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What kind of reviews does space sand for children receive? Kinetic sand and sandbox for children - photos and prices. How to choose a magical material What is space sand made of?

Several decades ago, teachers and psychologists proved the relationship between the level of fine motor skills and speech in a child. There are many toys and activities for developing little fingers. But there is nothing more interesting for kids than simple games in the sandbox. And the benefits of such an activity are difficult to overestimate. But what to do in bad weather? Today there is an alternative - “Space Sand” for children. Reviews of this product, its advantages and disadvantages are in this article.

What is "Space Sand"?

The unusual, children-fascinating name “cosmic” is a brand of a Russian manufacturer of such a product as “kinetic sand for creativity.” In turn, the question arises: what is it? In appearance it is ordinary sand. But it's not that simple! Its properties differ significantly from the one poured into the sandbox.

"Space Sand" is an educational game for children of all ages. It is an analogue of foreign manufacturers of kinetic material and has the same properties and composition. But the domestic product costs 20-25% less than foreign ones.

What are the reviews about this product? “Cosmic sand,” according to teachers and psychologists, helps children master basic modeling techniques, while developing fine motor skills in a relaxed playful way.


What is the difference between ordinary sand and “cosmic” sand? The secret is that the latter contains a small amount of the synthetic additive E900. It is thanks to this component that the material acquires unusual properties, which we will discuss in more detail below. The bulk (about 98%) of the product is ordinary

Description and properties

At first glance, it looks like ordinary sand. But it feels more like plasticine to the touch. It does not crumble into grains and rolls into a lump. Holds its shape well and is easy to sculpt.

This material does not change its properties after exposure to water. It also cannot dry out because it does not contain water. “Classic Space Sand” has such distinctive properties. Reviews confirm the plasticity of sand and its unusual properties.

The material is plastic and porous. If you pour it in, the grains slow down the speed of their fall due to the fact that they bind to the rest of the particles thanks to polymer bonds.

Why do children need such a game?

Why do children need such a toy, what do reviews say about this? “Space Sand” is a game that promotes the development of imagination and creative potential. Not only consumers, but also psychologists and teachers are inclined to this opinion.

The game develops the following abilities in children:

  • fine motor skills (finger work);
  • fantasy;
  • thinking;
  • logic;
  • reveals creative abilities;
  • recommended for children with speech and mental retardation;
  • for neurotic conditions (sleep disorders, hyperactivity);
  • in cases of psychological trauma and stress.

In addition, according to reviews, “Cosmic Sand” effectively calms a child before bed, helps reduce the child’s aggression and anxiety, and distracts from excessive involvement with electronic gadgets.

Is space sand harmless?

Surely many parents are concerned about how safe Space Sand is. Analyzing the composition of the product, we can say with confidence that even if such material is accidentally swallowed by a baby, this incident will not cause much harm to health. However, you should not leave your little ones alone with this toy - they may develop intestinal upset. And if it gets into the eyes, ears or nose, damage to the mucous membranes and the development of allergic reactions can occur.

But “Space Sand” has an undoubted advantage - it cannot contain bacteria. Therefore, it is impossible to swallow pathogenic microbes along with sand (which often happens in a common sandbox). Don’t forget that street sand is not clean: you can find garbage, broken glass, and animal waste products here. Comparing the facts, we can conclude that “Cosmic Sand” (Russia) is the safest for children’s games. Reviews from parents of children confirm this fact.

At what age to play?

The manufacturer indicates on the packaging that this educational game is intended for children over three years old. Children under this age are not recommended to play with this material. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the little ones will not be able to appreciate the game, and, secondly, they can taste the sand. One way or another, you can often find even one-year-old babies in the street sandbox. So why can’t you play with clean, unusual sand at home? The main thing is that such classes take place under the supervision of adults.

As for the upper age limit, it does not exist. Even adults sometimes enjoy playing with “Cosmic Sand”!


Considering all of the above, we can highlight the undeniable advantages of playing with kinetic sand:

  • safety - bacteria do not multiply in it;
  • has a positive impact on the child’s diversified development;
  • has a long shelf life, easy to store;
  • does not change its properties after getting wet;
  • does not crumble, is easy to assemble;
  • sand figures are of high quality;
  • does not take up much space in the room.


