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Quotes about pure love. Great Quotes About Love

Love is... in statements and quotes from philosophers, writers, psychologists, sociologists, artists, humanists, theologians, teachers, historians, statesmen and public figures, scientists, poets, and simply famous and outstanding people. Bright, interesting with humor and serious, deep, and sometimes very simple... In general, the most interesting thoughts about what love is.
Love is a delightful deception to which a person agrees of his own free will.
Alexander Pushkin

Love is selfishness together.
Germaine de Stael

Love is... the manifestation of the immortal principle in a mortal being.

Love is mutual sacrilege.
Karol Izhikowski

Love is happiness that trembles with fear.
D. H. Gibran

Love is an ocean of feelings, surrounded by expenses everywhere.
Thomas Dewar

Paul Geraldi

Love is the happiness that is given to each other.
George Sand

Love is a short period of time when a person of the opposite sex has exactly the same opinion about us as we do ourselves.
Magdalena the Impostor

Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing we can give and yet you still have it.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Paulo Coelho

Love is a reward received without merit.
Ricarda Huch

Love is not the plaintive moan of a distant violin, but the triumphant creak of bed springs.
Sydney Pearlman

Love is the most proven way to overcome shame.
Sigmund Freud

Love is a game of cards in which both bluff: one to win, the other not to lose.
Henri Renier

Love is a miracle of civilization.

Love is a way of hearing "Darling" or "Honey" after having sex.
Julian Barnes

Love is the triumph of imagination over intellect.
Henry Louis Mencken

Love is all. And that's all we know about her.
Emily Dickinson

Love is the energy of life.
Robert Browning

Loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking together in the same direction.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love is all you need.
John Lennon

Love is full of traps and traps. When she wants to make herself known, she shows only her light, and hides and hides the shadows generated by it.
Paulo Coelho

To love means to affirm the unique existence of another person.
S. L. Rubinstein

Love is the greatest feeling, which generally works miracles, which creates new people, creates the greatest human values.
A. S. Makarenko

Love is a gift from heaven that requires to be cherished by the most perfect souls and the most beautiful imagination. Ardent pleasures are lulled by marriage, the gift of heaven is lost under the influence of coarse and tasteless debauchery, and profit turns it into a commodity.
K. Helvetius

Love is not one of the attributes of the Divine, but the sum of all His attributes.
D. Gibbons

Love is a frantic attraction to that which runs away from us.
M. Montaigne

Love is always a path to another, a search for “another self”...
N. A. Berdyaev

Love is the shortest path from one heart to another: a straight line.
M. Bedil

Love is the consciousness of your true life, united in Everything. Children, coming from THERE, still clearly feel this life and its only manifestation in love that is completely accessible to us. Consciousness of one's personal life is self-deception. Old age gradually frees us from it. Death completely liberates.
L. N. Tolstoy

Love is the center of human life.
T. Gyatso
Does loving mean looking in the same direction together? Perhaps, but only if they are not looking at the TV.
Gilbert Sesbron

To love means to stop comparing.
Bernard Grasse

Francois Mauriac

Love is the best cosmetics.
Gina Lollobrigida

Love is not the beginning of life, but only recognition of the consciousness of the beginning of life, God.
L. N. Tolstoy

Love is the highest and ultimate goal to which a person can strive. Man's salvation lies in love and is achieved through love.
V. E. Frankl

Love is a delusion that one woman is different from another.
Henry Louis Mencken

Love is the best cosmetics. But it’s easier to buy cosmetics.
Yves Saint Laurent

Love is a toothache in the heart.
Heinrich Heine

What is love?.. It is probably a mosaic of feelings from which not a single stone can be thrown out.
A. B. Mariengof

To love means to see a miracle invisible to others.
F. Mauriac

Love is a miracle, a moral miracle.
V. V. Rozanov

Love is a real Orpheus, who raised humanity from an animal state.
E. Renan

Love is a reverent, religious perception of a specific living being, a vision of a certain divine principle in it. All true love - no matter whether the lover himself is aware of it or not - is in its very essence a religious feeling.
S. L. Frank

Your love is my altar.

Love is the highest reality, the first cause... Love is the final goal of world history, the amen of the universe.

Love is eternal prosperity.
John Climacus

Love is pain, love is scars, love is wounds and marks.
Love hurts, love scars, love wounds and marks

Love is the true, highest good, which resolves all the contradictions of life and not only destroys the fear of death, but also attracts a person to sacrifice his existence for others.
L. N. Tolstoy

Love is the cause of all blessings.
Ephraim Sirin

...Love is generally a precious good, happiness and consolation of human life - moreover, its only true basis...
S. L. Frank

Love is good. It is not for nothing that, in fact, at all times, among almost all cultural peoples, love in the broad sense and the love of a husband for his wife is called love. If love is often cruel and destructive, then the reason is not in itself, but in the inequality of people.
A. P. Chekhov

The highest value on this Earth is Love.
A. A. Blok

To love means to wish for another what you consider to be good, and to wish, moreover, not for your own sake, but for the sake of the one you love, and try, if possible, to deliver this good to him.

Love is the salt of virtues.
Ephraim Sirin

Love is the sister of lofty thoughts.
S. P. Shchipachev

Love according to God is a transition from evil.
John Climacus

Love is the enemy of excess. In it, as in food, preference should be given not to quantity, but to quality.
A. and S. Golon

Love is like a kind of tender singing from the depths; but the depth of unspiritualized instinct can be touched by temptation and sing with pleasure in sin.

