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Gas and bloating during pregnancy - what to do? How to get rid of gases during pregnancy? Gas formation during early pregnancy

The formation of gases in the intestines is a normal physiological process. It has been proven that they are released on average 20-40 times per day! And a pregnant woman has even more, but more often for many reasons, they accumulate and cause intestinal bloating.

Let's try to understand the problem of bloating during pregnancy, which sometimes causes serious discomfort, provokes abdominal pain, and the passage of gas. Why does this happen during pregnancy and how can it be avoided!?

Flatulence (bloating) appears as a result of increased gas formation in the intestines, when the body experiences a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, rumbling, and even belching and gases. The gas enters the stomach and then into the intestines when air is swallowed. On the other hand, intestinal bacteria also produce gases when digesting food.

They leave the body in the form of belching, and from the other end they descend through the large intestine and rectum - they come out. The occurrence of bloating is facilitated by undigested food (for some reason) entering the large intestine, where it is broken down by bacteria that release a lot of carbon dioxide. Especially when these are some carbohydrates and fats, which will be discussed below.

Causes of bloating during pregnancy

The most important thing to remember is that there are two of you, therefore the responsibility for the state of health is double, and the expectant mother must understand that bloating can accompany various serious diseases and if this condition is caused by poisoning, stomach disease (such as an ulcer), appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, then you must definitely seek help from a qualified specialist, since only he can make an accurate diagnosis!

So, the most important reason for flatulence is influence of progesterone on the body of a pregnant woman. On the one hand, it promotes pregnancy by relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus - no tone - no contractions, but on the other hand, the intestines also consist of smooth muscle fibers, so they also relax, hence the bloating - gases are not held by the relaxed walls of the intestines and distend it.

And it is in the early stages, usually up to 16 weeks, when progesterone is still produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, that the clinical picture is clearly expressed! Later, as the baby and the uterus grow, the intestines are compressed by the pregnant uterus, and we may also experience constipation.

Another cause of bloating in pregnant women is poor nutrition , especially if before pregnancy there were problems with the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, gastritis, etc.).

One of the reasons may be congenital enzymatic deficiency, when, due to a lack of the necessary active enzymes, insufficiently digested food enters the large intestine in this form and, where it should already be completely broken down, begins to ferment. Fermentation processes are always accompanied by the formation of gases, hence again the problem - flatulence.

The champions in the production of excess gas are: legumes - beans, peas, beans; cabbage, sorrel, spinach, apples (sweet varieties), raisins, raspberries, pears, gooseberries, kvass, dates, black bread, sparkling water, pickled vegetables, fatty and fried foods.

We should also pay attention to artificial additives; some of them, such as sorbitol and mannitol, contained in chewing gum, candies, and drinks, can also cause bloating. Therefore, these vegetables should be boiled, and decoctions and compotes should be made from fruits.

Prolonged stress contributes to the release of hormones, which lead to frequent spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine, and further to constipation and accumulation of gases, causing anxiety in a pregnant woman.

Also, the cause of bloating during pregnancy can be a violation of the microflora, which is inextricably linked with the pathology of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis). In the case where the expectant mother experienced bloating even before pregnancy, the cause should be traced to poor nutrition and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of flatulence during pregnancy:

  • Heaviness and distension in the abdomen, release of gases (followed by a decrease in bloating).
  • Decreased appetite, heartburn
  • Constipation, possibly loose stools
  • Nausea, bad breath
  • Sleep disturbances, tearfulness, irritability, general weakness
  • Abdominal pain of a cramping nature, especially if it is one-sided in combination with diarrhea, you should immediately consult a doctor!

How to avoid bloating during pregnancy?

Diet and diet. It is unacceptable to consume the above-described products during pregnancy, and if consumed, then only, I repeat, in boiled form. Food intake should be in small portions and often, up to 5-6 times a day, chewing thoroughly.

It is necessary to satisfy your hunger with food, and not overeat! If you eat food less frequently and in large quantities, it will not have time to be digested and will enter the intestines in large portions, thereby contributing to the formation of gases and constipation.

