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Graduation for medium, short and long hair with bangs. Graduated haircut: fashionable images for different hair lengths What is graduation in hairdressing

First you need to define the concept - graduated haircut.

In simple terms, this is a ladder cut made with scissors using the thinning method using “smooth” cascade transitions. If the “smooth” transition condition is not met, then the haircut was unsuccessful, so an experienced hairdresser is needed. First you need to familiarize yourself with the features of a graduated haircut.

A graduated haircut, like many other haircuts, depends on the hair, or rather, its length and structure, and the shape of the face. For thick and heavy hair, a haircut will reduce weight by adding volume at the roots. It will give wavy and straight hair the desired shape. Preserving the existing length of the hair, medium and long hair, a graduated haircut will make it voluminous and voluminous, and short hair more dynamic. The haircut will be appropriate for large and sharp facial features, as well as a not very long neck.

Will help you lose a couple of extra years

But for long, thin and sparse hair, a graduated haircut is not recommended. On the top part of the hair, light grading is possible if the bottom hair is kept straight. Graduation for curly hair is not advisable.

The procedure for performing a graduated haircut

  • Haircutting should begin with damp hair, otherwise there will be no clear transition between strands of different lengths.
  • To decide on the type of haircut, a parting is made in the center.
  • The upper hair is pinned up, the haircut begins with the lower hair.
  • The hair is cut diagonally on both sides and meets at the longest point.
  • The top hair is cut in the same way, but the strands are made a couple of centimeters shorter, which will give additional volume.

A degree is the angle of inclination in relation to the horizon, and graduation is how the angle of the pulled strands changes. If vertical partings are made, then the angle of the cut line, obtuse or acute, goes in relation to the head.

The technique consists of gradually changing the length of the hair strands, which will give the hair volume and expressiveness. An alternative option would be a sharp transition from medium-length strands to long ones. The hair is cut according to the principle of steps, but at a certain angle. The amount of hair volume depends on the angle at which the hair strands will be cut.

Calibration methods

Graduation differs - internal and external.

  • Internal graduation

  1. At the back of the head, take the bottom strand and cut off the required length.
  2. We go up 0.5-1 cm, take the next strand, and cut it a couple of millimeters lower than the first.
  3. We continue cutting, going up and cutting the next strand shorter than the previous one.
  4. As a result, the edges of the haircut will curl down, due to the fact that the top layer is slightly longer than the bottom.
  • External graduation

  1. We also begin by cutting the lower strand of the back of the head to the desired length.
  2. The second strand is pulled towards the head, at a certain angle, and cut.
  3. Here the result is the opposite, the inner strands become longer, which increases the volume.

Features of the calibration technique

  • When performing a graduated step haircut, the effect will depend on the angle of inclination of the strands.
  • To create volume, the strands are pulled up at an angle of up to 90 degrees.
  • To reduce volume and add layering, the angle should be greater than 90 degrees.
  • To form the upper volume in the back of the head, the strands are pulled parallel to the floor.
  • The middle and lower strands of the back of the head are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The result will depend on how the master’s auxiliary hand is positioned. Fingers should be positioned at 60 degrees relative to the work surface.

Graduation will be a saving option for thick, heavy hair; it will make it lighter, add volume from the very roots and set the desired shape.

If the hair does not shine with thickness, a graduated ladder on the top of the head with a length of strands on top of more than 5 cm will set the desired volume.

If the haircut is done well, the result will make the owner of the hairstyle happy, giving her self-confidence.

Graduated haircuts for long hair are one of the modern trends in hairdressing. Graduated haircut has a variety of execution patterns, which allows you to get the desired result. But despite the many options, this type of hairstyle is not suitable for everyone. Particular attention should be paid to owners of fine hair, so that the haircut fits perfectly, you should carefully monitor the care.

Calibration technology

The technique of performing a cascading hairstyle allows you to maintain the length of the hair; only the layers of the upper strands are removed. The ends of the hair lie smoothly on top of each other, which adds volume, fullness and vitality to long curls. In addition, removing the ends of the hair eliminates split ends.

Graduated haircuts for long hair are performed according to the following basic rules:
- a 90-degree slope allows you to visually add volume. Using a 90 degree lift pattern, the client gets the missing thickening effect;
- pulling the curl at an angle of 45 degrees helps to increase the volume in the occipital zone at the middle and lower level;
- to get a high cascade, the strands are pulled parallel to the floor;
- another secret is the location of the stylist's hand. If your fingers are at an angle of 60 degrees relative to the strand at the time of cutting, then the result will be ideal;
- the thinning process should also be approached carefully. Thin hair has brittle ends, which can ruin styling and overall appearance;
- you should carefully monitor the implementation of transitions; they can be invisible to the eye, smooth or sharp, bold.