Love is kindness - not only because it surrounds its beloved object with sympathy, cares about it, suffers and rejoices with it, but also because love, in itself, gives a person happiness and evokes in the happy person the need to make everyone happy and everyone around you and enjoy this other people's happiness as a radiation of your own.
I. A. Ilyin

Loving is the only meaning of life. And the meaning of meanings, the meaning of happiness.
P. Verlaine

Love is the last and most severe childhood disease.
author unknown

Love is our second birth.
O. Balzac

Love is rebirth.
V. V. Rozanov

Love is the treasury of happiness: the more it gives, the more it receives.
W. Muller

Love is nothing more than the desire for happiness for another person.
D. Hume

Love is fire, longing for happiness.
His irresistible power
Any creature is subordinate.
Lope de Vega

Love is the motto of human life.
D. D. Minaev

Love is life itself; but not an unreasonable, suffering and perishing life, but a blessed and endless life.
L. N. Tolstoy

...Love is the root of life.
V. V. Rozanov

Love is the sweet core of life.

Love is the apotheosis of life.
A. I. Herzen

Love is the one and complete activity of true life.
L. N. Tolstoy

Love is the desire to live.
M. Gorky

Love is an ideal thing, marriage is real; mixing the real with the ideal never goes unpunished.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Love is, as it were, the universal energy of life, which has the ability to transform evil passions into creative passions.
Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev

Love is the great decoration of life. She makes nature bloom, play with colors, sing the most wonderful songs, dance magnificent dances.
A. V. Lunacharsky

Love is the apotheosis of beauty, beauty is the woman herself.
D. D. Minaev

Love is a lush, graceful flower that crowns and ends an individual life; but he, like all flowers, must be opened with one side, his best side, towards the universal sky.
A. I. Herzen

Love is the connection of a loved one with one’s most sincere ideas, the realization through him of one’s meaning in life.
A. P. Platonov

Love is both the meaning and the goal of the entire essence of existence, -
Anyone who lives lives by love alone.
Hafiz Khorezmi

...But if love... is the desire for the eternal possession of good, then along with good one cannot help but desire immortality. This means that love is the desire for immortality.

Love is the greatest reward for a person.
D. D. Minaev

Love is an active action, not a passive acceptance. This is “standing in...”, not “falling somewhere.” In its most general form, the active nature of love can be described by the statement that love means primarily to give, and not to receive.
Erich Fromm

Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing you can give and still have it.
author unknown

Love is a voluntary gift.
I. Goethe

Love is the most morning of our feelings.
B. Fontenelle

Love is an intimate and personal sphere of life in which society does not dare to interfere.
Nikolay Berdyaev

Love is the most powerful of human feelings; friendship is the noblest and most delicate addition to love.
Unknown author

Love is the highest feeling; it is as much higher than friendship as religion is higher than speculation, as much as the delight of a poet is higher than the thought of a scientist. Religion and love, they do not take part of the soul, they do not need a part, they do not look for a modest corner in the heart, they need the whole soul, they do not divide, they intersect, merge.
A. I. Herzen

Love is not just a subjective feeling, due to which what we love “likes” us, gives us joy or pleasure. The object of love, on the contrary, often causes us grief and suffering...
S. L. Frank

Love is a wonderful, exciting, touching feeling.
J. Bedier

Love is the child of illusion and at the same time the mother of disappointment.
Miguel de Unamuno

Love is the most intimate and inviolable feeling.
V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Love is the truest kinship.
And there is nothing closer to him in the world.
Lope de Vega

Love is a man's attempt to be satisfied with one single woman.
P. Geraldi

Love is the main way to escape from loneliness, which torments most men and women throughout almost their entire lives.
B. Russell

Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.
Russian folk proverb

Any person, once falling in love, begins to look for beautiful quotes about love, and sayings about love. And indeed, we are designed in such a way that wonderful feelings arouse in us a desire for everything beautiful.

On this page you will find wonderful statements by great and simply famous people that will help you sort out your feelings, as well as simply understand more deeply the essence of the highest feeling.

Sayings about love

Any discussion about love destroys love.

Lev Tolstoy

Love can be analyzed only if it has already decomposed.

Paolo Mantegazza

Knowledge is detrimental to love. Only the unknown captivates us. In the fog everything seems extraordinary.

Oscar Wilde

Love is a disease of the head, harming mainly the ability to feel and think.

Avicenna (11th century)

Love is a theorem that needs to be proven daily.

Love: a physiological function that has made a dizzying career.

Julian Tuwim

Give in to lust in winter, do not give in in summer; It is less dangerous in spring and autumn, but it is dangerous at any time and is not good for health.


This statement is universal in its form and precision.

Love - and do what you want. If you are silent, be silent out of love; if you speak, speak out of love; if you blame, blame out of love; if you spare, spare out of love.


True love always makes you a better person, no matter who the woman you love is.

Alexandre Dumas (son)

It is deceptive to make all interest in life dependent on such intense feelings as love.

Maria Skladovskaya-Curie

Love is a temporary blindness to the charms of other women.

Attributed to Marcello Mastroianni

The following statement belongs to a remarkable Eastern sage:

Love is a foolish thing done together.

