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What should a 7 month old baby be able to do? A sharp leap in child development: what a baby should be able to do at seven months

Seven months are behind you, and your baby has learned to sit up, get out of the stroller, clap his hands, sing along, and even get embarrassed.

*Data are indicated according to centile tables of domestic pediatricians

What should a 7 month old baby be able to do?

Look for an object that has fallen on the floor;

It’s good to stand on your feet when mom supports you under your arms;

Sitting without the help of adults (but only if someone helps you sit down);

Express new emotions: embarrassment, joy, fear;

Act with both hands at the same time;

Pick up objects with your fingers.

When does a baby start crawling?

Imagine the joy of a child who suddenly realized: it turns out that you can get to a ball lying a few steps away on your own. And it’s not at all necessary to ask your mother for help. You just need to get on all fours and move forward. True, a child does not learn to crawl this way right away. First, he will rest on his palms and straighten his legs. And in this position, back away, flop onto your side or butt.

Crawling is the first way for a child to move, and therefore discover something new. But pediatricians warn: there is such a thing as “seventh-month trauma.” The fact is that it is at this age that the baby learns to move independently. But he is not yet able to calculate his strength. So it turns out that the baby can easily slide off the sofa or try to get up, clinging to the tablecloth.

It is important to give the child the opportunity to move more on his own. And you stimulate his activity. For example, place the toys on the floor, at some distance from each other - in a straight line or in zigzags. Let the child crawl along a new route. Build him a tunnel of tall pillows. A real adventure!

Children's safety at home

Your baby feels like a pioneer. Now he is exploring new “lands” - the corridor, the kitchen, the kitchen, the hallway. Do not leave your child in the playpen for a long time. After all, he does not allow him to move, and therefore to develop. It is better to make the apartment space safe. Remove fragile decorations and vases from open low shelving and tablecloths from tables. The child now likes to reach for the top shelves. Every time he does it better and better.

Speech development in children 7 months old

At 7 months, the child begins to understand speech: he is able to understand simple phrases “no pacifier”, “give me a cube”, “knock on the drum”. Then the child says the first words: mom, dad, baba, give, ava.

Talk to your baby more often, do not lisp, otherwise he will reproduce speech incorrectly.

At seven months, it is no longer enough for a child to exchange only declarations of love. In the seventh month of life, it is vital for him to listen to comments on his actions and connect words with deeds. He tries to copy you all the time, including repeating various sounds after you.

You should play finger games with a 7 month old baby. Sing nursery rhymes and accompany the words with simple gestures. The child will be happy to repeat after you, and by the end of the month you will be able to perform in public with small skits.

Educational games for 7 month old babies

1. Bang and Bang!

The child sits on his high chair and with all his appearance shows you that he really needs the napkin that his mother has in her hands. When he achieves his goal, he immediately throws the napkin on the floor and watches the flight with curiosity. Following her, a spoon, a ball, cubes fly - everything that falls into her hands. Mom patiently picks up fallen objects, baby smiles! At seven months, these games have become your baby’s favorites. True, he liked to have fun in this way before. But in the second half of the year, the child’s hands become more dexterous and stronger. Now he doesn’t just transfer the ring from palm to palm. He is able to combine several simple movements into one chain in order to better study a new subject. The child takes the rattle from his mother’s hands, knocks it (tests for strength), gives it to his mother, then takes it again, moves it, tries to bend it, and finally throws it on the floor. What a great job has been done!

2. In and out!

Even at this age, the child discovered that he can play with several objects at the same time: for example, string rings on a stick or put cubes in a box and then take them out. Take bowls of different colors and sizes and stack them one inside the other

Pour colorful balls into the largest one, and let the child turn it over and pour everything onto the floor.

Exercises for 7 month old babies

Right! Left!

Place your baby on his back. Grab his legs so that your thumbs and forefingers are holding his shins, and the rest are resting on the kneecap. Raise your straight legs up and slowly lower them. Then change the exercise a little: lift them alternately. Repeat the movements 6-8 times.

How to teach a child to crawl?

From a lying position on his stomach, place the child on all fours (arms straight, legs bent at the knees) and interest him in the toy, thus making him want to crawl to it. At the same time, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, arms and legs are trained. Do this exercise until the child learns to crawl on his own.