Does kinetic sand “Cosmic Sand” have any disadvantages? Reviews claim that such exist, namely, the following negative factors are noted:

  1. When opening a new package, an unpleasant odor is felt. It appears due to the fact that it contains synthetic additives. After time, the smell dissipates.
  2. It was noted that large-sized forms do not hold their shape and spread.
  3. “Cosmic sand” cannot be sifted, for example, in a sieve or a toy mill.

How to play?

Playing with such sand is simple, but always interesting, since each time you can use different molds for modeling and come up with a new theme for the activity. The material is sold both separately and in sets, which include, for example, sand of different colors or beads and shovels for sand construction.

What games can you come up with with “Cosmic Sand”, besides sculpting Easter cakes and building castles? We offer several ideas:

You can use a variety of shapes, for example, plastic bottle caps, toy dishes, construction set parts and much more.

Thanks to such a simple material as sand, you can teach your child counting, the shape of figures, the concepts of “more and less,” and organize role-playing games (for example, “The doll has a birthday,” “Shop,” and others).

Literally every day you can offer your child a new game with material such as cosmic plastic sand. Reviews say that children can spend hours doing such an interesting activity in an apartment as modeling sand with unusual properties.

Storage and shelf life

“Space Sand” does not require special storage conditions. Reviews of the brand claim that you just need to place the unpacked material in a plastic container and close it with a lid, thus protecting it from dust, dirt and excessive humidity. The shelf life indicated by the manufacturer is 3 years.

Parents are well aware of the dilemma when, on the one hand, they want to allow their child to play in the sandbox, but on the other hand, its contents raise concerns. Outdoor cats and dogs often use it as a toilet; in the evenings, cheerful groups throw cigarette butts into the sand and break glass bottles. As a result, such a game is fraught with many troubles, including health problems. However, today there is an alternative. Buy a home sandbox that your child will happily play in for hours after active play in the yard!

What about cleanliness in the house?

Indeed, as soon as you imagine sand on the carpets, on the floor, all over the room, the desire to implement this plan immediately disappears. However, there is a way out. To do this, you just need to ask what the reviews say. Cosmic sand, which recently appeared on the Russian market, has made it possible to place sandboxes for play in any room. This could be a children's or playground in an entertainment center, a kindergarten.

Parents are delighted with this material, as it allows them to develop motor skills and spend many pleasant moments making figures from plastic material. Today our goal is to tell you about the features of this material, as well as provide numerous parental reviews. Cosmic sand is comfortable, safe and extremely attractive to children.

Many names, but the essence is the same

Sometimes it is difficult to understand what is being said when you read reviews. Cosmic sand, living biomass, kinetic sand - all these are names of the same material for children's creativity. This is a new product that instantly won the hearts of parents and children. Kinetic sand consists of 98% ordinary quartz sand, washed and reliably calcined. Just 2% silicone polymer allows the mass to become plastic and obtain completely different qualities. This polymer is widely used in the food industry. The result is an incredibly pleasant-to-touch substance, reminiscent of wet river sand, which is so good for making Easter cakes on the shore. However, the mass remains completely dry.

I am very pleased that kinetic sand does not stain your hands, and any surface remains completely clean after using it. This is emphasized by numerous reviews. Cosmic sand spilled onto the floor does not scatter into individual particles, but retains the appearance of a compact mass that can easily be collected and reused. Even if sand is spilled onto a long-pile carpet, it will not be difficult to collect it with a vacuum cleaner.

Complete security

There is also an important point that speaks in favor of using kinetic sand (cosmic sand). Reviews from parents numerously quote the official conclusion that the material is completely harmless, it does not cause allergies, and even if you have a sick child, it is not capable of adversely affecting the baby’s condition. For squeamish and careful parents, it will be a significant plus that the sanitation standards for such a game are fully observed, unlike visiting a street sandbox.

Pay attention to one more point. If you want to find the ideal material for creativity, in which microorganisms do not multiply, then choose cosmic sand for children. Reviews from experts emphasize that even if the baby eats a little live sand, nothing bad will happen. But, of course, it does not contain anything useful for the body, which means it is better to spend time in the sandbox with your baby. The sand is multi-colored, but has no odor, and is completely safe even for children prone to allergic reactions. Thus, you can use it month after month, year after year, without changing its properties.