Benefits of graduated hairstyles

The use of a haircut pattern on long hair is suitable for those with short necks; the hairstyle will visually lengthen the neck area.

For women with a long face type, the addition of thick bangs, which are best laid to one side, will help achieve maximum effect.

With the help of a graduated hairstyle, you can hide large facial features, giving the owner softness and femininity.

The haircut is very popular among middle-aged women, helping to disguise their real age.

Graduated haircut for long hair with bangs

An excellent addition to this haircut technique is bangs. With long hair, bangs add freshness and newness to the haircut. However, owners of long and curly hair should think about the shape of their bangs in advance to avoid unpleasant embarrassment.
In order for the graduation to be in harmony with the bangs, it is necessary to begin the transitions directly from the bangs. For those who have refused it, the cascade begins at the level of the top point of the earlobe.

Straight bangs

With straight bangs you can hide a high forehead; such bangs are great for oval face types. Straight bangs with an even cut to the eyebrow line or just below are ideal for all hair types and types of graduated haircuts.

side bangs

Soften rough facial features, great for square shapes. The bangs can be located along the chin or eyebrows.

Arched bangs

The arch shape looks good on a triangular face type. Arched bangs have a characteristic elongation that requires laying on the side or symmetrically positioned.

Graduation - rear view

When performing any type of haircut, a woman primarily pays attention to the front view and only a small percentage strictly monitors the condition of the new hairstyle from the back. Below is a graduated haircut, the photo of which allows you to see in detail the final result, rear view and profile.

A torn cascade suits slightly curly and not too voluminous hair. A haircut helps to give the necessary volume, but you should remember that thin strands require special care, so the graduation needs constant styling.
Creating curls with electric curling irons will help add effect.

Details and decorations

Like any other type of haircut, graduated hairstyles require not only care, but also additional decorations. You can use everything in a cascade, from ribbons to hairpins. Any type of decoration will emphasize the advantages of long strands.
With the help of decorative jewelry, you can arrange your curls into a stylish hairstyle. A hairpin, a crab, a cutter, and bobby pins will help you gather the strands into a luxurious ponytail that will create a stunning spectacle like a waterfall.
A hoop is great for graduated curls, especially for those who flatly refuse to cut their bangs. The hoop will allow you to collect long hair and fix it back; in turn, the curls will cascade and frame your facial features, emphasizing your dignity.

A graduated haircut for long hair represents a complete style. No matter how the cascade haircut technique is used, it will look perfect on long curls. Properly executed technology will create the perfect style and allow you to enjoy the result. Don't forget about care, split ends can ruin the whole look. Therefore, once a week it is necessary to use strengthening and vitamin masks.

Graduation- This is the main technique for changing hair length. The term itself comes from the word “degree”. Graduation is applied by pulling the strand at a certain angle in order to create a contrasting or smooth silhouette. In other words, if you change the angle of the strands while cutting your hair, you can achieve a gradual transition from longer hair to shorter hair, as well as a strong and pronounced change in hair length. Graduation is better known as “ladder”.

For example, if a haircut is made with a draw of zero degrees, then all hair has a common cut line. And if a graduated bob is performed, then the tension of the strand is approximately 45 degrees.

In addition, graduation is a type of haircut in which the hair must be distributed into vertical partings, and the cut must be made at an acute or obtuse angle to the head.

There are two types of graduation: internal and external.

Steps to perform internal calibration:

  1. The haircut starts from the lower occipital area. The initial strand (CS) is combed out, clamped between the index and middle fingers, a zero pull is made along the neck and an even cut is made from the inside of the fingers.
  2. The second strand is taken above the CP by about 0.5-1 cm and an even cut is made below the first strand by 1-2 millimeters. In this case, the strand should be taut and your fingers should be on your neck.
  3. Subsequent strands are cut in a similar way.

The result is a haircut in which the inner strands are shorter than the outer ones. As a rule, this method is used when cutting a bob.

Steps to perform external calibration:

  1. The haircut starts from the lower occipital area. The CP is combed out, pinched between the index and middle fingers and cut to the required length with zero tension.
  2. The next strand is combed together with the CP, clamped between the index and middle fingers, pulled at an angle of 30-45 degrees and cut.
  3. All subsequent strands are cut flush with the previous strand, respecting the original pull.

The result is a haircut with shortened outer strands and elongated inner ones. This method is used for thin hair to give it visual fullness and volume.

The main technique when changing the length of hair is considered to be the method of graduation, in other words, graduation. The name itself comes from the term “degree”. By changing the angle of the strands during hair cutting, a gradual transition from long to short hair is achieved, as well as the most dramatic and pronounced change in length. Graduation creates the effect of the famous “ladder”.

