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How to get rid of a girl by correspondence. The last resort is to ignore. Refusal on social networks

Life is an unpredictable thing. It happens that it seems that you have found your soul mate, but after a while everything becomes completely the opposite. And at such moments you begin to think about how to get rid of the girl! This is the question we will reflect on today.

In principle, all methods, of which there are quite a lot, will be divided into three categories:

  • send a girl off with words
  • turn off a girl with an act,
  • or do it in a more original way.

How to turn a girl off using words?

In principle, this is the simplest, quite effective, but also very courageous way. How to turn a girl off using words? This approach can be divided into two ways.

The first way is a direct conversation on this topic. During which you need to clearly understand the reasons for the separation. And under no circumstances should you shift the blame onto her (or only her) shoulders. In general, there is no need to look for the guilty. After all, if you wish each other happiness, in no case should you burden yourself and prevent yourself from being happy. If something doesn’t work out for you or you feel uncomfortable, it’s not necessarily someone else’s fault! Once you realize this yourself, it will be much easier for you to explain this to your girlfriend. It will be cool if you can weigh everything sensibly, reflect and make the right decision, during which you can part amicably. This will be the most win-win option.

The second way is verbal inadequacy. I do not recommend anyone to use this method. But unfortunately, men and especially teenagers love to use the ego. The point here is simple. You simply have no control over what you say, where you say it, or the consequences of your words. In this case, the “pseudo-man” humiliates the woman, tries to reproach her, show her guilt and in every way shows her that ego should not be tolerated. One of the main disadvantages of this method is that it can take too long. Because women often try to understand such behavior, somehow explain it, tolerate it, and often they are simply afraid of change. After all, by acting this way, we easily force the girl to make the final decision about your future. And since girls do not like and are not accustomed to take responsibility, the situation hangs in limbo for a long time. And since you are a man, you must make decisions and play the game. This is the main disadvantage of this method!

How to turn a girl off by action?

If you find it difficult to explain in words what you think or you are not sure that you can clearly and intelligibly convey what you want, then it will be better to demonstrate your opinion with action. Here everything is the same as with words - we act head-on or begin to become hysterical like a girl, humiliating our chosen one. The first option will lead to results sooner, but the second may take a long time. And it will ruin the nerves of both of them pretty much. A classic example of the first method is going to the “left” without hiding it. Or complete ignorance, lack of attention and all sorts of behavior that will not hide its low importance!

The second method will be very energy-consuming and quite stupid. Although this does not stop people from resorting to it. There will be many minor and medium-sized offenses here, which periodically include grandiose scandals and screw-ups. The main difference between these two paths is the frequency of errors, and accordingly, the scale! Which in turn will significantly influence the final result, consequences and speed of solving the problem.

How to get rid of a girl in an original way?

We have looked at the main ways of how to get rid of a girl, but often men, because of their fear, begin to invent very extraordinary multi-steps in order to get away with it. It is these perversions that will be discussed further.

  • One of the most popular methods has recently become. Yes, yes, it is often easier for a man to find a conventional guy, to bring his ego together with his wife, in order to knock them together and then blame the woman for all the sins. Very popular among wealthy couples, where financial issues are also involved during separation.
  • Another popular method, which began to lose ground over time, is to simply run away. After all, there is nothing easier than changing the place of registration, leaving in an unknown direction, not getting in touch and generally leaving a girl’s life without words or explanations.
  • Well, as a third example, let’s consider the option of rudeness, which occurs in excessive quantities in the modern world. Sometimes a weak-willed man, out of helplessness inside, begins to raise his hand against his girlfriend and literally beat her. The scale can be quite different, and so can the situations. But the point is simple, with his rudeness he wants to lose her. Although at the same time, fear forces the ego to hold back and make periodic attempts to preserve the relationship in the form of another portion of promises.

Bottom line

You have learned how to turn a girl off, but before making a final decision, I advise you to think about whether the game is worth the candle. Maybe everything is not so bad, and it would be more advisable to try to improve what has been built, rather than start building new relationships?!

Personally, this is not a problem for me, and I still sometimes find myself thinking that I don’t understand why this is difficult for someone. But since many guys are concerned about this issue, I am obliged to consider this topic.

Let's start with why a guy can't just pick up a girl and send her off. The fact is that not everyone understands by what principle a girl’s interest, attraction and love appear and disappear. And since the guy doesn’t understand this, then he doesn't decide who likes him and who doesn't. And this is not normal.

Therefore, in this article I will tell you about it and explain each step.

How can you get rid of a girl easily and simply?

"Unfair" methods

The point, of course, is that you have to cheat a little.

Namely, you will have to reincarnate into a man who would never have liked her and would not have attracted her. Oddly enough, such methods work very well and the girl herself decides not to communicate with you anymore.

But there is a downside to this, which you probably already guessed. After all, a girl is rarely isolated from friends/girlfriends/colleagues/acquaintances, which means there is a very high chance that you will ruin your reputation among them too. But it often happens that a guy wants to quickly send a girl off precisely because he likes someone else. She could be her friend or colleague, for example. Therefore, be sure to think about whether such behavior is justified before deciding to act.

