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Teddy bear felting. Felting toys from wool - Teddy bear made of wool, master class with photos for beginners. Materials and tools for making toys

Dear readers, this master felting class is designed for beginners. Using this simple Teddy Bear as an example, I will try to show you the basic techniques for making a toy using the dry felting technique. Next, you can make any other wool toy with your own hands in this way!

A master class on felting a teddy bear from wool was provided to us by Lyudmila Strutinskaya, who is engaged not only in toys, but also in making flowers using various existing techniques and from different materials (silk, fabric, plastic (cold porcelain), wool - felting, leather, fur) . The master's works can be found in contact with, at the Crafts Fair in the Shop of the master Lyudmila Strutinskaya “Cuteness” and in the Shop of the master Lyudmila Strutinskaya “Milino Delo”

You will need!

For work we will need:
1. unspun wool of primary color, a little white, brown, black;
2. felting needles: No. 36 and No. 38 (asterisk),
3. brush-mat for felting (or sponge for washing a car)
4. glue Moment “Crystal”
5. a couple of small black buttons (we will use them to make eyes)
6. desire and mood)))) and everything will work out!

It is advisable to have a photo of the toy before your eyes.
It’s even better to repeat a simple small toy for the very first time. It is before your eyes and you see all the volumes and subtleties of the figure.

Assistant - holder for 3 needles

What is this? A very convenient replacement holder for three needles made in Japan. If anyone has a device like the one in the photo, great. This will speed up the work at least three times! There are holders for 5-7-9 needles, but they are not convenient for a small toy.

We take such a ball of wool and remove it with a needle No. 36 (a coarse needle). The needle must enter the wool at a right angle and also exit it, otherwise it may break. We “poke” not in one place, but constantly rotating the wool so that the shape becomes evenly flattened. We pierce it deeply so that the figure falls down (compacts) inside. We constantly add wool on top and roll it to the desired size, gradually creating a shape. We roll on a brush (or a thick sponge, but make sure that the needle does not go into the sponge itself).


We work with needle No. 36. After some time (not a little) the lump will become hard. We cut it down to the required size and only then, when the thick needle finds it difficult to enter the work, we switch to working with a needle No. 38 (asterisk).


Let's focus (not the neck). We constantly walk along this line, “sticking” the recess.
We felt with a needle No. 38 (asterisk). If you are lying on a sponge, then you do not need such a backing (made of felt). In this case I use a backing.

Adding wool

We continue to increase the volume by adding and felting wool.

Let's start making details

We continue to increase the volume by adding and felting wool. We try to form parts of the face - the muzzle (protrusion under the nose...)
Constantly rotating the toy, compare it with the photo and see where you need to add fur.

Forming a muzzle

We continue to increase the volume by adding and felting wool. Forming a face. Cheeks...
Constantly rotating the toy, we look where you need to add fur. We roll the toy down so that it is dense inside.

Once again we go through the neck.
Let's grow a belly.

Making eye sockets

On the face we outline a place for the eyes. We make eye sockets - indentations, constantly piercing with a needle

Making a mouth

Under the eyes

Roll the brown wool where the eyes will be

Whites of the eyes

Fill the eye sockets with white wool (roll)

We make a nose out of a ball of black wool... (the fur must be finely torn)
We form the nostrils by poking a needle into the same place (a deepening occurs).
We go along the edge of the spout, removing (piling) excess fibers inward, making a clear edge of the spout.

Making eyes

Glue on the button eyes. If necessary, add white wool.
If you have eyes (or buttons) with a stem, then we make a recess in the eye socket with an awl (or nail scissors), and glue the eyes into this recess, spreading the stem with glue.

We take two identical balls of wool and felt them with a needle (you can use a device for three needles) on the ears. Felt in the center, leaving a fluffy edge

We felt in the center, leaving the edge fluffy, turn it over and felt it again, turn it over again and felt it. Until it thickens

Bend and fold along the fold and the center, leaving one edge fluffy... turn over several times (3-4)

Now fold it with a corner and fold it in, leaving a fluffy edge.

Then we go through the entire edge with a needle along the top (careful so as not to prick your hands). We do not touch the fluffy edge.
When everything is done, you need to steam the ears with an iron.

