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How to get rid of stretch marks on the body. Striae or stretch marks. Is it possible to get rid of them?

Stretch marks on the body are scars that appear on the skin as a result of sudden weight gain or loss, hormonal changes, or during pregnancy. Essentially, these are microtraumas that occur due to a lack of elastin and collagen in the skin.

With a noticeable change in body weight, the skin does not have time to react due to insufficient elasticity, and the fibers break. Striae can appear on any part of the body; they look extremely unattractive.

First, red stretch marks appear on the body. This is due to the fact that there are blood vessels in the internal tears of the skin. Over time, less blood enters the vessels, and they become pale.

Not only women who are prone to obesity and have given birth to a child suffer from this skin defect. In men they appear quite often and on the same areas of the skin as in women. This occurs due to a sudden change in body weight due to intense exercise and rapid muscle growth.
Photo: stretch marks on the skin of a pregnant woman

From time to time, advertisements appear that talk about a new miracle cure for stretch marks. A stir begins, because everyone wants to get rid of this defect, then everything calms down. The question of whether stretch marks on the body go away remains relevant. Unfortunately, stretch marks cannot be completely removed. Cosmetologists are looking for ways to radically and effectively solve this problem, but so far they can only make stretch marks less noticeable and prevent the appearance of new ones.


  • The elasticity of the skin primarily depends on a person's water intake. The daily minimum consumption of plain water for an adult is 1.5 liters.
  • An unbalanced diet is the second reason for the appearance of stretch marks.
  • A sharp increase and loss of body weight also provokes the appearance of stretch marks on the body.
  • Hormonal changes in adolescence, pregnancy, menopause are internal causes of stretch marks.

Video: Striae. What to do?

Their appearance on the body for no apparent reason can be a symptom of certain diseases:

  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease;
  • pathologies of the ovaries, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, thyroid gland.

In this case, you need to contact an endocrinologist for examination.

Bad habits, such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, also contribute to the appearance of stretch marks. The cause may also be a lack of vitamin C, which promotes collagen production.

Treatment methods

Cosmetic clinics offer a number of procedures that make stretch marks less noticeable. Some are very effective and the scars are only visible in strong light. But don't believe advertising claims that promise complete healing. Modern methods can only mask the problem.

Chemical peeling– one of the most common methods of skin resurfacing. But recently there has been heated debate regarding this method. In many European countries, deep peeling is prohibited. The consequences of such treatment are too unpredictable. The average chemical peel procedure costs about $200.

Photo: chemical peeling

Laser resurfacing- a more progressive method. Using lasers, the top layer of skin is removed, but the procedure is carried out with the highest precision of penetration. The results are worth it. The scars become smooth and almost invisible. The cost of the procedure depends on the area of ​​tissue damaged by stretch marks and, accordingly, the time of the session. 15 minutes of laser peeling for a 1 cm area? is about $10. The larger the area and the more noticeable the stretch marks, the higher the cost of treatment.

Photo: before and after laser resurfacing

Laser nanoperforation– the newest and safest method. Perhaps it will be the one that will allow humanity to get rid of stretch marks forever. The essence of the technology is that the body starts the process of regeneration of damaged skin. Cost of the procedure for an area up to 3 cm? is about $50, skin area up to 200 cm? will be processed for approximately $200.

Did you know that with properly selected parameters, laser radiation does not injure the skin even in the treatment area? You can find out more about this in the article.

Find out why stretch marks appear on the breasts during pregnancy and how to get rid of them.

Video: How to remove stretch marks on the body?

What about a massage?

Massage also works very effectively in the fight against stretch marks. Honey massage is very good. It should be done after a shower or peeling. Slightly warmed natural honey should be poured into the palm of your hand and made patting movements in the area of ​​stretch marks. This must be continued until the honey is completely absorbed into the skin; after the procedure, you must take a warm shower without soap or gel.

Massaging the damaged areas of the skin with your hands using essential oils will also help. You cannot stretch the skin, this will harm it even more; it is better to pinch.

