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How long does pregnancy last? How long does pregnancy last in days and weeks?

You will never be able to determine your due date with 100% accuracy. Perhaps you will calculate the MDA as accurately as possible, or the day of birth will simply coincide with the date you calculated, but for sure no one will say when you will give birth. After all, it depends on many factors. And even if you are one of the small number of women who know exactly the day of conception or the date of ovulation, you still cannot predict how fast the sperm will be, how many days this particular egg will move through the fallopian tubes, when exactly it will implant, how many will be needed the fetus for full development in the womb and when the baby is ready to show himself to this world. In each individual case, these processes may take a different amount of time. Nevertheless, which can be guided by.

Scientists have calculated that in most cases (70-80%) 266 days or 38 weeks pass from the moment of fertilization to the onset of birth. However, the difficulty in calculating the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth in each individual case is that women, as a rule, do not know this very day of conception or ovulation. But almost everyone remembers the date of the last menstruation, so it is this date (the day it began) that is taken as the basis for the calculation: 40 weeks or 280 days pass from the first day of the last menstruation to the birth, say gynecologists. But since there is no real pregnancy on the first day of menstruation, the period calculated in this way is called menstrual (or gestational), and in fact the fetus is approximately 2 weeks less (this period is called ovulation or fertilization).

On average, ovulation occurs 14 days after the end of menstruation. And if we take this date as the starting point, then it turns out that pregnancy lasts 280-14 = 266 days. But again, it’s an individual matter, sometimes ovulation occurs a little earlier, for some it may be late, so in obstetrics a normal full-term pregnancy is considered to be one that lasts on average 266-294 days, that is, 280 days plus or minus 14 or 38 -42 weeks (although this corridor has recently been expanded to 37-).

If you count, you will see that 280 days or is almost 9 months, as people are used to saying. In obstetrics they say that pregnancy lasts 10 months - we are talking about the so-called lunar months, consisting of 28 days. This is how long the average woman's cycle lasts. So if your periods are irregular or your cycle is more/less than 28 days, you need to take into account the errors in the calculations described. The 280-day (40-week) gestation principle assumes that a woman has a 28-day menstrual cycle with ovulation on day 14.

Undoubtedly, the duration of gestation will be influenced by your state of health, intrauterine development and the condition of the fetus, heredity and even psychological mood: there are cases when women gave birth on a day set for themselves (on a holiday or upon the return of their husband from a long business trip).

So all calculations are quite arbitrary. As you can see, plus or minus can be tolerated for at least two weeks, but together it’s already a whole month! So if you decide to conceive a child on such a day in order to give birth to him on New Year's Eve, then you may very much miss the deadlines.

If you are tormented by doubts about whether you gave birth on time or, perhaps, whether you are carrying the pregnancy too far, then you need to focus on your own well-being, on the behavior of the fetus, on sensations and, of course, on medical indicators and a doctor’s opinion.

No matter how long and how your pregnancy progresses, this period is truly unforgettable. Enjoy it because it doesn't last forever. May the birth be easy and safe, and may the baby be born strong and healthy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Every woman, upon learning that she is pregnant, immediately asks the question: how long does pregnancy last? And here a lot of misunderstandings already arise. After all, this question can be answered in different ways: 40 weeks, 9 or 10 months, 280 days, and so on.

Let's try to understand the methods for calculating the duration of a normal human pregnancy.

How is the gestational age determined?

First of all, you need to know that in the world there are two ways to calculate the term of a pregnant woman:

  • True or ovulating. It is produced from the moment of ovulation and, accordingly, conception.
  • Obstetric. Calculated starting from the day of the last menstruation.

For the average woman with a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation and, accordingly, the expected conception will occur around the 14th day. It is by this period (14 days) that the obstetric period is usually “ahead” of the true one.

Ovulation and conception

The exact moment of ovulation or conception is very difficult to calculate. The normal duration of the menstrual cycle for different women varies within a fairly wide range: from 21 to 35 days. Accordingly, their ovulation date will be different.

It is known that an egg after ovulation is capable of fertilization for only one day. But sperm can remain in the female genital tract for a relatively long time: from several days to a week. The speed of their progress along the path to the egg is also unknown.

It is rare, but it happens that ovulation occurs several times in one menstrual cycle.

It is for this reason that, for the convenience of calculating the expected date of birth for all women, the obstetric gestational age is taken as the basis.

