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How to determine if there is a poltergeist at home. Who is a poltergeist: description, history and interesting facts. What signs are used to determine the presence of a poltergeist?


Currently, poltergeist is a collective name for all phenomena of unknown origin. Usually these phenomena are associated with various noises, spontaneous movements of household objects, spontaneous combustion, etc. Translated from German, “poltergeist” means “noisy spirit.” Until now, science has not been able to explain this phenomenon: it is unknown why paranormal phenomena appear, in which dimension they exist and exactly how they arise.

The poltergeist phenomenon is mentioned in various sources. The earliest mention of the phenomenon of the “noisy spirit” is considered to be a chronicle called “Journey through Wales.” It was compiled in 1190 by the monk Gerald of Wales. Over the next centuries, the phenomenon of the “noisy spirit” was repeated more than once. In that chronicle, the monk wrote: “They manifested themselves by scattering garbage everywhere, tearing woolen and linen clothes, knocking over everything that came their way.”

Parapsychologists involved in poltergeist research believe that its manifestations are not the same in different places. For example, in some houses the “drumming” occurs once, without causing much disturbance to the residents, and never returns, while in others it rages so much that the home requires major repairs. Communicating with people who allegedly had physical contact with Poltegreist, researchers note: often the affected residents have the impression that some sophisticated and cunning entity is operating in their house. At the same time, the poltergeist reacts calmly to some guests, calms down at their request, etc., while others simply hate and tries to harm them in every possible way.

According to some scientific treatises written on the basis of various studies and experiments, certain electrical appliances actively react to poltergeists. For example, when a “noisy spirit” appears, the meters can spin quickly and the TV can turn on spontaneously. Some people claim that doorbells also respond to this paranormal phenomenon: the hallway bell goes off. Parapsychologists believe that there are also vocal “drums”. During the appearance of such a poltergeist, someone’s voice (or several voices) is heard in the room, uttering various phrases, recommendations, and comments. Sometimes such voices actually sing songs.

Currently, researchers have collected a wealth of material on the poltergeist phenomenon, which makes it possible to put forward certain hypotheses about its origin. However, all this still has no evidence. Scientists either refer to alien creatures, or to dead souls from parallel worlds. Another scientific explanation for poltergeists is based on human psychokenesis, i.e. disorders that occur inside the human body and give impetus to an involuntary phenomenon. The fact is that a person is a complex energy system, theoretically capable of being reflected in the peculiar “behavior” of certain household objects. But do not forget that all these are just theoretical assumptions. Still no one knows

The entity, which is popularly called a poltergeist, is a spirit that lives in residential areas. He is deliberately summoned or driven away. It can bring both harm and benefit.

Poltergeist throws things around and moves furniture

Who is a poltergeist

Usually a poltergeist is the spirit of a deceased person. It can be in the form:

  • evil spirit

Over time, people divided these spirits into evil and good. An evil poltergeist will negatively affect the home and frighten residents. Losing things, fires, involuntary slamming of doors - these are the tricks of a negative entity.

Good ones protect the home from other evil spirits, as well as from robberies and fires. In houses where good beings live there is less poverty and disagreements between people. He can be summoned to his home in certain ways. But this spirit can be dangerous to human life.

Is there a poltergeist?

For many years, people have wondered whether poltergeists exist. This information is unknown to this day. This entity began to be described on paper many hundreds of years ago. Then people believed more in the significance of evil spirits and attributed to it everything that happened around them, which they could not explain. Many publications published stories about him being spotted in apartments, dark alleys or near bodies of water. After such statements, loud disputes unfolded, because at all times there were avid skeptics.

Experts were unable to confirm or deny the existence of a house spirit.

Those who believe in such evil spirits prove its existence by providing photographs showing:

  • unfamiliar faces;
  • shadows;
  • silhouettes;
  • alien human hands.

Unfamiliar sounds, knocks, footsteps at night - people hear all this in their apartments and attribute it to the antics of a poltergeist.

What does a spirit look like?

The spirit does not have an exact image, so not everyone knows what a poltergeist looks like. Those people who met him describe this creature as a tall man with a strange expression on his face. Such descriptions cannot be confirmed or denied.

Experts believe that in every house in which a poltergeist lives, it looks different. His appearance may depend on many factors - his character or the situation in a given family.

Also, some believe that this entity does not have a clear image, but only silhouettes. This explains the incomprehensible shadows on the walls and fleeting outlines.

Different sources depict this spirit differently. The only similarity in the descriptions is a human silhouette of indeterminate gender in all formats.

Where do poltergeists start?