Photo: massage procedure
Vacuum massage is done using a special device in a beauty salon. During the procedure, the epidermis is slightly irritated, this leads to increased blood circulation, cellular metabolism, tissue nutrition and improved skin condition.

Oils, creams and scrubs

These methods improve the overall condition of the skin. They can make scars less noticeable, but you should not expect a significant effect. The products should include essential oils, elastin, collagen and plant extracts that strengthen the skin. Olive oil works very well for stretch marks; you just need to rub it into the areas damaged by stretch marks.

Photo: essential oils

Creams containing cocoa butter are also very effective. Body scrubs exfoliate dead epidermis and improve blood circulation to the skin. Regular use of these products will help not only make existing stretch marks less noticeable, but also avoid new ones.

After showering, apply vitamin E oil solution to the affected areas.

The French drug Endermologie has shown itself to be very good in the fight against stretch marks. It is a roller that massages the skin, exfoliates old cells and helps reduce scarring.

Is it possible to prevent their occurrence?

A healthy lifestyle will not only make you a healthy person, but will also protect you from the appearance of stretch marks. Drink water, eat healthy foods, exercise.

If all this is the norm in your life, stretch marks will not appear. You can use cosmetic products, massage, scrubs, creams - they will help keep your skin toned. But they will be useless for a person who does not lead a healthy lifestyle.

You should increase your intake of foods containing vitamins A, C and E or take them in supplement form. It is necessary to constantly monitor skin hydration. Massages, wraps, contrasting water procedures will help keep the skin toned and prevent their appearance.

Every woman wants to be perfect. We buy expensive creams, go to expensive spas, and pay a lot of money to fitness instructors. And suddenly, one day, which is by no means a wonderful day, we discover an ugly cobweb on our skin - stretch marks or, scientifically, stretch marks. They appear on the thighs, stomach or, horror of horrors, on the chest. They can appear both in an adult woman who has given birth, and in a thin seventeen-year-old girl. Why does this defect appear? And how to prevent its occurrence?

Causes of stretch marks

Striae or stretch marks are a type of scar formation on the skin. They appear as a result of hormonal changes in the body, mainly in women. Due to excess hormones, the activity of cells responsible for skin elasticity is disrupted. The production of collagen and elastin drops sharply, connective tissue fibers begin to break down, and their elasticity decreases. The inner layer of skin, the dermis, stretches from normal to very thin. And where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks. Essentially, a stretch mark is a small scar where the fibers were torn.

Fresh stretch marks are filled with connective tissue with many capillaries, so initially the stretch marks are reddish or purple in color; over time, these capillaries age and collapse, the scar turns pale and becomes barely noticeable white. But since the connective tissue does not contain pigment, these areas never tan again. In summer, they can be retouched a little by rubbing self-tanning cream over the entire length with a cotton swab.

Young girls during puberty, as well as pregnant women, are especially susceptible to this skin defect. During these periods, the hormonal surge in the female body is especially strong. The skin also stretches and loses elasticity in women who rapidly gain and lose weight.

Main Factors

The degree of susceptibility to stretch marks depends on the following factors:

  1. Genetics. It is believed that the structural features of the skin are inherited. Therefore, if your mother or grandmother has stretch marks on their body, it is worth paying special attention to prevention already in adolescence.
  2. Geography. Women from southern countries are much less susceptible to stretch marks than women from the north. This is explained by the fact that northern women have thinner skin and, accordingly, the likelihood of micro-tears is higher.
  3. Age. The greatest number of stretch marks occurs at the age of 15-18 years. The body grows so quickly that the skin does not have time to stretch. The delicate and thin skin of the breast is especially susceptible to stretch marks at the moment when the breasts begin to grow. Striae can appear literally overnight. With age, the likelihood of stretch marks drops sharply due to wrinkles on the skin.
  4. Special condition. Pregnancy is a time of rapid surge of hormones that excites a woman’s body for 9 months. In addition, weight gains sharply and the skin on the abdomen and chest becomes tense, which in 90% leads to stretch marks in the areas of greatest tension - on the abdomen, hips and chest.
  5. Sport. Stretch marks can appear in the case of a sharp increase in muscle mass in athletes. A sudden cessation of training can also lead to them.
  6. Sudden weight fluctuations. Excess weight leads to loss of skin tone and severe tension. But losing weight too quickly can lead to the formation of stretch marks. Nutritionists advise losing no more than 2% of your initial weight per month to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
  7. Diseases. A generally harmless skin defect may be a sign of an endocrine system disorder. Therefore, if stretch marks appear for no apparent reason, consult a doctor.

