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Happy 1 year wedding anniversary gif. Calico wedding (1 year) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS. Rules for choosing wedding greeting pictures

The custom of celebrating wedding anniversaries is a very wise custom. On this day, the spouses seem to resurrect their old feelings. You can find congratulations on your 1 year wedding anniversary on this page, but it would still be useful to remind you that some anniversaries have their own symbolism.

One year from the date of marriage of the newlyweds is traditionally called a calico wedding. However, there is another name - gauze wedding. It is believed that the bonds between spouses in the first year after the legalization of the relationship are rather weak, like a thin fabric; they have just begun to get to know each other and there are still a lot of trials ahead. That is why chintz became a symbol of the first wedding anniversary.

According to other sources, this celebration is associated with chintz, because most often it is in the first year after marriage that newlyweds have children. The best gift in this case was considered to be clothes for the baby or baby diapers.

Gifts for the first wedding anniversary

What is the best gift to give for this small family celebration? Since this date is considered the chintz anniversary, fabric items are best suited. Here are the most popular gifts for newlyweds on their first wedding anniversary:


Bed linen or set of towels;

Decorative pillows of various shapes, colors;

Couples clothes.

How to celebrate one year anniversary of marriage

First of all, such a date is a holiday for two. Therefore, it is best for newlyweds to spend this day together: enjoy shared memories and spend time with each other.

Some people prefer to celebrate this holiday with close friends. In this case, you can throw a themed party at home or order a banquet at a restaurant.

Since ancient times, the wife sewed clothes for herself and her husband in honor of the holiday, the two of them dressed up, decorated the house and welcomed guests. There must be a new embroidered tablecloth on the table, and new curtains on the windows.

You also need to pay attention to guests on this day. If a woman entered the house first, you can expect a quick addition to the family. If a man, monetary profit is expected.

You should not invite strangers into your home. There is a sign that if an unfamiliar woman comes into the house, there is a high probability that the spouse will begin to cheat. If a man, the spouse will have a tendency to cheat.

Customs and traditions

In addition, a chintz wedding is popularly called a knot wedding. Traditionally, newlyweds give each other scarves made of chintz or other thin fabric. Then they tie strong knots on them and pronounce the words of the oath. These scarves are the same amulet as wooden spoons tied with ribbon and are stored in a secluded place.

Also, according to legend, on the day of the first anniversary, all linen and clothes in the house should be ironed. Otherwise, it is believed that the newlyweds will have problems in their relationship.

If the newlyweds spent this day in harmony and without quarrels, then life will go smoothly and the relationship will be reliable. If the whole day has been spent in quarrels and scandals, then the newlyweds’ relationship is not yet so strong, and they need to work hard and hard to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the family.

Happy wedding anniversary 1 year to friends

The people congratulate you:
They will live in marriage for a whole year.
And, as custom tells everyone,
We give you a fun sitchik!

Let the kids appear -
Both girls and boys
And then our calico scroll
Useful for diapers!

We are giving an apron for my husband,
We give an apron for my wife.
After all, in the kitchen together, together
You must cook!

We will come to you often
For dumplings and pilaf.
Cooking - for happiness
There are no stronger foundations in the world.

The whole year was a honeymoon for you,
Everything around seemed new.
And they opened this year
You are love's secret code!

If there were even disputes -
You've forgotten about them now
Once for the first anniversary
You invited your friends.

What do your friends wish for you?
Let the family be strong!
Every year - like the first year -
Let him bring only honey!

So vivid and fresh in my memory
Last year's wedding celebration.
The young husband brought in his arms
To the wife's house with a smile on her lips.

There was so much joy in the eyes!
How much happiness there is in loving hearts!
How many congratulatory speeches
And there were parting words from the guests!

The past year has been a long one for you.
A series of events, a round dance
Joys, discoveries and hardships.
But love in the family is a secret code,

Fortunately, opening the way.
You need to go through all the roads,
To find yours, the one,
To carry a lot through life.

