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What is and why is a magnesium drip during pregnancy?

Pregnancy for a woman is perhaps the most exciting and touching period in life. A woman perceives any complications during pregnancy with anxiety and addresses any issue to the gynecologist with whom she is registered. There are situations when you simply cannot do without medical intervention. Modern medicine, of course, is perfect, but due to the disgusting environment and the numerous stresses of modern life, only a small percentage of women manage to bear a baby without any complications. This is why pregnancy must be planned. Some obstetricians and gynecologists recommend taking it for both partners. With its help, it will be possible to ensure sperm activity, as well as the normal course of subsequent pregnancy. In general, a woman should enrich her body with a complex of vitamins and minerals in preparation for becoming a mother. For example, it is a balanced vitamin and mineral complex that saturates the female body with everything necessary for conceiving and bearing a child.

Often, expectant mothers are sent to the hospital in an attempt to maintain the pregnancy. So, it is precisely to combat the tone of the uterus that Magnesia is often prescribed during pregnancy. What effectiveness does this drug demonstrate? How safe is it to use during pregnancy? Are there any risks and contraindications?

Indications for the use of Magnesia during pregnancy

What is Magnesia during pregnancy? This is the more common name for magnesium sulfate. Its unique properties help solve problems that arise in pregnant women. In general, its action can be characterized as follows:
  1. relaxation of the walls of blood vessels;
  2. normalization of blood pressure;
  3. relieving hypertension;
  4. relaxation of muscle tissue;
  5. calming effect, fight against insomnia;
  6. beneficial effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman;
  7. combating the first symptoms of edema, removing toxins from the female body.
If you are looking for an answer to the question of what Magnesia is used during pregnancy, I would like to give a detailed answer. It helps fight cramps and swelling that occur in the last months of pregnancy and become a real nightmare for expectant mothers. The vitamin can be prescribed when a deficiency of this substance is detected in the female body.

The use of Magnesia during pregnancy is appropriate in the fight against high blood pressure. Magnesia is involved in calcium metabolism, so it is extremely necessary for the body of the expectant mother. However, the main purpose of this drug is to combat increased uterine tone, leading to premature birth and miscarriages.

« Epsom salt“This is what some experts call magnesium sulfate. So, citing many years of experience, they confirm that the use of this substance during an interesting position of a woman reduces the tone of the muscles of the uterus and normalizes blood pressure. Obstetricians and gynecologists are unanimous in their opinion that no matter how well you understand medicine, You should not introduce the drug into your body yourself or ask your closest relatives to do so. It is important that any method of administering magnesium involves the entry of its active components through the blood into the placenta. It is not difficult to guess that, albeit small, some of the drug will enter the baby’s body. What could this mean? Arterial hypotension and bradycardia, as well as depression of the child’s respiratory function. For the same reasons, stop using magnesium sulfate at least 2-3 hours before the expected birth.

Features of using Magnesia during pregnancy

Magnesia during pregnancy is administered exclusively intravenously or intramuscularly. This is the only way to achieve maximum effectiveness of the drug and the speed of achieving the goal. A dropper of Magnesia during pregnancy gives instant results. That is why this method of application is used to overcome the threat of miscarriage. Intramuscular magnesium during pregnancy gives good results, but the effect will not occur earlier than an hour after administration of the drug. This method is optimal for saturating a woman’s body with much-needed magnesium.

Of course, before administering the drug, a woman must be examined for personal intolerance, as well as identify existing contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use drips and Magnesia injections during pregnancy in the following cases:

  1. low blood pressure;
  2. insufficient heart rate;
  3. chronic renal failure;
  4. internal bleeding;
  5. obstructed intestinal patency.
In pharmacies you can find Magnesia in powder form. However, in the case of pregnancy, it is used extremely rarely, because most likely it will not be able to give anything other than a laxative effect. The thing is that magnesium sulfate enters the blood from the intestines in negligible quantities.