How to calculate the due date?

An obstetrician caring for a pregnant woman uses several data in calculating the date of expected birth: information about menstruation preceding conception, examination results, ultrasound, etc.

However, for a simplified version of calculating the expected date of birth (EDD) for the pregnant woman herself, the so-called Naegele formula can be used. For this purpose, seven days must be added to the date of the first day of the last menstruation and subtracted three months.

Of course, the date obtained from this calculation is very approximate.

Full term pregnancy

The date when a child is born is very difficult to predict. This fact is influenced by many factors - the date of conception, the development of the fetus, the course of the pregnancy itself.

So how long does a pregnant woman walk? Let's try to figure this out through simple calculations.

In days

Scientists have found that in most cases, approximately 266 days pass from the moment of conception to birth, which is 38 weeks. However, this number is a rather arbitrary concept. We already know that it is almost impossible to establish the exact date of conception and predict how the pregnancy itself will proceed.

According to doctors, a pregnancy is considered full-term if it lasts from 266 to 294 days.

In weeks

So how many weeks is pregnancy? Divide 280 days by 7 (days in a week) and get 40 weeks. In the same way, we find that a pregnancy is considered full-term if its duration is from 38 to 42 weeks.

Counting the months

Very often confusion arises with this question: how many months does a pregnant woman walk? Some will claim nine, others ten. And what’s most paradoxical is that both opinions are correct.

Lunar or calendar?

There are such concepts as a calendar month, which is 30–31 days, and a lunar month, which contains 28 days. If we take the duration of pregnancy as a starting point of 280 days, then we get just nine calendar months (280/30=9.3) or ten lunar months (280/28=10).

Obstetricians use lunar months, lasting 28 days, to calculate the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth.

So, for example, 38 weeks are 9.5 lunar (or obstetric) months. The calculation is carried out as follows: in one lunar month there are 28 days, and this is 4 weeks. Divide 38 by 4 and get the required number.

Obstetric and ovulation dates

So, we found out that according to doctor’s estimates (obstetric period), a woman walks for an average of 280 days. This equals 40 weeks, 10 lunar or 9 calendar months.

From the moment of conception (ovulation period) until the birth of the child, an average of 266 days or 38 weeks pass.

Pathological timing of birth

There are many factors that influence the course of pregnancy in a person in general. Their influence before or during it can lead to both prematurity and postmaturity. In this case, the woman walks less or more than the established period for a normal pregnancy.

For example, such factors include:

  • The influence of heredity.
  • Intrauterine development and fetal condition.
  • Psychological state of the pregnant woman, etc.

How many weeks does pregnancy last if it is preterm or postterm? And what difficulties might arise from this? Let's try to figure it out.

Premature pregnancy

A baby born between 22 and a full 38 weeks is considered premature. However, according to WHO criteria, the weight of such a newborn is also assessed: it should be from 500 to 2500 grams. If the termination of pregnancy occurs before 22 completed weeks, the fetus in this case, unfortunately, is not viable.

Until recently, in Russia and some other countries, births between 28 and 38 weeks were considered premature. And termination of pregnancy before a full 28 weeks was referred to as a “miscarriage” - early (up to a full 12 weeks) or late.


Now we will not dwell in detail on the reasons for miscarriage - there are a lot of them. These include socio-demographic factors (being pregnant too early or too late, stress, bad habits, etc.), and medical factors – uterine pathologies, hormonal disorders, chronic diseases of internal organs, various infections.

What are the dangers of having a baby prematurely?

The main problem of premature birth is the immaturity of the newborn and his inability to adapt to the new environment. It is because of this that the mortality rate among such children is quite high.

Now that the development of intensive care services for caring for newborns has stepped far forward, it has become possible to ensure the life activity of such children even if they are born too early.

It is very important, if a particular woman has a high risk of miscarriage, to make every effort aimed at the safe and, most importantly, timely completion of the pregnancy.

Post-term pregnancy

If a pregnant woman walks for 42 weeks or more, then in this case they talk about postmaturity.

The reasons that may lead to a delay in the due date may be of a medical or psychological nature.

Medical (obstetric) reasons

The medical aspect of post-term pregnancy includes a woman’s physical unpreparedness for childbirth - immaturity of the birth canal. This condition can be caused by some diseases of the expectant mother, pathologies of the uterus or other genital organs, various hormonal disorders and even heredity.