Limit your consumption of foods containing artificial additives and colors, soda and coffee.

Adding fermented milk products to the diet (kefir, fermented baked milk and especially cottage cheese, as a source of calcium necessary for the normal development of the baby and the processes occurring in the woman’s muscle fibers) to prevent dysbiosis.

You should eat while sitting at the table, so as not to squeeze the intestines, which are already compressed by the pregnant uterus. Under no circumstances should you do this while walking or in a quiet environment, to avoid swallowing air into your stomach.

Wear comfortable, loose clothing made from natural fabrics, and if necessary, a maternity bandage.

Movement is life! For expectant mothers – doubly so! Long walks in the fresh air or yoga classes, swimming in the pool are perfect; all this helps to normalize and activate intestinal tone.

If you are still smoking, be sure to quit! I’ll tell you a case from my practice, an expectant mother asked for help with complaints of severe bloating, when questioned, there were no factors contributing to the formation of gases, the woman was examined - the reason was not found!

And at the end of the working day I saw her on the doorstep with a cigarette, all problems were solved by quitting smoking, since nicotine increases intestinal motility and air is swallowed, which does not have time to pass through the entire intestine and accumulates, as a result we get bloating.

And yet, if bloating during pregnancy could not be avoided, it will help:
First of all, consult with an experienced specialist who, having understood the problem, can recommend you:

  • Light massage of the abdominal area, lying on your left side. Massage stroking movements are carried out in a circle (clockwise), from the navel and in a spiral to the left iliac region (the connection of the left leg with the stomach), for 10 minutes.
  • Tea from a decoction of chamomile or dill herb (sold in a pharmacy and in the absence of contraindications).
  • And the drugs of choice are espumizan, which is approved during pregnancy and does not have a harmful effect on the baby. The drug is a defoamer and forms bubbles in the intestinal lumen, which burst and turn into larger ones, which significantly improves the movement of gases through the intestines to the outside.
  • Pepsan can help with heartburn, which also helps reduce the formation of gases in the intestines.
  • In case of constipation, pregnant women can use lactuvite; it also promotes the growth of its own beneficial intestinal microflora.

And most importantly, do not forget that bloating during pregnancy is not a diagnosis, but a symptom of some process in the body (pathological or functional), this is a temporary phenomenon that you should pay attention to together with your doctor! Don't self-medicate! Your health is in your hands, take care of it!

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. They often cause serious discomfort. Such problems include flatulence or. This happens in the early stages, but most often in late pregnancy. This condition requires a woman to follow a special diet. It is also necessary to consult a doctor, since it is not always possible to get rid of discomfort in this way; you need to take special medications. In addition, some symptoms of flatulence sometimes resemble signs of miscarriage.

The effect of flatulence on pregnancy

Flatulence is bloating and increased formation of gases in the intestines. Most often this happens when digestion slows down, food stagnation and fermentation occur. This condition is accompanied by rumbling in the abdomen, cramping pain, and frequent passage of gas. During pregnancy, this can lead to serious problems. After all, increased gas formation can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, the appearance of constipation and a deterioration in general well-being.

Therefore, bloating during pregnancy, even in mild form, necessarily requires special treatment. And since at this time you cannot take any medications without a doctor’s prescription, consultation with a specialist is required. You need to see a doctor when the first signs of flatulence appear: a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, rumbling or gurgling, irregular bowel movements, frequent passing of gas, after which the woman feels better. Indeed, at the initial stage, the problem can be eliminated by simple nutritional correction.

In severe cases, flatulence may be accompanied by other symptoms. A woman experiences:

  • belching, heartburn;
  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • intestinal colic;
  • bad breath;
  • sleep disturbance, weakness.

It is especially important to visit a doctor if you experience frequent cramps in the lower abdomen. These may be signs of miscarriage. In addition, it is dangerous when flatulence is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, especially with blood. This happens with an intestinal infection.


Some women experience flatulence already in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes. The level of the hormone progesterone increases, which causes relaxation of smooth muscles. This is necessary to reduce the tone of the uterus to ensure normal pregnancy. But along the way, the intestinal muscles can relax. And due to the slowdown of its peristalsis, intestinal emptying worsens, processes of rotting and fermentation occur, and gases are released.