Prevention of stretch marks

Prevention of stretch marks on the skin should begin at a young age. It is especially important during the critical periods of puberty and pregnancy. It is much easier to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin than to mask existing stretch marks. It is possible to completely “cure” stretch marks only with the help of laser therapy, removing layers of skin with scarred tissue. Therefore, if you are prone to their appearance, try to additionally support the skin of the chest, abdomen and thighs.

Prevention can be divided into two main parts: a healthy lifestyle and skin care for problem areas.

A healthy lifestyle includes:

  • Healthy eating. Especially good are foods rich in zinc, copper, vitamins C, B 5 and E - these are substances that promote collagen production. There are many of them in avocados, liver, green peas, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and whole grains. Protein-rich foods are very beneficial. Protein is responsible for the regeneration of tissues in the body and prevents their ruptures.
  • Healthy skin tone. Loose skin has less collagen. A contrast shower perfectly improves tone and blood circulation; the skin of the thighs can be wiped with an ice cube. Massage with slapping and pinching has an excellent effect on the skin.

Particular attention should be paid to caring for the skin of the thighs, abdomen and chest:

  • Basic and essential oils. Today they can be bought at any green pharmacy. It is preferable to use carrier oils rich in vitamin E, such as almond, olive, and wheat germ oil. These oils can be mixed with each other, or you can choose one. They create a film on the skin that prevents the evaporation of moisture from the deep layers of the skin, and also nourish the top layer. Some essential oils are also very useful for stimulating blood circulation, for example, geranium, orange, lemon, mint, rosewood oil. Essential oils dissolve in the base oil. No more than 5-6 drops per tablespoon of oil. Using a mixture of oils, you should perform an active massage or simply rub them along the massage lines and allow them to be completely absorbed.
  • Skin peeling. Scrubs improve blood circulation, causing a rush of blood to the massaged area, and also exfoliate the top dead layer of skin, which allows the skin to “breathe” more actively. As a scriber for the stomach and thighs, you can take coffee mixed with honey or olive oil. For the chest, a softer massage of a third of a glass of natural yogurt, a tablespoon of almond oil and the finely grated zest of one lemon is suitable.
  • Wraps. They also saturate the skin with beneficial microelements, vitamins and amino acids. There are algae and mud wraps. The most effective algae is spirulina; problem areas are wrapped in algae, and then in polyethylene and a towel for an hour. Do 5-7 procedures every few months. Mud wraps are carried out using the same principle.

And, of course, a great way to prevent stretch marks on the skin is to monitor your weight, avoiding sudden fluctuations.


You need to start treating stretch marks as early as possible, since old stretch marks are much more difficult to remove. To get rid of stretch marks use:

  • Aekol is an oil solution of vitamins A and E, it is used externally. Aekol accelerates skin regeneration.
  • Aevit – capsules for oral administration containing vitamins A and E.
  • Contractubex is a gel for the treatment of scars and stretch marks.
  • Strataderm is a silicone gel that normalizes collagen synthesis in problem areas of the skin.
  • Bella mama stretch mark oil – consists of twelve types of oils that restore skin functions.

