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What kind of nutrition should pregnant women have? Diet for pregnant women

The article will teach you how to eat throughout pregnancy. You will also learn what foods you should exclude from your diet.

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time in the life of every woman. During this period, representatives of the fair sex are surrounded with care, attention and love. Both the woman herself and the people around her await the birth of a new person with great joy. But in order for the baby to be born healthy, the mother must constantly monitor her diet.

After all, if her body does not receive the required amount of vitamins and microelements, then not only she, but also her baby will suffer. A balanced and proper diet will help you endure pregnancy without unnecessary stress, and will also have a positive effect on the development of the baby.

Nutrition in the first trimester

In the first three months of pregnancy, all the internal organs and systems of the baby’s body are formed, so it is very important that both he and the mother receive the right amount of nutrients. But under no circumstances listen to grandmothers and start eating for two. So, you will simply overload the gastrointestinal tract, and thereby add unnecessary problems to yourself.

Eat only when you feel like it, and whenever possible, eat freshly prepared food. If you do not want to harm your future son or daughter, then, in general, give up chips, crackers, sweets, soda, fast food, processed foods, smoked, peppered and salty foods.

Nutrition rules:

Number of meals. It will be better if you eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions. To ensure your body rests at night, take your last meal at least two hours before bedtime.
Food processing. It will be better if you try to minimize your consumption of fried foods. Steam your dishes or bake them in the oven
Liquid. For normal functioning of internal organs, a pregnant woman needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. If your body swells a lot, it is better to consult a doctor and he will help you figure out whether you can drink that much fluid.
Vitamins. From the first days of pregnancy, train yourself to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. The fiber they contain will help cleanse the body, and the nutrients will maintain its tone.

Nutrition in the second trimester

In the second trimester, the child develops even more intensively than in the first, so his body begins to require even more nutrients. In addition, the mother herself needs more vitamins, because the placenta in which the baby is located takes quite a lot of microelements from the body. And if a woman does not replenish them in the required quantity, then it is likely that she will develop hypovitaminosis and decrease hemoglobin.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman in the second trimester:

Try to eat steamed fish at least every other day. For variety, make seasonal salads with fresh or baked vegetables.
Be sure to take vitamin complexes and folic acid
Buy exclusively low-fat cottage cheese, milk and kefir
Replace regular bread with a product made from wholemeal flour
Do not eat more than 10-15 g of salt per day
Take care of anemia prevention. To do this, include various nuts and buckwheat in your diet.
If you want your placenta to always be normal, do not forget to drink rosehip decoction

Nutrition in the third trimester

In the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman's body changes a lot. It becomes larger and clumsier. But unfortunately, not only the appearance changes, but the entire body as a whole. Due to the fact that the uterus by this time increases quite significantly in size, it begins to compress the internal organs.

Against the background of these changes, the stomach, kidneys and bladder begin to malfunction, and some women experience severe heartburn. Some food restrictions will help to avoid such problems.


Reducing the amount of liquid you drink
We eat vegetable soups and milk porridges in large quantities
We cook food exclusively with vegetable oils
We start taking iodine-containing drugs
Once a week we arrange a fasting day for ourselves
At the end of the eighth month, we begin to gradually reduce the consumption of sugar and honey.

Nutrition in late pregnancy

In the later stages, the body is very depleted, so a pregnant woman’s diet must be properly balanced. It should contain as many different, high-quality and healthy foods as possible. Therefore, eat even those foods that were not very often present in your diet before.

Most women gain extra pounds towards the end of pregnancy. This upsets them very much, and they begin to limit themselves in food. But going on weight loss diets while pregnant is strictly prohibited. Diet is stressful for the body, and during pregnancy its negative impact can increase several times. Therefore, it is better to wait until the baby is born and only then start working on your figure.

Tips to help you eat healthy in later pregnancy:
To reduce swelling, drink rosehip decoction or diluted beet juice
Increase your fat intake
Try to chew your food thoroughly
Eat as much cottage cheese as possible
Eliminate brewed coffee and strong tea from your diet

How much should a pregnant woman eat?

  • Many women think that during pregnancy they need to eat a little more than usual. Of course, if your body requires more food, then you can eat, for example, a large promotion. But you shouldn’t force yourself to eat something. This can cause a sudden increase in weight, which can even lead to miscarriage.
  • Therefore, it will be better if you eat the same as before pregnancy. Try to ensure that your diet is structured so that the body receives all the vitamins and microelements it needs per day. Eat a variety of foods: soups, cereals, salads, casseroles
  • If you leave the house, take some fruits with you. You can always snack on them and this will not affect the total number of daily calories. In general, it is believed that during the period of bearing a baby, the total number of calories can increase by a maximum of 300-400 units

Proper diet during pregnancy

We all know that proper nutrition for a pregnant woman is the key to giving birth to a healthy and beautiful baby. It also helps to improve the health of the expectant mother’s body, cleanse it of waste and toxins, and normalize the functioning of internal organs.

But even if you decide that you will eat exclusively healthy foods, and at some point you want a not entirely healthy pastry or sausage, then buy and eat it. After all, if you think about forbidden delicacies all the time, then you are unlikely to be able to eat properly. Moreover, a small piece of cake or one fried cutlet definitely cannot harm you.

Products that should be in a pregnant woman's diet:

Fresh vegetables and fruits
Lean meat, fresh fish and liver
Cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir
Compotes, fruit drinks, juices and herbal decoctions
Buckwheat and oatmeal

Vitamins and microelements during pregnancy

An insufficient amount of useful microelements in the body of the expectant mother harms the health of both the mother and the unborn person. If a woman consumes vitamins in very small quantities, then there is a possibility that the child will develop some kind of pathology. Sources of nutrients are fresh vegetables and fruits. If you eat them regularly, there should not be any special health problems.

If your pregnancy takes place in winter, then help your body with pharmaceutical vitamin complexes. Just under no circumstances choose the drug yourself. Only a specialist can do this correctly. Therefore, it will be better if the drug itself and the dosage are chosen by the doctor who is caring for your pregnancy.

