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Treatment of constipation in dogs. The dog has constipation, how to treat this ailment. severe case of constipation

Puppies are active, inquisitive creatures that never know peace in their desire to learn everything about the world around them as quickly as possible. In addition, many puppies give the impression of tireless mills - they literally "grind" all the food they meet on the way. And sometimes this leads to sad results. For example, to the unstoppable. But constipation in a puppy does not belong to the category of something incredible either.

How do you know if a puppy is constipated? considered to be healthy a puppy with a normal digestive system should defecate at least two to three times a day. If your puppy hasn’t pooped once a day, has become nervous and “strung up”, and before that he already had problems with defecation (he pushed hard and whined while going to the toilet), then the likelihood of constipation in the animal is very high.

If the pet cannot relieve itself for two days or more, he develops flatulence, the puppy’s stomach swells noticeably, he constantly whines and runs to the tray (or asks to go outside). However, a walk does not bring relief to the baby: despite all his efforts and strong attempts, he does not succeed. IN best case he squeezes out several dry balls, the surface of which may be covered with mucus or bloody clots. In addition, the baby completely or partially loses its appetite (but the thirst remains at the same level or even increases).

Keep in mind that constipation in babies contributes to the rapid development of serious intoxication, which has a very bad effect on the condition of the liver and kidneys.

Thus, this pathology is very dangerous, and therefore it is necessary to immediately take all measures to eliminate the problem. We would strongly advise taking the puppy to the vet right away. It is possible that the dog is suffering from some kind of dangerous disease. It may also happen that his condition has no connection with the intestines. For example, in inflammation Bladder or kidney disease manifestations of ailments may be the same.

Predisposing factors

constipation little puppy often occurs when animals receive too little drink (and liquids in general). However, the reasons are much more varied. We list the most common cases that veterinarians deal with on a daily basis.

The negative impact of diet

The characteristics of feces are very much and directly dependent on what and how you feed your pet. In particular, with insufficient dietary fiber and moisture content, your puppy is guaranteed constipation.

You must always remember the following circumstances:

  • The food should always contain fibrous components, since without them the peristaltic activity of the intestine will be low. The fibers guarantee the volume and soft consistency of the faeces, ensuring their natural excretion from the body of the animal. The simplest option, familiar to many experienced dog breeders, is the usual pumpkin puree.

  • With almost all constipation, the pet develops dehydration more-less. In mild cases, just giving the puppy is enough. more water to have it digestive system was able to work fine. However, increasing the volume of drinking helps only in cases where the real cause of constipation is dehydration. In other situations, timely hydration will help remove at least some of the toxins from the body, but will not eliminate the immediate cause.
  • Very common cause constipation is low-quality food - cheap dry food or, on the contrary, "pure natural". No matter how paradoxical it may seem, but feeding a puppy only fresh meat is no less harmful than if the animal constantly ate only dry food. Improper feeding leads to a deterioration in the peristaltic activity of the intestines, the accumulation of feces and, accordingly, constipation. It is even worse when, during this period, the owners try to whet the puppy's appetite by giving him ... all the same meat. Remember, when your pet suffers from persistent acute constipation, you can not give him protein food! It will rot in the intestines, leading to the development of life-threatening intoxication.
  • Finally, sudden changes in diet can also cause constipation. For example, if you decide to transfer your pet to canned food, then you need to do this gradually, over a period of at least ten days. If you abruptly change the puppy's usual food to a new one, then digestive problems will definitely begin (although diarrhea is more likely, but constipation is also possible).
  • Typical constipation artificial feeding. And the point here is not even in the characteristics of the nutrient mixture. Many owners do not know that puppies need to massage the genital area and anus at least four or five times a day, since their defecation and urination reflexes did not have time to fully develop.

Action of stress factors

If you just brought a puppy home, taking it from the old owner, it will be the strongest for the baby anyway. Dogs are extremely susceptible to stress and react very sharply to any changes in their habitat. And such a condition is fraught with deterioration or, on the contrary, activation of peristalsis.

Stress in puppies is often accompanied by either severe diarrhea or an equally severe constipation. Sometimes these states alternate, which adds to the owner of the headache.

It is interesting that some animals (which surprisingly resemble humans) love to “seize” stress, starting to sweep away food at the speed of an electric broom. Considering that the activity of the digestive system at this time is greatly reduced, it is not surprising that most of the food consumed is not digested, but begins to be “stored” in the intestinal lumen. In most cases, this problem is gradually solved spontaneously, as the animal's body adapts to new conditions.

But if stress constipation persists for more than a day and a half, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Colon obstruction

Partial or complete obstruction of the lumen of the large intestine always leads to problems with bowel movements, since stool physically cannot move towards the anus. The most common cause of such constipation is the ingestion of something inedible by the animal. Puppies are naturally curious and will eat anything they can swallow (or rip apart and then eat).

If you buy some toys for your puppy, be very careful if the seller has certificates confirming the sufficient mechanical strength of the product and the origin of the materials (they should not be poisonous even if swallowed). Such signs are extremely dangerous and are fraught not only with constipation, which, against the background of other problems, looks like just a trifle, but also with death.

If you suspect that your puppy has stopped pooping after the mysterious disappearance of a sock or a toy, call your veterinarian immediately.

In addition, some puppies have bad habit in the form of licking the paws (and the whole body), as a result of which a lot of wool accumulates in their digestive tract. Worst of all, when the pet belongs to the representatives of long-haired breeds. Fur with its regular consumption falls into big balls capable of completely blocking the lumen of the digestive tract.

Even when the hair does start to come out, there is a chance that it will simply plug the anus. Finding out about this is very simple - at the same time, long tufts stick out from the puppy's anus, richly soiled with feces. Again, if the puppy itself resembles a yeti due to the density of the coat, there are cases of matting of wool near the anus, which is why the pet cannot defecate normally. The latter case falls under the definition of mechanical constipation.

