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What is excreted in urine. Method for determining the amount of urine. Diseases of the genitourinary system and treatment

To assess whether there are disorders in the body, it is important to know how many times a day a healthy person urinates and how much urine should be released per day in the absence of pathologies. Daily diuresis is normally from 70 to 80% of the amount of fluid drunk.

Moreover, the volume of liquid contained in the products does not count. For example, if you drink 2 liters per day, then the amount of urine should be at least 1.5 liters.

Knowing what a person’s daily urine rate is, it is possible to promptly identify not only pathologies of the genitourinary system, but also to suspect disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the development of infection, kidney stones, diabetes mellitus and other abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

Daily diuresis normally differs depending on the sex and age of a person. Also, when answering the question of how many liters of urine should come out per day, you need to take into account a number of factors, for example, whether a person takes diuretics, whether his diet includes foods and drinks that increase diuresis (watermelon, beer), whether he is engaged in physical labor accompanied by excessive sweating.

All this should be taken into account when determining the rate of urine output per day in an adult.

The daily urine norm for men is 1000-2000 ml, for women it is less and is 1000-1600 ml.

An important indicator is not only daily diuresis, but the number of urinations in 24 hours. The entire volume of urine released per day can be divided into daytime and nighttime diuresis. They have a ratio of 3:1 or 4:1, such indicators are considered the norm.

When nighttime readings exceed the norm, this condition is called nocturia. It may indicate various pathologies, including diabetes, nephrosclerosis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.

Determination of daily diuresis

As already mentioned, the rate of daily diuresis can vary significantly, and the volume of urine excreted depends on many factors. Usually the test is prescribed when the patient is in the hospital, but sometimes the determination of daily diuresis can be carried out at home. When the daily volume of urine is determined independently, then to collect the material you need to prepare:

  • a dry, clean container with a volume of at least 3 liters, into which you will need to collect urine during the day, for example, from 6 am to 6 am the next day;
  • a sheet of paper on which you will need to record the volume of urine and the amount of all liquid taken during this procedure, including juices, tea, and first courses.

The results obtained are compared with the normal daily diuresis.

To determine the daily amount of urine, a Zimnitsky test can be prescribed. During this procedure, urine is collected every 3 hours into different containers.

Everything collected from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is classified as daytime diuresis, and the rest is classified as nighttime diuresis. The density of urine is determined in the provided biomaterials. Normally, in a healthy person, the amount of urine excreted at one time varies from 40 to 300 ml.

Also, using urine collected per day, you can determine another important indicator that allows you to identify existing pathologies - minute diuresis.

This is the amount of urine released per minute. It is determined by performing the Rehberg test, which allows you to find out the glomerular filtration rate. To carry it out, you need to drink half a liter of water on an empty stomach. The first urine is not suitable for testing.

Urine should be collected, starting from the 2nd urination, throughout the day in one container. It is important to record the volume of a single portion and the time of its collection. Dividing the volume of urine collected per day by 1440, we get its amount per minute. The normal diuresis in this case is 0.55-1 ml.

Another important indicator that can be determined by collecting urine per day is hourly diuresis.

If the patient is in a comatose state, then a catheter is attached to the bladder and the volume of urine released is determined, this is important when choosing a medicine. The normal urine volume is 30-50 ml. When its amount is reduced to 15 ml, intensive infusion therapy is carried out. When blood pressure does not go beyond normal limits and little urine is passed, diuretics are administered intravenously.

Diuresis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a large amount of water can accumulate in the body, which causes weight gain, swelling of the lower extremities, and fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, it is important to know how much urine should be produced per day during gestation.

Normal urine output in women during pregnancy can vary from 60 to 80% of the fluid drunk.

The obtained indicators allow the doctor to identify the presence of pathology and prescribe the necessary therapy. You should not self-medicate, since pregnant women may be prescribed various medications to normalize diuresis, depending on the cause of the deviation.

Measuring daily diuresis during gestation is not mandatory; it is carried out if internal edema or the risk of preeclampsia is suspected.

Diuresis in children

How much urine children should produce depends on their age.

Due to the small volume of fluid consumed, its amount in newborns is insignificant and can range from 0 to 60 ml.

As the baby grows, daily urine output will increase.

It is calculated using the formula: 600+100×(p-1), where p is the child’s age.

