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What can pregnant women drink if they have diarrhea? What to do to treat diarrhea during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are faced with the fact that their gastrointestinal tract begins to work completely differently, and loose stools often appear during pregnancy.

It would seem, so what? Shouldn't you run to the doctor every time? However, there are times when consulting a doctor is simply necessary, but let's talk about everything in order.

Causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

Often, women experience diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy, because at this time hormonal changes occur in their body, provoking such unpleasant “surprises”. For the mother, this, of course, is sheer discomfort and inconvenience: you can’t really leave the house, and you don’t feel any better within your own walls... But for the baby, oddly enough, according to doctors, this is not even bad: the intestines pass through additional cleansing, which means fewer toxins enter the child’s body.

Let's assume that you have a normal stomach upset that is not a consequence of any disease. Then the safe folk remedies that our grandmothers used may turn out to be quite effective. Unlike tablets, they are all completely natural and harmless.

  • eat some boiled rice. Moreover, cook it not until it becomes crumbly, but so that it remains a little viscous - this is the kind of porridge that will help the intestines faster. By the way, you shouldn’t wash the rice too hard either - water washes away the sticky substances. Rice generally helps with any intestinal problems during pregnancy;
  • blueberry, and in any form - dry, fresh, ground with sugar;
  • jelly on potato starch. An excellent remedy for diarrhea;
  • compote from dried fruits;
  • chew dry tea. It contains tannins, which will also provide relief;
  • baked or boiled pear is an effective remedy for diarrhea during pregnancy. You can also prepare a decoction of fresh pears and drink it 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach, half a glass. Decoction: finely chop the pear, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for a while, then simmer for 20 minutes over low heat and let it brew under the lid for at least 3 hours;
  • decoction of dried viburnum fruits with a spoon of honey. You also need to drink it 3 times a day. How to cook? It’s very easy: pour dried viburnum (1 glass) with a liter of boiling water, put on fire, boil for 10 minutes after boiling. Strain, stir 3 tbsp in the broth. honey, preferably light;
  • Another good remedy for diarrhea during pregnancy is apples. During the day you need to eat 12 large grated apples, peeling them, 1 apple every half hour;
  • It is believed that they have good astringent properties oak bark, St. John's wort and sage– decoctions and infusions of these herbs quickly help cope with diarrhea;
  • dried cherries or sweet cherries (just not fresh cherries - on the contrary, they weaken you!);
  • bean soup, let there be a lot of beans in it, but little broth;
  • quince in any form - fresh, dried, in the form of jam.

However, when taking any foods or herbs, you must know for sure that you are not allergic to them!

Diarrhea during pregnancy is fraught with dehydration, and this is very undesirable. This means you need to drink a lot of fluids. Give preference to juices, fruit drinks, clean water without gas. You need to drink them at least half a glass per hour.

If you are interested in medications for diarrhea during pregnancy, then doctors usually recommend Lactosol or Regidron powder - they not only stop diarrhea, but also replenish the supply of mineral salts that our body loses during diarrhea.

If the diarrhea has already passed, but you are afraid of relapses, try fasting a little at first. On the first day, eat white bread croutons with unsweetened tea (sugar, by the way, causes diarrhea).

Already on the second day, you can eat as usual, just exclude fruits, rich broths, fried meat, butter and vegetable oil, and indeed any animal fats from your diet. Whole milk is also prohibited, and it’s better not to experiment with low-fat milk. But very useful products in this case would be bananas, noodles and salty crackers.

To minimize the risk of diarrhea during pregnancy, balance your diet. Never eat expired foods - this is undesirable even in normal times, but in an “interesting situation” it is doubly dangerous! Why do you need unnecessary intoxication of the body?

Intestinal problems during pregnancy: when to go to the hospital?

Of course, often diarrhea during pregnancy is only a temporary ailment, but you should be alert to the following signs:

  • prolonged persistent diarrhea;
  • loose stools 3 or more times a day;
  • discharge with mucus or blood;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen;
  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • feeling unwell and tired;
  • muscle pain.

These could all be signs of something more serious than just an upset stomach. Therefore, if you have at least 2 signs, it is better to consult a doctor without trying to “wait it out” - it happens that diarrhea lasts up to 10 days.

Imagine how much fluid your body can lose! By the way, if you feel very thirsty, dry mouth, dizzy, weak, ringing in the ears, lack of urge to urinate, or your urine has changed color to dark yellow - these may be signs of serious dehydration, which you cannot cope with on your own at home. conditions!