I would like to mention that the introduction of the drug into the body of a pregnant woman occurs with some features:

  1. Unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations - this is why you should refuse to administer magnesium sulfate yourself. It is important to understand that the slightest mistake can lead to acute inflammation and cause tissue death;
  2. Temperature control - before using the drug solution, it should be warmed;
  3. Needle length - every specialist will answer that Magnesia can only be injected with a long needle;
  4. Speed ​​of administration – the drug should be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously with extreme caution and very slowly.

Magnesia dosage

Is it possible to take magnesium during pregnancy? Cases have just been indicated when magnesium is not only acceptable, but also extremely necessary for the body of a woman preparing to become a mother. Another question is acceptable dosages. The most commonly used is a 25% magnesium solution. A single dose should not exceed 20-25 mg. The duration of treatment primarily depends on the diagnosis and condition of the patient. Usually the course lasts for 2-3 weeks.

Possible risks and side effects of Magnesia

Many years of practice have shown that magnesium really often helps to save the fetus. However, are there risks and the likelihood of complications after taking this miracle drug? If, during a consultation with a gynecologist, you are prescribed a course of magnesium sulfate, you should immediately find out about all possible side effects. Of course, hypertonicity is a huge risk that cannot be compared with the side effect of using magnesia. To date, no special studies have been conducted in the field of the effects of excess amounts of magnesium sulfate and its components in general on the body of a pregnant woman, but many years of experience in use have become a kind of guarantor of safety.

Speaking about side effects, the following should be noted:

  1. dizziness and migraine;
  2. increased sweating;
  3. lethargy, drowsiness;
  4. feeling of anxiety, irritability;
  5. decrease in blood pressure.
An important note is the fact that magnesium sulfate in small dosages is not contraindicated for children and women, but only in later stages. Thus, Magnesia is contraindicated in the early stages of pregnancy, that is, in the first trimester. In the prenatal state, its use is also unacceptable, because excess magnesium can prevent the dilation of the cervix.

And, of course, the use of the drug throughout pregnancy should be carried out exclusively under the close supervision of a doctor. You should not self-medicate, as the slightest overdose can lead to complications.

Analogs of Magnesia

If a woman suffers from low blood pressure, the use of magnesia is contraindicated for her. It is also prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy. What to do when magnesia is a prohibited drug. What can replace it?

In this case, a specialist will most likely select a structural analogue with a similar active substance. The main analogues of magnesia include:

  1. Cormagnesin– a drug containing magnesium perfectly fights uterine contractions, cramps, and hypertensive crisis;
  2. Magnesium sulfate Darnitsa– threat of premature birth, the appearance of convulsions – these are the cases when this drug can be prescribed to a pregnant woman.
A pregnant girl should be more attentive to her health and be regularly monitored by a specialist. Hypertonicity of the uterine walls– a fairly common problem among pregnant women. This is a reason for observation in a hospital. The development of medicine and the emergence of new drugs have not been able to displace such a common drug as Magnesia from the pharmaceutical market. Some doctors are skeptical about it, believing that its use can lead to fetal pathology and negatively affect the health of the mother. Be that as it may, Magnesia still remains the most common and popular drug prescribed in the fight against increased uterine tone. It demonstrates good effectiveness and works quite quickly, but it must be used under the supervision of a doctor. Self-administration of the drug is not allowed.

Carrying a child is a difficult process, against the background of which women often have to go to hospital for observation. Often in the hospital, magnesium is used during pregnancy - expectant mothers are prescribed droppers with this substance. If a woman is in the ward, then most likely she will not be able to do without such medicine.

However, not every patient is explained why a magnesium drip is needed during pregnancy. She can try to find out why this is needed on forums or with the help of reviews on the Internet. In fact, it is not difficult to find out about existing indications. Magnesia during pregnancy has a positive effect on the condition of the expectant mother.

Since childbirth is a serious burden on a woman’s body as a whole, the doctor can prescribe a course of magnesium drips in order not only to strengthen blood vessels and remove “stress”

What is magnesia?