There are many beliefs and legends about spirits that live next to people. Experts have proven that a poltergeist will not settle in a house where there is evil and deceit. Other sources say the opposite - the spirit starts only where evil attracts it.

There are a huge number of stories online in which people, after buying an apartment, noticed strange sounds, extraneous footsteps and shadows on the walls at night. Also, in their new home, small things constantly disappeared, and the mirrors dimmed a few minutes after washing.

Once upon a time there was a legend that the presence of a poltergeist in an apartment negatively affects procreation. According to stories, he does not allow new life to enter this family. After expelling the evil spirit, the family successfully conceived a child.

Some, after meeting such a spirit, cajoled him and forgot. There are people who try to kick him out and invite a church minister. If a poltergeist lives in the house, such actions anger him, and trouble begins in the room. According to experts, this entity cannot be driven out of the premises with the help of church rituals.

House with a poltergeist

How dangerous is a poltergeist?

To determine the danger of a spirit, you should invite an esotericist into your home and find out what kind of entity has settled in the house - evil or good. If she doesn't have negative intentions, then there's no need to worry.

An evil poltergeist can ruin the lives of people in whose apartment it has settled. Lost things, lack of money, illness and equipment malfunctions are his doing.

A poltergeist negatively affects the health of the people in whose apartment it lives. Loss of strength and constant poor health can be the result of the influence of dark forces.

There are many stories online about how a poltergeist, through his actions, evicted people from their homes, not allowing them to live in peace. In this case, residents should fight the evil spirit and try to rid their home of its presence.

What signs are used to determine the presence of a poltergeist?

In a real apartment in which a poltergeist has settled, people with increased energy will immediately feel his presence. If a person does not possess such abilities, then after a while the spirit will make itself known.

By what signs can you detect an extraneous inanimate presence:

  • constant pressure;
  • extraneous sounds at night;
  • shadows;
  • loss of small items or their independent movement;
  • silhouettes;
  • deterioration of health;
  • family discord.

If the signs in question are observed in the apartment, then you should make sure that there is no poltergeist within the walls of the house. It is also believed that poltergeists can influence libido in the life of a married couple.

How to get rid of a spirit

If a spirit has settled in a home, then not everyone knows how to get rid of a poltergeist in an apartment. If the presence of a real evil spirit is confirmed in the apartment, and the residents are not satisfied with its presence, then it is worth trying to get rid of it. Church officials will help exorcise evil spirits. They will hold a ceremony, after which the owners of the apartment will have to sacrifice some personal item in order to appease the spirit. If you do not cajole him, then there is no real guarantee that he will not return to the apartment after the church ministers leave.

To prevent a poltergeist from appearing in your apartment, you should adhere to several rules:

  • do not allow suspicious or unfamiliar persons into the house;
  • do not take anything from their hands;
  • do not pick up things that were found outside the house;
  • don't try.

It is practically impossible to place an evil spirit in your home at your own request. Calling it with rituals can cause damage to property or health.

How to distinguish a poltergeist from a ghost

A poltergeist and a ghost are different spirits with different goals. The ghost is not attuned to humans and is not dangerous, it simply lives in the room. He practically doesn’t show himself to people and doesn’t interact with them in any way. If the ghost’s actions are negative, it means that the residents have disturbed his peace and angered him. The ghost does not affect relationships in the family and its well-being. It also does not touch things in the house and has no influence on them.

The poltergeist is tuned to a person. He appears in the house to convey something to its residents. He can live side by side with people for many years, but only once make his existence known under certain conditions.

His actions can be both negative and positive. Depending on the situation, you can interact with the spirit in different ways.

His actions can amuse or frighten. You should not summon this spirit yourself at home, because the consequences of this activity can be unpredictable. A ghost and a poltergeist should not be confused - these are two different entities that have different goals and interactions with people.

Literally, the term “poltergeist”, accepted in parapsychology, is translated from German as “noisy spirit.” The phenomenon itself is considered an independent phenomenon that has nothing to do with ghosts or phantoms.

Often, a poltergeist manifests itself with acoustic performances - the sound comes from an unidentified place. Previous generations of ufologist-researchers nicknamed the mysterious “evil spirit” - a noisy spirit.

However, despite the reality of the malicious tricks of poltergeists, academic science is very cool about this phenomenon. However, official scientists are skeptical about everything related to the paranormal / mystical /. And yet, in the absence of the opportunity to study the phenomenon physically, scientists still recognize its existence.

How does a poltergeist manifest itself?

