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Dracula costume for boy pattern. DIY Halloween costumes. Making the image scary

    The most important attribute Dracula is definitely his cloak.

    To make a raincoat you need to use a pattern.

    We apply light powder to the face, draw eyebrows, eyes, lips and be sure to bleed.

    And the final stage is fangs.

    I suggest sewing Count Dracula's cloak using this pattern

    Black and red fabrics will be needed.

    The raincoat is held on with ties.

    To complete the image of Count Dracula, you can do aqua makeup in this vein.

    Count Dracula, the ruler of all vampires, must look elegant. White top, vest or shirt and black trousers. The suit won't look good without a black cape with red lining. We hang a gold chain on our chest, apply Dracula makeup and go to the masquerade.

    This is a pattern for a cloak, the back is made of red fabric, and the front is black. You can use lining fabric, but then you cannot do without an antistatic agent.

    You will need crepe satin in black and red, interlining and braid.

    Of course, the most famous vampire, Count Dracula, is most often found at various themed parties. And his image is already fully formed: a black and red cloak, a white shirt (most often with a frill), black trousers and a white face with a demonic look

    Almost every man has a white shirt and black trousers. But the cloak will have to work hard. For sewing it, satin with a shiny texture of scarlet and black colors, about three meters of each color, is perfect. Also needed:

    needle and thread, tailor's chalk, measuring tape, scissors and cardboard.

    Now let's start sewing. Description of work and patterns are attached.

    Now let's take care of creating the collar area:

    Now a few words about vampire makeup:

    Now your image is complete!

    In the Count Dracula costume, the key point is the cape.

    It should shine and give off a vampiric quality: be black, dark blue and even blood red.

    Making a raincoat is easy. To do this, take a piece of fabric of the chosen color that is the size of your height and the desired width (1.5 meters will be enough).

    Then decide what length of coat you want: knee-length or tassel-length. Unfold it on a flat surface and mark the place where to cut.

    Count Dracula's cloak is easy to recognize because it has a high neckline. To make it, you will need another piece of the fabric you used for the cloak. Calculate the length of the neckline based on the fact that it should not be higher than the head - approximately to the level of the eyebrows, and should cover the back of the ears (although not always).

    In addition to the raincoat, wear a light-colored vest, trousers and non-pointy shoes.

    In order to make a Count Dracula costume you need to sew or buy a black cloak with a red lining - this is the main attribute of the image of the famous vampire. When sewing a raincoat, you should take the sun or half-sun shape as a basis, the collar should be stand-up, and in order for it to stand, you can glue it with hard double tape, or cut the collar out of cardboard and cover it with fabric, and then sew it to the finished raincoat.

    You should wear a black classic suit under the raincoat, and then you need to do your makeup. The face should be very pale, for this we use very light powder and foundation. You need to apply shadow under your eyes to get circles. You can complete the picture with scarlet lips and fangs.

    Here are some ready-made ideas Count Dracula costume:

    Good question. In general, I love this topic). And Count Dracula himself is so charming and attractive that it would be stupid not to sew a suit like his.

    Let's first clarify that we will not be recreating a copy of the costume. This costume will be more wearable and less sinister.

    And yet, I wouldn’t want, for example, my child to look like a count Dracula from the movie Dracula of the 80s, but here's Dracula from the movie Dracula 2014, not even bad, as they say)).

    Dracula from this film, 2014, is a very handsome and courageous man. He's not a typical vampire to me, because he didn't drink that much blood, he didn't wear a suit, and he didn't have that well-tailored cape. There was something about him about a knight, something about a simply handsome and well-groomed man, something about an athlete, a bit about the classic Dracula). It is very difficult to make a costume like the hero of the film. There is real equipment there, very complex cut. In addition, expensive fabric is used, which is not sold in a regular store. Metal was present, various decorations, weapons. But we need an option so that, for example, a child puts on a suit and his mother does not worry that he will tear it, get it dirty, or anything else.

    Therefore, in answer to this wonderful question, I will say that I am ready to deviate from the course and sew a suit in a more familiar version.

    Let's remember what is included in this suit, what details/things.

    I see Dracula in a nice suit, crisp white shirt, cape/cloak, top hat... A cane is possible, but not required.