Attributed to Napoleon I

A man cannot be more than the woman he loves allows him to be.

Pablo Picasso

Love has passed, the Muse has appeared.

Alexander Pushkin

A romantic cannot be a woman’s companion, but only her cortege.

Erich Maria Remarque

Love is the sweetest, but also the slowest ripening fruit. No man or woman, in essence, knows what true love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century.

Mark Twain

Any love, happy as well as unhappy, is a real disaster when you give yourself completely to it.

Ivan Turgenev

Love always promises the impossible and makes you believe in the impossible.

Oscar Wilde

The paradox of love: two become one while remaining two.

Erich Fromm

And this statement belongs to an unknown author. At its core, it very accurately demonstrates the relationship between husband and wife.

The love of a husband and wife lies in the fact that they cannot live without each other just as they cannot live together.

If there is love in the world - and there is! – then she is not far from madness.


What is love? Either this is a remnant of something degenerating that was once huge, or it is part of something that in the future will develop into something huge, but in the present it does not satisfy, it gives much less than you expect.

Anton Chekhov

People talk endlessly about love - as they talk, for example, about religion - as if about something very ordinary. But much closer to the truth was the Frenchman, who wrote that great passion is as rare as genius.

George Bernard Shaw

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

People don’t believe in rheumatism or true love until the first attack.

Maria Ebner Eschenbach

There is no concept more arbitrary than “true love.” All love is real, whether it is swift or quiet, sensual or ascetic, long-lasting or fleeting, whether it leads a person to suicide or to pleasure.

George Sand

The story of true love never ends.

Richard Bach

True love is the kind that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure. If this happens, it is immortal, while its other species inevitably fade away, being just fruits of fantasy.

Giacomo Casanova

Petty sorrows and shallow love are tenacious. Great love and great grief perish from the excess of their power.

Oscar Wilde

For love to be eternal, indifference must be mutual.

Don Aminado (Aminad Shpolyansky)

A woman does not want to understand that loving her forever does not mean loving her all the time, without interruptions.

Jacques Deval

The only difference between whim and love to death is that whim lasts a little longer.

Oscar Wilde

Love is all. That's all we know about her.

Emily Dickinson

Love is a toothache in the heart.

Heinrich Heine

Love is an unknown thing that comes from unknown where and ends unknown when.

Madeleine de Scudery

Love is selfishness together.

Paraphrased by Germaine de Staël

Love is a short period of time when a person of the opposite sex has exactly the same opinion about us as we do.

Magdalena the Impostor

If an ordinary woman and an ordinary man consider each other extraordinary, this is love.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

The wife of the outstanding poet Osip Mandelstam gives interesting statements about love. Here's the quote:

Honestly, I don’t believe in love without bed and more than once shocked Akhmatova with a direct question: “Did he ask you to sleep with him?” There is another meter that caused universal indignation: “How much did he spend on you?”

Nadezhda Mandelstam

The lover is more divine than the beloved because he is inspired by God.


I love and I am loved. Alas, this is not the same person.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

To love means to suffer; to be loved is to cause suffering.

Duchess Diana (Marie de Bossac)

Nothing is valued so cheaply by a man as the sacrifices a woman makes for him.

Quote from an unknown person

A woman will always sacrifice herself if given the right opportunity. This is her favorite way to please herself.

Somerset Maugham

And this is a very deep aphorism. It surprisingly accurately conveys the ideal of relationships between men and women.

Women are too distrustful of men in general and too trusting of them in particular.

Gustave Flaubert

If a person is especially dear to me, I never tell anyone his name. It's the same as giving some part of it to someone else.

Oscar Wilde

No matter how pleasant love is, its external manifestations still give us more joy than love itself.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Only an ugly woman is capable of truly loving, because she is not in love with herself.

Cornel Makuszynski

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Aphorisms, briefly about them. As you know, everything has already been said about love. Therefore, it makes no sense to come up with something yourself, but you can borrow quotes from famous people. We invite you to read the 100 best sayings about love!

Aphorisms great people store within themselves a huge storehouse of wisdom. As you know, everything has already been said about love. Therefore, it makes no sense to come up with something yourself, but you can borrow quotes from famous people. We invite you to read the 100 best sayings about love - aphorisms.

Aphorisms. Part I

1. To love means to wish for another what you consider to be good, and to wish, moreover, not for your own sake, but for the sake of the one you love, and try, if possible, to deliver this good to him. Aristotle

2. Seeking variety in love is a sign of powerlessness. Honore de Balzac

3. You can fall in love out of jealousy alone. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

4. If you judge someone, then you don't have time to love them. Mother Teresa

5. Glory is a love accessible to few; love is glory available to everyone. Grigory Landau

6. The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom. Anthony Bret

7. You can’t hide love and a cough. Ancient proverb

8. Marriage is the only war during which you sleep with the enemy. La Rochefoucauld

9. We recognize as a person only one whose soul dreams in love as much about spiritual pleasure as about bodily pleasure. Honore de Balzac

10. Love is the main way to escape from loneliness, which torments most men and women throughout almost their entire lives. Bertrand Russell

11. Love is like luck: it does not like to be chased. T. Gauthier

12. In first love, the soul is taken before the body; later they take him before the soul, and sometimes they don’t take the soul at all. Victor Hugo.