Usually, this unknown phenomenon of nature makes itself known by knocking, spontaneous movement of pieces of furniture, and locking doors. Perhaps throwing objects can be called particularly dangerous cases of poltergeist activity. Moreover, it could be an inverted light bulb, or an alarm clock that was standing quietly and peacefully in another room.

Another thing that is familiar to the “noisy spirit” is that household items unexpectedly hang under the ceiling for a while. The poltergeist also “plays around” with thermal effects: spontaneous combustion of objects occurs, or they start to freeze frighteningly quickly - of course, everything happens without being visible.

Another joke in the arsenal of the noisy spirit is water suddenly appearing out of nowhere and dousing those present. As for the impact of poltergeists on humans, researchers, having studied many cases of this phenomenon, came to the conclusion that it is most likely harmless.

In rare cases, a raging poltergeist can cause bruises and abrasions to the owners of the home. But, for example, knives and forks flying sharply into the air - and this happens - just as abruptly froze in front of a person and fell to the floor.
What causes the appearance of poltergeists?

From a scientific point of view, physicist David Turner took on the idea that poltergeists and ball lightning could be generated by the same natural process, with similar physical characteristics.

However, the nature of the formation of ball lightning is also an unstudied phenomenon. And explaining one unstudied phenomenon with the help of another unknown is a troublesome and difficult task. Moreover, this in no way explains the laughter and voices coming out of nowhere from the poltergeist.

According to paranormal experts, the invisible naughty man owes his education to children. Allegedly, this type of phenomenon “anchors” to a person. At the moment of puberty, a noisy spirit “clings” to an object—researchers call it an “agent” or “focal person.” However, in a number of cases, a poltergeist is tied by some circumstances to a specific place.

A poltergeist is a non-existent phenomenon.

Of course, there is no scientific theory explaining the poltergeist phenomenon. There are only theories of parapsychologists based on a long study of the circumstances of the phenomenon.

So experts came to the conclusion that the phenomenon is provoked by children. For example, parapsychologist Nandor Fodor in the 1930s suggested that the phenomenon was not related to spirits. And it is directly related to the human psyche, often a teenager.

Parapsychologists of our day agree with this theory. It is assumed that during the development of the teenage psyche, a large amount of energy is accumulated, fueled by anger and irritation.

This leads to malfunctions of the nervous system, and in some mysterious way, when excess energy is released, a “projection of the psyche” arises, which manifests itself in such antics.

As parapsychologist William J. Roll continues the theme, girls are often the conductors of poltergeists. Parapsychologist Craig Hamilton-Parker also speaks about an unhappy childhood and the appearance of a noisy spirit, with which specialists from the Center for Parapsychology of the Institute. J.B. Raina.

Meanwhile, parapsychologists themselves shrug their shoulders, since there are cases of poltergeists appearing around people with a normal psyche.

It is impossible not to mention the version that a poltergeist is nothing more than a native of parallel worlds. A certain entity, probably possessing intelligence, penetrating our reality is accordingly subject to the physical laws of our dimensions. But in a reality alien to us, they can - and most likely do - operate at frequencies and dimensions that are different from our world.

It doesn’t matter whether there are 2 dimensions in that reality, or 7 – they no longer coincide with ours. Perhaps this is why poltergeists are extremely difficult to detect visually. But even one working dimension allows a noisy spirit to commit hooligan antics in our world.

Regarding the child’s psyche: perhaps it is the child’s psyche, not yet ossified and blinkered by life, that helps the poltergeist “squeeze” into our world - by accident or in a planned way.


This is an article about paranormal phenomena. For the film by S. Spielberg and T. Hooper, see Poltergeist (film).

Poltergeists are studied by parapsychology, which representatives of science, as a rule, are skeptical about. Parapsychologists classify poltergeist activity as a form of involuntary psychokinesis, sometimes using the term Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis(RSPK), proposed by one of the researchers of the phenomenon, William G. Roll.

Poltergeist manifestations

A poltergeist manifests itself: acoustically (all kinds of sounds in rooms, the source of which is difficult to determine: hum, rumble, noise, hitting walls, floors and ceilings, scratching, as well as sounds similar to human screams and moans), kinematically (moving objects, clapping windows and doors, the appearance of liquid from nowhere), thermally (changes in the temperature of objects up to the point of icing or fire), as well as in other ways - affecting, in particular, electrical and electronic equipment.

Parapsychologists have not come to a consensus regarding the impact of poltergeists on humans. It is generally accepted that it never causes significant physical harm to people (there have been cases when a knife thrown at the owner of an apartment stopped and fell before reaching the target). But there have also been reports of exceptions where the poltergeist caused pain, causing bruises and contusions. . The only case described in parapsychological literature in which a poltergeist allegedly caused the death of a person (the so-called “Bell Witch”) is still a subject of controversy among researchers of the phenomenon.