Methods for treating stretch marks

The following methods for treating stretch marks are also used:

  • Laser resurfacing (peeling) – laser beams penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and destroy the fibers of stretch marks.
  • Mesotherapy – injections under the skin of special solutions: collagen, plant extracts, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins.
  • Chemical peeling is the application of chemical solutions to the skin. The method has many side effects and is sometimes difficult for patients to tolerate.
  • Microdermabrasion – mechanical resurfacing of stretch marks. A rather painful method, it is not used on large areas of skin.
  • ELOS rejuvenation is a simultaneous effect on the deep layers of the skin of laser, light energy and radio frequency radiation, due to which increased collagen production begins.
  • Ozone therapy is the introduction under the skin of a therapeutic mixture consisting of oxygen and ozone, or the application of the composition to the skin in the form of masks.

How to get rid of stretch marks - 10 affordable ways

Unfortunately, you can completely get rid of stretch marks only with the help of a surgeon or laser resurfacing. But this does not mean that stretch marks cannot be hidden. Over many centuries, women have accumulated good experience in preserving the beauty of their skin. But you should be patient; making stretch marks invisible requires time and methodical adherence to the method you choose.

  1. Scrubs. One of the most effective ways to make stretch marks invisible is to frequently exfoliate the skin in problem areas. As a scrubbing agent, you can use coffee, sugar, salt ground in a coffee grinder, apricot or plum pits, strawberry seeds or kiwi seeds with pulp. For better hydration, mix the scrub with one or two tablespoons of olive or almond oil and a tablespoon of natural yogurt. Massage problem areas using circular movements using peeling 2-3 times a week.
  2. Massage mixtures with essential oils. Some essential oils increase the ability of cells to regenerate. Massage mixtures include base oils: olive, almond, wheat germ oil and essential oils. For stretch marks, lemon, orange and tangerine oils, geranium, lavender, neroli and rosemary oils are recommended. You should take no more than 6 drops of essential oils per large tablespoon. You can choose to mix oils to your taste.
  3. Baths to give skin elasticity. It is useful to combine therapeutic baths with salt and essential oils with massage mixtures. To do this, add 2 drops of chamomile essential oil and 3 drops of lavender oil to a tablespoon of sea salt. 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture are enough for a bath. Take such baths 2-3 times a week.
  4. Mumiyo. Rubbing mumiyo promotes scar healing. To do this, dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo in a tablespoon of boiled water, add 80 grams of baby cream. Rub into stretch marks once a day, preferably after a scrub. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days.
  5. Lotions with essential oils. This is a mixture of pure essential oils. Rub the lotion into the stretch marks with one or two fingers, lightly massaging the skin. For example, a lotion made from lavender, neroli and frankincense oils is useful. Take 2 drops of each oil.
  6. Seaweed. Wraps with spirulina algae will help get rid of fresh stretch marks. The stretch marks are wrapped with seaweed, then with a bag and a blanket for an hour to an hour and a half. A total of about 12 procedures are required.
  7. Massage. Active massage with or without oils will help improve blood circulation in problem areas. Anti-cellulite massage in the abdominal and thigh areas helps well. Remember that massage movements should be towards the heart. After the massage, cover the heated area with a blanket. The good thing about massage is that it can be done at any time, for example, while watching a movie.
  8. Wraps. To restore the skin in areas of stretch marks, it is useful to do wraps with cocoa butter, lanolin, and therapeutic mud. To do this, apply the product to the skin, wrap it in plastic and a warm towel. After an hour, the wrap can be removed and any remaining product removed.
  9. Oils. Even in ancient times, Slavic women fought against stretch marks with the help of flaxseed oil, rich in vitamin E. Today, almond, olive, wheat germ oil are also suitable, as well as pure vitamin E, which can be added to oils. Striae can be massaged with oil, or you can simply rub it in several times a day. For oily skin, it is better to take almond oil, and for dry skin, wheat germ oil.
  10. Diet. But all procedures will be useless if you have a poor, unbalanced diet. To ensure that your skin has enough substances to produce collagen and elastin, eat more different greens, nuts, pumpkin seeds, seafood, fruits and vegetables.