Magnesia is a chemical compound called sulfate. It appears as a white crystalline powder. It is used to prepare solutions for intramuscular and intravenous administration. The powder is also produced on its own, and is subsequently used to make liquids and suspensions for physiotherapy.

This is interesting. Magnesium sulfate has been used since 1906. It used to be called Epsom salt and was used to treat seizures.

Ready-made magnesia contains nothing except the main component, magnesium sulfate, and specially purified water. Moreover, such a simple medicine has many useful properties, thanks to which it finds application in various medical fields, such as gastroenterology, urology, neurology and, of course, gynecology.

The use of magnesia during pregnancy, however, as with other diseases, will be most effective if the drug is administered intravenously. In this case, the active component enters directly into the bloodstream, and therefore can immediately affect the nervous system. However, magnesium is often administered intramuscularly during pregnancy. This method of use allows you to notice improvements only after about forty minutes.

Magnesium sulfate, also known as magnesia, is a pure substance and is sold in the same form, i.e. purified water and magnesium sulfate are the only two components in the solution for injections and droppers

Why is magnesium used during pregnancy?

The main reason why expectant mothers are prescribed magnesium is its ability to reduce the risk of various complications during pregnancy. In particular, the substance is the best medicine for, it normalizes these smooth muscles. A dropper of medicine can reduce arterial blood pressure.

Note. Magnesia is dripped during pregnancy for treatment and prevention.

Thus, the drug has a diverse effect on the body. In the later stages of pregnancy, it is able to weaken the labor of the expectant mother, if there are medical indications for this.

Why do you drip magnesium?

  • To relieve the pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels.
  • To normalize uterine tone.
  • As a sedative,
  • As a diuretic drug.
  • To eliminate hypertensive crisis caused by gestosis (sometimes manifested as swelling).
  • To eliminate magnesium deficiency, which causes weakness, muscle pain and cramps.
  • To remove excess and relax muscles.

Magnesia injections during pregnancy are very often given in order to cope with the threat. The substance stops premature birth (for example, at 38-39 weeks), fights placental abruption and convulsive syndrome. The drug is prescribed to normalize heart function, during attacks and excessive irritability. Magnesium is used as a decongestant and as a way to increase magnesium levels in the body.

How is magnesium used?

The dosage of magnesia and the method of its administration directly depend on the specific pathological condition and individual characteristics of the woman. The fastest effect is achieved through a dropper, so it is given to patients with high blood pressure and a threat of miscarriage. However, there are other ways to administer the drug:

  • Intravenous,
  • Intramuscular,
  • Oral,
  • Electrophoresis.

The easiest way is to dissolve the powder in water and wash it down, but this method has a number of features. Firstly, in this case the drug does not enter the blood, and therefore its effect is limited to sedation. On the other hand, there are virtually no side effects, and women can use this medicine for constipation. However, it is better to check with your doctor whether you can take this medicine in the early stages of pregnancy.

Note. Oral use leads to a sharp release of bile.

If a woman suffers from uterine hypertonicity, then in the 2nd trimester she will be given injections of the drug, which is a rather unpleasant procedure. The heated solution is administered intravenously over fifteen minutes.

Many women are interested in magnesium in the early stages of pregnancy, but during this period the medicine is practically not used, since its ability to pass through the placenta has been proven. Although the 1st trimester is not suitable for such an effect, a magnesium dropper is considered more or less safe, starting from the second.

There are many ways to introduce magnesium into the body, but the most popular are intramuscular or intravenous, and in the latter case the effect of the medicine is achieved very quickly

Is it possible to harm health with magnesium?

Regardless of whether a woman is in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, she may have contraindications that will prevent her from using the drug. The medicine will be harmful if pregnant women:

  • Individual intolerance to the composition,
  • Low pressure,
  • Bradycardia,
  • Serious calcium deficiency
  • Myasthenia gravis,
  • Malignant neoplasms,
  • Problems with the kidneys and liver.