Psychological factor

The psychological cause is quite difficult to identify. The most common is a completely unfounded fear of childbirth. This fear is especially pronounced in women who have already experienced the loss of an unborn child.

In these cases, the help of a psychologist or a confidential conversation with an obstetrician whom the pregnant woman trusts is often needed.

Why is postterm pregnancy dangerous?

There is a misconception that a post-term pregnancy is “better” than a premature one. This is wrong. The main consequences of post-term pregnancy are:

  • Disturbance of the normal function (dysfunction) of the placenta, which develops in approximately half of the cases. This can cause a deficiency in the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, thereby causing its suffering and even death.
  • The weight of the fetus increases. This often leads to injury to the newborn and the mother's birth canal during the birth process.
  • The fetal skull bones begin to fuse. Such changes make it difficult for it to move through the birth canal. This increases the risk of birth trauma to both the fetal head and the maternal birth canal.
  • There is a sharp decrease in amniotic fluid. This factor may contribute to the development of labor weakness.

If your pregnancy has reached 42 weeks and labor has not begun, you should urgently contact your obstetrician to determine further management tactics.

When a woman’s expected date of birth arrives, and there are no signs of the woman’s body being ready for childbirth, many people wonder what the maximum gestational age is possible.

Also very important is the question of how to determine true post-maturity, what consequences a delayed birth can have for the mother and fetus. And here statements like: “there is no such thing as chronic pregnancy, if you give birth, where will you go?” are absolutely unacceptable.

Postmaturity is a pathological phenomenon in which labor appears late or does not appear at all at the end of pregnancy. When delayed labor occurs, its various anomalies (for example, weakness and incoordination) and disturbances in the contractile readiness of the uterus are often noted.

This phenomenon is a rather serious problem in obstetrics and occurs in 4% of cases. Due to the high probability of disturbances in the labor process during delayed labor, the number of surgical interventions increases. The risk of complications for a woman in labor increases during and after childbirth. The risk of disruption of the child’s intrauterine development and even death increases.

What is the maximum gestational age in days and weeks?

The gestational age, and with it the date of birth, is calculated in several ways. You can count by the first day of the last menstruation, by the date of conception, by the size of the uterus at the first visit to the doctor and at the first ultrasound, by the date of the baby’s first movement.

The most reliable way to calculate the date of birth is to count the first day of the last “critical days”. From their first day, count three months ago and add 7 days. This will be the estimated date of birth of the baby, given the normal gestation period of 280 days.

Despite the fact that during menstruation itself there can be no talk of any fertilization, calculations are made in such a way that pregnancy lasts 280 days and plus or minus two weeks. Thus, it turns out that pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, and birth at 38 weeks cannot be called premature, just as birth at 42 weeks cannot be called late.

In obstetrics, there are two concepts of postmaturity - true and imaginary postmaturity.

The first option is confirmed if pregnancy continues for more than 14 days after the calculated date of birth of the baby (that is, the pregnancy lasts 294 days or more) and if the baby is born with signs of overmaturity.

In this case, the development of pathological disorders in the structure of the placenta necessarily takes place (fatty degeneration, multiple petrification - deposits of calcium salts in the placenta).

The final conclusion can be given after examining the newborn and examining the placenta.

Another option is an imaginary post-maturity. It is also called prolonged pregnancy. In this case, pregnancy is characterized by an extended period of its course for the physiological maturation of the child. Such a pregnancy ends at 294 days or later with the birth of a mature baby without any complications.

In the process of examining a pregnant woman with suspected post-term pregnancy, it is important to exclude chronological post-term pregnancy (incorrectly calculated period of pregnancy and childbirth).


Here we rather have to talk about risk factors for the development of delayed labor.

Let's consider these risks from the mother's body and from the baby.

Risk factors from the maternal body:

  • disorders in the reproductive health of a pregnant woman. Such disorders may be inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, leading to endocrine disorders and changes in the neuromuscular system of the uterus, a history of abortion, maternal infantilism, irregular menstrual cycle;
  • the age of a woman preparing for motherhood for the first time is over 35 years old;
  • maternal pathologies associated with pregnancy. These may be metabolic diseases, endocrine pathology, pathology of internal organs, gestosis and toxicosis, mental shock;
  • sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy, especially in its final stages;
  • hereditary predisposition. There is often a pattern of repeated cases of post-term pregnancy in families where close relatives have already had late births.