How to understand that a pregnant woman is not eating properly?

Some women allow themselves to relax during pregnancy and begin to eat everything. They eat not entirely healthy food, buns, sweets and chops. Of course, if you eat these foods in small quantities, the body will not suffer much, but if you eat only spicy, smoked and fried foods, then health problems will definitely appear.

And the worst thing is that not only the mother, but also her baby will feel bad. Therefore, it would be better for a pregnant woman to have a balanced and fortified diet.

Signs that indicate you are eating incorrectly:

Due to the fact that the body receives little useful energy, a woman constantly feels hungry
The diet is dominated by one component, for example, protein
Constant heaviness in the stomach
Consumption of fast food, semi-finished products and products of questionable quality

How can unhealthy diet be dangerous?

Poor nutrition clogs our body with waste and toxins. Because of this, all internal organs and systems suffer. And, although at first a pregnant woman may not feel any pathological changes at all, over time the illnesses will make themselves felt.

At first, these may be very minor symptoms, such as shortness of breath, headache or heaviness in the stomach. But if you do not adjust your diet, then very soon more terrible diseases may begin to develop.

Problems caused by poor nutrition in a pregnant woman:
Late toxicosis
Premature birth
Lack of iron and protein
Poor blood clotting
Birth of a child with pathologies
Placental abruption

Always remember that pregnancy is not a disease and under no circumstances should you eat exclusively diet foods. Of course, you may have to give up some of your favorite foods, but you will be able to return to your usual diet some time after the baby is born.

In the meantime, the baby is under your heart, adhere to the following rules:
Drink water 20 minutes before meals and no less than 1.5 hours after
Try to buy natural, chemical-free vegetables and fruits
Plan your diet so that there are more fresh foods than cooked ones
Replace sugar with honey
Don't eat sour and sweet fruits at the same time

Anastasia: And I couldn’t calmly walk near McDonald’s throughout my pregnancy. Sometimes I couldn’t stand it and bought a hamburger. Then, of course, my conscience began to torment me, and I began to eat salads and drink kefir. Over time, gluttony left me, but stomach problems began. I had to run to doctors. After that, I forbade myself from thinking about junk food at all.

Mila: I have always liked vegetables, fruits, and cottage cheese. Therefore, when I became pregnant, I didn’t have to change much. I didn’t particularly want to eat anymore, except that sometimes I bought myself marshmallows. I could eat it endlessly. But everything went well, I didn’t experience any swelling or toxicosis.

Video: How to eat properly during pregnancy?

By eating exclusively healthy foods during pregnancy, the expectant mother makes a huge contribution to increasing the immunity of her baby. During this period, it is important not to overeat and not eat hypoallergenic foods. If pregnancy is complicated by toxicosis, nutrition must be adjusted. What can you eat during pregnancy, and what supplements are recommended?

Balanced nutrition menu in the first half of pregnancy

Sometimes in the first months of pregnancy, women's appetite decreases, sometimes they even develop an aversion to some, even previously favorite foods. The balanced nutrition menu during pregnancy proposed below is designed taking into account certain food intolerances, and only includes those foods that are easily digestible.

Breakfast (7.00-8.00):

Lunch (12.00-13.00): Raw vegetable salad, vegetarian borscht or vegetable soup with sour cream, stewed meat or boiled fish with a vegetable side dish, fruit juice.

Afternoon snack (16.30-17.00): Kefir, bun, fruit.

Dinner (20.00): Cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes with sour cream, kefir or milk.

Eating like this in the first half of pregnancy will help you feel good and make it easier to tolerate illness if it arises.

But even knowing what pregnant women can and should eat, remember that it is not only the mother’s nutrition that affects the unborn child. Categorically give up bad habits. Alcohol has an extremely adverse effect on the development of the central nervous system of the fetus and can lead to delayed mental development of the child.

The same applies to smoking. It is also important to remember about passive smoking when a woman is in a room where someone is smoking. And of course, under no circumstances should you take drugs. Nicotine and drugs, like alcohol, easily cross the placental barrier, having an extremely adverse effect on the development of the fetal brain.

Any medications during pregnancy are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

What pregnant women can and should eat in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus becomes larger, and for its normal development additional energy is needed, the need for it increases by 350 kcal.

Nutrition in the second half of pregnancy should be organized taking into account the fact that the expectant mother’s body requires more nutrients, primarily protein. Protein is necessary for the formation of organs and tissues of the fetus, as well as the placenta, uterus and mammary glands. After all, out of every 3 g of protein a pregnant woman receives, approximately 1 g is consumed by the growing fetus.

When creating a proper nutrition menu during pregnancy, the amount of milk and dairy products as the main sources of protein should be increased in the diet. The total amount of milk can be 500 ml per day, mainly in the form of fermented milk drinks (kefir, biokefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt).

In addition to dairy products, it is recommended to use meat and poultry (up to 200 g), fish (70-80 g per day), and eggs (1 piece per day) as complete sources of animal protein. Meat can be partially replaced with offal (liver, tongue, lungs, kidneys, heart). They also contain a lot of iron, which is also extremely necessary for a pregnant woman, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

The correct menu during pregnancy requires much more (almost 2 times) minerals, primarily calcium, which is involved in building the fetal skeleton

During this period, you need 300 mg more calcium, that is, on average 1000-1100 mg per day. If there is insufficient calcium intake from food, it begins to be consumed from the mother’s body.

At the same time, many pregnant women often have their teeth destroyed and even their bones softened. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of dairy products in your diet, especially cottage cheese and cheese - the main suppliers of calcium salts. What foods should you eat during pregnancy to replenish the loss of calcium in the body? Eggs are rich in calcium, primarily the yolk, as well as legumes and fish.

A rich source of calcium is cottage cheese, the amount of which per day in the second half of pregnancy should be 50-100 g, as well as cheese (15-20 g per day). Sour cream is also recommended for dairy products - about 20 g per day.

What other foods should you eat during pregnancy?

What other foods are useful during pregnancy for the expectant mother and child? During this period, the need for fat increases.

