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How to understand that the belly is growing during pregnancy. When does the belly start to grow?

All expectant mothers know that their body will change significantly during pregnancy - their breasts will enlarge, their belly will grow and, of course, they will add extra pounds. Women pay the most attention to their belly. For example, at the beginning of pregnancy, many mothers worry that their belly is not growing fast enough. How should it grow and how will its shape change while carrying a baby?

Let’s say right away that how the belly looks and grows during pregnancy depends on many reasons: the woman’s physique, the structure of the pelvis, the condition of the muscles, the growth of the uterus and child, the amount of amniotic fluid. Therefore, for some, the belly grows faster, for others slower, for some mothers it is large, for others it can be almost invisible. But still, there are some general patterns in the growth and size of the abdomen during pregnancy.

Abdominal growth rate

What do the size and shape of a pregnant belly say?

From approximately the second trimester of pregnancy, during each examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist determines the height of the uterine fundus and measures the abdominal circumference at the level of the navel. Why is he doing this? The fact is that this is the easiest way to monitor the growth and development of the unborn baby.

One of the formulas for approximate estimation of fetal weight based on the height of the uterine fundus (FHH): child’s weight (g) = FHH (cm) x abdominal circumference (cm) ± 150-200 g.

By the way, in the past they often tried to determine the gender of the child by the shape of the belly. It was believed that a round belly foreshadows a girl, and an elongated, oblong, “sharp” belly portends a boy. However, these predictions did not always come true, since the shape and size of the abdomen do not depend at all on the gender of the child.

  1. In large, tall women, the belly may be small and not very noticeable until advanced stages of pregnancy, but in thin, petite women (especially with a narrow pelvis or a large baby), the belly appears very large.
  2. The state of the muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall and uterus has a significant influence on the shape of the abdomen. During your first pregnancy and good muscle tone, your stomach may look more “toned” than with subsequent pregnancies. In addition, with repeated pregnancies, as a result of reduced muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall, the child does not occupy its final position until the last month of pregnancy. Because of this, the shape of the abdomen can also be “stretched”.
  3. If a woman is expecting twins, her belly will be larger than with a singleton pregnancy.
  4. And often the belly can be large simply because a woman stops restricting herself in nutrition and eats “for two.”
  5. If the child grows quickly or is large, then the mother’s belly may grow faster and be larger.
  6. Babies are positioned differently in the uterus. With some types of presentation, the belly will be less noticeable, with others it will begin to grow earlier and will appear larger.

Why does your stomach hurt during pregnancy?

The belly of the expectant mother changes not only in appearance. From the 20th week of pregnancy, the mother begins to feel baby's movements. At first they look like light flutters, but over time the movements become more intense, because towards the end of pregnancy the weight and size of the child increases, and now he is not as spacious in the uterus as before. The number of movements gradually decreases, but their strength increases.

The movements of the baby, especially intense ones, can cause unpleasant sensations in a woman, especially in the right or left hypochondrium. This is explained by the fact that with a cephalic presentation (the baby is positioned head down in the uterus), the impacts of the baby’s legs are projected into the area of ​​the mother’s internal organs: the liver, stomach, intestines and spleen. Such sensations and even pain are natural and do not require treatment.

And sometimes painful sensations appear in the lateral parts of the abdomen. They arise due to the fact that during pregnancy the ligaments that support the uterus and ovaries are stretched.

In addition, changes occur in the fallopian tubes (they thicken, blood circulation in them increases), in the ovaries (they increase somewhat in size, cyclic processes stop in them, and the position of the ovaries changes due to an increase in the size of the uterus).

Mild painful sensations in the lower abdomen may occur several times during the day, but, as a rule, they quickly disappear if the woman takes a position that is comfortable for her. Sometimes periodic discomfort in the lower lateral parts of the abdomen appears due to constipation, which is also common in pregnant women. During pregnancy, hormones are produced that relax the uterus; they have a similar effect on the intestines: its peristalsis is disrupted, resulting in constipation.