13. It is easier to love memories than a living person. Pierre La Mure

14. You may be just a person in this world, but for someone you are the whole world. Marquez

15. Love that is not renewed every day turns into a habit, and that, in turn, into slavery. D. Gibran

16. Love is not an external manifestation, it is always inside us. Louise Hay

17. Love runs away from those who chase after it, and throws itself on the neck of those who run away. William Shakespeare

18. A woman attracts men to her by playing on her charm, and keeps them near her by playing on their vices. Somerset Maugham

19. The stupidest woman can cope with the smartest man, but only the smartest woman can cope with a fool. Rudyard Kipling

20. Love is the most interesting and most forgivable of all human weaknesses. Charles Dickens

21. A woman only believes the word “love” when it is said quietly and simply. Yaroslav Galan

22. Women's instinct is worth the foresight of great people. Honore de Balzac

23. To win a man, a woman needs only to awaken the worst that is in him. Oscar Wilde

24. Love is a battle of two sexes. A woman must defend herself first, a man must defend himself after, and woe to the vanquished! Alexander Dumas son

25. Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find the bottom and does not see the limit. Johann Schiller

26. You need to nourish your love, and not feed on it. Chantil de Moustier

27. If you don’t love too much, it means you don’t love enough! L. Du Peschier

28. He who is poor in love is stingy even with his politeness. Friedrich Nietzsche

29. The most interesting thing in love, especially for men, is victory and breakup; everything else is a gimmick. M. Donnet

30. The tragedy of love is indifference. Somerset Maugham

31. Only happy love can prolong the youth of a mature man. Any other instantly turns him into an old man. Albert Camus

32. Love is an occupation for an idle person, entertainment for a warrior, and a pitfall for a sovereign. Napoleon

33. Any love that has its cause not in freedom of spirit, but in something else, easily turns into hatred. Spinoza

34. To resist love means to provide it with new weapons. George Sand

35. There is a kind of love that, in its highest manifestation, leaves no room for jealousy. La Rochefoucauld

36. Love should not be measured as young people measure it, that is, by the strength of passion, but by its fidelity and strength. Cicero

37. Falling in love begins with a person deceiving himself, and ends with him deceiving another. Oscar Wilde

38. To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. G. Leibniz

39. You love not the one you go to bed with, but the one you wake up next to. T. Guerin

40. If pride screams, it means love is silent. F. Gerfaud

41. Selfless love is more common in life than true friendship. J. Labruyère

42. Love is a delusion that one woman is different from another. G. Mencken

43. The main essence of love is trust. Anna Stahl

44. Love has created a whole ladder of pleasures, and vision in it is only the first step. Lucian

45. Love is a crisis, a decisive moment of life, awaited with trepidation by the heart. Michel Montaigne

46. ​​In the world of feelings there is only one law - to create the happiness of the one you love. Stendhal.

47. Souls meet on the lips of lovers. P. Shelley

48. Unforgivable pride is not wanting to owe your happiness to your loved one. G. Lessing

49. You cannot love either the one you fear or the one who fears you. Cicero

50. Love is like an epidemic disease; The more we fear it, the more defenseless we are in front of it. N. Chamfort

Aphorisms. Part II.

51. For lovers, like birds, they need not only a nest, but also the sky. E. Panteleev

52. People love not for something, but in spite of it. A. Vasiliev

53. People are surprised that the female praying mantis devours the male after an act of love. However, there are many women who do the same." E. Ray

54. A woman has all her heart, even her head. Jean Paul

55. If a person did not fall in love until he was forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after that. B. Shaw

56. It is the same in love and in war: the fortress that conducts the negotiations is already half taken. Marguerite Valois

57. Love hurts even the gods. Petronius

58. Chastity is the most unnatural of all sexual perversions. O. Huxley

59. If you dream of a rainbow, be prepared to get caught in the rain. Dolly Parton

60. It is not always in our will to be loved, but it is always up to us not to be despised. A. Knigge

61. Love is too great a feeling to be only a personal, intimate matter for everyone. B.Shaw

62. Sex is the greatest thing that unloving people can give each other, and the least of what loving people can give each other. E. Panteleev

63. Love is poor if it can be measured. W. Shakespeare

64. If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first. A. Vampilov

65. Love is characteristic only of a sane person. Epictetus

66. Loved ones inspire, loving ones feed. T. Kleiman

67. If you want to love for a long time, love with your mind, not your heart. S. Johnson

68. Love cannot be cured with herbs. Ovid

69. Love is eternity given in time. G. Malkin

70. Falling in love is a firm knowledge that happiness exists. A. Kruglov

71. It is difficult to love those whom we do not respect at all, but it is even more difficult to love those whom we respect more than ourselves. F. La Rochefoucauld

72. Constancy is the eternal dream of love. Vauvenargues

73. Love is like a tree; it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our entire being and often continues to turn green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart. V. Hugo

74. True love can be recognized by how much it makes a person better, and also by how much it brightens the soul. Leonid Andreev

75. When you drink the wine of love, you have to leave something in the glass. I. Shaw

76. Whoever doesn’t love anyone himself, it seems to me, no one loves him either. Democritus

77. A man who speaks intelligently about love does not love very much. J. Sand

78. Love that seeks something other than the revelation of its own secret is not love, but a set of nets in which only the useless is caught. D. H. Gibran

79. You can only love what you know. L. da Vinci

80. When hearts are full of love and beat only from meeting to separation, a slight hint is enough to understand each other. R. Tagore