    You don’t have to sew the trousers and jacket, but simply choose an excellent black suit that fits your figure very well. You can also take a ready-made shirt. But I would also suggest making a few changes here. You can buy a couple of meters of white lace and sew it onto the collar to create the look of a shirt from centuries past.

    We will simply gather it with a needle and sew it on, making small and elegant folds. We also sew it with white threads.

    You can do a fitting. Don't forget to polish your shoes until they shine. Now let's start creating the cloak. The cloak can also be black. Its length may vary. It can be so long that it covers the heels of the boots, or it can be knee-length. It seems to me that the second option is much more convenient and the child will not have to sweep the floor with such a raincoat.

    Sewing a cape is very simple. We can use the most common pattern - it's just a circle of fabric 180 centimeters by 180 centimeters. Of course, you must understand that I am saying this figuratively, because you will already adjust the length for your child.

    Fold the fabric in half and then in half again. Next, we cut out a circle and make a hole in it that will strictly fit the circumference of your child’s neck. then we make the cut and process everything. Let's try it on.

    You can make a cylinder with your own hands from the same Whatman paper. Then it will need to be painted black. I'll tell you honestly. This homemade cylinder is inconvenient because it stains your fingers)). Therefore, it is better to buy a headdress.

    Don't forget that you can also use face painting. I think that your child will even like such transformations. for example, you can tint your face a little with a sponge and white paint, and then use black or gray paint to go over your cheekbones and under your eyes, making them more expressive.

    You can use black face painting and highlight your eyebrows. But this, of course, is not at all necessary. I think you will succeed!

Not a single Saints' Day or friendly themed evening of "dark forces" can do without the descendants of the great Count Dracula - vampires. And if you are going to such a holiday together, then you just need to prepare vampire costumes, the main attribute of which is a cloak. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on accessories and exclusive costumes; in this article we will tell you how you can sew a vampire and vampire costume at home, spending a minimum of money.

You will need:

  1. 3 m of red fabric, preferably with shine, for example, satin.
  2. 3 m of black fabric.
  3. Cardboard.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Threads.
  6. Needle.
  7. Tape measure.
  8. Chalk.
  9. Disposable fork.
  10. Everything you need for makeup.
  11. And most importantly - a little patience.

Sew a vampire cloak

Now let's work on the collar (or hood).

If you want to have a hard collar and not a hood, then cut out one piece each in red and black according to the following template:

  1. Cut out the same piece from cardboard, only 2 cm smaller on the inside so that it does not interfere with stitching with the raincoat itself.
  2. Sew the red and black fabric along the outer edge and turn it inside out.
  3. Insert cardboard.
  4. Iron the seams.

Now we sew the collar (hood) with the cloak, sew on the ropes to tie the cloak and the main part of the costume is ready!

Collecting images

As for the clothes themselves, there will be no problems here. A man will need a white shirt, classic black trousers and a frill, which is characteristic of a real vampire of count blood.

Girls can wear any black dress, long or short, lace or leather. But you can also stand out by buying a fitted lace dress with a floor-length skirt, which will highlight your elegance and help you become the main seductress of the evening.

Makeup is half the battle

Don't forget that makeup plays the main role in the image of a vampire, be it a girl or a guy. Please note that vampires are characterized by pale complexions, dark circles under the eyes and scarlet lips with bloody streaks. All this can be done yourself using ordinary cosmetics, such as eye shadow, lipstick and light powder (or chalk, after all).

  1. Apply a good layer of light powder (or chalk) to your face and neck to give it a sickly light shade.
  2. Draw the eyebrows well, because all vampires have them clearly visible.
  3. Apply dark shadows, maybe even black, to the upper eyelid, and then draw a line under the eye.
  4. Make a bright red outline of the lips and the lips themselves to make it look like blood.
  5. Complete the “blood dripping from the mouth.”

Don't forget about accessories

To make the image as believable as possible, you need to complement it with all the necessary accessories, such as vampire teeth, a wig, medallions, earrings, bracelets and necklaces with bats.

By the way, you can also make your own teeth from an ordinary plastic fork. To do this, you need to carefully cut off the stem of the fork and break off the two middle tines, as shown in the picture:

If you have a question about where to buy such accessories, take a look at ours. Here you will find real vampire teeth, various pendants with images of bats, wigs, and much more.

