Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

To make the holiday a success. The holiday was a great success Basic rules for a good holiday

At school No. 1 in Motygino, a sports and entertainment festival “Health Day” was held. The students came to it in a good mood, because, firstly, the 3rd quarter had ended then, and, secondly, it was impossible to be sad that morning: the sun was shining outside like spring, inviting everyone to have fun and play.

The holiday began with a performance by the school team, which took 1st place at the regional “Nadezhda” competition. With great pleasure, everyone watched the gymnastic pyramids, which are practically unknown to today’s schoolchildren, the sports dance, and listened to the song.

The children accompanied each amateur performance with thunderous applause. Such an unusual start to the day added excitement to the cool teams. And when they received the route sheets with the names of the stations, everyone was perplexed: the competitions turned out to be fun and entertaining. But skill, team cohesion, and coordination of movements were necessary here too.

The “PereDance” competition featured music, a gypsy song, a lambada, and children’s songs for the little ones. You should have seen how the kids danced, how they tried to convey the features of the dance with their movements!

Everyone was amazed by the cross-country skiing; when four people stood on one made ski and walked the required distance. This is where the fun was! Everyone was having a lot of fun.

The “Snake” competition revealed savvy teams. If at first the guys went through two hoops one at a time, then the 11th grade students immediately realized that it was easier and faster for the whole team to go through one hoop, and then through the other.

Of course, the holiday would not be complete without such competitions as “Strong Men”, “Come on, Hit It!”, “Throw on a Hoop”, “Rope”, “Ball Race”.

The “Saturn” competition was unusual, in which you had to rotate a hoop and drink a glass of water. And in the “Draw a Snowman” competition, not everyone was able to show their artist’s abilities: they drew with their eyes closed.

In general, on this day all sorts of screams were heard on the school playground: some supported the speakers, some shouted with joy, some heatedly discussed the results.

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end quickly. So this day flew by unnoticed. While the jury was summing up the results, tables were set outside and our favorite chefs delighted the children with their wonderful sweet pies and pancakes. No one refused such a royal treat, especially in the fresh air and after all the competitions. The guys enjoyed the food they had cooked and drank hot tea.

And here are the results. At the assembly line, school director Zoya Nikolaevna Kuznetsova announced the results and presented certificates to the winners.

They turned out to be:

Among 1st and 2nd grades

1st place - 2nd “b” class (class directed by A.A. Egorikhin); 2nd place - 2nd “a” class (class led by Z.V. Oryshchenko); 3rd place - 1st “a” class (class led by E.V. Zyryanova).

Among 3-4th grades

1st place - 3rd grade (class directed by N.I. Nikulin); 2nd place - 4th “a” class (class led by G.V. Orekhova); 3rd place - 4th “b” class (class led by L.P. Petushkova).

Among 5-6th grades

1st place - 5th "b" class (class led by I.V. Belousov); 2nd place - 6th "a" class (class led by V.A. Sviridov); 3rd place - 6th "b" class (class leader A.A. Bakalenko).

Among 7-8th grades

1st place - 7th grade (class directed by I.A. Dulisov); 2nd place - 8th grade (class led by S.V. Zhigalova); 3rd place - 8th grade (class teacher N.A. Motornaya).

Among 9-11th grades

1st place - 11th grade (class led by L.A. Patsanakidi); 2nd place - 9th "b" class (class led by L.V. Gorokhova); 3rd place - 9th "a" class (class leader L.V. Petryukshtite).

All teams were awarded a gift that was so necessary in our school life - sets of felt-tip pens.

And at the end of the holiday they burned an effigy of winter. The holiday was a great success. It was truly a day of health, as the guys received a lot of positive emotions, had a lot of fun, and happily took part in all the competitions. And the weather did not disappoint: the sun was shining brightly, it was very warm outside.

Everyone was happy with the holiday; no one wanted to go home. The children's eyes shone with pleasure, carefree smiles shone on their faces. I would like to say a big thank you to S.V. for the event. Zhigalova, the organizer of the school.

Both adults and children love this fun holiday. And why and for what? Let's figure it out?!