Elevated progesterone levels also affect the functioning of the pancreas. It may reduce the production of digestive enzymes. In this case, part of the food enters the large intestine undigested. This also leads to increased gas formation. Enzyme deficiency can also be congenital, but it is not so noticeable before pregnancy. And in pregnant women, all chronic diseases become aggravated. And if a woman has previously suffered from gastritis, peptic ulcers or pancreatitis, they can manifest themselves as flatulence.

There are also more serious reasons for this condition. These are intestinal infections, appendicitis, peptic ulcers, intestinal obstruction. They can manifest themselves at the initial stage as bloating, intestinal colic, and frequent passing of gas.

The causes of bloating in late pregnancy include compression of the intestines by the enlarged uterus. It grows and gradually shifts the intestinal loops, which disrupts its motility and the process of moving food. This leads to fermentation and constipation.

This also happens due to wearing tight clothing, belts, bandages, and corsets that compress the abdominal cavity. They interfere with the normal passage of food through the intestines, causing fermentation and bloating.

From the second trimester, women also often develop dysbiosis. Disruption of intestinal microflora is also associated with hormonal imbalances and changes in diet. The reason for this may be stress, constant nervousness, or a woman’s bad mood.

Most often, flatulence is observed in the later stages, when the growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines.

In addition, at this time, many pregnant women are prescribed vitamins and iron supplements, which can cause indigestion and flatulence. There are also more banal causes of flatulence that are not related to pregnancy. First of all, this is smoking, because some women do not get rid of this habit while carrying a child, and nicotine increases intestinal motility, leading to intestinal spasms. In addition, this is the use of gas-forming products, chewing gum, a passion for fast food, and a sedentary lifestyle.


Sometimes women experience flatulence during pregnancy as a reaction to certain foods. Some of them have increased gas-forming properties when, when splitting, they release a large amount of gases. These products include:

  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • chewing gum;
  • fatty meat, lard and offal;
  • oat bran;
  • fresh bakery;
  • grapes, raisins;
  • eggplant;
  • onions, garlic, radishes, radishes;
  • marinades and salted vegetables;
  • whole milk, kefir;
  • kvass, carbonated drinks.

In addition, increased gas formation often occurs due to improper food intake. If a woman chews her food poorly, eats on the go, in a hurry, or while talking, she can swallow air, which enters the intestines and causes the stomach to swell. This condition also occurs due to overeating. A large amount of food will not have time to be digested, and it begins to rot in the intestines. Often in pregnant women, the volume of the stomach decreases, as the growing uterus presses on it. Therefore, its overflow will lead to bloating and pain.

To prevent such changes in bowel function from becoming permanent, it is necessary to take immediate action. You can remove bloating and other symptoms of flatulence in the initial stages only by changing your diet. A woman needs to improve her digestion and bowel function. To do this, it is recommended to eat regularly, in small portions, but often. This kind of nutrition is called fractional. It helps a pregnant woman not to overload her digestive tract. In addition, you must chew all food thoroughly.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy will help avoid bloating

It is important to include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet, except those that cause gas. Boiled beets, dried apricots, figs, and dried fruit compotes are useful. They make the intestines work normally. In addition, it is necessary to drink enough liquid. It is useful to drink fermented milk drinks, natural yoghurts, and cottage cheese. These products not only provide calcium to the pregnant woman’s body, but also help to establish intestinal microflora.

Features of treatment

Bloating during pregnancy is not a dangerous condition, but it can bring a lot of trouble to a woman. Therefore, it is imperative to get rid of it. If a woman had any problems with the gastrointestinal tract before pregnancy, she should immediately go to a gastroenterologist. Otherwise, first see a therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination to determine the cause of the flatulence. After this, he will advise what to do to eliminate the discomfort.

In mild cases, a change in diet and an increase in physical activity will be sufficient. A woman is recommended to walk for at least an hour, and it is useful to do swimming and yoga. This will help stimulate intestinal motility. You can also do a light abdominal massage: lie on your side and stroke it in a circular motion in the intestinal area, then turn over to the other side. It is also necessary to avoid stress and clothing that compresses the abdominal cavity. Your doctor will help you choose a bandage that will support your growing belly without interfering with your bowel movements.