81. A person deceived in love knows no mercy. Pierre Corneille

82. True love does not tolerate strangers. E.M. Remarque

83. How important it is for long-term relationships to bring you closer together! T. Kleiman

84. Love can change a person beyond recognition. Terence

85. Love that wants to be only spiritual becomes a shadow; if it is devoid of spirituality, then it becomes meanness. G. Senkevich

86. Loving someone who obviously hates us is not in human nature. G. Fielding

87. Love was without joy, separation will be without sorrow. M.Yu. Lermontov

88. Only small people always weigh what should be respected and what should be loved. L. Vauvenargues

89. Only love bought with money is worth nothing. E. Tarasov

90. Only that love is fair that strives for the beautiful without causing offense. Democritus

91. The people we love almost always have more power over our soul than we ourselves. F. La Rochefoucauld

92. In family life, the most important screw is love. Anton Chekhov

93. For love, yesterday does not exist; love does not think about tomorrow. She greedily reaches out to the present day, but she needs this whole day, unlimited, unclouded. G. Heine

94. Vanity chooses, true love does not choose. I. Bunin

95. We love both a child and a friend only if we already know how to love. And a man learns this from a woman. R. Wagner

96. The extreme opposite of love is not separation, not jealousy, not oblivion, not self-interest, but quarrel. Lope de Vega

97. Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love. For her, if she loves, love contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe! A. Kuprin

98. Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as error is from truth. George Sand

99. True intimacy usually starts from afar. V. Zhemchuzhnikov

100. Love is the universal energy of life, which has the ability to transform evil passions into creative passions. N. Berdyaev

We present to your attention a large selection of aphorisms about love - everything about love and about love in sayings, aphorisms and quotes.....

Initially, it was planned to make a small selection of aphorisms - but in love, not everything is so simple, and simple at the same time... In general, read, enjoy and share your aphorisms, thoughts and quotes....

The best aphorisms about love

“He who has never sought friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than he who has lost both.” - (J.-P. Richter)

"Only he means something who loves something. Not being anything and not loving anything are the same thing." - (L. Feuerbach)

“Only in moments of meeting and parting do people know how much love their hearts held.” - (J.-P. Richter)

“Only one-third is achieved through abuse; through love and concessions, everything is achieved.” (J.-P. Richter)

"Not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction - that's what it means to love." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

“Love is blind, and it can blind a person so that the road that seems most reliable to him turns out to be the most slippery.” - (Margarita Valois)

“Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as error is from truth.” - (J. Sand)

“For a loving person, the entire universe has merged in the beloved being.” - (L. Berne)

“Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to go to the brink and pluck it.” (Stendhal)

"True love does not recognize any orders and no vows." - (Margarita Valois)

When a woman dies of love for you, it's already something like a diploma. (M. Ashar)

“I have heard so many times about people who die of love, but in my entire life I have never seen any of them actually die.” - (Margarita Valois)

"Love is a theorem that must be proven every day!" - (Archimedes)

“Love dies from fatigue, and oblivion buries it.” - (J. Labruyère)

"The will to love means the willingness to die." - (F. Nietzsche)

“The fading of love is irrefutable proof that man is limited and the heart has limits.” - (J. Labruyère)

Women are created to be loved, not understood. (O. Wilde)

The ideal woman is the one who has the ideal husband. (B. Tarkington)

There are no ugly women, there are only women who do not know how to be beautiful. (J. Lambruyère)
Whoever can rule a woman can rule a state. (O. Balzac)

Great opportunities come to everyone, but many don't even know they are there. (W. Dunning)

Contrary to popular belief, women also love to make things: for example, they do not at all strive to marry perfection, they prefer to finish their husbands themselves. (M. Gillois)

“With one glance you can kill love, with one glance you can resurrect it.” - (W. Shakespeare)

“Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing.” - (A. Dumas-son)

“Before a woman swears not to love anyone but herself, she should have seen all women or seen only her alone.” (P. Buast)

"Attachment should not be too watchful... love is not made with glasses." - (R. Burton)

“He who is poor in love is stingy even with his politeness.” - (F. Nietzsche)

“We must learn to love ourselves - with a healthy and holy love, in order to remain true to ourselves and not lose ourselves. (F. Nietzsche)

"You can only love what you know." - (L. da Vinci)

“To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.” - (G. Leibniz)

“To be able to express how much you love means to love little.” - (F. Petrarch)

“In love they lose their minds, but in marriage they notice this loss.” - (M. Safir)

“The hardest thing to heal is the love that flared up at first sight.” - (J. Labruyère)

"Love is the real Orpheus, who raised humanity from its animal state." - (E. Renan)

"Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future." - (O. Balzac)

"True love knows no satiety. Being entirely spiritual, it cannot cool down." - (V. Hugo)

"Love under a mask is like fire under ashes." - (C. Goldoni)

“Separation is for love what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes small love, and fans the big one even stronger.” (A.I. Kuprin)

“Love is like a sticky disease: the more you are afraid of it, the sooner you will catch it.” - (N. Chamfort)

“Love runs away from those who chase it, and falls on the necks of those who run away.” - (W. Shakespeare)

“Love is... the high impulse of the individual to grow and mature, to become something within himself, to become a certain world, to become a world within himself for the sake of another. This is a great, almost exorbitant demand, something that chooses us and calls for great things. Love is when two people come together to protect, support and enjoy each other." (Rainer Maria Rilke)

