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What kind of water should you bathe your baby in after birth? Newborn's first bath at home. Recipes for disinfectant solutions

The important daily ritual of caring for the baby falls on the shoulders of the parents. Bathing is not only one of the components of child care, but also a pleasant, joyful healing procedure that establishes a relationship between the child, mom or dad. How to bathe correctly? This very important question may involve different points of “correctness.” Young parents need to take into account all the nuances of the water procedure and buy the necessary supplies in advance to make this activity as useful as possible.

Newborn's first bath after the hospital

Young parents experience indecision and fear of doing something wrong when they bring home a baby from the maternity hospital. But don't worry, it's a fairly simple process. Some people confuse bathing and washing. Bathing is, first of all, a hardening, developing, calming procedure. The first bathing of a newborn at home is carried out on the day of arrival home from the maternity hospital, if the baby is healthy and the umbilical cord has moved away from the navel. Until the wound has completely healed, it is worth preparing special water for taking a bath.

Some pediatricians advise not to bathe the baby at all for 2 weeks, but only wash and wipe with a damp towel. Therefore, it is worth weighing the pros and cons before starting water procedures: doctor’s recommendations, the child’s health condition, the temperature in the apartment, the psychological mood of the parents. Remember, after vaccination, children cannot be bathed; you should wait a couple of days!

At what temperature can you bathe a newborn?

In the first days, until the umbilical wound has completely healed, it is customary to boil water. It is very important that the temperature of the water for bathing a newborn is chosen correctly. The ideal temperature range is 37.0 -37.5 C. Therefore, you should take care of preparing water for your baby in advance. There are two ways to check the water temperature: the first is a special thermometer, and the second is to feel the “comfort” of the water with your elbow. With optimal conditions, the baby will be comfortable in the water, then water procedures will go smoothly. Do not forget about the air temperature in the room where the baby is bathed. It should be at least 25 C. For these purposes, it is better to buy an alcohol thermometer, it is more accurate.

Newborn bathtub

To take water procedures, you should buy a special bath. It is easier to organize bathing by setting it to the desired height. This necessary item can be of different prices and made of different materials. When choosing, you should focus on your capabilities and desires. Bathing a newborn for the first time should be done with great care and precision. It is better to do this with an assistant or buy special devices.

How to bathe a baby?

A bathtub of water is ready for the baby's first bath. All necessary supplies for bathing the baby have been purchased. All you have to do is gather up your courage and start the water procedure. Do not hurry! To get started, take the air treatments. It is worth undressing the child for a few minutes and leaving him to harden.

Newborn bathing equipment

There are many helpers for taking water procedures. They make the bathing process easier. They make bathing your baby fun and easy. You can buy them in any store, they are not expensive. You should get to know them more carefully, because they are designed to make caring for a newborn easier.

Newborn bathing circle

Bathing a newborn baby with a circle is useful to increase independent motor activity in the water. Thanks to this, the child’s muscle corset is strengthened, metabolism increases and, as a result, immunity is strengthened.

Such a “helper” will not harm the baby due to its structure, which is specially created for swimming, taking into account the characteristics of his body. The neck circle for bathing newborns can be used from the first months. There are contraindications! Therefore, you should consult your pediatrician before use.

In practice, a circle for bathing newborns is used from 1-2 months, when the procedure time increases and the water temperature is lowered.

Slide for bathing newborns

The device was created to facilitate the process and does its job perfectly. You don’t have to hold your baby in your arms; he will lie comfortably on the slide. There are many types of these devices:

  • Foam rubber. They are the most budget friendly. This is a piece of foam rubber up to 20-25 cm high. Inside there is a recess into which the newborn is placed. Foam rubber absorbs warm water, so your baby will be warm and comfortable on this slide. It doesn't slip. The downside is that it is difficult to care for. It has to be washed thoroughly and ensured that it dries thoroughly.
  • Plastic. They are easily attached to the bath using suction cups. They have a large size and anatomical shape, making the design safe. There are models with seat belts. Most often this is the model that is purchased.
  • Fabric or flannel. A plastic frame covered with fabric similar to a rocking chair. During bathing, it is necessary to hold the child lightly. Pediatricians consider it unsafe because of this.

Before you buy a slide, it is important to try it on. The child is placed on it, if all the notches fit, then the slide can be taken.