In addition, it is very important to monitor your diet: do not overeat, give up fast food, gas-forming products, soda, chew food thoroughly. Typically, such measures help alleviate a woman’s condition. But severe bloating cannot be eliminated with their help alone. In this case, other methods are needed. The doctor prescribes special medications that are safe during pregnancy and will not harm the baby. In addition, you can additionally use traditional methods, most often these are herbal decoctions.

Drug treatment

Not all medications can be taken by a woman during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. For example, some antacids are prohibited - Maalox, York, Almakon. Therefore, drug treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. The most commonly used products are simethicone based. They are called defoamers because they help destroy gas bubbles and remove them more quickly. Such medications are safe for a pregnant woman, since they act only in the intestinal lumen and are not absorbed into the blood.

The most common antifoam agent is Espumisan. This is a safe and effective remedy against flatulence, which is prescribed even to infants. A woman is usually recommended to take this drug in capsules - 2 pieces at night. Analogues of Espumisan are Sab Simplex, Diflatil, Meteospasmil, Bobotik and other simethicone-based products. The choice of medication should be entrusted to a doctor; you should not self-medicate.

The herbal preparation Iberogast is also considered safe during pregnancy. It also has carminative properties and also improves digestion. This drug consists of alcoholic extracts of various herbs: chamomile, Iberian, milk thistle, caraway, lemon balm and others. It normalizes the tone of the intestinal walls, has a bactericidal and choleretic effect. Take Iberogast 20 drops 3 times a day for a short time.

In addition to these drugs, adsorbents and probiotics are sometimes prescribed to pregnant women for flatulence. Sorbents help remove gases and toxins from the intestines, helping to reduce gas formation. The most commonly used are Smecta, activated carbon, and Polysorb. But these medications can remove useful substances and vitamins from a woman’s body, and can also lead to constipation. Therefore, they are used for a short time and only as prescribed by a doctor. Probiotics, for example, Bifidumbacterin or Linex, are needed to normalize the intestinal microflora. And the drugs Lactuvit or Duphalac, in addition, help with constipation.

Medicines for a pregnant woman must be prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional methods

Treatment of flatulence during pregnancy is not always effective, since women should not take strong medications. Therefore, even doctors often advise using traditional recipes. Various herbal decoctions that have carminative properties, relieve inflammation and improve digestion will help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Most often it is recommended to drink decoctions of chamomile or ginger. If there are no contraindications to taking these plants, they can be drunk as tea. They improve digestion and have antispasmodic properties. Decoctions of valerian root or mint have a calming effect. They also relieve spasms and reduce gas formation. But it is best to take a decoction of dill seeds for flatulence. You can brew regular herbs, but it is best to purchase the raw materials at a pharmacy. This decoction is drunk during exacerbations, half a glass every hour.

The following herbs are also effective for flatulence:

  • dandelion root;
  • sweet clover;
  • caraway seeds;
  • anise;
  • fennel.

But before using any traditional recipes, you should consult your doctor. This will help avoid complications and worsening of the condition.

Flatulence in a woman during pregnancy is a common occurrence. It is not dangerous, although it causes discomfort. It is easy to cope with this problem, especially under the guidance of a doctor. By following a proper diet and following all doctors’ recommendations, a woman carries a child without any unpleasant health consequences.

Expecting a child is accompanied by difficulties with health and the functioning of internal organs. Gases during pregnancy can put a woman in an awkward situation, but is not dangerous for the development of the child.


The appearance of flatulence is associated with disruption of the stomach and refers to physiological processes. Gases enter with air, most of them are eliminated in the form of belching. Residues descend into the intestines, causing bloating.

What can cause gas in pregnant women:

  1. improper diet;
  2. disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis;
  3. consumption of fatty, spicy foods, carbonated drinks;
  4. lack of fluid in the body;
  5. dysbacteriosis;
  6. production of the hormone progesterone;
  7. pressure of the uterus on the intestines in late pregnancy;
  8. improperly selected clothing that compresses the stomach;
  9. stress, depression;
  10. physical exercise.