"Let's look to tomorrow"

So, the first method is to discourage her initiative with completely unattractive fantasies about a future together. It is clear that you will have to exaggerate the colors very much to make her afraid to be with you. But just this method can't harm you in any way.

As an option:

“I think the worst thing in life is to associate it with someone who is really not a match for you at all. Even if one of them experiences some feelings, then together they still have no chance. Such relationships are not mutual, which means that one will simply endure all this, and as a result - quarrels, dreams of better things, disappointment and thoughts about a different future...”

Girls understand hints very well.

It may be that she is under great pressure from public opinion and her own pride - then she may respond to your words that she doesn’t want anything from you. This is what you need, because after that she will never take the initiative again.

Be nice

A cute guy is something that girls don't like and aren't attracted to in any way, so you won't even have to think about how to turn her off. She herself will try to get rid of this.

But how to play this role so that everything looks realistic?

  • Show excessive softness and unreasonable politeness;
  • With it, “hand over the back” if there is an argument with other guys or any rivalry;
  • Act like you're offended, even if she offends you with something stupid, walk around with a downcast look and don't talk to her until she notices;
  • Don’t stop other people’s jokes on you, but in response to comic humiliation, portray a confused smile;
  • Start conversations (even if it’s not just her who’s nearby - that’s even better) about love for the fair sex, about the fact that women need to forgive everything, indulge their whims, and give generous gifts;
  • Make an agreement with your friend in advance, and when you are sure that she hears, tell him a sob story about how you were “dynamic” by the girl for whom you did everything (took you to restaurants and cinema, gave gifts), and it all ended with you called and she didn't pick up. You can add “memories” to this story about how you hysterically complained to her that she did not answer the phone.

And, of course, if you don't want to wait, then it’s better to ask your friends and acquaintances to actively help you - especially with an example in which your friends dominate you, and you don’t even resist.

It will be more difficult to quickly turn a girl off by showing sympathy. In this case, you can use a similar trick: provide her with absolute freedom.

Every girl struggles with the temptation to give herself to someone else if her boyfriend has absolutely no control over her, while remaining sweet, meek and pliable. If this happens, she won't need you anymore.

As I said above, such “dishonest” methods can seriously harm your image. If a girl you like sees this kind of behavior, you can say goodbye to your dreams of her forever.

The same can be said about what I will talk about below.

Pathetic coward

Everyone has heard of such “men.” They abuse their own women, knowing that they are weaker, but in fact they are cowardly and do not show their “strength” anywhere else. Neither girls nor other guys like them.

So, if you have chosen a similar role, then you need to behave something like this:

  • Regularly tell her how unfair life is to you, at the same time get irritated and take out your anger on her;
  • Become a “habalka” - argue with everyone and over any everyday trifles, even with girls. Argue in such a way as to certainly prove that you are right, at any cost;
  • Let all facets of her behavior irritate you, “drink” her, throw hysterics and scream for any far-fetched reason. If you can’t behave this way with her, choose another victim, but so that she can see it.

Carefully! This method is only good if you are outside of any group. Or if your friends are present, they should know that all these are performances. Otherwise, your reputation will suffer greatly.

Say it straight

For me, this is the most correct option, it is effective and honest, and you won’t get negative opinions from people around you, including girls.

But the problem is that many guys fail to use this method effectively. Moreover, in many cases this leads to the opposite effect - the girl’s pride is hurt and her predatory instinct awakens, which will not calm down until you fall in love with her.

But if used correctly, this approach will allow you to quickly and environmentally send off a girl.

What do guys do wrong when using this method?

At some point they show weakness and uncertainty.

For example, there was a conversation between you in which you said that you had no desire to date her. Usually this is not enough, the girl does not understand and continues timid attempts to take the initiative.

Misbehavior: allow her to behave this way or try to explain, remind her that you have already talked about this. Her first attempts will be from afar - just ask something, call on a far-fetched pretext. Out of politeness, you keep the conversation going. She understands that she can take the next step - and so on increasingly. That is, he puts pressure on you the way a guy usually does to a girl.

If you start talking to her, then you say with utmost confidence and clarity that this is the last time. Then - complete ignorance, no matter what she does. She can come up with various provocations, but there is no need to go to any lengths.

If you want to be completely honest, then insecure behavior and the fear of quickly rejecting a girl is due to the fact that for you the value of any girl is too high. Because of this, you are unable to assert your right to self-determination.

In fact, this problem is overblown. In this matter, you need only one thing - self-confidence and determination. But if it’s difficult for you to turn a girl off, then this affects your whole life and it’s difficult for you to say “no” to all other people. And if so, then you will be manipulated. Truth is the only value.