U menya 13 nedil bol nizu jevot est

04/15/2016 06:12:20 Zohra

Comment on the article "How the belly grows during pregnancy. Abdominal pain: where does it come from?"

Both times in the first weeks of pregnancy, my stomach hurt as if my period was about to start. I ran to the toilet to check like I was crazy. I had. + to these signs, sorry, a constant slight stomach upset was added. which accompanied me...


I have. Both times in the first weeks of pregnancy, my stomach hurt as if my period was about to start. I ran to the toilet to check like I was crazy. A couple of weeks have passed

I had. + to these signs, sorry, a constant slight stomach upset was added. which accompanied me during the first months of pregnancy)) the first obvious signs of pregnancy (breasts, toxicosis) appeared a couple of weeks after the delay

It hurts in the lower abdomen, a sharp pain, even hinders movement. Looks like tone, noshpa or papaverine injection helps. But the main thing is what could it be??? If there is tone, then why is the stomach not very hard? It’s not soft, of course, like a rag, but not like a stake. The doctor said that if...


During my first pregnancy, my mother ate my entire bald spot: “Pregnant women shouldn’t have any pain!” Nevermind. My stomach constantly hurt: (And after the equator I also had (sorry) butt and where my legs are attached: (I couldn’t walk straight:(
Now it’s week 13 - and everything hurts again: (I have no strength anymore(
During my first pregnancy I went and complained - no one helped. The local doctor said everything was fine. Drink magnesium.
In Ukraine they said - the tone is strong, they prescribed something, duphaston, or something... they sent me to the hospital from the 27th week and told me to croak there until the birth :))) Edema, age, the first late, the fetus is large, the kidneys are failing.. .in short - it’s impossible to list all the diagnoses :)))
I told the ultrasound doctor (Ukrainian) that in Germany there is no such diagnosis as tone. Doctors say that it’s the muscles that are “stretched” :) She shows me with an ultrasound sensor: Look, periodically how “waves” run through, do you see? This is what it is - tone. And if this is not a tone, then what?” :)))
In general, I flew out of there at 32 weeks and that’s it. In Germany - healthy again, no tone, kidneys - endure, swelling - what do you want... :)))
I can say one thing - be patient:) Drink magnesium, it makes you sick, but it helps. Well, no-shpu with valerian.
Be patient, there's not much left. After giving birth, everything will pass! :)

Maybe it's muscles after all? There is no way to go to the surgeon, since the gynecologist is so calm?

Last night I woke up with pain in my lower abdomen, I couldn’t roll over because of the pain, I almost howled... It was really painful in my lower abdomen! I don’t remember well, but I remember the pain.. I got up to go to the toilet a little at a time, my stomach felt like a stone... but this happens to me often, but without pain.


Listen, I wake up a couple of nights with stomach pain. but it’s not like stone, but it hurts like diarrhea (it literally curls), but I also feel monsters in the same way ((but it doesn’t seem to harden... I myself think, what kind of bullshit?

I feel 2 types of harbingers:
1. drawing, uniform pain, at the same time the back begins to pull. More often at night.
2. The pain is sharp and does not last long. It starts gradually, reaches a peak and disappears. This is the kind of pain I woke up with at night and like yours - I couldn’t turn over or stand up. At the peak you want to scream a little.
I’m also racking my brain as to what this is. Yesterday there were half a day like this and everything calmed down... It’s even a shame :)

pain in the appendage area. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I also often had pain, although on the one hand, at first it was slight but for a long time, and then Section: Ailments, illnesses, toxicosis (pain when standing up during pregnancy). pain when standing up for how long? I have a week...


It started after 20 weeks, the doctor couldn’t say anything worthwhile. I didn’t drink calcium for long. I don’t know if it’s from it or not, but now I don’t have such pain. It hurts a little, but not that much.

