. Any object becomes a pylon for her, she makes such deflections that it’s a pity for her lower back. And of course, of course, turn around yourself under the guy’s hand.


If in a group of girls everyone puts their phones and keys in your purse, then you are the ugliest, but at least responsible. With this company, no man will definitely notice you. So in this case, just leave with your purse.

Good girl

There are such girls - hostesses. She agrees to come to you, drinks all the alcohol at home, and then in the morning cooks scrambled eggs, washes the dishes, and generally wants to give the impression of a good girl. Don’t bother so much, the impression was already formed when, after two hours of meeting you, you agreed to come to me.

Photo: Press service of the studio “Mamakhokhotala”

All this is not worth doing, unless, of course, it brings you pleasure. If you want to do exactly this, then you shouldn’t listen to anyone, because only the desire to do something means life.

Comedian Bekir Mamediev - “Mamakhotala-show”
Every Saturday at 21:40 on UFO TV

For most men (not all), seduction in clubs is a difficult thing. Most prefer meet in stores, parks, on the playpen, and other places.

However, it must be said that in clubs there are much more HOT girls ready to meet than in other places. Of course, loud music interferes with communication. But it promotes faster rapprochement, because kinesthetic contact is considered the norm there! Besides, very hot and beautiful pussies go there! In some places in Moscow for example, you can meet girls not only highly intelligent and super beautiful, but also women other nationalities and skin colors. It is only important to know the places. We will publish a general list of places in the largest cities of Russia and Israel, and recommendations for them later.

In order to be successful in the club, it is important to follow certain rules. They have long been known to any experienced seducer. I will try to briefly talk about well-known strategies for working in the club.

So what do you usually do at the club?

You enter and confidently walk towards the bar.

Grab yourself a beer or other warming drink there, and while drinking it, look at the dance floor. You are alone? If you come to the club alone, you are a loner guy. If with an unprepared company - a company of single guys. If there are no girls among you, this company is just extra ballast.

If you prefer to go to clubs in a group, make sure that they are prepared and have an idea of ​​the banal club rules acquaintance And seduction which I will present now.

Ok, by this stage you have already made several mistakes.

When you enter a club, many women and men scan you. Many people do this unconsciously. Who are you?

You can be the director of a company, a simple guy, or you can be a simple guy - a friend of the club owner :).

If you are alone, then by definition you are a loner. This does not mean that a woman will attach special importance to it. But the fact that you are alone is an indicator that you have a lack of communication and your social significance for her is falling.

Women look at who you communicate with and how. This determines your social importance.

Here are some tips to help you meet girls in clubs. Step by step!

1. Before entering the club.

It is in this place in Russia especially that there are often pandemoniums. This is a great opportunity познакомиться with someone in order to increase your social importance and accelerate for the upcoming activity.

Leslie: “I usually choose several outgoing people - guys or girls - and start communicating with them. The simplest thing is to ask a couple of questions. “Have you been to this club? How's the beer? How many dance floors? if you have chosen an adequate person, he will answer you something adequate and communication will begin. If you see that he has difficulty speaking - or he is very drunk and wants to answer something unfavorable for you - turn away from him and ask something else. This is how I usually tie it up acquaintance even before entering the club. And I’m not going in alone anymore.”

2. How do you enter?

It is very important to log in correctly :).

I'm serious - the first glance, the first impression of you will work for you if you do everything right in the future!

You walk in with a confident gait. Directly, and as soon as you catch the glances of girls walking by, just say hi. If you bump into a girl and she wants to pass by, make eye contact and say “hi.” Sometimes you can even block her path for this. And say “hello, let’s go to the dance floor,” after which, without waiting for an answer, you take her hand and drag her to the dance floor . If she doesn’t come, you say, okay, I’ll be right back.

In any case, don't waste your time. Entered - immediately go to the dance floor. To познакомиться, use the automaticity rule here. Act like an automaton - you go on the dance floor and dance to the girl. You start dancing with her and squeezing her.