We run around the shops, carefully select gifts, and pack them in bright wrapping. Everything is clear with this - so that our most beloved and dear ones will rush to the Christmas tree, unwrap the packaging with burning eyes and squeal with delight.
I hope that we are adults and know exactly who brings gifts and how they get into the apartment. We have a window, for which it must be left open. And you?
We spend the whole evening in the kitchen to cook something amazingly delicious and delight our guests and family. And then we spend 3 days finishing off last year’s madness. I think everyone is familiar with this situation. So maybe it’s not worth it then? 2-3 light salads. By “light” I mean vegetables. A light hot dish. Actually, I’m against hot food, but where can you get away from tradition? By the way, I published one of these delicious, quick and festive recipes on the Povarenok portal. And for dessert - fruit. “It turned out to be a poor table,” you may notice.
And we will set the table with a bright tablecloth, add New Year's napkins, candles, champagne in a silver bucket, and beautiful glasses on a thin stem.

Let's decorate a few spruce branches and place them on the table in a crystal vase. (you can put a spruce ring decorated with pine cones and balls in the middle of the table).

And a mandatory attribute is a vase with tangerines. Let's wrap some of them in shiny wrapping paper.
And next to each plate, in addition to the cutlery, we will put a postcard with New Year’s wishes.

It turns out festive and there are no extra costs.
And then the chimes sounded, the cries of “hurray” sounded, all the firecrackers and fireworks were used. Is the holiday over? No! It's just beginning.
Another small digression. Since this is a family holiday, don’t send your children to bed. Let them take an active part in its preparation. Teach your children a new song or poem about the New Year, dress them in New Year's costumes. Decorate the room and the Christmas tree together. And let dad go to the store with a list of groceries. Although, the main work will still fall on our fragile female shoulders. “This is already understandable,” you wave it off. It’s clear, but not for everyone. Often when visiting, I see that children are put to bed or sent to the nursery “so as not to disturb them.” But they want to be with us. And they want to take part in all the fabulous magic on New Year's Eve. Children and old people bring so much positivity to the holiday that I can’t even imagine a single event without them. So let's give children a fairy tale together!

I have a lot of scripts. Friends vying with each other to invite me to visit. And the children squeal with joy: “Hurray, Aunt Lina has come!” Therefore, every time you have to come up with something new and unusual. I take into account the age of the children, the company of those invited, and the availability of space for competitions and round dances. I start preparing very early. How else?! You need to find props and decorations, select music, gifts and prizes.
The fairy tale begins after the chiming clock and the first New Year's greetings. Everyone runs out to set off fireworks, or just look at it. And at this time I take out the props and set up the scenery. Guests can be divided into teams: family - team or into the right and left halves of the table, or each person can participate separately. It's up to you to choose. Although I am for team spirit.
The first competition is the simplest. But it is he who makes it possible to get guests up from the table. For the competition, you will need to prepare pieces of paper on which you need to write parts of the body, for example, ear, hand, leg, heel, little finger on the left hand, nose, or draw them. These pieces of paper are folded into a box or hat so that what is written is not visible. Two participants come out, each takes one piece of paper, they must join each other with the indicated parts of the body. Thus, the two participants freeze to each other. The next participant approaches them, he and one of the first players each take a piece of paper and freeze each other. Another participant comes up and so on. It turns out to be a very funny chain. Don't forget to take a photo of it.
Before we are seated, we immediately hold a music competition. For him we will again need a magic box with leaves. On the pieces of paper you need to write or draw winter words, for example: Christmas tree, snowman, frost, snowflake, cold. All guests take turns taking out a piece of paper and reading out the word they come across. They must sing a song with this word.

The competition continues until one participant remains. It is he who becomes the winner and receives the prize. Instead of singing, you can dance. Participants pull out a note and, through dance and movements, depict what is written on it.
The most original dancer is given a gift.

By the way, prize options can be seen on the Hobby website in the article “Gift at no cost.”
But a family team can perform a whole small performance. Everyone is given five minutes to prepare. During this time, a participant is selected who will sing the song, and roles are distributed among the others. For example, if you chose the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” then 1 person will sing the song, and everyone else will imitate it:

someone will be a Christmas tree, someone will be a hare, maybe even someone will depict falling snow, everything is limited only by imagination.

Once we even made a fairy tale film. Everything was “for real,” starting with the cameraman who shot the film on a video camera.

Roles were given out of a magic box. One grandmother received a turnip and a golden wig to go with it. The role of a granddaughter is for another granny. We also had a grandmother with huge bows and a snow-white apron, a cat, a Bug and a mouse, who were given masks and tails.