Possible causes from the fetus:

  • Often, the reasons that cause slow development of the fetus lead to an extension of the gestational age. In this case, such a phenomenon as prolongation of pregnancy can be considered an adaptive mechanism that contributes to the ripening of the fetus;
  • a large fetus weighing over 4000 g. A large baby often cannot descend to the entrance to the pelvis. This interferes with the proper opening and preparation of the uterine os for childbirth;
  • for the same reason - the inability to descend into the small pelvis - the transverse or pelvic presentation of the child also contributes to an increase in pregnancy;
  • the baby’s immature immune system due to lack of nutrients.

Examinations that can confirm that the gestational age has been exceeded

Diagnosis of post-term pregnancy is difficult, since the clinical manifestations of this pathology are erased.

First, the gestational age is recalculated again and the expected date of birth of the baby is checked. Risk factors for postmaturity are determined. A more thorough obstetric examination is then carried out.

Methods for determining deadlines and dates have already been discussed above. Let's move straight to the obstetric examination.

Examination data in favor of post-term pregnancy:

  • weight loss of the expectant mother by 800-1000 g per week (sometimes more) after 41 weeks, together with the appearance of signs of decreased skin elasticity;
  • reduction in abdominal circumference by 5-10 cm after the 290th day of pregnancy;
  • the height of the fundus of the uterus stops growing or decreases;
  • fetal mobility decreases due to oligohydramnios. A woman feels movements less often. Moreover, these movements are not intense, but sluggish, “lazy”;

A vaginal examination can determine that:

  • the cervix is ​​not prepared for childbirth (the cervix is ​​long, not elastic, the cervical canal is tightly closed);
  • The bones of the baby’s head are dense, bone sutures and fontanelles cannot be felt.

Obstetricians and gynecologists regularly listen to the baby's heart sounds with an obstetric stethoscope. When postmaturity occurs, the nature of the baby's heart sounds changes - their sonority, heart rate, and rhythm change. However, these changes are not specific to postmaturity, but to a greater extent indicate oxygen starvation of the baby.

A gynecologist observing pregnancy, after conducting the above examination at forty weeks of pregnancy, recommends hospitalization in a maternity hospital. The purpose of hospitalization is to clarify the obstetric status of the expectant mother and the condition of the baby. A specialized hospital has greater opportunities for detailed, in-depth examination of expectant mothers, so there is no need to be afraid or avoid hospitalization.

Instrumental examination methods pregnant women in the hospital are used to determine the functional state of the fetoplacental system, to determine further tactics for managing the pregnant woman and to select the method of delivery in this particular case.

Fetal cardiotocography

Fetal cardiotocography (CTG) can detect changes in the state of the fetal cardiovascular system. Mainly, this method allows you to determine the presence of oxygen starvation of the baby (hypoxia). Indicators such as the lack of reactivity of the baby’s cardiovascular system to his movements (non-stress test) or uterine contractions (stress test), although not specific for a prolonged pregnancy, but indicate that the fetus is not all right.

They manifest themselves as monotony of the heart rhythm, increased heart rate of more than 150 beats per minute or a decrease in their frequency of less than 110 beats per minute. If such changes are detected, wait-and-see tactics are not used; urgent actions must be taken to save the child.


Amnioscopy is a procedure for examining the lower pole of the ovum, which is performed only in a hospital setting. This examination will help with post-term pregnancy:

  • determine oligohydramnios (decreased amniotic fluid volume);
  • find admixtures of meconium (original feces) in the amniotic fluid. When postmaturity occurs, the amniotic fluid turns green with meconium impurities. Green amniotic fluid is one of the main signs of baby hypoxia;
  • determine the absence of a suspension of vernix flakes in the amniotic fluid.


Ultrasound allows you to determine the volume of amniotic fluid, including dynamics. It has been scientifically confirmed that the maximum amount of amniotic fluid is observed at 38 weeks. Subsequently, their volume quickly decreases. The literature provides average figures for a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid by 145-150 ml per week. As a result, by the 43rd week the reduction is 244 ml.

A reduction in the volume of amniotic fluid is considered as a natural process of dysfunction of the placenta due to its aging during postmaturity.