The most important thing to remember is that the fight against stretch marks must be consistent. Don’t quit procedures in the middle, don’t do them every other time – it won’t bring any benefit. Combine different methods and see which ones your skin responds to best. Each person is individual, if you find “your” remedy, you will restore beauty to your skin faster and easier. But this is so important for us women.

It seems that they are unnoticeable and invisible, but this is not so. Stretch marks can appear due to various reasons and should be treated accordingly as well.

Stretch marks?

Stretch marks, or striae, are uneven stripes of different widths on the body, that is, they are a kind of skin defect. They can be colored differently: from dark red to white. What causes stretch marks on the body? Firstly, these are hormonal changes in the body. These include pregnancy, puberty, the use of hormonal medications, as well as disorders in the endocrine system. Secondly, stretch marks can appear due to rapid muscle gain and accelerated growth.

How to identify stretch marks on the body? To do this, you need to remember that it is on the stomach, thighs, chest or buttocks.

If stretch marks are caused by rapid muscle gain, they can also appear on the inside of the arms, thighs and shoulders.

What causes stretch marks on the butt? From many microtraumas of the subcutaneous tissue and, consequently, the skin itself. As a rule, this is a genetic predisposition.

Like this? It is worth immediately warning that you can completely get rid of stretch marks only with the help of surgery, since stretch marks are complex skin defects. What can you do at home? You can noticeably reduce the intensity of the color of stretch marks and smooth out the skin. The following tools are used for this:

  • mud and seaweed wraps;
  • cosmetic masks;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • massage and compresses;
  • laser polishing;
  • home peeling;
  • mesotherapy.

Once it has become clear what causes stretch marks, you can begin possible home treatment. What is advisable to do? Firstly, these are cosmetic masks, usually oil ones. They help smooth out the outer layer of the skin, making it smoother and more elastic. To do this, you need to prepare the following mass: 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil or almond oil + 4 drops of juniper and orange essential oils, mix everything and apply to problem areas with massage movements.

Secondly, for this you need to buy kelp at the pharmacy. It should be diluted with warm water, add 4 drops of essential oil of juniper and orange, mix everything, apply to unwanted stretch marks, wrap with cling film on top and walk like this for 40 minutes.

Thirdly, it will help to smooth out the skin. Here it is advisable to use sea salt and coffee, since these ingredients are natural, the result of their action will not take long.

What are stretch marks? What causes stretch marks on the body? How to get rid of them? All these questions have worried and will continue to worry women all over the world. It is important to know that you can significantly reduce their manifestations at home and without special expenses. The main thing is to follow the above instructions exactly.

Why do they arise? skin stretch marks? And how to deal with stretch marks?

A fragile woman is surrounded by enemies. Wrinkles, extra pounds, cellulite, acne - and, of course, stretch marks. These ugly stripes on the hips, stomach and chest are guaranteed to ruin the mood of almost every woman.

Why do skin stretch marks appear?

The word “stretch marks” itself contains the answer to the question of where they come from. Skin stretch marks occur due to mechanical damage when the skin is overstretched. The body “darns” these tears with connective tissue - just like scars. And please, here are some ugly stripes for you - stretch marks. At first, young connective tissue is permeated with blood capillaries, so skin stretch marks have a rich pink or even purple color. Then the connective tissue ages, loses water, and along with it elasticity. Capillaries die. For this reason, stretch marks on the skin turn pale. (If you have sunbathed, they still remain distressingly white. The explanation is that there is no pigment in the connective tissue).

The most common reason for the appearance of skin stretch marks is a sudden change in body volume. That is why pregnant women most often suffer from this scourge. It would seem that this is nonsense: stretch marks also appear on the skin of those who have lost weight too quickly. Well, where are they from here? After all, body volumes, on the contrary, have decreased! What's the stretch here? It turns out that when you lose weight too quickly, the blood supply to the skin deteriorates, and along with it, the elasticity of the main subcutaneous layer of the dermis sharply decreases. Where excess skin folds into wrinkles, it “breaks”, like over-dried paper on the fold. You already know everything else...