Flatten the ears

Now we roll the ears onto the intended places using the fluffy edge, creating a bend in the ear. Afterwards, where the dark fur from the ear is visible on the head, we roll the light fur on top, hiding the edges of the ears.

Now we make the paws: we take the same amount of wool as for the ears and immediately felt (in parallel) two paws.
We first work with a needle No. 36, then when it’s a little loose we switch to No. 38. Felt so that one end of the foot remains fluffy, not felted.

Top and bottom

The photo shows the upper and lower legs

We roll the paws

We roll the finished legs to the body. In the same way as the ears. We roll it tightly by the fluffy edge and cover it with wool.

Mouth: with a thin strip along the contour (the indentation made earlier), we roll the dark wool with a needle.
We roll the eyebrows as you like.
And the final work is complete sanding. We pass the needle millimeter by millimeter along the surface of the toy, deepening the needle by one clove, i.e. a little bit. But thereby breaking up all the irregularities.

The bear is ready!!!

And we admire the resulting wool toy, made with our own hands using the dry felting technique!

And for those who have already thought about how to decorate the New Year’s table in an original way and what can be prepared for the New Year, the Master Class section “About Tasty!” with detailed step-by-step recipes with photos of cupcakes, pastries and much more!

  1. Bleached wool for felting, a little black;
  2. Fluffy wire for the frame;
  3. Needles for felting;
  4. Felting mat;
  5. A little white felt for the ears.


1. Using two wires, make the frame of the toy. In general, initially this wire was used for children's creativity - you can make a lot of cool figures, then it came into felting - the wool clings to the bristles very well =) In principle, for the frame you can use ordinary copper wire, but first you should cover it with wool

To do this, twist the wires in the center, as shown in the photo; fold each leg in half

2. Start wrapping the frame with wool - first the body, going a little to the legs. Do not spare the wool; when felting, it significantly decreases in volume.

Felt a little with a 36 or 38 needle

3. Wrap strands of wool around the bear's paws. It should look something like cones. Back off a bit again.

4. Felt first with a thick needle, this significantly speeds up the process. At first, insert the needle deeply, securing the wool to the frame and felting the wool inside the figurine.

Take your time - the needle may break if it collides with the wire

5. If necessary, add more wool (the strands should be fluffed before doing this). Felt evenly, turning the bear figurine.

6. When the bear's body becomes quite dense, you can move on to creating the head. Felt the white wool into a ball until it holds its shape. After adding white wool to the joint, felt the head to the body.

7. We wrap the bear's body and head with a thin layer of white wool. Lightly roll it down. The main thing here is not to overdo it - to create the illusion of bear fur, the surface of the toy must be soft.

8. For the ears, cut out two small crescents from felt and place them on the head. You can also use wool or beads as eyes, if desired. The bear's nose is made of dark gray wool

Now you know how to felt a bear from wool. I hope you can repeat it yourself without too much difficulty =)

Now we need to make a head for our bear cub. The shape of the head of our toy will be round, and on one side there will be a muzzle. It is also necessary to make ears. A teddy bear's ears can be square or round. To felt them, you need to roll the wool on a sponge into a thin layer of the desired shape.

Then we will begin to form the legs of our toy. This is not so difficult to do: just felt the wool into long ovals, which will thicken at the end. It is advisable to leave a little felted wool where the limbs will be attached to the body, but you can do without it. We left the wool on when making the arms and removed it when making the legs.

Let's start designing the face of our teddy bear. We decided to make miniature eyes, for which we needed black beads. It is best to fasten the black thread at the bottom of the head, so that after connecting it to the body nothing will be visible. We sew on our baby's eyes, embroider his nose and fold in his ears.

Then you need to weld the legs to the body. This is a fairly simple task: it is only important to position the limbs correctly.

It is best to attach the handles at the very last moment, as they will interfere while attaching the head. The next step is to attach the head and arms to the body. To attach the head, you should take some felted wool and place it between the parts of our teddy bear’s body. With its help, you need to tightly attach the head to the body.

We roll down the paws using the wool left to fasten them to the body. They can be in any position that we give them while lounging.

Now it's time to make a heart for our teddy bear. We roll the wool and give it a heart shape. Then we sew or roll the heart onto the paws of our teddy bear.