Choose what suits you best. But I think that going softer is the very first option. No others


There are many different options for “how to FUCK a girl.” Not all advice is ethical, effective, or prudent. But, as they say, it’s up to you to choose.
1. The most important thing, if you are thinking of leaving a girl (guy), BE OPEN. The first step in turning a girl off should be a sincere confession and explanation on your part. I know this is very difficult, but this, in my opinion, is the only true remedy!
If you, having overcome yourself, were able to admit that your feelings have faded away, that you are in favor of breaking up, and this did not help, then... you have problems
Let's move on to more radical measures. Throw it away, throw it away, throw it away, throw it away like that.
2. YOU must simulate an absolute loss of interest in her person! No calls, no courtship, no other signs of attention. No initiative!
YOU are Mr. Passivity!!! Many girls will immediately understand what's what. In short, this is a classic way to LEAVE a girl (leave a girl).
Did not help? It’s okay, we still have a lot of “secret weapons” that she can’t resist
3. Constantly notice her shortcomings. Oh, how we women don’t like this. This can turn off many people once and for all. And you don’t need to get rid of us, we will do everything for you (read: abandon you)
4. Constantly argue with her (even if you understand that she is right).
5. Begin to be publicly interested in other women. Look at the beauties passing by on the street, admire this or that actress in the movie, etc.
6. More secrets. What, you can’t have secrets?!
7. Be boring. Spend hours talking about how your work day went. Focus on her least favorite topics.
8. Flirt in front of her with her best friends. (perhaps she will be the first to get rid of you) And you won’t have to strain yourself in search of solutions, “how to leave a girl?”
9. Disappear somewhere from time to time. Go underground. Turn off your phone.
10. Be late for a date. And if she shows her indignation, answer: “What, only you can be late?!” I was delayed and that’s it...”
11. While talking on the phone, go to another room. Even if you are talking to your mother or Seryoga from the 3rd entrance, and if your girlfriend comes into the room at that moment, hang up immediately.
12. Listen to music she can't stand.

Difficult? Who said it would be easy? Sending a girl away (getting rid of a girl, leaving a girl) is similar to war, and in war, as you know, all means are fair!!! What did you think? Let's continue.
13. Forget about compliments in her direction. Even if she looks irresistible, you still have a goal!!! And this goal is to BREAK UP WITH THE GIRL, or rather, to get rid of her (leave the girl)!!!
14. Focus on her physical flaws. Like, “you’ve gained some weight lately...” or “these acne will go away someday, or is it hereditary...”
15. Forget about culture, especially in public places.
16. Forbid her to go shopping. Be terribly greedy. Yes, for many of us, this is like death. Because of this point, many girls will leave you without batting an eyelid.
17. Have a fight with her parents. A very good way. After all, now they have automatically become your allies, and, accordingly, they will not strongly object to your separation, and perhaps they themselves will tell her, they say: “Leave him…”
18. Same thing with her best friends. It would seem that this advice is the complete opposite of tip No. 8, but it is a fact and it works.
19. Ask a friend every day at 22.00 to send you an SMS like: “good night, kitty” or something else like that. At the same time, it is necessary to save it in advance under some strange name, like “B.K.” or “Light-work.”
20. Show up on a date drunk.
21. Call her by a different name sometimes. One of my friends got rid of a girl in exactly this way (sent her off).
22. Tell her that you registered on some dating site. To her question “Why?”, answer “Just for fun.”
23. Occasionally, hurry away from dates. Say that you forgot to turn off the water in the bathroom or that you remembered something important.
24. Constantly reproach her for her weak mental abilities.
25. Explain that you don’t like those who hang themselves on you.
26. How to leave a girl? Here's how: become the opposite of yourself. I'll explain now. Let's say you work out in the gym. Do not mind it! Tell her that a man should be a little more handsome than a monkey, and that a beer belly would suit you very well. Soon, after the “operation” has been completed, you will be able to safely continue training. Muscle memory is a powerful thing.
27. If She wants a child from you and keeps telling you about it, tell her that you don’t plan to have children for the next 10 years. This factor can make a girl seriously think about your future together. And this can greatly help you in your initial task - “how to leave a girl.”

28. Go on a business trip for a long time. Many girls are not able to spend time alone. Perhaps the girl will leave you first.
29. A very insidious way to get rid of (dump) a girl. You need to make a date at some cafe, bar or restaurant. Ask your friend (or some acquaintance) to show up on your date shortly before you and sit down at her table. Do you understand what I'm getting at? Exactly!!!
And at this very time, you appear (better even with flowers), and when you see that she is sitting with a stranger, make a scene (just without fanaticism). I agree, the method is terribly vile, but just as effective.
30. At her birthday, start arguing with everyone. Contradict everyone. And at the end, loudly slamming the door, they left.
Let's add a few more funny ways on how to SEND a girl (how to get rid of a girl).
31. After a passionate kiss, spit to the side (Creepy, but it works).
32. Tell her that you are only interested in sex.
33. Get involved in religion (just don’t go too far) One of my acquaintances wanted to do something like this, and, as a result, successfully achieved the goal “how to leave a girl,” and also quit university, sports (he was a candidate for athletics), in short, now he's a scroll of Jehovah or something like that. Was kidding me
34. Ask a friend (whom she, of course, doesn’t know) to come up on the street and kiss your hickey. By the way, it’s better to ask not a friend, but an acquaintance. The effect is 100% You will get rid of it in one go (and not only from the girl, but also from the teeth too)
35. Say that you already have a family in another city, and that you can no longer deceive yourself or them. Throw it like that.
36. Ask a friend to leave lipstick marks on your shirt. To make it more convincing, you can also add her perfume.
37. Put a note in your pocket with the phone number of the same girlfriend, and ask her to wash this thing.
38. Complain that the house is a mess, the dishes haven’t been washed, clothes haven’t been ironed, the dust hasn’t been wiped off... In short, stress her out in everyday life.
39. Put some naked beauty on your computer screensaver.
40. Avoid sex in every possible way!!! After some time it will go away on its own.

