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Holiday day of the oil and gas industry. Who, how and when celebrates Oilman's Day

We fly into space and travel thousands of kilometers in less than 80 days on the roads of the world. We are able to control giant mechanisms and regulate the air temperature in our own homes. All this is possible thanks to people associated with the extraction and processing of oil, gas, and coal.

History of the fuel industry

The ancient people immediately decided on what to light a fire with - wood, and later coal. And oil, the existence of which was known already 6-4 thousand years BC, was used in construction in Babylon, for embalming mummies in Egypt, and only a few people noted its ability to burn and generate heat.

Until the 19th century, oil was used only as long-lasting oil in church lamps in front of icons. In Russia, the first oil was brought to Moscow from Ukhta, which in the north of the Komi Republic, during the time of Boris Godunov, was then called “fire water.”

The year 1846 (according to other sources - 1847) became a turning point in the history of the fuel industry - the first derrick was built near Baku, and oil flowed like a river. By that time, they had learned to use it in the form of kerosene fuel for lamps and purify it from harmful impurities.

Coal, despite the pace of development of oil fields, is still an important fuel for many sectors of the country's life. Gas production is also growing. All these natural resources never lay on the surface of the earth. Man won them through enormous efforts and even at the cost of his life, therefore the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers is a holiday of serious, strong, strong-willed and courageous people capable of overcoming many obstacles.

Even in the southern regions, it is not easy to get oil and gas, and the work of a miner has always been considered the hardest in the world. Most of the oil and gas fields in Russia are also located in very difficult natural areas - in Siberia, the Far East, the Far North, where it is difficult to simply survive, and work, no matter what, is three times more difficult.

Holiday of oil and gas workers in Russia

In Russia, the hard work of gas and oil workers has always been highly valued, therefore, on October 1, 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR included in the Decree “On Holidays and Memorial Days” the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, setting the date of the holiday as the first Sunday in September.

Perhaps the date was not chosen by chance: autumn is the time when you need to take care of fuel more than anything else. That’s why industry workers are remembered more often. However, the extraction of oil, “black gold”, as it is called everywhere, involves more than just fuel. Crude oil is used to consolidate sand dunes during construction, while processed oil is used for motor oils and raw materials in chemical production. It is the basis for the creation of plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes, detergents and other products necessary for humans.

Considering the huge role of oil and gas in the economy of the entire country, Russian authorities value workers in this industry. Every year, congratulations and awards are held for the best at the state level; concerts and films are shown on television, telling about the difficult life of natural resource miners. This holiday has become a way to unite people of the profession, exchange experiences and just a reason for meetings.

Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers' Day in other countries

Oil, gas and coal are valued not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. Once upon a time, this holiday was celebrated throughout the Soviet Union. Now that the huge country no longer exists, some states have still preserved this holiday and congratulate their courageous and strong heroes in the same way as in Russia - on the first Sunday of September. These are Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova. In other countries, the date was determined depending on local laws and customs.

Although it is not a calendar holiday, the holiday of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries evokes undeniable respect. Which of us can do for at least a day without all the benefits that these people provide? Despite the fact that the profession of the brave conqueror of the bowels of the earth has existed for centuries, this holiday is very young, celebrated since October 1, 1980 on the first Sunday of September.

The state could not help but celebrate with its own day those who provide one of the most important sources of income for the country, the work of, without exaggeration, all enterprises and organizations. Welcoming words from the president of the country and congratulations in the media are sure to be heard in honor of oil and gas workers on the first Sunday in September. The timing is very opportune: children are starting school, millions of childcare centers are opening, and it’s time to think about the new heating season.

On this day, special honor and respect are given to those who, being on the farthest outskirts of our big country, do everything so that we can light the stove in our own kitchen or go to visit friends. They congratulate the workers who come in once a month to check the serviceability of the pump, as well as the heroes who descend into the dark, deep mines.

They definitely want accuracy in calculations for those who carry out projects and only planned situations for those who work in natural conditions.

The holiday of oil and gas workers is celebrated very widely by all workers of the involved professions. This is a professional holiday for those people who have connected their lives with oil and gas production. They are geologists and drillers, developers and builders, transport workers, technologists - true professionals and masters of their craft. The lives of people in regions with harsh climates directly depend on workers in these honorable professions.

Gas and oil workers are the heroes of our time, able to overcome the most incredible obstacles and solve the most difficult problems. This day is a symbol of courage, fortitude and greatness of man.

The oil industry of the Russian Federation is closely connected with all sectors of the national economy and is of great importance for the Russian economy. Demand for oil always outstrips supply, so almost all developed countries of the world are interested in the successful development of our oil industry.

Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of September in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorial days”, as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days." On this day, congratulations on Oil Worker's Day are heard throughout the country.

Today is the day of hot workers,
Explosive, black and gold!
We wish you real emotions,
And bright and cool impressions!