Downloading the press

The child lies on his back. Grasp his wrists and slowly lift him to a sitting position. Do not jerk sharply, otherwise you may damage your joints. From this position, place the baby on his back again. This exercise will strengthen the abdominal and neck muscles. It is enough to repeat it 5-6 times.

What to do if at 7 months:

- the child cannot sit

You should only really worry that your child cannot sit when the child is 9 months old. If a child has not learned to sit independently by 9 months, developmental delay may be suspected.

Exercises and massage help teach a child to sit. There is also a theory that a child is genetically programmed from birth to a certain pace of development.

Consider whether your child has enough opportunity to practice? Perhaps you prefer to carry him lying down in a stroller or carry him in a backpack, and feed him in a crib - in this case, the child does not feel the need to sit.

- the child has dark and gray spots on the teeth

Some children at the age of 7-8 months develop pigmentation on their baby teeth. Most likely, this is not caries, but the result of taking iron-containing vitamins and medications. It is not dangerous, there is no harm to teeth from stains. They disappear on their own when the child stops taking vitamins in syrup form. However, continue to brush your child's teeth, preferably with a clean bandage, this will make the pigmentation less noticeable.

If your child does not take vitamins and spots appear, then it is probably tooth decay. Or the congenital effect of tooth enamel. Be sure to take your child to the pediatric dentist.


With each new month, the newborn baby becomes more and more mobile. The development of a child at 7 months is based on the activation of motor processes, the baby makes attempts to sit, stand up with support, and some can already take the first few steps with support under the arms.

During the seventh month, the baby gains approximately 500-700 grams of weight, with an increase in height by 1.5-2 cm. The circumference of the head and chest increases proportionally, depending on the child’s physique, this increase can range from 0.5 to 1 cm.

7 months is the time to introduce new foods to the baby’s diet. To strengthen the bones and muscles of a growing baby, more nutrients are already required, so after six months the baby can be introduced to meat purees. This does not mean at all that the mother should stop breastfeeding; breast milk still remains the main nutrition, but some feedings - for example, lunch or an afternoon snack - can be replaced with ready-made foods. Thanks to this schedule, the mother will be able to gradually stop breastfeeding without harming either the baby or herself.

Starting from six months, the baby’s physical development accelerates as much as possible; he spends less time sleeping and strives to actively explore the world around him. Almost all children of this age can freely roll over from their tummy to their back and can maintain their balance while lying on their stomach and lifting themselves up on one arm. The flexibility of a small body is surprising; a child can easily reach behind his ear with his foot or gnaw on his heel. Many babies try to sit up on their own for the first time at 7 months; they hold up well in a child seat with support, and the most active ones do not sit for long without support.

However, there are children for whom such actions are problematic, most often these are children who are overweight. The average weight of a child at 7 months should be 7-9 kg; significant deviations from the norm indicate overfeeding of the baby, which has a negative impact on his activity and the development of the body as a whole. The way out will be to change the feeding schedule, replace the formula (for artificial infants) and physical activity of the baby - exercises, gymnastics, frequent active games.

At the age of seven months, vision and hearing are already fully formed, the baby picks up distant quiet sounds and instantly turns his head at a familiar voice. Now you shouldn’t teach your baby to sleep in complete silence. This does not mean at all that the child should rest with loud music or the rattling of pots, but during the child's sleep, a low-volume TV or radio is allowed. The habit of complete silence will lead to the fact that subsequently the baby will wake up from every rustle, which will cause you a lot of trouble.

One of the most significant events of the 7th month for the child’s parents will be the appearance of the first teeth; most often the lower incisors appear first. There is no need to worry if at this age there are no teeth yet, each child is individual, and some teeth can appear starting from 4 months, while others wait up to a year for the first incisor. When you notice an erupting tooth, try to help your baby and during this period use rubber chews and chilled teethers, which children love very much.

A healthy seven-month-old baby can stay awake for several hours at a time, and is already able to play alone for some time. Since the hands are already very well developed, the baby confidently takes toys and rattles. During this period, you will begin to notice that the child is primarily interested in ringing objects, so you can purchase musical instruments or squeaky rattles.

For many parents, 7 months becomes the first testing period, since teething can cause the baby to become capricious and irritable. With the appearance of the lower incisor, the mother should be more attentive to the process of breastfeeding and stop the slightest attempt by the child to bite her, since a sharp tooth can damage the delicate tissue of the nipple.