It’s so hard to tell a girl that you don’t want to date her, that she’s not your type, because it can greatly upset her, moreover, it can cancel out all her plans regarding your relationship.

What to do if the girl is really not your match? Of course, you need to gracefully refuse her a relationship, in general, and a date, sex, in particular. How to get rid of a girl?

The girl may not react quite adequately

When a girl takes the initiative and invites a guy to date, she experiences excitement and her emotional background is heightened. Why? Yes because she proposes to a guy, that’s why she’s worried whether he’ll agree or not. You must refuse as politely and correctly as possible to keep to each other.

Don't lower her self-esteem

Even if from the very beginning of communication you did not consider the girl as a possible partner, because she is simply not your type, do not tell her that she is not your type. This will only lower her self-esteem and offend her. You can say something more correct, for example “Sorry, but my heart belongs to another girl.” or “I’m not ready for a serious relationship yet, I’m really sorry.”. This is another matter; if the girl is offended, it won’t be that much.

Think about and justify your words

This must be done so that the girl thinks that you really cannot date her. It’s better not to continue the conversation another day or put it off, decide everything here and now, immediately setting priorities. WITH Do not use words like “probably”, “maybe”, “I don’t know” and similar ones so that there are no uncertainties. Without them, your speech will be more convincing, more understandable.

Don't look away

When you talk to a girl you want to refuse gracefully, don't look away, look straight into her eyes so that she has no doubt that you are telling the truth (even if you are lying).

Give the girl a final compliment

To sweeten your bitter words say something nice at the end of your speech. For example, you can say the following phrase: “I am very pleased to know that I evoke such tender feelings in you”. Or say something like this: “Your courage does you credit; not everyone in your place would dare to say this.”. Be sure to note that you would not want this conversation to ruin your friendly relationship with her, because she is very dear to you.

However, there is a possibility that such a compliment will not brighten up the negative aftertaste in the girl’s soul from this conversation, but will have the opposite effect. Although there’s nothing you can do about it, apparently, she was only interested in you as a partner for a serious relationship, and she doesn’t want to remain friends.

What to do if a girl blows you off? This question often torments guys who have only recently embarked on the path of seducing women. In this article I will talk about how to learn to treat girls’ refusals normally and not worry about it.

Why do girls reject guys?

First, you need to understand that they reject everyone without exception. I’m sure that even Brad Pitt has been rejected more than once, although his rejection rate, of course, is several times lower than that of an ordinary guy.

Hence conclusion No. 1: the more interesting you are as a man, the more often girls react positively to you; , and the number of failures will noticeably decrease, although it will never completely disappear.

Remember: girls turn everyone off. Even with those they like, they often break down. Such is female nature. If you have read, then you probably know that a woman is a natural filter - she selects strong men and does not allow weak ones to reproduce. Her task is to raise healthy offspring, so only strong, healthy males will have access to her body. A woman makes their assessment unconsciously, analyzing men according to various criteria: health, material security, physical strength, sexual demand, intelligence, etc. If a man stands out positively from others, he becomes interesting to her. Often this is enough to get a girl into bed.

But there are situations when even if a man is interesting, a woman still has doubts, since there may be many interesting guys hovering around her (if she is beautiful). This creates doubts in her head: which one should she give? Her man must definitely be the best, because if she gives it to him, other suitors may leave. Here, other things being equal, everything will depend on how persistent the man is. A woman may be completely in doubt: to sleep with him or not? If the guy doesn’t insist, she won’t beg him, and they’ll just be friends. If a man wants sex, sooner or later she will not be able to resist the temptation and will give herself up to him. The question is, will the man have the patience to wait for this moment?

Why do women and men have different attitudes towards sex and seduction?

A man’s natural task is to impregnate as many females as possible so that his species has a greater chance of survival. A woman’s task is to filter out weak men so as not to give birth to non-viable offspring. That is why it is the man who should always approach the woman, and not vice versa. This is why a girl can reject a guy even if she is attracted to him - she wants to see how strong and persistent this guy is, and whether she can really give herself to him.