Nutritionists have accurately calculated the speed at which it is permissible to lose weight without the risk of developing skin stretch marks on your stomach or thighs. The limit is this: per month you are allowed to reduce your weight by no more than 2%. For a woman weighing 75 kilos, this means losing one and a half kilograms, no more!

The genetic factor also plays an important role. The tendency to develop stretch marks on the skin is inherited. If your mother or grandmother suffered from these nasty stripes, then you cannot be protected either. Much depends on age. Oddly enough, at 15-25 years old the risk of stretch marks is highest. This is due to the fact that young skin grows “too” slowly. It often breaks, not keeping up with the growth of the body. But in adulthood, stretch marks almost never happen. The skin has time to stretch. Deep wrinkles form. They store a supply of “material” that is enough to compensate for any stretching. Northern women are more prone to stretch marks than southern women. For the reason that they have much thinner skin. What conclusion follows from all of the above? You and I cannot protect ourselves from skin stretch marks. It's sad, but it's a fact...

How to deal with skin stretch marks?

Experts recommend eating more protein. It is the main “building material” of the skin, responsible for the regeneration (renewal) of the skin, its healthy condition and elasticity. However, the decisive word in the prevention (not treatment!) of skin stretch marks remains with numerous cosmetic products. Their maximum task is to moisturize the skin and stimulate collagen formation. Well, the more of both in the skin, the higher the margin of safety.

In fact, an old and reliable remedy for the prevention of stretch marks is ordinary olive oil. However, today a whole arsenal of cosmetic preparations has been added to olive oil. As a rule, they contain natural elastin and collagen, silicone, various nutrients, as well as hyaluronic acid, a powerful humectant that “retains” moisture in the upper layers of the skin. To be honest, none of these components can penetrate deep into the skin. However, the good thing is that they create the thinnest “sealing” film on the surface of the skin, which prevents moisture evaporation.

Relatively recently, drugs have appeared that prevent the appearance of skin stretch marks using plant extracts. Essential oils of rosewood, lemon, mint and vegetable oils of wheat germ and walnut actively fight skin sagging, and biosaccharides, soy raffermin, hydrolyzed carrot proteins and tiger grass extract prevent sprains, reduce existing scars, strengthen the structure of the supporting fibers of the skin and prevent sagging over due to long-term hydration. At least that's what they say in the advertisement. Can all this be believed? Yes and no. Each of the components at one time received evidence of its effectiveness in sterile laboratory conditions. But when it comes to specific production, too much depends on the quality of the raw materials, dosage, storage and sales conditions.

One of the latest contenders for the role of our savior from skin stretch marks is retinol, that is, vitamin A. Retinol is known for its powerful effect on skin cells: they more actively synthesize protein, divide, and produce collagen in the dermis. Another strengthening ingredient, demythyl aminoethanol, or simply DMAE, is also a substance of natural origin that the human body can produce on its own, but in insufficient quantities. DMAE has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces redness in the area of ​​stretch marks and smoothes out old scars. Unfortunately, the effect of this substance is short-lived (no longer than a day), and products with DMAE have to be used every day.

Get rid of stretch marks

And finally, you can simply disguise stretch marks on your skin with decorative makeup. For example, to camouflage fresh, not yet faded stretch marks, use a self-tanner. Due to the fact that the skin around the scars will acquire a rich brown tint, the stretch marks themselves will no longer be so noticeable.

and yet the best way to avoid skin stretch marks is to avoid sudden weight fluctuations, lose weight and gain weight gradually, without being tempted by the chance to lose the hated five kilograms in a week. If, despite your precautions, skin stretch marks still appear, do not rush to run to beauty salons. First of all, ask your friends in misfortune and conduct marketing research: what procedure really helped them, in which salon, were there any complications or side effects after it. Well, if nothing helps you at all, throw up your hands and move on with your life. After all, no one has ever died from stretch marks!