It was at the period that you are talking about that I didn’t have these pains, but somewhere from 20 to 25 weeks it still hurt, then it went away.

My abdominal muscles hurt - my stomach is getting bigger and heavier. My friend also expresses his indignation at the fact that I’m lying on my left side, but he gets up and says that it hurts, give me something hot. And it’s already been about a month. gastritis during pregnancy. Does anyone know what...


There is a problem with the stomach, but I think it’s because of the stomach. It feels like my stomach has risen to the level of my solar plexus and curled into stone! And often there is a state of belching - like some kind of nausea, in general I can’t sleep because of this. I sin on vegetables, fruits, chocolate. Yesterday I tried to eat one buckwheat porridge (and a little) - and today it was better!

You trample during the day and when you lie down, the ligaments of your stomach ache. Maybe a bandage will help you. Consult your doctor.

Stomach hurts during sleep. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Stomach hurts during sleep. Girls, happy first day of work after the sweet and sleepy holidays! :-) I have this question - my belly has already grown so much according to my standards (I really thought it would be...

Carrying a child, especially for the first time, for women is a wonderful and incomprehensible process that entails a lot of questions. One of the important aspects to find out during pregnancy is: when does the belly start to grow? This is due to the need to plan expenses for new clothes, designed for two people, as well as inform others about an interesting situation, and reduce workload due to the peculiarities of well-being. There is nothing overly complicated, everything is explained by simple anatomical truths and some factors that influence the visibility of the abdomen. Let's look at everything in more detail.

Anatomy of pregnancy: when and why the belly begins to grow

The uterus is located between the skeletal system of the small pelvis, and in the first months of pregnancy it is still too small to go beyond the boundaries of its “rookery”. During the first month after conception, it stretches to the size of a chicken egg. During the second month of pregnancy, she will have to increase to the size of a goose testicle or a large apple.

Only by the 12th week (beginning of 4 months) does it reach the size of an orange and begins to protrude over the pelvic bones. Throughout the rest of pregnancy, the shape of the uterus resembles a balloon tied together with a thread. It is from the moment it goes beyond the boundaries of the small pelvis that the uterus can already be felt tactilely, and it begins to increase the volume of the hips. At first, the changes will be minor (up to about 16-20 weeks), after which, looking at the woman, you can see her position.

Factors influencing the volume and rate of abdominal growth during pregnancy

1) The physical form of the girl - the muscles, which are in good shape, are reluctant to stretch under the pressure of the uterus, so the belly is noticeable at a later date. The presence of an apron of fat also delays the appearance of a belly, i.e. it is hidden in soft deposits, allowing you to hide pregnancy for up to 6-7 months

2) The number of fetuses also affects the volume of the abdomen for obvious reasons - the uterus has to keep up with the growth of 2-3 babies, so it protrudes beyond the boundaries of the small pelvis earlier. The belly during multiple pregnancy can become noticeable even in the second month

3) The mother’s build affects the visual visibility of the abdomen - height and width of the hips also affect the external volume. The wider the pelvic bones are, the longer the uterus will not protrude beyond its boundaries.

4) The size of the fetus also affects how long it will take for it to remind the world of its imminent birth due to the enlargement of the mother’s belly

5) Heredity also plays a role, but here you can no longer predict “in whose footsteps” you followed. Previously, it was recommended to contact mothers and grandmothers with questions about the rate of abdominal growth during pregnancy, but you can inherit the shape of your hips from your father too?!

