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How to make three-dimensional stars out of paper. DIY paper star (diagrams, templates). How to make a star for a Christmas tree. Decorative star

Print 2 blanks.
Cut out both stars and decorate them as desired. Bend back the places for gluing and carefully push the lines indicated by the dotted line with a blunt thin object.
Now glue the 2 halves together. The result is a three-dimensional star.

3D origami star

3D origami star

Would you have thought that such stars can be done with just one handy strip of paper and nothing else?

I didn’t believe it either until I tried to make one DIY 3D origami star. I managed!

In general, meet the new origami craft, asterisk.

As always I present Master Class, so that you can also plunge headlong into the pool of spinning stars.

Preparatory stage

It’s quite simple to make one, its main advantage is that nothing special, complicated or special is needed for it. All you need is paper, cut into strips.

I used paper width about 1 cm. You can also make a star from a strip about 1/2 cm wide, but it turns out to be very miniature, so the work becomes more complicated. A wider strip makes a rather rough star, so a width of about 1 cm is ideal.

paper You can take almost any kind, I just don’t recommend taking something too thick, which is difficult to bend, but newspaper, magazine, and any other paper will do. For example, I used wax paper and used gift wrapping paper. Very beautiful stars are obtained from colored glossy magazines.

Plus this stars The point is that the paper can be beautiful and colored only on one side, the reverse of the paper will not be visible.

We cut the selected paper stripes. With a strip width of 1 cm, about 26 cm in length is sufficient, but as I realized during the work, it is much easier to first glue all the strips together, and then simply tear off or cut off after finishing winding the next star. It’s probably convenient to make such stars from paper serpentine, but I didn’t have any on hand.

Origami star base

Now you need to roll the prepared paper strip basis future star. It will be a regular pentagon. I never thought that a regular pentagon could be folded so easily from a strip of paper, but it is so. We make a loop, pass the tip down through it, and tie a knot from paper tape. The moment is crucial, here the strip should not be too tight, but not too loose, so that in the corners the parts of the strip are close to each other. We bend the tail back so that it is not visible from this side. Now let's begin wind the tape. This needs to be done quite tightly. First of all, we direct the working end of the paper strip to where we just folded the tail so that it is not visible. So that same regular pentagon emerged - the basis of the origami paper star.

Winding an origami star

We do not flatten the paper at the edges of the pentagon, we just tightly bend it around its side. After this, we bend the tape inside out and direct it upward to the right, bend around this side of the pentagon, and direct the tape downward to the left. Now the tape itself should lie in the right direction (if you folded the pentagon correctly). Move the tape to the right. In general, you now need to go around each side of the pentagon a couple of times. This is true if you are making a star from a very long strip of paper that you will cut into pieces; if your paper is about 30 cm long, then go around the pentagon until the paper tape runs out. We continue to wind the tape, going around the edges of the pentagon.

Give the star volume

When the tip of the paper tape remains approximately 1-1.5 cm long, you need to hide it under the previous turn of the tape, thus securing it. We receive a ready-made “semi-finished product” stars, which now needs to be given volume. This is the second crucial moment in working on the asterisk. It is convenient to add volume with a short nail. The nail should be directed across the middle of each side of the pentagon. Meanwhile, we hold the workpiece by the edges with the other hand (without squeezing the planes of the pentagons, so as not to interfere with the star becoming three-dimensional). We try to bend all sides stars approximately the same towards the center. In the photo you see asterisk from the side and ready-made star. Finished sizes stars- about 1.5 cm in diameter. And another STAR Star made using origami technique

