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How to highlight dark brown eyes. Makeup for brown eyes - how to highlight their beauty (photo)

It is important to remember that just putting on beautiful eye makeup will not be enough, since you need to carefully think through the entire facial makeup as a whole. For example, bruises and swelling, an inflamed eyelid also visually make the eyes smaller, so before you start applying makeup, you should carefully disguise all visible imperfections using specialized products. And, of course, regardless of eye color, there is universal advice for everyone - heavy makeup with dark shadows and black eye rims are unacceptable moments in the makeup of small eyes.

This is much easier to do than for other options for iris pigmentation, but even in this case you should remember some important points. Using the advice of professional makeup artists and taking into account the main features of your appearance (eye color, hair, skin tone), you can turn any flaw that seems at first glance into a highlight that will attract increased attention to you. An excellent example of this are Hollywood stars, who, like all people, have certain shortcomings, but skillfully disguise them, achieving an ideal appearance and world recognition.

It’s not difficult to make narrow eyes visually wider; the main role is given to the pencil, namely the line drawn in the right place, and shadows. The contrast between the pigment of the iris and the color of the shadows can emphasize the special expressiveness of the look.

Mother of pearl will not only add depth, but will also make all minor imperfections and wrinkles more visible, so you should use it carefully.

Basic principles of makeup:

  • Those with narrow eyes should pay special attention to the shape and color of their eyebrows, as thick “sable” eyebrows will have the opposite effect and make the eyes even less noticeable on the face, drawing all the attention to themselves. It is necessary that the space between the lower line of the eyebrows and the eyes is sufficient. Also, the horizontal shape is not always suitable for small narrow eyes; it is better to shape the eyebrows with a slight bend, then carefully draw the outline, comb and highlight the natural color with a pencil or shadows.
  • Dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, swelling, inflammation of the eyelids are shortcomings that must be eliminated with any type of makeup. Systematic facial skin care, sufficient sleep and proper nutrition will help avoid most of these problems, but in cases where there is not much time, you should use a corrector, applying it to the lower and upper eyelids.
  • A simple technique will help you “open” your eyes: the area of ​​the inner corner of the eyes and right under the eyebrows must be highlighted with light, almost transparent shadows and shaded well with your fingers.

  • Eyelashes should be painted with lengthening mascara with a curling effect or use a special curling device. For evening makeup, you can stick several bunches of artificial eyelashes on the outer corners of the eyes. It is better to take mascara not of a coal-black color, but rather dark and suitable for the shade of the eyes: dark brown, eggplant, dark green, graphite gray. Those with small and narrow eyes should not forget that they need to apply makeup on both the upper and lower eyelashes to give expressiveness to the look.
  • The eyes are highlighted as follows: the growth line of the upper eyelashes is marked with a very thin horizontal line with a dark-colored pencil (for brown eyes it is recommended to use a purple, dark gray or blue shade). You can draw it slightly beyond the usual boundaries to visually enlarge the eyes. Closer to the outer corner of the eyes, the line should be gradually thickened, achieving the effect of a cat's eye or retro style; the edge of the arrows should be shaded. Along the lower eyelid, the arrow should start under the pupil; it can also be drawn, going beyond the natural border, optically enlarging and widening the eyes. And above the eyelash growth line along the lower eyelid, one more emphasis should be made - draw a line with a white pencil.

Stages of creating a make-up for brown eyes

For brown eyes, the optimal ones are: dark chocolate, green, purple or blue shades of shadows. Numerous options for these shades are perfect for making both light everyday and expressive evening makeup.

It is important to remember that the darkest color is applied along the crease of the upper eyelid and carefully shaded towards the outer edge. It is the bird's wing technique of applying shadows that opens and enlarges narrow eyes.