The plot is known to everyone since childhood. But everyone has their own words. The adults and children were so happy that it was impossible to stop them, even when the turnip was pulled out.
“Grandfather planted a turnip,” the presenter begins,
“No, no, the turnip is still small, you need to bring it to the garden,” the audience shouts. - And then water and fertilize...
“Grandfather raised a turnip,” says the presenter.
“Yes, 74 kilograms,” says the turnip grandmother...
- And like a grandmother, find our granddaughter. Where is she? We should help.
-And the granddaughter is at the disco, it will be late, there’s a note there...
The fairy tale ended with the turnip ending up on the grandfather, the mouse on the Bug, and the bows on the Christmas tree!
What kind of New Year can we have without Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka! We choose a participant or simply take out leaf cards on which the roles of the characters are written. We take out a large box with props (in the box we put in advance everything that might be needed - masks, wigs, capes, felt boots, the most unpredictable things are used. And what our character will look like depends only on the participants themselves, and turn on the music. Then During the playing time, the team's task is to dress the player as a fairy-tale character.

And, of course, your favorite characters must sing a New Year's song. These may be songs known to us from childhood. Or you can print the words on a piece of paper in advance and invite the characters to sing “Karaoke”.
For example, “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you were” or like this:
1. A comic song by Santa Claus based on the song “We honestly want to tell you” (Andrey Istokov)
I honestly sing to you now:
I have never seen more beautiful women than yours.
Everything in me was on fire, everything was blooming,
And something suddenly led to the left.
Which one of you will kill my melancholy?
Which one of you will offer me some cognac? –
I will be neither grandfather nor frost for her, -
And I sing this seriously, almost seriously!

2. The Snow Maiden's song to the tune of "Such snowfall, such snowfall:"

Such a Snow Maiden, such a Snow Maiden
You'll never see again
Let's dance, let's dance
Let's dance like in previous years

Invite! You invite us
Let the waltz spin here
Hug! You will hug us
We were created for you

3. Song of Baba Yaga

I live in a hut at the edge of the forest
And I’m not such an ancient old lady at all
My black cat "Vasily" calmly eats Whiskas
My favorite series is on TV.

About your favorite cops, about Dukalis,
About bandits, thieves - I like it so much
Suddenly I was over the threshold straight into the bathhouse
And even to the men - the Russian Vanyas.

Each fairy-tale character holds his own competition (if the children and guests are not tired yet).
Baba Yaga (Snowman, New Year character, etc.) can hold a riddle competition:
Like the feathers of the Firebird,
Everything sparkles and sparkles,
Powdered the forest and meadow
Winter white..

We looked out the window,
I can’t believe my eyes!
Everything around is white - white
And it sweeps...

The hedgehog looks like her
You won't find any leaves at all.
Like a beauty, slim,
And for the New Year it’s important.

I took a plane ticket.
Let's meet together...

The Snow Maiden can offer everyone New Year's fortune telling. Buy a lot of small trinkets from the store, you can use key chains or magnets. Wrap each one in foil. Then put the items in the bag. The Snow Maiden offers to tell fortunes. Guests must take one item out of the bag and unwrap it, and what they find will serve as a prediction for the coming year. For example, a guest pulled out a car, which means that he will buy a car in the new year. If a guest takes out a keychain with a palm tree, it means that he will travel to hot countries in the new year. If he comes across a pacifier keychain, it means a new addition to his family awaits him, etc.
And when we have Santa Claus, it’s time to give gifts.
Our New Year's guests usually come with small gifts and souvenirs. Or you can make them yourself. But you definitely need to do something for the gift. The leader here is Santa Claus. He announces what needs to be done to this “fantasy”, and he gets a gift. And the giver says who the gift is intended for.
This way, all friends receive small memorable souvenirs and a charge of fun. And also - a good New Year's mood. There are a huge number of competitions. This is just one of the options, I would add - proven. And in any case, with competitions, games and fairy tales, everyone will remember your New Year for a very long time!
Especially for the competition "Things for all Hands" from the myCharm website

1.Create a magical mood for your child in a few days. Stir up his interest with the appearance of a mysterious guest or a prepared surprise.

2. Don't call the animator aunt, boy or girl. If you don't know the clown's name, just call him clown. Little Red Riding Hood and the wizard cannot be an aunt or uncle, they are who they are.