The use of certain drugs

If you use at least some medications to treat your puppy, then be sure to consult a veterinarian before giving them. Well, or at least carefully read the instructions, Special attention referring to the section with possible side effects.

There are certain drugs that cause constipation more often than others. Among them are antihistamines used in the treatment of allergies, constipation after anthelmintic is possible, as well as ... diarrhea remedies. If you get carried away with them and give the puppy too much, then one problem will be replaced by another. In cases where, due to a remedy prescribed by a veterinarian, your pet develops constipation, notify a specialist immediately. We would not advise interrupting the dacha of drugs on our own - it is quite possible that digestive problems are much better than the symptoms that can arise from abrupt withdrawal medicines.

Important! Please note that constipation suckling puppies may be (more precisely, almost certainly) caused by their mother's treatment. Almost all medications one way or another they get into milk, and from there - into the digestive system of her cubs.

Systemic diseases

Unfortunately, constipation can only be a sign of some serious systemic disease. In particular, tumors can lead to digestive problems, bacterial infections, perineal hernia and even kidney pathology. By the way, how can kidney disease and congestion in the intestines be related?

It's simple - at the same time, the animal's body begins to secrete too much fluid, and compensates for its lack by pulling water from ready-made feces. Neoplasms are the most dangerous, since they can completely block the intestinal lumen. At home, it is impossible to identify these diseases, so you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Lack of physical activity

Be sure to walk your puppy every day. Flaw physical activity is fraught with the development of not only constipation, but also obesity and other dangerous pathologies so take the time to walk your pet.

Postoperative constipation

The combined effect of anesthetics used before and after the operation very often inhibits intestinal motility. Breeders who ignore the advice of the veterinarian and immediately begin to feed their pet tightly after coming out of anesthesia very often have to treat the puppy for constipation later.


Many novice dog breeders, faced with a puppy, make the same typical mistake. They more or less know what they are using to treat congestion in humans, and therefore begin to give the same medicine to the animal. By no means should this be done!

Medicines for humans are developed taking into account the biochemical characteristics of people, and therefore it is not known how these drugs will work in dogs (more precisely, it is known that in most cases such a “treatment” ends badly). Well, if you do not have the opportunity to show your pet to the veterinarian, then at least consult with him by phone. The doctor will tell you exactly what medications you can give your pet.

  • Despite all of the above, there are some remedies for constipation that are equally well suited for both animals and humans. good example is Lactulose.
  • Use with caution ( liquid paraffin). Firstly, it is far from being effective for all types of constipation. Secondly, if you force it into the puppy's throat, the dog may inhale the drug. If Vaseline enters the lungs, it may well cause lipoid pneumonia.
  • Do not try to cure constipation in a newborn puppy with porridge! Yes, fiber-rich foods are often recommended by nutritionists for people who often suffer from constipation. That's just the dog's digestive system is radically different from the human one, and therefore nothing good can be expected from such a diet.

We strongly advise you not to put enemas or suppositories on your own without first consulting with a veterinarian. Never use ready-made commercial enemas containing sodium phosphate on puppies. An enema with this substance is deadly to animals. Below we list the most safe means, which can be safely used to treat constipation at home.


Many experienced breeders know about this miraculous remedy. We recommend using baby food: Simply mix it with canned puppy food at a ratio of 30:70. Just one teaspoon a day is enough for a baby to reduce the likelihood of constipation to almost zero. However, some puppies are quite willing to eat pieces of steamed pumpkin (for which some of it can be frozen for the winter). The secret of this simple remedy lies in the huge amount of dietary fiber contained in the pumpkin.

Puppies initially prone to constipation should include this product regularly in their diet. daily diet. Some breeders and even veterinarians believe that bran has a similar effect, but we would not recommend using it. Once again, plant foods (and grains in particular) are not suitable for the digestive system of dogs, which are predators by nature. From bran, in particular, pets often develop severe flatulence. And pumpkin is one of the rarest products plant origin, which is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of dogs.

Veterinarian-approved mild laxatives

As we have already said, with constipation in a puppy, it will never be superfluous to consult a specialist: perhaps he will advise some mild laxatives that will not harm your pet's health. The problem is that we cannot recommend them: there are hundreds of breeds of dogs, and some of them do not fit drugs that perfectly help other animals.

constipation one month old puppy can be relatively safely eliminated by giving the pet 0.5 ml (Lactulose) for every kilogram of its live weight. Try to refrain from excessively plentiful giving of drugs: in case of an overdose, many of them cause diarrhea. Dosage is especially important in puppies small breeds: with its unreasonable increase, pets simply “turn out” from severe diarrhea may develop severe dehydration.

Dairy products (use with caution)

For puppies, whose digestive system is adapted by nature to digest milk, fermented milk products can be a good alternative to specialized drugs for constipation. They contain a lot of useful symbiotic microflora, and the acids that are also part of these products have the ability to stimulate intestinal peristaltic activity.

Just immediately warn all breeders - please do not abuse the "milk"! A puppy should be given no more than a quarter teacup of good quality yogurt per day. The duration of therapy is no more than three days. Otherwise, your pet may develop severe diarrhea.

Plentiful drink and long walks

Always make sure your baby always has access to clean and fresh food. drinking water. Drinking plenty of fluids is a good first aid for many types of constipation. If the puppy consumes enough fluids, the likelihood of constipation will be greatly reduced. Also, walk with him every day for at least one hour. Physical activity helps to maintain peristalsis at the proper level.


If the puppy is unwell, massage is a good solution. In cases where you will devote several minutes to your pet, carefully massaging his tummy for at least 15 minutes, digestive problems can be quickly eliminated.

Please note that best result massage gives in those cases when you will hold the puppy’s stomach from top to bottom, as if “squeezing” toothpaste from a tube. This technique is good because it activates physiological reflex(Females also lick and massage puppies' bellies to get them to start defecation).