Men have a much simpler attitude towards sex than women: he sticks it and goes to look for another victim if the girl fails to tie him to her. For a woman, sex is always an opportunity to get pregnant. Her instincts tell her this, and no modern means of contraception will dissuade her of this possibility. Therefore, she will try to avoid sex until she meets a person from whom she will not be psychologically afraid of becoming pregnant. He may be a scoundrel in life, but instinctively she will perceive him as a strong male, provider and protector, since he has formed such an image of himself in her head.

How to deal with girls' refusals

Now you understand why girls refuse guys. This behavior is inherent in them by nature itself. Even if a man is very interesting and wonderful, there is a woman who will still refuse him due to her instincts.

If you want to have many women, you will have to, because any seduction begins with acquaintance. It is logical to assume that the more you approach, the more often luck will smile on you, but no less often you will receive refusals. I must warn you that at first there will be a lot of them - much more than successful acquaintances. This is due to the fact that you are not yet used to communicating with unfamiliar girls and feel awkward. If you want to succeed with women, you must go this route. The more experience you have, the more freely you will be able to communicate with the opposite sex and girls will respond better to you. But there will still be those who will refuse you.

Remember! In any case, it will not be possible to completely avoid failures.

Therefore, the most correct attitude towards women’s refusals is to perceive them as part of the game - as a component of the seduction process.

What to do if a girl blows you off? - Nothing! Forget about it and move on to the next one.

The pickup strategy is similar to the cold calling strategy in marketing. You approach many girls and offer yourself to them. Most will refuse, but there are a few who will definitely agree. That's why it's important to save time and don't be obsessed with one particular girl. If she doesn't want to, go to the next one and try with her. If you got 2 out of 10 girls you approached into bed, that’s a big success, especially at the beginning of your journey. These 10 approaches can be done in one hour. Consider that you roughly need to spend 1 hour to find 2 sexual partners. Isn't this wonderful? Isn’t it worth hearing “No!” 8 times? or “I’m not dating!”? Why do you care that you got rejected if tonight you can have sex with a charming young lady instead of sitting at home alone?

Remember! Pickup failures are a cost to the profession. Don't pay attention to them, concentrate on your successes.

Make an emphasis - pay your attention only to them, and forget about failures. There is no need to persuade the girl, chase her, try to insist, etc. You must understand that in this way you may be able to get her phone number, but you will spend an incredible amount of effort, and then it turns out that the game is not worth the candle. As a rule, when you meet, you can immediately understand how a girl reacts to you and whether something will work out with her or not. If a woman is happy to meet you, that’s good. If not, why ask her if there are plenty of others around who will be happy?

What to do if a girl blows you off? Go to another one right away! You shouldn’t even think about the fact that you were rejected and worry about it, look for reasons in yourself, etc. She just didn't like you, that happens. This does not mean that you are a bad guy, because many good girls, from the point of view of other people, do not like you either, right? Perhaps the woman who rejected you has some problems and is not in the mood for dating right now, or she has a beloved boyfriend or husband and she is disgusted even to look at other men. So just forget it and that's it. And go straight to another one. This way you will quickly meet someone who will like you.


What to do if a girl blows you off:

  • don't pay attention to it;
  • go straight to another one.

The pleasant emotions of communicating with a new girl who reacts positively to you will quickly allow you to switch from negative thoughts about the fact that you were recently rejected.

You need to understand that in a pickup truck, as in any activity, there are dark and light stripes. If you're going through a dark patch and you've received several refusals in a row and you're not happy with your successes, don't despair. Remember that after a dark streak there is always a light one, and all you need is to just keep moving forward, otherwise you will end up stuck in a losing streak. And if you move forward, sooner or later luck will definitely smile on you.

Remember that quantity always turns into quality. The more often you meet, the more you will succeed. But even if you become an experienced pick-up artist, you will not be able to completely avoid women’s refusals. All the same, there will be girls on your way who will say “no” to you, although less often than in the beginning. Therefore, you need to take refusals calmly, perceive them as part of the process, and not worry about them at all.

, you say some standard phrase, and she turns you off. Inside there is resentment, disappointment, and doubt creeps into the soul. Maybe it's you and you're doing something wrong? The girl doesn’t explain anything, you have to figure everything out yourself. So what should you do if a girl rejects you? Let's look at the problem from two sides. The first thing you must learn once and for all is OA girl's failure is not a reason to be depressed. This is not the end of the world, there are still plenty of beautiful girls around who are waiting for you to meet them. Do you really need to be upset over one rejection? Well of course not! You need to overcome this unpleasant feeling inside yourself and continue meeting other girls!

The problem may be with the girl herself. Suddenly she has problems at work, her boss yelled and now she wants to be alone in the club, relax and think. She may simply be in the wrong mood, who knows why. In any case, delving into her experiences and analyzing her is like being a sapper. One wrong move and you are sent away for a long time. Therefore, do not engage in soul-searching and do not disturb a girl who is not in the mood for dating today. Do more useful and enjoyable things!