Under no circumstances say that a clown will come, meaning any actor or animator, be it a wizard or a fairy, Pinocchio or Carlson. If you want to notify your child in advance about upcoming games and entertainment, then be precise in your wording: “A wizard from a fairyland will come to congratulate you” (a cheerful clown, a fearless pirate, etc.). By calling all the characters with one word “clown”, you thereby show the child indifference to who it will be, equating one with the other. It is clear that all animators will conduct a certain holiday program, consisting of games and competitions. But it’s different for everyone, the characters’ personalities are also different, so why deprive your child of interest, intrigue and excitement with your own hands. After all, the holiday is started for the sake of him, the most important person, the birthday boy.

3. Think and inform in advance about the restrictions associated with invited children and the use of the apartment. For example, is it possible to use soap bubbles, light sparklers, stick posters on walls or doors, or use face painting? Are children afraid of firecrackers, bursting balloons, are they scared of decorated clowns and negative characters? Do children have sweet allergies?

4. When meeting an actor, make sure that children do not see him before the start of the holiday, without makeup and costume. The fairy-tale character must also disappear as if by magic, unnoticed. You can distract the kids by cutting the cake and drinking tea.

5. You should not seat the actor at the table with the children, especially after he has changed his clothes. We really appreciate your desire to thank and be hospitable. If you really want to, offer Little Red Riding Hood or another character a glass of water or juice; after talking for many hours, you’re really thirsty.

6. The actor arrives 20-30 minutes before the start of the performance. What will be needed from you is discussed in advance. This could be scissors, water, plates, a stereo (it is important to know the format it supports), an outlet within the playing space, a blanket. In principle, all this is available in every apartment. If the celebration takes place in a cafe or restaurant, the organizers bring with them all the necessary props.

7. We follow the “be on time” rule, so we ask you to do the same. If you have agreed that the holiday will begin at two o'clock sharp, we will be ready exactly at the appointed time or earlier. Make sure that all children are gathered, fed, have time to communicate, and get used to the new environment.

8. When ordering a holiday for two hours, keep in mind that this is the time from start to finish. If you want to break for food during the event, the actor wastes precious minutes of his time on this, you need to discuss this possibility in advance and agree on it with the organizer.

9. Don’t pay money in front of your children. You can always have one of the parents entertain the guests, while the other pays the bills and sees off the actor.

It is very important for us that your child enjoys the holiday and leaves only good memories in his memory, so that on his birthday the child receives a fairy tale as a gift.

We will be glad if you take our advice into account, because it depends on what the holiday will be like.

Basic rules for a good holiday.

I have several rules for a good holiday.

The most important thing is not to let children get bored. What does it mean? Everyone is included in the process, has determined a type of activity for themselves, is interested in achieving results, clearly enjoys it and expects it to continue. At the same time, do not be afraid if one of the children chooses the role of spectator and simply watches how other children play. Are you not scared of boys or girls who rarely go out and prefer reading on the couch or playing on the computer? Why are you surprised that there are people who do not like to play outdoor games, but prefer intellectual tasks, and purely individual ones?

The second rule is that the program should be rich and varied. It's good if it includes several types of games. For example: outdoor games and relay races, intellectual, musical, dance, games using artistic skills, logic, games for attention and intelligence.

The third rule is that there are distinguished children in the game, but there are no losers. All participants who complete the task without stopping halfway are considered winners.

The fourth rule is that a holiday without balloons is not a holiday. Children can never have too many balloons. An obligatory component of the celebration is the award ceremony. You should not give souvenirs and gifts for each competition, turning the game into a pursuit of profit. It is enough to give and appreciate everyone at the end of the holiday, showing that their efforts were noticed. Everyone, without exception, is a winner at the festival. Some were the smartest, some the most dexterous, some ran and jumped the funniest, and there were also the most modest, smiling and mysterious. All children performed differently and deserved praise and encouragement. It is important to focus on what the child was like and note what he needs to strive for and what he can still achieve.

Fifth rule. A good holiday is a holiday where children laugh, their eyes light up, and they don’t want it to end.

I especially enjoy the parents who are happy to join in the gameplay. Alas, sometimes it happens differently - children have fun, achieve victory in this or that competition, turn towards their parents, hoping to catch their gaze, approval, smile, but dad and mom are carried away by the conversation of adults. And kids really want to get approval and demonstrate their successes to adults.

Have you noticed with what enthusiasm and excitement children watch how their parents compete with each other, how they yearn to measure their strength with dad, to try to beat mom in the competition. And even if the adult wins, they are completely delighted, because for a moment mom forgot about her business and turned into an ordinary participant in fun competitions.