On average, during this period, 100 g of fat is required per day, of which 20-25 g are vegetable oils. The nutritional menu during pregnancy should include butter, which is richer in vitamins than other animal fats, as well as vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive, etc.). The amount of butter should be 25-30 g per day, vegetable oil - 15-20 g.

The diet should contain foods rich in iron. What can pregnant women eat, taking into account this need?

This is primarily meat and meat products (beef, tongue, liver), eggs, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), fish and seafood (cod, perch, shrimp), as well as apples, figs, pears, pomegranates, blueberries, rose hips, beets , spinach, tomatoes, garden greens. One of the recommendations for nutrition during pregnancy is to use specialized products enriched with minerals and vitamins, which are useful for both pregnant women and nursing mothers. These are drinks such as “Femilak” (Nutritek, Russia), “Milky Way” (Vitaprom, Russia), “Madonna” (Valetek Prodimpex, Russia), “Enfa Mama” (USA), “Dumil” mom plus" (Denmark).

Considering the recommendations on how to eat properly during pregnancy, it is better to limit carbohydrates in recent months. They enter the body with bread, cereals, pasta, sugar, baked goods, as well as vegetables and fruits. You should consume no more than 350-400 g of carbohydrates per day, since their excess contributes to fluid retention in a woman’s body, and sometimes leads to the development of obesity. Excess carbohydrates can also lead to the formation of a large fetus, which, as we have already said, creates a certain risk of injury during childbirth.

It is better to use wholemeal bread. It contains more B vitamins, in addition, it is rich in plant fibers, which have a beneficial effect on the intestines, which is very important, since women often experience constipation during this period. The total daily amount of bread should be about 220-250 g.

When drawing up an approximate menu during pregnancy, it is necessary to limit the total amount of cereals, pasta (up to 50-60 g per day), as well as sugar (no more than 60 g per day) and confectionery (up to 20 g per day).

The main source of carbohydrates in the second half of pregnancy should be vegetables and fruits, as well as various berries and, to a lesser extent, fruit or berry juices. The total amount of vegetables per day is 500-600 g, and potatoes - 150-200 g. For vegetables, it is advisable to use zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, beets, cucumbers, as well as herbs - dill, parsley, celery, etc.

  • You need to drink less liquid - no more than 4-5 glasses per day.
  • Try to avoid foods that are highly allergenic in your diet.

These include chocolate, cocoa, natural coffee, mushrooms, nuts, and citrus fruits.

  • Don't forget about proper nutrition.

In the second half of pregnancy, when the growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach, it is recommended to eat frequently, but in small portions. The daily calorie content of food should be distributed evenly. Usually a six-meal meal plan is set. The last meal should be no later than 2-2.5 hours before bedtime.

Approximate nutrition menu in the second half of pregnancy

An approximate menu during pregnancy in the second half of the term may look like this.

First breakfast (7.00-8.00): Egg or omelet, kefir (any fermented milk drink), fresh fruit (berries).

Second breakfast (9.00-10.00): Raw vegetable salad, sausage, milk (tea with milk), bread with butter and cheese.

Lunch (12.00-13.00): Vegetarian vegetable soup with sour cream, boiled meat (chicken, fish, offal) with vegetables, fruit juice.

Afternoon snack (15.00-15.00): Cottage cheese, kefir (any fermented milk drink), fresh fruit (berries).

Dinner (18.00): Milk porridge, fresh fruit (berries), bun, vitamin drink.

Second dinner (20.30): Vinaigrette, kefir (any fermented milk drink), baked apple, rosehip decoction.

Nutrition for toxicosis during pregnancy: what you can eat

Sometimes pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, which is a sign of early toxicosis. And late toxicosis is accompanied by disruption of metabolic processes, liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.

What should be the diet of pregnant women with toxicosis?

  • For some time, you need to exclude from the diet those foods that are poorly tolerated. But at the same time, it is undesirable to limit the amount of nutrients the body needs, especially proteins.
  • Nausea and vomiting can be prevented by eating small, frequent meals.

For example: in the morning, without getting out of bed, you can eat any well-tolerated dish (or product). After this you need to lie down for a while. After 1.5-2 hours you need to organize a second breakfast. In the future, you should adhere to the same principle, taking food in small portions. And try to have enough protein in your diet, as well as vegetables and fruits. We advise you to diversify your food as much as possible.

  • In severe cases, when nausea and vomiting are repeated very often and the pregnant woman cannot tolerate many types of food and begins to lose weight, hospital treatment is necessary.
  • In case of late toxicosis, a balanced diet is especially important.

At the same time, it is very important that the body receives the required amount of proteins containing essential amino acids, which are not produced in the body. A diet poor in protein leads to weakened immunity and frequent illnesses. What can you eat if you have toxicosis during pregnancy to replenish your protein content? There is a lot of protein in dairy products (especially cottage cheese), as well as in meat and fish.

With toxicosis, the content of fats and fat-like substances in the blood increases. Therefore, the amount of fat in the diet needs to be reduced (to 40-60 g per day). Butter and vegetable oil are better absorbed from fats. Refractory fats (pork, lamb, etc.) should not be consumed.

What is best for pregnant women to eat during toxicosis?

Be sure to include enough fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet (pumpkin is especially useful).

  • If late toxicosis is accompanied by edema and excess weight, you need to sharply limit the amount of liquid (up to 600-800 ml per day) and table salt (up to 2-3 g per day).

What is better to eat for late-term pregnant women with toxicosis? Apricots, dried apricots, potatoes baked in their skins, and oatmeal help improve urination and remove excess table salt from the body. As we have already said, you can use a special salt, where part of the sodium salt that can retain water is replaced with potassium-magnesium salt (Valetek, Russia).

The diet of pregnant women with a tendency to hypertension should include foods that help remove fluid from the body - dried apricots, prunes, cucumbers, watermelons!

Cabbage, beets, black currants, apricots, and rosehip decoction are also useful. The total amount of liquid must be limited to 0.8 liters per day (3-4 glasses), and the amount of table salt to 3-4 g per day.