It is quite possible that the problem lies with you. Perhaps you said something wrong or chose the wrong approach. Everyone risks losing face, there is nothing shameful in this either, it’s just a reason to improve your skills and remember the mistake for the future!
We have figured out the possible reasons. Now let's move on to analyzing and deriving rules. Let's throw away boring reference books and make clear instructions, the kind that each of us is used to. What to do if a girl rejects you?

Check for verification

When too many guys come up to meet a girl, and even every day, she begins to develop immunity to this, consciously or subconsciously. Who would enjoy extremely powerful attention from all sides? The girl begins to realize her value among men, her beauty, and rejects weak contenders for the title of “guy of the evening.” It works very simply.

You saw a cute or even beautiful girl and decided to approach her. You tell her how beautiful she is, that she has nice hair, how wonderful today and evening are, and stuff like that. She tells you that she is not ready to get acquainted, thereby dismissing you as a weak link. For the vast majority of guys (especially those who are completely new to pickup trucks), this is where a stop occurs. They fall off immediately, but you shouldn’t do that. This reaction needs to be checked for falsity.

After her first refusal, you kind of join her. You say something like “Yes, there are so many idiots walking around and everyone is staring and pestering.” If the reaction becomes more positive, consider that you have passed the test and have the honor of just chatting for now. For an experienced pick-up artist, this means that her phone is practically in her pocket, and maybe tonight’s evening has already been organized.
If the girl continues to freeze, the reaction becomes even more negative, then you just wish her a pleasant evening and go away. She's probably not in the mood to get to know you. Perhaps the problem is you, or not? This is just your analysis of the situation afterwards.

Under no circumstances!

I don’t argue that when a girl rejects you, it’s always very unpleasant, and guys react to this phenomenon in different ways. Never insult a girl or even ruin her mood after refusing. This is her opinion about dating you, and you will have to respect it, one way or another. Beautiful girls are constantly in the spotlight, they are pestered on the street, on social networks, guys get her phone number somewhere and call endlessly. How much do you think such pressure can affect a person?

And then you come in with a free offer to become her mother’s potential son-in-law. Does she need it? She is already tired of constant proposals. But even in this case, she does not send you, but simply refuses. And then you start shouting at her and insulting her. Life is already difficult for her, why are you making the situation worse?

Try to treat the refusal as adequately as possible. You shouldn't show that the refusal upset you in any way. and so on. You checked her for verification, and then wished her a pleasant evening or a good day and went home, leaving a pleasant impression on her and without spoiling anyone’s mood.

Psychology of rejection

Human psychology is designed in such a way that it remembers the first and last of a particular event. Remember how the movie you watched a week ago begins and how it ended. But what was in the middle? It's already more difficult. You will remember the script, but the overall impression you will have is the beginning of the film, which convinced you that you were really worth watching, and the ending, which left a pleasant impression. Artists do the same thing on stage! Now let's apply this example to our situation. It is very important how you approach a girl, what you say, and just as important how you leave. Many beginning pickup artists make a serious mistake here, believing that the main thing is the beginning. Believe me, the impression you leave about yourself also plays a big role. The girl will think that you are not so bad. There is even a small chance that after a girl has rejected you, she may call you out. Read my article on how to meet a girl on the street.

Attitude towards dating

According to girls, nothing could be simpler than to come up and meet a girl. But the guys make a real problem out of this, they prepare diligently, gather their strength and thoughts for a long time, and then just go to get acquainted. Common situation? You can't treat dating like that.
Remember one very important axiom - no one owes anyone anything! When you fully understand this, you will not treat refusals when meeting someone as something painful and unpleasant.
This will become an ordinary situation, which does not mean your defeat.

Girls appreciate selflessness in guys. And at the same time, guys very often expect continuation from an acquaintance, try to immediately fetter the girl with some kind of obligations, and at the same time do it so stupidly and unpleasantly that they are almost guaranteed to receive a refusal. This happens unconsciously. It is quite possible that you simply adhere to the wrong rules when dating.
Have you ever done charity work? Did you at least throw coins into a glass for the homeless? This is a very pleasant thing that lifts your spirits. You should treat dating in the same way. This is a simple donation that you give selflessly. Why is this the most effective tactic? Firstly, this way you will be much easier to deal with the fact that you may be refused or simply rejected. Secondly, the likelihood of failure will decrease (I will explain why later). Thirdly, it will be easy, non-binding communication that you yourself will like.

Girls are extremely perceptive creatures. They feel the slightest falsity in your voice, but at the same time they will unmistakably determine your unselfishness in getting to know each other! And the attitude towards such people is completely different. This is why there will be fewer and fewer failures with this approach.
Wrong words If you go out on the street and suffer refusal after refusal, the situation is repeated on the Internet, in public transport, museums and other standard places for meeting people, then it makes sense to think that you are doing something wrong. Analyze the words that you say when you meet, and only after that can a plan of action be outlined on what to do if a girl rejects you. Are they exactly what the girl wants to hear? Read my article on what to talk about with a girl. An experienced pick-up artist will never begin an acquaintance with the phrase “Girl, excuse me, can I meet you?” This is generally the worst phrase you can come up with. It's better to start with something neutral. Pay attention to what's around you. What can you really be surprised by? What can make you happy? Perhaps the leaves are falling around? Or is it snowing? Or cloudy weather and generally everything is not very good? There might be a construction site nearby, and so on. This is where you should start getting acquainted.
Here are a few dating mistakes that the vast majority of guys make.