Hammock for bathing newborns

This is an analogue of a slide with only a fabric construction, which is attached to the edges of a baby bath. Under the weight of the child, the fabric stretches, and the baby can lie comfortably inside the bath. It can be easily rotated. If you buy such a hammock, it will last no more than 2 months, since it will not support the growing weight of the child for a long time.

What to add to the water when bathing a child?

It is easy to turn a standard process into a treatment procedure. Add herbs to the water for bathing a newborn and you will get medicinal baths. Sometimes pediatricians themselves recommend using such baths, especially if the baby has skin rashes or diseases.

It is worth preparing the decoction in advance; its weight should not exceed 30 g per bath. High concentrations may cause allergies. The decoction should be prepared only in enamel or earthenware containers; aluminum should not be used. It is better to buy raw materials at a pharmacy. You can use a thermos. Use only freshly brewed infusion. Newborns should be bathed no earlier than 2 weeks after birth.

Line for bathing newborns

Chereda, one of the best plants, a decoction of which is used in the treatment of many skin diseases. It is recommended to add it to water for healthy babies. It effectively removes seborrheic crusts on the head, which are often found in children in the first month of life. A bath with a series is preferably no more than 2 times a week; the herb slightly dries the baby’s skin.

Chamomile for bathing newborns

Chamomile is a simple plant that is effective in treating child illnesses. Shows antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, relieves skin irritations. Having a mild calming effect on the child’s nervous system, it will help cope with insomnia. The decoction is added to the water when bathing a baby suffering from allergic rashes.

It's easy to brew. Take 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile herb or a filter bag, they are easy to buy at the pharmacy, pour 1 liter. hot water at a temperature of 80 - 90 C and infused for 1-2 hours.

Sometimes the question arises, how to brew chamomile for bathing a newborn for a large bath? In this case, fill 2/3 with water, pour in 2 liters. chamomile infusion from 2 tbsp. herbs.

Potassium permangantsovka

A newborn is sometimes bathed in water with a manganese solution. This allows you to disinfect the water and has a positive effect on the umbilical wound. Many people ask how much potassium permanganate is needed to bathe a newborn? First dilute potassium permanganate in a separate container. Carefully inject a little at a time until a light pink solution is obtained. Dr. Komarovsky considers such a solution more harmful than useful. If it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, it may cause a burn. Therefore, carefully prepare your manganese bath.

Caring for a newborn after bathing

After you've rinsed your newborn's body wash and rinsed him with clean water, wrap your baby in a large, soft towel. It must be specially purchased for the baby. The towel should completely cover the child. Further procedures for caring for a newborn are as follows:

  • Pat your baby's skin dry with a towel.
  • Treat the folds with oil, baby cream or powder. It is better to buy them in advance, having carefully studied the composition of the product.
  • Treat the navel with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.
  • Clean your ears, eyes, and nose.
  • Swaddle and feed.

Bathing is a procedure that has a beneficial effect on the baby’s nervous system, so after such a water event, your strong baby will sleep like a hero. It is recommended to bathe your child in the evening. Sometimes there are children who, on the contrary, are excited by water, then water procedures are postponed until the afternoon.

Bathing is very important for newborns. This is not just a hygienic procedure, but also hardening the baby and introducing him to the world around him. Almost all children like to swim; they go into the water with pleasure. However, if at the first acquaintance with water the baby experiences unpleasant sensations and gets scared, then in the future it will not be so easy to force him to bathe. That is why it is important to carry out the first water procedures in your life after first familiarizing yourself with how to bathe a newborn baby correctly.


When to take your first bath

There is a lot of controversy about when to bathe a child for the first time. Some insist that it is necessary to wait until the umbilical wound is completely healed, others say that you can take a bath immediately after discharge from the hospital. As a rule, this happens on the third to fifth day of the baby’s life. In this matter, it is better to rely on the opinion of a pediatrician, who, based on the general condition of the newborn, will give recommendations on care and daily hygiene procedures.

It is better to bathe a newborn at the same time, preferably every day before the last feeding. If the child is capricious and shows that he is tired, then it is advisable to cancel bathing and limit himself to wiping with wet wipes or a soft towel soaked in warm water.

Important! It is necessary to wash or wipe the baby's folds, treat them with baby cream, oil or talcum powder daily. It is in these places that the skin is most susceptible to diaper rash.