Diuresis disorders

Depending on how much urine is excreted per day, diuresis pathologies are distinguished, such as:

  1. Polyuria. With such a deviation from the norm, the volume of urine is at least 3 liters. A lot of urine may be leaked due to impaired synthesis of antidiuretic hormone. Polyuria may indicate heart disease, metabolic disorders, endocrine pathologies such as diabetes mellitus, Conn's syndrome. This condition is characteristic of renal failure. It can occur when the patient has kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis, nephrosclerosis. Large amounts of urine are released when diuretics are prescribed.
  2. Oliguria. They talk about it when the volume of urine produced is a maximum of 500 ml. Anuria is a pathological condition when daily diuresis in an adult decreases to 50 ml. There are many reasons for urinary obstruction. A decrease in urine volume in healthy people may be associated with high air temperature, dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting. The occurrence of oliguria and anuria is an unfavorable prognostic sign in many pathologies. They are observed with a sharp drop in pressure and a decrease in the mass of circulating blood. They can be provoked by large blood loss, incessant vomiting, profuse diarrhea, and shock. Acute renal failure, nephritis, massive destruction of red blood cells, kidney infections of bacterial etiology can also be accompanied by oliguria.
  3. Pollakiuria. This is a pathological condition in which there is frequent urination during the day (not to be confused with nocturia, when it is more frequent at night), but daily diuresis remains normal, only the volume of urine per urination decreases. Pollakiuria can occur under various conditions, for example, with psycho-emotional agitation, hypothermia, cystitis, and kidney stones.

It is important to evaluate not only the volume of daily diuresis, but also the composition of urine. When the level of osmotic substances in it exceeds the norm, we speak of osmotic diuresis, which develops with an increase in the level of glucose, uric acid, bicarbonates and a number of other substances in the body.

When urine with a low content of osmotically active substances is excreted, we speak of water diuresis, which, in the absence of pathologies, can develop with the consumption of large amounts of liquid.


Knowing how much urine should be passed normally, you can promptly identify disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and a number of other diseases that cannot be left untreated, otherwise they can cause serious health problems.

Frequent urination is the urge to go to the toilet, which is observed in an adult more than 10 times a day, provided that he drinks no more than 2 liters of fluid per day. In children under 12-14 years of age, the normal frequency of urination exceeds that in adults and depends on age.

Frequent urge to urinate should make you think about the cause of this phenomenon.

The amount and/or volume of daily urine excreted may increase due to various diseases. Thus, similar symptoms can be caused by diseases of the prostate in men and the uterus - inflammation of the kidneys and even a brain tumor. Doctors of narrow specialties should understand the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment: urologist, nephrologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist and neurologist. The purpose of our publication is to provide guidance on which specialist should be visited first.

The norm for going to the toilet in small ways

Before considering the causes of frequent urination, you need to evaluate whether we are really talking about frequent urination. To do this, familiarize yourself with the physiological norms:

Gender, age

Frequency of urination per day

Daily urine volume

Average volume of urine per 1 urination

Adult men

750-1600 (75% of the liquid drunk per day)

Adult women

The same amount increases during pregnancy

The same amount grows during pregnancy

Children 0-28 days

Should be 2-2.5 ml/kg/hour, which is divided by the number of urinations

1000—1500 ml

These are the values ​​that should be observed under the following conditions:

  • human body temperature – 36.2-36.9°C;
  • ambient temperature – less than 30°C;
  • 30-40 ml/kg of body weight was drunk (this figure will be different for children under one year of age);
  • did not use diuretics in tablets, as well as rosehip decoction, coffee, green tea in large quantities;
  • no shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing.

At the same time, a person should not urinate at night, a maximum of 1 time, and the volume of urine excreted should not exceed 200-300 ml in an adult.

Advice! If your or your child’s numbers are higher than the above norm, then in order to understand the etiology of this condition, you need to measure the total volume of daily urine, and also pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. Further we will consider frequent urge to go to the toilet in conjunction with these signs.

If urination is frequent and painful

The appearance of this symptom indicates problems of the genitourinary system in both women and men. The cause is indirectly indicated by the location of the pain, so we will look at it.