Calico celebrating the anniversary,
Like fabric, the simpler it is, the nicer it is,
Be there for each other for a long time.
The start is good, the honey year is over...

A whole year has passed since the wedding -
Once again, celebration, jokes, laughter.
We are sure that happiness awaits you,
Good luck and success!

We wish you to strengthen the union,
As a gift - a cotton handkerchief,
And after a year or two
We are expecting a son and daughter.

Well, tell me, how can I not get drunk?
Are chintz colors at your wedding?
Well, tell me, how can I not get enough,
So that the chintz doesn’t tear?
And don’t get old, and don’t get dirty,
And don’t shed, don’t rub,
And to be the way we love -
Beautiful, light and not rough!
Don’t ask me not to drink:
Today I'll drink to the chintz!

Congratulations to your wife on her 1 year wedding anniversary

It's been a whole year since we've been a family,
But the heart skips a beat:
My dear wife
Everything is still a mystery to me.

I feel so good together with her,
With her I can be strong, brave,
We will always understand each other
After all, we are one - soul and body.

And I propose a toast
For the one who illuminated my path
A star that is brighter than other stars!
May you shine all your life!

Today is your one year anniversary,
You became my dear wife,
And our feelings have not cooled down,
They gave us a lot of happiness!

Let us keep our love,
Believe each other, be close,
Support and help
To become even happier!

It seems like only a year has passed,
From the day we got married,
And it’s like a century with you -
So we became closely related.

I swear to be with you forever,
I will be devoted and faithful.
And before the wedding, golden,
We'll make it, I'm sure!

We celebrate our holiday,
Honey, with you
A year ago I said yes
She became my wife.

Congratulations, half,
I wish us happiness
I confess that even more
I am captured by you.

Wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations to husband

I raise a glass to my husband!
My husband was given to me by fate.
It's not cold with him in the winter cold,
It keeps you cool in the tropical heat.

So we lived with him for a whole year.
We got used to each other - I won’t hide it.
There was a lot of worries and troubles,
But we truly became a family.

My husband is a real lump:
Lean securely against your shoulder.
For your love, dear “thank you!”
Tonight I will whisper more than once...

Exactly a year ago, dear,
I became your wife.
I still love
I adore you.

You are my husband and best friend,
You are the ideal husband.
Can you forgive, understand,
Protect and trust.

I want to live with you
Golden until the wedding.
You, my love, are forever with me
The closest person!

Happy first anniversary
Congratulations, dear.
Exactly a year ago, my love,
I became your wife!

Our chintz wedding -
First year on a long journey.
Exactly with such a man
I want to pass it!

You and I are having a chintz wedding.
You have been my legal husband for a year now.
You are the best husband, the most beautiful in the world,
And most importantly, beloved, best friend!

I adore you, it's true.
I don't know how I could have done it without you:
You are a fortress and reliable guard,
Protection, and support, and wall!

I love you, I appreciate moments of happiness.
I want it to be like this all my life, day after day.
So that we celebrate a diamond wedding
In the circle of family, relatives and you together!

Wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations in your own words in prose

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on the first stage you have completed, on the first year of your family union, on your chintz wedding. I wish you to continue your journey together without worries and quarrels, I wish you to always feel cared for by each other, I wish you to always put your family first, I wish you to constantly maintain the status of happiness and prosperity in your home.

Congratulations on your first date, on the first completed stage of family life. On your chintz wedding, I wish you a life as easy and smooth as this fabric, great happiness and unquenchable love, a cozy home and friendly family, a wonderful atmosphere and major harmony in your relationships.

Dear, dear, beloved! Congratulations on a bright, amazing holiday - your wedding anniversary! We wish you tenderness, warmth, affection and endless care! Be happy! Bitterly!

1st wedding anniversary means 365 lived days and happy nights, 52 weeks of fabulous prosperity, 8760 hours of love and tenderness, 525,600 minutes of fidelity and trust, 31,536,000 seconds of reliability and faith in each other! Listen, let this counter continue to spin, gaining momentum! It's bitter, young people!