Sometimes magnesium during pregnancy causes side effects. They are observed infrequently, but an overdose of magnesium has a negative impact on the patient’s well-being. In this case, the doctor will have to reconsider how many days you need to give IVs or injections.

Side effects of magnesium:

  • Throbbing pain in the temple area,
  • Anxiety,
  • Apathy, drowsiness,
  • Increased sweating, feeling of heat,
  • Low pressure,
  • Vomit,
  • Dyspnea,
  • Confusion and speech impairment,
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Urticaria and various allergic manifestations,
  • Dizziness.

In the most serious situations, in conditions of a large amount of the drug, the patient’s heart may stop, and sometimes coma occurs. It is very important that the doctor always monitors the correct dose of the drug. Although pregnancy should be easier after taking magnesium, you should not risk the possibility of an overdose.

Treatment courses

Women often try to find the approximate duration of treatment on forums. It is not enough to sit with an IV for just one day. Although you may feel better already with the first use of magnesium therapy, a slow drip (1 ml of solution per minute) is usually given for at least a week.

People suffering from eclampsia are usually given injections every four hours. If magnesia is used as a medicine for constipation, then it is taken in the form of 15-30 g of powder half an hour before meals. This amount can be replaced with a tablespoon of the drug solution.

There will definitely not be any effect from one dropper, so the course often lasts from 1 week or more

The content of the article:

During pregnancy, most complications are eliminated in a hospital setting, where qualified doctors and modern medical technologies make it possible to carry and give birth to a child even with the threat of miscarriage or uterine hypertonicity. In case of disappointing diagnoses during pregnancy, a woman is most often prescribed magnesium droppers. Therefore, for many, the relevant question is why magnesium is prescribed during pregnancy, and what effect does it have on the body? The answers to these questions are revealed in this article.

Features of magnesia

This drug is a chemical called magnesium sulfate. It is a white crystalline powder that pharmacists use to make intravenous and intramuscular injection solutions. In addition, magnesia is used in the creation of suspensions and various physiotherapeutic fluids. The drug contains no additional components - only magnesium sulfate and purified water. A wide spectrum of action of magnesium is used in gynecology, neurology, urology and gastroeterology.

The effect of magnesium is most effective when administered intravenously. The active substance immediately enters the bloodstream and has a depressing effect on nerve impulses. However, in early pregnancy, after intramuscular administration of the drug, the effect occurs after about 30-40 minutes. It is worth noting that the use of magnesia in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, especially on the eve of childbirth, can weaken labor in a woman.

Why use magnesium drops during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, magnesium is an excellent remedy for the prevention of gestational complications. Magnesium sulfate normalizes smooth muscle tone. In addition, the drug has a hypotensive effect during sudden changes in blood pressure. Also, the effect of magnesium during pregnancy is as follows:

Helps solve the problem of constipation;

Relieves pressure on vascular walls;

Normalizes the tone of the uterus;

Eliminates hypertensive crisis that arose as a result of gestosis;

Has a sedative effect;

Has a diuretic effect;

Eliminates symptoms of magnesium deficiency such as cramps, muscle pain, weakness;

Relaxes muscle tissue by removing excess calcium.

The use of magnesia during pregnancy is possible for the following indications:

Threat of spontaneous abortion;

Convulsive syndrome;

Dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;

Placental abruption;

Heavy metal poisoning;

Threat of premature birth;

Hypertension of the second and third degrees;

Increased uterine tone;


Epileptic seizures;

Magnesium deficiency in the body;

Severe swelling;

Poor physical and psycho-emotional condition.

In some cases, magnesium sulfate is taken orally. Indications for this method of administration are constipation, cholecystitis, cholangitis, intoxication with arsenic or mercury, cleansing the stomach before childbirth or caesarean section.