Also, during postmaturity, ultrasound reveals so-called echo-positive changes in the amniotic fluid due to the content of meconium and fetal epithelium in it. Echo-positive signs indicate that the waters are no longer clear.

In this case, ultrasound can show a decrease in the thickness of the placenta and reveal its structural changes (heterogeneity, cysts, degeneration, petrification).

In favor of exceeding the deadlines, ultrasound data indicate that the baby’s size is large, but there is no increase in dynamics, the bones of the skull thicken, and their density increases.

Ultrasound with Doppler

Ultrasound with Doppler allows you to examine the state of blood flow in the uterine arteries, which makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the state of blood circulation in the uteroplacental system.

The umbilical cord arteries are more accessible for Doppler measurements, and assessment of the state of blood flow in them is most indicative. The condition of the peripheral channel - the vascular network of the fetal part of the placenta - is also assessed.

During prolonged pregnancy, blood flow in the microvessels of the villi is disrupted and their vascularization (blood supply) is reduced, which leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the child. As a result, there is a lack of oxygen supply, that is, oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus.

Biochemical studies of hormone levels

Biochemical studies of hormone levels during postmaturity show a decrease in estrogen levels. Based on the indicators of the estriol fraction in the blood and the level of its excretion in the urine, one can judge the functional state of the mother-placenta-fetus system. Only the doctor analyzes these results, and the mother’s task is to listen carefully and follow his instructions.

To confirm a post-term pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor laboratory parameters and data from instrumental research methods at intervals of 24-48 hours.

Signs of postmaturity in a newborn

  • dry flaky skin;
  • there is no original lubricant;
  • skin maceration – increased striation of the skin of the baby’s palms and feet (“bath” feet and hands);
  • dense skull bones, narrow sutures, small large fontanel. The cranial bones lose the ability to change location as they pass through the birth canal (weakly expressed configuration);
  • subcutaneous fat is poorly expressed;
  • large size of the fetus (less often, malnutrition - loss of body weight due to nutritional disorders);
  • multiple folds on the skin due to a decrease in its elasticity (“senile” appearance of the child);
  • long nails on the baby's fingers;
  • meconium staining of the skin of the baby, umbilical cord, fetal membranes (dirty green or gray).

The combination of three or more of the above signs in a newborn baby confirms the overripeness of the fetus.

Consequences for mother and child

Almost all the consequences of postmaturity are associated with dysfunction of the placenta due to its aging. Thus, the fetus does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. Considering that in later stages the needs of the body, and especially the baby’s brain, for intensive nutrition and blood supply increase, this discrepancy between what is needed and what is received can have serious consequences.

Fetal development slows down. After birth, such children often experience disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. For babies who stay in the womb, meconium amniotic fluid often enters the lungs. This leads to inflammatory processes in the lung tissue, which manifests itself immediately after birth as respiratory disorders.

Overmature children are usually large, their skull bones are dense and poorly configured (change their position as they pass through the birth canal). Therefore, during post-term pregnancy, the risk of maternal and infant injuries during childbirth is very high. As babies move through the birth canal, cephalohematomas can form and even cerebral hemorrhage may occur; there is a high probability of collarbone fractures or joint dislocations.

For a mother, the birth of such children in a natural way can threaten rupture of the birth canal (vagina, cervix, perineum) and extensive blood loss. Also, due to poor contractile activity of the uterus, such women often experience uterine bleeding after childbirth, especially in the early postpartum period.

Based on all of the above, we can confidently say that if a woman is confirmed to be pregnant, it is normal to give birth naturally - there is little chance. Therefore, the usual tactics of most doctors in such cases is to deliver such women by cesarean section.

Of course, the question of the method of delivery is decided individually, taking into account many factors, such as:

  • maturity of the uterine os,
  • readiness of the birth canal,
  • woman's pelvic size,
  • fetal position,
  • linear dimensions and weight of the child,
  • data on the baby’s oxygen starvation,
  • effectiveness of cervical preparation,
  • concomitant pathology of the expectant mother, and so on.

To summarize, I will say that the most important thing for a woman in late pregnancy is not to let everything take its course, but to continue to be observed and examined. After all, you don’t want the most cherished and joyful event in the life of every woman to be overshadowed by problems with the health of the mother or child.