6) A weak uterus due to sutures and ruptures can also remain in the pelvic area longer due to the severity of amniotic fluid, therefore, the belly will be noticeable later

7) And again about amniotic fluid - if there is a lot of it, which is popularly called “hydropsis of pregnancy,” then it significantly affects the volume of the uterus

The position of the fetus can change the shape and size of the abdomen several times over the course of a week - the way your baby now prefers to lie will depend on where the belly is directed and how much it protrudes forward

9) How far along are you in your pregnancy? If you are carrying your first child, the baby bump will appear later due to muscle resistance. The second and subsequent times the body will be ready for the load, the muscles will become more pliable, making the tummy more noticeable

10) External influences. It happens that, due to personal prejudices and career considerations, expectant mothers hide their situation by wearing shapewear, corsets, and bandaging their bellies. This is very harmful both for the baby, who cannot develop correctly and naturally due to lack of space, and for the mother, whose internal organs are unnaturally displaced under the pressure of the pregnant uterus

Is it good or bad when your belly starts to grow quickly during pregnancy?

If the development of your pregnancy fits into the norms established by medicine, then you should not worry about either a slowly or rapidly growing belly. Follow the dogmas of proper and healthy nutrition, engage in moderate physical activity and be proud of your position, because you will soon release a new little person into the world! An excessively large belly causes uterine hypertonicity, which may not turn out very well, and therefore requires increased attention from doctors. There are certain optimums that indicate the good health of the baby and mother, so enjoy every moment and do not forget to visit a doctor for control.

The rapid growth of the abdomen also causes stretching of the skin and the formation of unaesthetic bright blue stripes, which can sometimes only be eliminated through surgical cosmetic interventions. To prevent stretch marks, you need to use gels, creams and folk masks for the skin.

The fact that the tummy is rapidly increasing in volume may indicate a violation of the diet. If a mother eats “for two,” then excess weight may appear that is not related to the development of the fetus. Resist the temptation to eat a fatty piece of meat or a super sweet cake - this will affect your appearance once pregnancy and all the excuses along with it are behind you.

To protect yourself from doubts and fears about the development of your child, visit your doctor regularly - the feeling that someone is controlling your condition, and the benevolent speeches of the doctor leading your pregnancy will calm you down and add moral strength. Regularly measuring your belly and listening to your baby's heartbeat gives you an almost complete picture of the health of the little miracle inside you. Do not skip tests - they reflect the progress of chemical processes in your body.

How to hide a rapidly growing belly from unnecessary attention

A happy pregnant woman attracts looks, but they are not always pleasant to her. How to hide your pregnancy if you are afraid that they will jinx you or look at you the wrong way? Do not under any circumstances use bandages, corsets or manual “pulling” of the abdomen, because the health of your unborn child is important to you, isn’t it? Wear slightly flared items that are not figure-hugging, made from natural fabrics. Visit a maternity store - there are a lot of stylish and cute things there.

And most importantly, understand for yourself that there is nothing bad in pregnancy, be prepared to accept the views of people who, for the most part, are happy for you. Don’t think that anyone will judge you for being “overweight” during pregnancy, and don’t worry about the opinions of others at all. For you now, only you and your future child should exist.

From our article you will learn how the size of a woman’s abdomen changes during pregnancy.

Each woman's body is unique, and therefore reacts completely differently to the changes that occur inside the body during pregnancy. For this reason, in some representatives of the fair sex the stomach becomes rounded very early, while in others it begins to increase only in the third trimester. Very often, women whose belly began to grow very early mistakenly think that they have not one, but two embryos inside, and begin to panic very much.

Yes, this is also possible, but as practice shows, the size of the abdomen most often depends on what kind of pregnancy the girl has and, of course, on her physique. In our article we will try to figure out how the belly grows during the first and second pregnancies and where it begins to increase.

When, in what week, month does a pregnant woman’s belly begin to grow during her first pregnancy?

During the first pregnancy, the belly increases from 18-20 weeks
  • As a rule, during the first pregnancy, a woman manages to hide her interesting situation for a very long time. This is due to the fact that for the first time the muscle mass is still in good tone and is able to resist the enlargement of the uterus for a long time. And if you take into account that it begins to increase intensively from 18-20 weeks, then it is during this period that a woman’s belly can become clearly visible.
  • In addition, during the first pregnancy, the tummy remains small for a long time due to the fact that in a first-time woman, the fetus is ovoid. And this greatly helps to ensure that the muscle mass remains elastic for a longer period and does not relax. True, all this does not apply to fragile and thin women. Due to their physique, pregnancy becomes noticeable much earlier and most often this occurs around the 4th month.
  • But remember, the complete absence of a belly in the second trimester of pregnancy should alert you. If your figure has not changed at all, then be sure to consult a gynecologist and make sure that the baby is developing correctly.