Paranormal researcher Jilaine Sherwood identifies five successive stages of poltergeist “maturation”: sensory (at the level of sensations and smells), communicative (moans, voices, blows in rooms), physical (touching, turning electrical appliances on and off, movement of windows, doors and individual objects ), meaningful (throwing objects, deliberate actions aimed at causing fear), aggressive (biting, hitting, the appearance of blood on the walls, threatening inscriptions, the occurrence of unknown painful conditions in the victim). Upon reaching the fifth stage, the poltergeist, having reached the peak of activity, suddenly fades and after some time appears again, starting the cycle from the first stage.

In the 1970s, parapsychologists Alan Gold and A.D. Cornell conducted a computer analysis of evidence accumulated from 1800 to the present and identified 64 factors common to all observed cases. In 64% there was movement of objects, in 58 - activity occurred at night, in 48 - knocking took place, in 24 - poltergeist activity lasted more than a year, in 16 - direct contact was established between the poltergeist and the agent.


Incidents that can be classified as poltergeists have occurred throughout modern history. Jewish, Greek and Roman historians described cases of so-called “demonic possession”, the manifestations of which are close to those that accompany poltergeists. Several similar cases in “Teutonic Mythology” (“Deutsche Mythologie”) are described by Jacob Grimm (one of the Grimm brothers), in particular the incident in Bingham am Rhein (355 AD), when an invisible force threw stones at people , threw them out of their beds and made all sorts of noises.

Many similar cases were described in the Middle Ages. Welsh priest and chronicler Gerald Cambrens (Giraldus Cambrensis, aka Girald of Cumbria) in Itinerarium Cambriae(1191 AD) describes an incident in Pembrokeshire, where an “unclean spirit” threw dirt and objects, tore clothes and even spoke in human language, revealing the intimate secrets of people present. In 1661, the case of the Tedworth Drummer was widely publicized in England, when a drum belonging to an imprisoned beggar continued to play on its own; at the same time, chairs spontaneously flew, beds moved (along with the servants sleeping in them) and loud scratching sounds were heard.

In 1698, Rickard Chamberlain, in his pamphlet Lithobolia, or Stone Throwing Devil (now in the British Museum), told the story of George Walton in New Hampshire, whose house was bombarded with stones and heavy objects for several months. In 1662, in Portsmouth, USA, Cotton Meter, the home of George Walton, was subjected to a prolonged poltergeist attack. The latter, in order to take possession of someone else's land, accused his neighbor of witchcraft, and she cursed his house in revenge. After that:

...One Sunday, at one in the morning, when the household was sleeping peacefully, a terrifying roar was heard: the roof and doors cracked under a hail of stones. The Waltons immediately woke up. At first, everyone decided that the house had been attacked by Indians, but when the owner looked outside, he did not see a soul in the deserted fields. The only thing that seemed strange to him was that the gate seemed to be lifted from its hinges. Walton stepped over the threshold, but was immediately forced to retreat: a real barrage of stones fell on his head. The family rushed to board up the doors and windows, but this did not help. Hot cobblestones began to roll down the pipe, which were impossible to even touch. Moreover, stones began to somehow fly into the house through the windows without breaking the glass. All the candles in the house immediately went out. One after another, various objects began to fly into the air and fly out... For a long time, Walton could not leave the house: the invisible man immediately began to fire stones at him.

The most sinister of the cases described dates back to 1817, when in Tennessee farmer John Bell became the victim of a “witch” (it was assumed that this was the ghost of neighbor Kate Batts, whom Bell drove from her land) - an invisible and unusually evil creature who began to terrorize the owner of the farm and his family. At the same time, visions of strange animals arose in the area, whistling, voices, laughter and singing were heard. . Quaker Procter from Willington Mill, near Morpeth, left lengthy descriptions of the events that happened to him and his family in the years 1831-1847: a poltergeist haunted him in the form of noises, knocking and all kinds of visions.

Researchers also consider “hunting” to be a type of poltergeist in Normandy in 1850, when a local priest, Father Tinel, sued the “sorcerer” Felix Thorel, accusing him of “organizing” outrages in Sideville, where 34 people said that in their homes strange phenomena occur - knocking, furniture moving, sheets being pulled off beds, etc. It is also assumed that the well-known crop circles are also a type of poltergeist in natural conditions.