As you can see, making a vampire costume with your own hands is not very difficult, but quite painstaking. You will need a lot of patience! If you don’t want to waste your time on tailoring, an online costume store can offer a huge number of options for this look.

After all, Halloween is a great holiday! After all, on this day you can forget about seriousness and have fun. For example, pretend to be an evil spirit, because, according to legend, on All Saints' Day spirits wander among people, and if you look like one of them, they will not touch you. And what is evil without a suitable outfit? If you don’t want unnecessary hassle, buy it in the store. But how much nicer is a DIY Halloween costume!

How to make a vampire costume

Perhaps the most stylish representative of the undead is the vampire. Just remember Count Dracula - a perfectly fitting suit, an ideal color combination, a fashionable cane. A true gentleman! So become the ideal girlfriend for the count. The vampire's outfit should be quite sexy, but not vulgar. An ordinary plain dress, black or other dark shades of any length, fishnet tights and red patent leather shoes will do. Another option is trousers and a white blouse with a stand-up collar. Decorate the collar with a retro-style brooch - and a seductive vampire is ready!

However, the main part for a DIY Halloween costume – the cape – will have to be sewn yourself. We choose a “shiny” synthetic fabric, or satin. We need two rectangles approximately 3 by 1.5 m - black and red.

Vampire Cloak Pattern

Hood pattern

Below is the easiest way to sew:

1. We draw out the fabric as shown in the figure (the neck radius is wide enough - 15 cm, so that it can be gathered). We cut off the excess - we will then make a hood from the remains.
We bend the ends of the future cloak for a Halloween costume with our own hands and hem the red lining. It is more convenient to do this on a sewing machine.

2. Cut out the hood. The length indicated is approximate (its “depth” depends on it), do not forget about seam allowances. There must be two identical parts. Sew along the top and back edges, turn in the edges, and sew on the lining. When you sew the hood to the cloak, leave some space and make a drawstring - then thread the cord through it.

3. The presented DIY Halloween costume is very versatile. You don’t have to sew on the red lining - complement the look with a scary mask or skeleton makeup, black gloves and a scythe made from a long stick and a piece of cardboard, and here you are Lady Death! Pull your hood over your face, arm yourself with a katana made from a shorter stick - and now you are a stern executioner, coming from the other world to chop off heads! And if you wrap yourself well in a cloak, put on black boots with soles and make yourself a “blade” from the same cardboard, plywood or a painted piece of foam, you will become one of the Nazgul - the minions of darkness from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

We offer you another option on how to sew a cape in a video from nibridzh

How to make a mummy costume

An original DIY Halloween costume - a mummy. By experimenting with details, you can make both an ancient awakened evil and a charming Egyptian princess. You've probably read that bandages and an assistant are enough for this look, but that's not entirely true. Wound tightly around the body, the bandages will put pressure on the limbs and limit movement, but we still have to dance. So you'll have to work a little harder.

For the mummy image you need:

  • an old jacket and trousers in light colors;
  • household fabric gloves;
  • a lot of bandages;
  • needle and thread.

Manufacturing process:

1. First, let’s “age” the bandages for the Halloween costume with our own hands - they cannot be white, because the mummy has lain in them for thousands of years! To do this, unwind the bandages, put them in a saucepan with strong tea leaves for 10 minutes, then take them out and dry them.

2. Now you need to cover the jacket and pants with bandages. We do this in random order, the main condition is negligence. The ends should hang down and stick out. Then we sew the gloves in the same way (you can first sew them to the sleeves of the jacket).

3. You can accessorize this DIY Halloween costume with splashes of paint to imitate dried blood or embalming agent. Real mummies walk barefoot - as a last resort, also cover your socks with bandages. And yes, you still just have to wrap your head and neck.

How to make a witch costume

The favorite image of almost all girls for Halloween is a witch. Typically, no one wants to be an evil old woman with a hooked nose - everyone chooses sexy witches who have used their secret knowledge for eternal youth. The basis of a seductive witch's DIY Halloween costume is black clothing. A dress of any length, a skirt with a top, even trousers will do; they need to be supplemented with interesting details like striped stockings or leg warmers, fishnet tights. You can also wear a leather corset or a wide belt. The main thing here is not to slip into vulgarity. Shoes can be anything: multi-colored ankle boots, high-top shoes, ballet flats, patent leather knee-high boots.