When, in what week, month does a pregnant woman’s belly begin to grow during her second pregnancy?

During the second pregnancy, the belly may begin to grow as early as 8 weeks.
  • For most women, the belly increases more quickly during the second pregnancy than during the first. As a rule, the characteristic rounding can be seen for the second time at 8-10 weeks. This development of pregnancy is influenced by several factors. Most often, the earlier appearance of the belly is associated with the same muscle mass. Since her first pregnancy makes her weaker, she simply cannot cope with the enlargement of the uterus.
  • In addition, the size of the tummy is directly influenced by the fetus itself. As practice shows, during the second pregnancy his weight is always 400-700 g more than during the first. This means that from the first days after conception, his weight increases faster, thereby increasing the size of the uterus faster. Also, during the second pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid increases slightly and this immediately affects the woman’s appearance.
  • In this case, the belly of the fair sex may become more noticeable even before the end of the second month. True, you should not be upset by the fact that during the second pregnancy the belly becomes noticeable earlier. Once you reach the third trimester, your size will be closer to normal and before the baby is born you will look the same as the first time.

How the belly grows during pregnancy: diagram

Abdominal enlargement during pregnancy: diagram

I would like to say right away that a woman’s figure begins to change literally from the first weeks of pregnancy. At the initial stage, it may seem that the tummy is simply slightly swollen, but as the fetus grows, the size of the abdomen will change.

Previously, when medicine was not so well developed, it was by the size of the abdomen that they determined how correctly the fetus was developing. Modern doctors also consider this method to be effective, so they strictly monitor whether the body proportions of the fair sex are changing correctly.

Average rates of abdominal enlargement by trimester:

  • 1st trimester of pregnancy. From 1 to 12 weeks the tummy is hardly noticeable. Only women who are too thin can have it more than necessary. During this period, the uterus is the size of a goose egg.
  • 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Starting from the 12th week, the baby will begin to grow rapidly and this will lead to the fact that the fundus of the uterus rises slightly, thereby characteristically rounding the abdomen. Yes, and remember, the larger the baby, the more noticeable your pregnancy will be.
  • 3rd trimester of pregnancy. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then at week 25 the belly will almost reach its maximum size. Yes, it will still increase a little, but this will have virtually no effect on the woman’s appearance. Approximately 2-3 weeks before giving birth, it will generally stop growing and will only change its shape.

You can see a more detailed diagram of abdominal enlargement during pregnancy in the picture that we posted a little higher.

When and at what stage does the belly begin to actively and rapidly grow during pregnancy?

During a normal pregnancy, the belly begins to grow rapidly starting from the 20th week.
  • Although it is believed that a woman’s belly begins to grow rapidly around the end of the second trimester, there are cases when it remains barely noticeable right up until childbirth. As a rule, this is how it looks in large women with a wide pelvis. In this case, the uterus can remain in its anatomical position for a longer period, thereby outwardly changing the woman practically in no way.
  • But still, most often, intensive growth of the abdomen begins closer to the 20th week. During this period, the fetus itself and the amount of amniotic fluid begin to rapidly increase in size. All these factors contribute to raising the fundus of the uterus and, as a result, increasing the volume of the abdomen. True, in this case there is one thing. If a woman’s belly is egg-shaped, then visually even after 20 weeks it will seem a little smaller than it should be.
  • If the tummy is round, it will begin to grow rapidly starting from the 16th week. Also remember that belly size can be influenced by heredity. Therefore, if your grandmother and mother’s belly began to grow almost from the first weeks, then it is likely that your body will behave in a similar way.