As for conversational skills, a seven-month-old baby actively communicates with everyone. It is enough to talk to the baby, and he begins to babble with enthusiasm; now he no longer always cries when waking up; quite often the mother can be awakened by the baby’s enthusiastic humming. At this time, the child begins to consciously call adults, for example: “ma-ma-ma”, “ba-ba-ba”, “pa-pa-pa”, etc. This is the optimal time to get to know and memorize animal species; children really enjoy colorful books and electronic posters that show what sounds animals make.

At 7 months, a baby’s memory is already well developed; he recognizes familiar faces and is wary of new people. Do not allow strangers to touch your child without permission, leave him the right to choose. A child at this age is already able to distinguish who he likes and who he doesn’t; he will certainly attract the person he is interested in by babbling or gesticulating, but the unpleasant subject will remain without the attention of the “head of the family.”

A seven-month-old child can already choose priorities, conduct this experiment: first offer him two toys, one in each hand, and then show him another one. The baby will not immediately understand what needs to be done to get a new item, but after a while he will let go of one thing in order to take what he wants. Train your hearing in the same way, for example, hide a playing phone under the blanket in a crib, and the baby will soon find a musical object.

The favorite activity of children aged 7 months is active games, for which you can use soft cubes, balls, educational mats and sports equipment for babies. To find some time for yourself, offer your child the following activities:

  • provide the baby with ample space to explore, do not limit his movements with a rug or playpen, allowing the baby to crawl throughout the apartment. Of course, before doing this, you should protect the room from sharp corners, dangerous objects and loose electrical cords;
  • Let your little one participate in preparing dinner. The child will enthusiastically accept the offer to knock on an iron pan with a spoon or crush a ball of soft dough in his hands;
  • large beads, all kinds of pendants and wooden figurines still attract kids as before. Handling objects strung on a thick thread promotes the development of finger motor skills; in addition, the child learns to distinguish objects not only by appearance, but also by the material from which they are made;
  • at 7 months, the baby can already assemble simple structures; a pyramid with rings, a house with inserted figures, or puzzle cubes are suitable for this. The main thing is to choose toys with bulky objects that the child cannot swallow;
  • on a street walk, raise the seat of the stroller - a 7-month-old baby is very interested in watching what is happening on the street. But try to hold your whim as little as possible, because then it will be very difficult to wean him from such a habit;
  • Gymnastic exercises during this period can be diversified with new devices in the form of stretchable sticks or elastic rings. You should also not ignore the fitball, because on a large ball you can jump, spin, and roll;
  • Bathing at 7 months can also be turned into a fun game. Since the child can no longer sit for long, sit him in a small bathtub and offer to bathe the rubber animals or put water in a watering can and then pour it out. The baby will certainly enjoy new activities.

A seven-month-old baby needs constant attention and care from his family, so try to spend as much time with him as possible. Talk to the baby, sing him songs, tell him fairy tales, introduce him to new words and phenomena - you will see that in a few months your child will pleasantly surprise everyone with his precocious abilities.

Baby? By 7 months, the child grows noticeably, becomes more active both physically and in terms of communication, and the duration of his wakefulness also increases.

Physical development of a child at 7 months

Regarding the skills of a 7-month-old baby, we note the following:

  • babies at 7 months usually know how to sit, although some feel unsure in a sitting position;
  • By this time, the baby’s neck muscles are strong enough to hold his head, and the leg muscles are trained when the baby tries to get up. Holding the parents' hands or the legs of a table or crib, a 7-month-old baby is quite capable of standing on his feet;
  • lying on his stomach, the baby may try to crawl backwards;
  • confidently controls his hands: can hold toys in both hands at the same time, transfer them from one hand to another, tap toys on hard objects;
  • lying on his back, the baby entertains himself by playing with his legs: he loves to bend them and straighten them, like little springs;
  • The hands of a 7-month-old baby become more functional: the baby learns to pick up objects from the floor, and also masters a new way of grasping objects - grasping objects with the thumb and index finger like tongs. The child is getting better and better at holding a glass, which he grasps with both hands.