Special feed

What if you want to prevent constipation in your puppy? You can contact a veterinary nutritionist - an experienced specialist will certainly be able to advise specialized feeds that reduce the likelihood of developing digestive pathologies. In addition, modern dog food manufacturers have developed many medicated feed used for existing constipation.

A healthy dog ​​defecates up to 2 times a day every day. A single emptying should already draw the attention of the owner to the health of his own dog. If there is no emptying at all, then we can already talk about constipation and begin to take appropriate measures. So, constipation in a dog - what to do?

What is constipation in a dog

Constipation in dogs refers to incomplete, irregular, difficult, or non-existent bowel movements:

  • According to general calculations, stool with a frequency twice in 3 days or pain during bowel movements at normal frequency can already be considered constipation.
  • With constipation, feces accumulate in the intestines, which can dry out, thicken and cause not only discomfort for the pet, but also cause injuries to the intestinal wall.
  • In dogs, constipation occurs quite often, especially in old animals, in animals leading a sedentary life, and also in all ages after the bones.

Main reasons

Not associated with disease
  • Dietary Disorders:
    • dog eating waste.
    • low amount of fiber in food;
    • feeding dry food with limited fluid intake;
    • feeding food on steep broths or monotonous food;
    • general overfeeding;
    • feeding with bones (constipation from bones predominates);
  • Dehydration.
  • Obesity and sedentary lifestyle.
  • Rare walks and running (walking).
  • Incorrectly calculated dosage of certain drugs (for example, iron-containing drugs) or constipation after diarrhea (a side effect after long-term use of astringents).
Associated with physiological pathologies
  • Diseases internal organs(kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract);
  • Fractures of the pelvic bones.
  • Inflammation, swelling, abscesses of the prostate and paraanal glands.
  • Intestinal blockage foreign objects(bones, toys).
  • Volvulus.
  • Atony of the intestine.
  • Worms.
  • Dysbacteriosis of the large intestine.
  • Tumors in the intestines or in the perineum.
  • Diseases nervous system accompanied by paralysis and paresis.
  • Trauma and pain in the spine.

What is the danger of constipation

The consequences of prolonged constipation are quite serious. The main risks are:

  • general intoxication of the body;
  • critical internal injuries of the intestine, up to rupture of the intestinal walls;
  • violations in the functions of internal organs and systems;
  • trophism disorder skin with the subsequent appearance of itching, scratching, places of baldness;
  • the death of the animal if the intestines are not emptied within 4-7 days.

How to determine that a dog has constipation and its main symptoms?

Constipation in a dog (symptoms) is manifested by the following main signs:

  • difficult bowel movements or frequent urges without bowel movements;
  • passing dry, hard stools, sometimes in small amounts;
  • pain, discomfort, accompanied by whining or anxiety of the dog at the time of emptying attempts;
  • bloating due to gas accumulations in the intestines;
  • lack of emptying due to the lack of feces;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general state of oppression.

If constipation in a dog is accompanied by vomiting, this is one of important features complete blockage and obstruction of the intestine. The animal should be taken to a veterinarian as soon as possible for first aid and an accurate diagnosis. Constipation with vomiting in a dog - the risk of death of an animal without qualified help!

Also at home, the owner can gently insert a rubber-gloved and oiled finger into the dog's anus to check for stool in the rectum. Thus, it is possible to distinguish banal coprostasis from complete intestinal obstruction, in which feces in the rectum may not be at all.

What to tell the doctor

When contacting a veterinarian, it is important to provide the following information in more detail:

  • animal age and lifestyle;
  • how long constipation has been fixed and in what manifestations;
  • the presence of vomiting, its frequency and multiplicity, the type of vomit.
  • usual methods and daily frequency of feeding;
  • list of fed food for the last day;
  • changes in behavior, urination, defecation, appetite, thirst.

By examining the animal, the veterinarian can determine the presence in the intestine foreign objects, the presence of inflammation of the perineum and anus, problems with the paraanal glands, neurological problems, bone injuries.

For more exact definition why the dog has constipation, additionally can be prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • abdominal x-ray;
  • x-ray of the intestine with contrast to assess its patency;
  • Abdominal ultrasound.

How to help a dog with constipation

One form of constipation is coprostasis, or stagnation of feces in the lower intestines. With a lack of fluid in the body, the necessary fluid begins to be absorbed by the intestinal walls from the feces, which makes them dry and hard. It is with such constipation that the owner can effectively and relatively safely provide needed help to your dog. If such constipation does not cause the dog unnecessary discomfort, then help will be as follows:

  • change the diet and give the animal plenty to drink;
  • increase the physical activity of the dog;
  • enema or folk laxatives;
  • drugs for digestion and improving intestinal motility, as well as laxatives.

If during coprostasis the dog feels obvious discomfort, then first aid for constipation should be provided to the dog immediately in order to alleviate its condition as quickly as possible. In this case, the first aid algorithm is as follows:

  • antispasmodics (if necessary);
  • enema;
  • give a laxative to the dog as a treatment;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • laxatives until independent normal digestion is established;
  • means for healing microtraumas and possible cracks in the rectum.

Be sure to start with an enema, because. most laxatives stimulate intestinal motility. If you force the intestines to work hard, in which the stagnation of dry and dense feces, pain and injury cannot be avoided!

This algorithm applies only to constipation that is not associated with any disease. If constipation is provoked internal diseases, then any assistance should be provided veterinarian after precise setting diagnosis!

That is, in fact, at home, the owner of the dog will be able to help his pet with those forms of constipation that are no longer accompanied by any symptoms other than problems in the act of defecation. If the dog does not empty the intestines due to the fact that there is simply no stool, then the problem of constipation lies much deeper than banal coprostasis.

With a complete blockage of the intestine, it is quite possible that surgical assistance will be needed to remove the cause that provoked it:

  • worm lumps,
  • foreign objects,
  • bones,
  • elimination of volvulus, etc.