Remember that any joint activity or gameplay, even the shortest one, brings indescribable delight to your child. Play with your children! And then every day will seem like a holiday to them.


On June 26, for the fifth time, with the support of the regional House of Folk Art, the Russian-Udmurt holiday “Mezha” took place in our area in the village of Astrakhan.

During this time, “Mezha” has gone from an inter-district festival to an inter-regional one. Residents of the village of Astrakhan love and look forward to this event, consider it the main thing and prepare for it throughout the year. The holiday has firmly settled on the beautiful Astrakhan land and has become the hallmark of the entire Uninsky region.

The first competitions began early in the morning. At exactly 6 o’clock, the competition “Peculiarities of National Fishing” started on the Astrakhan pond, which attracted fishing enthusiasts from our region. The winners were Sergey Karfidov in the “Biggest Fish” category, who caught a carp weighing 1.7 kg, and Yuri Budin in the “Biggest Catch” category.

At 8.00 o'clock. The first guests arrived - a delegation from the Glazov region of the Republic of Udmurtia, and by 10.00. - all the creative teams participating in the holiday were already in full readiness. These are representatives of the Uninsky, Bogorodsky, Falensky, Zuevsky districts of the Kirov region, as well as the Krasnogorsky, Yukamensky and Glazovsky districts of the Udmurt Republic.

The square gradually filled with spectators from Astrakhan, Unei, Elgani, Siberia, Maly Polom, Porez and other settlements of the Uninsky region.

At the grand opening of the festival, welcoming speeches were made by the head of the Uninsky district A. N. Panteleev, the head of the Astrakhan rural settlement T. A. Lysova, and the chairman of the executive committee of the local branch of the political party “United Russia” G. V. Porshneva.

In the “Springs of Inspiration” concert program, amateur artists delighted the audience with Russian and Udmurt songs and fiery dances. Thanks to bright costumes, undeniable performing skills and talent, their national flavor was fully revealed, as evidenced by the thunderous applause of the audience.

Our district was represented by two creative groups. These are the national ensemble “Zangari” from the village of Astrakhan and the vocal trio “Verenitsa” from the village of Elgan. They are known and loved not only in the Uninsky district, but also beyond.

All creative teams were awarded Diplomas for participation in the festival and cooperation in strengthening interethnic relations.

In parallel with the concert program, an exhibition-fair of arts and crafts “Creations of Souls and Hands” was held on the square. Craftsmen from the Bogorodsky, Uninsky and Falensky districts will attend an exhibition of beadwork, decoupage works, wood carving and painting, and others. The products delighted the eye with their beauty and originality; it was felt that real craftsmen who loved their craft had a hand in their production. All exhibitors were awarded letters of gratitude.

In the building of the Astrakhan sports complex, an exhibition of national dishes “What is in the oven - everything is on the table” was held. The presented dishes of Russian and Udmurt national cuisines can rightfully be called culinary masterpieces. The winner of the exhibition was guests from the Zuevsky district in the “National Color” category, who presented a variety of dishes, setting a real festive table. And in the “Exotic Dish” category, Anatoly Zolotarev (Astrakhan village) won. The Audience Award went to Glazov.

Family teams from Glazovsky, Uninsky, Krasnogorsky and Zuevsky districts took part in the game program “Family Together - Soul in Place”. Competitive tasks were dedicated to favorite television programs: KVN (the visiting card of the teams), “Hacienda” (“construction” of paper parts of the house of your dreams, which is based on love, friendship, mutual understanding, respect for the older generation, as well as material wealth, health and well-being). The “Smak” competitions turned out to be fun and mischievous, where you had to eat an apple suspended on a string at speed and without using your hands, as well as “Crazy Hands”, in which participants used balloons to “blind” a new member of their family, giving him an original name and making up a funny story about him. The drawing of prizes in the “Russian Lotto” competition caused delight and excitement. And flying on brooms at the very beginning of the game program gave a real charge of positivity not only to the participants themselves, but also to the spectators. The winners of the game were the Begishev family from the Glazov region.

The spectators themselves were able to take part in the game program “Valentine Prowess” and show their strength, dexterity, ingenuity and erudition in sports competitions.

During the breaks between scheduled events and after the official part, there was a “Free Microphone”. Everyone could sing songs, express their wishes and words of gratitude, and simply dance to lively music.