The further development of a child greatly depends on the quality of his nutrition. At 7 months, it’s time to expand your baby’s diet.. In addition to rice and corn porridge, apple puree, boiled carrots, and potatoes previously introduced into complementary foods, you can offer your child mashed blueberries, rose hips, apricots, pears and raspberries. You also have a whole bouquet of vegetables at your disposal. Start with the mild-tasting pumpkin, then add cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, zucchini, parsley, celery, green peas, kohlrabi, beets and leeks. But if your family members are allergic to the above products, you should wait until after introducing them into your child’s diet.

  • Encourage your child when he tries to stand on his feet. This is an excellent workout for his muscles and sense of balance.
  • Practice a variety of exercises with your child to strengthen his muscles and improve his physical fitness.
  • Buy your baby a sippy cup with a spout so that he can learn to hold a mug and drink on his own without outside help.

Height and weight at 7 months

With normal development, the baby quickly gains weight during the first six months of life, but slowly increases in height. The baby has grown by 2 cm and gained about 600 g in weight. 7 month old boys now weigh 7.9-8.5 kg, and girls 7.4 - 7.9 kg. Height 67-68 cm.

Emotional development of a child at 7 months

A 7-month-old baby becomes more attentive and better analyzes the environment. The child easily recognizes differences between people, recognizes loved ones, and reacts with anxiety to unfamiliar faces. The baby carefully monitors the signals that come from adults, and based on them tries to understand what is happening around him. The facial expressions, body language and sounds of a seven-month-old baby become more complex, the baby can consciously express his likes and dislikes, as well as listen to his parents or burst into tears in case of disagreement.

The range of feelings expressed by the child also becomes wider. At 7 months, the baby begins to show interest and affection for other family members and loved ones, and not just for himself and his parents. At the sound of a familiar voice, the baby smiles, babbles, and waves his arms. He can also crawl towards a speaking relative. For a 7-month-old baby, his name is of great importance.. Pediatricians recommend calling your baby by name more often, so that he quickly realizes that it applies specifically to him.

  • Address your child by name as often as possible. It is also advisable to learn songs mentioning the name of the baby and other family members.
  • Play voice recognition with your child: put your baby in the seat in front of several household members, and let them take turns addressing him from behind; Observe the child's reaction to individual voices.

Intellectual development of a child at 7 months

The child begins to feel more confident in the outside world, closely monitors those around him, and reacts to his name by turning his head. Seeing his reflection in the mirror, the baby is keenly interested in it and tries to reach the image.

For a 7 month old baby the following is typical:

  • the baby learns to imitate the behavior of the people around him;
  • the baby begins to reveal his will. For example, he resists eating by turning his head away or pursing his lips;
  • interest appears in the details of individual objects. It is at the age of 7 months that babies usually begin to be interested in complex toys;
  • the baby speaks more actively, but so far only syllables are available to him. Repeats the same thing over and over again, for example, “ma-ma”, “ba-ba”;
  • a sense of rhythm appears in speech, games, and other activities. For example, a baby can copy the intonation heard in your conversation and learns to clap his hands rhythmically. The child imitates someone else’s speech and gestures more and more accurately, recognizes specific words, as well as objects that relate to them;
  • The baby has a great desire to constantly explore the world around him. He turns his head in the direction from which the sound is heard, looks for toys that have disappeared from his field of vision, and moves in the direction of the desired goal;
  • At the age of 7 months, you can notice that the child uses his right or left hand more often. According to researchers, most babies are right-handed, only 15% are left-handed, and even fewer children use both hands equally often.
  • Maintain your child's cognitive interest. By providing him with contact with various objects that you can look at, listen to, touch, smell, you will help develop your baby’s senses.
  • Pay your child's attention to the rhythms. For example, you can tap your hands with a motif characteristic of your baby’s favorite song.
  • Help your child remember the names of things and actions. When you talk to your baby, try to name the thing being displayed or the operation being performed.

Problems faced by parents of a 7 month old baby

The child asks to be held too often

On the one hand, if you always hold your baby in your arms when he cries, the baby will feel safe in the care of the parent. But when the situation repeats itself too often, the child may simply manipulate you. In addition, constantly carrying a 7-month-old baby in your arms can lead to problems with the mother’s spine.