To prevent this pathology, you need to use various fermented milk products. It is advisable that these products be included in the diet daily in sufficient quantities (3-4 glasses).

Nutrition menu for pregnant women with toxicosis

For late toxicosis, accompanied by edema, a salt-free diet can be recommended. The menu for pregnant women with toxicosis may look like this.

Breakfast (7.00-6.00): Cottage cheese (egg), salt-free bread, unsalted butter, baked apple, milk (tea with milk) - no more than 100-150 ml.

Lunch (12.00-13.00): Vegetable salad without salt, boiled meat (fish) without salt, baked potatoes without salt, unsalted bread with unsalted butter, 1 glass of dried fruit compote (dried apricots).

Afternoon snack (16.30-17.00): A glass of kefir with 40 g of honey, unsalted cookies.

Dinner (20.00): Cottage cheese, unsalted bread with unsalted butter, a glass of tea with lemon (in the absence of lemon - with ascorbic acid).

How to eat during pregnancy so as not to gain weight: diet food for pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman needs to constantly weigh herself. This helps to promptly identify possible pathologies: hidden edema, the development of obesity, etc.

If a woman’s weight increases by more than 200-300 g weekly, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. In this case, first of all, you need to consume less bread, cereals, potatoes and liquids (up to 0.7-0.8 liters per day).

If there is insufficient weight gain, and even more so with weight loss, it is necessary to increase nutrition. A deficiency of essential nutrients in a pregnant woman's diet negatively affects the development of the fetus. The nutrition of pregnant women who have been suffering from low appetite for a long time, who are weakened and exhausted requires serious correction. With prolonged malnutrition, a child may be born with symptoms of intrauterine malnutrition, that is, with low body weight and stunted growth. These children have reduced immunity and often develop anemia, rickets, and intestinal diseases.

How to eat during pregnancy so as not to gain too much weight, but at the same time provide the unborn child with all the useful substances? To correct nutrition, specialized dietary products can be recommended. These include: powdered fortified milk, mixtures “Femilak” (Nutritek, Russia), “Madonna” (Valetek, Russia), “Enfa Mama” (Mead Johnson, USA), etc. These mixtures contain complete easily digestible proteins, enriched with a wide range of vitamins and minerals, they can be used in the form of concentrated drinks or added to various dishes (porridge, vegetable purees, soups, casseroles, etc.). The advantage of dry formulas is that when using them, you can easily calculate the amount of protein and fat needed to correct a pregnant woman’s diet, and give it in a small amount of liquid. In the absence of the above specialized products for nutrition correction, you can use powdered fortified milk or milk-based infant formula.

In dietary nutrition for pregnant women prone to allergies to cow's milk protein, you can use a special product - the Madonna protein shake. It is produced in the form of a dry drink containing vegetable protein, dietary fiber and enriched with thirteen vitamins and ten microelements.

You can also use medicinal nutritional supplements in the diet of a pregnant woman. These are various vitamin, protein-mineral, fat supplements, supplements based on beneficial microflora. Vitamin supplements include “Beta-carotene” (indicated for vitamin A deficiency), “Golden ball with fructose”, “Golden ball with calcium and magnesium”, “Golden ball with iron” (sources of vitamins, carotene, minerals). Among the fat additives used are “Fullen”, “Linseed oil”, “Omega-3”. For intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, and long-term use of antibiotics, additives such as “Bifiliz” (a mixture of live bifidobacteria with lysozyme), “Biobakton” (a pure culture of acidophilus bacillus), “Acipol” (a mixture of acidophilus bacteria and kefir grains) are indicated.

Diet during pregnancy accompanied by constipation should include more vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber (cabbage, beets, cucumbers, raspberries, strawberries, currants, rowan, etc.).

Bread made from wholemeal flour, as well as wheat bran, have a good effect. These products are rich in dietary fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility and helps remove harmful substances from the digestive tract. Wheat bran is especially useful for women who are prone to obesity, fat metabolism disorders, as well as women with unfavorable heredity for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Special studies show that regular consumption of bran reduces cholesterol levels in the blood serum and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

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You need to start taking care of your baby’s health and development even before he is born. Proper nutrition of the mother during pregnancy is not only the key to the correct development of the child, the key to his good health, but also the main principle that will help the young mother maintain her figure beautiful and slim after the birth of the baby. And this is very important for many women.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you must definitely reconsider your lifestyle, balance your diet and diet. We will try to understand the questions about what the correct diet of a pregnant woman should be, what she can eat and what she cannot eat during a specific period.

Proper diet for pregnant women: regimen

Regular nutrition promotes good health. Approximately 4 hours should pass between meals. During breakfast, it is advisable to consume dairy products, muesli and fresh fruit. Lunch should also be complete. If, due to work or for some other reason, you cannot afford it, then eat a salad dressed with soy sauce, fresh vegetables or fruits, and yogurt.

You should not overeat in the evening, so dinner should be dietary. You can prepare a dairy dish, eat a piece of black bread, biscuits and fruit. Sandwiches, yoghurt, juice and of course fresh fruit can also be eaten during the afternoon snack. A pregnant woman's diet should be healthy, and it is better to avoid fatty, fried, sausages and fast food for a while.

Diet of pregnant women: safety rules

In order not to expose yourself to danger and protect yourself from all kinds of poisoning, you must follow some basic recommendations. Clean the refrigerator periodically so that spoiled food does not pile up in it.

Never refreeze food. You can eat hard and processed cheeses, but the crust must be cut off. It is better to buy products in vacuum packaging, and it is better to refuse store-bought cuts.

Raw milk is also prohibited. It is better to heat-treat dairy products. Never refreeze food. It is not advisable to eat liver often. If you really want it, you can allow yourself a small piece no more than once a week. Store all products separately. It is better to have special containers for this. Do not use one knife and one cutting board for meat, fish and vegetables.