Consult a doctor, because dehydration caused by diarrhea during pregnancy is harmful not only to you, but also to your baby!

And yet, so that you don’t worry again, we hasten to reassure you: diarrhea during pregnancy is often just a temporary ailment, and not some kind of formidable symptom.

In general, this is normal, and if it does not happen too often (no more than 2 times a week) and can be easily treated with folk remedies, then there is nothing to worry about. Drink more water and put up with temporary inconveniences: at a later date, the functioning of your digestive tract will improve.


High progesterone during pregnancy not only reduces the tone of the uterus - it also affects the intestines, reducing its peristalsis. Therefore, constipation is typical for pregnant women, and diarrhea during pregnancy becomes a signal of possible breakdowns in the body. Treatment during pregnancy requires a special approach: not every drug is safe for the fetus.

Diarrhea during pregnancy cannot be ignored. Along with loose stools, there is a loss of fluid, important electrolytes, vitamins and nutrients. During diarrhea, food does not have time to be digested, so the body does not receive the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The intestinal microflora also suffers. Without its normal composition, the production of vitamins K and group B becomes impossible.

How does pathology manifest itself?

Liquid stool during pregnancy does not always mean diarrhea. Sometimes loose stool appears once or twice a day. There are certain criteria for diarrhea. Gastroenterologists include the following stool:

  • frequency - three or more times a day;
  • consistency - watery or mushy;
  • volume - no more than 200 ml.

Diarrhea can be acute or chronic. Acute pathology typically lasts from several days to four weeks. This is a sign of infection. If symptoms last longer, chronic diarrhea is diagnosed. It accompanies diseases of the digestive tract.


The mechanism of development of diarrhea is related to its causes. There are four variants of the course of the pathology.

  1. Secretory. It is based on an increase in the secretion of water into the intestinal lumen, with which a large amount of electrolytes is lost. More than 1 liter of watery stool can be excreted per day. This mechanism is typical for infectious causes: cholera, salmonellosis, rotavirus and HIV.
  2. Osmotic. The mechanism of development is associated with an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestine. According to the biochemical law, water also enters the intestinal lumen and dilutes the chyme (its contents). 500-1000 ml of feces are excreted per day. This is observed with pancreatitis with a lack of enzymes, with impaired absorption of gluten, fermentopathy, with bacterial damage to the small intestine.
  3. Motor. Severe diarrhea during late pregnancy may be associated with irritation of the intestinal nerve plexuses. This leads to increased motility and accelerated passage of chyme through the digestive tract. The volume of feces is small, about 200-300 ml. This condition can also occur with irritable bowel syndrome and dysbiosis.
  4. Exudative. A severe type of lesion, which is associated with exudation of blood, pus or mucus into the intestinal lumen against the background of inflammation of the intestinal wall. No more than 500 ml of feces are excreted per day. This pathology is associated with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, intestinal tumor, and severe dysbacteriosis.

The causes of diarrhea during early pregnancy may be associated with the side effects of certain medications. And also be the result of a reaction to certain foods.

Connection with gestation

During pregnancy, many people decide to switch to proper nutrition and significantly increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits in their diet. Beets, plums, apricots and dried apricots, when consumed regularly, can not only loosen stools, but speed up bowel function, which will lead to motor diarrhea.

The following causes of loose stools, which are directly related to pregnancy, are also possible.

  • 1st trimester. Diarrhea can occur during ectopic pregnancy as a result of irritation of the peritoneum and intestines. But with a frozen pregnancy, diarrhea is not a characteristic symptom.
  • 2nd trimester. There is a possibility of developing late toxicosis or gestosis. Diarrhea is not a mandatory sign, but possible.
  • 3rd trimester. During this period, infrequent diarrhea appears as the body prepares for childbirth. In this case, cramping pain in the lower abdomen may be observed.

During pregnancy, diarrhea is dangerous for the baby and mother due to the development of dehydration. It leads to blood thickening, which increases the risk of thrombosis. Diarrhea in the first weeks of gestation can provoke a sharp increase in uterine tone. This is fraught with interruption, especially if there are prerequisites.

Additional symptoms

Diarrhea during pregnancy is not always the only sign of pathology. It may be accompanied by additional symptoms that indicate the cause of the condition.