All about dog enema

This is one of the ways to first aid a dog with constipation. Before the dog is given an enema, you need to know for sure what it this procedure won't hurt any more. Before undertaking an enema for a dog, you must first consult with a specialist regarding the solutions introduced into the intestines, their volumes, as well as the nuances of the procedure itself.

Also, the doctor will be able to roughly say, based on the symptoms described by the owner, whether it is possible to do it at all. Enemas are deep and shallow. Shallow cleansing enemas for constipation can be easily done at home by the pet owner. If constipation lasts for a long time, then only a deep enema, which is carried out only by a veterinarian, can already help!

Injectable solutions for enemas for constipation can be:
  • boiled water;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • glycerin or soapy water;
  • boiled water with fish oil.
How much liquid do you need and how to prepare

To wash the intestines, you need to adhere to the following volumes of liquid, depending on the size of the dog:

  • weight about 50 kg - within 1 liter;
  • weight about 20-40 kg - within 500 ml;
  • weight up to 20 kg - within 200 ml.

An enema is done using Esmarch's mugs (for big dogs), suspended to a height of not more than 1 m, as well as syringes of various sizes and rubber pears. In dogs of small breeds (dwarf), a 10-cc syringe is allowed. It is safest to use tools with rubber tips to avoid injury during the procedure. Before an enema, you can administer No-Shpu or Baralgin (intramuscularly, at the rate of 0.1 ml / 1 kg of weight) to the dog to relax the intestines, relieve pain and prevent spasms at the time of the procedure.

  • Measure the temperature of the potential solution. With spastic constipation, the solutions should be warm (37-39ºС). If the dog has been constipated for several days, then warm liquid cannot be poured in, because. swollen feces can completely clog the intestines. If the cause of constipation is not exactly known, then the temperature is brought to an average mark of 27 ° C.
  • The dog must be laid on its side. It is possible to wash the intestines while standing, but only in extreme cases. Ideally - only on the side!
  • Be sure to wear a muzzle on your dog. Better procedure spend together. The owner should be in sight of the pet, stroking and soothing it so that the animal can relax. A second person should carry out the procedure.
  • The anus of the animal and the tip of the syringe should be lubricated with vaseline or vegetable oil.
  • The tip of the syringe is inserted into the rectum no more than 3 cm deep (in large dogs up to 5 cm). It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not wriggle too much and does not injure itself.
  • Start injecting liquid from the pear (syringe), gently pressing on its walls. The fluid must flow without any obstruction. If the liquid does not pour in, you need to check if the tip is not clogged with feces during the introduction. If the patency of the tip is not impaired, and the liquid does not flow in, you must immediately (!) Stop the infusion and seek help from a veterinarian.

If during the enema the liquid does not flow into the intestinal cavity, it is necessary to exclude intestinal obstruction (the first sign) - very dry feces, helminths, dense bones, etc. Only a specialist can do this, so the dog should be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

  • If the solution is poured in normally, then after the end of the infusion, the tip is carefully removed, and the dog's tail is pressed tightly against the priest. After 5-7 minutes, the animal will be able to stand up. With a quick effect, the dog will defecate as soon as he gets up. Sometimes you will need to take a walk to further stimulate the bowels.

If an enema is required for a small puppy, then the algorithm of actions is similar, with the difference that the volume of liquid should not exceed 1 tbsp. spoons, instead of a pear, a syringe without a needle is used, and only boiled water with a temperature of 27-30ºС is used as an infused solution.

General prevention of constipation

In the absence of internal diseases, constipation can be successfully prevented. To prevent constipation from causing inconvenience to your pet, you must:

  • exclude small and soft bones from the diet, fragments of which can serve as a direct cause of constipation and intestinal injuries with sharp edges;
  • large bones (for example, beef moss) should be given only raw;
  • diversify the entire diet, excluding feeding monotonous food;
  • when using dry food, provide free access to water and in sufficient quantity;
  • be sure to add vegetables, bran and cereals rich in fiber to the diet;
  • periodically add beef tripe (raw, frozen) to food, which contains enzymes and microflora, which allows you to more fully digest food;
  • timely carry out deworming of the animal in order to exclude blockage of the intestines by "helminth tangles";
  • daily active walks twice a day for at least one hour;
  • make sure that the dog grabs into the mouth (pebbles, small toys can cause intestinal blockage).

All of the above measures assume their use in a healthy animal. If constipation is already detected in a dog, then abundant feeding and increased activity animal are contraindicated!

Homemade laxatives for constipation

The owner of the dog is primarily concerned with two main questions: how can the owner help at home and how to treat constipation in a dog at home? A pronounced laxative effect from home remedies has:

  • Kefir. It is given at night and as much as the dog herself drinks. If you do not want to drink kefir on your own, pour in with a syringe or rubber pear through a toothless edge: small dogs- a few teaspoons, medium - a few tablespoons, large - up to 200 ml.
  • Lean, flaxseed or castor oil dogs are given very often . At night, add 2-7 tablespoons to the food according to the weight of the pet until it reaches lasting effect normal bowel movements. It is good to add to boiled vegetables, especially carrots. There are no contraindications. Overdose is not noted. It begins to weaken after 5-8 hours.
  • Vaseline oil. From 5 to 80 ml orally through the mouth (also through the edentulous edge with a syringe or syringe without a needle), depending on the size of the dog, twice or thrice a day. Frequency: every 12 hours until a persistent effect of normal bowel movements is achieved. It is not absorbed in the body, it enters the intestine unchanged, lubricating its walls and softening the feces. It can be administered rectally with a douche in the form of an enema slightly warmed.

Medications for constipation

Pet owners immediately wonder what to give a dog for constipation? Everything related to medicines, the appointment should be carried out only by a veterinarian and only after establishing the exact cause of constipation.

All laxatives have general contraindications, the same for all:
  • pregnancy;
  • emaciated and sick dogs;
  • any problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the presence of foreign bodies in the stomach or intestines (for example, bones);
  • intestinal obstruction.