“It is much easier to grieve for someone you love than to live with someone you hate.” - (J. Labruyère)

“I lived for two days without seeing you, and thereby proved that I am able to endure anything.” (B. Shaw)

"A KISS is when two souls meet each other with the tips of their lips." (Goethe)

“To be able to express how much you love means little.” (French Petrarch)

“A woman loves victory over a man who belongs to another!” (O. de Balzac)

“It always seems to us that they love us because we are good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good.” (L. Tolstoy)

"Friendship is love without wings." (Byron)

"A woman is young as long as she is loved." (G. Flaubert)

"Do you want to be happy? Learn to suffer first." (I.S. Turgenev)

"Women have all the heart, even the head." (Jean Paul)

"A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man doesn't worry about the future until he gets married." (Coco Chanel)

“He who loves many knows women, He who loves one knows Love.” (Ilya Selvinsky)

"Love, money and worries cannot be hidden." (Lope de Vega)

"Jealousy is the sister of love, just as the devil is the brother of angels." (S. Buffle)

"Love cannot rule over people, but it can change them." (Goethe)

"The kingdom of a woman is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety and tolerance." (Rousseau)

"To love someone means to want only the best for that person." (Thomas Aquinas)

“A man who talks intelligently about love is not very in love.” (J. Sand)

“Love, like fire, goes out without food.” (M. Lermontov)

“Love is omnipotent: there is no grief on Earth higher than its punishment, no happiness higher than the pleasure of serving it.” (W. Shakespeare)

“The happiness of love is in action: love is tested by the willingness to do for others.” (L. Wallace)

“In the presence of the object of love, the boldest lips become numb, and exactly what one would like to say remains unspoken.” (M. Cervantes)

"Equality is the strongest foundation of love." - (G. Lessing)

"Love and doubt can never get along with each other." - (D.H. Gibran)

"There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other." - (S. Connolly)

“It is the same in love and war: the fortress that negotiates is half taken.” - (Margarita Valois)

“When you drink the wine of love, you have to leave something in the glass.” - (I. Shaw)

"Love is a wise invention of nature: he who loves easily does what he must." - (W. Schwöbel)

Love never asks, it always gives. Swami Vivekananda

A person's demand to be loved is the greatest of all conceits. Friedrich Nietzsche

Love is more honest than trust, and the deceived lover deserves not pity, but surprise and respect. Andrey Platonov

Unrequited love does not humiliate a person, but elevates him. Alexander Pushkin

Ultimately, love is nothing more than a reflection in people of a person’s own merits. Ralph Emerson

You need to have something in common to understand each other, and be different in some way to love each other. Paul Geraldi

Love, and not German philosophy, serves as an explanation of this world. Oscar Wilde

To love means to stop comparing. Bernard Grasse

Does loving mean looking in one direction? Perhaps, but only if he and she don't watch TV. Gilbert Sesbron

We can get rid of illness with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many people in the world who die of hunger, but there are even more who die because they lack love. Mother Teresa

The surest way to win the love of others is to give them your love. Jean-Jacques Rousse

One hour of love contains a whole life. Honore de Balzac

Love for one's neighbor is limited by how much each person loves himself. Aurelius Augustine

There is only one love, but there are thousands of counterfeits. Francois La Rochefoucauld

One day I met a beggar in love on the street. He was wearing an old hat, his coat was frayed at the elbows, his shoes were leaking, and the stars were shining in his soul. Victor Hugo

Love, which is not born every moment, always dies. Kahlil Gibran

Love is worth exactly as much as the person who experiences it is worth. Romain Rolland

When it seems to us that we know another, this always means the end of love. Max Frisch

Any love that has its cause not in freedom of spirit, but in something else, easily turns into hatred. Benedict Spinoza

Love is greater than the one who loves. Joseph Brodsky

True love always creates and never destroys. And this is the only hope for man. Leonardo Buscaglia

Just one great love in a lifetime justifies the causeless attacks of despair to which we are subject. Albert Camus

As soon as I see you, I’m not able to utter a word. But the tongue immediately goes numb, a light heat quickly runs under the skin, the eyes stare, seeing nothing, and there is a continuous ringing in the ears. Then I’m covered in heat, all my limbs are covered in trembling, the grass becomes greener, and it’s as if I’m saying goodbye to life. Sappho

It is better to be a slave to the beloved than to be free to the unloved. Eric Bern

To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. Francois Mauriac

Love is the child of illusion and at the same time the mother of disappointment. Miguel de Unamuno

I've never liked the men I've been in love with, and I've never been in love with the men I've liked. Fanny Brice

Each of us is half of a person cut into two parts, and therefore everyone is always looking for the half that corresponds to him. Therefore, love is a thirst for wholeness and the desire for it. Plato

Love is all. And that's all we know about her. Emily Dickinson

Place me like a seal on your heart,
like a ring on your hand:
for love is strong as death... Song of Songs

Love is such a long pursuit, for which one life is insignificant. Love is the willingness to spend eternity together. Mikhail Epshtein

What we experience when we are in love is perhaps our normal state. Falling in love shows a person what he should be. Anton Chekhov

The lover is more divine than the beloved because he is inspired by the gods. Plato

To resist love is to provide it with new weapons. George Sand

Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand. Dorothy Parker

Love is a miracle. The deaf listen to her words, the lame start dancing to her music, and the blind enjoy the colors of her dawn.