At what stage is the belly noticeable during pregnancy?

The belly becomes clearly visible by the end of the 5th month

From the moment the egg is fertilized until the baby is born, 9 months pass, and all this time the woman’s body changes its shape. In the first month, almost no changes are noticeable, but already approximately in the middle of the second month, the uterus begins to increase more intensively and this leads to a visual enlargement of the abdomen.

Outwardly, such changes are visible only in fragile women, but in more plump representatives of the fair sex, the stomach remains almost the same as before fertilization. But starting from the 14th week, the uterus begins to grow more intensively and towards the end of the 5th month the belly becomes noticeable in almost all pregnant women.

Why does the belly grow faster during the second pregnancy?

The reason for faster abdominal enlargement during the second pregnancy is physiological in nature.

As mentioned a little above, during the second pregnancy the belly almost always grows a little faster than during the first. The main reason for this modification is a slightly sagging belly, which can no longer hold the uterus in the correct position. That is why, as soon as the fertilized egg begins to enlarge, the fundus of the uterus immediately begins to rise.

This leads to the fact that a woman’s tummy begins to become rounder already at 5-7 weeks. In addition, this state of the fair sex can be influenced by weight. As you know, as a woman ages, the layer of fat in her waist begins to increase. In view of this, even minimal enlargement of the uterus will noticeably increase the abdominal circumference.

Where does the belly start to grow during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the stomach begins to increase from the bottom

Before answering this question, I would like to clarify that the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is influenced by several factors at once - the size of the uterus, the size of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid and, of course, nutrition.

If you don’t eat exactly right, regularly overeat and eat only baked goods, then with a high probability we can say that your tummy will expand like a balloon, that is, there will be a slight bloating effect.

If you lead a correct lifestyle, then initially the belly will increase in the lower part and only closer to the 16th week will it begin to increase in the waist area. After 20 weeks, when the baby begins to grow more rapidly, it will also increase under the breast.

Video: How the belly grows during pregnancy! By week

A small belly during pregnancy worries the expectant mother. She begins to think that something is wrong with the baby and he is developing with disabilities. As you know, a pregnant woman’s belly normally grows in accordance with the timing of gestation. During this period, the uterus enlarges due to the growth of the fetus. The supporting ligaments also increase in size, and a new temporary organ appears in the woman’s body - the placenta.

Women who come to see a gynecologist at the antenatal clinic compare their belly with the bellies of other pregnant women and begin to worry excessively if it is small. A small belly during pregnancy is rare, but in most cases there is still no significant reason for concern.

Around the 5th month of pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeable to others. It gradually increases in size until the moment of birth.

The future mother's belly increases as the fetus grows:

  • At 2-3 weeks from the moment of conception, the size of the embryo is 2-4 mm, the tummy is not yet noticeable during this period.
  • By about 12 weeks, the fetus occupies all the available space in the uterine cavity. The weight of the embryo at this moment is up to 25 grams.
  • The belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy may become noticeably rounder. The size of the fruit is 12 mm, and the weight is about 100-120 g.
  • By 21 weeks, the size of the fetus reaches 24-26 cm, weight – 350-400 g. From this moment the period of most active growth of the fetus begins.
  • Already at 24 weeks, the baby weighs about 500 grams and his height is 30 cm.
  • From 36 weeks the fetus is considered full-term. Weight varies from 2 to 2.5 kg.
  • At week 40, all formation processes are completed, and the mother’s body prepares for the most crucial moment - childbirth. The weight of the baby can be from 2 to 6.5 kg. These indicators are purely individual; in terms of development, low birth weight children are no different from larger babies.

The increase in the size of a pregnant woman's belly is associated not only with the rapid development of the fetus inside the uterus. Before pregnancy, the uterus weighs no more than 80 grams. During the process of fetal development, its weight increases 10-14 times; by the time of birth, the organ can weigh 1–1.2 kg.