Remember that a baby who sits in your arms is limited in activity, games, and therefore in development. Of course, you need to respond to your child’s tears, but try to limit the time the child spends in your arms.

The child is not sitting yet at 7 months

If in all other respects the child develops normally, this should not be considered a problem. Just be patient and wait. Many babies begin to sit only in.

The child bites painfully

Some children at 7 months have several teeth, but they do not know how to calculate the force of their bite. If the baby painfully bites his mother while feeding, you should tell him in a serious tone that this cannot be done. The child needs to know that you are not joking!

Hello, friends! The first six months of your baby’s life have flown by. Now your child is no longer a helpless newborn, but has become a real restless explorer. The seventh month of a child’s life is a very interesting period, since from this moment your child will delight you every day with his new achievements and skills.

The seventh month of life: child development

Your baby has gained about 400-600 grams over the past month and weighs about 9 kg. By this time, he should already have mastered skills such as sitting without support and crawling. Also, if the baby is placed on his legs near a support, he will stand quite confidently. By the end of the month, he begins to walk along the side of the bed or playpen.

The baby significantly expands its living space by crawling. Do not in any way interfere with its movement, because these exercises help strengthen muscles, abs, enrich the body with oxygen and thereby improve blood supply to all organs.

A child at seven months is already eating from a spoon and you can start teaching him to drink from a mug. Now your baby is already following a daily routine and can show with gestures that it is time to wash or comb his hair if his mother suddenly forgot about it. At this stage of development, the child can most likely show where the nose, ears, hands, or other objects that are told to him are.

Seventh month of life: nutrition

Right now, according to the recommendations of leading pediatricians, it is worth introducing meat into a child’s diet. This product is very important for the full development of a person, but it is worth noting that until the seventh month of life, the gastrointestinal tract was not able to digest this food.
Why is meat so beneficial? Firstly, it is a source of animal protein, amino acids and B vitamins. Secondly, it has a high iron content, which is very easily absorbed by a small organism.

The first portion of meat puree should be small - a quarter of a teaspoon; within a week you should reach 1 teaspoon. If your child is distrustful of new dishes, then you can mix meat puree with vegetable puree.

A seven-month-old baby needs to develop habits such as washing hands before eating and washing or wiping with a napkin after. In order to create an idea of ​​beauty, it is worth feeding the child from beautiful and bright dishes, perhaps in this case the baby’s appetite will increase.

Seventh month of life: teeth

The most significant event of this month is the appearance of the first tooth. For some this happens a little earlier, for others later, but it is at this time that the first tooth erupts, usually the lower incisor. Don’t worry if you don’t have a tooth yet, all children are different. The state of a child’s health is determined not by the presence of teeth, but by the order of their growth.
During normal development, the lower incisors appear first, then the two upper ones, then the lateral incisors (the first are the upper, followed by the lower). Next, one molar is cut from above and below, then the upper and lower canines, and finally the last pair of molars. Since the growth of teeth causes a feeling of discomfort in the child, the task of the parents is to alleviate these unpleasant sensations for the baby. What can you do:

1. Buy special rings with water in the store. Before use, they should be cooled in the refrigerator and then given to the baby. Due to the cold, inflamed gums will calm down a little, and the baby will forget about the pain for a while, because he has a new toy that he can chew.

2. Gel for teeth. Sold in pharmacies and contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances. Before use, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

During the teething period, pay attention to basic safety precautions. The child tries to “scratch” his gums on any objects; watch what he puts in his mouth. If you give him crackers, make sure that the bread does not get soggy, as the baby may choke on the crumbs.
Many people associate tooth growth with fever, diarrhea, runny nose and other diseases. Remember, this happens in some cases, but pediatric dentists are convinced that it has nothing to do with teething! Simply against the background of decreased immunity, deterioration of sleep and appetite, the child becomes susceptible to various types of infections. Therefore, if your baby’s temperature exceeds 38 degrees and there are signs of illness, it is better to call a doctor.

Seventh month of life: sleep

Children at this age still need 14-15 hours of sleep per day. Please note that a consistent daily routine helps improve sleep skills. Normally, a baby should sleep 10 hours at night and about 3 times for 2 hours during the day. If a child sleeps twice during the day, then there is nothing terrible about it, he just has one of his daytime naps longer.