Most of the drugs used in dogs to relieve the symptoms of constipation are human drugs and can be purchased at any ordinary pharmacy. There are very few drugs directly for use in veterinary medicine. It is important to observe the dosage, take into account side effects, as well as features of the digestive tract of dogs. The action of all drugs is approximately the same, the main selection criterion is price and ease of use.

Magnesia (magnesium sulfate)

An effective laxative for dogs that thins stools by “pulling” fluid and has a pronounced peristaltic effect.

  • Dosage: 1-2 g of powder/kg of weight or 1 ampoule of 25% solution diluted with 5-10 ml of boiled water. Pour the syringe into the mouth through the toothless edge.
  • Side effects: increased salivation at the time of admission.
  • Contraindications: heart disease, kidney pathology, cholelithiasis + general.
  • Price: 60-150 rubles, depending on the form of release.


Laxative based on lactulose. Increases the volume of feces, facilitating bowel movements by increasing peristalsis.

  • Dosage: is selected individually according to the condition and action of the animal, approximately 1 ml of syrup / 1 kg of dog weight twice a day or at night. Lifetime admission available.
  • Side effects: possible flatulence, bloating, diarrhea in case of overdose.
  • Contraindications: -
  • Price: 200 ml - 250-350 rubles; 500 ml - 360-450 rubles.


Biologically active additive, a source of lactulose.

  • Dosage: 1 ml / 1 kg of dog weight until a lasting effect is obtained. Uninterrupted reception according to indications is possible.
  • Side effects: in case of an overdose, diarrhea is observed that does not affect the general condition of the animal.
  • Contraindications: -
  • Price: 300 ml - 270-350 rubles.


A laxative that increases the amount of mucus in the intestines and increases intestinal peristalsis. Available in tablets and rectal suppositories - suppositories for dogs are more convenient.

  • Dosage: candles are inserted rectally until completely immersed in the rectum, calculating the amount according to the size of the dog: from ¼ dwarf breeds up to 1 per large breed. 1-2 times a day.
  • Side effects: allergies, intestinal irritation, uncontrolled diarrhea.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, diseases of the urinary system.
  • Price: 5 candles 40-100 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.


Herbal laxative tablets for the symptomatic treatment of constipation. Available in three forms, the dry tablet is suitable for the dog. This medicine constipation is good to use in chronic form.

  • Dosage: depending on the size of the dog: small and decorative - 0.5 tablets per night; medium - 1 tablet at night, large - 1-2 tablets at night. The tablet is placed on the root of the tongue, the head is raised and a little water is poured through the toothless edge through a syringe. Be sure to check to see if the dog swallowed, and not moved the pill to the cheek.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions.
  • Contraindications: individual sensitivity to senna leaves, kidney disease.
  • Price: 500 pcs. tablets 550-670 rubles.


Herbal laxative, which includes powder from the shells of psyllium seeds. Produced in the form of sachets.

  • Dosage: the contents of one package are dissolved in 150 ml of boiled water and fed to the dog with a syringe without a needle or douche on the basis that 150 ml for a large dog, 75-130 ml for a medium dog, up to 60 ml for a small dog. After that, just give the animal an extra drink.
  • Side effects: allergies, flatulence in the first days of admission.
  • Contraindications: individual sensitivity to plantain.
  • Price: 20 sachets - 475-600 rubles.


A veterinary drug with a pronounced laxative effect, which contains: lactulose, lactose and galactose. Stimulates the growth of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in the colon and increases the "water content" of feces. Effective for severe constipation.

  • Dosage: 1 ml of the drug / 10 kg of animal weight for a month for the prevention of constipation, 2-3 ml / 10 kg of body weight with therapeutic purpose until recovery. Permanent reception is possible.
  • Side effects: -
  • Contraindications: -
  • Price: 20 ml - 80-150 rubles.


Veterinary paste for removing hair from the body of animals, also used as one of the laxatives that improve intestinal motility.

  • Dosage: 1 teaspoon for small dogs, 1 tbsp. spoon large dogs once a day for 3 days, then a half dose 2-3 times a week.
  • Side effects: -
  • Contraindications: individual sensitivity.
  • Price: 520-700 rub.


Biologically active additive for use in veterinary medicine. 100% fiber from barley and psyllium.

  • Dosage: 1 capsule / 9 kg dog weight. Sprinkle the contents of the capsule on the animal's food. The multiplicity is selected individually, depending on the effect of the action.
  • Side effects: flatulence, allergies.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of barley and plantain.
  • Price: 100 capsules - 1600-1850 rubles.

Constipation is not a condition where you can wait for it to go away on its own, or get off with some laxatives or an enema. Before you start taking action, you need to know for sure the exact reason why the dog is not able to empty his bowels, so as not to make things worse.

With problems with bowel movements, pets cannot explain how long the stool has been missing, how they feel. Therefore, all responsibility for the health of the four-legged lies with the owner. What to do at home if the dog has constipation? And when is it necessary to immediately go to the veterinarian?

Prolonged lack of defecation in a pet leads to the development of intoxication. However, constipation is not only dangerous. The retention of feces can provoke a rupture of the intestine, contribute to the pathologies of the internal organs. And prolonged inaction sometimes even results in the death of the animal.

Causes and symptoms

In a healthy pet, the act of defecation should occur twice a day. Puppies, depending on their age, may experience about five "trip trips". If the dog began to empty his intestines less often, it is important to understand in what situations it is acceptable to treat constipation in a dog at home, and when the help of specialists is needed.

Constipation is a persistent violation of the defecation process for several days, in which stagnant processes develop in the intestines, leading to general intoxication of the body.

Sources of the problem

Most often, the causes of constipation are hidden in malnutrition dogs or penetration into the digestive tract of foreign bodies. Veterinarians note that the following ten causes are the most common sources of the problem.

