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Breastfeeding during a cold: benefit or harm. Is it possible to breastfeed during pregnancy?

A mother who is breastfeeding her child tries to protect herself from illness, but it is not always possible to avoid colds or poisoning. Feeling unwell, the woman tries to quickly get back to normal, takes medication, but the low-quality product has already been absorbed into her body. Naturally, the mother worries about her child and wonders whether it is possible to breastfeed if poisoned. If the malaise is mild and goes away quickly, then feeding can not be interrupted.

If the poisoning turned out to be not very severe, and the woman quickly recovered from it, breastfeeding can not be stopped. Breast milk contains essential substances for the baby - you should not deprive him of this support

Types of food poisoning

We consider only acute food poisoning. Medicine refers to them as a condition that occurs after a person eats a low-quality product. Spoiled food contains a lot of toxins and bacteria that cause digestive system upset. Doctors divide the disease into two types:

  1. Food poisoning. It is provoked by toxins accumulated in spoiled product. Botulism is considered a severe form.
  2. Intestinal infections. Caused by bacteria, such as salmonella.

How to determine poisoning?

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Finding out that you have been poisoned is easy. The signs of the disease are well known to many. Intestinal problems are accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • painful cramps in the abdomen;
  • general weak condition;

Poisoning manifests itself in different ways, but harbingers of the disease are detected several hours after eating. There are cases when the condition worsens after 30-40 minutes. If you have been poisoned and after a day you have not felt any improvement, you have a high fever, diarrhea and vomiting that does not stop, rush to the hospital.

What can cause poisoning?

Most of the causes of poisoning are related to the foods we eat. Here is a list of them:

  • unwashed hands before eating;
  • unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • contaminated water used for drinking and washing various products;
  • dairy products and confectionery products with cream filling that have expired or were stored incorrectly;
  • poorly fried eggs, meat, fish (see also:);
  • poisonous types of mushrooms and berries;
  • canned products produced in violation of the technological process.

How to treat food poisoning?

Mild poisoning can be treated with home remedies - the main thing is that the treatment is aimed at removing toxins from the body. If you feel that your intestines are twisting and nausea sets in, rinse your stomach with warm water. Drink about a liter of warm water, then, by pressing on the root of the tongue, induce vomiting. To disinfect the intestines, you can add a small amount of potassium permanganate to the water to create a very weak solution. Repeat the procedure until clean water starts coming out. When breastfeeding, use an adsorbent: activated carbon, Enterosgel or Smecta. The drugs will help reduce the rate of toxins entering the intestines. Take them an hour and a half before or after meals.

Should I take any medications?

Doctors recommend stopping poisoning during breastfeeding with Polysorb. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and does not pass into breast milk, it will not harm the baby, and will act quickly (1-5 minutes after administration). Works more efficiently than other types of sorbents. The medicine is diluted in water, which ensures comfortable administration, in contrast to the same activated carbon, which must be drunk by the handful - up to 10 tablets at a time.

If the discomfort goes away without diarrhea, you can give an enema. Folk remedies will help stop diarrhea. Medicines whose effect is aimed at stopping diarrhea should not be taken while breastfeeding.

For diarrhea, rice water in water - a well-known folk remedy - will help. A starch solution (a teaspoon in half a glass of cold water) will also work. Pour the starch into the water, stir thoroughly to dissolve, and drink quickly.

Pain can be relieved with chamomile tea. The drink perfectly relieves inflammation and spasms. Popular antispasmodics should not be taken on your own; it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor will also prescribe antiemetic medications for you if needed. Traditional medicine suggests stopping nausea with green tea or a decoction of dill seeds.

Vomiting and diarrhea lead to increased removal of fluid and salts from the body, the amount of which must be restored. To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. A mother who is breastfeeding should drink more mineral water with alkali, but without gas. Saline solutions (Regidon) also replenish losses well. Sweet black or fruit tea is useful for poisoning.

To quickly get rid of the symptoms of food poisoning and help the body recover, it is necessary to provide it with a sufficient amount of clean water without gas

Is it possible to breastfeed a child if the mother is poisoned?

The question of whether a nursing woman can breastfeed her baby during poisoning worries all mothers (we recommend reading:). The decision is made on a specific situation. For example, a mother was seriously poisoned and was admitted to a hospital - naturally, in this case it is impossible to feed the baby breast milk. To prevent lactation from disappearing, milk will be needed. You cannot send it home.

Mild poisoning can be treated at home. Mommy can safely feed her baby. The amount of toxins and bacteria in mother's milk is negligible and they cannot harm the baby. Dr. Komarovsky claims that this is even useful. In addition, milk is rich in antibodies that protect the baby’s body from intoxication.