Stretch marks on the skin are familiar to many bodybuilders, especially those who have gained a lot of mass. Note that not only bodybuilders have stretch marks. Unpleasant stripes on the body often appear in teenagers, pregnant women and other people experiencing hormonal changes or suffering from problems with the endocrine system. Externally, these stripes, as a rule, have a reddish or purple tint, changing it to white over time. Which, in turn, remains so, since the stretch marks do not contain pigments, and therefore are not able to tan.

Stretch marks are stretches of the skin as well as tears in the dermis. Theoretically, they can occur on any part of the body, but in most cases, the stripes form in those places where a person has the greatest concentration of subcutaneous fat - the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. For athletes, this list is also supplemented by such places as the inner side of the arms and deltoids, since during intense training these areas significantly increase in volume. Initially, stretch marks have a pinkish tint, the skin on them becomes thinner compared to the rest of the body. In addition, they may be itchy. Over time, the stripes fade and at this stage it becomes much more difficult to eliminate them. White stretch marks are called “old”, and they acquire this shade approximately within a year and a half from the moment they appear.

At their core, skin stretch marks are nothing more than microtraumas. The skin is not able to stretch due to rapid changes in body volume, and is therefore injured from the inside. The body, trying to “sew up” the wound, fills the area with connective tissue, which in its properties, specifically external, differs from the skin. In addition, the cause of stretch marks can be specific hormonal drugs, this applies in particular to corticosteroids, which are used primarily to eliminate certain inflammations.

The manifestation of stretch marks on the skin indicates that the body’s production of elastin and components directly responsible for the condition of the skin is disrupted. As such, they do not pose a danger to the health of the body, however, if the root cause of stretch marks is associated with certain hormonal disorders, it certainly needs to be eliminated. In the case of stretch marks, a much more negative point is their aesthetic effect; unlike battle scars, these stripes do not adorn the body of even the most brutal man. Not to mention the fair sex.

Thinning of the skin and a decrease in its elasticity in areas of stretch marks is explained by the hormonal changes already mentioned above. These are known to occur in adolescents during puberty, in women during pregnancy, as well as in some athletes who radically revise their diet or use. Actually, it’s not even the diet itself or the use of any drug that plays a role, but what follows—sharp changes in weight, both in one direction and the other. This is why the problem of stretch marks is so relevant for bodybuilders, whose training process involves gaining muscle mass, or, on the contrary, focusing on the so-called “drying”. If these processes are accompanied by the use of pharmacological support, the risk of skin stretch marks increases significantly. By the way, last but not least, to avoid the risk of stretch marks, nutritionists advise that when losing weight, try to lose weight by no more than 2-3% per month. As for training, excessive loads after a long break, or, on the contrary, a sudden cessation of exercise, can also lead to stretch marks.

Stretch mark treatment and prevention

Considering the complexity of dealing with skin stretch marks, a much better solution would be timely prevention of their manifestation. However, some of its points can also be successfully applied for the purpose of getting rid of existing stripes, and therefore we will consider them simultaneously in both cases. So, to prevent and get rid of stretch marks, it is recommended:

  • smear problem areas of the skin with special creams and oils;
  • maintain optimal water balance in the body by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • try to eat as little food as possible containing salt and preservatives;
  • pay attention to the required concentration of vitamins and minerals in your diet.

We are talking, in particular, about such components as zinc, copper, vitamins C, B5 and E, since these are the substances that increase collagen production. Products where they are contained in the greatest volume are: avocado, liver, green peas, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, whole grains. Protein, which is already the main component in a bodybuilder’s diet, also helps restore tissue and prevent its rupture;

  • essential oils or plant extracts are substances that stimulate blood circulation in the body.