Step-by-step makeup for brown eyes:

  • Preparing the skin of the face is the most important moment for any makeup; the accuracy and durability of the makeup depends on how well the skin texture is cleansed and smoothed, regardless of whether it is daytime or evening makeup, the principles are almost the same: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. All products should be selected according to the characteristics of the type of epidermis and it is preferable to use one series in which the products are balanced, complement each other perfectly and enhance the effect.
  • Apply concealer to the area under the eyes, and foundation or fluid to the entire face, dust with a small amount of powder on top.
  • Give the eyebrows the required shape, carefully paint them with strokes, starting from the bottom line, comb with a stiff brush to distribute the color of the pencil not only over the skin, but also over the hairs of the eyebrows.
  • Use blush in natural shades to highlight your cheekbones.
  • Using a pencil similar in shade to the selected shadows, draw a line, stepping back from the growth line of the lower eyelashes. Paint over the remaining space with a white or beige pencil.
  • Using a thick brush, cover the central area of ​​the upper eyelid with neutral shadows, apply light shadows to the brow area, and using a pointed brush, highlight the outer corner of the eye with the darkest color from the palette.
  • The lower eyelid is also highlighted with medium-tone shadows with a small amount of dark added, carefully blending each application of shadows.
  • After applying the shadows, use a light pearlescent pencil to paint the inner corner of the eyes.
  • In order not to overdo it with paints, you should not highlight your lips with too bright lipstick or gloss; it is enough to paint them with a natural shade that matches the color of your hair and skin (pale pink, beige or peach).

How to highlight your eyes and make them look chic

How to highlight eyes, taking into account the type

Before you start applying makeup, prepare the skin around your eyes. Degrease your eyelids and apply moisturizing cream. When the cream is completely absorbed, powder your eyelids.

What makeup suits eyes of different shapes?

  1. It is better not to outline small eyes with dark pencil or eyeliner, this can make them appear even smaller. But white, applied to the inside of the lower eyelid, will visually enlarge them. Use natural shades of shadows and black mascara.
  2. We emphasize wide-set eyes with dark shadows. Start from the inside, gradually rubbing towards the eyebrows.
  3. For close-set eyes, use light shadows, starting from the lash line to the middle of the eyelid. Then continue applying darker tones. There is no need to completely outline the eyes; arrows can be applied from the middle of the upper eyelid to the outer corner. The same applies to mascara, focus it on the middle and outer edge of the eyelashes.
  4. We cover the small distance from the eyelid to the eyebrow with light-colored shadows, moving to a darker tone at the outer edge. Avoid lining your eyes with pencil or eyeliner.

On slanted eyes, apply a light shade up to the crease of the eyelid, apply a darker shade under the eyebrow, and the darkest shade in the outer corner.

Eye makeup: a few secrets of your beauty

  • More details

How to highlight eye color

Owners of blue eyes can make them even brighter with the help of shadows and a pencil in bronze, gold, or brown shades. It is better to use mascara in a brown tone. Lovers of bright makeup can choose mascara in a blue tone, close to the color of the eyes.

Green eyes themselves are very impressive. But to further enhance their unusual color, use brown, golden, beige, and chocolate shades. Peach and orange colors are suitable. You can safely use all shades of lilac, but not for golden eyes. It is better to choose a non-black eyeliner.

Brown eyes look quite bright even without makeup. To highlight them even more, apply black eyeliner to the upper eyelid just above the eyelashes and to the lower eyelid in a thin line. Many tones suit brown eyes: olive, all shades of blue and brown, fuchsia, golden, bronze. Here you need to take into account your skin type and hair color.

Don't forget about your eyebrows, they should also be in perfect condition.

Enhance gray eyes with metallic or silver eyeshadow. Apply them all over your upper eyelid and line your entire eye with black eyeliner. Complete your makeup with black mascara.

As they say, eyes are the mirror of the soul, so you need to be able to highlight them to your advantage in order to look most attractive. It is necessary to select makeup and clothes based on your appearance, as well as the color of your eyes, so that they do not fade, but, on the contrary, look even brighter than they really are. Let's take a closer look at how to properly highlight blue eyes.

How to highlight the color of blue eyes?

Blue eyes are inherently very beautiful, but with the wrong makeup or clothing, they can dull their color and even become faded gray. Of course, anyone with blue eyes that resemble mountain lakes will want to emphasize the color of their eyes, and even make them more expressive. For such purposes, colored lenses are perfect, changing the color of the eyes or making an existing shade brighter, but many people do not like this method. So how can you highlight blue eyes without resorting to such drastic methods?