Young! Congratulations on your huge life step - your first wedding anniversary. We wish you bright light, clear skies, great goodness, inexhaustible love, a luxurious apartment, a luxury car, smart children and a bag of banknotes, preferably of high denomination! Bitterly!

Dear lovers! A chintz wedding is the first step you take together, it is a fraction of the entire joint path that you need to go through together. We wish you that your road is smooth, your step is firm, and your balance is confident! Be happy, friends! Bitterly!

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a unit of society. In any case, it’s a piece of the world, its own little world. Not a little world, but the world. I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of the emergence of this Universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

A year of sailing together is a lot. How many of the best ships have crashed on reefs due to ordinary mutual grievances and misunderstandings! And for some reason I remembered this joke:

Honey, could you sweep the room?

I feel so bad, honey. You see, even my hands are shaking!

Wonderful! Then it won't be difficult for you to shake out the carpet!

Let's drink to optimism, which allows you to find a piece of ham in any disgusting situation and turn any circumstance for the benefit of the family!

Short congratulations on your wedding anniversary 1 year

Happy first tender date
We've been married for a year - that's
Just great!

Let the chintz not tear,
It will be strong
Just stick together -
That's the whole law.

A year has passed since the wonderful date,
And you guys are so happy.
May your life be smooth,
Well, let’s make it sweet together!

Congratulations on your chintz wedding
And we wish you only good luck!
Keep the thrill of relationships
And bright, rosy moments.

It's a chintz wedding today,
I congratulate you tenderly.
You've been together for a whole year already,
You are a wonderful family.

I wish you deep feelings,
Understanding, warmth,
The atmosphere will be in the house
May you be comfortable and kind.

The year has flown by unnoticed
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
We walked all night until the morning.
Today we celebrate everything
Your chintz anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
Health, love and children!

Let the bright chintz of your wedding
Does not rush and does not suffer troubles,
But it only gets stronger
For many many years to come!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
It’s not called calico for nothing!
On this bright holiday I wish you
Love for many more years to come!

Chintz blooms like cornflowers,
You are family, all year long.
So love each other,
Husband - wife, wife - spouse.

The start was good, and the year turned out great,
And we have the right to congratulate you,
And congratulations and wish you happiness,
And may thunderstorms and bad weather pass you by!

The honey year is over... But the honeycomb is full,
And the ship plows the azure waves,
And the chintz of the scarlet sails does not fade...
So let the gold of the peaks shine for you!

Over the course of a year, the hearth grew, became warmer,
It warms both hosts and guests,
Let trouble burn in him like firewood,
And may love never fade away!

Spouses will be pleased to receive beautiful congratulations on their wedding anniversary, regardless of whether it is a round date or an anniversary. Send your friends or parents a postcard. You can download free funny happy wedding anniversary pictures with wishes.

Happy 5 year wedding anniversary! Let only pleasant things happen in life, and good people meet often, let your home be cozy and warm, I wish you well and good luck in everything!

I wish you peace, health, goodness. May life be extremely generous to you, may your love warm your hearts, may family happiness know no end!

1 year wedding anniversary image

May love be eternal

All the best to you in life and health, wealth, peace and warmth! A family warmed by love is always reliable and strong.

Bright, strong, bright happiness, strong mutual love, a happy life, without a cloud of bad weather - these are my wishes.

Happy 11 year wedding anniversary

Diploma for beloved parents on their wedding anniversary

Postcard. On my chintz wedding day, I wish my beautiful wife that you live without despondency and help me in many ways. Thank you for being with me, dear. Like no one else, she is able to give you a look and instill peace in your soul.

On a happy day, at a wonderful hour, fate united you! We wish you health, happiness, life in love, friendship and harmony!

A wedding anniversary is a special occasion. This means that a couple of lovers have successfully tested their feelings for strength. Why not celebrate such an important occasion with a beautiful wedding card? And even though only 1 year has passed since the wedding, it often becomes a test for many couples. And if the newlyweds passed it successfully, it’s time to prepare original animated, funny and tender, cool wedding cards.