There is also an interesting version of shoes with curved toes - straight from the chest of a witch grandmother! For this DIY Halloween costume piece you will need:

  • old shoes;
  • newspapers;
  • black paper;
  • glue;
  • decorative glitter.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We make “curved noses” separately, using papier-mâché technology (many layers, each one glued). Then we attach them to the toes of the shoes and secure them.
  2. We evenly cover the shoes with newspapers, the last layer is black paper.
  3. We treat our shoes with glitter and leave them to dry. You can also decorate it with interesting details.

Another important detail of a DIY witch Halloween costume is the hat. It is easily made from:

  • cardboard;
  • black paper (option: black fabric or paint).

You also need scissors and glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut out two parts of the hat from cardboard, as in the picture. The height and width of the brim are adjustable depending on your desire, the head slot has individual parameters. Do not forget to leave in the fields “fastenings”, with the help of which we will connect the parts.
  2. Glue the parts together and leave to dry. This is where your imagination comes into play: you can cover the hat with black paper, you can paint it. A more complicated option is to cover it with fabric.

You can leave it like this, they will already recognize you as a witch. Or you can go further - decorate the hat with black lace flowers, ribbons, fringe, a veil, an unusual clasp or a cardboard bat. An option is to make a hat for your Halloween witch costume with your own hands using the same technology, but small. Attach it to a hairpin and fix it on the side of your hair - you get a recognizable, but at the same time unusual accessory.

How to make a Dead Bride costume

The next character seems to have taken the expression “love to death” too literally. The image of the dead bride was popularized by Burton, however, it is not necessary to start from Emily, because similar characters existed before him. Ideally, the basis of such a DIY Halloween costume is a wedding dress (a great idea for those whose wedding outfit is gathering dust in the closet). Any other light-colored dress that you don’t mind would be suitable. The outfit can also be black, as a reflection of grief for eternal love.

“Old” it: tear the hem, cut it with scissors, wipe it, smear it, because your heroine crawled out of the ground wearing it. You can sew a “web” of gauze (a veil is made from it), add “blood” or “decomposition” stains. Add any comfortable shoes and a bouquet of dried flowers to your look - and go ahead and prove that love is stronger than death!

How to make a Bloody Nurse costume

All mad scientists and mad doctors probably had assistants. In addition, the medical staff makes many tremble to remember the terrible tweezers, syringes and scalpels. Therefore, a DIY Bloody Nurse Halloween costume is a great option! It is based on a white coat and cap, which can be purchased at a medical equipment store. The robe should be short and tight-fitting. Sew large red crosses onto the suit, add white stockings and heels, and to complete the look, generously stain all the clothes with scarlet paint. It’s great if you can get something from the medical equipment (stethoscope, syringe, a prop knife will do). Now we will definitely heal you... that is, cure you!

How to make a doll costume

Horror movie fans know that anything can be expected from an ordinary doll. This children's toy is a great DIY Halloween costume option. There are also options here. What is closer to you: a classic doll with blond curls and an angelic appearance, a puppet or, for example, a pale girl doll from Japanese folklore? Or maybe you want something more trashy, like Billy the killer doll from the movie “Saw”? Everything can be done.

To make your own traditional doll costume for Halloween, wear a short dress in a rich color, preferably with a full petticoat. Pair it with flats or ballet flats; you can make pantaloons from light breeches by sewing lace to them. Weave a fluffy bow into your hair. If your strands are far from “doll-like,” use extensions or a wig.

A more interesting option is a Japanese doll, the character is always sinister and gloomy. This look is especially good for thin girls with long dark hair. Make them perfectly straight using styling wax; let them fall over your shoulders and back. This DIY Halloween costume involves a straight short black dress (or the traditional “sailor suit” for Japanese girls), white knee socks and dark ballet shoes. If you have drawing skills, draw "hinges" on your arms and legs. Both of these options can be puppets, you just need to rehearse the corresponding “mechanical” movements. This DIY Halloween costume looks especially impressive in pairs: let the second person play the puppeteer.

How to make angel and fairy costumes

Do you dream of a heavenly life? Then dress up as an angel for Halloween. You can become either a traditional cherub or a sinful, fallen angel. The only difference is the color. The basis of the angel costume is a dress, white for a normal one and black for a fallen one. Wings are attached to the back of the dress. We make them from wire: we simply give it the desired shape, stretch a fabric base over it and trim it with feathers. We construct a halo from it. It can be covered with lace or tinsel.