Video: Treatment of baby's folds to prevent diaper rash

Preparing for a swim

Before water procedures, you should prepare all the necessary accessories in advance and put them so that they are at hand. This is especially important if the mother bathes the baby alone, without helpers. To take a bath you will need:

  • special baby bath and slide;
  • antiseptic solutions;
  • a ladle for pouring water and rinsing the baby;
  • baby detergents – soap, shampoo;
  • soft towel.

Baby cream for creases or powder, clean clothes in which the child will sleep should also be prepared in advance.

Baby bath

It is better to bathe a newborn in a special bath. It is convenient because it is compact and does not require a large volume of water. The first time you have to boil water for a newborn, this is a big plus. It is advisable to install the bath so that the mother does not have to bend over too much.

The bathtub is washed before each bath. There is no need to use chlorine-containing products for these purposes every time; thorough disinfection is enough once every 1-2 weeks. Before each bath, wash it with baking soda or laundry soap and rinse thoroughly with water. You can pour boiling water over it, but this is not necessary.


Until the umbilical wound has healed, the child should be bathed in pre-boiled water. In this case, there is no need to add additional disinfectants. The procedure consists of washing the baby and rinsing the folds. After bathing, the umbilical wound should be treated as recommended by the pediatrician (usually brilliant green is used for these purposes).

When the umbilical wound heals well, you don’t have to boil the water, but it is advisable to pass it through a filter, at least a homemade one. It is recommended to add agents that have disinfectant properties to unboiled water.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Until recently, pediatricians strongly recommended adding a weak solution of potassium permanganate to water. Today this method is increasingly being abandoned. And for good reason. The fact is that a solution acceptable for bathing, when the water becomes only slightly pink, is not able to fully disinfect. A stronger solution will burn the baby’s delicate skin. Potassium permanganate is very drying, which negatively affects the condition of the newborn’s skin, leading to the appearance of rashes, peeling, dermatitis and other problems.

If you still decide to bathe your newborn in a solution of potassium permanganate, you should dilute it in a separate small container. To do this, first pour potassium permanganate (at the tip of a knife) into a prepared clean bowl, then pour in warm boiled water. Close the container and shake the resulting solution thoroughly until all particles dissolve.

The product should be poured into the water prepared for bathing very carefully, controlling the amount. Then mix the water and make sure that there are no undissolved particles left, which, if they come into contact with the skin, can cause a burn, and if they get into the eyes, even lead to blindness. The color of the water should be slightly pink.

Herbal infusions

It is preferable to use decoctions and infusions of herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula, string and others. These herbs have an antiseptic, soothing effect on the skin, relieve irritation, inflammation and peeling.

To prepare the infusion 2 tbsp. l. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the selected herb, cover and wrap. Let it brew for 1-2 hours, strain. Pour the warm infusion into the prepared bath (30-50 liters) and stir. Do not make an infusion that is too strong. The herbs listed have a drying effect and, if their concentration is too strong, can cause peeling. In addition, some newborns experience an allergic reaction.

Bathing water temperature

It is convenient to use a children's water thermometer to measure the water temperature. A temperature of 37°C is considered comfortable for the first bath. As it cools, you should pour hot water from the ladle carefully along the wall of the bath from the side of the baby’s feet, then stir it thoroughly.

When the baby gets used to the water and loves to swim, the temperature can be lowered at the parents' request. Some parents, for the purpose of hardening, bathe their child in water whose temperature does not exceed 32°C. This is a good hardening measure, but it’s still not worth starting with cool water.

General rules for bathing a newborn

When everything is prepared, you can begin water procedures:

  1. A special washcloth is used to bathe a newborn. It can be replaced by a small piece of clean soft cloth. Many parents wash their baby with soapy hands.
  2. You cannot use soap every time; you can wash your newborn with soap or special foam no more than once a week. Even if the baby is sweating, washing with plain water (with the addition of herbs) will be enough. You also need to wash your hair with detergents no more than once a week. If a newborn has yellow crusts on his head, they are removed during bathing, when the skin is steamed. To do this, use special shampoos to remove crusts or baby cosmetic oil, as well as soft brushes with natural bristles.
  3. It is convenient to have a special slide for babies up to six months, until they learn to sit on their own. If there is no slide, then the newborn should be held with your left hand (provided that the mother is right-handed) so that the head lies on the bent elbow, carefully clasping his left arm under his armpit: this way the child will not slip out and will be securely fixed.
  4. It is necessary to bathe a newborn baby from above, from the baby’s neck, down to the legs. Much attention is paid to folds. You need to wash each of them with soft sliding movements: on the neck, armpits, arms, groin folds, folds on the legs.
  5. Wash the child's head from the forehead to the back of the head, thoroughly rinse the folds behind the ears. Wash your face, avoiding the eye area. After bathing, it is better to wipe the eyes of a child in the first month of life separately with a gauze swab dipped in chamomile decoction.
  6. It is better not to use soap when washing. It will be enough to wash the genitals with a cotton pad generously moistened with water. Rubbing for a long time or trying to remove the film or protective white coating in girls is prohibited, otherwise the risk of infection will increase.
  7. After bathing, remove the child from the bath and rinse with clean water from a ladle. It is advisable that the rinsing water be one degree lower than the one in which the child bathed.

For the first water procedures, 5-7 minutes are enough. The child gets acquainted with water and gets used to it. There is no need to use soap and shampoo during the first bath; it is better to introduce them to your baby after a week or two. Subsequent baths are increased by 1-2 minutes each time, if the child likes it, he is happy, and is not capricious. By a month, the duration of the procedure takes 15-20 minutes, and by 6 months – up to half an hour.

Things to remember: The risk of injury in the bath is very high, so the baby should not be left alone for even a minute. The baby can become completely immersed in water and choke.

Swimming with an inflatable ring

Many mothers use an inflatable neck ring almost from the first days of their child’s life. In fact, this is a very useful attribute, but it is advisable to use it no earlier than the baby is 1-2 months old, when he is already stronger, holds his head confidently, is used to water and is not afraid to bathe in a large bath.

A properly selected circle is absolutely safe. It fixes the baby's head and does not allow water to penetrate the baby's mouth and nose, which eliminates the possibility of choking. In addition to having fun swimming, this is also a great exercise for your child.

After swimming

You should take the baby out of the bath very carefully, holding the head. It is advisable for someone to throw a towel over the child and take it from the mother's hands. If there is no one to help, then put the newborn on a bent arm, turning him down with his stomach so that the head rests on the palm, throw a towel on top and then carefully turn him over onto his back.

Some mothers spread a towel on the washing machine or a changing table installed in the bathroom, place the bathed baby on it and wrap it up. This can really be a solution if at first it’s hard to get used to getting the baby out of the bath. However, it is worth remembering that under no circumstances should you leave a child at a height: even newborn children, actively moving their arms and legs, can approach the edge and fall. Unfortunately, there are many such cases.

After bathing, let the baby lie down for 5-10 minutes. At the same time, you should not preheat the air in the room too much, otherwise there will be no point in hardening. Pediatricians believe that 22-25°C is the optimal temperature for such procedures. After the baby is completely dry, treat the folds with baby cream, oil or powder to avoid diaper rash.

Important! Talc should only be applied to completely dry skin, otherwise under the influence of moisture it will roll up and clog into folds, causing even greater irritation.

After all the procedures, dress the baby in dry, clean clothes, feed and put to bed. Most likely, well-fed, satisfied and tired, he will quickly fall asleep on his own.

Bathing a baby for the first time is a real holiday in a family where a baby has just been born. But in order to carry out this procedure correctly, you need to follow a certain procedure. At the first stage, there are a million questions that need to be answered.

Only after the first bath, the answers come on their own. But still, for a responsible family, it is better to prepare for this procedure.

Bathing a newborn for the first time: how to bathe a newborn baby?

The main question that I want to answer is when can you bathe a newborn baby after the maternity hospital? You can bathe your newborn for the first time as soon as the umbilical wound has healed.. You can buy your baby immediately after discharge.

But the presence of an umbilical wound can complicate this process. Therefore, pediatricians advise not to rush and wait until the butt heals completely. The risk of infection cannot be excluded and can be dangerous for the baby. As soon as the umbilical wound heals, then the risk will disappear and you can start bathing the child for the first time without any fears.

Bathing a newborn baby for the first time at home: what to prepare?