We choose congratulations for free!

Anniversary greeting cards will never be boring and ordinary if real masters are involved. Specialized portal of congratulations Invitizer for all occasions. This is where you will find:

  • animated anniversary cards;
  • funny wishes for the first year of marriage;
  • cool parting words.

The site is simply replete with unusual, but always free, ideas for celebrating. This is where offers are collected that will make any celebration (including an anniversary) special.

How to make a greeting card memorable?

Showing your love and respect is simple. To do this, just open the page of the congratulations portal, after which:

  • among the many cards, choose the one that is sure to make the recipients smile;
  • write parting words, your wishes or beautiful poems;
  • indicate the recipient in a special line;
  • approve the date when a happy letter should arrive at the specified address.

Everything else is done by a special resource, which, unlike people, never forgets about events and celebrations!

There are many wedding anniversaries. And one of them is chintz wedding. A chintz wedding is considered year of marriage. This anniversary is also called a cotton or gauze wedding. This anniversary received this name as a sign that after a year the marriage is not yet strong enough and is like gauze or chintz. After a year of marriage, the newlyweds have not yet gotten to know each other enough; they have not yet experienced the life difficulties that they will have to overcome together.

At a chintz wedding, it is necessary to present each other with chintz fabrics, chintz handkerchiefs and other chintz products that are necessary in everyday life. Guests from the wedding, parents, witnesses are always invited to this anniversary, who also bring chintz with them and say wonderful toasts that the newlyweds will have another anniversary, that the first obstacles are behind them, and also wish that the chintz of the newlyweds will be the most durable .

On the day of the calico wedding, the newlyweds should understand that the first year is just the beginning and that many more unforgettable moments await them in the future.

A year has passed since you were married.
A year of harmony and love.
Did you ever
Could you live without each other?

You are family and you are united
And let the years fly -
Together you are invincible.
Never swear.

To this chintz wedding
Again “Bitter!” we shout to you.
And we wish you both:
Be loved, be loved!

Happy first tender date
We've been married for a year - that's
Just great!

Let the chintz not tear,
It will be strong
Just stick together -
That's the whole law.

Happy wedding anniversary to you, my dears! Your first year of married life has flown by. May your whole life be as bright as chintz. I wish you good health, good luck in life, positivity and love. I wish your wonderful, friendly and cheerful family to grow and develop, to be resistant to life’s circumstances, as well as strong and resilient. I wish you, my dears, family happiness, prosperity and mutual understanding. And let your love never fade among life’s troubles, always protect and protect you.

Your first year has passed
It was the other way around
The first year is a school year,
And truly magical.

There were tears and grinding,
Because of ironing, because of washing.
A bouquet not given,
Not cooked omelette.

Happy anniversary
And we wish your family
Just get stronger and grow,
And bloom with joy.

So that love does not fade away
So that you have enough money.
So that on your 30th birthday
Everyone gathered for lunch.

Golden for your wedding
We will have a feast on the mountain.
And today is only one year old
You can shout “Bitter” again!

There were many happy days
Lots of joyful worries
Here is the chintz wedding -
You lived together for a year.

The first year is the foundation of the family,
In the unity of two hearts
We wish you to build
A whole fairytale palace.

So that in prosperity and love,
It's as if you were living in a fairy tale,
To value each other
And they raised heirs.

On this day a year ago
Changed the way of life -
You created your own family
They became husband and wife.

Congratulations on your first date,
I wish you to live richly.
And cherish each other
Live in peace and love.

Let the kids make you happy
Both girls and boys
There will never be troubles
There will be joy and advice.

Full of joys and worries
Your first year has flown by.
There were quarrels and reconciliations,
And magical moments.

I wish you from my heart
Go through all the hardships together.
So that you avoid quarrels,
The argument should be turned into a joke.

So that, as a piece of art
You took care of your feelings.
After all, love and respect -
A pledge of fidelity and rapprochement.