Poltergeist in Russia

One of the first reports of incidents that, based on external signs, could be classified as a poltergeist, dates back to 1666, when in a Moscow almshouse near the Ivanovo Monastery, “evil spirits” began to make noise and throw guests from their beds. The Monk Hilarion was called to fight against her, and he expelled evil spirits from the almshouse by the power of prayer.

Spontaneous movement of objects was observed in 1873 in the village of Barashevo, Simbirsk province. According to priest N.P. Tsvetkov, “... the samovar with boiling water rose from the floor and flew off two arshins; bricks were torn out and smashed into pieces from a Russian kitchen stove; household dishes and utensils flew in different directions and broke.” At the same time, he noted, “The moment of lifting any thing from a certain place and its flight, with my careful observation, was never noticed, but only its fall.” In 1887, the Sibirsky Vestnik newspaper reported on a pogrom perpetrated by an invisible force in the house of the merchant Savelyev in the Tomsk province. According to the reporter, those who arrived at the scene “... an investigator, a comrade prosecutor, a military commander; the owners and 40 factory workers testified that they saw things lying quietly suddenly rise from their places and quickly fly into the windows and break them. No one could catch the moment of lifting, but everyone clearly saw the flight of the thing.” Numerous cases of the same kind are described by V.N. Fomenko in the book “The Earth as We Don’t Know It.” .

Poltergeist in the twentieth century

Paranormal researchers Michael Gross and Colin Wilson created a compilation anthology that includes more than a thousand poltergeist cases known to science. Perhaps the most famous poltergeist in the 20th century was the Borley Rectory poltergeist, which began six months after the owner of the house, the priest Harry Bull, died on June 9, 1927. After the family of Reverend Eric Smith moved into the house, strange sounds began to be heard (including bells and bells), flashes of light appeared, and ghostly figures, mostly animals, appeared. Smith turned to the editors of the Daily Mirror with a request to call representatives of the SPI (Society for Psychical Research) to the house. On June 10, 1929, the newspaper sent a reporter to Borley and the report that then appeared interested the then little-known paranormal researcher Harry Price, who soon gained worldwide fame thanks to the research work carried out here. During his presence in the house, stones and vases flew here, and mysterious inscriptions appeared on glass and mirrors.

The so-called Rosenheim poltergeist ( English), which took place in the Bavarian city of Rosenheim, in the office of a lawyer named Sigmund Adam, went down in history by being captured on film for the first time. Strange things began here in 1967: lights began to turn on and off on their own, phones rang for no reason (with silence on the other end of the line), drawers opened and closed, liquids spilled. A reporter from The Deutsche Post obtained evidence of the fact that telephone calls were actually made in the room (about 600 in total - over five weeks) when no one called there. In October 1967, all the light bulbs in the room suddenly exploded. Hans Bender and two physicists who arrived to investigate found that strange things only happened when 19-year-old Annamarie Chaberl was nearby (a secretary hired not long before, who, as it later turned out, had suffered a severe psychological shock and suffered from acute neurosis). Bender managed to film how, at the very moment when she entered the office, all the lights in the building began to blink. As soon as Chaberl was sent on leave, complete calm reigned in the building. Soon she was fired and the poltergeist activity stopped.

Among the most famous cases of paranormal activity with signs of poltergeists in the twentieth century are the case in Hopfgarten, Weimar (1921), the phenomenon of Eleonora Ziugun (a girl from Romania who was tortured by an invisible dracu, and whose phenomenon was personally studied by Harry Price), the poltergeist in Enfield (1977) and Miami (in the second case, eyewitnesses to the phenomena were a policeman and a skeptic magician who came for exposure, but was shocked by what he saw and admitted that he was wrong), “the Mackenzie poltergeist” (in Edinburgh, Scotland), fires in Canetto di Caronia (2004-2005, Sicily, Italy).

Attempts to explain the phenomenon

Until the middle of the 19th century, poltergeist manifestations were unconditionally classified as “the machinations of the devil.” Early poltergeist researchers included OPI founders Sir William Barrett and Fredrick W. Myers, the latter immediately noting the radical difference between a poltergeist and a ghost. A scientific approach to studying the phenomenon began to be used only in the first half of the 20th century, when Nandor Fodor and Harry Price began work.

In the 30s of the 20th century, psychologist and parapsychologist Nandor Fodor put forward a theory according to which poltergeists are caused not by “spirits,” but by the human psyche, in which repressed feelings (anger, irritation, bitterness) are concentrated. Fodor was the first to formulate the idea of ​​a poltergeist as a “psychic projection” of a painful (or developing, adolescent) psyche, bringing out internal aggression.