Huge benefit

This is an easy way to keep your baby occupied for long hours. At the same time, mother does not have to sit in the yard at this time. Move the sandbox to the kitchen, invite your neighbor and her child to visit and go about your business while the kids play quietly. The developmental and therapeutic benefits of living sand are enormous. During the game, the baby works out the emotions accumulated during the day, both positive and negative. Many people note that the baby becomes much calmer and even falls asleep easier when cosmic sand appears in the house. Reviews from parents confirm that a child who used to reach for a computer and a cell phone completely forgets about these modern devices.

Surprisingly, parents also often cannot resist the magnetism of the plastic mass and are ready to spend a lot of time next to their child, fingering the pleasant, airy sand that flows between their fingers. Needless to say, the benefits from such a pastime will be enormous. The mother is calm, the child is calm, active contact is maintained between them, what else is needed for happiness.

Age restrictions

You can buy a home sandbox when your child turns one year old. Until then, the baby is still trying everything out, and you will have to constantly monitor his play. From the age of three, children can already spend time quite independently in their home sandbox. Don't forget that to make games more interesting, children need the appropriate equipment. These are spatulas and scoops, buckets and various molds for modeling. With such an arsenal you will never be bored. In addition, you can supplement the sandbox with an arsenal of themed heroes who will live in sand castles. This will make the games even more entertaining.

Not only the game, but also development

What can cosmic plastic sand give a modern child? Reviews from teachers and psychologists allow us to conclude that this is an excellent material for the development of fine motor skills. This is a very important point to pay attention to. The more a child twirls toys in his hands, sculpts and draws, the more the brain centers that are responsible for speech and fantasy are stimulated. The development of tactile perception is an important component of personality development. It is through feeling that the child first becomes acquainted with various objects and phenomena, and in the process of this, cognitive processes are formed. The child’s speech, his ability to make logical conclusions, as well as fantasy and imagination will depend on how well this moment is worked out. And what could be more interesting than playing with a fluid living mass, which either becomes a certain figure, then suddenly changes and disappears.

Using kinetic sand for corrective purposes

Today, many centers where speech therapists and psychologists work with young children are equipped with plastic sandboxes filled with classic cosmic sand. Reviews emphasize that this is the key to a child's soul. A child sometimes cannot express his anxieties and fears in words or drawings, but here he is not required to invent anything. After several introductory lessons, the baby is so carried away by playing with living and fluid material that he begins to build his own world on the sand, where his feelings come to life.

An experienced teacher can lead the game in such a way that the expressed emotions work, live their play life and leave the child’s consciousness. This is how psychotherapy for increased aggressiveness, hyperactivity and anxiety is carried out.

be careful

Today, kinetic sand is a very popular product, which means more and more fakes are appearing. You should not risk your health and acquire mass of dubious origin. The ideal solution would be “Magic World” cosmic sand. Reviews indicate that this Russian manufacturer has managed to win the trust and love of consumers. It is distinguished by ISO 2000 certification and an affordable price. For 1 kg you will have to pay 600 rubles. There are packages of 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 6 kg. At first glance, it’s not cheap, but if you consider that the material can be used for years, it’s quite tolerable. Parents say that for the first time you can buy 1 kg. As the child grows up and the flight of his imagination expands, you can buy more.

How to play

Cosmic sand does not lose its qualities for three years. If it has become too runny, it means that it just needs to be slightly dried, which is often the case when it is just taken out of the package. Start with simple games - this is sculpting Easter cakes. Everyone likes it - both children and adults. From living sand, the figures are even and smooth, and also hold their shape perfectly. Kids can be encouraged to make various prints in the sand. Give him a pine cone, a ball and a cube, and let him see what the difference is.

Leaving fingerprints can be a very interesting activity. To do this, you can use your finger, palm or foot. Exciting and fun, and most importantly, useful. You can use molds to cut out various shapes, as well as cut them using a special knife. And older children, using natural materials and themed toys, can create a whole world in the sand.


Today, not only various children's computer games are being improved and updated, but also traditional fun. So, now there is an excellent alternative to leisure time in an ordinary sandbox - creative activities with kinetic sand. Read reviews of such products from different manufacturers and decide which product is best to buy for your child.