We wish to have the ocean at home,
And go to work on a yacht,
May the weather be great on vacation,
And fly in business class to the south.

We wish you endless health,
Energy for many years.
And a reason to work, so that, of course,
Never ran out of steam anywhere!

It’s good in our country:
There is oil in it and there is gas in it!
Everyone who is busy in their production
We congratulate you now! May there always be health,
You bring good to people
After all, without fuel and gas
The world will collapse literally immediately. Let incomes increase,
More often there are bonuses.
And for your hard work
They respect and honor you.

Let every drop become gold,
Once mined from the depths of the Earth.
Do you know how to force nature
Give people your great wealth.
Intelligence is always as accurate as possible for you,
And the wells are especially rich and full,
May your salary always increase.
We remember you with gratitude,
When we refuel our car.
May your path be smoother and easier.
Good luck with it, there’s no turning back!

These are the times now -
There is nowhere without gas and oil.
We can't live without fuel,
This means you should be valued.
Well then, we wish you
Fun, joy, goodness.
And let there be comfort in the house,
And let your relatives wait for you there.
May luck help you,
Friends, don't forget you,
May the sun always shine on you
And trouble will pass by.
Let your soul be easy,
And let everything be fine.

There is such a profession
Without a doubt it is not simple,
After all, workers are specialists,
Well done at what they do!
The whole country is supplied with goods,
Gas and oil are pumped from the depths,
After all, there’s no way without fuel
Hunger, cold, just darkness.
A big gas pipeline
It brings us comfort into the house.
So please accept our bow,
Live long and happily
So that there is order in families,
Every day of work is sweet.
Unlimited salary
Vacations are always what you need!

There is such a wonder in the world:
The depths will swell violently,
They will boil, they will howl -
It's already in front of you,
In the soot and like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes.
All the handsome men are daring,
All hard workers are groovy.
There is no warmth and light without them,
There is no gas or gasoline,
Because their job is
We are all taken care of.
Let it always be with you
Cozy life, gentlemen,
So that there is happiness in life,
To live for a long, long time,
So that hard work
You wanted to do it.
So that they are always held in high esteem,
You were deservedly appreciated.
One can rightly say:
Your work is a marvel, so marvelous!

Happy Oilman's Day to you
I want to congratulate
Congratulations in my heart
Leave it warm!

Gas Worker's Day is perhaps the most celebrated holiday in Russia. Perhaps only the celebrations of builders and metallurgists can compare with it. Almost 30% of our country’s economy is dependent on this product.

It is important to know

On the first Sunday of autumn, by order of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a new professional holiday was approved, namely Oil and Gas Workers' Day, now called in abbreviation or, as everyone has already guessed, Gas Worker's Day. It is also adopted in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus and many other countries of the former Soviet Union.

In Russia, it is celebrated by those people who have devoted their lives to the development of deposits of pure natural oil and related substances, their extraction and the creation of equipment used in the process of exploring these minerals. The well-being of all of Russia largely depends on them.

Gas Worker's Day in 2013 coincided with another holiday - Knowledge Day, and the older generation celebrated it with the younger generation. In many cities, graduating students prepared concerts for professionals in their difficult work.


In Russia, the oil industry is currently developing most intensively, and mining companies, as a rule, are not fixated on one thing. Innovations are constantly being introduced both in the process itself and in the equipment. Methods for transporting and distilling these minerals are being improved. Almost twenty percent of the working age population is somehow connected with this industry. Therefore, Gas Worker’s Day fully deserves respectful and honorable treatment. Undoubtedly, everyone will agree that at the moment it is impossible to imagine life if we remove from it all the advantages that oil gives us.

Not only those closest to you, but even the state rush to offer congratulations on this holiday. Every year, the President of the Russian Federation wishes health and every success to the specialists in his field. There is also usually a big concert dedicated to this celebration. If your relatives are connected in their professional activities with this holiday, then you can easily come up with original congratulations for them. You can even involve some artists in this, who will create a cheerful mood for the whole family on Gas Worker's Day. The date of this holiday is not constant, since there is no separate red number in the calendar for it, but the first Sunday of autumn is assigned to it.


You can arrange a real holiday by inviting singers and dancers or organizing a themed party, for example, in But so that nothing gets out of control and everything goes like clockwork, you need to prepare in advance and write a script for this event.

On Gas Worker's Day, you can hold competitions, somehow beat them and associate them with this holiday. Prizes should be considered in advance, just like props. You can host the event yourself or invite a professional to do it.

Today, the oil and gas industry in Russia can be called one of the most important sectors of the economy. The economic potential of the country and the lives of many people both in the Russian Federation and abroad depend on its development. Those who work in this field have their own professional holiday - Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers' Day. Who exactly celebrates it and when?

The oil industry and the emergence of the holiday

The emergence of the holiday for oil and gas industry workers is preceded by a difficult period in the country's economy. Until the second half of the 70s, the USSR successfully solved all its foreign policy problems through the export of “black gold”. However, the government did not see (or did not want to see) the obvious problems in this industry.