Observe basic hygiene rules. Wash your hands regularly. Vegetables and fruits should also be thoroughly washed before consumption. Do not store food outside the refrigerator. Do not eat unprepared or questionable foods. Never eat food that has expired. It is better to defrost food in the refrigerator rather than in water or the microwave. Following these recommendations will relieve you of digestive problems.

Table of what pregnant women can and cannot eat

Balanced nutrition during pregnancy by week

Nutrition for pregnant women in the first trimester

Usually a woman finds out about pregnancy closer to 6 weeks. So, from 6 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, do not deny yourself your gastronomic desires. Usually at this stage a woman wants something that she usually wouldn’t eat. Remember to drink enough fluid (1 liter per day). You can start your morning with tea and crackers; in the evening you shouldn’t overeat, it’s better to have a snack with dried fruits. Reduce foods such as sugar, cabbage in your diet and do not get carried away with fried foods. Don't forget to watch your weight; no one wants sudden weight gain. If you are gaining weight quickly, limit pasta and baked goods in your diet; it is better to switch to products made from wholemeal flour.

From the 11th and 12th week of pregnancy, do not be surprised by your unusual eating habits. If you really want something, then this is a signal that the child is missing something. Therefore, do not worry, even if you eat a lot of pickles, they will only be beneficial.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the second trimester

From 13 to 16 weeks, the child’s skeleton finishes forming, and therefore during this period the mother uses a large supply of her resources, which naturally needs to be replenished. Add more healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals to your diet. Drink milk, eat apples, oatmeal cookies with kefir are perfect for the evening. If you feel hungry, you can increase your lunch portion.

From 17 to 24 weeks, your baby’s vision and hearing are rapidly developing; here you need to take care of a sufficient intake of vitamin A. During these weeks, replenish your diet with foods such as carrots, bell peppers, and cabbage.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the third trimester

From 24 to 28 weeks, due to the fact that the baby is already quite large and the uterus takes up a lot of space in the abdominal cavity, many women feel pressure on the stomach and feel heartburn. This can be avoided by avoiding spicy and fatty foods, as well as avoiding coffee and carbonated drinks. In addition, try to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime, this will help get rid of the feeling of discomfort at night.

From 29 to 34 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s brain develops, so the baby simply needs fatty acids, iron, and calcium. Provide your diet with dairy products, eggs, red fish, broccoli, nuts, yogurt. This will provide the baby with all the necessary components. Well, try to give up confectionery.

From the 35th week of pregnancy, think about yourself, it’s time to prepare your body for childbirth. This is a rather complex process, so you need to stock up on energy. Eat more stewed and raw vegetables, this will strengthen your body and make it easier to survive the birth process.

Required daily intake of vitamins and minerals


  • vitamin A - 800 mcg;
  • vitamin PP - 17 mg;
  • vitamin K - 65 mcg;
  • vitamin E - 10 mg;
  • vitamin C - 70 mg;
  • vitamin D - 10 mcg;
  • vitamin B12 - 2.2 mcg;
  • vitamin B6 - 2.2 mg;
  • vitamin B2 - 1.6 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg.


  • calcium - 1200 mg;
  • zinc - 15 mg;
  • magnesium - 320 mg;
  • iron - 30 mg;
  • folic acid - 400 mcg;
  • iodine - 175 mcg;
  • phosphorus - 1200 mg;
  • selenium - 65 mcg.

Video: Nutrition during pregnancy.

With the onset of pregnancy, especially if it is the first, every woman asks the question - what is possible now, and what is better to refuse? And this is quite logical, because from now on a completely new, and sometimes unpredictable life begins.

In matters of food consumption, as, indeed, in many other issues, there are two extremes. Previously, it was believed that a pregnant woman was obliged to eat for two. Now, on the contrary, this topic has become so widespread that, in fear of gaining extra pounds, women have begun to eat less than normal. Both approaches are fundamentally wrong.

From now on, you need to monitor not so much the quantity of food you eat, but its quality! Adequate nutrition is essential during pregnancy.

Poor nutrition during pregnancy

To begin with, let’s understand the concept itself - what is unhealthy nutrition. So, there are four points here:

  1. Lack of food intake.
  2. Excess food intake.
  3. Poor quality of products used for cooking.
  4. Incorrect ratio of food components necessary for normal pregnancy.

The consequences of poor nutrition can be truly severe:

  1. Preeclampsia (late toxicosis). In its acute form, fluid begins to be retained in the body, the necessary protein is washed out along with the urine, and blood pressure rises.
  2. Premature birth or even miscarriages can occur if the placenta does not receive the vitamins and minerals necessary for its normal development.
  3. It is also possible for placental abruption before labor begins. The chance of the baby's survival is only 50/50.
  4. Anemia or anemia can develop in an expectant mother due to a lack or improper absorption of iron, proteins and vitamins.
  5. Developmental delay in the baby.
  6. The child is underweight or overweight. In the first case, this may be complicated by the early birth of a premature baby and its low viability. In the second case, an excessively large fetus will complicate labor due to its size. If we are talking about a natural birth, it is even possible to prescribe a cesarean section or an emergency incision in the perineum so that it can come out safely.
  7. Malnutrition can significantly weaken labor and prolong the process.
  8. Bleeding after childbirth, poor blood clotting, prolonged healing of the perineum, slow contraction of the uterus.
  9. Complications on the liver, lungs and kidneys.
  10. Excessive activity and excitability of the baby.
  11. Low immunity in a child, a tendency to various unwanted diseases.
  12. Brain damage, encephalopathy.

Diet during pregnancy

So, we have dealt with the consequences of poor nutrition for mother and baby. Now let's think about how to eat right for both.

First of all, calorie counting is important. If a woman of average height (170 cm) weighs about 60 kg, then she needs approximately 2000 calories per day. Provided that she does not sit on the couch, but leads a moderately active lifestyle. Calories are essentially energy. Their need with the onset of pregnancy increases by about a quarter. For the woman in our example, this would be approximately 2,500 calories. It is better to make a more accurate calculation from a nutritionist. Everything that is eaten in excess of the norm will contribute to the excess weight of the mother and child.

Initially, you should know which components are important and in what quantity.