Constipation in a dog may appear on the background stressful situations, during estrus, moving. Sometimes defecation disorders are symptoms of other pathologies. Problems with emptying occur with gastritis, diseases of the intestines, liver, pancreatitis, distemper.

Characteristic features

It's easy to suspect a problem. An attentive owner will always notice that the pet has not emptied the intestines during a regular walk. This should be a concern. However, do not rush to sound the alarm. Take a look at the dog's behavior. If the pet is cheerful, playful and cheerful, then something is unlikely to bother him.

Veterinarians point to the following symptoms constipation in dogs

  • attempts - the dog tries several times to sit down "under the bush", takes a characteristic pose, but all to no avail;
  • behavior - the act of defecation causes anxiety in the dog, the dog becomes lethargic, lethargic, refuses to play, eat and drink;
  • abdomen - swollen, hard and painful to the touch;
  • time - the intestines are not emptied during the day (24 hours);
  • feces - if you manage to "get things done", then the amount of feces is insignificant, it is dry, dark, compressed (sometimes with constipation, blood may appear in the feces).

In heavy advanced cases signs of intoxication join this symptomatology:

  • dehydration;
  • severe weakness;
  • vomit;
  • temperature increase;
  • sharp deterioration.

When signs of intoxication appear, a veterinarian's consultation is required. Such symptoms may indicate the development of dangerous pathologies: intestinal obstruction, intestinal volvulus. Such ailments are characterized by severe swelling. As a result, the intestines can "crawl out" on the stomach (palpable as a bump). In this case, only a timely operation can save the pet.

Constipation in a dog: what to do

If your pet has constipation, then you can try to help him on your own. Self-treatment is permissible only in cases where the problem is not running and the dog does not have severe symptoms intoxication.

Folk remedies

Start by identifying the causes of constipation. If errors in food led to the problem, then review the diet and correct it. Try to completely eliminate the impact negative factors. If the dog is eating natural products, then include boiled buckwheat, kefir, carrots and raw beets in her diet. These products provide colon cleansing.

To help your pet, resort to the help of folk remedies.

  • Plums. For relief, you can give your pet plums, provided there is no allergy. But no more than two pieces, so as not to provoke diarrhea.
  • Prunes . It is recommended to cut it into pieces and feed it to the dog. If the dog refuses the “treat”, then cook a decoction based on dried fruits. Feed your pet a drink in small portions.
  • pumpkin infusion. This is another laxative drink. Two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds must be poured with a glass of boiling water. The “medicine” is lurking for half an hour. Then it must be filtered and offered to drink to the sufferer.
  • Vegetable oil. Invite your pet to drink some oil on an empty stomach. It contributes to the enveloping of the intestine and facilitates the exit of fecal lumps.

Do not use all methods at the same time. This will hurt the dog. Regardless of the method chosen, relaxation should occur within three to six hours.


Radical elimination method delicate issue is an enema. It allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate constipation. In addition, this method is aimed at softening the "deposits" in the intestine, due to which there is no negative consequences in the form of hemorrhoids, anal fissures.

For an enema, you can use:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • plain water;
  • Castor oil;
  • magnesia solution (20 g of the drug per 100 ml of water);
  • weak saline solution (30 g of salt per 100 ml);
  • Vaseline oil.

Any liquid must be warm (35-37°C). To give an enema to a dog with constipation, be sure to call an assistant and proceed according to the following scheme.

  • Preparation. Put on gloves. Lay the dog on its side. Your assistant should firmly hold the dog in this position. Lubricate the dog's anus with petroleum jelly or oil beforehand to minimize pain.
  • Procedure. Now enter the pear cannula into the anus. Gradually release all liquid. Take out the pear. Anus hold with your fingers for a few minutes.
  • Completion. Repeat this wash several times. When the feces stop coming out, the procedure can be considered complete.

It is strictly forbidden to resort to enema if there is a suspicion of intestinal volvulus, with hemorrhoids, cracks, ruptures. The procedure is contraindicated in case of intestinal tumors, diseases of the kidneys, heart.

Vaseline oil

To cleanse the intestines, you can give your pet vaseline oil. The product is often used in veterinary medicine and is considered quite safe. Oil is obtained in the process of oil refining. However, do not be afraid, it is not absorbed at all in the digestive tract, therefore it does not harm the dog and provides the necessary lubrication of the inner walls.

Vaseline oil is gently but quickly poured into the mouth of a constipated dog. Then they close it and hold it for a few seconds so that the pet does not spit out the “medicine”, but swallows it. The procedure is repeated twice a day.

The medicine is given strictly on an empty stomach. A single dose is calculated based on the size of the dog:

  • for a pet weighing 5 kg- dosage is 5 ml;
  • for a pet weighing 10 kg- give 10 ml or one teaspoon at a time.

The results of treatment should make themselves felt four to five hours after the first dose. Vaseline oil is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • pet poisoning with phosphorus;
  • inflammation of the intestines and other organs of the peritoneum.

If constipation occurs in a small puppy, then you can help the crumbs by massaging the abdomen or applying a warm heating pad.


Before giving your pet a laxative, be sure to consult your doctor. Most of the drugs that are recognized as very effective for humans are very dangerous for the dog. So, popular drugs such as "Bisacodyl", "Guttalax" cause a sharp contraction of the muscles around the hardened masses. This can lead to injury to the intestines, and sometimes to ruptures. Depending on the situation, veterinarians may recommend the following medications for dog constipation.