How to use magnesium during pregnancy

Magnesium sulfate therapy directly depends on the woman’s condition and the complication she has encountered. There are several options for using magnesia during gestation:

Dropper - very quickly helps to stabilize the condition of a pregnant woman when there is a threat of spontaneous abortion or when there is a sharp jump in blood pressure;

Intravenous injection - when magnesium enters the bloodstream, it inhibits the active substances that transmit nerve impulses from the brain to the nerve endings. A few minutes after administration, blood pressure drops, and the uterus becomes softer and painless;

Intramuscular injection - the effect of the injection occurs in about half an hour. Treatment with magnesium is carried out in a hospital setting if a woman has uterine hypertonicity and there is no threat of miscarriage;

Powder - white crystals are dissolved in water and taken orally. Since the medication does not enter the bloodstream, it can be taken without restrictions in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and later;

Electrophoresis - prescribed to pregnant women with progressive thrombophlebitis or frequently recurring attacks of epilepsy.
When treating uterine tone in the 2nd trimester or later, a pregnant woman is prescribed magnesium in the form of intravenous injections. The injection procedure is not very pleasant and takes about 10-15 minutes. In this case, the pregnant woman is given a heated injection solution.

Contraindications and side effects

Magnesium sulfate during pregnancy is considered the most effective and safe medication, however, like all medications, it has a number of contraindications for use. Therapy with magnesium in the 3rd trimester or earlier is strictly prohibited if:

Individual intolerance to the active component of the drug;

Lack of calcium in the body;

Depression of lung function;


Breastfeeding period;

Liver or kidney dysfunction;



The presence of malignant tumors.

In the first trimester, magnesium is rarely used in the treatment of pregnant women, since there is no reliable evidence of its safety for the embryo. Since magnesium sulfate easily crosses the placenta and penetrates the fetus, doctors use magnesium with caution and resort to it only if there is a threat of miscarriage.

It is extremely rare that side effects may occur from the use of magnesium. Most often they are the result of a violation of the dosage of the drug during pregnancy. Among the side effects of magnesium during pregnancy are the following:

Pain in temples;

Feeling of a rush of heat;

State of alarm;

Drowsiness and state of apathy;

Vomiting, nausea;

Low blood pressure;

General weakness of the body;

Numbness of the limbs;


Skin rashes;

Clouding of consciousness;

Speech disorders;



Treatment of pregnant women with magnesium

According to the instructions, during pregnancy intravenous injections are administered very slowly - 1 ml per 1 minute. Rapid administration of magnesium can cause disruption of the heart muscle and loss of consciousness. The course of treatment is no more than 7 days and depends on the severity of the pregnant woman’s condition. The standard dosage of the drug is 5-20 mg of a 20% solution of magnesium sulfate.

To use the dropper, a pregnant woman must take a horizontal position and remain in it until the end of the procedure. During the drip, it is better for the patient to refrain from sudden movements, as they can provoke dizziness or nausea.

For intramuscular administration, the duration of treatment is prescribed on an individual basis. The dosage of the drug is 10 ml of a 25 percent solution 6 times a day (every 4 hours).

For constipation, 10-30 g of powder or 1 tablespoon of magnesium sulfate solution is prescribed. The drug is taken half an hour before meals.

Features of the use of magnesia can be found in the video:

Magnesia has both a number of advantages and a number of disadvantages. But despite this, today it is almost the only drug that allows a woman to bear a baby. At the same time, reviews of women who were treated with magnesia during pregnancy do not contain information about pathologies in the babies they gave birth to.

Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, many situations may arise when a woman needs treatment. Moreover, they are connected not only with the health of the mother, but also with the condition of the fetus and the pregnancy itself: often medical prescriptions are aimed specifically at preserving it.

Among the many drugs most often prescribed to pregnant women, magnesium is not the least important. Moreover, if you are admitted to the hospital, it is almost certain that you will not be able to do without the administration of magnesium sulfate. It happens that the expectant mother receives magnesium drops or injections for quite a long period of time, and willy-nilly doubts creep in regarding the safety of such treatment.