All bath accessories for the baby are purchased before the baby is born. But if everything has not yet been purchased, then after the maternity hospital there is some time to make purchases.

When to bathe a newborn: how to choose the time?

When choosing a time for water procedures, it is worth considering that It is best to bathe your child at the same time every day.. This will be the most important point for accustoming your baby to a certain regime.

On the advice of pediatricians, it is best to bathe a child before feeding or going to bed. This process is due to the fact that after bathing the baby gets tired and therefore sleeps much more soundly and longer. But do not forget about the personal qualities of the newborn. After all, not every child can bathe in the evening; there are also children who prefer to take a bath in the morning. Despite such a young age, the child understands everything, although he cannot say yet.

The main rule is that It is not recommended to bathe a child on a full stomach. You need to wait about an hour after feeding and only then start bathing. Water procedures are quite difficult for a child and take away his strength. After the procedure, the baby will definitely want to eat. Therefore, it is recommended to wait time between these two processes and then carry out the procedure.

How to bathe a newborn: at what temperature

It is especially important to understand at what temperature you should bathe your child. The temperature during swimming should not be below 37 degrees. Thus, an optimal comfortable environment for the child is created. If the water is cold or hot, the baby can take a swim due to the sudden change in temperature.

If your home does not have a thermometer to measure water temperature, then the parent can determine the optimal temperature tactilely by dipping their hand in the water. If the water is equal to body temperature, then you can safely bathe the baby. In addition, pediatricians advise gradually reducing the temperature of the water in the bath by several degrees in order to harden the child. It is recommended to do this carefully over several months.. After this, sudden changes in temperature will not harm the baby or bring him discomfort. The first bath should be carried out at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

Newborn's first bath: preparing the water

Our grandmothers are sure that in order to disinfect the water and see all pathogens, you need to boil the water before bathing the newborn. You should not trust this method too much and follow it unquestioningly. Doctors have long assured us that you can bathe your baby in ordinary tap water. If a child accidentally swallows a little water, then nothing bad will happen in this case.

Among mothers and grandmothers there is an opinion that something special needs to be added to the water. These can be solutions and various herbal infusions. It is not recommended to add potassium permanganate to the bath, as it can cause burns to the mucous membrane. If water gets into the baby's mouth and eyes, there may be a serious skin burn. Several decades ago, water was disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Today, the quality of water is not so poor, so there is a need for potassium permanganate.

You can bathe your child with the addition of various herbal infusions. They can be used as an anti-inflammatory and sedative. These herbal infusions include: string and chamomile; lavender and oak bark; calendula and motherwort; nettle and St. John's wort.

These herbs can help relieve diaper rash and calm your baby. In addition, they will help improve sleep. But before using them, you need to determine the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to a particular herb. Since many of the herbs can cause a variety of rashes, redness and swelling.

How to bathe your baby for the first time

To make your first bath go smoothly, you need to follow a few rules.

Folk signs about bathing

In Slavic culture, many superstitions and beliefs can be associated with the first bath. It’s up to you to believe in omens or not, but you can use the wisdom that has been accumulated over the centuries. A child's first bath is one of the most memorable events in a family's life. For the first time, the procedure may seem complicated.

There is a sign that for the first time after the maternity hospital, the baby should be bathed by his grandparents. In fact, it doesn't matter who bathes the baby. Walking this path for the first time will be simple and pleasant. The main thing is to prepare and not complicate the task. Any relatives can bathe a newborn for the first time or after several weeks. From folk signs you can use some options:

In order for there to be good lactation, a little breast milk is added to the water during the first bath. For the first time, you can bathe a child only by his father and mother without anyone’s help - this is a powerful amulet against the evil eye and damage. So that everyone loves the child and he grows up beautiful. Add herbal decoction to the bath lovage. If a girl wears a white shirt while swimming, her skin will remain white and beautiful.

In addition to basic things, you may need children's cosmetics. In the first month of the baby’s life, this is unlikely, but it is still necessary to prepare all the ingredients. In the second and third months of a child’s life, you can buy rubber toys that will attract the baby’s attention. At a more conscious age, you will need a washcloth, as well as a bathing circle. Some mothers purchase special bathing caps to prevent water from getting on the baby’s face.