Food poisoning causes certain troubles both physically and mentally. The mild form does not cause alarm and mommy can easily cope with it using proven home remedies. Severe cases require medical intervention and hospital treatment. You should not delay contacting doctors. It is much more important for your baby to have a healthy and alive mother nearby.

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Breast milk is the best food that can be offered to a baby under one year old. It helps the baby grow healthy and strengthens his immunity. But sometimes young mothers get sick while breastfeeding, and then it is necessary to decide whether feeding will cause harm.

Many women do not know how an increase in temperature affects milk and whether it is possible to breastfeed in this condition. The answer to this question depends on the cause of the fever and some other factors.

Reasons for rising temperature

To decide whether to feed your baby, you need to analyze your well-being. If the temperature is above 38° C, it is better to consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and choose adequate treatment. There are several reasons for a slight increase in temperature:

  • Stress and ovulation can be causes of low-grade fever. They do not affect the quality of milk, but can affect the quantity. Therefore, frequent breastfeeding is even more important in such a situation.
  • Viral and infectious diseases. It is better to discuss the possibility of breastfeeding with your doctor, but in most cases it is not prohibited.
  • Postpartum inflammation also requires consultation with a doctor, but does not interfere with breastfeeding.
  • Lactostasis or mastitis is one of the most common causes of fever during the postpartum period. It often occurs when a woman places her baby incorrectly to the breast, allows cracks to appear on her nipples, or chooses the wrong underwear.

In most cases, fever is not an obstacle to breastfeeding. Of course, it is better to discuss this topic with your doctor, but they usually advise you to continue feeding with some precautions.

When the temperature rises, it is first necessary to examine the breasts for lactostasis. Sometimes it does not cause noticeable discomfort, and only a warm red spot can be found on the skin.

With a slight increase in temperature, in most cases, doctors recommend continuing feeding. This is due to the fact that:

  • Stopping the natural emptying of the breast can cause an even greater increase in temperature due to overfilling of the mammary gland segments and lactostasis.
  • To avoid stagnation of milk in the breast, a woman will have to express it often. This can lead to lactation disruption, as milk residues will remain in the breast.
  • If an increase in temperature is caused by the activity of a virus, protective antibodies to it are immediately formed in the mother’s blood. Together with milk, they are passed on to the baby, guaranteeing his protection from the disease. If you deprive him of this support, the child will have to protect himself from the disease. This increases the risk of infection and severe disease.

If a woman’s well-being is slightly impaired and she does not require treatment incompatible with breastfeeding, breastfeeding is not prohibited. Moreover, at this time it is especially useful. A slight decrease in milk supply is normal when the mother is ill. Gradually everything will return to normal, the main thing is to regularly put the baby to the breast.

If you have an acute respiratory infection, which is accompanied by a runny nose, cough and other respiratory symptoms, you need to approach your child wearing a special medical mask. This will reduce the risk of infection.

When to stop breastfeeding

Although in most cases an increase in temperature does not pose any risks to the health of the mother and child, there are situations when it is better to stop feeding for a while:

  • If the fever is caused by a serious illness of the mother. Poor health and a weakened condition of the mother can lead to the disappearance of milk, since feeding requires a lot of energy, so it may not be possible for the woman. In this case, you need to take care of your health and stop breastfeeding.
  • During treatment with drugs incompatible with hepatitis B. For example, often the temperature after childbirth rises due to inflammatory processes. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, and while taking them you will have to stop breastfeeding.

There is a myth that when the temperature rises above 39°C, it causes a change in the taste of milk. It does not become harmful to the baby's health, but can provoke breast refusal. This is not true; the composition of milk does not change at temperature.

How to treat fever during breastfeeding?

If the fever is not associated with a serious illness, it can be reduced with the help of antipyretic drugs allowed during lactation. Most often, doctors recommend medications based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. Be sure to follow the instructions and not exceed the recommended doses.

Sometimes on the Internet there are recommendations to choose medications in the form of suppositories. They are supposedly safer. In fact, there is no big difference; with any method of administration, the drug must enter the bloodstream in order to begin to act. And from there it gets into the milk.

If the temperature does not rise above 38 C°, you can not rush with an antipyretic and give the body the opportunity to cope with the problem on its own. It is with such thermometer readings that the production of interferon begins - a special protein that destroys pathogens.

The standard recommendation for fever is to drink plenty of fluids. Compotes, for example, with raspberries, tea with lemon or plain water are usually recommended. But not all drinks are allowed during breastfeeding; some can cause allergic reactions in the baby, so caution must be exercised. In addition, drinking large amounts of liquid can cause a sudden flow of milk. This is dangerous if you have mastitis.