Star made using origami technique

Star always relevant: New Year you can see it at the top of the Christmas tree, you can get a star from the sky for your beloved on Valentine's Day, stars are strongly associated with Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. They also say that when a new person is born, a new star lights up in the sky, why not light up a small star in honor of the newborn on a postcard (and give it to happy parents)? The star may be guiding, give people going on a journey a star so that their path will be illuminated with it and good luck will accompany them. The stars accompany us throughout our lives. Do you know how to do DIY stars? In this article I will tell you how to do handmade star using the paper folding technique. The idea was taken from this site ( To make a star, I cut it out of a yellow sheet of A4 paper 10 square leaves measuring 7x7 cm (5 leaves for each star). If you have a block of square colored pieces of paper for notes, then you can use them. To make a block, first of all, bend a piece of paper onto four parts: Bend all corners of the square in the direction to the center: Revealing back two corners lying opposite each other: Now we bend the sheet in half along a horizontal line: Such blocks need to be made for one star five. Now we insert the blocks into each other, the remaining unbent corners (which we folded and then straightened again) will act as tongues that will hold the entire star structure without any glue: Be careful. Blocks must fit each other: the mounting corner of the right block is inside the left one, and the left one is inside the right one: We continue to put blocks into each other handmade star, now four blocks have already been stacked, the last one remains: Insert the last block and enjoy the result handmade star: From the “wrong side” hand-made star, looks no less beautiful: I glued it to one of the corners loop with PVA glue: The only thing that didn’t suit me about this star was that it was quite easily bent and unbent, from a beautiful pointed shape it became flatter, so I decided to make exactly the same second star and glue it into the first one from the inside out. To give handmade star hardness: mine handmade paper star took more rigid form: Then I still wanted New Year’s decor, I armed myself with a golden outline and began to draw various “squiggles”: After the outline froze, I glued gold ones on top of it here and there stars and snowflakes: From such a paper star you can make not only Christmas tree toy, by gluing a loop into one of the rays, but also tree top, gluing a cardboard tube between the two rays of the star to insert the top of the barrel. And it's not far off yet February 23. Small voluminous stars, made by yourself, may well decorate a gift or postcard. Please note that the back of the star is not flat. If you do not glue a second star at the back for strength, then your decorative element can be glued to postcard in only five points (“hollows” between the rays), so you will need very good glue (a regular glue stick for paper will not hold the star on the card). Well, if you glue a second star at the back, it will become double-convex (so if you plan to use star for decorating handmade cards, then I advise you not to do this). The star looks beautiful and very stylish even without additional decorations. What they will be and whether they will be at all is up to you to decide! I wish you stellar creative success!

If you want to decorate your home for a holiday or just like that, and you want to do it yourself, then a star is one of the elements that will always look beautiful in a room, on a stele, on a chandelier or Christmas tree.

In this master class you will learn how to make stars with your own hands using a huge number of different methods.

All the methods are quite simple, so everyone can choose what they like best.

The main material from which you can make a star with your own hands is paper. You can use cardboard, plain paper, thick paper, magazines, old books, newspapers.

How to make a three-dimensional star out of paper?

Five-pointed star.

You will need:

- Printer

- thick colored paper

- scissors

1. First you need to print the blank.

2. Cut out the templates and bend them in the places indicated by the dotted line.

3. Glue all the parts together and you will have a three-dimensional five-pointed star!

Scheme on how to make a star

2. Using scissors, make cuts along the perpendicular fold lines. The cut should be approximately half a line or slightly less. In total you need to make four such cuts.

3. Fold the edges as shown in the image.

4. Now prepare the glue and lubricate one of the sides of each ray of the future volumetric star and glue it together (see picture).

5. Make the other half, following the same instructions.

6. Finally, glue the two halves together and decorate to taste.

How to make a star out of paper?

Making such a star is very simple. It is made of just two stars cut out of cardboard or thick paper.

You will need:

- pencil

- ruler

- thick colored paper or cardboard

- scissors

1. Draw a star on thick paper or cardboard.

2. You can decorate the stars as you like and cut them out.

3. Now you need to make a cut on each star - on one it should go from top to bottom (from the outer corner to the center of the star), and on the other, vice versa, i.e. from bottom to top (from the inner corner to the middle of the star).

4. Using the cuts, connect the two stars by inserting one into the other.

How to make a paper star? Convex star.

These beautiful little paper stars will be an excellent decoration for your interior, postcard or gift.

You will need:

- colored paper (you can use pages from an old magazine)

- scissors (stationery knife)

* The key point in this master class is the correct cutting of paper strips.

* Stripes must be even. In this example, their width is 9mm and length 221mm.

4. Let's move on to the most interesting and at the same time simple process - making an asterisk.

Wrap a long strip around each side of the pentagon. You need to do 12 to 15 wraps. This means that each edge needs to be wrapped at least twice.

5. Tuck the remaining tip of the paper inside your star.

Hold your pentagon with two fingers of one hand. At this time, use the fingertip of your other hand to lightly press on one edge. You need to get to the middle of the edge.

This process needs to be done with all the edges and you will get a beautiful star.

How to make an origami star?

You will need: paper, scissors. Cut the paper into squares and fold according to the pattern.

From this article you will learn how to make a beautiful and volumetric star from paper with your own hands. The star can not only be an ideal decoration for your home on New Year's Eve, but is also perfect for activities with children. In this way, you will give your child the opportunity to understand what spatial thinking is in a clear example, and besides, it will be useful for you to see how creatively developed your child is. A white sheet of paper is an ideal place for creativity, and if it also has some kind of thematic shape, then it can be given an impressive look with the help of paints, pencils or felt-tip pens. Sleight of hand and a little imagination will help you and your baby create a real masterpiece that will delight the eyes of guests at your home.