3. Rule of communication in the club: I'll be right back

A club is a closed place. During the evening you will encounter the same person at least 5 times. And once you have opened her, there is no point in communicating with her for a long time, unless everything is going swimmingly for you. As soon as you feel that she wants to leave, do it first! Say “I’ll be back now,” or “wait, I’ll be back”! and get away from her, you can add “while you can have fun with your friends.”

Then she gets the feeling that you left her. Not her.

And after that, immediately start tying acquaintance with another group girls. Communicate constantly, switch from one group to another. Then, after an hour of communication, everyone within sight will know you.

They may have just seen you with the girl you left. And therefore they will communicate with you with great animation and enthusiasm! For the one you left, your social significance will increase. And the next time we meet, she will be very happy to meet you!

At most, at the third such meeting, with normal interest, you can take her to a chill-out for a more intimate conversation.

4. Why is it bad to look at the dance floor?

When you look at the dance floor, you lower your social importance in the eyes of women.

When you don't pay attention to the dance floor, but do something more interesting, their interest in you increases significantly. They start asking why is this guy so independent? He's probably so cool that what's happening on the dance floor isn't interesting to him!

It is also advisable to go out on the dance floor without looking closely at it for a long time. I often see this situation: “a guy looks at the dance floor for 5 minutes, and it’s written on his face - is there something terrible there? And then it gets resolved, or someone picks it up. His social significance for those outside the dance floor, and even more so for those on the dance floor, whom he so diligently stared at, is decreasing.” Chance to start acquaintance, get close to the pretty one girl drops noticeably.

5. Capture the attention of the majority

if the dance floor is small - about 5x5 - dance in the center of the dance floor.

If it is huge, try to attract the attention of as many people as possible. That is, to be visible.

Never hang out on the outskirts of the dance floor. Always be in the center!

6. Participate in competitions

Sometimes clubs hold competitions and events. One day my friend and I went to a club and won all the competitions. Our social significance became such that the attention of bartenders, DJs and vacationers was focused on us. AND women they ran up to us, they wanted познакомиться, pulled us out onto the dance floor. As a result, there I communicated with the most attractive young ladies and had a lot of fun when I went home with the girl!

I’m in clubs, trying to shine as much as possible in order to seduce the brightest women there!

7. Don’t drink alcoholic drinks in the club.

This is advice to all seducers - during seduction - do not drink! Use your natural state. If you can’t speed up, learn to do it without alcohol! Otherwise you will become a complete alcoholic.

To the girl more pleasant познакомиться and chat with a sober person a man. If you're drunk, you won't be able to think straight and you'll be unlikely to have a suitable acquaintance, in the best case, you will leave with whom you came, in the worst case, it will end up in the toilet.

Leslie: “When I hang out in clubs, people often ask me, “What were you smoking?” I induce this state of sausage in myself without LSD or alcohol. This skill is very useful for both practice and health!”

The popularity of nightclubs is difficult to overestimate. Nowadays they have become a cult place for organizing meetings and relaxation. However, in order not to cause misunderstanding and disapproval from others or the club management, the club must adhere to a number of rules.

General rules of conduct in the club

So, here are the basic rules on how to behave correctly in a club:

  • When entering the club, it is advisable to put your outerwear and bag in the cloakroom, and put the most valuable things - keys, phone and money - in your pockets;
  • Please note that there are a number of things that are prohibited from being brought into the club, these include weapons, drugs and some medications;
  • Remember that, as a rule, you cannot bring alcohol with you - you will have to purchase it on the spot, in the club itself;
  • You need to behave in a non-confrontational manner in the club. Especially with the club's security service - if they ask you to show the contents of your bag, comply with their request;
  • Try not to damage the club's property, otherwise you will have to pay an amount many times greater than the cost of the damaged items.

These rules are universal for all clubs, and they will help you avoid getting into an unpleasant situation.