  • Temperature . Chills often appear. The increase can reach 39°C. In most cases, this is a sign of an infectious process.
  • Dyspeptic disorders. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and belching indicate involvement of the stomach in the process. This condition often develops due to food poisoning. Flatulence and bloating may also occur. This is a consequence of fermentation processes and increased gas formation.
  • Stomach ache . They are a consequence of spasm and increased intestinal motility. This is easily determined by the nature of the pain syndrome. The pain is not constant, but appears in attacks in the form of a feeling of compression and relaxation in the abdomen. But lower back pain is not typical.
  • Atypical stool color. Depending on the type of lesion, the color of the stool may change. Yellow diarrhea indicates possible salmonellosis, but bright yellow stools and yellowing of the tongue occur with rotavirus infection. Green diarrhea occurs with dysbacteriosis and dysentery. Blood in the stool may be a sign of damage to the large intestine.
  • Signs of intoxication. Headache and weakness appear when the body is poisoned by waste products of microbes that cause diarrhea.

Black diarrhea may result from the release of blood in the upper intestines. But sometimes the stool turns black after treatment with iron tablets (Sorbifer, Maltofer).

Therapy for diarrhea during pregnancy: folk recipes...

Before treating diarrhea at home, it is important to rule out the possibility of an infectious cause. If there are no signs of severe illness, then you can first try to cope with the disease on your own. Traditional medicine recommends products that have a fastening, astringent effect.

  • Strong tea . A tablespoon of tea leaves is steamed with boiling water. You can boil it a little. This decoction is drunk in small sips throughout the day until the condition returns to normal. If morning diarrhea bothers you, then it is permissible to use strong tea, but in the evening the tonic effect will lead to insomnia.
  • Oak bark . It has antiseptic properties. It can be taken by pregnant women with mild diarrhea. A tablespoon of bark, purchased at a pharmacy, is brewed with boiling water. To obtain a more concentrated solution, keep it in a water bath for five to ten minutes. Drink in small sips throughout the day until the effect is achieved.
  • Rice water. Has fastening properties. You need to pour half a glass of rice with a liter of water. Add salt to taste. Cook until the water turns into a viscous jelly. You can eat rice porridge and take the broth throughout the day.
  • Dried fruits compote. It helps not only to cope with diarrhea, but also to restore electrolyte balance. Use dried apples, pears, and raisins. You can also drink it during the recovery period after treatment for infectious diarrhea.
  • Black pepper (peas). This method will only help with diarrhea caused by an intestinal infection. It is necessary to consume ten peppercorns every six hours (without chewing). A total of three approaches are performed. But this method is unsafe for gastritis, ulcers, and a tendency to bleed.

... and medicines

Sometimes folk remedies are ineffective, and medical help is needed. Some medications can be used independently, but if diarrhea persists, self-medication should be stopped. In order to choose the right treatment for diarrhea during pregnancy, it is important to determine the cause of the pathology. And only a doctor can do this.

Most often used for diarrhea:

  • "Smectu";
  • Activated carbon;
  • "Enterosgel";
  • "Nifuroxazide".

These drugs act only in the intestinal cavity, are not absorbed, and therefore cannot have a negative effect on the child. But in severe cases, the use of antibiotics may be required.

Treatment of diarrhea involves following a diet: dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits, sweets, as well as any irritating foods are excluded from the menu. To restore your water balance, you need to drink plenty of fluids. During the acute period, a special solution “Regidron” is prepared, which, according to doctors, does a good job of replenishing electrolytes.

When you can't do without a doctor

It is not always possible to cope with diarrhea on your own. You should seek medical help in the following cases.

Frequent and loose stools occur because water in the large intestine is not absorbed in a timely manner and feces are quickly removed from it. This may be due to damage to the intestinal mucosa or increased colonic motility.

The causes of diarrhea in pregnant women can be food poisoning or intestinal infections (which is very important in the summer), toxicosis, insufficiency of digestive enzymes, dysbacteriosis, helminthiases, poor nutrition and disorders of the nervous system (for example, due to stress).

By the way, against the background of nervous experiences, irritable bowel syndrome (also called bear disease) can develop. A distinctive property of diarrhea in this syndrome is that it bothers the expectant mother only after nervous disorders.

Sometimes sudden diarrhea in the last days of pregnancy can be a sign of the imminent onset of labor. In this case, it is due to the fact that the child’s drooping head puts pressure on the rectum (this condition is usually combined with frequent urination and the passage of a mucus plug).