The change in the size of a pregnant woman’s tummy is also associated with an increase in the volume of anatomical fluid.

The volume of amniotic fluid is:

  • at 3 months – no more than 30-50 ml;
  • for 4 – 100 ml;
  • 37 week – more than 1 liter;
  • immediately before birth, the volumes are reduced - no more than 1 liter.

Even if the belly is small, the expectant mother needs to calm down and go for a consultation with a gynecologist. After an examination, the doctor will be able to determine the reason why the tummy is growing slowly.

Why do some pregnant women have a large belly, while others have a small one?

Doctors say that normally the uterus of a pregnant woman should increase by 15-16 obstetric weeks. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeable to others - for the mother this period is one of the most significant, she can feel the baby.

Signs of a lag in abdominal enlargement

There are no characteristic signs of a lag in abdominal enlargement; such a deviation manifests itself purely individually and is revealed during examination and measurements of the circumference. Often there is no reason to worry or panic. Danger may be present if the tummy does not grow and significant fetal movements are not felt.

Norms and deviations

Certain norms for the growth of a woman’s tummy during pregnancy still exist. The abdomen grows as the fetus develops in the uterine cavity, therefore significant deviations in the normal course of circumstances are simply impossible.

For example, at the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the norm for abdominal circumference should not be less than 80 cm, but at the same time - no more than 90. By the fortieth week, the OB can be up to 100 centimeters; doctors may suspect the presence of malformations if the mother’s tummy has sharply decreased or increased. Such changes may be associated with an excess or deficiency of anatomical fluid - a deviation of this nature is a reason for emergency intervention.

Deviations in the coolant during pregnancy of five to seven cm may not indicate the presence of pathologies in the development of the baby. Gaining centimeters in the abdominal area is also associated with gaining kilograms during pregnancy. Significant deviations from the norm may be associated with severe toxicosis; during this period, women lose a lot of weight.

What to do if your belly doesn't grow?

Lack of abdominal volume cannot constitute a diagnosis indicating the presence of pathology in any week. There are no methods of prevention. Much depends on the influencing factor. For example, if oligohydramnios and hypertrophy are detected, measures must be taken to eliminate all risks. In other cases, a neat tummy does not prevent the mother from giving birth to an absolutely healthy baby.

A small belly may appear in a second pregnancy, even if it was of normal size the first time. This condition often frightens the mother, but there is no need to worry, because each baby is individual and develops differently.

If your belly becomes smaller during pregnancy

If your belly has become significantly smaller during pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist. Such a deviation may indicate hypertrophy or oligohydramnios. Such conditions require hospitalization and the woman's stay under observation.


To avoid complications, a woman during pregnancy must:

  • Register with the antenatal clinic in a timely manner.
  • Come for scheduled examinations on the specified dates.
  • Get an ultrasound every trimester of pregnancy.
  • Take blood and urine tests.

These research methods will allow the doctor to timely detect abnormalities in a woman’s body and prevent dangerous consequences.

An unexpressed increase in abdominal size is often a cause for concern. Of course, such a deviation cannot be ignored, nor can one worry without reason. An ultrasound examination is a reliable measure that helps make sure that everything is fine with the baby, so if you have any doubts, you should ask your gynecologist for a referral for an unscheduled ultrasound.

Only a timely visit to a specialist and careful attention to the changes occurring in her own body will help mommy promptly notice any pathological changes and eliminate them.

Useful video about belly growth during pregnancy


One of the undeniable and most significant signs of pregnancy is an enlarged belly. But why does it start to grow at all? It seems that the answer lies on the surface: because a child grows in it. And this should happen to every normal expectant mother; pregnancy still lasts for 9 months. But in reality, everything is a little more complicated. And, as it turns out, how your belly grows can tell specialists a lot...