  1. Apologize. You approach a girl and ask for forgiveness because you want to get to know her. What nonsense? Why should you apologize for your natural desires? Never apologize if you don't feel guilty.
  2. Ask permission. Another common mistake. You are a male. If you wanted, you met. If he wanted, he sat down next to him. If he wanted, he took the phone number and so on. You already have the right to all this, so why ask permission for something that is already allowed. This does not show your culture at all, but only shows that you are a weak person, and girls don’t give such a thing.
  3. Address yourself as "you". You immediately put the girl above you in status. And nature has decreed that it is the man who must be the leader in all respects; he must do absolutely everything better, with some exceptions. With this kind of treatment you again show your insecurity.
These are just the most common mistakes to avoid.


A pickup truck is a complex and multifaceted thing. Walking this road on your own is quite difficult, but you can enlist my support. For 12 years now I have been successfully engaged in pickup, I have 7 sex tours in the Philippines, where I have repeatedly proven my mastery in the art of seduction. Write to me at

1. Call her at half past three at night and ask her heartfeltly: “Sunny,
I really want to see you! We are here at Slavik’s in Severny Butovo. Good company
music, liquor..." Be terribly offended by a refusal to come: "Well, of course, if you
I really want to sleep..."
2. Having promised to call in the evening, call at half past five in the morning: “Oh,
Sorry, Irina and I were sitting on the computer in her office and didn’t notice,
when it got dark!"
3. Remember once and for all: there is no greater torture for a woman than hours
listen to your story about how your working day went.
4. If you are 25 minutes late for a date, take your time. She'll be happy anyway
to see you in a torn quilted jacket, a vest with a strong smell of horse
sweat, canvas boots and a huge backpack. Explain to her that you were at the dacha (in
on a hike, in prison).
5. When sitting with her in company, constantly blow smoke in her face. At the end
in the evening ask worriedly: “By the way, are you worried about tobacco smoke?”
6. In the subway, look for a long time and with concentration at the opposite end of the car.
Finally, when she wonders what you saw there, without looking away,
ask: “See, there he is, in a red jacket? Cute, huh?”
7. Walking past a commercial kiosk with her, suddenly stop. Find it on
some women's trinket on display; ask: “Listen, are these perfumes
are they good? Exactly? Are they really French? Do they have an evening smell? Well then
good..." Having bought a little thing, put it in your pocket and never think about it again,
despite the expressive glances.
8. Being invited to the subject for a birthday or any other holiday,
be indecently late. It's worth coming not too sober. Don't waste money on a gift. Behind
During the meal, put your feet on the table, rinse your mouth with champagne and burp loudly. If it is not
works, in extreme cases, acute alcohol poisoning can be faked,
I locked myself in the toilet for half an hour.
9. Seeing a man in overalls at her door, obviously a mechanic or plumber from
ZHEKA, say contemptuously: “Well, what friends you have...”
10. Casually engage a lady in a discussion about the benefits of polygamy.
11. In the cinema, during the most tender and deep kiss of the heroes, it’s delicious
spit down the aisle and ask loudly: “When are we going to fuck?!”
12. Fill every pause in the conversation with stories on the topic “How are we here the other day?”
We got drunk with Vovets..." From time to time, don't forget to shoot her a couple thousand
for beer.
13. To a girl in stiletto heels - tenderly: “Darling, if you want, I’ll show you the best
romantic place in Moscow?" What follows is a two-hour walk through the broken
sidewalks, puddles and roofs.
14. Invite your friend to your dacha for barbecue, and in the area
hand her a shovel and unobtrusively ask her to dig up the garden.
15. If she even digs up a garden bed without wincing, one thing remains: start
she goes into the forest like Snow White, and I tear her off myself. Maybe someone will pick up such a treasure.

Personally, this is not a problem for me, and I still sometimes find myself thinking that I don’t understand why this is difficult for someone. But since many guys are concerned about this issue, I am obliged to consider this topic.

Let's start with why a guy can't just pick up a girl and send her off. The fact is that not everyone understands by what principle a girl’s interest, attraction and love appear and disappear. And since the guy doesn’t understand this, then he doesn't decide who likes him and who doesn't. And this is not normal.

Therefore, in this article I will tell you about it, and explain each step.

How can you get rid of a girl easily and simply?

"Unfair" methods

The point, of course, is that you have to cheat a little.

Namely, you will have to reincarnate into a man who would never have liked her and would not have attracted her. Oddly enough, such methods work very well and the girl herself decides not to communicate with you anymore.