The oil workers got out of the first crisis that hit the industry in the late 70s (oil production fell sharply in Western Siberia) through common efforts, but, unfortunately, the crisis was far from the last. However, this short-term success served as the impetus for the establishment of a special holiday, Oil Worker's Day. The decree was issued in October 1980, and from the next year (and until today) the holiday began to be celebrated on the first Sunday of September.

Who celebrates the holiday

Many young people dream of a career in the oil or gas industry, sometimes without even realizing how far their dreams are divorced from reality. Alas, not everyone manages to become the owner of a well; moreover, not everyone receives the post of director of the company that owns this or that field. Basically, people work not even at the main oil and gas production enterprises, but at their subsidiaries. Therefore, only those who really dream of becoming:

  • geologist,
  • geophysicist,
  • process engineer,
  • well drilling engineer
  • technical and repair workers,
  • pipeline maintenance specialist
  • safety specialist, etc.

These are just a few of the working professions whose representatives are related to the Day of Oil Industry Workers in Russia. But we must not forget that there are office professions: manager, operator, accountant, etc. All of them, if they work at an oil and gas enterprise, congratulate each other on their professional holiday on the first Sunday in September.

You can also congratulate those who are just about to build a career in the oil or gas industry, i.e. students. In Russia there are several leading universities where future oil workers are trained: Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, etc.

Many such educational institutions celebrate Oilman's Day - it doesn't matter what date it falls on, because it is the first holiday after the start of the school year, which means students will have fun.


Modern corporate parties for oil workers are the stuff of legends. It is believed that every self-respecting corporation, to celebrate a professional holiday, takes its employees to the most expensive resorts, invites world celebrities to participate in a concert, etc. This may be partially true, but not for ordinary workers. Many will simply gather for a gala event in the city where they work and spend time with colleagues.

Event scenarios can be very different. Since the weather in most regions of Russia is still dry and warm at the beginning of September, it makes sense to go out into nature and hold a themed party there. It is not at all necessary to connect the topic of the event with the main activities of those present at it.

  1. Holiday in Arabic style. At least for one day, you can feel like sheikhs (who, by the way, are often owners of oil and gas fields) at a party where oriental music will be played, and guests will sit in a tent on pillows and have leisurely conversations.
  2. Harvest Festival. A very relevant topic for September. You need to dress for such an event in the appropriate style: costumes of fruits and vegetables, as well as straw and canvas outfits are suitable.
  3. On Oil Worker's Day, congratulations can be received not only at a picnic. The cafe or restaurant hosts wonderful awards-style parties. In order to somehow connect such a celebration with the profession, the “Golden Tower” award is awarded for a variety of achievements in different categories.

Not only colleagues congratulate each other on the first Sunday of September. Relatives and friends of oil and gas industry workers should also remember their professional holiday. The best gift for this occasion, perhaps, would be to treat with understanding the possible difficulties associated with work, because this work is far from the easiest.

There is a number in the state register of holiday dates that is intended exclusively for congratulating gas and oil workers. A similar day is traditionally considered a public holiday in Belarus.

When will Russia celebrate Oil and Gas Worker Day in 2018?

There is no fixed date for this event in the register. In order to congratulate all workers in the oil and gas industry, all ceremonial events are scheduled for the first Sunday of the first month of autumn. You need to refer to the current year's calendar. From the data presented in it, it follows that the celebration in 2018 falls on the second day of the first autumn month. In the production calendar, which is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, the celebration of this event does not imply the provision of a day off. For the first time in the country, this event began to be celebrated during Soviet times. To enter the date of celebration into the official register, officials signed a special document. The procedure took place on October 1, 1980 - the document was considered by the Presidium of the Supreme Council, which worked on the territory of the Union.

The history of the holiday

On October 1, 1980, citizens of the Soviet Union learned that a new holiday had been added to the register. Despite the fact that the SS ceased to exist, the tradition of honoring workers in such serious and important professions was preserved. Now Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day is celebrated by people who work in this field. On September 2, 2018, you can congratulate those who work in the laboratory and study the composition of extracted products on their professional holiday. People who carried out the drilling procedure will also be pleasantly surprised if relatives and friends congratulate them on this day.

How is Oil and Gas Worker Day celebrated in the Russian Federation?

Representatives of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which these resources are extracted congratulate and reward all oil and gas workers who have achieved good results in this area. In the main squares of key cities where oil and gas are produced, preparations for the holiday are taking place. The most popular stars, loved by the residents of the Russian Federation, are invited to the stage. People go out en masse and take part in folk festivities in honor of their professional date.

According to established tradition, Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day ends with colorful fireworks. Teams of oil and gas workers go into nature to celebrate this event in a noisy company, simultaneously discussing the most unusual situations during their work activities. A person who works in this industry will be pleasantly surprised if a friend or acquaintance sends him a message of congratulations.

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