For acute respiratory infections, there are many symptomatic treatment methods that do not in any way affect the quality of milk. Inhalation of simple steam, gargling without swallowing medication and rinsing the nose with saline are absolutely safe for nursing mothers.

Sometimes doctors recommend using antibiotics to treat a disease that causes a fever. Most of them are contraindicated during breastfeeding, but it is very difficult to overcome sore throat, mastitis or bacterial pneumonia without drugs from this group. There are medications that are considered relatively harmless for breastfeeding, but they can also cause minor side effects, so in most cases, feeding has to be stopped for a while.

Only a doctor can prescribe an antibiotic during breastfeeding; self-medication in such a situation is strictly prohibited. The doctor always talks about the possibility of breastfeeding and recommends the optimal medication regimen to minimize harm.

Almost all modern doctors advise trying to maintain lactation, despite the rise in temperature. The only exceptions are serious diseases that require treatment that is incompatible with breastfeeding. Therefore, first of all, a young mother should try to determine the cause of the malaise.

It is very important to change the temperature correctly. Nursing mothers should never do this in the armpit, as the temperature there will always be higher. In addition, it is better to take measurements after feeding or pumping.

If a young mother discovers that her temperature has risen, there is no need to panic. You need to measure it regularly, tracking all changes, drink more fluids and monitor your well-being.

Hello, dear readers! What does long-term breastfeeding mean? What advantages and disadvantages does it have? Why is there such an ambiguous attitude in society towards this phenomenon? In this article I will express my position on this issue. And I’ll explain why over the past year my opinion regarding long-term breastfeeding has radically changed.

I recently published an article by a woman who breastfed her child until she was 3.5 years old. And you can familiarize yourself with her experience. Personally, I have no such experience. I weaned at 1 year. But I plan to feed my second child as long as possible. I don’t know yet how this will end.

Our weaning experience

When my daughter turned one, I felt some pressure from my grandmothers and acquaintances. Today this pressure is not as strong as 10-20 years ago... But it still exists. And women who are not sure of their position easily adapt to the opinion of the majority. So it was with me. I read about the benefits of breast milk up to two years... I even wanted to wait until one and a half years... But those around me quickly persuaded me not to suffer in vain. There were reasons for this:

  • I planned and was afraid that the second baby would not have enough vitamins;
  • At 11 months my daughter started biting a little. By the end of the year, we seemed to have solved this problem, but I was afraid of repetition and succumbed to the mindset of “why bother in vain”;
  • I'm already a little tired of breastfeeding my baby half the night.

The weaning was easy. Two days later the child forgot about the breast. There were no hysterics, the grandmother was just nearby, constantly distracting the baby. Night sleep suddenly became much better. And my daughter suddenly became more affectionate, began hugging me, and replaced breastfeeding with other contacts with her mother. In general, everything went just great. And I began to promote classic weaning at one year.

Benefits of long feeding

The only trouble I encountered was that a month after finishing breastfeeding, my daughter caught a runny nose for the first time. And in the coming months the runny nose recurred several more times. However, I would not dramatize the situation: fortunately, my daughter had excellent immunity, all these colds were as mild as possible... And now, at three years old, the child has stopped getting sick again. But the trend is hard to miss. A series of mild colds began immediately after stopping breast milk! I had never had a runny nose before. Never!

Breastfeeding experts insist on feeding children up to two years of age. Or longer. But at least until two. And I think that this time I will try not to excommunicate prematurely. For the sake of the child’s immunity and mental health. I won’t swear, there are different situations... Fanaticism is inappropriate here... But I think it’s wrong to wean him for a year if you can feed him longer. I doubt that I will last until 3-4 years. So far my target is 2 years. And then we will see.

Why feed longer?

  • the baby receives “natural vitamins” in the form of your milk. This is undeniable. Many people give children chemical vitamins, although their benefits are not so clear. Nobody says: “Why give this to a child, he won’t be able to satisfy his hunger with it!” Vitamins are an addition to the main food. And why give them up if it is completely free, and most importantly, created by nature itself to protect our children?
  • At 1-1.5 years old, many children are still poorly able to digest adult food. It is not completely absorbed. It is believed that breast milk helps this process... And again, it provides the missing nutrients.
  • Breastfeeding is about bonding with your mom. And the child needs this connection. Therefore, stopping breastfeeding is not at all easy. However, at 3-4 years old, almost all children voluntarily break this connection, independently refusing to breastfeed. Many psychologists confirm that only at 3 years old does the baby begin to recognize himself as separate from his mother. This means that early weaning becomes a lot of stress for him.
  • Nature is not stupid. And if a child really needed milk only until he was one year old, it would have disappeared by that time. Or children completely abandoned breastfeeding at this age. But we see the opposite: at one year old, the breasts are still full, it’s hard to wean, we need to fight congestion and somehow express. At the same time, the child is also not ready to voluntarily give up this source of nutrition. Don't you think that we are going against our plans?
  • Breastfeeding experts say that long-term breastfeeding has a positive effect on brain development and the entire nervous system. About the brain, I’m not sure, but the nervous system is most likely really strengthening.