Hair graduation - what is this haircut technique?

For example, if a haircut is done with zero pull, then the hair has a common cut line, and the strands are pulled back to some angle during cutting, resulting in a bob of this type.

Hair graduation is another type of haircut, when the hair is distributed in several vertical partings, and the cut passes at an obtuse or acute angle to the head.

How to do graduation

The grading method is sometimes called step cutting.

  • When performing this technique, the curls are combed with vertical partings and parallel to each other.
  • The resulting cutting line can be at a relaxed angle towards the hair growth.
  • To create a smooth transition between curls of different lengths, use a uniform and gradual increase in the pulling angle - from 0 degrees to 90.
  • If the initial strand is cut with zero pull, then the second should be pulled back 5 degrees to the head, the second by 10, the third by 15, etc.
  • Alignment of the entire length is done along the previous strands. In addition, the strands should be pulled tightly.
  • To make the shape of the haircut smoother and the gradation of the hair softer, it is not recommended to produce thick strands.

The maximum thickness of the graduation is approximately 0.5 cm. You will need to spend more free time on such a haircut, but a positive result is expected. The most dramatic transition between hair of different lengths is obtained by making a sharp change in the angle of pulling of each subsequent strand.

If you graduate the strands with thick ones, you will get . If the stepped shape is clearly expressed, then it is considered fashionable and stylish. To form a “ladder” or “ledges,” the main strand is combed with a horizontal parting at the back of the head and adjusted with zero pulling. The next strand is also combed with a horizontal parting, combined with the main one, and the cutting line is visually marked. Then, using a comb, lift both strands until the hair falls off.

Types of hair graduation

There are different methods. Here is a list and characteristics of some of them.

Internal graduation (this is a haircut made on the base). To achieve this, the following steps are taken:

  1. To make it, the initial strand is collected from the hair at the back of the head, pinched between the middle and index fingers, pulled along the entire neck and an even cut is made from the inside of the fingers.
  2. The second strand is clamped together with the initial one and cut 5mm–7mm longer, then the strands are taut and the fingers are on the neck.
  3. Further strands located above are cut in a similar way.

As a result, the top strand should be longer than the bottom strand. The ends of these strands will be wrapped inward. This method allows you to achieve a rounded haircut.

External hair graduation or external graduation (haircut called “False”):

  1. The initial strand is cut similarly to the method described above.
  2. The second strand is combed out from the first, then it is pinched between the middle and index fingers and pulled in its direction at a certain angle to the neck (for example, 30–45 degrees).
  3. Each strand is cut equally with the previous strand, completely following the original angle.

As a result, the top or covering strand should be shorter than the bottom strand. Their ends point outward.

Asymmetrical haircut or oblique bangs, “ladder” or “cascade”, Brazilian (keratin) straightening, Japanese or Korean extensions... Sometimes the difference between hairstyles and hairdressing procedures can seem like a separate world, and there are even more mysteries when these differences are minimal. Here are some tips so you know what to tell your hairdresser and get the haircut of your dreams: when do you need graduation and why do you need to thin your hair?.

Hair graduation to increase volume

There are two types of hair cutting: with an even cut and with a gradient. Graduating your hair means using shorter sections than the rest of your hair. But why do this? To give the hair a certain shape.

Do you need more movement and volume in your hair? Your hairdresser will play with the length of each strand to create layers that are slightly shorter than others. This will give movement and the impression of natural volume. Moreover, the demarcation should not be noticeable and the balance would be perfect. This method can be used for any hair length, but remember that the more you emphasize the gradient (the presence of layers), the more volume you will give to your hair.

Graduation of hair will increase its density and give the haircut character. To achieve this, the hairdresser carries out haircuts with different lengths, concentrating on the outer layer of hair and in the area near the face, depending on your wishes.

Certainly, for fine hair, graduation is applied with a very small gradient(in steps) and only below a certain level determined by an experienced hairdresser. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite result.

Thinning to remove thickness

Do you need lighter hair? Thinning hair consists of “sharpening” the material in certain places using serrated scissors or using a razor (each professional has his own tool), bringing lightness to the hairstyle. The method can also give you some volume, but to a lesser extent.

Thinning is carried out mainly on the surface and on the tips, as if “pecking out” individual hairs. Sometimes, with hard strands, the master can profile the root zone. The effect will be immediate, the haircut will immediately rise at the roots.

Thinning is also used on bangs to create the same look. But you should be careful as this is a fairly aggressive technique and is not recommended for damaged or very fine hair because it will “thin” the hair even more.

Finally, both techniques can be easily combined. This can be done, especially if you have long, thick hair, to give it some lightness and movement. Now that you know What is the difference between hair grading and thinning?, any professional will easily understand you, regardless of the haircut you choose.

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