Typically, the source of a poltergeist is the depressed psyche of a teenager entering puberty. Due to some temporary anomalies in the nervous system, its energy spring mysteriously straightens, throws its animated projection into space and turns into an evil invisible man who throws stones, breaks dishes and destroys everything that comes to hand. As a rule, the “noisy spirit” is completely satisfied with what he has done and calms down on his own, but sometimes he discovers the gift of an arsonist, and this hobby for the family of an unfortunate teenager is more dangerous than all the previous pranks combined. - Nandor Fodor, "The Fury That Burns Homes"

He successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of his theory by investigating and analyzing the most notorious poltergeist cases in England, in particular, the Thornton Heath poltergeist (1938), where a woman was attacked by an invisible “vampire”.

One of Fodor's followers, William J. Roll ( William Roll), director of the Foundation for Psychical Research in Durham, North Carolina. Beginning in the 1960s, Roll analyzed 116 poltergeist reports (both old and modern) and discovered a common factor that he called "repetitive spontaneous psychokinesis" ( recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis, RSPK), and which causes a physical effect that cannot be rationally explained. He confirmed Fodor's idea that, as a rule, at the center of a poltergeist there is a child or teenager who, with the help of the unconscious PK, finds the opportunity to “revenge” those around him with impunity. According to Roll's observations, more often than not girls turn out to be “agents” of poltergeists: they all do not realize that they themselves are causing the movement of objects or fires, but internally they seem to feel satisfaction from what is happening.

Similar views were expressed by parapsychologist Craig Hamilton-Parker, who believed that “most reported poltergeist cases occur around adolescents who experienced an unhappy childhood.” Researchers at the Center for Parapsychology at the Institute. J.B. Raina (Rhine Research Center Institute for Parapsychology) Duke University in North Carolina also came to the conclusion that poltergeist activity is a physical expression of psychological trauma. Such theories do not explain those cases when the subjects under study do not have psychological problems and when a poltergeist manifests itself there are no children in the house or no teenagers in the family at all.

In the second half of the 20th century, some scientists tried to find a scientific explanation for the phenomenon. Physicist David Turner suggested that poltergeists and ball lightning are phenomena of the same nature and cause similar physical effects. The term “pseudo-psychic” phenomenon appeared: it means that poltergeist manifestations are caused by physical forces that have not yet been studied.

Parapsychologist William J. Roll and physicist Hal Pathoff of Duke University believe that the movement of objects for no apparent reason may be caused by anomalies in the so-called zero point field ( English) . This idea is explained in detail in Roll's book Unleashed, mentioned in Dean Radin's books Entangled Minds and Mary D. Jones Science

Canadian inventor John Hutchinson (see Hutchinson Effect) claims to have reproduced some manifestations of poltergeists (levitation, disappearance of objects) in laboratory conditions (and at the same time discovered the secret of the Philadelphia Experiment). All this, however, does not explain such manifestations of poltergeists as voices, laughter, writing on mirror surfaces or fires.


Folklore attributes the emergence of poltergeists to the souls of the dead - spirits, brownies and evil sorcerers. In the religions of various countries, the manifestation of a poltergeist is associated with evil spirits and demons, which are expelled using special exorcism rituals.

Depending on their behavior, people divide them into three categories: classic, evil and funny, which are affectionately called drummers.

A sign of manifestations of a classic poltergeist is its actions in the absence of people who, upon returning home, find overturned furniture or burnt laundry, water spilled on the floor or wet walls and ceilings (for no reason). Classic poltergeist accounts for up to 80% of the described manifestations. As a rule, a poltergeist begins and ends suddenly and can last from several months to several years, but usually lasts at least a month; in some cases, poltergeist carriers can remain so for life.

Poltergeist in popular culture


  • Apartment 143 (Apartment143 horror film 2011)
  • Insidious (Insidious horror film 2011)

A television

  • In the episode "Kalushari" of The X-Files, Agents Mulder and Scully investigate a series of deaths attributed to an "evil" poltergeist centered on the family's child.
  • The poltergeist appears in several episodes of Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal:
    • Episode 1x01 "Dream House" investigates a poltergeist incident in Portland.
    • Episode 1x03 "Ghostly Voices" investigates a poltergeist in the home of wealthy widow Catherine Cartwright and its possible connection to the death of the owner's husband.
  • In the TV series Supernatural, a poltergeist appears in several episodes.