Pain in the lumbar region

If your kidneys hurt and you experience frequent urination, this usually indicates the following pathologies:

  1. . The acute process is difficult to miss: there is an increase in temperature and severe pain in the lower back, which can radiate to the abdomen. With an exacerbation of chronic sluggish pyelonephritis, frequent urination and pain in the kidneys and lower abdomen come to the fore. In addition, the volume of daily urine will also be increased, and single portions, on the contrary, will be reduced. The color of urine is usually unchanged.
  2. . Single portions of urine are reduced, the color is either normal, or an admixture of blood is visible. People urinate more often during the day, but walking a few times is also possible at night. Also, the temperature often rises and the urine becomes cloudy.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen that accompanies frequent urination indicates problems with the bladder neck and urethra.

If the bladder hurts and frequent urination, this indicates a pathology of the lower parts of the urinary system:

  1. Inflammation of the urethra (). At the same time, the daily volume of urine increases, the urine itself becomes cloudy, and mucus, pus or blood can be seen in it with the “naked eye.” A characteristic symptom is that, despite the painfulness of the urination process, there is a persistent desire to urinate at the very end (when the entire volume of urine has been released).
  2. . This disease is the most common cause of frequent urination. In this case: the urine is reddish, sometimes pus is visible in it, it is released with pain in the pubic area, in small portions, with an imperative urge. Body temperature is elevated, symptoms of intoxication are observed: weakness, nausea, loss of appetite.
  3. Tumors in the bladder neck area may have symptoms similar to cystitis, but there will be no symptoms of intoxication, pus in the urine or increased body temperature.
  4. may have similar manifestations if the stone blocks the flow of urine. An increase in temperature is possible, but there will be no symptoms of intoxication. The pain may go away with taking antispasmodics and changing body position.
  5. Prostate adenoma. In this case, the urge to urinate is not painful, but the process itself is felt by pain in the suprapubic region, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Night urination is also noted.
  6. Neurogenic () bladder. In this case, the person’s condition is not disturbed, the urine does not change color, but frequent urination occurs after a strong urge, which is painful.
  7. Narrowing of the urethra due to acquired or congenital causes. Apart from difficult and painful urination, there are no other symptoms.

Frequent and painless urination

Frequent urination without pain is a symptom of a huge number of diseases. Let's try to consider some of them.

Physiological causes in adults and children

Urination may become more frequent when:

  • taking large amounts of spicy, sour and salty foods, alcohol. There will be no pain, an increased volume of light urine is released, more than 200 ml at a time. Other symptoms include only mild tickling in the urethra during urination;
  • stress, tension, excitement: a large daily amount of urine of normal color is released, while the single volume of urination is not increased. There may be a feeling that you need to urinate more, although the person has just gone to the toilet;
  • pregnancy: in this case, other signs indicating this condition will be observed;
  • along with menstruation;
  • after freezing - for several hours.

Pathological causes

They can be roughly divided into those that cause predominantly nighttime and increased urination around the clock.

Frequent urination at night can be caused by:

  1. Cardiovascular failure. In this case, swelling will be noted in the legs, sometimes even higher (on the abdomen), interruptions in the functioning of the heart or pain in it, and shortness of breath.
  2. Diabetes. Increased thirst and dry mouth are also noted; the skin becomes dry, wounds and cracks easily appear on it, which do not heal well.
  3. Adenoma and carcinoma of the prostate. Symptoms other than nighttime urination may not be noticed. During the day, a man can feel quite well, only urinate in small portions. You can get more information about these and other male diseases that lead to frequent urination from the article:.

A person will urinate equally often both during the day and at night when:

  • diabetes insipidus. At the same time, he is constantly tormented by thirst and drinks a lot, but, unlike his sugar “brother,” there is no dry mouth, dry and itchy skin;
  • cystocele (prolapsed bladder): more common in women who have given birth. In addition to painless frequent urination, urinary incontinence will also be noted: when coughing, lifting heavy objects, laughing, and later during sexual intercourse;
  • spinal cord injuries and tumors;
  • weakness of the muscles that make up the wall of the bladder. The disease begins in childhood and is characterized by no changes in the general condition, but only frequent urination in small portions of urine, as well as a strong urge to urinate;
  • uterine fibroids. In this case, painful periods, intermenstrual bleeding, and a large volume of monthly blood loss will also be noted;
  • taking diuretics.