The main cause of flatulence is the effect of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes not only the walls of the uterus, but also the intestines. The digestion process slows down and is accompanied by the formation of gases.


The first signs will help determine the cause of bloating and consult your doctor in time. Symptoms appear both as a complex and as individual signals.

Why does a pregnant woman's stomach swell:

  • the stomach growls, the presence of gas bubbles is felt inside;
  • a large amount of gases;
  • nausea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • change in stool – diarrhea or constipation;
  • bad feeling.

Consequences. Gases lead to complications if a woman has enlarged intestinal loops. This contributes to the development of uterine tone or premature birth. Disorders of digestion and intestinal function lead to disruption of the baby’s development, as they deprive him of nutrients.

When a pathology occurs, a woman feels severe malaise, abdominal pain, an increased amount of gas, and blood fibers in the stool. This indicates a disease of the internal organs and requires immediate consultation with a doctor.


To get rid of flatulence, a pregnant woman should adhere to proper nutrition, move more, and drink enough fluids. It is recommended to pay attention to clothing, it should be loose. If preventive measures do not help get rid of gas, doctors prescribe medications.

What can pregnant women drink for bloating?

  1. "Espumizan" and "Smecta" - used to treat bloating, diarrhea and indigestion;
  2. “Mezim Forte” and “Festal” are effective for heaviness in the abdomen and metabolic disorders. They improve the production of enzymes, bring the intestines to a normal state;
  3. "Bifidum-bacterin" helps restore the natural intestinal microflora;
  4. "Iberogast" consists of natural ingredients. Before meals you can drink 20 drops. The drug has a choleretic, carminative, and anti-inflammatory effect.

These drugs are approved for use for bloating in expectant mothers. The products are safe and do not affect the development of the fetus.


In most cases, gas formation is caused by an improper diet. Dishes during pregnancy are steamed or boiled. It is important that the meals are fractional, the entire daily norm is divided into 3 main and 2 additional meals. You should not drink water while eating, as it increases fermentation.

What foods cause gas during pregnancy:

  • legumes: peas, lentils, beans;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • garlic, onion;
  • any varieties of cabbage;
  • turnip;
  • bananas, grapes, raisins.

By eliminating foods that cause bloating from the diet, the expectant mother will feel an improvement in her intestinal function. It must be remembered that fatty and fried foods lead to increased gas formation.

A diet for bloating during pregnancy should include the following foods:

  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir;
  • nuts;
  • white lean fish;
  • veal, rabbit, turkey;
  • herbal teas;
  • egg omelet;
  • light vegetable soups;
  • cereals;
  • fruits.

Folk remedies

Increased gas formation causes discomfort. Folk remedies are used to treat it.

What to do to get rid of bloating:

  • drink chamomile tea with lemon balm;
  • dill water is used not only for colic in babies, but also in pregnant girls;
  • Ginger root is added to tea or dishes. The root helps remove gases from the intestines;
  • A paste made from walnuts, lemon and clay is beneficial. Mix the ingredients together, take 1 teaspoon before meals, add honey if desired.

You can prepare dill water yourself. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dill seeds. After complete cooling, drink half a glass before meals.

Traditional methods of treatment are based on natural ingredients. While waiting for a child, we must not forget about contraindications to the use of herbs, citrus fruits and honey.

To prevent a woman from experiencing flatulence during pregnancy, she must adhere to proper nutrition, drink plenty of fluids, and wear loose clothing. If alarming symptoms appear that accompany increased formation of gases in the intestines, consult a doctor.

Many women experience increased gas formation already in the first weeks of pregnancy, and bloating is often considered one of the first signs of pregnancy and conception. That is, partly increased formation of gases in the intestines is inevitable during this period. But this does not mean at all that the problem cannot or should not be dealt with.

If you suffer from bloating and colic during pregnancy, then you should definitely know how you can get rid of this unpleasant feeling.

At what stage does flatulence occur during pregnancy?