Why is society against this style of eating?

It seems to me that when women loudly condemn such an extension of the “breast period,” they are simply afraid of being wrong. After all, if it really was necessary to give the baby breastfeeding before self-weaning... Does that mean I’m a bad mother? Did I make a mistake? I was wrong? No, it’s better to say: “Whatever they can come up with now!”, “Horror, what nonsense!” etc. I said so myself when my breastfeeding successfully ended.

Arguments of opponents of long-term feeding:

  1. “After a year there are no vitamins in milk”! The funniest argument. How is it suddenly - there used to be vitamins, but after a year they suddenly suddenly disappeared? Experts conducted studies in which they proved that the older the baby, the more vitamins and antibodies there are in the milk! More precisely, there is a higher concentration of vitamins for every drop of milk. And what the child previously received in a whole day, he now receives in one feeding. And this is logical. Now babies suckle less often.
  2. “And then how to excommunicate?!” Firstly, you don’t have to excommunicate. Secondly, I have many friends who excommunicated after two years. It’s okay, sometimes it was even easier: the child is big enough, it’s easier to explain something to him. Yes, it happens that it’s true that at 2-3 years old a toddler does not want to forget his breasts. But there are so many stories about painful, hysterical excommunications in 1 year... I don’t think it’s easier in a year.
  3. “The child will be too attached to the mother, will be afraid of everything and will lag behind in development!” The fact is that the baby should be attached to the mother. He cannot yet exist on his own. And if you don’t want to send your child to kindergarten at 1.5 years old, such affection will only be beneficial. Everything has its time. And when the baby lives this period of attachment to the maximum, it is easier for him to separate and become more independent.
  4. “This will be bad for the mother’s health!” Perhaps in some cases lactation actually worsens a woman’s health. I don't presume to judge. But I think it would be more logical not to stop feeding, but to go to a good doctor. And only if he prescribes serious treatment that excludes breastfeeding - then yes, it’s really better to wean...
  5. “You can go crazy!!” I think that if lactation is accompanied by continuous torment for a woman, breastfeeding until 3 years is not at all necessary. But first, it’s better to talk to a breastfeeding consultant and understand what the problem is. As a rule, after 1.5 years, children rarely ask for breastfeeding. And feeding does not bother the young mother at all.
  6. “What if he undresses me in front of everyone?!” It is necessary to teach the child that he can only get breastfeeding at home. At 2 years old they no longer feed at the first squeak.

This was my view on the question of breastfeeding duration. It is based on reading books by specialists and communicating with experienced mothers... How much can I implement it in real life? Time will show. I do not adhere to the position of “breast up to 3 years at any cost,” we will act according to the circumstances.

Until what age did you breastfeed your children?

Subscribe to blog updates and tell your friends about this article. I wish you a joyful breastfeeding experience. See you!

The benefits of breast milk are many. First, it is a complete nutrition, containing all the vitamins, nutrients and fats that a child needs. Secondly, mother's milk is easily digested in the baby's stomach. Thirdly, breastfeeding is also beneficial for the mother herself, as it helps reduce the uterus to a normal size. Besides all this, milk from the breast is always available and.

If possible, you should definitely breastfeed your baby. This process will ensure the correct development of the baby, establish emotional contact with him and have a positive effect on the health of the mother.

During breastfeeding, a close and tender relationship is established between mother and baby, bringing satisfaction to both. Such close contact must be established immediately after childbirth, when it is so important to feel safe in a world unknown to him.

Research has proven that breast milk helps a child develop intellectually. Breastfed children score better on intelligence tests as they get older than bottle-fed children.

If a nursing mother suddenly gets sick, her body begins to produce antibodies. Some, once in the mammary gland, create protective antibodies there, which enter the baby’s body through milk. These antibodies provide protection against many diseases.

Breastfeeding significantly reduces your baby's risk of developing diabetes later in life. It also reduces the likelihood of obesity and hypertension later in life.