What to do if you have frequent urination

Treatment of pollakiuria is prescribed by a doctor, since it directly depends on the cause of this condition

The rate of urination is an important indicator that indicates the health of the genitourinary system. Any deviations may be symptoms of urological diseases or other pathological processes in the body. Let's consider how many times a day an adult man should urinate under normal conditions and in what cases we can talk about frequent urination.

There is no exact figure that clearly establishes the number of bladder emptyings for healthy people. This is individual and depends on the characteristics of the body. Still, it is believed that the normal amount of urination in men per day is from 4 to 7 times, and in women it is slightly higher – up to 10 times. Basically, a healthy person relieves himself during the day. If he gets up to go to the toilet once during the night, this is also not a violation.

The rate of urination depends on the age and gender of the person. In adults it ranges from 15 ml/sec; in men the figure is slightly higher than in women. The daily volume of urine during urination fluctuates: if 0.8 to 1.5 liters of urine are released per day, this is considered normal diuresis.

The described values ​​are observed under the following conditions:

  • body temperature within 36.2-36.9C;
  • air temperature less than 30C;
  • consumption of 30-40 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight;
  • lack of drinks, food and diuretic tablets in the diet;
  • normal breathing without shortness of breath.

Accordingly, the frequency of urination may temporarily increase when drinking coffee, green tea, alcohol, in the heat, when a person drinks more liquid due to profuse sweating, or at elevated body temperature.

For some people, it is enough to go to the toilet only 4 times a day, while for others it is 7 times a day. Therefore, normal urination is a relative concept. It is individual for everyone and is considered increased if the current number of bladder emptyings by a particular person has increased compared to the previous one.

Reasons why urination becomes more frequent

If normally a man should urinate no more than 7 times, then frequent urination is considered a condition when he goes to the toilet more than 8 times a day. Sometimes only a couple of drops are released.

Frequent urination is associated with increased fluid consumption, but then the volume of urine released is equal to the amount drunk. Otherwise, this is a red flag. The fact is that the mucous membrane and neck of the bladder are covered with receptors. It is they who, as the organ fills with urine, give the brain a signal that it is time to go to the toilet.
When inflammation develops in the genitourinary system, irritated receptors send impulses to the brain at the wrong time. Inflammation compresses the bladder, its smooth muscles contract. A person feels a strong urge to urinate, but it turns out to be false - only a couple of drops of urine are released.

Features of physiology

The process of urination is influenced by several physiological factors. Because of them, trips to the toilet may become more frequent, but there is no threat to health. There is no need for treatment—adjusting your diet is often enough.
Physiological factors that provoke increased frequency of urination include the following:

  1. Increased consumption of spicy, salty, sour foods. Such food irritates the delicate mucous membrane of the bladder, so you have to empty it more often.
  2. Drinking alcohol. Alcohol forces the kidneys to work harder to remove toxic substances that are formed during the processing of drinks. Eventually dehydration occurs. More fluid is removed than before.
  3. Inclusion in the diet of foods with a diuretic effect - watermelons, cucumbers, strawberries. These products contain a lot of liquid: its intake into the body increases, and therefore excretion increases.
  4. Nervous tension, stress. In an atypical situation, the body constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing the delivery of oxygen to the tissues of various organs. Then natural mechanisms are activated: in response to oxygen starvation, the body compensatoryly increases urine production. Accordingly, the bladder has to empty itself more often.
  5. Severe hypothermia as a result of being in the cold.

If pain and drops of blood when urinating, deterioration in general health and other symptoms are added to frequent urges, you should go to the doctor.

Diseases of the genitourinary system and treatment

If a person relieves himself more often than usual, pathologies of the genitourinary system cannot be ruled out. The most likely ones are:

  1. Urethritis. The main sign of pathology is frequent and painful urination. There is discharge from the urethra, the color of the urine does not change, but there is pus in it. The patient also experiences an unbearable desire to urinate when the bladder is completely emptied. For treatment, urethral lavage with antiseptics and antibiotics are prescribed.
  2. Weak bladder walls. Urination becomes more frequent, the urge is unexpected, but little urine is released each time. The patient needs to do exercises and take medications to strengthen the bladder muscles.
  3. Bladder stones. The urge to empty the organ occurs frequently and unexpectedly. They can be provoked by physical activity or sudden changes in body position. When urinating, the stream is sometimes interrupted, and there is pain in the lower abdomen and above the pubis. When the stones are small, they are removed with the help of drugs. If the size of the stones exceeds 5 mm, they resort to extracorporeal lithotripsy or surgery.
  4. Pyelonephritis. The disease makes itself felt by frequent urination and back pain, nausea, high fever, and lethargy. These symptoms most likely indicate that inflammation has begun in the kidneys with damage to the tubules. Also, with pyelonephritis, blood clots or pus are observed in the urine. The disease takes a long time to be treated and requires the use of antibiotics, antispasmodics, painkillers and herbal remedies.
  5. Cystitis. The pathology is more often diagnosed in women, but men are not immune from it. Frequent urination in this case is accompanied by a burning sensation. The pubic area also hurts, urine is released little by little, body temperature rises, and general health worsens. Over time, blood and pus begin to appear in the urine, and it acquires an unpleasant odor. Older men may not have painful urination, but they experience abdominal pain and sometimes have a fever. Bed rest, antibiotics, antispasmodics, and diuretic decoctions are indicated. A diet and plenty of warm drinks are also prescribed. Cranberry juice is very useful.
  6. Overactive bladder. The patient has frequent urination day and night, and incontinence often occurs. The cause is a malfunction of the bladder. The main goal of treatment is to eliminate the excitability of the central nervous system, which regulates urination. Usually sedatives, muscle relaxants, and behavioral therapy are prescribed.
  7. Prostate tumors. Both benign and malignant neoplasms make it difficult for urine to move through the urethra. This is accompanied by frequent, sometimes sharp urges to go to the toilet. Urination occurs with pain and burning, the bladder does not empty completely, the back and pubic area hurt, the color and consistency of the urine changes. At the initial stage of prostate adenoma, alpha-blockers, 5-reductase inhibitors, and herbal remedies are used. As the disease progresses, conservative treatment becomes ineffective and surgery is prescribed.

Some diseases have similar symptoms - for example, urethritis and prostatitis. They can be differentiated only on the basis of analyses.

Indirect factors

Some other pathologies not related to the genitourinary system can indirectly provoke increased frequency of trips to the toilet:

  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • spinal cord damage;
  • pelvic organ injuries.

If you notice that you are urinating more often, do not hesitate to visit your doctor. Timely diagnosis will allow the pathology to be treated using gentle methods and improve the quality of life.

Daily urine volume is from 500 to 1200 ml. At night, an adult can go to the toilet no more than once, in the absence of diseases and consumption of diuretic products at night, for example, a large amount of watermelon. During the daytime, the norm for going to the toilet is from 4 to 7 times for men, for women it is a little more, from 6 to 10 times. Factors influencing the amount of urge to urinate:

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  • Presence of high body temperature (Provokes excessive urination).
  • Drinking large amounts of liquid (increased urge to go to the toilet).
  • Profuse sweating (reduces the amount of urine).
  • Prolonged diarrhea (leads to dehydration, the amount of urine is significantly reduced).

Color and smell of urine

Urine, in the absence of pathological processes in the body, has a straw or yellow color, depending on the food. Morning urine is much darker in color. Sometimes the discharge may have a reddish tint, this is due to the consumption of large amounts of beets.

The smell of urine is faint. If the urine begins to smell sharp, like rotten fruit, the patient has diabetes. There should be no sediment, impurity, or mucus in the urine.

There should be no sediment, impurity, or mucus in the urine

Frequent urination in men

Frequent urge to empty the bladder is a condition when a man goes to the toilet more than 8 times a day, and the amount of urine can be several drops. Frequent trips to the toilet can be caused by drinking liquid, but in such cases the volume of urine should be equal to the volume of drink.

The principle of functioning of the bladder

Frequent trips to the toilet should alert a man. The mucous membrane of the bladder and its neck is covered with receptors, which, as the organ fills with urine, send signals to the brain about the need to go to the toilet. In the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, the receptors become irritated, sending untimely impulses to the brain. Inflammation begins to put pressure on the bladder, irritating it and causing strong contraction of smooth muscles. The person begins to experience a strong urge to go to the toilet, but the amount of urine coming out does not exceed a few drops.