During pregnancy, the belly increases due to 3 factors: the growth of the baby itself, the growth of the uterus and the increase in amniotic fluid.

At what month does the belly begin to grow? It should be noted that the answer is not as simple as it might seem. After all, the question is very ambiguous and delicate. The growth of the tummy is influenced by the factors described above.

Note! There is an average indicator at what time the belly begins to grow in most pregnant women. Gynecologists call the figure 16 weeks, that is, from about four months.

But, probably, many of you know cases when a woman’s belly is so invisible that she manages to hide her interesting position for up to 6-7 months. Believe me, there are people who manage to hide their pregnancy until the ninth month.

But there are also opposite stories, when pregnant women’s bellies appeared literally in the second month. In general, one thing is clear from all this: the belly can begin to grow in absolutely any month and in any trimester. It may not begin to manifest itself too clearly at all - in cases of the so-called “hidden pregnancy”.


In addition to those listed, we can also identify the following factors that influence the growth of a pregnant woman’s tummy:

  1. Women who become pregnant for the first time most often begin to notice an enlarged abdomen quite late. And his growth is slow. This can be explained by the fact that the abdominal muscles of such women are still quite strong and they simply simply resist stretching. But those lucky women who have already become mothers several times say that with the advent of each new pregnancy, the belly began to appear earlier and earlier. This is due, again, to the fact that the muscles have become more elastic.
  2. Heredity. She also contributes to the growth of the pregnant belly. Ask your mother and grandmother how soon their belly began to appear. You can use their answers as a guide; most likely, yours will grow in the same way.
  3. The anatomical features of each woman have a very large influence. If you're small and skinny, you can expect to see a baby bump a little earlier than everyone else. Not only will it begin to grow faster, but it will also appear very large.
  4. If nature has blessed you with curvaceous figures, tall stature and wide hips, you can expect that not only those around you, but also you yourself will begin to notice the growth of your tummy only closer to the middle of pregnancy.
  5. The size of the fetus naturally has a big impact on how quickly your belly appears. The faster your baby develops, the sooner you will notice changes in your figure. In addition, it is very important how exactly the child lies in the womb of a woman. If, for example, it is located close to the spine, do not expect to see an increase in the tummy soon - it will remain small for a long time. But if you have an adherence to the anterior wall of the uterus, the belly will begin to appear in the early stages of pregnancy.

Almost all expectant mothers are interested in how long the belly grows, especially if this is their first pregnancy. After all, it is quite difficult, again for those who have become pregnant for the first time, to realize that a new life has arisen and is growing inside you and that this is not a dream. It also becomes scary because it is impossible to understand whether everything is fine with the baby and whether he is developing normally. There is another rather banal reason for such interest: the desire to find out how soon you will have to update your wardrobe.

It is believed that the timing of abdominal growth during pregnancy is very individual. If you have visited forums for expectant mothers, you have probably read stories about how one woman’s belly appeared already at 5 weeks, and another’s was barely visible at 30. This, of course, is true. But just pay attention to the key word in this sentence – “belly”. After all, it can grow even in a non-pregnant woman, from overeating, for example. Or due to excessive gas formation, which is also often found in expectant mothers.

Therefore, those who claim that the belly can begin to grow already in the first trimester are a little mistaken. Specifically, they simply confuse the stomach with the uterus. Her rapid growth begins around the 16th week. And after 20 weeks, others will be able to understand that the woman they see is in an interesting position.

What do the doctors say?

What do doctors say about this? At approximately 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, a woman registers with the antenatal clinic. And it is from this moment that doctors begin to monitor the growth and development of the fetus. For example, at week 10 there is still no need to talk about any more or less noticeable belly. In addition, the doctor measures the abdominal circumference of the pregnant woman every time during examinations. He regularly enters this data into the pregnant woman’s individual card. As you understand, this value (abdominal circumference) is very variable. It depends on how the baby is positioned in the uterus, on the amount of amniotic fluid, and on the volume of the fat layer.

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