How to highlight blue eyes with makeup? With the help of makeup, girls make their look more expressive and their eyes visually larger. But you can also highlight the color of your eyes with makeup. For blue eyes, shades of blue, blue and violet are perfect. Yellow and golden tones also look very interesting, making the blue color richer. In addition, of course, makeup in black tones is also suitable for blue eyes, since black generally emphasizes eyes of any shade very favorably. But it is advisable to avoid gray, as it will make the color of your eyes fade.

How to emphasize blue eyes with clothes? Many girls are content with just makeup, but some choose clothes to highlight the color of their eyes. Blue, turquoise and blue colors can make blue eyes brighter. In general, the entire blue palette, from dark and cold to warm and light. Just like in makeup, purple and lilac shades are suitable for blue-eyed people. You can also play with contrasts - the blue color of the eyes is perfectly emphasized by things in red and pink colors. In addition, you can wear yellow things, but it is better to use gold color in accessories. And, of course, black and white colors, which are universal, so they will undoubtedly suit blue-eyed people too. Just keep in mind that white will make your eyes a shade lighter, while black will make your eyes darker.

The main tenet of applying makeup is to have only one bright accent. When highlighting the eyes, the lips should have a neutral color or simply shine, and vice versa. When highlighting the eyes, attention is paid to the condition of the eyebrows, so before applying makeup, it is necessary to correct and, if necessary, paint the eyebrows or do.

How to highlight eye color

A common mistake made by many women and girls is the idea that only shadows that match the color of their eyes will help emphasize their beauty and expressiveness. You can use various options for the shadow palette, the main thing is to be able to select them correctly depending on the color of your eyes.

Blue eyes will be perfectly emphasized by mascara, but not black, but blue, and you can choose from a variety of shades. For more modest young ladies, dark brown mascara is suitable, which will look brighter on blue eyes than black. When choosing eye shadow and pencil, you should also give preference to brown shades. When using blue eyeliner, you should never paint your eyelashes with the same shade of mascara, as this will make your look vulgar.

Brown eyes are bright due to their own deep color. For owners of such eyes, a win-win solution would be to use black eyeliner. It is better to choose shadows of chestnut, olive and golden shades.

Green eyes look impressive even without makeup, but to complete the look, you can use chocolate, golden brown, peach, orange and beige shades. When using green eyeshadow, be sure to dilute it with another shade. Eyeliner should be brown or gray.

For gray eyes, the best option for adding expressiveness would be black mascara and eyeliner, together with silver shadows. But it is better to exclude matte shadows, they will give the look an emptiness.

How to visually enlarge your eyes

Another misconception of the fair half of humanity is the opinion that you can visually enlarge your eyes only by using shadows of dark colors. To do this, it is recommended to use several different tones. Light shadows are applied and shaded under the eyebrow line and on the upper eyelid, while dark shadows are applied in the outer corners. A little trick is the shimmering shadows, which give the effect of magnification.

When using eyeliner, the lines should be thin and graceful, and you can also shade it. Apply mascara preferably black or brown, best on curled eyelashes, no more than two layers. Don't forget about the lower eyelashes.

Under no circumstances should you draw a thick line of eyeliner on the upper eyelid. There is also no need to connect the upper and lower contour lines at one point. When applying dark shadows, the main thing is not to overdo it.

There are small tricks that will help make your eyes bigger:

  • a white line on the inner surface of the lower eyelid;
  • light shadows in the inner corner of the eye;
  • a red dot in the inner corner of the eye.

How to make your eyes expressive

In order for the applied makeup to make the eyes expressive, it is necessary to take into account the color of the eyes, the shape of the eyebrows, the condition of the eyelashes, the location of the eyes, and, depending on these parameters, select cosmetics.

For those with close-set eyes, it is advisable to use light-colored shadows, applying them to the inner corner of the eye. For wide-set eyes, on the contrary, dark shadows are applied to the inner corner.