Seventh month of life: walks in the fresh air

The best option for children of this age is considered to be walking outside during the winter season for 2 hours in the morning and evening, and in the summer for as long as possible. You should not take walks on a very windy day or walk in the hot sun.

Seventh month of life: gymnastics

The child's physical activity has increased. Let's look at the basic exercises that are suitable for a seven-month-old baby.

1. Place your baby on his back. Give him a ring in each hand. If he holds them tightly, then grab them too and make a couple of movements in a circle with your baby’s hands.

2. Be sure to massage your abdomen. We remind you that it is done only clockwise.

3. Bend and straighten your knees, making sure to support your knee with your hand.

4. Massage your legs and feet.

5. Turn 2 times from your back to your stomach.

6. Breast massage.

7. Bend your child's arms at the elbows. If your child can sit, do this exercise while sitting.

8. Pull the lying child up by the arms, encouraging him to sit up.

9. Turn from stomach to back 2 times.

10. The child lies on his stomach. Take the baby under the arms and on the count of “one” put him on his knees, on “two” - on his legs, on “three” - put him on his stomach.

11. Lay the baby on his back and help him sit up, while holding him by only one hand.

12. The child lies on his stomach, and at a half-meter distance from him is a bright, favorite toy. The baby's task is to crawl to it.

13. Place your baby in front of you, holding him under your arms, and let him take 5 steps.

This is an approximate set of exercises. The most important thing is your baby’s positive emotions. If your child doesn't want to do exercises, don't insist on it.

Seventh month of life: speech

Now the child listens to his own intonation, tries to repeat what he heard, pays attention to facial expressions and lip movements. Speech therapists say that the more varied the sounds a child makes, the less reason for parents to worry about the child’s future speech activity.

It is very important to develop babbling in children. To do this, read rhythmic poems and focus on the syllables that the baby pronounces best. You will notice how the child will repeat the combinations of sounds he likes. Also, the baby listens with pleasure to the parents’ conversation and is very happy when they turn to him.

Seventh month of life: games

At this stage of development, children are interested in everything without exception, and if you pick up a child in your arms, he will definitely touch your clothes, pull your hair and earrings. In order to give him pleasure, hang multi-colored beads - there will be a lot of delight!

In addition to tactile senses, the child has a heightened perception of sounds, so be sure to play with bells, bells, rattles, rustle with foil, bags and other available materials.

You can play “Ladushki” and “Magpie-Crow” with your child - this helps develop motor skills.

Under no circumstances should you force a child to do something or play what the parents want. Always listen to the opinion of the little family member!

Seventh month of life: skills and abilities

1. Plays with toys. Right now the first interest in colorful books is awakening. Please note that books must be made of thick cardboard, non-toxic and durable materials. Drawings should be large and with a clear outline. These are the books that will be studied with great pleasure.

2. Plays with large blocks, balls, Montessori frames and special bath toys.

3. The baby knows his name. This is very important for the formation of one’s own “I”.

4. The child knows how to find the named object.

5. Babbles a lot and repeats certain syllables.

6. Adapts to new food. Naturally, breast milk remains an indispensable part of the diet. Do not forget that children cannot be force-fed!

7. The first teeth appear, and from this moment you need to take care of them so that you don’t have to install and carry out expensive treatment later.

8. Understands the meaning of many words.

9. Feels fear when parting with mom.

10. Knows how to put small ones into large objects.

11. Stands firmly at the support, steps with his feet.

13. Crawling.

14. Tosses and turns from back to stomach and back.

15. Loves to play “Ladushki” and various finger games.

16. Remembers the sequence of actions.

17. Interested in people, carefully examines strangers.

18. If you don’t pay attention to the baby, then he tries to attract him in any way.

19. Upon request, can show the nose, mouth and other parts of the body.

During this period of time, the main task of parents is to ensure the safety of the child. After all, he begins to crawl, and for his speedy physical and intellectual development, it is worth lowering him to the floor.

Be sure to pay attention to the upbringing and development of the child. Our daily life requires certain rules of behavior and it’s time to teach your child to understand the meaning of the words “No!” and “Yes, you can.” To do this, you should respond affectionately or angrily to certain intentions of the baby. You shouldn’t think that you will immediately teach your child obedience, but you don’t want to raise a weak-willed robot! Give your little one freedom, but teach him basic everyday communication skills and never forget about his safety. Remember that at any age the most important thing for a child is parental love!