A huge number of representatives of the fairer sex who are preparing to become mothers are concerned about the question of how many weeks a woman stays pregnant. This interest is dictated primarily by the desire to see your child as soon as possible. Of course, there is such a thing as a normal period of gestation for a child in the womb. At the same time, there are also deviations from the norm when the baby is born earlier than expected or, conversely, late. Why is this happening? It all depends on many factors. When asked how many weeks a woman is pregnant, there is a simple answer: “From 37 to 42 weeks (inclusive).”

Naturally, we are talking about a general rule. If the baby is born prematurely, the birth will be called premature. Accordingly, when he is born at the 43rd week, they talk about late birth.

Delivery on time

So, for those who are interested in how many weeks a woman is pregnant, we emphasize once again that this period, on average, is 9 calendar months or 10 obstetric months. At the same time, by the time labor begins, women must be mentally prepared for the fact that they will have a new status. However, it is impossible to determine the exact date of birth of the baby. However, many expectant mothers, who really want to know how many weeks a woman is pregnant, do not give up trying and hoping to find out the exact date of birth of their baby.

It is very important to note that during the second and subsequent births, the duration of gestation of the fetus in the mother’s womb is approximately 37-39 weeks. The reason for this is that a woman’s body adapts to repeated pregnancies faster and easier. People have long noticed a rather curious detail: girls are born a little earlier than boys (38th week and 40th week, respectively). However, experts in the field of obstetrics do not see a relationship between the gender of the child. In their opinion, a child is born precisely at the moment when his body is maximally formed. Some people are interested in the question of how long pregnancy lasts if twins are expected. As a general rule, in this case the fetus is gestated for no more than 38 weeks, and the birth is not considered premature.

Often, twins are born due to surgery. Moreover, only the doctor determines which method of delivery will be used for a woman who is expected to give birth to 2 babies in the future.

Delivery ahead of schedule

According to statistics, approximately 7% of mothers give birth to children “before their due date.” If a normal pregnancy lasts from 37 to 42 weeks, then the period of “premature” varies from the 22nd to the 37th week. Babies born “before their time” are poorly adapted to life outside the mother’s womb; they are not even able to breathe on their own. And only thanks to advanced medical achievements are their lives saved. So, why does pregnancy not last long in this case? This is explained by several reasons. Let's look at the most common of them.

Causes of premature childbearing

A woman may give birth prematurely due to the presence of genital infections in her body. In an infected uterus, the fetus cannot fully form by 9 calendar months, and then the female organ begins to independently reject it. The second reason for premature birth is a consequence of such an illness as isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the cervix, due to pathologies of contractile activity, is not able to hold the fetus until the due date. As other reasons, experts in the field of obstetrics name placental abruption, the presence of congenital pathologies of the development of the uterus, as well as a large load on the uterus during gestation. The likelihood that a child will be born ahead of schedule is high among those women who have previously had an artificial termination of pregnancy. An unbalanced diet and nervous stress can also lead to early birth. Of course, medical attention to women preparing to become mothers ahead of time should be special.

due date

Let us now consider the situation when the baby is born later than expected. It should be noted that in this case, pregnancy usually lasts about 43-44 weeks. According to statistics, a similar situation occurs in 10% of women. It is not difficult to guess that with this pathology the child is born with a clear delay. Let's analyze why this happens.

Causes of late childbearing

The baby does not leave the mother’s womb for a long time because she suffers from neuroendocrine diseases (overweight, diabetes, etc.). Also, normal birth on time can be hampered by pathologies such as myometrium, decreased tone, and biological unpreparedness of the uterus. The cause of delayed birth may be associated with diseases of the central nervous system in the child (anencephaly, hydrocephalus). If a baby is diagnosed with ailments, then because of this, he experiences a slowdown in the production of corticosteroid hormones, which are responsible for ensuring that he is born in a timely manner. Delayed labor can also be caused by hormonal imbalances, when there is a lack of catecholamines or progesterone. The baby's prolonged stay in the mother's womb does not bode well for the child. He simply begins to starve, while the placenta ages, and it begins to perform its function worse. A child who was born late looks very much like an old man: he has dried out skin, with wrinkles in places.


Future parents must approach the process of childbirth with all seriousness and responsibility, since the period after which the child was born is an indicator of his health. Pregnant women must regularly visit a doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations.