Asking doctors whether it is dangerous and advisable to administer magnesia during pregnancy is, to say the least, stupid, because once it was prescribed to you, then, naturally, for a reason. Asking non-doctors about this is similar, because they are the ones who can and should treat. You can only collect the information available to you about the purpose of magnesia during pregnancy and draw your own conclusions. But it’s still much better to find a doctor whom you can trust unconditionally.

Why is magnesium prescribed to pregnant women?

Magnesia, or magnesium sulfate, has a number of specific properties that help treat certain diseases and conditions of a pregnant woman and prevent the development of complications and miscarriages. In particular, magnesium normalizes, relaxes the walls of blood vessels, accelerates the removal of fluid from the body, and relaxes muscle muscles. Thus, during pregnancy, magnesia is prescribed for eclampsia, with nephropathy and convulsions, swelling, high blood pressure (hypertension), and a predisposition to thrombophlebitis. Magnesium is also administered in case of acute deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman and in case of an existing threat.

Treatment with magnesium during pregnancy

You should know that such a broad effect of magnesium sulfate is possible only with its intravenous or intramuscular administration. If you take the powder internally, then apart from the laxative effect you will not feel anything else - magnesium practically does not enter the blood from the intestinal tract.

The amount and concentration of magnesium administered to a pregnant woman depends on the severity of her condition. Usually 25% magnesia is prescribed with a single dose of 20 ml. For the first degree of nephropathy, for example, twice a day, for the second degree - four times.

The process of administering magnesium is also important - it is quite unpleasant and even painful. In addition, improper administration can cause inflammation and tissue death at the injection site. Before the injection, liquid magnesia is warmed and a long needle is always used. The drug is administered very slowly, without haste. The same applies to intravenous administration - magnesium is dripped for quite a long time.

What are the risks?

And now about whether magnesium is dangerous during pregnancy. Some doctors are against such treatment, believing that it does more harm than good. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, magnesia is prescribed to almost all pregnant women admitted to the hospital for one reason or another. And although no clinical studies have been conducted on the effects of magnesium on the fetus, it is by default believed that many years of experience with its use is a sufficient argument in favor of such treatment. In addition, it poses a greater danger to the fetus and pregnancy than the drug itself.

However, there are a number of risks associated with ingesting magnesium sulfate. First of all, these are multiple side effects: flushing of the face, sweating, headaches, weakness, anxiety, drowsiness, vomiting, speech impairment, drop in blood pressure.

You should also know that the administration of magnesium is strictly prohibited. A decrease in blood pressure after administration of the drug is a reason to discontinue it.

Also, treatment with magnesium should not be combined with taking calcium supplements and biological food supplements.

Care should be taken with dosing: in large quantities, magnesium sulfate acts like a drug, in particular, the functioning of the respiratory center of the brain can be disrupted. Short-term administration of the drug is considered absolutely harmless for mother and child in the later stages. But excess magnesium can cause breathing problems in the fetus.

Among other contraindications to the administration of magnesium is a prenatal condition. Immediately before birth, magnesium sulfate should be discontinued. After it is removed from the blood, the effect of the drug stops, and it no longer prevents the opening of the cervix.

Keep in mind that during the gestation period, treatment with magnesia should be carried out exclusively under the strict supervision and control of a doctor. And in the first trimester it is completely contraindicated.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I, too, was given drops of it, they say I need to bring down the pressure, there was no result, the drops were zero for 2 weeks, the period was 37-38 weeks and then they injected me twice more in the labor room, the result was that contractions were going on and my cervix was only tormented for 3 fingers for 12 hours and then they said I had to have a caesarean they say the opening was bad Labor was weak, I had a Caesarean or barely came to my senses!

From Guest

I am also receiving magnesium drops, I am 38 weeks. High blood pressure and swelling, helps well. I can handle it just fine too.

From Guest

They give me magnesium drops because... the uterus is in good shape, after it you want to sleep, you need to drip it slowly for an hour and a half, no faster. The tone goes away, everything is fine.

