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Where is the gifts section in Odnoklassniki. Free gifts in Odnoklassniki. Easy ways to get a free gift

We all remember how quite recently the social network was replete with free gifts for 0 OK. Now, as if it had been cut off, you will no longer find such things on your page. And here we have a question - “why did my free positions in Odnoklassniki disappear?” The purpose of this short article will be to answer your question.

New site strategy

It’s no secret to any of you that the site administration does not make any profit from freebies. Naturally, this state of affairs does not suit them. But that's not all. The fact is that when we send such gifts, we lose interest in paid ones, and accordingly, we don’t buy them, and this is doubly bad.

What do you think the marketing department did when they weighed all this? That's right - I put the free gifts away. It's so simple, but there is one thing in all of this interesting point. Now we are testing the situation without them. This is a long-term process, and if it gives positive result, it will become permanent. But if such an idea does not bear fruit, everything will be returned as it was.

Is this bad?

Moreover, the price of 1 ruble is unlikely to scare anyone. In addition, in our opinion, gifts will soon return to the site, immediately after the loss from their absence outweighs the greed of OK. So we just have to wait a little.

What's next?

We have no choice but to either wait for official free surprises to appear, or use workaround options. For example, the OK Tools extension for different browsers is capable of sending any souvenir completely without money, but in order for everything to work, you need to install the same plugin to your recipient.

When sending gifts through OK Tools, you will not receive full effect from them. Unlike official ones, souvenirs transmitted using the extension are not attached to the user’s avatar.

Instructions for sending via OK Tools

Below you will find detailed step by step instructions for sending gifts on Odnoklassniki.

Download OK Tools
  1. Open Google Chrome settings and select [k]More tools, then [k]Extensions. We marked them with numbers [k]1, [k]2 and [k]3.
  1. Click on the item indicated in the screenshot.
  1. Enter the name of our extension into the search field and press Enter.
  1. Install the plugin.
  1. And we confirm the action by pressing the button marked in the picture below.
  1. As soon as the plugin is added to the browser, an icon (number [k]1) will appear on its panel. Now we only need to reload the page.
  1. Next, go to the user we want to please and under his photo click [k]Make a gift.
  1. We choose any lot, even the most expensive one, and click on it.

Social networks are developing at an impressive pace, adding new users and loyal followers every day. Moreover, not only teenagers, but also adults and accomplished individuals become their fans. This is due to the fact that on the Internet you can not only communicate, but also read interesting stories, discuss photographs, play Interesting games and even give each other gifts.

Regarding these opportunities, the insanely popular website did not stand aside. The only thing that upsets millions of fans of this network is the need to pay for gifts. But there are also free options for this service on the site. However, not all users know how to send a gift for free in Odnoklassniki or how to use the “Gifts” section in general. We will try to present you detailed instructions, but first, let’s look at the concept of online gifts.

What are gifts in Odnoklassniki?

These are small animation pictures with images of funny animals, themed holidays, funny emoticons and various wishes. The gift, accepted by the recipient, will decorate his main photo for a week. After the expiration date, they will disappear only from the avatar, but will remain in the list of gifts, which can be viewed by simply clicking the “Gifts” button located in the row of links under the nickname.

When can you give

Gifts in Odnoklassniki are presented not only on especially special occasions, but also simply to lift your spirits. For this purpose, the creators have developed gifts with wishes (for example, “I am sending you sunny greetings,” “Good luck,” “Warmth to you and Have a good mood" etc.), funny inscriptions(“Oh my God, what a man”, “You’re cool!”, “His back is my wall”), supported by cheerful graphic images. You can give them whenever and to anyone, having pre-paid their cost, which varies from 1 to 30 OKs.

Features of the service

Gifts, as mentioned above, are paid, they can be purchased for a special currency - OKi. They are enriched with the required number of OKs by pressing the “Top up account” button (under the main photo). The user can pay for the service in any way convenient for him - via telephone, terminal, bank card, electronic currency. The cost, depending on the price, ranges from 90 kopecks to 2 rubles.