Those parents who closely monitor their baby are interested in knowing what a child should be able to do at 7 months. There are norms for the development of infants, based on which they judge the child’s health and correct his behavior. Before a year, a baby must master a lot of skills, so it is important not to miss anything and be ready at the right time to help him get used to the world around him.

At seven months, the weight gain is approximately 600 grams, and the baby grows by 2 centimeters. Body proportions are changing more and more, and the chest circumference should be greater than the head circumference. Normally, children at this age weigh 7.6-8.3 kilograms and height is 67.3-69.2 centimeters. Boys are usually larger than girls. The head circumference is 43-44 centimeters, and the chest circumference is 44.5-45.5 centimeters.


The minimum and maximum weight for a healthy girl at 7 months is 6.0 and 9.8 kilograms. Height varies from 62.7 to 71.9 centimeters.


The boy’s weight limits are 6.7 and 10.3 kilograms, and they grow from 64.8 to 73.5 centimeters.

What skills develop at 7 months?

An important component of the development of a 7-month-old child is the ability to independently move in the surrounding space, improve fine motor skills and the emergence of more complex emotions and fears.

Neuropsychic development

The child is well aware of the parents' speech. He learned not only his name, but also the word “No”. By the seventh month, the baby understands the meaning of prohibitions, and they are very upsetting to him. He can point his finger at certain objects. He understands that the hidden toy did not disappear without a trace. By facial expressions, gestures and voice, he distinguishes what emotions others are experiencing.

There is a more intensive development of the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the left half of the body. If the child begins to use his left hand more often, this is a temporary phenomenon.

Understanding the world around us

He has learned to hold small objects in his hands with two fingers and is good with both hands. He is interested in all the “sounding” toys, and the child consciously makes noise with them. The baby rattles rattles and knocks on the buttons of musical toys. He is interested in opening and closing boxes. Continues to try everything and identify new properties of objects.

Likes to listen to nursery rhymes, poems, looks at picture books, can turn the pages if they are thick and not torn.

Motor skills improve

The main skill of this age is sitting confidently. But all babies develop in their own way, so by 7 months they can:

  • roll over from back to stomach and back;
  • sit independently, but cannot sit down on their own yet;
  • crawl, sometimes backwards, on all fours or on your stomach;
  • stand at the support and try to take the first steps, holding on to the fence;
  • try to get to your feet on your own, grabbing supports and hanging things.

Attention! Do not leave tablecloths hanging from the table, or throw hot or sharp objects on the table or close to the edge. A baby can knock everything over itself.


He is very attached to his mother, and her absence causes him to cry. He may hide on his shoulder, shy of some people, or, conversely, considers those who interest him. He himself expresses his emotions by turning away or clinging to the person. Can make friends with other babies.

Speech develops

The babbling becomes much more complicated. In the seventh month, children confidently use syllables where the tongue is involved: ma-ma, ba-ba, la-la, ta-ta and others. He can line them up in a chain. He continues to experiment with the volume and tonality of sounds, and sometimes sings along to the music. It is very important to speak in his presence only in a friendly tone.

Infant vision and hearing

At this stage of a baby's life, vision and hearing are fully developed. The child reacts even to quiet sounds and may turn around when addressed. During daytime sleep, leave a sound background (TV, radio) so that later he does not wake up from the slightest rustle. He sees even fast moving objects perfectly and distinguishes shades of colors.

We develop the child’s ability to make decisions

Let the child pick up a toy. We offer him a third. At 7 months, the baby will become thoughtful and throw away one of the toys to take a new one.

During turns, he learns to make decisions about where to turn if there is a solid object or obstacle nearby.

What food can you give your baby?

Many have already started teething, are confident in eating from a spoon and can drink from a bottle on their own. You can start feeding them from a cup while holding them. By this time, the baby’s diet already includes vegetables and cereals. Single-ingredient, gluten-free porridges: corn, buckwheat, rice. Fruits to try include pears, plums, peaches, apples and prunes. New vegetables are added: carrots, spinach, pumpkin and potatoes.

If complementary feeding began at 4 months, then they are introduced to meat (veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey) and egg yolk. Already 1-2 feedings have been completely replaced with regular food.