What is kinetic sand

This material is an excellent development for children’s home games right in the apartment. The substance consists almost entirely of fine sand, but thanks to the addition of a special synthetic material to it, the individual grains are connected by polymer fibers. Kinetic plasticine for children acquires plastic properties, does not dry out, does not stick to hands and does not get dirty. Because of these improved qualities, it deservedly received the name “plasticine-sand” for children, because it can be used to make a wide variety of crafts that a child can come up with.

Many parents, when they first see such a toy, are confused by the considerable price of the product in comparison with an ordinary natural mineral. For these buyers, before buying a creative product for a child, it will be useful to read a description of the possibilities of its use and a list of important differences from traditional material. Kinetic play sand for modeling has the following basic properties:

  • does not contain components harmful to health, as well as various types of garbage that can be found in a regular sandbox;
  • always has the consistency of wet sand, making it easy to sculpt the most bizarre figures that retain their shape well;
  • you can work with it both with plastic and as crumbly material;
  • it is convenient to use in the house (sculpt in a special sandbox tray or directly on the table) - its composition will not leave sticky marks, and individual grains of sand, like magnetic ones, will easily gather to the main lump;
  • multi-colored: may have a natural shade or have blue, pink, green or other bright colors;
  • does not lose its properties when wet - after it dries, it is ready for use again;
  • used in children's leisure activities, but at the same time brings practical benefits for the child: develops finger motor skills, relieves excitability;
  • suitable for children aged 3 years and older (you can play with this material earlier if the child does not put it in his mouth);
  • has no expiration date - retains its dynamic properties for a long time.


The material can be found on sale under different names. Smart sand for children, liquid, telescopic, cybernetic, cosmic, lunar - these are synonyms for mass. You need to know that the production of different brands is based on a similar technological process. A polymer and dye are added to the natural ceramic mineral, which is first thoroughly sifted and calcined to remove all harmful impurities. The sand to additive ratio is often 98% and 2%, but sometimes for higher viscosity it is 90% and 10%.

Kinetic Sand

This product for children's creativity is presented in a wide range - on sale you can find packages of different weights, with a huge variety of colors. Not only kids, but also adults love to feel its soft, airy texture on their palms. From a variety of products you can choose the material in its pure form or purchase a whole set for creativity along with a sandbox and various figures:

  • Name: Kinetic Sand brown;
  • Price: 916 RUR;
  • Characteristics: packaging weighing 910 g, the color of the material is similar to sea sand;
  • Pros: causes pleasant tactile sensations; flows easily, but does not crumble around; does not dry out, which allows you to play with it for a long time; does not stick to your hands;
  • Cons: you need to buy a sandbox and accessories separately.

Another excellent material option for children's creativity is presented in a set with molds. With it, your baby will be interested in learning new colors and mastering shapes:

  • Name: Kinetic Sand colored with molds;
  • Price: 1243 RUR;
  • Characteristics: packaging weighing 340 g; the material is presented in 2 sets - “Dog Kennel” (a combination of purple and green) and “Palaeontological Excavations” (blue and brown);
  • Pros: using molds you can make expressive, colorful figures, the material is non-toxic;
  • Cons: when mixing different colors, they can no longer be separated; the presence of accessories affected the cost of the product.

Waba Fun

The product of this Swedish company has rightfully earned the love of the children. The product line includes a variety of bright colors, and the ability to additionally select the necessary accessories only adds positive reviews from grateful customers.

  • Name: Waba Fun color;
  • Price: 1598 – 2324 rubles;
  • Characteristics: packaging of material of one color (blue, yellow, pink, etc.) weighing 2.270 kg, the product is sold with a sandbox;
  • Pros: with a large amount of material, you can make many toy crafts at the same time; safe, non-toxic;
  • Cons: for a full-fledged creative process, you need to buy additional molds.

Articles and the following product from the same company can be a good basis for children's creativity:

  • Name: Waba Fun two-color;
  • Price: 1598 – 2324 rubles;
  • Characteristics: the set contains 2 packs of sand in two colors (each 1.135 kg) and a sandbox;
  • Pros: when mixing different colors you can get new shades; safe, non-toxic material;
  • Cons: no molds.

  • Lepa

    Products of this brand are found under the trade name “touching sand” - this is how the domestic manufacturer emphasizes that you will want to touch this magical toy again and again! In the Lepa line you can find an innovative development - thermochromic pigment.