Only you can do it
Prove to the big world
That there is no more beautiful couple than you.
I wish you only happiness.

So that even after years
Remembered like never before
The look of love from your eyes
Happy calico wedding to you!

Your anniversary is made of chintz,
You've only been together for a year.
Let your union strengthen,
Let your family grow.

Congratulations on this date,
Let it be small for now,
But we wish you to get there
We are golden before the wedding.

And then - to emerald!
And don't lose love.
Well, if it gets difficult,
Never lose heart.

And don't quarrel in vain,
Do not know troubles and sorrows,
So with the red wedding
We could congratulate you.

Does heaven need a reason
Two destinies brought together at the appointed hour?
On this bright holiday, your anniversary,
I congratulate you today,

No matter what happens, stay close
And never quarrel in your hearts,
And for this you will be rewarded
Long honey years.

The first year is like the first page,
Trial and error, a careful step,
Happiness also needs to be learned,
May the marriage only grow stronger over the years!

The year flew by unnoticed
The family has been living for a year now,
Happy first anniversary,
Congratulations, friends!

You will live together for a very long time,
And have many children
So that love does not fade away,
Have fun and happy days!

So that they live to old age,
So that harmony lives,
So that we understand each other,
To be together forever!

How nice it is to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day! The newlyweds prepare for a long time and carefully for this event: they choose the time and place for the ceremony, draw up a list of guests, and what can we say about buying outfits. It is clear that at the moment of celebration they expect congratulations and expressions of enthusiasm from family and relatives. Congratulations for the newlyweds can be different, and of course, it is best to congratulate the happy couple in person. What if they are far away on this significant day?

With the help of the Internet, you can not ignore the newlyweds, even if time and distance are on your way. Do you want to be the first to congratulate the bride and groom? This can be done using an e-card (cool pictures or ornate wishes - the choice is up to you). It so happens that you are far away on your wedding day?

It’s easy to download congratulations on your wedding day, and the bride and groom will be pleased to receive news and know that their holiday has not been forgotten.

There is so much I want to say to a couple who are just starting their life together! Wishes of cloudless happiness and prosperity with warnings against minor mistakes are mixed in your mind. Beautiful postcards will help you present your congratulations beautifully. The elegant pictures that we have provided with wishes that are appropriate for the occasion will convey the joy for the newlyweds in the best possible way.

Marriage is an event that binds two people for life. And couples who have traveled a significant path together deserve congratulations on their anniversary of marriage no less than those who have just decided to link their destinies. Spouses who have lived together for many years can rightfully be proud, because they were able to preserve and strengthen their feelings. An event such as a silver or porcelain wedding does not go without attention and congratulations from friends and relatives.

Our cards will help you congratulate spouses on their wedding anniversary and select wishes that are suitable for this particular couple. As you know, relationships change with age. And if in the first years of their marriage the young husband and wife appreciated touching pictures and beautiful phrases, then the silver anniversary will quite possibly change their priorities, and they will become more attracted to cool pictures as congratulations on their anniversary.

Statistics say that about 85% of spouses congratulate each other on their wedding anniversary. All the more deserving of celebration is the silver wedding. Having lived with one person for half a century, you begin to rediscover him, because with age people change and grow spiritually.

How can you miss such an event in the life of relatives or friends as a silver wedding and not congratulate them on this day? Give joy to your loved ones with an original card.

The ability to laugh at life in general and yourself in particular is very useful. Humor helps you look at life more simply and overcome everyday difficulties. Funny pictures as a happy anniversary greeting? Why not? The spouses will smile with joy after reading your congratulations on their wedding day, but there can never be too many smiles.

It doesn’t matter what kind of anniversary you want to congratulate the couple on, a two-year anniversary, a quarter-century anniversary or a wedding day when the newlyweds are just about to get married. They will forever remember this event as a bright holiday, as well as all the congratulations and wishes that they will receive from their friends and family. Who knows, maybe together they will go through beautiful cards more than once, re-read warm lines and funny wishes, and remember the one who gave them.

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