Throughout the holiday, kebabs and kupats, delicious pastries, ice cream, juices and sweets were sold on the territory of the sports complex. There was an amusement park: a trampoline, a shooting range, a horizontal bar, inflatable rides, and a sale of cotton candy.

As in previous years, the holiday turned out to be kind, cheerful and special, with its own zest and creative approach of its organizers, as evidenced by numerous words of gratitude from participants and spectators. Many spectators, having been here once, consider it their good tradition to come here again and again, every year more and more “falling in love” with our Uninskaya “Border”, the unique beauty of Astrakhan places and the special atmosphere of this holiday.

We can say with complete confidence that the holiday was a great success, which means it will live on, contributing to the development of folk art, the preservation of Russian and Udmurt national cultures and the strengthening of interethnic relations.

Head of the Uninsky district A.N. Panteleev

Head of the Astrakhan rural settlement of the Uninsky district

Porshneva G.V. and Zolotarev A.A.

Zuevsky district of Kirov region

Falensky district of Kirov region

Astrakhan village, Uninsky district, Kirov region

Glazovsky district. Republic of Udmurtia

June 12 is a holiday - Russia Day. Until 2002, this holiday was called Russian Independence Day. Russia Day is a public holiday, which is one of the “youngest” holidays in the country.

June 12 is a holiday - Russia Day. Until 2002, this holiday was called Russian Independence Day. Russia Day is a public holiday, which is one of the “youngest” holidays in the country.

For our Chesma, for our region, this is not only Russia Day, but also a memorable date - 240 years since the victory of the Russian fleet in Chesma Bay. To commemorate the Russian victory, a memorial column was erected in St. Petersburg in Tsarskoe Selo, and the Chesmians erected such a column in Chesma on the banks of the Tuetkan River in memory of the historical event that gave its name to our region. It has also become a tradition to honor villagers on this day - workers of spring field work.

It should be noted that the river bank near the column was pleasantly transformed for the holiday: an obelisk in memory of the “founders of Chesma” was erected, fountains made playful noise next to the bank, not far from the column there was a large anchor, and on both sides there were cannons. Here, on the river bank, it was decided to hold a solemn meeting dedicated to this significant date.

On this day, Chesma was expecting guests; we were visited by the first deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region, Yuri Karlikanov, and the assistant to the deputy of the regional parliament, K. I. Strukova, Tatyana Sokolkina.

At the ceremonial meeting, the residents of Chesma received congratulations from the Head of the Chesma municipal district, Viktor Grigorievich Litovchenko, as well as from dear guests. Afterwards, wreaths and fresh flowers were laid at the foot of the stele. The ceremonial part of the holiday ended here, and all participants in the rally headed to the recreation area. It is there that “Chesma Day” is celebrated annually, and each time this holiday is especially interesting.

The small forest attracted a lot of people, because on that day there was something to see and something to do. My attention was attracted by the exhibition of masters; there were master stone-cutters, young artists, and wood-carving masters. Of course, all this is certainly very beautiful, but what especially caught my attention was the exhibition of wood crafts. Two young craftsmen sat here and cut intricate patterns on planks. All this attracted me not only because it looks very beautiful, but also because this is, perhaps, very difficult work, requiring not only certain skills, but also perseverance. Oleg Anatolyevich Burov, the teacher of these young children, not only loves this work himself, but also instilled a love for a complex hobby in many more children in the village of Tarutino.

All the guests who came to the holiday really enjoyed the theatrical performance “From the Aegean Sea to the Ural Steppes.” It was staged at the highest level and, I think, that everyone who was present at it will remember it for many years to come and watch videos and photographs from this celebration, because they tried to “film” this parade, at least with a phone camera, almost every viewer.

And for the very young population, a special program was held, where the children sang, danced, participated in various competitions and, of course, received sweet prizes for this. Athletes also gathered a lot of spectators: boys competed in wrestling on a specially designated area, and not far from them the men's and women's teams played volleyball. Also on this day there were competitions in arm wrestling and football. In general, there was something to see.

The public festivities in the recreation area lasted a very long time, and their continuation was the “Remember Your Name” action, which already took place at the Chesme Column. It is very gratifying that so many people responded to the call to remember their ancestors. As planned earlier, in memory of the founders of Chesma, wreaths with lit candles were lowered onto the water - it was very beautiful.