Proteins during pregnancy

Very important for the growth and timely development of the baby. This is the so-called “building material” for a child. 20-25% of the total food eaten per day should be proteins. And half of the proteins eaten should be animal proteins.

Convinced vegetarians should temporarily abandon their beliefs during pregnancy and even breastfeeding. There are not even close analogues of protein, which are found, for example, in meat! It is for this reason that pregnant women are allowed to consume meat even during Lent.

Protein-rich foods - any meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, cheeses, and so on.

Fats during pregnancy

20-30% of the total diet comes from fats, this is about 85 g. Up to 30 g should come from vegetable fats.

Fats contain special substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Adipose tissue plays the role of mechanical protection of the fetus from shocks and falls. It has thermal insulating properties, retaining heat in the uterine area. Therefore, fat consumption is essential for both the mother and her unborn baby, the main thing is to observe the measure!

Vegetable fats include olive and corn oil, for example. For animals - butter, ghee. It is better to exclude all butter substitutes (margarine, lard...).

Carbohydrates during pregnancy

Carbohydrates are the so-called “fuel” for the body, the source of its energy. Their correct use has a direct connection with the normal development of the fetus in the womb. 40-45% of the diet or 350 g of carbohydrates should be present in a woman’s diet per day. In the second half of pregnancy, you can increase it to 400 g. You should pay attention to the quality of carbohydrates and give preference to long, regular carbohydrates.

Proper carbohydrates include porridge, wholemeal rye bread, fruits and vegetables. Incorrect or short carbohydrates are all kinds of sweets, flour products, cakes, and so on. They are undesirable in the diet of a pregnant woman, since they do not provide any benefit to them - they are just empty calories.

Vitamins during pregnancy

For the normal and timely development of the baby in the tummy, a number of vitamins are necessary. Even with proper nutrition, they may not be enough, and doctors often prescribe an additional multivitamin throughout pregnancy. You should start taking vitamins at the planning stage and finish as prescribed by your doctor - usually until the woman is breastfeeding.

Vitamin A is necessary for the normal development and functioning of the placenta, which takes on the function of protecting the baby from all kinds of infections. The daily dose of the vitamin should be about 2.5 mg. Contained in red, orange and yellow vegetables and fruits, for example, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, melon, rowan, sea buckthorn. Parsley, as well as cauliflower and Brussels sprouts contain sufficient amounts of vitamin A.

B vitamins are necessary for strengthening muscle fibers, as well as for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Contained in brown rice and peas. The liver, kidneys and heart are also rich in this vitamin.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the mother and her unborn baby, as well as to maintain it at the proper level. Contained in all kinds of citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit), kiwi, rose hips.

Vitamin D is necessary for normal skeletal development in a child and is important for the prevention of rickets. Many newborns are diagnosed with this condition and prescribed additional vitamin supplementation. Contained in egg yolk and fish oil.

Vitamin E regulates the functioning of the reproductive system of the expectant mother; in addition, the full and correct development of the fetus in the womb depends on it. 15-20 mg of vitamin per day is necessary. Contained in eggs, cereals, nuts.

Folic acid is especially important during pregnancy planning. Necessary for the full development and functioning of the baby’s nervous system. Contained in any type of greenery.

Minerals and trace elements during pregnancy

Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and iron are especially important. They also play an important role in the formation and development of the baby and are part of multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are necessary for the formation and strengthening of the child’s skeleton. Calcium is found in large quantities in dairy products, cheese, and nuts. Phosphorus is in fish, eggs, meat, and magnesium is in cereals, nuts, and vegetables.

Calcium and sodium regulate water-salt balance in the body. Sodium is found in table salt. However, you should not lean on it, because salt retains fluid in the body, and this, in turn, provokes edema, which pregnant women are already prone to.

Iron intake is directly related to the level of hemoglobin in the blood. With its deficiency, oxygen starvation occurs in both mother and child, which can lead to the development of fetal hypoxia. Contained in liver, greens, buckwheat and fruits.

Fluid during pregnancy

The best and most correct liquid during pregnancy is water. About eight glasses a day, in addition to all other liquids, should be drunk evenly throughout the day, avoiding consumption at night.

You should forget about sweet sparkling water and packaged juices. They are not natural and contain a high percentage of sugar. Tea and coffee are allowed - in moderation and, if possible, weak. Also use minimal sugar!

Freshly squeezed juices are allowed, but you should not abuse them. Remember that it takes about 2-3 fruits to make a standard glass of juice.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy by trimester

The division into trimesters is made depending on what processes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Thus, the first trimester (1-12 weeks) is when conception, active growth and development of the embryo occurs. The calorie needs of the expectant mother are approximately the same as in normal times. Therefore, during this period you should not lean on food, the baby does not need so much energy now, and therefore everything eaten will not be beneficial, but will be deposited in the form of fat folds.

Particular attention should be paid to the intake of folic acid if you have not thought about it while planning your pregnancy.

For many pregnant women, the first trimester is accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis. To minimize it, you should eat small portions every 3-4 hours without overloading your stomach. Since nausea is especially common in the morning, it is recommended to stock up on a glass of plain water or a handful of crackers in the evening and consume one or the other in the morning, without even getting out of bed.

In the second trimester (13-28 weeks), all the baby’s organs and systems are already formed, and there is an emphasis on their active development, enhanced growth and improvement. Starting from the 13th week, calorie needs increase by 20-25%. The need for calcium and iron increases. Anemia is a fairly common diagnosis these days. Therefore, it is worth enriching your diet with fermented milk products, buckwheat, and beef liver.

Constipation is quite common in pregnant women in the second trimester. Vegetables and fruits, fiber-rich foods should be present in the daily menu to alleviate this problem. Compotes from prunes, dried apricots, and ordinary water in sufficient quantities will also relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Due to the fact that the uterus rises higher and higher every week, heartburn may begin. Avoiding fatty and salty foods and, again, eating small portions will help alleviate it.