    • Name: Modeling set Lepa Touching sand;
    • Price: 350 rub.
    • Specifications: 500 g packaging, without accessories.
    • Pros: completely replicates the color and texture of wet sea sand, but at the same time dry and non-greasy to the touch; does not get dirty, is not afraid of moisture; safe, non-toxic; noticeable difference in price compared to a foreign product.
    • Cons: no variety of colors.

    The following product from the same manufacturer has a very interesting feature - changing color:

    • Modeling kit Lepa Thermochromic sand;
    • Price: 610 rub.;
    • Pros: has the property of magically changing colors under the influence of the heat of the palms; safe to use;
    • Cons: the thermochromic property affects the price.

    Cosmic kinetic sand

    This wonderful educational toy is also made in Russia. On the product packaging there is the word “plastic” - this indicates that the figures will mold well and keep their shape:

    • Name: Space plastic sand for children;
    • Price: 295 RUR;
    • Characteristics: packaging weighing 500 g, without accessories;
    • Pros: wide selection of material colors - natural or bright, rich shades; safe to use; low price;
    • Cons: if the child’s palms are wet, they may stick; falls apart during play.

    Pay attention to the following product, which can be an excellent thematic preparation for a variety of interesting games:

    • Title: Space Sand Sea World;
    • Price: 1630 RUR;
    • Characteristics: package of blue base weighing 3 kg, sandbox, molds, book with descriptions of games;
    • Pros: absolutely safe for children;
    • Disadvantages: it is inconvenient to play with it in the hot season - it sticks to the palms; it is afraid of direct sunlight and getting wet.

    Angel Sand

    This product is made in South Korea. Along with many properties that are traditionally inherent in this type of material, the difference between Angel Sand is its smaller fraction and a higher percentage of polymer in the composition.

    • Name: Angel Sand creativity kit;
    • Price: 1320 RUR;
    • Characteristics: packaging weighing 700 g, the product is offered in different colors, including white;
    • Pros: airy, almost weightless to the touch; calm, pastel colors; thanks to the fine fraction, denser figures are obtained; does not stick to hands;
    • Cons: dissolves in water.

    The next option will especially appeal to girls, who will certainly enjoy making different types of ice cream from the base:

    • Name: Angel Sand Ice Cream Creative Kit;
    • Price: RUB 3,795;
    • Characteristics: 4 packs of multi-colored sand, sandbox, molds;
    • Main advantages: crumbly, during active play the volume increases almost 2 times; does not harden; does not stick to hands; non-toxic;
    • Cons: dissolves when wet.

    Spin Master

    This product from a Canadian company is a very popular brand. Different colors, a very pleasant, silky structure, the ability to buy the material separately or a ready-made set is very attractive to buyers.

    • Name: Spin Master Kinetic Sand two-tone;
    • Price: RUB 1,939;
    • Characteristics: packaging weighing 454 g with a base of two colors;
    • Pros: does not crumble, is easy to clean, does not stick to hands, safe for children;
    • Cons: high price.

    This product from the same manufacturer can be a wonderful gift for a baby. It holds its shape perfectly and allows you to create any figures:

    • Name: Spin Master Kinetic Sand;
    • Price: 1480 RUR;
    • Characteristics: packaging weighing 454 g with a base of one color;
    • Pros: pleasant texture; does not crumble, easy to clean; not sticky; safe for children.
    • Cons: high cost.


    Another inexpensive representative of the domestic brand in this category. The buyer will find different thematic sets in this product line, and then will be able to additionally purchase new colors that the child likes.

    • Name: Kinetic sand LORI;
    • Price: RUR 316;
    • Characteristics: packaging weighing 1 kg with a base of the same color, sandbox;
    • Main advantages: packed in a plastic bucket; you can choose different shades; holds its shape well; safe and non-toxic.
    • Cons: The dye gets a little dirty.

    If your baby loves to spend time modeling with plasticine, pay attention to the following product. It holds its shape perfectly and practically does not dry out:

    • Name: Rainbow sand LORI;
    • Price: 228 rub.
    • Characteristics: 4 packages of different colors with a total weight of 600 g, sandbox, molds.
    • Pros: each type is packaged in a separate plastic container; holds its shape well, does not dry out; inexpensive.
    • Cons: the dye gets dirty, so the base leaves marks on your hands and furniture.