Usually, stool upset occurs 30 minutes or more (up to 5–6 hours) after consuming a questionable product, which, by the way, may be unchanged in appearance and taste due to microbial damage.

If diarrhea occurs in a pregnant woman, you must immediately call a doctor to clarify the cause and prescribe treatment.

Nutrition for diarrhea: antidiarrheal diet

On the first day of diarrhea during pregnancy, you must follow your doctor’s recommendations and maintain a water-tea break. This is the so-called state of food rest, when you need to give up solid food and drink a sufficient amount of liquid (up to 8 glasses) in the form of weak tea (preferably green), rosehip infusion, rice water, alkaline mineral water without gas, etc. You need to drink small drinks sips, often and preferably warmed. It is better not to eat anything on this day.

If the problem with stool persists on the second day, then you can offer the following drinking ration:

8.30 – a glass of slightly sweetened rose hip decoction, warm;

10.00 – a glass of warm rice water;

11.30 – a glass of warm decoction of dried blueberries;

13.00 – a glass of strong, not very sweet green tea;

16.00 – a glass of jelly made from dried blueberries;

18.00 – a glass of warm decoction of dried fruits;

19.30 – a glass of warm rice water;

21.00 – a glass of slightly sweetened rose hip decoction, warm.

Among the products, you can afford white crackers, liquid lightly salted porridge cooked in water (rice, buckwheat, semolina) without oil. Mashed potatoes are also allowed in small quantities without butter and milk.

On the third day, you can expand the list of allowed foods by introducing dietary dishes that have a fixing effect.

But on the fourth day, even if the stool has returned to normal, a pregnant woman needs to give preference to products that will facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and help restore its digestive activity.

Bread and bakery products: crackers made from premium flour, untoasted. Rye and fresh bread are not allowed.

Soups: cook in low-fat fish and meat broth (to do this, after boiling the meat or fish, put the broth in the refrigerator and, after the fat hardens on the surface, remove it) with the addition of rice or buckwheat.

Meat and fish dishes: steam cutlets, dumplings, meatballs, soufflé from boiled lean and lean meat of beef, veal, poultry, fish (in this case, the meat must be cleaned of fascia and tendons, and fish is taken only of lean varieties - pike perch, pike, carp, cod). For cooking, minced meat must be passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid 3-4 times. At the same time, it is recommended to exclude any spices when preparing dishes.

Side dishes: pureed porridges made from oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, and rice, prepared in water. Legumes must be excluded.

Eggs: to relieve the biliary system, you need to limit to 1 egg per day as part of the dish. This is due to the fact that egg yolk actively stimulates the formation and excretion of bile and can overload the liver.

Fruits, berries, vegetables, sweet dishes: in the form of jelly, decoctions and jelly from black currants, blueberries, rose hips.

Excluded: confectionery products, as well as fruits and vegetables that cause fermentation and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract (cabbage, beets, turnips, radishes, sorrel, spinach, onions, garlic, mushrooms, pears, melons, apricots, plums, grapes). Sugar (honey) – no more than 40 g per day.

Milk and dairy products: Whole milk is excluded. We recommend pureed cottage cheese, low-fat bio-yogurt and bio-kefir, as well as fresh butter up to 10 g for adding to dishes.


During pregnancy, without a doctor's recommendation, avoid self-medication with herbal laxatives made from buckthorn bark, rhubarb, joster fruit, senna leaves, etc., which can cause cramping abdominal pain and create a risk of miscarriage.

First breakfast:

  • Meat (preferably chicken) puree (for baby food) - 65 g
  • Puree rice porridge - 200 g
  • Tea - 200 g


  • Low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese (up to 3% fat) - 200 g
  • Baked apple - 1 pc.


  • Low-fat broth (secondary) with white croutons - 200 g
  • Steamed veal cutlets - 110 g
  • Blueberry juice jelly - 70 g

Afternoon snack:

  • Soft-boiled eggs - 1 pc.
  • Rose hip decoction - 200 g


  • Semolina pudding - 200 g
  • Boiled fish (pike perch) - 85 g

For the night:

  • Blueberry jelly - 200 g

All day:

  • Dried white bread - 120–160 g (average 4–5 pieces)

Recognize it in time!