Now the little bear is ready! Now you know how easy it is to make a bear! Toys made from felted teddy bears are the most loyal friends for your child! Try the same.

We start felting the toy from the head.

Roll a ball of gray wool on a sponge. The ball should be quite dense.

This is the future head of the bear.

Next we begin to felt the body.

It is narrower at the top and wider at the bottom.
By adding a little wool, we form a plump and round tummy.
The base is ready.

Let's go back to the head.
We take a small piece of white wool and felt a loose ball, which we roll onto the gray ball.

And we’ll give the teddy bear a nose. These bears have a blue nose, so we take wool of this color and roll a small piece onto the white part of the face.

Now we move on to felting wool ears.
Felt it well, finishing the edges so that no excess wool sticks out.
The ears should have a small depression inside. Therefore, in the middle we go over the same place with a needle several times. And in several other places it’s the same.

We roll the ears to the head.
Let's make paws.
Let's make the front legs a little thinner than the back ones.
We lay a slightly curved foot on the sponge.

And exactly the same second one.
We felt the hind ones in the same way as the front ones, only we take more wool.
After felting a wool toy, we now have the following details for the Teddy bear.

We collect everything into a toy. We place the front paws so that the bear can hold the object in its hands.
We roll two very tiny eyes out of black wool. Don't forget that a teddy bear's eyes are located close to each other. And glue a rhinestone to the side of the nose.

And since we very often see teddy bears with hearts, we will make a heart for our bear too.
First, we felt a teardrop-shaped piece from pink wool.
And then from above (where the droplet is wider) we go through the middle with a needle several times. As shown in the photo.

Poke until two halves of the heart are formed.
Then we simply give the heart the desired shape with a needle. The heart can be made more elongated or, on the contrary, given a normal shape.

We give the heart to the bear's paws. You can glue it or felt it. But you don’t have to do this. Then you can sometimes remove the heart and, for example, dress the bear in some clothes or give flowers to its paws.
The felting of the wool toy is complete. As a result, we ended up with this felt teddy bear.

And much more.
Today we will look at a master class on making a very cute teddy bear, the author of this master class is Olesya Salova (Lesek). Olesya showed the manufacturing process in great detail. teddy bear made of wool. This teddy bear can be a wonderful gift for any holiday.

For felting we will need:
100 gr. white 100% wool (combing tape).
2 pcs. black beads.
10 gr. black wool for felting (combing tape).
Glue "Moment" crystal universal.
Pastel crayons or shadows.
Felting needle with triangular section No. 36.
Star needle No. 38 for grinding surfaces.

Method for making a teddy bear from wool:
First we need to prepare everything we need for work.

We take white wool and tear off several strands from it, approximately as much as you think should be enough to make the head and body of the bear cub. We divide this wool into 3 parts, two parts should be equal and one should be one and a half - two times smaller.

We take one part of the wool and tear it thoroughly, so that fluff is formed, but so that there is lint left for felting. You will get a lump and use a needle to roll it into a ball. The ball should be dense, but at the same time loose enough so that other parts can be attached to it later.

We do the same with the other two parts that we prepared. As a result, we should get three balls, two identical and one smaller.

Now we take a large ball and a small one and connect them together, the photo clearly shows what you should get.

Next, use a felting needle to connect two balls one to the other. We stick the needle one by one from one ball to another, we do it as if we are sewing the parts of a toy. Ultimately, both balls should adhere to each other.

To make our balls connect with each other even better, we add a little tangled wool to the seam area along the entire perimeter of the seam. When we cover the seam, we try to do it carefully so that we don’t have any extra seams. irregularities and gaps.

The body is ready, now you need to attach the head to it. We place the head at a slight angle, about 30 degrees, you need to pay attention to this. And this is necessary so that the smallest ball is transformed into the convex part of the bear’s chest.

Again you need to close the seam as in the previous example between the head and chest, using small pinches of well-tangled wool.

We should get it roughly like this.

Now let's make the front legs. We remember how much wool we took to make the smallest ball and take a little more. Now let's divide it in half so that there are equal parts. Now we begin to shape the shape of the future paw using a needle and fingers.

The foot should hold its shape, but also remain quite loose, since in the future we will need to roll it to the base of the body. By sticking the needle as deep as possible, we form fingers.

Carefully place our paw on the body as shown in the figure.