But there is a downside to this, which you probably already guessed. After all, a girl is rarely isolated from friends/girlfriends/colleagues/acquaintances, which means there is a very high chance that you will ruin your reputation among them too. But it often happens that a guy wants to quickly send a girl off precisely because he likes someone else. She could be her friend or colleague, for example. Therefore, be sure to think about whether such behavior is justified before deciding to act.

"Let's look to tomorrow"

So, the first method is to discourage her initiative with completely unattractive fantasies about a future together. It is clear that you will have to exaggerate the colors very much to make her afraid to be with you. But just this method can't harm you in any way.

As an option:

“I think the worst thing in life is to associate it with someone who is really not a match for you at all. Even if one of them experiences some feelings, then together they still have no chance. Such relationships are not mutual, which means that one will simply endure all this, and as a result - quarrels, dreams of better things, disappointment and thoughts about a different future...”

Girls understand hints very well.

It may be that she is under great pressure from public opinion and her own pride - then she may respond to your words that she doesn’t want anything from you. This is what you need, because after that she will never take the initiative again.

Be nice

A cute guy is something that girls don't like and aren't attracted to in any way, so you won't even have to think about how to turn her off. She herself will try to get rid of this.

But how to play this role so that everything looks realistic?

  • Show excessive softness and unreasonable politeness;
  • With it, “hand over the back” if there is an argument with other guys or any rivalry;
  • Act like you're offended, even if she offends you with something stupid, walk around with a downcast look and don't talk to her until she notices;
  • Don’t stop other people’s jokes on you, but in response to comic humiliation, portray a confused smile;
  • Start conversations (even if it’s not just her who’s nearby - that’s even better) about love for the fair sex, about the fact that women need to forgive everything, indulge their whims, and give generous gifts;
  • Make an agreement with your friend in advance, and when you are sure that she hears, tell him a sob story about how you were “dynamic” by the girl for whom you did everything (took you to restaurants and cinema, gave gifts), and it all ended with you called and she didn't pick up. You can add “memories” to this story about how you hysterically complained to her that she did not answer the phone.

And, of course, if you don't want to wait, then it’s better to ask your friends and acquaintances to actively help you - especially with an example in which your friends dominate you, and you don’t even resist.

It will be more difficult to quickly turn a girl off by showing sympathy. In this case, you can use a similar trick: provide her with absolute freedom.

Every girl struggles with the temptation to give herself to someone else if her boyfriend has absolutely no control over her, while remaining sweet, meek and pliable. If this happens, she won't need you anymore.

As I said above, such “dishonest” methods can seriously harm your image. If a girl you like sees this kind of behavior, you can say goodbye to your dreams of her forever.

The same can be said about what I will talk about below.

Pathetic coward

Everyone has heard of such “men.” They abuse their own women, knowing that they are weaker, but in fact they are cowardly and do not show their “strength” anywhere else. Neither girls nor other guys like them.

So, if you have chosen a similar role, then you need to behave something like this:

  • Regularly tell her how unfair life is to you, at the same time get irritated and take out your anger on her;
  • Become a “habalka” - argue with everyone and over any everyday trifles, even with girls. Argue in such a way as to certainly prove that you are right, at any cost;
  • Let all facets of her behavior irritate you, “drink” her, throw hysterics and scream for any far-fetched reason. If you can’t behave this way with her, choose another victim, but so that she can see it.

Carefully! This method is only good if you are outside of any group. Or if your friends are present, they should know that all these are performances. Otherwise, your reputation will suffer greatly.

Say it straight

For me, this is the most correct option, it is effective and honest, and you won’t get negative opinions from people around you, including girls.

But the problem is that many guys fail to use this method effectively. Moreover, in many cases this leads to the opposite effect - the girl’s pride is hurt and her predatory instinct awakens, which will not calm down until you fall in love with her.

But if used correctly, this approach will allow you to quickly and environmentally send off a girl.

What do guys do wrong when using this method?

At some point they show weakness and uncertainty.

For example, there was a conversation between you in which you said that you had no desire to date her. Usually this is not enough, the girl does not understand and continues timid attempts to take the initiative.

Misbehavior: allow her to behave this way or try to explain, remind her that you have already talked about this. Her first attempts will be from afar - just ask something, call on a far-fetched pretext. Out of politeness, you keep the conversation going. She understands that she can take the next step - and so on increasingly. That is, he puts pressure on you the way a guy usually does to a girl.

If you start talking to her, then you say with utmost confidence and clarity that this is the last time. Then - complete ignorance, no matter what she does. She can come up with various provocations, but there is no need to go to any lengths.

If you want to be completely honest, then insecure behavior and the fear of quickly rejecting a girl is due to the fact that for you the value of any girl is too high. Because of this, you are unable to assert your right to self-determination.

In fact, this problem is overblown. In this matter, you need only one thing - self-confidence and determination. But if it’s difficult for you to turn a girl off, then this affects your whole life and it’s difficult for you to say “no” to all other people. And if so, then you will be manipulated. Truth is the only value.

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