Video games

  • In the console game Ghosthunter, the poltergeist is one of the extremely hostile ghosts, invisible until they fall into water or smoke, and actively using telekenistic abilities (throwing all sorts of objects), while making wild laughter.
  • In the computer games of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series Poltergeist is one of the most dangerous mutants. There are several varieties of it - electric and fiery. The electric poltergeist, thanks to its telekenistic abilities, throws various objects at the player, while the fire poltergeist “showers” ​​fire. In the game, poltergeists are visible, so they can be killed. In one of the books in the literary series, a version was put forward that this mutant could show any feelings both towards his own kind and towards a person.
  • In The Sims 3: Career, when choosing the Ghost Hunter profession, a poltergeist is a ghost that inhabits furniture. The player must use the Ghost Slayer to evict the ghost from the furniture to complete the challenge.

see also


  • A.A. Gorbovsky, Uninvited guests? Poltergeist yesterday and today. Question mark. 1990
  • Carrington, H. & Fodor, N. The Story of the Poltergeist Down the Centuries. Rider & Co. 1953
  • Gauld, A. & Cornell, T. Poltergeists. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1979.
  • Goss, M. Poltergeists: An Annotated Bibliography of Works in English, Circa 1880-1975. The Scarecrow Press, Inc. 1979
  • Owen, A.R.G. Can we Explain the Poltergeist? Garrett Publications. 1964.
  • Playfair, G. L. This House is Haunted: An Investigation into the Enfield Poltergeist. Souvenir Press. 1980.
  • Price. H. Poltergeist: Tales of the Supernatural. Bracken Books. 1993 (1945).
  • Rogo, D. Scott. On the Track of the Poltergeist. Prentice-Hall. 1986.
  • Roll, W. G. The Poltergeist. Wyndham 1972.
  • Sitwell, S. Poltergeists: Fact or Fancy. Dorset Press. 1988 (1959).
  • Spencer, J & A. The Poltergeist Phenomenon. Headline 1996.
  • Thurston, H. Ghosts & Poltergeists. Burns Oates. 1953.
  • Wilson, C. Poltergeist! A Study in Destructive Haunting. New English Library. 1981.


  3. Nandor Fodor. Fury that burns houses
  4. A Short History of Poltergeist Activity
  5. What Are Poltergeists? C. Hamilton-Parker
  6. Nandor Fodor. Ghosts, who are you?
  7. Pat Fitzhue. The Bell Witch Haunting
  8. Poltergeist.
  9. Giraldus Cambrensis
  10. Drummer of Tedworth
  11. Ghostly_Drummer_of_Tedworth
  12. New Hampshire Glossary: ​​Lithobolia--The Stone Throwing Devil
  13. Nandor Fodor. Between two worlds. Lifetime ghost
  14. Sacheverel Sitwell, "Poltergeists", 1940
  15. Perceptions. Ghosts
  16. The history of poltergeists in Russia
  17. V. N. Fomenko. "Earth as we do not know it"
  18. What is a poltergeist: how does it manifest itself?

What is a poltergeist, is it a threat and for what reasons is it caused? Is there historical evidence or is it a modern phenomenon? Read about all this, as well as what to do if a poltergeist happens to you, in this material.

Description of the poltergeist

A poltergeist (German for “noisy spirit”) is not such a rare phenomenon, given the fact that most often people try not to advertise incidents of this kind so as not to look stupid in the eyes of society. At least until the fear of publicity is greater than the fear of the poltergeist himself.

Detecting a poltergeist requires the long-term presence of strangers in your home, since the phenomenon may not appear for several days or even weeks - this is also a deterrent for normal people. But mentally unbalanced citizens, in order to attract attention to themselves, do not hesitate to report an alleged poltergeist and stage it, which becomes known and such cases spoil the statistics and give orthodox-minded people a reason to talk about hoaxes and fakes.

Put yourself in the shoes of those suffering from a poltergeist: at first no one believes you, you don’t know who to turn to for help and how to act. Let’s say that representatives of the media or someone from the emergency services agreed to “stand by” at your place, but the poltergeist quieted down and did not manifest itself at all; strangers leave, and things begin to fly or catch fire again, but now no one will hear you except the closest people. Therefore, below in the article we will give advice on how to independently curb poltergeists, and also provide a list of organizations involved in the study of paranormal phenomena.

Signs of a poltergeist

Poltergeists can be different, but they also have common signs that make it possible to separate a real poltergeist from other mystical or everyday incidents. Distinctive features of a poltergeist:

  1. A poltergeist does not manifest itself in the part of the spectrum visible to ordinary vision; it is not visible; otherwise it is a ghost or something similar.
  2. A poltergeist is not tied to a place; moving does not solve anything.
  3. A poltergeist is caused by or attached to one (extremely rarely several) family member, usually a child or teenager, usually a girl - such a person is usually called a poltergeist agent or focal person.
  4. The phenomenon manifests itself in the form of: spontaneous combustion of things or people; moving, flying or even teleporting objects; strange sounds; damage to things (bending metal objects, cracking dishes); lowering the room temperature; wet spots.
  5. Animals do not always react to poltergeists (except for cases when poltergeists are associated with possession - animals feel the restless and do not like them).