The 1st trimester hasn't even ended yet, and you're already suffering from gas and abdominal pain? Well, that may very well be the case. Women who have previously suffered from various gastrointestinal disorders are especially likely to encounter such problems. As you know, with the onset of pregnancy, all chronic ailments worsen and all weak points in the body are exposed. If the digestive processes were disrupted before, then bloating and constipation will certainly manifest themselves in the early stages.

However, even a healthy woman does not always manage to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon. Obstetricians say that in most cases the stomach swells at a later stage - in the 2nd and especially in the 3rd trimester, when the size of the uterus has already increased significantly. But in practice, many expectant mothers suffer from flatulence from the first days of pregnancy. And there are many reasons for this.

Why does the stomach bloat during pregnancy: reasons

The first thing we have already found out is a disruption in the functioning of the stomach, intestines or pancreas. Any ailments and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (such as gastritis, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, helminthic infestation, dysbacteriosis and others) do not have the best effect on the functioning of the intestines, which can result in flatulence. If you are familiar with this phenomenon quite closely, then with the onset of pregnancy, your health is almost guaranteed to worsen already in the first trimester. After all, in addition to exacerbations of chronic ailments, you will experience multiple changes that inevitably occur in the body against the backdrop of the development of new life in it.

One of these most significant changes is a sharp increase in progesterone levels. This hormone, among other things, helps to relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs to prevent spasms and contractions of the uterus and prevent rejection of the embryo.

Together with the uterus, the intestines “relax”. It becomes lazier, its walls do not contract as actively as they should, which means that food and feces move worse, resulting in stagnation: the processes of rotting and fermentation begin, which is accompanied by the formation of gases. Insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas necessary for digesting food adds fuel to the fire. Because of this, painful bloating and other unpleasant phenomena occur: constipation, heartburn, colic, belching.

If at the same time the expectant mother eats incorrectly and unhealthyly, then bloating after eating during pregnancy will occur quite often, if not constantly. This is facilitated by overeating, a large amount of gas-forming foods in the diet, hasty consumption of food, non-compliance with the drinking regime and other dietary errors. If chronic dysbiosis is present, then it will not be possible to eliminate painful flatulence even with the help of diet.

In the second and third trimester the situation gets even worse. After all, at this time the active growth of the uterus begins. Under its pressure, the intestines are compressed and cannot function normally, one of the consequences of which is increased flatulence and pain.

These are the main reasons why pregnant women experience bloating. But there are also factors predisposing to this:

  • Wearing compressive clothing.
  • Staying for a long time in an uncomfortable position that puts pressure on the stomach.
  • Impact of stress.
  • Prolonged stay in emotional stress.
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.

Bloating in late pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea, heartburn, hiccups, shortness of breath, intestinal colic, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, excessive gas and diarrhea. Sometimes the condition is aggravated by deterioration of appetite, bitter taste in the mouth, insomnia, weakness, irritability. Pulse, heartbeat, and blood pressure disturbances also occur. All these symptoms can be interconnected and appear precisely because of impaired intestinal function.

Why is frequent bloating during pregnancy dangerous?

It is not surprising that such manifestations do not go unnoticed for the expectant mother and her baby. Actually, bloating in itself does not threaten the fetus, but the consequences of such a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract can have a certain impact on the development of the baby and the course of pregnancy.

The very fact of the formation of an excess amount of gases indicates that the processes of food digestion are poor, which means that it is not completely absorbed, and mother and baby do not receive the necessary nutrients. In addition, bloating and uterine tone are often combined (after all, a swollen intestine puts strong counter pressure on the uterus), and this poses a threat of miscarriage.

There is nothing good about a mother’s poor health, especially since severe bloating in the evening and at night prevents many from sleeping normally.

What to do if your stomach is bloated during pregnancy

From the above, it follows that the problem must be dealt with in order to, if not eliminate it (because this, unfortunately, cannot always be done), then at least reduce the occurrence of intestinal gases.

How to deal with bloating during pregnancy

Although there can be many causes of flatulence in pregnant women, there are ways to reduce pain and discomfort in the abdomen, regardless of what led to increased gas formation.