The best thing is to add them directly to the water when bathing. Or rub it into the skin while bathing. You can use either one oil or a combination of several at once. In the second case, you should choose one of the oils as the main one, it is best if it is an oil rich in vitamin E, for example, almond or olive. For one tablespoon of this oil, dissolve a few drops of essential oil (geranium, lemon, orange, mint, rosewood, etc.). Rub the resulting composition into the skin with massage movements. You can also use a combination of pure essential oils, mixing them in a ratio of 2 drops each.

  • do a pinch massage.

The last two tips are most often used by girls, but this does not mean that tough male bodybuilders should neglect them. These recommendations are effective and universal.

For the prevention and direct treatment of stretch marks, you can also use various types of exfoliating scrubs. Moreover, their recipes are quite simple, so you can prepare the scrub as follows:

1 cup salt + 1 cup sugar + 0.5 cup oil (ideally palm oil). During water procedures, thoroughly wipe the problem areas with the resulting mixture, and after taking a shower or bath, lubricate these areas with cream.

Also for water procedures - to prevent stretch marks, a contrast shower is very useful, strengthening both the skin itself and the smooth muscles located under it.

Preparations for the treatment of skin stretch marks

In the case where the streaks have already appeared, and you do not want them to remain for life, you need to deal with them immediately. If we talk about specific names of drugs to combat stretch marks, among them it is worth mentioning the following drugs:



Special gel against stretch marks and scars.


Silicone based gel. Optimizes collagen production in problem areas of the skin.


Capsules for internal use. Contains vitamins A and E.

Help from professionals

Modern cosmetic and medical clinics offer a number of ways by which stretch marks can be removed from the skin. A few words about each of them.

Laser resurfacing

The process involves exposure to a laser beam at the sites where stretch marks appear. The beam is able to reach even the deepest layers of the skin, destroying the internal fibers of the stretch marks themselves. After the procedure, the skin acquires a bright red tint, as if after a burn. It sometimes takes up to several months to completely restore its cover.

Chemical peeling

This procedure involves applying special acids to the skin, burning everything, including the inner layers of the epidermis. The process is very painful and is carried out under general anesthesia. Just like the previous method, this type of exposure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

As an alternative to the two methods described above, expectant and current mothers often use seaweed wrap. You can buy “raw materials” for the mixture at every pharmacy. Dry kelp is diluted in warm water, after which the composition is applied to areas with stretch marks and covered with thermal film. One wrap session lasts 40-45 minutes. Instead of spirulina, you can also use clay, cocoa, and medicinal mud.

The method called “mesotherapy” also has its contraindications. Its essence is to perform microinjections under the skin. These injections include vitamins and herbal elements, making scars virtually invisible visually. However, it will still not be possible to completely eliminate stretch marks; in addition, it must be taken into account that this procedure is prohibited for those with bladder diseases and a number of other ailments. Therefore, before doing mesotherapy, be sure to consult your doctor.

Skin microdermabrasion is also one of the procedures offered by cosmetic clinics. However, it is not suitable for large areas of skin, it is accompanied by pain, and at the same time it gives the required effect by a maximum of 50%. Therefore, it is used in rare cases.

Among the more gentle medical methods, one can also mention ELOS rejuvenation, during which the skin is simultaneously treated with a laser, light flux and radio frequency radiation, which allows stimulating the production of collagen, as well as ozone therapy, according to which a healing mixture consisting mostly of from oxygen and ozone. It is possible to completely eliminate stretch marks only through plastic surgery. Surgical intervention in this case involves the removal of stretched skin during abdominoplasty.

However, even the surgical method does not always guarantee complete removal of stretch marks, especially when it comes to old scars. It is necessary to carry out all the necessary procedures, including medical ones, in a timely manner, at an early stage of the appearance of stretch marks, this is the only way you will “help” them disappear without a trace. And be sure to use an integrated approach, combining different methods of dealing with stretch marks, carry out procedures regularly, ultimately focusing on those that have the most positive effect on your skin.

Stretch marks and methods of dealing with them - Video

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