Everything you need to make a three-dimensional star with your own hands can easily be found in every home, which means absolutely everyone can do it, so, everything you need:
1. A sheet of paper (you can take a regular white sheet or use colored paper).
2. Compass.
3. Protractor ruler.
4. Stationery scissors.
5. Simple pencil
6. Paints, markers, colored pencils (if you decide to color your masterpiece).

You need to start making a three-dimensional star by determining the base material, or rather the paper from which it will be made. There are a lot of paper options now, so you can take either the simplest landscape-sized sheet or beautiful paper designed for gift wrapping. Paper that is used for scrapbooking is also suitable for this purpose. If you use high-density paper, then this craft can be used to decorate a New Year's tree or placed on a shelf in the room as a room decoration.

Step one: on the back of the paper (if you are using packaging paper) you need to draw a circle - this will be the diameter of the future star. The easiest way to do this is with a compass, but if you don’t have one at home, you can take a saucer or plate of the desired size and circle it. Then you need to draw a straight line from the edge to the center of the circle.

Step two: at the next stage you will need a transport ruler, with its help you need to mark an angle of 72 degrees and draw another straight line. This must be done across the entire diameter of your circle. As a result, you should have five lines.

Step three: at this stage you need to connect all the resulting lines into a star shape. Then, in the very center of the star you need to draw additional lines; they can be made dotted.

Step four: Now you need to cut out the resulting star and fold it along the guide lines (the fold must be done towards you, so your drawing will look inward). To give the fold lines maximum expression, you need to work them with a blunt object (scissors, ruler, back of a knife), this should only be done if you used very thick paper.

Step five: bend the workpiece that you have made into a star.

Do-it-yourself voluminous star ready, all you have to do is make a loop and you can place it on the Christmas tree. If you make several stars of different colors in this way and connect them together, you will get a wonderful decoration in the form of a rainbow garland.

If you experiment with the sizes and colors of the stars, you can use them as decorations for New Year's, instead of the usual and boring bows for everyone. Such elements can be secured to each other using thread, glue or double-sided tape and attached to different surfaces at the desired angle.

Today, we will learn how to make beautiful three-dimensional stars out of paper that can beautifully decorate some elements of your home. This is a simple craft, but even here you need to be extremely careful and attentive. Our instructions will help you make voluminous stars correctly and beautifully!

How to make an origami star?

In order to make a star, we need only one strip of paper, measuring 1.1x29 centimeters. It is better to take colored paper, or cut it out from some fashion magazine, so the star will turn out to be more attractive and beautiful.

Let's get started!

1. We take the prepared strip and make a small loop on one of the edges.

3. Press the knot with your finger so that it is flat. Now let's see if we have an even pentagon, if not, then we redo it.

4. We wrap the remaining tail to the bottom and wrap it around the resulting pentagon.

5. Let's turn our craft over.

6 . We hide the tail inside the pentagon.

7. Now, we begin to wrap our figure with the remaining strip. We wrap it on all sides, and try not to press down the paper too much.

8. We hide the remaining tip of the strip under one of the layers.

9. Now the most important point, the star needs to be made voluminous. To do this, gently press with your fingers on each face of the pentagon in turn until you get what we want.

That's all, our volumetric star is ready!

VIDEO. Origami star.

Origami is such a fascinating activity that it captivates everyone, young and old. And gradually your home turns into a warehouse of various things that you can admire for a long time, sorting through them. Some of them have practical applications, and very interesting ones.

For example, a star made from paper using the origami technique can be used in other ways. With a little practice in making these DIY paper stars, you can decorate your entire home with them. The main thing is imagination and perseverance! You can also involve your household in folding stars.

How to fold a star out of paper: master class

Now you know how to fold a star out of paper, and there is nothing difficult about it. Volumetric decorations are very original. If you make a pair of identical stars and glue them together, you can hang them on a thread as a decoration in any room.

When preparing for any holiday, when you want to decorate your home, time, as a rule, is sorely lacking. Therefore, you should take care of the decorations in advance - find drawings of the ones you like and try to make them in rough form. If the result suits you, then production can be put on stream - everyone, young and old, can be connected.

Children love it when their rooms are decorated with their creations. They feel well-deserved pride and receive the same moral satisfaction from the work done as their parents. And working together always brings us closer together. Therefore, families that practice making various crafts, for example, as in our version, paper stars, are very united and friendly. We will take our example from them!

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