Bathing can take place in any conditions, the main thing is that this process is comfortable for the child. Parents and grandparents should provide the newborn with everything necessary as much as possible. Proper bathing is the key to sound sleep and good appetite. Therefore, not only the health of the child, but also the sleep of the parents will directly depend on this process. By taking care in advance and purchasing everything you need for this process, you can be ready to bathe your newborn for the first time.

In most cases, women do not need to bathe a newborn in the first days of life right in the maternity hospital.

Treatment of the skin and folds is repeated with each swaddling using a moistened napkin. The nurse tells the new mother in detail how this is done.

In the morning, before the first feeding, the baby is usually washed under the tap. If necessary, the eyes and nose are further treated. They are cleaned with sterile cotton wool.

The need for bathing appears only if there are delays in discharge and the mother and baby are not allowed to go home on time. Different maternity hospitals have different procedures. Daily bathing is carried out by a nurse, involving the child’s mother to help.. There is no need to be afraid of this. Experts will show the woman how to bathe her baby correctly and give the necessary recommendations.

We invite you to watch a video about how the baby is hygienically treated in the maternity hospital:

Features of the procedure after discharge

Water procedures are important not only for maintaining hygiene, but also for the emotional pleasure of the child, as well as for maintaining his immunity.

Benefits of swimming:

  • skin cleansing;
  • calming the baby;
  • hardening;
  • thermoregulation training;
  • knowledge of the surrounding world;
  • pleasant emotions.

The child's first bath will be slightly different from subsequent ones in water temperature and duration.

On what day after discharge can I take a bath?

There are two opinions about bathing after discharge:

If the birth was complicated, then the date of the first bath should be checked with the pediatrician.

You will have to postpone bathing for a day if your child was vaccinated before discharge.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky believes that bathing a baby is necessary not only to maintain hygiene, but also to make it healthy. You should be accustomed to water from the first days of life., because properly organized bathing will help the child and his parents sleep soundly throughout the night.

It is important to organize the process correctly. To increase the positive effect before water procedures, it would not be amiss to do a light massage and gymnastics. The sooner a child moves from a baby bath to an adult bath, the better. Dr. Komarovsky believes that daily bathing time should be gradually increased to half an hour.

We invite you to watch a video about the opinion of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky:

When is the best time to start at home?

It is better to accustom your baby to water procedures at the same time, namely in the evening., before the last feeding. This will help the child calm down and get ready for a long night's sleep.

For some children, the bathing procedure can, on the contrary, invigorate them. In this case, it is better to wash in the morning.

Bathing should occur before feeding or 45 minutes after it.

There is no strict connection depending on the feeding regime for the first bath. Breast milk is absorbed quickly, so you can start water treatments almost immediately after the baby has eaten.

How long should it last?

The baby's first acquaintance with water can last from 3-4 minutes to 10-15. It all depends on the mood and well-being of the child. If bathing causes tears and restless behavior, the time should be reduced. And if the newborn feels well, smiles and shows interest in the process, the procedure may last longer.

In the future, bathing may take 30-40 minutes, but for the first time 15 is enough.. The water in the bath should not have time to cool down by the end of the procedure.

What is needed for this?

The first bath will take longer than subsequent ones and you need to prepare for it more carefully. You should prepare the following supplies in advance:

There should be a clock in the bathing area so that parents can monitor the duration of the procedure.

What should the water be and its temperature?

The water temperature should be 36 degrees. Using a thermometer, you need to make sure that it does not cool down while bathing. It is necessary to boil water only if the umbilical wound has not yet healed, and the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired.

Many parents add herbal infusions to the bath while bathing.. This should be done only after consultation with a pediatrician, since the wrong concentration of the solution can harm the baby.

Potassium permanganate is used with extreme caution, as undissolved crystals can cause burns.

How to wash a baby?

The room where swimming will take place should be at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. There should be no drafts in it. If you plan to bathe your baby in the bathroom, you should remove all tubes in advance that could fall and frighten the newborn. The fewer distractions, the calmer your first swim will be.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting. During the dive, the child will look up. A light bulb that is too bright can cause dissatisfaction and even irritation. It is better if the light is dim and diffused.