  1. Do not wear clothes that are tight or put pressure on your stomach and lower abdomen.
  2. Every day, do exercises, gymnastics, or at least walk.
  3. If there is such an opportunity and there are no contraindications, then visit the pool or yoga for pregnant women.
  4. Avoid positions that put pressure on your stomach, especially when eating: eat while sitting up straight.
  5. Do not talk while eating, do not rush, eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
  6. Eat in small portions: small portions, but little by little (5-6 times a day).
  7. Do not go to bed immediately after eating - it is better to walk a little.
  8. Do not drink water during or immediately after meals: it is better to do this between meals, distributing the daily intake evenly throughout the day.
  9. It is better to drink from a cup or glass (when drinking from a bottle or through a straw, excess air is swallowed into the intestines).
  10. Monitor your weight gain and do not exceed the norm.

Bloating during pregnancy: diet

Not only how to eat, but also what to eat is of great importance. There are foods that promote fermentation in the intestines and cause flatulence. They will have to be excluded from the diet or reduced to a minimum. These are yeast baked goods (especially black and fresh white bread), legumes, white cabbage, pickled, pickled and fresh vegetables, sweets, carbonated drinks, coffee and strong tea, whole (homemade) milk and full-fat cottage cheese. Increased formation of gases is often caused by certain fruits (pears, apples, especially their peels), shelf-stable foods, fatty and fried foods.

The basis of the diet should be cereals and lean protein: boiled fish, lean meats, eggs. Fresh fermented milk products will contribute to better intestinal function and restoration of microflora. It is recommended to drink a glass of natural yogurt or kefir at night (but not “older” than 2 days). Boiled beets, prunes, and pumpkin will be useful.

It is imperative to follow a drinking regime: during the day you should drink 1.5-2 liters of plain purified water (50-70 ml at a time). Don't worry about swelling: it has long been proven that water does not contribute to the formation of edema in pregnant women.

Bloating during pregnancy: folk remedies

If following all these recommendations does not give a positive result, then additional treatment will most likely be required. Of course, this problem should be discussed with a doctor, and not with friends or Internet users. Even folk remedies must be agreed upon with a specialist, because many of the recipes may be contraindicated for pregnant women in general or for you in particular. Traditional medicine recommends using chamomile, mint, oregano, dill, rosemary, fennel, anise, cardamom, nutmeg, etc. to eliminate intestinal gases. Before choosing any of these remedies, make sure that you are not allergic to it.

We offer several effective and widely used recipes for flatulence, but any of them must be approved by a doctor:

  • Add a drop of coriander essential oil to a tablespoon of honey and eat it after meals - morning and evening.
  • Brew a teaspoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and drink like tea.
  • Pour 2 tsp into a glass of boiling water. dill seeds Let it brew and strain after an hour. Drink the infusion throughout the day, dividing it into 3-4 equal portions.
  • Boil a tablespoon of cumin seeds in a glass of water over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Strain and take 2-3 tbsp before meals.
  • Chop the peeled garlic and dry completely. Then grind it into powder and take a pinch during periods of exacerbation.
  • Boil 1 tsp in a glass of water. crushed coriander seeds for a few minutes. Let it brew a little and strain. Drink three times before main meals. This drink simultaneously helps fight attacks of nausea and heartburn.
  • Prepare a collection of equal parts of fennel seeds, anise, cumin and mint leaves. Then brew 2 teaspoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour “under a fur coat.” Strain and drink a third of a glass throughout the day.
  • Pour 2 tsp. crushed dandelion root with a glass of cold boiled water. Strain after 8 hours and drink throughout the day before meals, dividing the volume into equal portions.
  • Pour 2 tsp of boiling water over a glass. dry watch leaves and leave for an hour. Strain and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The drink also helps with constipation and gastritis with low acidity.

It is also useful for pregnant women suffering from bloating to add a pinch of dry ginger root to prepared dishes (if there are no contraindications).

Among the mechanical methods, pregnant women can use a light stroking massage of the abdomen with the palm of the hand in a clockwise direction, or applying a warm diaper to the abdomen (in the intestinal area).