But is it possible and how to send a gift for free in Odnoklassniki? Free gifts usually appear on the list of main gifts on the eve of the holidays and during promotions. They are easily recognizable by the “Free” label. The creators of the site allow you to present them in unlimited quantities, although this happiness lasts for one or two days. You can win free gifts by participating in an auction or on the special Odnoklassniki Moderator application (more on that below).

How to make a gift in Odnoklassniki?

In order to make a present (both paid and free) to one of your friends, you need to:

There is a second way to send a gift in Odnoklassniki for free (or for a fee):

  • In the row of links under your nickname, select the “Gifts” button.
  • Click on the gift you like.
  • In the “Who should I give a gift to” window that appears, click on your friend’s photo and confirm your desire with the “Give” button. The subsequent steps are similar to the method described above. All! The gift has been sent.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the system of sending gifts.

How to make a gift to a user not on your friends list?

Many users have no idea how to send a free gift in Odnoklassniki to a user who is not on your friends list.

Algorithm of actions in in this case just as simple and efficient:

The site allows users to upload their own gifts by activating the “Create Your Own Gift” function, which will redirect you to the “Gift Designer” application. With this program you can send free gift in Odnoklassniki from your computer, decorating it to your taste.

Application "Odnoklassniki Moderator"

To activate the application, click the “Games” button, enter “Odnoklassniki Moderator” in the search bar. The program is designed to accumulate bonus points. The rules of the game are as follows: you need to determine which of the submitted photos complies with the site rules, and then approve it or block it. For each correct answer you will be awarded 2 points. The collected points can be spent on the “Auction” (button “More” - “Auction”). Your mission is to deliver required amount points for the drawing of free gifts. If luck smiles on you, you will receive a notification about your win.

We hope that you are now fully aware of how to send a gift in Odnoklassniki. Give your friends a good mood and be happy!

One of the useful features social network Odnoklassniki is an opportunity to give and receive virtual gifts. These may be meaningless surprises or themed congratulations happy holidays (on New Year, for birthdays, International Women's Day).

Gifts – small beautiful pictures, animations, inscriptions that are attached to the photo on the profile page. The question often arises: how to send a gift to Odnoklassniki for free?

Attention! The function is not available without registration on the site.

How much do gifts cost in Odnoklassniki?

Gifts are paid, they can be paid on the website in local currency “OK”. To receive them you will need to deposit money from bank card, electronic wallet, mobile phone or earn money. How long the surprise will last depends directly on the price.

The cost of gifts depends on several factors:

  • Popularity. Popular gifts on the corresponding holiday they will naturally be more expensive (for example, New Year's).
  • Times of Day. That is, a gift with a fragrant cup of coffee at 7 am will cost more than closer to night. However, the cost may differ several times.
  • Stock. Periodically, the resource hosts promotions related to some event (that is, held only today). Discounts can last from one hour to several days. IN this period you can buy gifts that usually cost several dozen OK, all for 1-2 OK.

If gifts are not sent, most likely there are not enough OKs in your profile.

On Odnoklassniki, there are several criteria for determining the price and how many days the gift hangs (so don’t be alarmed that the pictures have disappeared):

  • The standard cost of a regular surprise is 49 OK. It will be displayed on the recipient's main profile photo for a week.
  • A live, animated gift worth about 80 OK will last on the page for two whole weeks.
  • Virtual surprises purchased during the sale will only last 48 hours. But there is some exception. If after the end of the promotion the price rises to at least 49 OK, then it will remain for the period specified in the first two cases.
  • Promotional gifts for 5 or 10 virtual currency units will decorate the photo for exactly 7 days.
  • When using a promotion called “All Inclusive” (this can be a monthly subscription), the image will also hang on the recipient’s page for a week (even if you disable the subscription).

Sometimes you can find free or very cheap gifts that last for two days.

You can also add a melody to the surprise. Accordingly, the price will increase. Music usually costs 1-10 OK. This combination lasts for two weeks. There is an opportunity to choose already ready-made gift with music for 64 Ok.