Step-by-step instruction

It is better to carry out the first bath according to the following algorithm:

  1. The bathtub for bathing the baby is filled with 15 cm of water. Getting to know water should not be stressful, so you should not break this rule and completely immerse the newborn. A ladle for rinsing is placed nearby.
  2. The child undresses and carefully lowers himself into a bath of water. It is necessary to immerse so that the baby's head is on the parent's elbow, and the hand itself supports the back. At the same time, the baby's chest, head and shoulders remain dry.
  3. Using a washcloth or soft cloth, wash the child's body.
  4. The newborn turns over on his stomach. You must still hold your head and chest with your hand.
  5. Next, the back is soaped. The child’s head is washed in the same position.
  6. Soap or shampoo is washed off with water from the ladle. The stream of water is directed from the forehead to the back of the head so that it does not flow into the child’s eyes. There is no need to try to immerse your baby in water with his head.
  7. This is enough for a newborn’s first acquaintance with water. The baby is removed from the bath and placed on a hard surface, for example, on a changing table.

The first bath should be without tears and stress.<. Если малыш слишком волнуется можно намочить только ручки и ножки, а погружение оставить на следующий раз.

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly bathe your baby in the first weeks of life:

Actions after washing

After bathing, the baby's skin should be gently dried with a towel.. You should not make sudden rough movements; it is better to simply blot the moisture without friction. Particular attention is paid to the ears. During water procedures, water may get into them. To remove it, special cotton swabs for newborns with limiters are used.

If your baby's skin is dry, you can apply a moisturizing balm or cream. The folds of skin under the knees and on the elbows are lubricated, as well as, if necessary, the neck and abdomen. Apply the cream with light massage movements in small quantities. The excess is soaked with a dry cloth.

Next you need to treat the navel. Using a pipette, a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide are dripped onto the wound and the remains are soaked with a cotton swab. Instead of peroxide, you can take a strong solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green.

We invite you to watch a video about what procedures should be carried out with your baby after bathing:

If a child cries during the first bath and screams, then, first of all, you need to make sure that:

  • water temperature is within normal limits;
  • the child does not have a fever and is not sick;
  • the baby does not feel hungry;
  • he feels safe.

All the conditions are met, but the child still bursts into hysterics? The following tricks can help you get used to the water:

  • Bathing in a diaper. Our grandmothers used this method. Psychologists say that the baby’s stomach was cramped and immersion in a large space with water causes him stress.

    A wrapped diaper recreates the sensations that the baby experienced in the womb and makes it easier for him to get used to bathing. When the baby gets used to the water, the diaper can be removed.

  • Bathing together. If during the first immersion in water a mother or father is next to the newborn, it will be easier for him to endure the unusual sensations. More often, young fathers are able to try this method, since in the first time after giving birth, a woman is not recommended to take a bath. Don't be afraid that your child will get used to it. Already during the second bath, parents can try to teach their baby to be independent.

In order to interest the child in the bathing procedure, you can show him a toy, and then send it swimming in the bath. The child will see how she floats and will also reach for the water.

It is important not to give your child any discomfort while preparing for bathing.. It is better to remove the baby’s clothes in advance in another room and allow the skin to take air baths first. When the child gets used to room temperature, you can move him to the bathing room and begin to gently lower him into the water.

The child will closely monitor the parents' mood. If they are worried and nervous, their excitement will be passed on to the baby. Therefore, mom and dad should relax and smile more at their child. A song sung in a gentle and confident voice will help distract you.


The more carefully parents prepare for their baby's first bath, the better. It's worth starting with a positive attitude. Before the wound on the navel heals, it is better to use boiled water and carry out the bathing itself in a baby bath. On the advice of a doctor, you can add an infusion of herbs or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but this is not necessary.

Parents should prepare everything they need in advance and closely monitor their child while in the water. If done right, your newborn will love bathing. from the first days of his life and in the future it will bring him only joyful sensations.

The baby's first bath is a real holiday for the whole family. However, before starting this procedure, you need to find out when you can bathe a newborn for the first time, how to do it correctly, what temperature of water you need to choose for the first acquaintance with the bath.

You need to carefully prepare for your baby's first bath. Parents need to decide where the procedure will take place: in a small bath or in a shared bathroom. If a large bathroom will be used, it must be disinfected. You should not use household chemicals for this; ordinary baking soda is quite enough. You also need to prepare a thermometer for measuring water, a towel, hygiene items, and clothes. It is not necessary for all family members to gather in the bathroom, because a large number of people can frighten the baby.