A feature of diarrhea due to intestinal infections and food poisoning is that stool disorder can last around the clock (with an average frequency of 1–1.5 hours), forces you to wake up at night and is often combined with symptoms of intoxication: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain , headache, dry, coated tongue. Pain in the muscles and joints, fever, alternating sensations of heat and chills are noted. In severe forms of toxic infection, pronounced symptoms of toxicosis and dehydration of the body, muscle weakness, a possible sharp drop in blood pressure and deterioration of blood supply to vital organs are observed.

This in itself is already a signal about changes in the human body. They can be normal (physiological) in nature or dangerous (pathological) in nature, so diarrhea during pregnancy requires particularly careful monitoring.

Causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

In order not to harm your health and the health of the fetus, you need to clearly understand the causes of diarrhea in pregnant women and listen to your body.


  • Changes in the gastrointestinal tract and hormonal systems

In the early stages, the production of progesterone increases significantly, one of the properties of which is to relax the smooth muscles of the intestinal tissue. Early toxicosis and frequent trips to the toilet often go together, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. The fact is that changes occur in all systems of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Features of nutrition and treatment during pregnancy

Taking iron-containing medications may have a laxative effect. They are often prescribed by doctors in the early stages to avoid a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood (anemia). This condition in the expectant mother is fraught with improper development of the fetus.

Alternatively, a food allergy is possible. Intolerance to certain foods can manifest itself not only as swelling of the upper respiratory tract, but also indigestion. You should refrain from using them. For example, the known hypolactasia (or lactose intolerance). Milk and its derivatives (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.) are a source of valuable calcium, but can also cause diarrhea in pregnant women. For some, the content of the enzyme that digests milk sugar is so low that dairy products are not processed at all.

Vitamins and microelements are also necessary for a good pregnancy and proper development of the fetus; they are found in large quantities in fruits, vegetables and fresh juices. But their use can cause loose stools due to their fibrous nature.

  • Diarrhea during pregnancy, especially after 37 weeks, can be a sign of the imminent onset of labor, thus the body is cleansed and prepared for the “clean” birth of the baby.

All of the above points do not require special treatment and should not cause alarm. It is enough to adjust the diet of the expectant mother.


  • Changes in blood pressure (blood pressure)

High blood pressure (hypertension during pregnancy) may be accompanied by vomiting and loose stools. Hypertension can lead to placental abruption, developmental delay and other ailments. Treatment in this case is prescribed only by a doctor.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases

These may be: dysfunction of the pancreas and its ducts, inflammation of the gallbladder, intestinal obstruction, various damage to the walls of internal organs, appendicitis, etc. If diarrhea during pregnancy is accompanied by severe pain, increased body temperature and darkening of the color of stool, you need to contact medical institution. Treating the patient at home is strictly contraindicated

  • Intestinal infections and rotaviruses

Entering the body of various pathogenic microorganisms can cause flatulence, loose stools, nausea or vomiting. General weakness, headache and temperature changes may be observed. During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body is extremely vulnerable, the immune barrier weakens.

It is necessary to remember about prevention: wash your hands thoroughly before eating, pour boiling water over vegetables and fruits before eating, sufficiently fry and boil meat and fish, avoid street fast food and stale food, and maintain personal hygiene.

The colonization of the intestines by helminths can cause abdominal pain and loose bowel movements. Any medications can be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician.

  • Indigestion due to psychogenic factor.

Nervous overload, increased anxiety, fear of childbirth may be the culprit of frequent urge to go to the toilet.

If you have a temperature above 38 °C, loss of consciousness, vomiting and diarrhea with blood, immediately seek medical advice.

Consequences of diarrhea at different times

Diarrhea during pregnancy is not only unpleasant for the mother herself, but also dangerous for the development of the unborn child at any given period.

Early stages (0–13 weeks)

During this period of time, the laying and formation of fetal organs occurs (primarily the spinal cord and brain, heart, lungs, etc.). The placenta is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to them. The threat to a child’s health in the early stages can be explained by the following scheme:

Diarrhea ⇒ Dehydration ⇒ Impaired blood flow to the placenta ⇒ Improper organ formation

Thus, diarrhea during pregnancy causes loss of essential fluid and its stagnation. And due to impaired blood circulation, oxygen delivery is weakened. You don't need to do anything yourself. It is important to call the doctor in time if your condition worsens!

Second trimester (13-24 weeks)

Discomfort affects the psychological state of a woman, which, in turn, disrupts hormonal levels. And female hormones (estrogen), in turn, are responsible for maintaining pregnancy and its proper course.