What are the signs to determine that a child is developing correctly?

Each baby develops at its own pace. But there are several signs that should alert parents at this age:

  • makes no attempt to roll over or sit up;
  • does not play, does not knock cubes on the table, does not repeat mother’s actions (perhaps this is caused by simple fatigue);
  • there is no emotional connection with parents, does not react in any way to hugs, their movement, absence;
  • does not react to sounds, does not try to attract attention;
  • does not try to talk, does not babble;
  • does not feel objects and does not try to taste them;
  • in a vertical position does not support the legs;
  • does not follow moving objects with his eyes, tries to catch them.

Baby development test

It is very simple to understand what skills a child has already acquired:

  1. Place the baby on his back. He turns on his side for the toy, on his stomach in both directions.
  2. Sit down with your child at the table. He can shift things on it, bang his hands, grab the edge.
  3. Ignore the child, this should make him demand attention: whining, trying to catch your eye.
  4. The fear of strangers recedes, the baby becomes interested in new people.
  5. Cover the face of a lying child with a diaper, he will free himself from it.

Necessary examinations of a seven-month-old baby

This month, the child must undergo a routine examination by a pediatrician; no other doctors are visited. According to the vaccination calendar, there is no vaccination unless the schedule has been shifted.

Problems that may arise

At this stage of child development, parents may be concerned about:

  • problems with sleep and falling asleep due to intense physical activity during the day;
  • fear of strangers - the child is good at distinguishing between friends and strangers;
  • refusal of complementary feeding - the baby gets so used to the breast that he does not want to try an unfamiliar product;
  • painful sensations during teething.

It is enough to surround the child with love and care to help overcome fears and relieve pain.

What to do in case of deviations

If a child lags behind his peers in his development, this should alert parents. It is advisable to keep a diary where all the baby’s achievements are recorded. This will help identify pathology at an early stage.

Which doctor should you contact?

All questions related to development at 7 months should be asked to an experienced pediatrician. He can analyze the child's performance. If necessary, a consultation with a neurologist is scheduled, and therapeutic massage is prescribed.

Games and activities for children

Every day kids learn to do something new and acquire new skills. It is very important for parents to encourage curiosity, continue to do exercises, and teach how to play with new toys. At this age they are interested in pyramids, tumblers, spinning tops, and books.


This is a playful version of morning exercises that helps strengthen the emotional connection with parents. Along with reading the verse, you need to repeat the actions.

“Stretch, stretch,
They came off the pad.
Legs lifted
They chatted.
Hands raised
Mom was hugged.
Smiled and twirled
And they fell back!”

Studying body parts

Offer the baby a large rag doll. Let him touch its various parts, move his arms and legs. Accompany all his actions with comments - what he is doing and what part of the body he is touching.

Warm up for fingers

Finger games stimulate the development of fine motor skills:

  • on the open palm we draw snails;
  • we pass the ribbon between the fingers;
  • we bend and unbend our fingers, playing family (the fingers turn into grandparents, mom and dad, and the little finger becomes the baby himself);
  • We “dress” our fingers in curlers.

Hide and seek

We play with toys. There are two options for the game. In the first case, the mother hides the toy under a blanket or behind a chair in front of the child. The kid must reveal her location. The second option is when the toy is partially removed, so that part of it remains outside, but the child does not see the moment of “hide and seek.” Afterwards he is asked to find her. If these game options have already been mastered, you can move on to real hide and seek.

Ball games

The arms are well developed enough to grasp small rubber balls. Teach your child to roll them in front of him and throw them on the floor or in a box. A larger rubber ball can be tied and suspended above the child. Show him how he swings when hit, let him repeat it himself.

Bath games

While swimming, you can put floating rubber or any other objects into the water. Let the baby catch them with his hands. Accompany his actions with invented stories about toys.

Teach him to float on his back by taking in 5-10 centimeters of water and leaving him to lie there. Watch how the child moves his arms and legs.

Before bedtime

To help your child fall asleep, you can create evening rituals. A seven-month-old baby can read a book with his parents before bed. It should have large, bright pictures. Let the child, sitting on mom or dad’s lap, turn the pages himself, and accompany the pictures with stories. Turning off the lights should be accompanied by an appropriate phrase. Very soon the child will understand its meaning.

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