How to behave properly as a girl in a club

The above tips were devoted to how to behave in a club with the security service and its management so as not to cause conflict situations. However, we should not forget that the majority of people in the club are, first of all, people who came to have fun and relax. Therefore, girls should know a number of recommendations on how to behave correctly with other visitors in order to become part of any crowd, but also not to be considered “accessible”.

So, advice to girls on how to behave correctly in a club with other visitors is as follows:

  • When choosing an outfit for going to the club, observe the limits of decency, do not wear the shortest skirt or blouse with a huge neckline; practice has shown that the most ideal option is tight-fitting trousers and a bright T-shirt;
  • Do not be shy to dance, because, as a rule, people come to the club precisely for this; if you come unaccompanied, do not refuse the invitations of young people;
  • Take part in the competition, but before agreeing, decide whether you are satisfied with the conditions of its holding;
  • To behave correctly in a club, know the limits in drinking alcohol, otherwise you may lose your face.

By following these tips, you will have a great time at the club, and you will not scold yourself the next day for wrong actions and actions.

And one more thing: in many clubs there are no prohibitions on photography and video shooting, so many want to document their vacation. However, this issue must be approached wisely.

Here are the basic rules on how photographers should behave in a club:

  • To avoid conflicts, do not photograph tipsy or drunk people;
  • Do not film fights and other showdowns;
  • To avoid getting into trouble, do not take intimate shots with other people;
  • Remember, before taking photos of strangers, ask their permission;
  • Please note that the best time to take pictures is at the beginning of the party.

If you behave in the club as written in the tips, you will have the most pleasant memories from visiting it and, moreover, you will not put a single person in an awkward position.

They don’t let you in, which means there are reasons, often completely absurd, and in no way related to your appearance or financial situation. It’s faster to catch a taxi and rush to the next club, where the gatekeepers are more accommodating than to bicker and wait for a miracle. And if something in the club itself was not to your liking, then - as many years of practice have shown - it is useless to demand a complaint book, threaten with a prosecutor, the sanitary and epidemiological station or incriminating evidence on Facebook. It doesn’t work, for some reason the management and security of the clubs have hearts of stone.

02 Don't take pictures

People want to relax, unwind, relax. They don’t want to constantly pose, wince from flashes, wait for you to catch the trick and do the eighth successful take. Even if you simply have to put on the Internet a full report about your party with your friends, do yourself a favor - limit yourself to a couple of frames, put away the camera and then join in the general fun. Burn out your inner photographer!

03 Don't create a traffic jam

Don’t stand like a pillar in a narrow passage through which people stream to the restroom, smoking room and back. And don’t stand in exactly the same sad post on the stairs of the club. You ruin traffic and burn other people's nerves.

04 Don't irritate the bartender

Don't yell at the bartender, "I'm here! I’m here!”, don’t throw money at him and don’t pull the tails of his tie. Moreover, the tie has no tails. , how to attract the bartender's attention without creating unnecessary noise.

05 Don't take small glasses

For a good outdoor activity, a cocktail requires two things. First: quick preparation, so as not to wait for two drinks until the morning. Second: deep and tall glasses from which the drink will not spill. Therefore, cocktails for romantic sofa gatherings by candlelight are undesirable in a club setting.

06 Don't hold hands

People crossing the dance floor holding hands cause a feeling of discomfort, both moral and physical. There is no joy in letting a train of friends pass by, who suddenly feel the urge to all go to the bar at the same time, or who are simply dancing around an imaginary Christmas tree. Although for some reason this always seems like a great idea and a fun way to move around the club space. But that's not true.

07 Don't replace politeness with silence

Squeezing to the exit or bar, stepping on someone's foot or getting their nose caught in someone's purse, many people prefer not to apologize, since who will hear “sorry” in the roar of the club. There is logic in this reasoning, but in practice such a policy is fundamentally wrong and offensive. And sooner or later it can lead to unpleasant conflicts. And unpleasant conflicts are something you can do at home, so why waste time and money on an expensive club?!

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