Many mothers remember the time of bearing a baby as a time filled with happiness, a bright period of time that is filled with new sensations and discoveries. But some girls are yet to experience the joys and challenges of pregnancy. Before this trip, it is advisable to find out as much information as possible about pregnancy, and first of all, how long it lasts in days or weeks, how the duration differs from various factors and other interesting points.

An interesting situation from the day of fusion of the male and female gametes until the birth of the baby into the world can have a different duration. The date prescribed by the attending physician as the expected date of birth (EDD) is a very arbitrary guideline that allows doctors and the pregnant woman not to miss the established deadlines.

Obstetricians traditionally calculate the gestation period according to the established Negale rule. This rule states that a girl’s pregnancy lasts 280 days from the start of her last menstrual cycle. Every woman knows that the highest chance of getting pregnant occurs on the day when the oocyte leaves the ovary or no later than 24 hours after ovulation. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and therefore, on average, 266 days pass from the fusion of sperm and egg to the birth of the baby.

It is customary to calculate the gestation period in obstetric months, which are slightly different from traditional months. One month in the calendar may have thirty or thirty-one days, and in February there may be 29 (once every 4 years) or 28 days. For obstetricians, a month is always equal to four weeks.

9 months of bearing a child in simple terms is 10 months or 40 weeks or 280 days from the day when there were critical days before the sperm met the oocyte, or 38 weeks from the day of unprotected sexual intercourse.

The entire period of bearing an heir under the heart is divided into 3 trimesters:

  • First trimester – lasts from conception to 13 weeks. In the first weeks, the formation of internal organs (liver, heart, lungs, intestines, stomach, brain and spinal cord) and systems (circulatory, digestive, reproductive, nervous, respiratory) occurs.
  • The second trimester is the time period from 14 to 27 weeks. The child quickly increases in size, his organs begin to function interconnected.
  • III trimester - lasts from 28 to 40 weeks, when the baby quickly gains weight and prepares to leave the uterine cavity.

If you want to learn more about each week of pregnancy, we recommend that you read our detailed articles: about, and.

What factors influence gestational age

But you shouldn’t think that every pregnant woman’s body works like clockwork. After all, the duration can be 38 weeks or 42 weeks (obstetric period). Everything depends on many factors, so you shouldn’t blindly focus on average terms. These are only approximate guidelines, which do not always work - only 5% of heirs are born in the PDR. Minor changes are allowed, but in case of serious differences the definitions are already used:

  • post-term pregnancy - more than 42-43 weeks.
  • premature pregnancy - less than 37 weeks.

40 weeks is the optimal period of gestation. After 42 weeks, the child begins to feel discomfort in the cramped uterus, where the amount of amniotic fluid gradually decreases, and the rather worn-out baby's place is no longer able to nourish the child and help him breathe. Premature delivery before the 37th week can lead to the death of the baby, since his lungs have not yet fully opened, the central nervous system cannot fully function outside the mother’s uterus, and the small amount of subcutaneous lipids does not provide a 100% guarantee that the baby will be able to maintain optimal body temperature during pregnancy. habitat unknown to him.

Factors that may influence duration:

  • Girls who were born later than the due date greatly increase their chances of being pregnant beyond 40 weeks.
  • Obstetricians noted that women who lead a sedate lifestyle give birth later than their easily excitable “colleagues,” who usually go to the maternity hospital before the 39th week.
  • Girls who feel fear from the upcoming pain of labor carry their baby longer than ladies who are psychologically ready for childbirth.

The highest percentage of postmaturity falls on mature women who decided to become a mother after 35 years of age, and mothers with many children most often give birth ahead of time.

A number of factors play a role in the duration of intrauterine formation:

  1. Quality and quantity of food consumed.
  2. Health and lifestyle of the expectant mother.
  3. Condition of the child's place.
  4. Child's health.

Just a couple of years ago, in medical practice, it was considered the norm to stimulate delivery of all women who were able to cross the threshold set by the doctor. However, the colossal number of complications during the procedure and the subsequent formation of babies, the birth of which was accelerated, led doctors to think that it is not advisable to interfere with the canons of nature. Therefore, in our time, labor stimulation is resorted to in exceptional cases when the presence of the fetus in the uterus poses a serious danger to it and its mother.

In total, how long a pregnancy lasts for a particular woman depends on many factors, some of which are beyond a person’s control. In any case, enjoy every day and every week that passes, remember every movement of the baby, anticipating your meeting. It’s so nice to be one with your baby.

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