The third trimester is the most dangerous in terms of gaining excess weight. During this period, the baby’s growth is no longer as intense as before; mainly the fat layer increases. Nowadays, as a rule, physical activity decreases, so the expectant mother should slightly reduce the caloric content of her food intake.

From time to time you can arrange fasting days for yourself, leaving only cottage cheese, green apples, and kefir on the menu. At the slightest sign of poor health, you should gradually introduce your usual diet - this means fasting days are not for you, you should not do it to the detriment of your health.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week

You can consider the diet of a pregnant woman in more detail - week by week.

Again, nutrition directly depends on what exactly is happening in her tummy at the moment.

It is better to take care of the intake of vitamins and minerals already at the stage of pregnancy planning. If this does not happen, there is nothing terrible. So we need to start as early as possible!

1-2 weeks. The egg is fertilized and makes its way to the uterus to attach to its wall for further development. At this stage, you should adhere to general advice on proper nutrition, without making any special emphasis. Of course, we need to forget about bad habits now!

Week 3. All vital systems of a small organism are laid down. Bone, muscle and nerve tissues are formed. Therefore, the diet should focus on calcium consumption (dairy products, green vegetables).

4-6 weeks. The baby's limbs, heart and head are forming. During this period, foods enriched with fiber, zinc, iron and folic acid (berries, cereals, beef liver) are especially important.

Week 7. Usually at this time a woman may begin to experience toxicosis. Since in the seventh week the embryo opens its eyes, you need to pay attention to foods containing vitamin A. For example, pumpkin or carrots. Meat is desirable in the diet; in case of intolerance, it can be replaced with yogurt or hard cheeses.

8-12 weeks. The baby is preparing for active growth and development. We must again pay special attention to products with fiber (porridge).

From the 29th week, a woman enters the third trimester. From now on, you need to carefully monitor the calorie content of the dishes you consume, reducing it somewhat. A variety of dishes should be a must, right now the child needs the most complete set of microelements. This is necessary so that he can calmly go through the stage of labor and be as prepared as possible for life outside the mother’s womb. In the eighth month, the formation of the future baby’s brain ends, so it is necessary to ensure the intake of phosphorus and fatty acids into the body. They are found in sufficient quantities in fish and nuts.

Nutrition during pregnancy: sample menu

We have analyzed in detail which foods you should eat during pregnancy, and which, on the contrary, you should not abuse. It’s quite difficult to count proteins, fats, and carbohydrates every day, so let’s summarize the advice on maternal nutrition during pregnancy:

  1. In the first and third trimester, the calorie content of dishes is 20-25% lower than in the second.
  2. Throughout pregnancy, you should exclude or minimize the consumption of simple carbohydrates - cakes, cakes, pastries (sweets and flour). The same goes for fried and smoked.
  3. If it is not possible to completely eliminate it, then in the first and second trimester it is better to consume harmful foods before lunch, so that they have time to burn during the day. In the third trimester it is better to exclude it.
  4. Fruits and vegetables are allowed and even necessary during pregnancy. But it’s still better to eat fruits in the first half of the day, and you shouldn’t go heavy on bananas at all.
  5. Instead of fast foods, untested cafes, and ready-made food in the store, you should eat high-quality home-cooked food.
  6. Pregnancy is not the time for experiments. You shouldn't try something exotic that you haven't eaten before. The reaction of an ordinary person can be unpredictable, and even more so of a pregnant woman.
  7. Don't eat too much 1-2 times a day. Healthy eating during pregnancy - small portions 5-6 times a day.
  8. The drinking regime must be observed, drinking about eight glasses a day. However, to avoid swelling, you should limit your fluid intake at night. If swelling does appear, then the amount of water will have to be reduced.

Based on this, the menu during pregnancy should be something like this:

  1. A glass of water on an empty stomach.
  2. Breakfast. 7-00. To choose from: any porridge, cereal, muesli, yogurt. cottage cheese, eggs. Tea or coffee, maybe sweet but not strong.
  3. First snack. 10-00. Any fruit other than banana, or yogurt, or vegetable salad with olive oil.
  4. Dinner. 13-00. Light soup for the first course, boiled/baked/steamed any meat or cutlets, side dish can be buckwheat, rice, potatoes (in moderation), or vegetables. Vegetable salad with olive oil.
  5. Second snack. 16-00. Vegetable salad, or any fresh vegetable, or yogurt or cottage cheese.
  6. Dinner 19-00. Boiled chicken breast without skin, or any other lean meat, oven-baked or boiled, garnished with buckwheat or vegetables.
  7. The third snack (if you are very hungry) is a glass of low-fat yogurt before bed.

It is clear that the menu is quite approximate. Now you know the basics of healthy eating during pregnancy, which means you can come up with a variety of dishes.

Nutrition during pregnancy: gain weight

Being underweight threatens the birth of a premature and too small baby with possible brain damage, which is why this condition is very dangerous.

For high-quality weight gain, you should start keeping a food diary and write down everything you eat, even if it was a small piece of pie on the go. Next, we count calories and compare them with your individual norm. In our example given at the beginning of the article, a pregnant woman in the second half of pregnancy should consume about 2500 calories per day. If you are not gaining enough weight, most likely you are not getting the required amount of calories, which means you should reconsider your diet. You may need to change the number of meals, the amount of food in one meal, or the quality of food. Don't overload on buns and sweets! This is unhealthy food, of course it will add weight, but with absolutely zero benefit.

More meat, dairy products - both tasty and healthy!

Let's sum it up

Contrary to common misconceptions, proper nutrition is fast, inexpensive, varied and easy! In the depths of the Internet you can find thousands of recipes for dishes made from familiar ingredients, but with an original method of preparation. Almost all kitchens are equipped with modern equipment, such as an electronic oven and multicooker, for example. This allows the housewife to cook several dishes at the same time with virtually no effort.

Therefore, you can and should eat right during pregnancy! Not only is it necessary for you, but also for your future baby! By receiving all the necessary nutrients while still in the womb, he has a much greater chance of being born completely healthy and with good immunity! What could be more important than the health of your own child?