    How to choose kinetic sand

    When purchasing creative materials, pay attention to a number of recommendations. Kinetic sand for modeling can be bought in an online store, but it is better to order from a catalog through the official website of the manufacturer - you will protect yourself from the risk of buying a cheap fake made in China. Weigh the benefits of buying one color and a set. It will be more convenient to store living sand for children in a special tray with a lid and use thematic shapes, rather than purchasing inexpensively only the base and then looking for accessories. It will cost less as a kit.

The most ordinary sand is not just a toy, it is a whole world in which every child can come up with his own rules. Sand develops fine motor skills, speech and memory, imaginative and spatial thinking, writing and drawing skills, perseverance, attention, imagination and fantasy. We offer you 5 educational games that you can play not only on the playground, but also at home - with kinetic sand.

Games to develop memory and attention


Make or draw a labyrinth in the sand. At the entrance to the maze, place a toy hero who needs to complete the maze; at the exit - a reward for completing it: a toy treat, treasure or another character. And forward - to storm the labyrinth! Start with the simplest mazes with one or two straight dead ends and, as you master the game, increase the number of branches, passages and dead ends. Make a labyrinth together or invite your baby to make a labyrinth for mom, which she, of course, will have great difficulty completing!

Draw by dots

The game, familiar to many, can also be played in the sandbox. Level the sand and draw a playing field of dots directly on it. Then show the pattern to be repeated (you can print the pattern or draw it in the sand next to it). Offer to repeat the drawing.

At a younger age, it is better to use simple drawings: Christmas trees, a house with a roof, gradually increasing the complexity.

For older children, you can remove the diagram after familiarization and connect the dots into a picture from memory.

You should not stop only at mechanical repetition of the sample. For example, if at some point difficulties arise with repetition, invite the child to come up with a way to finish the picture or, after completing the drawing, decorate it - draw or make decorations for the Christmas tree from toys, add a pipe to the house and invite the child to come up with what some of his toys can live in it, and then bring the toys and check - will they fit in this little house?

Hide and seek in the sandbox

Place several toys in a row. Invite your child to remember them and then close their eyes or turn away. Bury one toy and ask - who hid in the sand? After answering, be sure to find the lost figurine. Gradually, the game can be complicated: add figures, place them not in a row, but in different parts of the sandbox, hide not one, but several heroes. And don’t forget to switch roles sometimes, because hiding is just as fun as looking!

Games to develop logic and thinking

Put it in a row

This exercise is perfect for the first games with Cosmic Sand, when the child is just getting acquainted with its properties, learning to sculpt figures and shapes, and later, when plastic sand has already become a favorite toy - despite all its simplicity, the developmental value of this game is great.

With kids, use the simplest option - make balls or Easter cakes of different sizes from sand. When you have a few pieces, invite your child to arrange them in a row by size - from smallest to largest or vice versa.

For older children, the game can be complicated:

  • Use more different sizes or even the same shapes, for which the child will also have to find a place in the size range.
  • Add new shapes and colors to the game.
  • Take toys: plastic cubes, balls, items from sorters and offer to find a place for them.

This game has many options, the main thing is to choose the right difficulty level.

Find a house

You can always do the games and exercises with insert frames that are familiar to all mothers when your baby plays in the sandbox. This does not require preparation or special toys - we use what is at hand!

Level the sand and, taking several molds, leave their imprints on the sand. Now say that these are houses, that evening has come and the figures need to return home and go to bed. Who lives in which house?
You can change the level of difficulty by first using simple geometric shapes, and later using details of complex shapes, as well as increasing the number of toys.

In addition to logic and thinking, this game also perfectly develops vocabulary. To do this, in the process of searching for a house, it is enough to talk through everything that happens:

  • name the forms
  • draw the child’s attention to the characteristics of objects (shape, color, size),
  • ask questions about the mold that clarify the idea of ​​the object (what color is the star, what does a bee eat, what body parts does a cat have, etc.).

Cosmic sand is perfect for these games - a sand plastic mass for modeling, which contains 98% purified quartz sand and 2% polymer materials. Cosmic sand flows through your fingers and at the same time remains dry. It sticks like wet sand and crumbles like dry sand. Dense and airy at the same time, it fascinates with its softness and fluidity, sculpts perfectly, holds its shape, leaves no marks and does not dry out. Cosmic sand is absolutely safe for children, as evidenced by the certificate of conformity received for the product.