  • "Bimin". The drug is an odorless oily liquid. The use of the drug provides an enveloping of the intestinal walls. Hardened lumps easily and painlessly move towards the exit and are removed naturally. The dosage of the drug is calculated according to the ratio: per 1 kg of weight - 1 ml of the drug.
  • Magnesia. This drug works a little differently. It enters the intestines and provides liquefaction of feces. Thanks to this effect, the dog completely painlessly "goes to the toilet." However, the drug has a number of contraindications that must be remembered. "Magnesia" is forbidden to be used for pets suffering from diseases of the liver, heart or kidneys.
  • "Duphalac". Sometimes veterinarians recommend "human" medicines to pets. However, without consulting a specialist, they should not be used. Duphalac syrup has earned particular popularity. It provides softening of "deposits" and activates peristalsis. As a result, softened feces leave the intestines much faster. However, this drug can provoke side effects in a pet, such as flatulence, vomiting, bloating, and even diarrhea.
  • Glycerin suppositories. This is a drug for rectal administration. It provides lubrication of the intestines and anus, thereby facilitating the release of hardened masses. The use of candles is strictly prohibited for hemorrhoids, anal fissures.

Sometimes a dog may become constipated after spaying, surgical interventions. In these situations self-treatment forbidden. After any operation, the pet must be observed by a veterinarian. And only a specialist can prescribe medications, advise a diet.

Like humans, our smaller brothers can often suffer from various ailments. Constipation is common in a puppy or dog. What to do in this case?

Symptoms and causes of constipation in a puppy or dog

The complexity of the problem of constipation in a dog is that a "language barrier" can become an obstacle to the timely detection of ailments, because the dog will never complain about feeling unwell or pain in a certain part of the body. Therefore, identifying and treating diseases in an animal is the prerogative of their owners, who must carefully monitor the care and well-being of the pet.

If you notice that your dog has no stool for several days, vomiting and refusing food, you can be sure that he is suffering from constipation. The reasons for this can be many, from a simple violation of the diet, to infectious diseases. The lack of proper amount of fluid in the intestines, as well as the lack of food, can lead to improper bowel function.

Reasons may be less secure. For example,

  • volvulus,
  • tumors
  • or consequences of past viral diseases.

An attentive owner will always be able to notice the first symptoms of his pet's disease, which will make it possible to respond to any disease in a timely manner. In such conditions, constipation in a puppy will not become a significant problem either for you or for his health.

What should the owner do with constipation in a puppy or adult dog?

If constipation is caused by commonplace and non-dangerous reasons like a violation of the diet, then the problem is solved plain oil, which is added to the pet's food. The dosage varies from a tablespoon to 200 ml, depending on the weight of the dog. Also, sometimes an enema can help with constipation in a dog, but you should not abuse this method.

If you are not sure about the causes of the disease, contact your veterinarian immediately, who will give a qualified answer, which will help your pet get rid of the disease.

Well, in any case, you need to carefully monitor the dog's diet for a couple of weeks. To do this, exclude the bones, add dairy and meat products.

If you do not notice suspicious dangerous symptoms with constipation, then you can do without consulting a specialist. In this case, the following may help you. general recommendations:

watch your puppy's diet early age he needs cereals to prevent constipation, a large number of cereals, vegetables and fruits that give essential vitamins and minerals;

add a puppy to prevent constipation a small amount of vegetable oil in food, which helps cleanse the intestines;

make sure that the pet always has water in a bowl so that he can freely get it, if necessary, because he feels better how much water his body requires;

walk more with your puppy young age It is recommended to walk the dog at least four times a day.

Prevention of constipation in dogs

Physical activity is generally good for pets and should not be neglected. They not only help to cope with individual ailments, but also keep the body in good shape, provide immunity to the puppy, help develop it. physical form.

If you want to prevent such problems, or if you want to cure them in your dog, special attention should be paid to the issues of his physical activity. Increase the walking time, dilute evening walks various exercises that require increased mobility. This will help restore your pet's health, vitality and good mood.

Proper care and attention is a guarantee of a puppy's health. Remember that only when proper care, Your pet will be able to develop normally while maintaining its health. Therefore, carefully select his food, plan your time to pay enough attention to walking the puppy, and constantly monitor his well-being.

What to do if it started in a dog? Is it possible to treat a pet with folk remedies or is it better to use medicines? In what cases is self-medication strictly contraindicated? Let's take a look at everything below.

Each owner must understand that home treatment without consulting a veterinarian is always fraught with risks and complications. For effective and correct treatment of constipation in a dog, it is necessary to clearly understand the reasons for which the violation of the digestive process was divorced.

Important! If you are in doubt about accuracy, it is best to contact a veterinarian who can conduct a comprehensive examination.

Constipation may have different reasons, develops against a background of unbalanced or serious pathological disorders. If a dog has developed constipation, against which there are no other symptoms or sharp deterioration health status, you can try to help with folk remedies.

Most often, constipation occurs against the background of a lack of water in the dog's body. Try to enrich the pet's diet with water, transfer it to liquid food and partially replace the water with Regidron's solution. Caution must be exercised with Regidron solution, since an overdose is fraught with an increase in the load on the kidneys.

Dogs love liquid food. From fermented milk products you can offer a pet kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, yogurt, yogurt or cottage cheese, diluted with milk to a liquid consistency. You can saturate the body with liquid with the help of broth, to which chopped meat is added. Raw eggs can be introduced into your pet's diet as a source of fluid, protein, and fat.

Most dogs enjoy eating vegetables, boiled beets has a mild laxative effect. If the dog is not accustomed to consuming beets, the product must be administered in small doses. Considered as a natural laxative raw liver(chicken or beef), oily ocean fish or fish fat . Flaxseed or olive oil should be added to each serving of food.

Important! With a sudden change in diet, the dog's body can go into "savings" mode, which will make the owner consider the therapy ineffective. If you do not notice positive changes in the first hours, continue therapy anyway. However, the slightest signs of intoxication are a reason for an urgent appeal to a veterinarian.

Against the background of an increase in the fat content of the diet and the introduction of laxative products it is necessary to increase physical activity on walks. It is important to choose exercises that do not cause the dog to tense the peritoneum. Make your pet run or walk brisk pace. Jumping and pulling weights are strictly prohibited.