By the way, in a similar way, a Halloween costume is made with the hands of a kinder creature - a fairy. The only difference is that the wings will need to be trimmed not with feathers, but with glass beads or decorated with sparkles. Make your wings bigger, decorate them with all the colors of the rainbow - and you can be a butterfly! Instead of a halo, we make a magic wand - what would a fairy be without it? We form a star from the wire, and then cover it with foil or iridescent gift paper. The fairy can also wear a dress with a full skirt (or a plain T-shirt and a tulle “tutu” skirt), a tiara and light-colored shoes. This is how you make your own Halloween elf costume.

How to make a devil costume

And again the forces of evil - it turns out that most girls prefer to dress up as them for Halloween! Try on the image of a devil, although no one will be afraid of such an “imp”, because this particular character is rather flirtatious and playful. The basis of the image is a lot of red. A red dress of any length, scarlet high-heeled shoes, piquantly flowing hair... and of course horns and a ponytail.

These Halloween costume details are easy to make with your own hands; we only need a little red fabric (preferably velvet), some wire or a long rope, a piece of thick cardboard and a thin headband. Cut out a couple of horns from cardboard, cover them with velvet (you can put a little cotton wool inside, so the horns will be more voluminous), and then sew them onto the headband. Disguise it with hair - who will now understand that the horns are not yours? We make the tail from wire or rope - we also trim it with velvet, for the tip we cut out a piece in the shape of an arrow and sew it on. The same materials are useful for making a trident.

We offer you a video from ClubPodrug on how to make a devil costume with your own hands

How to make a goddess costume

Angel, demon... Take it higher - goddess! It is she who descended from the Greek Olympus that you can transform into by sewing a Halloween costume with your own hands. Goddesses usually wear togas, which can easily be made from two rectangles of white fabric 50% wider than you (for example, if the widest part of your body - the hips - is 90 cm, then the width of the rectangles is 135 cm each) and of any length, in depending on whether you want a knee-length or flowing outfit.

Sew pieces of fabric on top, leaving a slit for the head, and on the sides, completely or leaving slits. The base for your DIY Halloween costume is ready, it's just a matter of details. Decorate your shoulders with decorative brooches, your waist with a gold belt, put sandals with buckles on your feet, and a wreath of artificial flowers or laurel leaves on your head. By the way, this costume is universal, it all depends on what kind of goddess you want to be. A quiver with arrows will make you the hunter Demeter, a plywood shield and a wooden spear will make you the warlike Athena, and a mirror and an apple will make you the beautiful Aphrodite.

How to make a zombie costume

But in order to make a zombie costume with your own hands for Halloween, you don’t need any special clothing at all - it’s all about well-made makeup, a “hungry” look and the right movements. After all, zombies become ordinary people who did not have time to escape from the monsters, so take ordinary clothes and achieve the effect that you fought in them and crawled through the grass and slush. It should be dirty, tattered, worn out, stained with blood. You can complicate the image and add zombie makeup to the outfit of a cook, nurse or policewoman - this way you will look especially sinister.

Let's take a break from otherworldly entities, because you can make another Halloween costume with your own hands. After all, All Saints' Day is also the time to try on a long-desired look. A nurse is not necessarily an assistant to a maniac, and a doll is not necessarily possessed by an evil spirit. Fairy-tale characters and representatives of professions are used. Maybe you have long wanted to try on the image of Aladdin's girlfriend or Jack Sparrow? Or maybe fulfill an old dream and become a trainer or a commando fighter, at least for one night? DIY Halloween costume - and everything is in your power!

How to make a maid costume

Many girls dress up as maids for Halloween, because this image is very flirty and seductive, and men also like it. If you know how to sew, then you can make a short black dress - the basis of the image - yourself. The rest are recommended to buy ready-made. You can take a school uniform without sleeves, because it usually has a beautiful lace collar and cuffs, and this is what you need! For the cap, you can simply trim the hair hoop with lace.

But sewing an apron for a DIY maid costume for Halloween is more difficult, but even an amateur can handle it. Usually it is just a piece of white fabric above the skirt, trimmed with lace and tied at the waist. You can make it higher to cover your chest - then add more ties to the neck. Mandatory accessories for this costume are black stilettos, stockings or white knee socks and, of course, a multi-colored broom.