The main reasons for frequent trips to the toilet

Associated symptoms

A sudden increased urge to urinate, which is not associated with the consumption of certain foods, is a sign of pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, associated, in most cases, with an inflammatory process. Due to the similarity of clinical pictures, it is not possible to make a diagnosis without a thorough examination and testing. Signs of diseases of the genitourinary system, accompanied by frequent urination: pain when going to the toilet, a burning sensation in the urinary canal, itching, urine has an unusual color and a pungent odor, there are blood clots or lumps of mucus in the urine.

With the development of diabetes, in addition to the need to frequently empty the bladder, body weight rapidly decreases, a constant feeling of thirst and hunger arises, and the person becomes extremely irritable and nervous. With diabetes, not only the number of trips to the toilet increases, but its volume also increases, reaching 2 liters. This pathological phenomenon is called polyuria.

Why is there little or no urine?

Deviations from the norm in the number of trips to the toilet can occur not only more, but also less. Oliguria is a syndrome in which the amount of daily urine does not exceed half a liter.

Dehydration – frequent diarrhea, vomiting

  • Drinking insufficient fluids.
  • Kidney pathology – nephrosis, nephritis.
  • Swelling of soft tissues.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Formation of stones in the urinary canal.
  • Oncology.

There are cases when a person stops feeling the need to urinate or the amount of urine does not exceed 200 ml. This pathology is called anuria. Causes:

  • Severe renal failure.
  • Shock state of the body, collapse.
  • Spasm of the walls in the urinary canal.
  • Intoxication of the body with excessive amounts of alcohol or heavy metals.

Treatment methods

Frequent trips to the toilet are very annoying and disturbing, a person begins to feel awkward, a complex appears, and the absence of urine for a day or more will scare anyone. To solve this problem, it is necessary to first identify the cause of the symptom. If the reason lies in the penetration of pathogenic microbes, drug therapy is carried out. Diseases such as prostatitis, adenoma and urolithiasis require serious, complex treatment, which is prescribed on an individual basis.

Frequent urge to urinate is not an independent syndrome or disease. This is a symptom of a malfunction of the genitourinary system, which requires immediate identification and treatment.

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Daily diuresis is the amount of urine produced by the human kidneys in 24 hours. With the help of a clinical urine test, you can fully assess how well the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system are functioning.

Every adult should know how much urine should be excreted at one time, as well as how to collect it for laboratory testing. The health and normal functioning of the kidneys depends on the data obtained.

Daily diuresis rate and main types of urine tests

Having understood what diuresis is, it is necessary to move on to an equally important question - how much urine should be excreted by the body of an absolutely healthy person?

First of all, the amount of urine depends on how much liquid a person has consumed per day. For adults this should be at least 2 liters. If normal daily diuresis is 75%, then about one and a half liters of urine should be released in 24 hours. For pregnant women, these indicators may differ slightly, but we will talk about this later.

To assess the amount of urine per day in an adult, you need to contact a urologist or nephrologist and get a referral for a urine test. It includes examining urine for the presence of:

  1. Squirrel. The fact that the body loses protein in small quantities from time to time is not a sign of any pathology. However, if its impurities in the urine are too large, this should cause concern and caution on the part of the doctor. Read it.
  2. Sahara. It is important to note that the daily amount of urine is not collected only when the patient is suspected of developing diabetes mellitus.
  3. Oxalates, but such a study is considered appropriate in the presence of pronounced gastrointestinal pathologies. Read the link to see what the presence of different salts in urine indicates.
  4. Cortisol for suspected development of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.
  5. Soleuresis. Measuring daily diuresis in this case is extremely necessary to confirm or refute the presence of benign tumors that slowly progress in the kidneys or other organs of the urinary system.

Deviations and pathologies

As a rule, the main amount of urine per day is excreted during the daytime. However, it happens that for some people the urge to urinate at night occurs much more often, which is a deviation from the norm. The predominance of nocturnal diuresis over daytime is a phenomenon that in urology is called nocturia. Such an anomaly is a clear sign that the kidneys are not working properly, and the person urgently needs to consult a doctor.

The excretion of a large amount of daily urine is called osmotic diuresis. This is not an independent disease, and not a pathology at all. This is one of the accompanying symptoms of diabetes mellitus or chronic renal failure.

In addition, osmotic diuresis develops in people taking diuretics that contain osmotic components. The use of such medications is often caused by diabetes and chronic renal failure.