This amazing toy is very popular among children of all ages, from three-year-old babies to primary schoolchildren. You can build castles and palaces from it, make Easter cakes, bury various objects in it, in general, play out many interesting stories. Cosmic sand is an excellent material for creating your child’s own unique world.

Today, in order to play in the sandbox, children do not have to wait for the warm season. You can sculpt beads and build castles all year round without leaving your home, thanks to a new invention by toy manufacturers - kinetic sand and its variety - cosmic sand. How is kinetic sand different from regular sand?

What it is?

Cosmic sand is a type of kinetic sand produced by the Russian company “Magic World”. First, a little about kinetic sand. Its inventor was Swedish manufacturers. 98% of its composition is natural sand of different shades. This sand is not afraid of moisture, is very elastic and easily restores its properties after getting wet.

Space plastic sand has a slightly different composition. Most of it is quartz sand. For elasticity, polymer materials are added to space sand that do not cause allergies in children. The material does not dry out, but it is better not to add water to it. If water does get in, it is best to separate the wet part of the sand and dry it in the oven for about 5 minutes at 120 degrees.

Cosmic plastic sand can be of a natural shade. If other colors are needed, manufacturers add dyes to space sand. The game material is sold in a plastic box in which sand can be stored.

Material properties

The popularity of space sand is explained by its amazing properties. According to the manufacturers, it is pleasant to the touch, molds well and at the same time crumbles like regular one. The sand is airy and does not stick to your hands.

You can build various shapes from it, it is environmentally friendly, so it is great for children. Psychologists actively use it to treat nervous breakdowns and psychological diseases. Cosmic sand has a positive effect on the child’s psyche and skills:

  • develops fine motor skills;
  • strengthens the muscles of the arms and hands;
  • stimulates imagination and creative activity;
  • relieves tension, is an excellent preventive measure hyperactivity;
  • exercises fingertips.

Cosmic sand can benefit not only children, but also their parents:

  • gives rest, since the baby can play with the material for a long time;
  • does not take up much storage space;
  • safe, unlike a sandbox, since no one plays with the sand except your child;
  • Parents themselves can use cosmic sand to relieve psychological stress.

Space sand is turning into more than just a game tool. It is a therapeutic remedy for stress, improves mood, and can be actively used in art therapy.

Playing with sand is very easy and you can make many things out of it. For example, build a castle that will last a long time and will not collapse. Kids can make regular molds out of it. A person of any age can find something to do using cosmic sand.

Where can I buy?

Cosmic sand is an affordable means today. It can be purchased on the manufacturer's website. Depending on the weight and color scheme, the purchase price will vary. So, for half a kilogram of ordinary sand you will need to pay about 400 rubles. However, half a kilogram will not be enough for children's creativity, so parents will have to pay much more for a larger volume of material. A sandbox weighing 3 kg will cost 1500-2000 rubles.

Sand is available in various assortments:

  • Standard set. Sold in plastic packages of 0.5-3 kg.
  • Thematic set. A total of 10 types of sets are offered. In each of the sets you will find: sand of different shades, molds, an inflatable sandbox, a 3D field for playing.
  • Glowing sand. The material has the property of glowing in the dark. This glow and the material that generates it are completely safe for children.
  • Changing colors. The sand changes color like a chameleon. When you hold the material in your hand, its shade may change after a while.
  • Flavored. The pleasure of flowers is complemented by the pleasure of smell. You can make a strawberry or blueberry meadow from sand.

Cosmic sand allows kids to express their limitless imagination. After you place an order on the website, the product will be delivered to your address. You can see how this sand works in the video.

How to do it yourself?

If you can’t buy a toy, you can make sand with your own hands from available materials. For production you will need:

  • 4 cups of clean sand, which can be purchased at a pet store;
  • 2 cups starch;
  • glass of water.

Mix starch with sand and add water little by little. To prevent the sand from turning out liquid, you do not need to pour a lot of water. If you need colored sand, you can add a little gouache or food coloring. Mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl and spread on paper to dry.

There is another easy way to make it. It consists of mixing crushed crayons and semolina. Do-it-yourself kinetic sand is ready.

Perhaps such a toy will not have the properties that are attributed to purchased products, but you will know that all the ingredients in it are completely natural.

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