From Guest

They admitted me to the hospital with severe tone, 31-32 weeks, the fetus was very low positioned, the doctor prescribed magnesium, yesterday they took drops, everything seemed to be fine, but today they put it in, the pressure dropped sharply, 70/40 and it was difficult to breathe, and nausea began, The doctor stopped magnesia, now they will prescribe ginepral

From Guest

And I was given magnesium intramuscularly and dripped at the 11th week, as the tone of the uterus was increased. And after that I started bleeding heavily and lasted for three days. So I don’t know what to think.

From Guest

I am 37 weeks pregnant, my protein levels are very high, there is no swelling. I was admitted to the hospital and given magnesium drips.

From Guest

Today they put magnesium, in the evening I had a headache and weakness.....

From Guest

From Guest

I was also prescribed magnesium drips, although I have low blood pressure and the doctor knew about it. Before the drip, we lowered the pressure to -100/70, the doctor said everything was normal, we set it. I didn’t feel any benefits, I started to choke - there wasn’t enough air.

Magnesium sulfate is one of the most frequently prescribed medications for the development of various pregnancy pathologies. If the expectant mother is hospitalized for one reason or another, this particular drug will most likely be used for her treatment. During pregnancy, magnesium is often administered intravenously over a long period of time. In this connection, women have quite natural questions: what are the indications and contraindications for use, what effect does magnesium have on the health of the expectant mother and baby, are there any side effects?

Action during pregnancy

Magnesium sulfate is used to treat a number of diseases during pregnancy; in particular, it is an effective remedy for the threat of miscarriage.

Magnesia is prescribed to pregnant women:

  • if there is excess fluid in the body or swelling;
  • if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy for up to twenty weeks;
  • if there is a threat of premature delivery (more than 20 weeks).

Magnesium in the body of the expectant mother ensures the active course of various metabolic processes. It helps to better absorb calcium, which is so necessary for the formation of the fetal skeletal system.

This drug also noticeably slows down the activity of substances that are involved in the exchange of nerve impulses between the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Magnesium sulfate has the following beneficial properties:

  • strengthens cell walls;
  • normalizes the composition of both positive and negative ions;
  • reduces hypertonicity of blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces smooth muscle tone;
  • has a relaxing effect;
  • relieves nervous tension;
  • relieves cramps;
  • has a positive effect on the general condition of the pregnant woman;
  • eliminates swelling, removes excess fluid from the body.

The effect of the drug directly depends on the method of its use, and therefore may differ significantly in each specific case.

Magnesia is taken orally as a choleretic or laxative. During pregnancy, it is administered intravenously (intramuscularly) if it is necessary to relieve hypertonicity of the smooth muscles of the uterus or as a means of combating edema.


Magnesium sulfate is used in the treatment of:

  • preeclampsia;
  • severe seizures;
  • hypertension;
  • epileptic seizures, eclampsia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • swelling;
  • constipation, flatulence (oral);
  • to reduce the risk of premature birth.

Indications for prescribing magnesia are also the presence of heavy metal compounds in the pregnant woman’s body (the need to remove them) and

insufficient amount of magnesium as a useful and necessary trace element for metabolic processes.

Magnesia in early and late stages

Sometimes magnesium sulfate is used during pregnancy for a month, or even several. The only exceptions are the first 13 weeks, since during this period all systems of the internal organs of the fetus are formed, and the last week before delivery, since the uterus needs to be in good shape in order to open.

Magnesia affects the uterus only while it is in the blood plasma. The effect of the drug stops immediately after it is removed from the body. It is usually canceled two hours before delivery, only then the uterus can open normally.

Until now, no studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on the body of the unborn baby. However, in world practice, no complications from its use have yet been noted. But here it is important that the doctor prescribes the exact dosage of the drug. An overdose can cause complications in the functioning of the nervous system and respiratory organs of the unborn child.

After 20 weeks, when all systems of the internal organs of the fetus have formed, magnesia, although it is a medicine, is less dangerous than uterine hypertonicity.