Love is like a dam: if it leaves even a tiny hole where a thin stream of water can penetrate, then soon the walls will collapse under its pressure, and a moment will come when no one can hold back the force of the flow. Paulo Coelho

If the walls collapse, love will take possession of everything and will prevail over everything: it is indifferent to what is possible and what is not; she doesn’t care whether we are able to keep our loved one close. Love is uncontrollable!!! Paulo Coelho

Spend love with both hands! Love is the only treasure that multiplies by sharing; It is the only gift that grows as much as you take away from it; it is the only endeavor in which the more you spend, the more you receive. Give it, squander it, this it to the four winds, empty your pockets, empty the basket, spill the cup, and tomorrow you will have more than before. Unknown author

Only a truly good woman can do a truly stupid thing. O. Wilde

A woman is not only able to understand self-sacrifice: she herself knows how to sacrifice herself. I. Turgenev

One poet said that love is like the wind. Another is that it resembles the sea. A third compares it to a weather vane. The fourth is with a will-o'-the-wisp. In a word, it is like everything in the world and not like anything else. Henry Fielding

We are rich only in what we give and poor only in what we keep to ourselves. Og Mandino and Buddy Kaye

Not a single woman in the world is able to resist a man whom she sincerely loves. G. Senkevich

If you want to touch a rose, don’t be afraid to cut your hands, If you want to drink, don’t be afraid to get sick with a hangover. And if you want beautiful, reverent and passionate love, don’t be afraid to burn your heart in vain! Omar Khayyam

It's not hard to fall in love, it's hard to admit it. A. de Musset

Ultimately, love is nothing more than a reflection in people of a person’s mental merits. R. Emerson

Light feelings often last a very long time, nothing crushes them, because nothing strains them; they follow circumstances and disappear with them, while deep attachments are completely torn apart, leaving painful wounds in their place. Anna Stahl

Depriving the heart of desires is the same as depriving the earth of its atmosphere. E. Bulwer

Better paint on your face than a stain on your heart. M. Cervantes

Everything in this world is subject to reward and punishment. Everything except the heart. T. Macaulay

Female beauty is a matter of action, not speculation. A. Podvodny

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love. Maksim Gorky

It's better to laugh without being happy than to die without laughing. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

When a man touches a woman's hand, they both touch the heart of eternity. D. H. Gibran

For if there is love in the world, and there is! - then she is not far from madness. Marcus Tullius Cicero

When a person loves, he often doubts what he believes in most. F. La Rochefoucauld

Love that seeks something other than the revelation of its own secret is not love, but a set of nets in which only the useless is caught. D. H. Gibran

If you fry an egg for your mother, even in your own palm, then you will be in her debt. Armenian proverb

Love is a disease of tenderness. A. Kruglov

Can peace and love coexist in one heart? Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

The novel lived by each individual remains a greater work than any work ever written on paper. V. Frankl

When people do not agree on the main thing, they diverge over trifles. Don Aminado

An intelligent man has the right to be unhappy only because of a woman who is worth it. Marcel Proust

Love is the only folly of the wise and the only wisdom of the fool.

Everyone's love is the same. Virgil

Woman, you see, this is such a subject that no matter how much you study it, everything will be completely new. L.N. Tolstoy

Physical life on earth is a business trip to find love.

Moments away from a loved one are measured in hours. Hours spent with your soulmate fly by like an instant...

Lord, grant me wisdom to understand my beloved man, love to forgive, patience to strengthen the endurance of his complex character. And don’t be surprised that I don’t ask for strength, because I’m afraid that I’ll destroy him to hell!

Telling your loved one about past boyfriends is an unacceptable mistake, which will become a huge hindrance in the future...

If your lover says he loves you, we advise you to check... most likely, he believes so.

To understand whether it is necessary to start a relationship with a man, a woman wants to visit restaurants. A man, on the contrary, first wants to build a relationship in order to understand whether this woman is worth inviting to restaurants...

And when I'm married, won't you stop calling me? - No, I’ll shout to you from the other room: “Darling, in my opinion, it’s time for our son to get some sleep.”

Fatum is a bridge built by you to overcome obstacles on the way to your loved one.

I want to feel uncertainty, tender love and attachment to eternity with you.

All the best, my love, I'm leaving! Look for someone else... a little more beautiful in appearance, a bitch and a dumbass!

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

Sometimes I miss the rudeness from you... the one I ran from in the past...

Girls, stop looking for the perfect man! He's already with me...:)

No matter how badly a man thinks about a woman, she thinks even worse about him...

No matter how happily a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried

How I want him to call at 00:00 on New Year’s Day and say: “Happy holiday, my love, I love you and miss you, by the way, open the door.”

Favorite phrases of teachers: “Don’t argue with the teacher! Tell everyone, we'll laugh too. Leave the class and come in normally! I repeat for the especially gifted - the call is not for you, but for the teacher. Forest of hands, well then according to the magazine... Am I not bothering you?”

God loves the trinity... The most holy trinity is love for the woman you love, your own children, and also your parents...

What will you do? – I’ll be home with the girl – What, drink champagne and somersault in bed? - No, look at photographs and play chess - What, scary? - No, my love...

Women are ready to love at first sight, and men - at the first opportunity.