In the same way we form the second paw and roll it to our bear.

Again we take a few strands of wool. You will need as much of it as was required to form one large ball. This wool also needs to be divided into two equal parts. We roll each of these parts in our hands into a small lump of an oval flattened shape, similar to a rubber egg that has been squeezed horizontally. We roll these two ovals at the base of the future butt along the body and to the front legs, as shown in the picture.

And we get this result.

The same thing needs to be repeated on the other side.

Now we need to form the feet on the hind legs. To do this, we need to take the wool, as for a small ball, divide it into two equal parts and form two ovals, on each of which we then need to form fingers by pushing with a thick needle. Please note that in this case, our ovals remain on one side, not tumbled, as shown in the figure. This is necessary in order to easily attach our sole to the foot. Look how it turned out in the photo.

We turn our workpiece over and roll down the surface of the foot from the heel side, while simultaneously grinding the surface.

We first roll our foot onto one paw on one side...

Then to the other one on the other side.

We make a small ball and secure it on the butt side. This will be the ponytail.

Make a ball with a diameter half the size of the breast. Visually divide your head in half horizontally and vertically. Place your ball at the intersection of these lines (exactly in the center). This will be the bear's nose.

Form two eye sockets on either side of the nose.

It should turn out exactly the same as shown in the photo.

Now take two black beads and Moment glue.

Glue the beads into the resulting eye sockets.

Using a needle, make notches on the bear's face, thereby separating the approximate areas of the nose, cheeks and chin.

Next, take two small equal bundles of tangled wool and felt them into two small ovals. These will be the cheeks of the bear. Place them on the right and left sides of the nose directly under the eyes, as shown in the photo.

In parallel with building up the cheeks, we carefully sand our face using a thin felting needle.

More clearly define the contour of the smile, the area of ​​the nose and chin.

On both sides we add the volume of the head in the area near the neck, as shown in the photo.

Add volume to the chest area as shown in the photo.

Now let's start felting the ears. To do this, we again need two equal pieces of tangled wool of small volume. On a flat surface of a sponge or a special brush we form a flat semicircle. We turn our workpiece over one by one and dump it on one side, then on the other. Try not to stick the needle deep so that the felted wool on one side does not come out to the other side.

Carefully, using your fingers, we form a semicircular edge of the ear.

We connect the two lower edges of the ear together, as shown in the figure and fasten it with a felting needle.

Place the resulting ear on the bear's head.

We do the same with the second ear.

Also, on the sponge, form two equal planes for future eyelids. If your blanks are a little longer than necessary, it’s not a big deal, the main thing is that they are not too short.

Carefully place our eyelids on both sides of the eyes.

This is what the result should be.

Roll out two small balls of the same size. We place them above our eyes, thereby delimiting the area of ​​future eyebrows.

This is roughly how we should get it.

Take some black wool according to the size of your future nose. Form into a ball.

Roll the resulting ball to the place where the nose was marked a little earlier, as shown in the photo.

This is how we should do it.

And now, in the area where our eyebrows are located, we extend the forehead and bridge of the nose all the way up to the nose in such a way that, when viewed from the side, a right angle is formed between the nose and forehead.

This is how it should work out.

Now let’s be patient and proceed to the longest process in felting—grinding the surface. To do this, take the thinnest felting needle and, starting from the muzzle, carefully stick the needles at a distance of less than a millimeter from each other so that a neat and even smooth surface is formed. The needle should not be stuck deep, otherwise, instead of evenness, we will get a holey surface with potholes.

Here is our polished bear.

Now we will use black wool to form a pad on the heel of his hind paw.

Forming fingers.

This is how it should work out.

We repeat everything the same on the second paw.

In the area between the fingers, we carefully “draw” separators with tiny strands of black wool.

We repeat the same on the hind legs.

Our bear is almost ready!

Crumble some pink pastel using a knife or other cutting object, or prepare pink powder.

Using a soft, thin brush, carefully apply some paint to the bear’s cheeks and the inside of the ears.

Where you marked your eyebrows, use black shadows, a black strand of wool or a black bedding to make small strokes, indicating the contour of your eyebrows.

That's all, the bear is ready.
Thank you very much to the author Salova Olesya for the detailed master class on felting a teddy bear.

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