Artificial feeding

Manufacturers of artificial infant formula try to replicate the composition of breast milk in their product as much as possible. However, it has not yet been possible to come completely close to nature’s ingenious invention. The formulas lack the components contained in natural mother's milk, so some children develop allergies, neuropsychological disorders, or digestive disorders.

Artificial formulas do not contain regulatory peptides (human casein proteins), which the baby needs for proper development.

It is necessary to breastfeed a child for as long as possible, up to 1-3 years. The transition to artificial feeding is carried out only in cases where breastfeeding is impossible.

Conceiving a child during lactation - a fairly common occurrence. In this case, the woman, having confirmed the fact of pregnancy, begins to think about the end of the lactation period. But this step is not always necessary. This issue is resolved together with the doctor. on an individual basis.

    Is it possible to feed a baby during pregnancy?

    Doctors recommend starting planning your next child no earlier than 1.5 - 2 years after birth. By this time, the woman is completely restored, both physically and mentally, but in reality it often happens differently. Conceiving a child can come as a surprise. During lactation reproductive function the female body decreases, which lulls the vigilance of the married couple.

    During breastfeeding, few people think about birth control from unwanted pregnancy. Some women purposefully become pregnant a few months after giving birth. This is due to the desire to grow the same age. This approach saves time and money. It is also believed that the relationship between the same age is as close as between twins or twins.

    Theoretically, a woman can continue to breastfeed her baby during pregnancy. But there are many pitfalls that she must take into account during this period. Negative aspects of lactation during pregnancy include:

    • lack of nutrients for two babies;
    • increased likelihood of miscarriage due to the production of oxytocin during feeding;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases due to heavy load on the body;
    • increased symptoms of toxicosis.

    If the pregnancy is unproblematic, then a ban on lactation is not imposed. The decision to wean the child from the breast is made by the woman independently. Sometimes he stops latching due to a change in the taste of the milk. This happens for a reason hormonal changes.

    Another reason for the cessation of lactation is the increased sensitivity of a woman’s nipples. Influenced growth hormones the number of cracks increases, the skin becomes more vulnerable.

    IMPORTANT! The idea that breastfeeding causes contractions is wrong. This only happens if there is regular and prolonged stimulation of the breast with a breast pump.

    Until when?

    Doctors advise stopping breastfeeding before the 20th week of pregnancy. The exception is cases in which no problems with the course of pregnancy are observed. Child over 1 year of age wean much simpler. The introduction of complementary foods is carried out gradually, in accordance with established standards.

    If the child is under 6 months old, it is not advisable to stop lactation. At this age, he needs the nutrients found in breast milk. Their entry into the body is ensured by strengthening the immune system.

    The decision to stop breastfeeding takes into account the woman’s health status. It is more difficult for a fragile body to tolerate the symptoms of pregnancy. Some women are forced by circumstances keep bed rest in the first trimester. Lactation in such a situation can be problematic.

    ADVICE! During breastfeeding, a pregnant woman should take care of the adequacy of her diet. It must contain the necessary vitamins and microelements.


    There are factors that force you to stop breastfeeding during pregnancy. These include:

    • excessive nipple sensitivity;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • significant weight loss;
    • previous termination of pregnancy;
    • painful sensations in the small pelvis.

    Lactation during the period of bearing a baby is very difficult to bear emotionally. I don’t have time to fully return to normal. There is a sharp jump in progesterone. It is characterized by changes in a woman's mood. Your doctor may decide to stop breastfeeding for prevention of depressive disorders.

    PECULIARITIES! If there is a small age difference between children, joint feeding is possible. If there are concerns, stop breastfeeding the older child before the start of the second trimester.

    Termination of lactation implies compliance with simple rules. With their help, the end of breastfeeding will be less painful for the baby. The duration of feedings is gradually reduced. Their frequency also decreases. IN child's diet Porridge, fruits and vegetables are gradually introduced.

    Drinking plenty of warm water increases milk supply. To stop lactation, it should be abandoned. The principle is also changing expressing milk. It is carried out not until the chest becomes empty, but until there is relief.

    How does pregnancy affect milk quality?

    Science has proven that with the advent of pregnancy, the quality, taste and amount of breast milk are changing. Such changes can lead to the baby's refusal to breastfeed. In rare cases, milk changes to colostrum.

    Its quantity becomes too small to fully provide for the child nutrients. After childbirth, the level of milk increases, and its taste becomes the same.

    Whatever decision a young mother makes, she should consult a doctor. He will voice all possible risks and dispel stereotypes. By maintaining lactation, a woman provides her child with good health and protection from external influences.

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