How to make a pirate costume

Probably every girl dreamed of running away from home with a brave pirate, traveling the ocean waters on his schooner, drinking rum and robbing merchant ships. So make your own pirate costume for Halloween! It can also be assembled from casual clothes, for example a vest and a black skirt (you can take an old one and sew fringe on it).

Another option for a pirate costume is a white blouse with lace on the chest or a regular shirt a couple of sizes larger, which is complemented by a corset and black trousers or leggings. You can tie a bandana on the pirate’s head, and to further get into character, sew yourself an eye patch from a piece of leather. The finishing touches include anchor earrings and knot bracelets, and the perfect shoes for this DIY Halloween costume are chunky boots.

Don't forget about the heroes of films and TV series. God himself ordered Wednesday Adams from the family of the same name, Lydia from Beetlejuice or Coraline to dress up for Halloween, but it is also worth considering unexpected images like Daenerys from Game of Thrones, Poison Ivy from the Batman saga, Helga from the cartoon Hello Arnold! Make yourself a bright and recognizable Halloween costume with your own hands - and become the star of the party!

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Photo gallery: Child of Darkness: How to Make a DIY Vampire Halloween Costume

The most frightening and mystical creatures of the other world, repulsive and attractive at the same time, are, of course, vampires. The pale descendants of Count Dracula are one of the most popular Halloween images. And this is not surprising, because vampires have a unique ability to charm with their mystery and seduce with incredible charisma. In addition, it is not necessary to buy a vampire costume - it is quite easy to create it at home.

DIY Halloween vampire costume: options for a girl

Let's start with the secrets of creating a female image of a fatal vampire, since it requires a more painstaking approach and careful detailing. The most important attribute of the costume is the cloak, which, by the way, you can sew with your own hands. This will require two pieces of red and black satin fabric and a little patience. The pattern for a vampire cloak can be easily found online; its shape resembles a trapezoid with a rounded bottom. Having cut out the blanks from the fabric, you need to sew both cuts together, leaving the neck free. Then you should turn the raincoat inside out so that the seams remain inside, and decorate the neck with a stand-up collar or regular cord ties.

This coat is best paired with a tight black dress. Ideally, it should be quite frank, but not provocative, otherwise there is a risk of looking too vulgar. Outfits based on a corset, complemented by a leather mini or satin floor-length skirt, are also suitable. The look will look especially impressive with lace gloves and stockings.

As for makeup, the classic vampire makeup is always relevant: pale skin, expressive eyes with cat-like arrows and blood-red lips. The look can be completed with a trickle of blood at the corner of the mouth, colored lenses, manicure with sharp nails and false fangs. It is better to choose a feminine hairstyle, for example, a high bouffant or sexy curls. And don’t forget about hair color - real vampire temptresses are usually brunettes. Therefore, we advise blondes to get a dark wig, which will make the image even more realistic.

DIY Halloween vampire costume: options for a guy

It’s even easier to make the male version of the vampire outfit yourself. To do this, you will need a raincoat, which you can sew at home or look for at flea markets, a classic white shirt and black trousers.

The shirt collar can be decorated with a lace frill, or with a red silk scarf. It is better to complement trousers or dark jeans with a belt with an unusual plaque in the shape of a skull or bat.

Vampire costume

If you are a bright, emotional and passionate lady, then the image of a female vampire is perfect for you.

Vampiresses, or vampiress - this image is shrouded in nighttime mystery and romance. A spectacular but cold creature with white skin, sharp teeth and long nails, feeding on blood, silently appears and also silently disappears into the darkness of the night. According to popular belief, vampires and vampiresses can transform into bats, ravens, wolves and other animals.

Traditionally, a vampire is a glamorous, gothic, pale-faced lady in a black or dark red long dress. However, nowadays, to create the image of a vampire, girls often resort to miniskirts and short dresses, leaving only sharp fangs, dark colors and ominous makeup unchanged. Therefore, if you decide to appear as a vampire for Halloween, think about what is closer to you: a gothic long outfit or a seductive red and black mini dress. By the way: if you are not going to appear at the party alone, you can make a couple costume for a vampire and a vampire. In this form, you will certainly be in the center of the holiday!