Video “Nutrition during pregnancy”

Pregnancy is a wonderful, but at the same time difficult and responsible period in the life of a future mother. From the moment of conception, she needs to reconsider her lifestyle, eliminate unfavorable factors, follow the daily routine of a pregnant woman, and review her diet. All these factors directly affect the development of the baby.

Nutrition during pregnancy: reviewing the diet

One of the main factors influencing the health of the mother and the unborn baby is a balanced diet. In the first trimester, it is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day with a daily intake of at least 2000 kcal. The composition must contain proteins of at least 120 g, carbohydrates up to 350 g, and fats of 75 g. Attention should be paid to animal proteins: meat, poultry and fish. From the first months of pregnancy, you need to include in your diet a sufficient amount of calcium, which is found in fermented milk products.

It is necessary to avoid useless carbohydrates that lead to weight gain. A large number of them are found in bread, baked goods, and confectionery products. Proper carbohydrates can be obtained from cereals, vegetables and fruits.

An important element in nutrition is iron, which transports oxygen to the tissues of the mother and fetus.

Its greatest amount is found in:

  • Nuts;
  • Spinach;
  • Meat;
  • Currants.

In the second trimester, you need to increase your food intake up to 6-7 times, but reduce the portion size. Snacks include fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Balanced nutrition for a pregnant woman: food intake reminder

In addition to a balanced diet, it is necessary to take folic acid, which affects the development of fetal organs and the central nervous system. Rice, oranges, grapes, broccoli, and spinach are rich in it. You can additionally take medications.

Nutrition reminder during pregnancy:

  1. Eating small meals frequently.
  2. Between meals, a light snack of vegetables or fruit is allowed.
  3. Liquid intake should be up to 2 liters in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, then the volume is slightly reduced. Preference should be given to clean water, compotes and fruit drinks. Avoid drinking highly carbonated and sugary drinks. Cranberry and currant juice are especially useful, which will relieve swelling and have a gentle effect on the genitourinary system.
  4. Boil, bake or steam dishes.
  5. Include in your diet as many green vegetables and fruits growing in the region as possible.
  6. In the second half of pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude spicy, salty and fried foods, due to the increased load on the liver, kidneys and stomach.

A balanced diet will allow you to gain weight smoothly and provide the baby and mother with all the necessary vitamins. It should be remembered that weight gain by the end of pregnancy should not exceed 10-12 kg. Excess weight means the birth of a large baby, and as a result, complications during childbirth.

What should be the daily routine of a pregnant woman?

A woman expecting a child must follow a certain daily routine. Sound sleep, timely meals, walks in the fresh air and small physical exercises are the key to the health of the child and the excellent well-being of the mother.

  1. Healthy sleep. A woman in this position needs a little more time to recuperate. Optimal would be 9-11 hours of night rest and an hour of daytime rest. It is recommended to wake up at 7-9 am, depending on biological rhythms and availability of work. You should fall asleep no later than 11 pm.
  2. Physical exercise. After sleep, you need to warm up slightly, activating physiological processes and increasing blood circulation. In the afternoon, you should repeat special exercises for pregnant women.
  3. Water procedures. A cool shower will help you wake up and invigorate. It is recommended to bathe 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed. A hot bath and a visit to the sauna will have to be postponed for a while, as this can cause a miscarriage.
  4. Nutrition. It is advisable to eat food by the hour, in small portions 5-7 times a day. Breakfast is very important for pregnant women. To avoid nausea, you need to eat 30 to 50 minutes after sleep.
  5. Staying outdoors. During pregnancy, the need for oxygen increases by 30%, so it is necessary to take 2-3 hour walks daily. If a woman attends work, the best option would be a 20-40 minute leisurely walk to her place of work and an evening promenade after a working day.

Non-compliance with the daily routine, erratic eating, lack of sleep and limited access to oxygen worsen the well-being of the expectant mother and can lead to fetal gestosis.

Does a pregnant woman need to change her lifestyle?

A pregnant woman should not only adhere to her daily routine, but also change her usual lifestyle.

It is necessary to give up all bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine negatively affect the development of the embryo, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Working women should avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time. You should change positions more often and take a 10-minute break. From 4 months, the expectant mother should eliminate night shifts and heavy physical labor. By law, the employer is obliged to transfer the woman to an easier job. The work schedule should be no more than 30 hours per week. If the work involves light work and is not associated with psychological stress, a pregnant woman can continue to work until childbirth.

During the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to refrain from air travel; it is better to use ground transport.

Physical activity is necessary for expectant mothers. You just need to limit the intensity and duration of classes. However, not all sports are suitable for pregnant women.

Need to exclude:

  • Lifting weights: barbells, dumbbells;
  • Cycling, horse riding and alpine skiing. These loads can cause miscarriage.
  • Any types of martial arts;
  • Intensive training on simulators.

Moderate physical activity is allowed. Swimming, Pilates, yoga, and dancing are best.

Necessary rules or reminder for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a new stage in a woman’s life, which must be approached with all responsibility. The good health of the expectant mother will have a positive effect on the development of the fetus.

Memo for pregnant women:

  • It is necessary to give up bad habits;
  • Diversify your diet with natural products;
  • Follow your meal schedule and daily routine;
  • Take care of your own hygiene;
  • Avoid heavy physical activity and stressful situations;
  • Facilitate working conditions;
  • Take advantage of every opportunity to be in the fresh air;
  • Provide the body with adequate sleep at least 10 hours a day;
  • Avoid taking medications other than folic acid up to 4 mg per day;
  • During the period of influenza exacerbation, do not stay in crowded places;
  • Engage in light physical activity.

A woman needs to register with a gynecologist in the early stages of pregnancy and undergo all tests in a timely manner. In the period from 12 to 13 weeks, the first screening is done, which will determine the location of organs, fetal length, head circumference and measure the thickness of the cervical fold. All parameters allow you to get a picture of the child’s development.

Correct daily routine for a pregnant woman (video)

A pregnant woman needs to create safe comfort and coziness, lead a healthy lifestyle and prepare for the birth of her baby.

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