Violation of the water-salt balance threatens to increase the manifestations of toxicosis - nausea, dizziness, aversion to odors. As the mother loses her appetite, feeding the baby through the umbilical cord becomes more difficult.

Dehydration causes lymphedema (poor fluid circulation), which causes swelling of the limbs and placenta. Thus, the fetus is in oxygen starvation mode, which has an extremely negative effect on its further development.

Third trimester (24–38–40 weeks)

Diarrhea during late pregnancy in a woman often indicates preparation for an important process - childbirth, there is nothing wrong with that. But if the period does not exceed 37 weeks (for example, 35-36), and they join:

  • Vaginal discharge (watery or especially bloody)
  • Uterine tone (cramping pain in the lower abdomen)
  • Cramps of the limbs or the whole body.

In this case, call an ambulance immediately! These manifestations may be a sign of premature labor. If you put a drip in a hospital in time, the process can be stopped. This is dangerous because premature babies (before 35 weeks) have problems expanding their lungs for their first breath.

Safe treatment

First of all, you should limit your food intake; short-term fasting will give all systems time to recover.

First of all, it is necessary to provide the mother with plenty of drink - still mineral water, blackberry or rosehip infusion, oatmeal jelly. The loss of lost fluid must be completely replenished.

During this period, you can eat chicken breast, overcooked rice, pasta, secondary chicken broth.

The choice of medications is narrowed due to an interesting situation. Chemical medications can harm the health of an unborn baby. There are remedies without contraindications.

Pharmacy products

  • . Helps prevent dangerous dehydration
  • Smecta. Adsorbs bacteria and viruses in the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates bloating and gas formation
  • Activated carbon (white, black). Absorbs toxins
  • Enterosgel. Removes toxins and pathological microorganisms from the blood and intestines
  • Enterozermina. Restores normal intestinal flora and vitamin synthesis.

Traditional methods

  • Slimy rice broth

Has an astringent effect. To do this, cook the rice over low heat 1:7 (rice, water). The liquid that forms on the surface can be taken between drinks throughout the day. You can prepare Hercules in the same way.

  • Infusion of pomegranate peels

Stimulates the immune system, suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, increases hemoglobin. Pour 15 grams of dried crusts with boiling water in a 250-300 ml glass, let it brew for 30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon every 3-3.5 hours until the condition improves. If necessary, the remaining infusion cannot be used the next day; a fresh one must be prepared.

  • Decoction of viburnum fruits

Boil 200 grams of pharmaceutical viburnum berries for 10 minutes in a liter of water, let stand, strain and cool. Take half a cup three times a day. The recipe is suitable for diarrhea due to neuroses.

Before taking any medication, you should carefully study the instructions and dosage. And when using traditional medicine recipes, take into account allergic reactions and individual intolerances.

Diarrhea during pregnancy (diarrhea) is not a disease, but a characteristic symptom that occurs when various disorders occur. The appearance of loose, frequent stools, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy may indicate that it is necessary to treat nerves or take antibiotics. Also, the appearance of diarrhea is a sign that a trip to the maternity hospital is just around the corner.

Diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy occurs as a response of the body to changes occurring in it, but despite this, treatment of this disease must be carried out. Dehydration and leaching of valuable vitamins and microelements from the body can negatively affect the condition and development of the fetus. Treatment of diarrhea in early pregnancy can be done with large amounts of liquid with salt and sugar and activated charcoal.

Diarrhea in late pregnancy, from 28 to 39 weeks, is a sign of either a pathological process or the onset of labor. If there is no nausea and vomiting, and there is no increase in temperature, then the woman will soon see her baby, as the body carries out independent cleansing before the upcoming birth. If nausea and high fever are present, then you should look for the cause of diarrhea, as this is a sign of poisoning or intestinal infection.

Causes of diarrhea:

  • Disruption of the nervous system;
  • Intestinal infections;
  • Eating stale food;
  • Prenatal state (natural cleansing of the body at 39-40 weeks).

Why does diarrhea start during pregnancy?

“Hormonal changes,” caused by progesterone, usually cause constipation in women. The presence of diarrhea in this situation is inappropriate, unless you take into account the beginning of pregnancy and the end (39-40 weeks). Often diarrhea is one of the first signs of fertilization. Also, just before childbirth, loose and frequent stools may be observed, which is a sign of the onset of labor.

If diarrhea is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or fever, then hospitalization is necessary, since the symptoms indicate an intestinal infection. This condition is dangerous for the fetus and mother, especially in the later stages of 38-39 weeks.