A man and a woman are lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling. Woman’s thoughts: “Silent. Doesn't want to talk. Surely he has already stopped loving me, he has someone else. The relationship is over.” The man’s thoughts: “Fly, fly on the ceiling. How is she holding up?”

I know that you are not exactly what I need, but I don’t care because I love you

New books: “How to find the ideal man and how to live with this idiot”

On the street, with the boys, he is smoking, vulgar, hits evenly, cruelly... And only with you he is tender, worried, kisses your neck until your fingers tremble, calls you “little”, and his eyes are so sad and happy at the same time... Just so real man!

I want to bury my nose in your neck and sleep... for a long time...

Alcohol is good for you - millions of men can't be wrong.

No, you’re not that straight “uhh”, but look at that “hey, how do you like it?” you'll get off

According to statistics, the most frequently used text message from men is “I love you too.”

Eye to eye I smiled with happiness.

A woman is always ready to help a man close his eyes to her shortcomings

If I ever die because of a man, it will only be from laughing!

Taking this opportunity, I want to express my deep gratitude to all my ex-men for those crazy, unforgettable days filled with joy and happiness that I was lucky enough to live after our breakups

Condescension is a man’s main weapon in his merciless and eternal struggle with a woman, who, by definition, is always right.

All women have only one thing on their minds, as if all men have only one thing on their minds!

A woman should belong to the man who will solve all problems, and not create new ones.

Men are designed in such a way that the purest creatures evoke in them the dirtiest thoughts.

There's nothing uglier than a man who thinks he's handsome

I've been dreaming about you all day and it's not a lie... Hurry to you, hurry to you... my beloved sofa!!!

A woman is weakest when she loves someone, and strongest when she is loved by someone.

After every next Bitch, you fall in love with me... and I leave every loved one for you...

A loved one must be loved, simply loved. And if you want to raise someone, buy a dog!

It’s so strange, he’s like a child: naive, sweet. And I love him. But I just can’t understand: as a brother, as a son, or as a loved one... It’s hard to leave a good guy...

A man plays at love for the sake of sex, and a woman plays at sex for the sake of love...

Pants are given to a man to hide his thoughts))))

To be happy with a man, you must truly understand him and love him a little. To be happy with a woman, you need to love her deeply and not try to understand her at all (Alan and Barbara Pease)

There are 1,000,000 men, but why is he needed alone? Because he is 1, and all the others are 000000!!!

Have you ever come home and smelled like your loved one?

Nothing adorns a woman more than a well-chosen man.

Memo for women: “Never argue with a man - immediately cry.” Memo for men: “Never argue with a woman – kiss her right away”

Manipulating a man is not difficult - the main thing is to grasp the manipulator correctly...

Every married man wants to hear from his wife at least once in his life the phrase “Darling, hit me on the head, otherwise I’ll mess up”

You know, I won't get tired of it. I know that I won’t be with you, but of course it hurts me and all that. But I know that, unlike her, you are not deceiving me...

There are no men who only want sex from girls. There are women who, besides sex, have nothing more to offer

A man's jealousy: if I find out, I'll kill. A woman's jealousy: even if I kill you, I'll find out.

The most erotic part of a man's body is his brains, as their women have more than anything else!!!

I want a man... kind, handsome, strong, sexy, faithful, athletic, with a sense of humor, honest... Just to see!!!

Everything that men do is done for the sake of women. And only idleness - for yourself!

Men have the same exaggerated ideas about their strengths as women have about their shortcomings.

The ideal man is a combination of a vibrator and an ATM

If a man raised his hand to you, then let him while away all the remaining nights with this hand

Do you know why I fell ill with you? Yes, because you yourself are sick!

Next to every man is the woman he deserves... so if you are traded for a fool, don’t be upset...

And I don’t need tracks for me, flowers, gifts and so on. I need you... and that's enough.

Ask a girl: what should a man have? And she, keeping silent about the apartment and a good car, will say - a sense of humor

It is better to love a loved one than to be loved, but with an unloved one

If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already examined everything else.

Love exists as long as the fear of losing a loved one is alive

You tell yourself after you're an idiot and you've passed.

Feeling your breath is like breathing myself

I asked Yandex: “Where is my beloved?” – The window showed me 200 porn sites...

Men are like children: if you get capricious, give them your breasts.

The path from a woman to a bitch is through a man

Love flies away faster than the wind, and it’s not enough for a woman to just be loved... (Accident)

Sometimes I really want to tell men: learn, little boys, to be big in love with us!

10 guys bowed at her feet, ready to give everything to be with her, but she chose 11... who didn’t even look in her direction.

When girls ask the question “Where have the real men gone?”, I usually answer, “They have gone to real women.”

Grandmother! Excuse me, grandma! I broke your favorite vase again! - Well, hurt yourself! Third hookah in a week!

Men are like shoes! I want to buy stiletto boots... but I only get felt boots!

Every woman should remember that a man first of all leaves not for someone, but from someone...

Can I look into your eyes? I'm completely lost... From love for you. Perhaps your eyes will help me find me? After all, I don’t exist without you. I'm just your shadow. I am the reflection in your eyes. Such relatives and loved ones

“Women are undoubtedly smarter than men. There is hardly a woman who would be crazy about a man just because of his beautiful legs.” Marlene Dietrich

A man who can constantly pleasantly surprise a woman will never lose her interest in him.

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