The simplest and most universal way to give your eyes expressiveness, both during the day and for an evening out, is mascara:

  1. Be sure to wash off your makeup with makeup remover before going to bed, and repeat this procedure in the morning.
  2. Do gymnastics for eyelashes - use the pad of your index finger to bend the eyelashes to the moving eyelid 2-3 times.
  3. Start applying makeup by applying mascara.
  4. Use the right mascara depending on the condition of your eyelashes.
  5. Apply mascara, focusing at the base of the eyelashes.
  6. Apply a thin layer of mascara to your lower lashes.

You can find your perfect eye makeup by combining and experimenting with different colors and shades, and then everyone will find the perfect color combination to make their eyes more alluring and expressive.

Makeup depends on the shape of the eyes, their color, as well as the condition of the skin of the eyelids. Choose a method that will highlight all your advantages and make you truly irresistible.

Eyes are the most attractive and expressive part of the face. The eyes play the main role in makeup. You can completely change your face if you apply a little makeup, adding brightness and shine. Pencil or eyeliner will help make them more expressive, as well as slightly correct their shape. Using shadows will highlight the color and shape of the eyes and improve the structure of the face. It is quite a fair statement that the beauty of women’s eyes is the subtle art of makeup, as well as correctly selected cosmetics.

Ways to highlight eyes and their uses

Makeup that highlights the eyes

Before applying eye makeup, you should thoroughly clean your eyelids of oil. After cleansing your eyes, you need to apply a little moisturizer, and, after waiting for complete absorption, lightly powder with loose powder. The second stage of applying makeup can be considered tidying up the eyebrows, because they highlight the eyes. When choosing the shape of your eyebrows, consider that it suits you, and you can always adjust it a little according to fashion. Make sure that there are no overgrown hairs, as the ideal eyebrow line will be disrupted. If they are present, it is better to remove them immediately. Take dark gray or dark brown shadows and apply in a dotted position along the entire length of the eyebrows. Then take an eyebrow comb and comb them, giving them the original shape.

For good makeup you will need shadows of two colors , eyeliner pencil, light powder, cosmetic pencil and mascara. Next we take shadows of several shades. Apply dark shadows directly to the eyelid, moving towards the top. We apply light gray, pearl or light shades of shadow to the area under the eyebrow. Also apply a light pencil under the eyebrow and rub it thoroughly with your finger. To highlight the eyes, draw a line closer to the eyelashes of the lower eyelid and the same line along the upper eyelid. It is better to choose arrows that suit your eye type. The last step in applying eye makeup is applying mascara to your eyelashes.

The basic rule of makeup is that you should not try to change the shape of your eyes too much; you should follow the line of the upper eyelid as close as possible to the eyelashes.

How to highlight your eyes, given their shape

It is very important to consider the shape of your eyes when applying cosmetics in order to choose the correction method that is right for you. The following eye shapes exist:

  • bulging eyes;
  • close-set eyes;
  • almond-shaped eyes;
  • small eyes;
  • wide-set eyes.

For bulging eyes try to use shadows in matte, muted tones. It is better to avoid shiny, light and dark shadows. Massive dark arrows in this case are not for you. You can very subtly emphasize the contours of the eyes with a well-sharpened pencil. You need to start drawing the eyeliner line closer to the inner corner of the eye, but not from the very edge. Apply shadows to the eyebrows over the entire surface of the eyelid and blend them outward. You can draw a narrow strip under the lower eyelid.

Light shadows can help correct the situation with close-set eyes. Apply them in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and on the inside of the upper eyelid, and from the middle of the eye use darker shadow colors. Apply light shadows under the eyebrows as well. It is better to avoid arrows across the entire surface of the eyelid; they should be done in half. Highlight the outer corners of the eyes with eyeliner, drawing an arrow from the middle of the eyelid. When applying mascara, focus on the eyelashes from the middle to the outer edge. And also pluck your eyebrows in the area of ​​the bridge of your nose.