Another reason why the normal urine output per day may be disrupted is polyuria. It usually occurs after a person’s swelling of the limbs or face goes away. Thus, the amount of urine released per day can increase to 3 liters, that is, 2 times.

Oliguria is a pathological condition in which the urine output per day in an adult or small child is significantly reduced. In this case, the amount of urine released can be only 500-700 ml. As a rule, it occurs against the background of the appearance of edema during pregnancy, chronic renal failure, etc. In this situation, excess fluid is excreted through the skin pores, with diarrhea or vomit.

One of the most dangerous phenomena is considered to be anuria, in which urine practically ceases to be excreted. If normal daily diuresis is 1.5 liters, then under such circumstances no more than 50 ml of urine is released from the human body. This abnormality is caused by a sudden cessation of urine filling the bladder. This, in turn, can be a consequence of many different factors associated with both mechanical and pathological changes in the kidneys and organs of the urinary system.

Another type of diuresis is ischuria. In this case, urine is not excreted from the body, but accumulates in the bladder and stagnates in it. All due to the fact that the patient himself cannot urinate. This happens when there are prostatitis of varying severity, blockage of the ureters, etc.

To understand whether you have deviations from the norm in the daily volume of urine, you need to get tested. However, you must first prepare for them, otherwise their results may be unreliable.

How to collect urine for analysis?

If you want to understand whether you have problems with the functioning of your kidneys, then for this you need to compare the amount of urine excreted with the volume of fluid that enters your body over a 24-hour period. If you notice even the slightest deviations from the norm, this should be a good reason to consult a doctor.

We have already figured out what a daily urine test shows, but you need to know the rules for collecting it for subsequent clinical research. The following algorithm for measuring daily diuresis will help you with this.

  1. Prepare a sterile container where you will urinate throughout the day. Its volume should be no less than 2 and no more than 3 liters.
  2. Before urinating, do not forget to rinse your external genitalia with clean water. Do not use any intimate gels or soaps. Thus, the entry of their particles into the urine can be excluded, so no hygiene products will be able to affect the final test results.
  3. The first portion of urine should not be collected - it does not play any role.
  4. Before you take the urine container to the clinic for examination, it should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  5. You should not take the entire large container to the laboratory - pour 200-250 ml of urine into a small jar, and give it for clinical research.
  6. If necessary, indicate your age and weight category, as well as your date of birth. There is no need to indicate the time of urine collection.

Knowing how to collect daily urine output, you can be confident that the results obtained are correct. By the way, they are written down on a special form, which is then examined by the attending physician. He, if necessary, will prescribe treatment for a particular disease that has caused changes in the amounts and composition of the patient’s urine.

Normal urine output in pregnant women and young children

The rate of daily diuresis during pregnancy is somewhat different from that of men, children or women who are not in an “interesting situation”. In this case, it is mandatory to take into account not only water or other drinks, but also all liquid dishes that were eaten by the expectant mother during the day.

Diuresis during pregnancy can vary significantly. As a rule, it fluctuates between 60-80%. If fluid begins to accumulate, the amount of urine produced decreases significantly. The expectant mother develops swelling under her eyes, on her face, arms and legs.

If your daily urine output has decreased during pregnancy, this should be a good reason to visit your doctor's office. This condition may indicate impaired renal function, which is far from uncommon among expectant mothers. The fact that a woman has an increased urge to urinate during pregnancy is absolutely normal, so do not be alarmed. The fetus simply grows, starting to put pressure on the walls of the bladder and kidneys. As soon as the baby is born, everything will immediately improve.

The rate of daily diuresis during pregnancy is determined individually. In order to make correct calculations, the expectant mother needs to record the fluid consumed and excreted daily. Thus, she will be able to independently calculate the percentage of daily urine output.

Diuresis in children

As for the question of how much urine should be excreted per day in young children, their age category is of great importance. Thus, up to a year old, the amount of daily urine in a child can vary from 180-820 ml (starting from the baby’s first birthday), and after 12 months and up to 5 years – up to 1 liter.

In order to obtain the correct data, both adults and children should abstain from spicy, fried, sour and salty foods a few days before the test. Smoked meats and sweets should also be excluded from the diet. You should also not take diuretics. Try to drink enough liquid so that your body always has a normal water balance.

If you follow all the simple rules described above, then you can be completely confident that the test results will be reliable, and you do not need to re-examine for the presence of renal pathologies.

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