Bathing a newborn baby for the first time

Bathing a newborn baby for the first time after the hospital must be done correctly. Whether the child will love the procedure depends on this. In addition, it is important not to harm the baby. If bathing in the first days is not contraindicated for newborns, then you can begin to master the procedure algorithm. There are many manuals on how to introduce your baby to water, you can also watch thematic videos on the Internet or consult at a children's clinic.

So, how to properly bathe a newborn baby if this happens for the first time. The baby's head should be placed on your hand, it should be bent at the elbow, and with the same hand you should support him by the shoulder. Carefully lower the baby into the water so that the upper part of the chest is directly above the water. With her other hand, mom (or dad, depending on who volunteered to carry out the procedure) carefully scoops up water to water the baby. There is nothing complicated about how to bathe a newborn baby, it’s just always unusual for the first time. The procedure should last no more than four minutes, the bathing time is increased gradually. When bathing your child for the first time, you should not use cosmetics; even baby shampoos can cause allergies. It is recommended to buy simple baby soap that does not contain fragrances. To avoid damaging the baby’s very delicate skin, do not use washcloths or sponges; if necessary, you can take a piece of gauze.

When to bathe a newborn for the first time

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, mothers wonder when they can bathe their newborn baby for the first time. If your baby has any complications, you should definitely ask your doctor about bathing. When everything is normal, the procedure can be carried out on the first day.

There are different opinions about whether it is possible to bathe a baby before the umbilical wound heals. Usually the navel dries out in two to three weeks. If you are afraid of harming your child, then you can wait, while maintaining general hygiene. However, if the wound is not bleeding, there is no urgent need to wait. To be on the safe side, you can use boiled water in the first days. The procedure must be carried out as carefully as possible. Long baths should be postponed until later; at first, the baby’s stay in the water should be kept to a minimum.

There is no single advice regarding the first bath. The decision on when to bathe their newborn baby for the first time should be made by the parents themselves, after consulting with their pediatrician.

First bath of a newborn: folk signs

Our ancestors believed that the first bath of a newborn is akin to a magical rite, therefore there are various folk signs that relate to this process. Many signs are dedicated to who should bathe a newborn for the first time. According to folk wisdom, this honorable role is assigned to the mother. No one should be present when swimming. At the end of the first bath, the mother should take the water in which the baby splashed and pour it out. It is believed that water can take away a child’s strength and health, so no one should be allowed near the baby’s bath.

Many signs are related to how to bathe a newborn for the first time so that he has a happy destiny. For bathing, our ancestors, like us now, used various medicinal herbs. If you believe the signs, then elecampane will provide the child with good health, and lovage will provide the love of others. To ensure that the baby was surrounded by material well-being, a silver coin was placed in the water during the first bath. People especially paid a lot of attention to how to properly bathe a newborn girl for the first time. It was believed that it was during this procedure that the future beauty of the baby was laid. The girl was lowered into the water for the first time wearing white clothes so that she would be tender and her face would become white (which was considered the standard of beauty).

There really are a huge number of signs associated with the first bath. Today, only some families keep track of who, according to signs, should bathe a newborn for the first time, what to do with the water after bathing, etc. In the modern world, you shouldn’t get carried away with signs; you need to approach various rituals concerning the baby rationally. However, since the first bath is still an event today, we can borrow some signs from our ancestors: by adding medicinal herbs to the bathing water, the mother will be pleased to think that in this way she is attracting health and a happy destiny to the child.

Water temperature for bathing a newborn

If you are going to bathe your newborn for the first time, then you need to find out at what temperature it should be done. The correct water temperature is key. The baby should be comfortable in the water, this is the only way he can love the procedure. It is important to remember that for the first time the bathing temperature should not be too high; the thermoregulation of a newborn is different from adults, so it is easy to overheat. Overheating is more dangerous than cold. Ideally, the water temperature for the first swim should be 36 degrees. If the thermometer shows 38 or more, then you should wait until the water cools down, as the baby may feel unwell in hot water. If you plan to harden your baby in the future, then you should still start the first baths with 36-degree water. This is necessary so that the baby gets used to the procedures. Even if water at this temperature does not bring many health benefits, the baby’s comfort comes first. In the future, you can lower the water temperature according to the recommendations of pediatricians.

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