During therapy, to eliminate constipation in a dog, it is important to control the load. Being in a state of monotonous stress, the body slows down the metabolism, which leads to an aggravation of the animal's condition. Provide maximum comfort and peace to your pet when he is in the home. If there are children in the family, try to control their communication with animals. If the dog goes to the place and tries to sleep, it is better not to disturb him.

Advice! When treating constipation in a pet folk or medications, almost all manipulations are associated with stress. The treatment of the animal should be carried out by a family member who is most trusted by the dog.

Read also: Bandage for dogs: purpose and methods of manufacture

When rendering self help animals need Adhere to the principle of "do no harm". Closely monitor changes in the pet's condition and contact your veterinarian if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, vomiting- symptoms indicating development
  • Ammonia breath odor i - indicates acute, which can develop against the background of intoxication.
  • - indicates damage to the intestinal walls or blockage of the paranasal glands.
  • Putrid-smelling blood or mucus coming out of the anus- may indicate the development of a viral pathology or bleeding in the intestine.
  • Body change- an increase in temperature indicates the excitation of immunity and the development of pathology. A decrease in body temperature indicates a breakdown, severe intoxication or a necrotic process.
  • Discoloration of mucous membranes- paleness and cyanosis may indicate a malfunction of the product. An intense pink or red color of the gums indicates an increase in core body temperature.
  • Instead of feces, mucus comes out of the anus(sometimes mixed with feces) is a sign of acute constipation, which is often confused with.
  • Stools in the form of dense, dry balls- symptom chronic constipation, which develops as a sign of a more serious, systemic disorder.
  • Profuse bowel movements with wet, shapeless feces and - indicates atony of the intestine, that is, the loss of its contractile activity and emptying only upon overflow.

Treatment of constipation in a dog at home is strictly not recommended if the pet refused water appears lethargic or very weak. You can do without going to the doctor if constipation is due to previous treatment (), recent, stress or age.

Treatment of constipation in a dog folk remedies

Among folk remedies for the treatment of constipation in pets, a suspension prepared from condensed milk and water is in the lead. The components are mixed in equal proportions and fed to the dog every 30-40 minutes, 3-4 times a day. Such a suspension should not be given to a healthy animal, as it will lead to the development of diarrhea. With constipation, condensed milk with water helps to saturate the feces with moisture and their natural exit from the body of the animal.

Most owners know that pet constipation can be treated. The drug is considered safe because it passes through the body of the dog "in transit" and is not absorbed. After entering the intestines, vaseline oil envelops its walls, preventing the absorption of water. The water that is retained in the intestines is absorbed into the feces, softening them.

Vaseline can be used in two forms: oil and candles. On average dog the maximum dosage of oil should not exceed 50 ml at a time. The oil is evaporated every 1–2 hours, no more than 5 times. Usually defecation occurs after 2-3 doses.

Vaseline suppositories are inserted into the anus. For small dogs, the candle is pre-divided into two parts. Candles are administered at intervals of 1-2 hours, but, like oil, they are not recommended to be used more than 5 times. Defecation can occur 2-3 hours after the first injection of the suppository.

Many experienced pet owners know that pumpkin. Usually, dogs are happy to take sweet medicine in its raw form. If the dog is not accustomed to eating vegetables, the pumpkin can be steamed and mixed with cottage cheese. In addition, boiled beets, raw liver and vegetable oils have a laxative effect.

Advice: if the dog refuses dietary products, crushed sunflower seeds can be discreetly added to the food. The shelled, unroasted seeds contain enough oil and fat to relieve a recent onset of constipation.

Read also: Dog poisoning

Often used in the treatment of constipation glycerol. How independent drug, glycerin is almost powerless, but against the background of a diet and an increase physical activity, it is quite effective. In addition, after applying glycerin, for a more comfortable and fast elimination constipation, a cleansing enema is recommended.

Enema as a way to treat constipation in a dog

As a treatment for constipation in a dog, an enema with pure water or oil is quite effective. If you cannot guess what causes constipation, it is better not to use any enema supplements.

All preparations must be made in advance. To carry out an enema, you will need moisture-absorbing diapers, napkins, disposable gloves and the solution itself. All manipulations are preferably carried out indoors. Since during the enema the dog will feel discomfort She will most likely try to get up and run away. To prevent escape, secure your pet in advance with a collar and leash.

For an enema, the dog is laid on its side, although some animals endure the procedure even in a standing position. The nose of the enema is liberally lubricated with Vaseline and inserted into the anus, no deeper than 2.5 cm. After the introduction of the liquid, the enema spout is carefully withdrawn. The dog's tail must be pressed against the anus and held for at least 1-3 minutes.

After the manipulations, there are three options for the development of events:

  • Get the animal outside quickly, as most dogs will hold back a bowel movement, knowing that such activities are not allowed in the home.
  • Place an absorbent pad under your pet.
  • Put a diaper on your dog.

Note! After an enema, most animals cannot hold back a bowel movement, so a bowel movement may occur before going outside. Be prepared for such consequences and in no case do not scold the dog!

After the enema, if defecation has not occurred, the dog can be given belly massage. Stroking to stimulate peristalsis abdominal cavity clockwise with slight palpation. If, in response to pressure, you feel a gurgling in the intestines, then massage helps.

After the dog has had a bowel movement, carefully inspect the stool. There should be no inclusions of scarlet blood in the feces! Small clots or threads of clotted blood are the consequences of damage to the intestinal walls during the movement of feces.

After a cleansing enema, the defecation time can stretch for 2-3 hours. If during the specified period nothing but water came out of the intestines of the animal, it is urgent to contact a veterinarian. Most often, the lack of bowel movements after a cleansing enema indicates or intestines.

Treating constipation in dogs with medication

What to do, if folk remedies did not help eliminate constipation in a dog? Gentle remedies may indeed not have the expected effect if constipation lasts more than 2 days, because the feces have become too dry. This constipation can be acute or chronic and should be treated with a safe medication.

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