What is a poltergeist

Poltergeist - Brownie?

Pushkin about poltergeist

In December 1833, Alexander Pushkin left the following entry in his diary: “They are talking about a strange incident in the city. In one of the houses belonging to the court stable department, the furniture decided to move and jump; things went according to the authorities. Book V. Dolgorukov dressed up the investigation. One of the officials called the priest, but during the prayer service the chairs and tables did not want to stand still. There are different rumors about this.”

Another ancient mention of poltergeists in Russia

In 1887, the Sibirsky Vestnik newspaper reported on a pogrom perpetrated by an invisible force in the house of the merchant Savelyev in the Tomsk province. According to the reporter, those who arrived at the scene “... an investigator, a comrade prosecutor, a military commander; the owners and 40 factory workers testified that they saw things lying quietly suddenly rise from their places and quickly fly into the windows and break them. No one could catch the moment of lifting, but everyone clearly saw the flight of the thing.”

Modern poltergeist stories

How to curb poltergeists

To pacify a poltergeist, carry out the following activities:

  1. Determine the focal person - this is the person in whose presence the poltergeist manifests itself. It is determined by observation with the alternate exclusion of each resident (possibly also neighbors) from the apartment.
  2. Find out the cause of stress and aggression in the focal person and try to eliminate or smooth it out.
  3. Explain to the person that the reason is within him, that he can control this power (unless this is a case of possession, which is described above) and offer several tests and exercises (see below).

Standard test for telekinetic abilities

Place a compass in front of the person and offer to turn the needle with the power of thought. If you don’t have a compass, you can stick a needle into a box of matches, put a narrow piece of paper folded in half (an improvised arrow) on the free tip of the needle, and cover the structure with a glass jar.

When testing, you need to successively try to move the arrow for 1-2 minutes, using different imaginary sensations:

  1. Imagine that your finger is like a magnet attracting the arrow and move your hand near the compass.
  2. The same thing, only now your finger pushes objects away. Touch some object with your finger, remember the sensation and try to reproduce it remotely with a compass needle.
  3. Try to move the arrow with the force of your gaze, as if tangible rays are emanating from your eyes and pushing the arrow.

While trying, don't think about anything else or get distracted. If you managed to influence the arrow using one of the methods, train it, gradually moving on to heavier objects and longer distances. Don't allow even a short break between classes: one day without training will set you back 3 days!

If it doesn’t work out, observe your emotions and sensations during poltergeist phenomena and try to purposefully reproduce these sensations for testing purposes.

Exercise to tighten the etheric body

This exercise is given first in a set of training courses for the development of telekinetic abilities in the training courses of the Order of the Path. To control energy, it must be felt or seen. In this exercise you learn to feel your etheric body and compact it in the area of ​​your palms.

It will not make an ordinary person telekinetic, but it can help a poltergeist agent control the forces of the subtle plane.

The exercise is performed sitting or standing, the back is straight, the arms are bent at the elbows. Rub your palms vigorously against each other and slowly spread them apart to a distance of about 30 centimeters. If you look at a relaxed palm, you can see a depression in the middle that resembles a triangle; imagine how, as you inhale, energy from all over your body accumulates into a ball in the solar plexus area, and as you exhale, it comes out in the form of a flame through the triangles on your palms.

Bring your palms closer and further away from each other, listen to the sensations: tingling in your fingers, warmth in your palms, as you exhale, a feeling of pressure between your palms. Mentally give yourself the command to feel the “ball” held between your palms, its elasticity, rotate it, changing the position of your hands relative to your body.

Rotate the index finger of one hand opposite the palm of the other hand, sending an energy ray from your finger and feeling its rotation on your palm. Try to draw a square, triangle, circle, etc. on your palm with a ray. Pay attention to the sensations of both hands. Repeat the exercise with your eyes closed and with your eyes open, force yourself to feel your etheric body.


Every day 1-2 times a day for 5-10 minutes for 10 days. Then repeat the test.

If the measures described above do not eliminate the poltergeist, try seeking help from one of the following organizations:

Association Cosmopoisk(Russia)


Center for Anomalous and Geopathogenic Research(Russia, Ekaterinburg)

Order of the Path(Russia)

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