Attention! The gift can be packed in a beautiful wrapper, which will disappear immediately after unpacking. This addition will cost 3-4 Eyes.

You can send a set of stickers that are used instead of emoticons when messaging, or you can make it yourself. You can say “thank you” for the gift you sent by sending a surprise as a thank you. If the recipient rejects the gift, then it is OK to return.

How to get free gifts

  • Go to the page of the user you want to surprise. To do this, go to the “Friends” tab and start searching in the list the right person(you can use the “Search” function).
  • When you hover over a photo, a pop-up menu appears, where you need to select the “Make a gift” option. If you want to give a gift to someone other than your friend, just go to the user’s page and select the specified action.
  • Next, the user goes to the menu where all available gifts are located, some of which are absolutely free. You can understand by the corresponding signature: 0OK / Free.
  • Now you need to click on the picture you like to register and purchase. In the gift designer you can attach a message and add a melody.

Attention! A gift can be private (only the recipient and the sender will know about it) or secret (the recipient will never be able to see who received the token from).

  • After clicking the “Gift” link, the recipient will receive it immediately.

Certainly, free surprises not always available. It is recommended to check the site often so as not to miss the moment when they become available. IN mobile application Gift functions are also fully available.

Attention! Shares are available without programs of various dubious origins. You should not download or install additional extensions.

You can find it on the Internet resource big choice gifts for just one OK, which is quite inexpensive.

How to turn off Odnoklassniki notifications about gifts

Many users are starting to get annoyed that they constantly come various kinds notifications. But don't be angry at the developers of the social network. This feature can be disabled quickly and easily.

There are several types of alerts:

  • On the phone.
  • On email specified during registration.
  • Messages from the social network itself.

There are two sections where you can turn off notifications:

Setting up notifications.

Here you can disable the following alerts:

Friend request;

Invitations to groups;

Invitations to games;

Comment Alerts;

Grades and classes on records and photos;

Reminders about holidays and gifts.

You just need to go to the section and designate which notifications to send and which not. After making the settings, be sure to click on the “Save” button.

Section "Publicity"

makes it possible to disable invitations to games and groups.

Free gifts in Odnoklassniki - the dream of thousands of site users Classmates. Now receiving a free gift is not a problem, since the creators of the site themselves provide such a pleasant opportunity. There is no need to download any third-party applications or third-party sites. Everything happens through the official Odnoklassniki application or groups on the website.

In this article, I will tell you about 3 ways to get free gifts.

Easy ways to get a free gift

Using this method you can get not only a free invisibility, but also many other paid services in Odnoklassniki.

So, for 2018, 3 ways of free gifts in Odnoklassniki actually work:

1. Wait for some holiday, which means a free gift.

2. Play the Odnoklassniki Moderator application

3. Join the “Free Gifts” group.

I’ll say right away that the second method is also suitable for obtaining , stickers and invisible.

The first method will not raise any big questions; as a rule, such gifts are given once a month on major holidays.

Therefore, let's move on to method No. 2 for receiving gifts.

Free gifts using the Odnoklassniki Moderator application

To start playing the application "Odnoklassniki Moderator" , find the application icon in the right column of the Odnoklassniki website (enter this query in the site search menu, it is located in the upper right corner).

1. Go to the application page and start rating photos.

If the photo complies with the site rules, click on the check mark (green circle).

If it does not match, click on the prohibition icon (red circle).

To view the photo rating rules, click on the tab "Rules" in the top corner.

What are points for in the app?

Or if you blocked a photo and the others blocked, then you are given 10 points. More details in the picture.

In an hour I score 2000-3000 points.

Dial 3-4 thousand and participate in auctions. To do this, click on the appropriate button.
Next, see active auctions where you can buy free gifts in your classmates and participate in them.

In the official Odnoklassniki Moderator application you can win not only free gifts, but also free 5+, emoticons and even invisible ones, as well as a discount on OKi.
Score as many points as possible and you can easily win everyone.