The most obvious causes of diarrhea are “bear disease” (irritation of the colon), toxification (food poisoning) or intestinal infection.

"Bear Disease"

Diarrhea during pregnancy, which appears at any time, regardless of week 1 to 39, is triggered by the movement of the colon, which is regulated by the nervous system. When control processes are disrupted, the number of urges increases and the stool becomes liquefied. Anxiety and stress are the main symptoms of this disease. A distinctive property of diarrhea during bear illness is the absence of urges at night.

Nausea, vomiting, and fever do not accompany this symptom, so if they are present, you should look for another cause. Treatment of “bear disease” should begin with taking sedatives that are safe during pregnancy.

Food poisoning

In case of food poisoning, the symptoms of the disease appear immediately. The main signs of poisoning are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Body temperature often rises and flatulence typically increases. Intoxication is accompanied by chills, weakness, dizziness and headache. Sometimes there is a decrease in blood pressure, leading to fainting.

Food poisoning is very dangerous, as it entails dehydration, which leads to a characteristic thickening of the blood. As a result of this condition, varicose veins and thrombosis occur, and there may also be a threat of miscarriage. This condition is especially dangerous at 36-39 weeks, since all the woman’s strength is spent on pregnancy, and her immune system is practically unable to cope with the resulting load.

Most often, only the mother suffers from food poisoning; the child practically does not feel this condition. Only dehydration poses a serious threat to the baby, as it reduces blood circulation, which leads to a lack of nutrition through the placenta, as well as to the production of a hormone that provokes miscarriage. Therefore, treatment of food poisoning is primarily aimed at replenishing the expended fluid reserves in the body of the expectant mother.

Intestinal infection

The presence of diarrhea, even with an intestinal infection, is practically not dangerous for the fetus, since the causative agent of the disease only affects the woman’s intestines. The main problem that is significant in this situation is also dehydration and the fact that pregnant women should not take many medications. Treatment is carried out with “gentle” antibiotics, which do not have a serious effect on the development of the fetus.

The main signs of an intestinal infection are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Loss of appetite and high fever also often accompany this disease. A pregnant woman should be treated immediately to prevent dehydration, which can cause fetal hypoxia.

What to do for diarrhea during pregnancy

If diarrhea during pregnancy (1 - 39 weeks) worries a woman, and she does not have serious reasons to call an ambulance, or there is no opportunity to see a doctor, then she should follow some rules with which she can maintain pregnancy and not harm her health .

  1. Be sure to drink more liquids that contain sugar and salt. The best drinks during this period are still mineral water, “sports drinks” or chicken broth. In order to determine whether the body has enough fluid, you should monitor the color of your urine. The norm is light yellow in color and transparent consistency.
  2. It is also necessary to adhere to a diet that involves eating small portions. You can eat noodles, rice, crackers and bananas. Salty foods in this case are a good addition to the diet. Spicy or fatty foods, dried fruits and milk should not be consumed under any circumstances. But it is recommended to eat starchy foods, baked or boiled carrots, lean meat and yogurt.
  3. It is imperative to take a medicine that has no contraindications during pregnancy and whose action is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. Self-medication should not be done, especially in case of elevated temperature or presence of bloody discharge.

Some forms of diarrhea can be reduced by using plain plain yogurt. Yogurt is the first remedy that affects the intestinal microflora and pushes pathogenic organisms out of the body, populating it with beneficial microorganisms. During pregnancy, this product does not cause any harm at any time, from the first days to 39-40 weeks.

Almost everyone experiences diarrhea during pregnancy, but despite this, most expectant mothers do not know what to do in this situation. The main thing is not to panic, but to calmly find out the causes of the disease, and if there is no high fever, vomiting and nausea, then treatment can be carried out at home. But it is recommended to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

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Happy Forgiveness Sunday! At the same time, I’ll tell you, looking down... It costs me...
Congratulations to a friend on her daughter’s wedding day
There comes a time in the life of all parents when their beautiful morning rose is their beloved daughter...
Protein in urine - what does it mean?
The term "proteinuria" refers to the appearance of any type of protein in the urine in an amount...
Everything you wanted to know about French manicure French on your nails
This type of manicure is very popular due to its beauty and elegance. He's quite...
How to make a flower from fabric: a master class for beginner needlewomen
Today I decided to show you how to very simply and quickly create a beautiful accessory - flowers...