“Chesma Day” is how we call this holiday in our native language. This is perhaps the only holiday that truly unites our entire area, a day when many residents from different villages in our area come together to celebrate this event. Every year the celebration of this holiday becomes more solemn, more interesting and better. Every year there is some new twist in this event. On behalf of all residents, I would like to thank the organizers of this celebration, the scriptwriters, as well as everyone who took part in holding this holiday.

Thank you!

N. Emelyanova, literary worker.

Small addition

In general, the atmosphere and course of the holiday in Natalia Emelyanova’s material is conveyed very correctly. But I would like to talk about the solemn meeting and the celebration of the 240th anniversary of the victory in Chesme Bay in a little more detail. And name those who were called for awards on this day.

First, after the traditional congratulations, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region, Yuri Raisovich Karlikanov, together with the Deputy Head of the District, Head of the District Agricultural Administration, Alexey Andreevich Cheshko, presented certificates and cash prizes to the machine operators who showed the best results in sowing spring crops to Movlitnan Ishbuldovich Abdullin from Svetloe LLC and Valery Makarovich Pariychuk - Novaya Zarya LLC, then the chief agronomist of Svetloye LLC, Valery Sergeevich Vyskrebentsev, was awarded for many years of conscientious work and high performance in the field cultivation industry.

Among livestock breeders, awards were given to the best machine milking operators Lyudmila Nikolaevna Pavlova - Svetloye LLC, Anna Vyacheslavovna Tarasova - Shevchenko Farm Farm, the best calf producer Liliya Alekseevna Sych - Rassvet LLC and the best pig farmer - Vera Leonidovna Zherebtsova - Agrosoyuz LLC.

By the way, Yu. R. Karlikanov said that before the start of the holiday he was able to visit the regional museum and was pleased with how reverently the Chesme residents treat preserving the memory of the past of our villages, our region. The second part of the holiday also spoke about this.

Everyone who came to the recreation area was cordially greeted by the Head of the district, Viktor Grigorievich Litovchenko, Yu. R. Karlikanov, and from the Legislative Assembly, assistant to the deputy of the ZSO Konstantin Ivanovich Strukov - Tatyana Pavlovna Sokolkina.

The Certificate of Honor of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region for many years and conscientious work was awarded to the teacher of additional education of the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Creativity "House of Children's Creativity" Petr Efimovich Kolenchenko, the chief engineer of the agricultural production complex "Belovsky" Yuri Ivanovich Lychagin, the senior nurse of the therapeutic department of the Chesmenskaya Central District Hospital Svetlana Ivanovna Kolenchenko, teacher choreographic department of the municipal institution of additional education for children ChDSHI Nadezhda Ivanovna Churikova. Here is the voice of the presenter: “Based on the results of work for 2009, the Main Department of Internal Affairs for the Chelyabinsk Region awards the Department of Internal Affairs for the Chesmensky Municipal District for the achieved indicators in operational activities.” The second degree diploma is received by the head of the police department, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Vadimovich Laptev.

On April 11, 1967, a good tradition arose in Chesme: to award the most worthy people in the region the title: “Honorary Citizen.” This year this title was awarded to Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Palkicheva from the village of Uglitsky. Her former colleague, and now the head of the Uglitsky settlement, T.V. Sycheva, recently spoke well about her in our newspaper.

And lastly, the title “Person of the Year” was awarded in the nomination “Culture” to the head of the department of culture of the Chesmensky district Marina Mikhailovna Gorozhanina, in the nomination “Education” to the chemistry teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Belovskaya Secondary School” Anna Nikitichna Lykova, in the nomination “Healthcare” to the anesthetist-rheumatologist Imomiddin Kurganovich Radzhabov, in the nomination “Agriculture” to Nikolai Nikitovich Shapoval, a machine operator of the Shevchenko Agricultural Production Complex, in the nomination “Small and Medium Business” to individual entrepreneur Alexander Valentinovich Serkov and in the nomination “Social Policy” to Tatyana Georgievna, director of the MU “Comprehensive Center” for social services of the population Artemyeva.

Children danced and sang in front of the crowd, the Chesma Anthem sounded, and in conclusion all groups sang the song “Sunny Circle”. It was spectacular, it was just great! As Natasha Emelyanova says: “The holiday was a success!”

V. Batavin.

13:24 Closed cities of the Southern Urals: is it easy to live “behind barbed wire”

Closed administrative-territorial entities, or ZATOs for short, began to appear in Russia while working on the creation of nuclear weapons in the mid-40s. The Chelyabinsk region became one of the regions where the nuclear industry was born.

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