Tips for using bonus points

1. Participate in auctions at night as there is little competition. I usually participate at 1 am.

Average price for classmate bonuses:

2. If you don't know what to do with a photo "approve" or "block", then wait a little and click on the inscription at the top "Next photo".

I often do this, because there are photographs that it is not clear whether to ban it or not. It often happens that I block photos if they depict famous personalities, while others, on the contrary, allow them, and then my glasses are taken off, so it’s better to skip such a photo.
3. If you see a photo of Selena Gomez, then it’s better to approve it. For some reason no one is blocking her.

Join the group of free gifts

Another way to get a free gift from Odnoklassniki is to join a group of the same name. To do this, enter the phrase “Free gifts” in the search menu:

Enter the request “Free gifts” in the search menu

We are given a list of groups in Odnoklassniki where we can receive free gifts. I recommend choosing those groups that have a lot of people. Now we can go to the group and look for gifts or holiday cards.

OK it's all over Now! Now you know how to send, or rather earn, gifts on Odnoklassniki for free!

Video showing how to send gifts to Odnoklassniki for free:

Read instructions on how to make a gift to Odnoklassniki

It's nice to please others with gifts and to see a smile on the face of a friend or loved one. If you do not have the opportunity to give a present in person, make symbolic gift You can use Odnoklassniki. In this article we will cover:

  • Where to get free gifts and cards on the resource
  • How to install stickers and decals for yourself
  • Is there an unlimited number of gifts on Odnoklassniki?

As you know, gifts in OA can be given not only to friends, but also to complete strangers. In the first case, you will cheer up and make your friend laugh; in the second, the gift will help you get to know each other and improve relationships.

As a rule, the resource periodically holds promotions and displays banners with the message that you can give someone a free gift. Information about this is located under the orange header of the site. Sometimes they write the name of the gift and its value. If you don't want to depend on stocks, this app will help you: exhibited here musical cards with congratulations on any topic. When you go to the site, you can select the gift you are interested in in the section on the left. This could be a congratulation on your anniversary, a happy wedding day, a gift with wishes Have a good day or health. Have you chosen what you need?

How to install free stickers and gifts on Odnoklassniki

By default, Odnoklassniki already has free stickers. To view all sets, open any message from your conversation. In the right corner of the input form, select the smiley icon. Here you will see the “Stickers” section. They are arranged in random order - thieves along with free ones. To select and install only free ones. Tap More Stickers.

In the window that appears, you will see a catalog with stickers. Scroll down. Gradually, the words “free” will appear. If you like the set, install it for yourself: click on the corresponding item in the set. Once installed, you can send the sticker to anyone. There are not so many free stickers, as you can see; most of the cool sets Odnoklassniki offer are by subscription. Subscription is an option that allows you to use the set for three days for free and only then pay for the service. To use the service, you need to top up your account on the resource with 80 OKs.

We wrote how to do this . If you don’t want to spend money, you can make money on Odnoklassniki, if you want to know how, read our article . After registering and paying for a subscription, you can send stickers from the set to any number of friends. If you don't have time to earn OKs, install the extension This program allows you to send stickers and gifts completely free in unlimited quantities. However, it is not installed on all gadgets and PCs. Since the main part of the resource’s earnings is advertising and the sale of gifts, the official OA website does not allow the appearance of such programs.

How to give free gifts on Odnoklassniki

You can give a gift in two ways: from the catalog page with gifts or on the recipient’s personal profile. Let's look at each of them. To submit from the catalog page:

  1. Tap "Gifts." It is located in the horizontal menu next to the “Notes” section.
  2. A free gift, if there is a promotion in OD, will be visible in the first row. Choose it or any other paid one.
  3. A field will appear in front of you with the names of your friends. If you have a lot of friends, use the search.
  4. The resource will offer to add a melody or write a wish. Once everything is ready, click on the “Give” button.

To send a gift from the user’s personal page, go to his profile. Click on the appropriate item under the icon.

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