Features of treatment

Magnesium sulfate during pregnancy is prescribed only by a doctor and only if there are direct indications for its use. It is worth noting that the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, that is, droppers or injections are used.

Magnesia during pregnancy is prescribed intravenously in the form of droppers or injections, less often intramuscularly (due to the pain of the procedure)


Injections with magnesium are given when there is an urgent need to maintain a pregnancy. After intravenous administration, blood circulation increases, blood vessels dilate and, as a result, uterine hypertonicity is relieved (this is the diagnosis most often given to pregnant women).

The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor based on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and the body of the expectant mother, her age and weight. Magnesium sulfate is prescribed twice a day for nephropathy in the early stages, four times a day for serious complications.

Intravenous magnesium is also administered using a dropper. A pregnant woman needs to be in a relaxed, reclining state. The procedure itself takes a long time, since the drug must enter the body in small doses and slowly.

The woman does not experience very pleasant sensations. With the rapid introduction of magnesium, the side effects only intensify. Increased heart rate, increased body temperature, shortness of breath, and sweating are observed.


Intramuscular injections of magnesium during pregnancy are quite rare. This is directly related to the peculiarities of the method of administration - it is quite painful. In addition, against the background of a general decrease in immunity, abscesses may form in expectant mothers after injections. Again, the dosage and duration of treatment will depend on the severity of the disease.

Magnesia injections during pregnancy have a number of features:

  1. the procedure is painful and unpleasant;
  2. incorrect administration of the drug is fraught with purulent processes;
  3. the solution for administration must be warm;
  4. syringes with a long needle are used;
  5. magnesium is introduced very slowly.


When tableted magnesium sulfate enters the intestines, it is not absorbed into the blood, so it only works in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and has an exclusively laxative effect.

Magnesium sulfate is present in various vitamin preparations for pregnant women, but it has no effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, and is useful only for replenishing magnesium deficiency, as well as as a sedative and laxative.


Magnesia is found quite often in powder form, but just like with magnesium sulfate tablets, only a laxative effect can be expected from the powder, since it is not absorbed by the intestines.

Magnesium sulfate powder is taken orally, dissolving it in a sufficient amount of water.

During pregnancy, the powder is prescribed in case of prolonged constipation, thereby enhancing intestinal motility and a mild laxative effect.


Sometimes, if it is necessary to influence a certain organ, expectant mothers are prescribed electrophoresis (simultaneous exposure to electric current and a substance) with magnesium. This treatment is practically painless, and the result is very noticeable.


Like any drug, magnesium sulfate has a number of contraindications.

The use of magnesia is prohibited for:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or allergies;
  • low blood pressure;
  • in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy;
  • in the prenatal period, as it can weaken contractions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe kidney pathologies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase.

Magnesia should also not be taken during lactation, although breastfeeding usually follows pregnancy and not during this period.

During pregnancy, it is permissible to take calcium supplements in combination with magnesium.

Side effects

For some diseases, treatment with magnesium during pregnancy not only has a beneficial effect on health, but can also lead to certain side effects.

Among them are:

  • general decrease in arterial and venous pressure;
  • headache;
  • feeling of rotational dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • dyspeptic symptoms of digestive disorders such as vomiting, nausea;
  • dehydration due to the amount of urine excreted;
  • drowsiness and increased fatigue;
  • anxiety;
  • increased sweating.

Such side effects can appear not only after a course of treatment with magnesium, but also during its administration, when the rate of delivery of the substance is too fast.

The attending physician must inform the expectant mother about possible complications, and if they develop during the procedure, he may suspend the procedure or cancel the treatment altogether.

Magnesium sulfate during pregnancy is one of the most effective and harmless medications. Despite a number of contraindications and side effects, magnesia is very popular because it has been used very successfully for many years. There are often situations when a course of treatment with this drug allowed obstetricians-gynecologists to cope with quite serious complications during pregnancy. But we must also remember that the introduction of magnesia is always unpleasant and painful. Therefore, if there is no urgent need to use it, it is better not to use it.

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