How to treat bloating during pregnancy: medications

If the feeling of bloating occurs constantly and also causes severe discomfort (pain, heartburn appears, the stomach becomes hard), then you should not neglect medical help.

Most often, in such cases, expectant mothers are prescribed Espumisan (or other semiticone-based drugs) as an effective and safe drug. It is a carminative, meaning it reduces the formation of intestinal gases and promotes their elimination. But it should be recognized that the high cost of the medicine is not always justified. Too often pregnant women complain that they do not notice any effect from taking Espumisan.

In this case, enzyme preparations (Mezim forte, Pancreatin, Festal), probiotics (Acidophilus, Biosporin), sorbents (Activated carbon, Enterosgel) may be effective. Often these groups of drugs are prescribed in combination, but you cannot self-medicate and take medications unless absolutely necessary. With this question, you need to contact a doctor who will advise how to eliminate flatulence in your case.

In general, women who have experienced bloating during pregnancy are encouraged to just get over it. No, at least something definitely needs to be done. At the very least, adjusting your diet and lifestyle will be useful in any case. You'll just have to use a method of elimination to find foods to which the intestines react particularly acutely. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of the problem until the body recovers after childbirth and returns to its previous mode of operation. But even here, if the problem has been common to you for years, you will have to look for the cause of the bloating and take care of your health in order to put your intestines and stomach in order.

Finally, we would like to warn you: if severe bloating and severe pain occur suddenly and persist for several days, then you should urgently consult a doctor to rule out serious pathology of the abdominal organs.

We wish you a comfortable pregnancy!

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

The problem of increased gas formation in the intestines affects about 75% of all pregnant women. The sensitivity of the problem reduces the percentage of visits to the doctor on this issue. You can get rid of the symptoms of flatulence quite easily; it is enough to know the causes and measures to prevent this condition.

Symptoms of increased gas formation in the intestines are:

  • abdominal pain, sometimes sharp and paroxysmal;
  • feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • belching;
  • hiccups;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • feeling of discomfort.

All these signs in a pregnant woman can appear already in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Why does severe gas formation occur during pregnancy (flatulence)?

Possible complications of bloating in pregnant women:

  • Increased uterine tone. A distended intestine will put unwanted pressure on the uterus, which can lead to increased tone. A contracted uterus can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Hypotrophy (lack of weight) of the fetus. Poor well-being of a pregnant woman leads to irregular eating, especially if food intake causes increased gas formation. Accordingly, the fetus does not receive enough necessary nutrients and vitamins and does not gain weight well, which can lead to the birth of a premature baby.

Increased gas formation is a physiological norm during pregnancy. But there are times when this symptom indicates serious illnesses that require treatment. Therefore, you should not hide such complaints from your doctor.

What to do if you have bloating during pregnancy?

  1. Diet. Meals should be taken in small portions, every 2 to 3 hours.
  2. Diet. A pregnant woman's diet must include a sufficient amount of vegetable fiber (steamed or stewed vegetables, but not raw), wholemeal bread, cereal porridge, and kefir.
  3. Regular bowel movements. Constipation is a common cause of flatulence in pregnant women. Therefore, regular bowel movements will relieve a woman of excess gases.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids. These must be non-carbonated drinks. The daily volume of fluid should be 50 ml/kg of body weight of a pregnant woman.
  5. Physical activity of a woman. Exercises that improve gastrointestinal motility are useful. Before undertaking such exercises, you should consult your doctor. Sometimes comorbidities can prevent you from doing some exercises. A good option for pregnant women is swimming or aquafitness.
  6. Treatment of diseases of the digestive system. For dysbiosis, the doctor will prescribe probiotics. For pancreatitis - enzyme preparations. For irritable bowel syndrome - therapeutic cleansing enemas.
  7. Herbal remedies based on fennel, dill, caraway or peppermint. A good complex drug from this group is Iberogast.
  8. Adsorbents (such as activated carbon) and simethicone preparations or antifoam agents (Espumizan) are rarely used and only in case of severe abdominal pain caused by bloating.

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