Black and red on the eve of Halloween are certainly not associated with Stendhal's novel. On October 31, these colors symbolize primarily night and blood. This combination is most suitable for a vampire costume. Outfits in purple, blue, pink and orange-black colors will also look great.

The basis of the suit should be an elegant dress - it doesn’t matter whether it’s long or short. Dresses with a tight corset, or a skirt with a corset and long gloves look very impressive.

An optional but traditional element is a cape, which is very easy to make yourself.

A rectangular piece of fabric is gathered in the neck area (you can either gather it or lay it in beautiful folds, stepping back from the top to the distance desired for the collar). The collar can be standing up if the fabric is stiff, or turn-down, lying like a beautiful frill. It all depends on what fabric you choose for the cloak - it could be heavy velvet, silk or lace. Lace fabric does not require additional processing of the edge, but silk will have to be processed, or a cloak made with a lining. As for velvet, it all depends on the quality of the base.

To sew a lined raincoat, cut a similar rectangle from another fabric, place both pieces right sides together and stitch on all four sides, leaving a small hole at the bottom. Turn the workpiece inside out through this hole, and then carefully sew up the hole by hand. Iron the fabric along the edge so that the seam becomes flat (you can topstitch). A rigid collar can also be obtained by sealing the top with non-woven material.

Another simple version of the raincoat is made from a semicircular cloth. Such a raincoat will look and fit on you much more beautifully.

For fastening, ties are sewn in the neck area. To hide the gathering place, you can use a long ribbon, sewing it along the line of the fabric with two seams. The ribbon will separate the collar, and its ends will become ties. You can also decorate the top in the area of ​​the ties with decorative elements or a brooch.

Traditionally, the vampire cloak is made with a scarlet lining. But if you use other colors in your outfit, then the lining can be made accordingly.

A gothic collar, a belt (preferably lacquered) to match, satin or guipure gloves, a small hat with a veil or a gloomy flower are perfect accessories for the look.

Don’t forget that a vampire should look feminine, so wear fishnet tights or black fishnet stockings. Shoes or boots are definitely elegant, with high heels. The dress or corset should be tight-fitting, emphasizing your figure. It is better to highlight the part of the body that you consider most attractive with bright details.

No matter how rich the vampire’s outfit is, without suitable makeup it will look unfinished.

So, lips. Of course, the pink color a la Barbie does not harmonize with this look. Passionate bright red bitten lips are exactly what is needed in this situation. After all, you feed on blood, so you have to fit in, even if red lipstick isn't your thing. Halloween is perhaps the only day when girls are not only allowed, but strongly encouraged to outline their lips with black pencil.

Finally, insert a jaw with protruding fangs, which can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can make it yourself from a white plastic fork. To do this, take the bottom of a fork, remove the middle tines, leaving only the outer ones, carefully sand the cuts so as not to injure your mouth - and you can go bite people!

The eyes should be very bright and expressive. Keep in mind that there will be a lot of vampires and vampiresses at the party, and if getting lost among them is not in your plans, pay enough attention to your makeup.

To create such a dark look, you will definitely need black eyeliner, dark shadows, and several layers of mascara. But if for the image of a witch you can absurdly and chaotically apply dark spots and bruises under the eyes to your face, then a vampire should look elegant and feminine. Makeup in the style of smokey eyes will look very beautiful.

The face should be white and pale. Very. It is better to avoid blush and use the lightest possible powder.

Nails, of course, are red or black. And it’s better - sharp and long. Invoices are quite suitable for one day.

You will also have to work hard on your hair. During the day, vampiresses sleep like bats, head down, which means their hair has a careless, disheveled appearance.

If you like this hairstyle, backcomb it lightly, fix your hair with hairspray, and highlight individual strands with wax, creating a carefree effect. Or, on the contrary, make a neat tight ponytail, combed with gel.

Makeup, hairstyle, accessories and costume elements may vary depending on your taste, preferences and body type.

The main thing is that the image of the vampire looks gothic, feminine, elegant and, of course, terrifying - and then you will certainly become the queen of Halloween.

Do not forget also about your style of behavior, manners and speech if you want your image to be harmonious and complete. A horse's neighing or a pig's squeal can ruin all your hard work. Watch several episodes from different films about vampires - how they move, how they speak - try to imagine that you are an actress being watched by the director and the audience.

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