  • For almond-shaped eyes focus on the upper eyelid, highlighting it along the lash line.
  • If you have small eyes , then it is better to avoid dark eyeliner, it will further define the boundaries of the eyes and also reduce them. Small eyes can be made larger by drawing a white line on the inside of the lower eyelid. It is better to give preference to shades that are gentle and closer to natural shades. Distribute them over the entire eyelid. It is better to take black mascara for makeup.
  • For wide-set eyes The ideal option would be to take dark eyeshadow colors and apply them to the inner corner of the eye, rubbing it up to the eyebrow. This will visually bring your eyes closer.

How to highlight your eyes with mascara

Mascara avoids the effect of tired eyes; it makes eyelashes thicker and longer. When choosing mascara, decide for yourself how you want your eyelashes to look: long, thick, bright or voluminous. Pay special attention to the brush.

Mascara is applied to the inner surface of the upper eyelashes. Hold the brush in a horizontal position. We also paint the lower eyelashes, holding the brush in a horizontal position, but if you turn it vertically and, leaning on your cheek, paint each eyelash separately. Apply mascara from the roots of the eyelashes to their tips. Apply thin layers of mascara several times to avoid clumps of lashes. Apply the first coat of paint, let it dry a little, then apply the second. Wait until the mascara is completely dry and comb it with a special brush.

How to highlight your eyes without mascara

Everyone knows that mascara is one of the main elements of makeup, but how to highlight your eyes without it? The reasons for refusing mascara can be different. Eyelashes may need treatment and restoration, and seasonal allergies may also occur.

Makeup without mascara can look quite beautiful and complete, knowing just a few secrets. When applying gray eyeshadow, it is best to use glossy or matte. Apply dark shades to the upper part of the eye, and light shades to the moving eyelid and the inner corner.

When doing makeup with eyeliner, but without mascara, a cosmetic pencil will help you. It is the arrow along the upper lash line that creates the desired expressive effect. It is very important to take a good quality pencil that will be easily and softly shaded with a brush. You can also continue the arrow under the outer lower corner of the eye.

How to highlight eyes with pencil

Any makeup is unthinkable without using a pencil. The use of light gray and white pencil is intended for the lower eyelid. The eye will be visually enlarged if you apply a light pencil to the lower eyelid, from the inside.

Dark pencil on the lower eyelid makes the eye look smaller. Although large and dark eyes with a pencil become more expressive. In this case, gray, brown and colored pencil will give contour to the eyes. At the same time, you will also get the effect of making your eyes smaller.

Draw a line along the inner edge of the eyelid; a little of the color will linger on the edges of the eyelashes and the outline will remain, even if you apply eyeshadow of the same color. Start drawing the arrow back, about a third from the inner corner of the eye. Make a line with small strokes towards the outer corner of the eye. If it is difficult to draw a thin line along the entire length, it is better to apply eyeliner from the middle of the eyelid to the inner corner, and only then continue from the middle to the outer corner. The outer corner of the eye must be completely outlined. The stroke should end at the outer corner and follow the shape of your eye.

How to highlight your eyes depending on their color

Green eyes can be emphasized with peach, brown, gold, you can also use purple shadows. When applying purple and lilac shadows, yellow-green eyes will become yellow, and green, in turn, is lost against such a background. Eyelash lines can be emphasized with black arrows.

Blue eyes It's very easy to make it brighter. Orange-copper shadows will help add depth to them, which can be applied to the upper eyelid and shaded all the way to the eyebrow.

Brown eyes themselves look very bright, they should be emphasized only slightly and they will be even more expressive. The golden shade of the eyes is emphasized by turquoise and lavender shadows. Olive-brown shades are also suitable, making brown eyes deeper. Eyeliner will also work. Draw a line along the upper eyelid, as close to the eyelashes as possible, and a very thin strip on the lower eyelid.

Grey eyes very beautiful and spontaneous, they change colors depending on their mood and weather. If you want to make your eyes darker, then you need to take shadows that are lighter than your eye tone. By choosing shades of blue, brown or green, you will be able to see the same shades in your eyes. Also use eyeliner in grey, brown and blue colors to highlight the natural beauty of your eyes. It is better to use blue or gray mascara.

Experiment with your appearance, try different colors and you will certainly find your color style.

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