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Motivational inscriptions in Latin with translation. Inscriptions with translation in Latin. English men's lettering

Argumentum ad absurdum.

"Proof by absurdity."

Contumeliam nec ingenuus fert, nec fortis facit.

“An honest man does not tolerate insult, and a courageous man does not inflict it.”

Repetitio est mater studiorum.

“Repetition is the mother of learning.”

Damant, quod non intelegunt.

“They judge because they don’t understand.”

"From the heart."

O sancta simplicitas.

"Oh, holy simplicity."

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare.

“I’m ready to listen to stupidity, but I won’t listen.”

Ad impossibilia lex non cogit.

“The law does not require the impossible.”

Latrante uno latrat stati met alter canis.

“When one dog barks, the other immediately barks.”

Amicus plato, sed magis amica veritas.

"Plato is my friend but the truth is dearer."

Natura non nisi parendo vincitur.

“Nature can only be conquered by obeying it.”

Omne ignotum pro magnifico.

“Everything unknown seems grandiose.”

Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror.

“Benefits shown to the unworthy, I consider atrocities.”

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.

“Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.”

"With good intentions."

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

“It is common for every person to make mistakes, but only a fool can persist in a mistake.”

De gustibus non disputandum est.

"Tastes could not be discussed."

Conditio sine qua non.

"Required condition."

Consuetudo est altera natura.

“Habit is second nature.”

Carum quod rarum.

“What is expensive is what is rare.”

Accipere quid ut justitiam facias, non est tam accipere quam extorquere.

“Accepting rewards for the administration of justice is not so much acceptance as extortion.”

Aut vincere, aut mori.

"Either win or die."

Aequitas enim lucet per se.

"Justice shines by itself."

Citius, altius, fortius.

"Faster, higher, stronger."

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus.

“All of us, when we are healthy, easily give advice to the sick.”

Beatitudo non est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus.

“Happiness is not a reward for valor, but it is valor itself.”

Audi, multa, loquere pauca.

“Listen a lot, talk little.”

Divide et impera.

"Divide and rule."

Veterrimus homini optimus amicus est.

"The oldest friend is the best."

Homo homini lupus est.

"Man is a wolf to man."

De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil.

“It’s either good or nothing about the dead.”

Bonis quod bene fit haud perit.

“What is done for good people is never done in vain.”

Vestis virum reddit.

“Clothes make the man, clothes make the man.”

Deus ipse se fecit.

"God created himself."

Vivere est cogitare.

“Living means thinking.”

"Good luck!"

Fac fideli sis fidelis.

"Be faithful to those who are faithful to you."

Antiquus amor cancer est.

"Old love is never forgotten."

Vox p?puli vox D?i.

“The voice of the people is the voice of God.”

Consumor aliis inserviendo.

“By serving others, I waste myself; By shining for others, I burn myself.”

Calamitas virtutis occasio.

“Adversity is the touchstone of valor.”

Dura lex, sed lex.

"The law is strong, but it's law."

Vir excelso animo.

"A man of exalted soul."

Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides.

“Trust placed in a treacherous person allows him to do harm.”

Corruptio optimi pessima.

“The worst fall is the fall of the purest.”

Dura lex, sed lex.

"The law is harsh, but it is the law."

Quotes in Latin with translation

“With agreement, small things grow; with discord, even big ones decline.”

Bene qui latuit, bene vixit.

“He lived well who lived unnoticed.”

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.

"Acts are stronger than words."

Veni, vidi, vici.

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

Consensus omnium.

"By common consent."

Vir bonus semper tiro.

“A decent person is always a simpleton.”

Scire leges non hoc est verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatem.

“Knowing laws is not about remembering their words, but about understanding their meaning.”

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae.

“A good name is better than great wealth.”

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem.

“I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.”

Amor non est medicabilis herbis.

"There is no cure for love."

Vox emissa volat; litera scripta manet.

“What is said disappears, what is written remains.”

"Memento Mori."

Deffuncti injuria ne afficiantur.

“The crime of a dead person is beyond jurisdiction.”

Absentem laedit, qui cum ebrio litigat.

“He who argues with a drunken man fights with an absent one.”

Вis dat, qui cito dat

“He who gives quickly gives double.”

Quod non habet principium, non habet finem.

“What has no beginning has no end.”

Errare humanum est.

"Humans tend to make mistakes."

Memoria est signatarum rerum in mente vestigium.

“Memory is a trace of things fixed in thought.”

Facilis descensus averni.

“The ease of descent into the underworld.”

Poeta nascitur non fit.

“Poets are born, not made.”

Audi, vide, sile.

“Listen, watch, be silent.”

Sivis pacem para bellum.

“If you want peace, prepare for war.”

Alitur vitium vivitque tegendo.

“By concealment, vice is nourished and maintained.”

Ex parvis saepe magnarum rerum momenta pendent.

“The outcome of big cases often depends on the little things.”

Haurit aquam cribro, qui discere vult sine libro.

“He who wants to study without a book draws water with a sieve.”

Concordia parvae res crescunt, discordia maximae dilabuntur.

“With agreement, small things grow, with disagreement, great things are destroyed.”

Descensus averno facilis est.

“The path to hell is easy.” Phrases in Latin still attract young men and women. There is something alluring in these words and letters, some mysterious meaning. Each quote has its own history, its own author, its own time. Just think about the words: “Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes”; this phrase means “I did everything I could, whoever can do it better” and refers to ancient Roman times, when consuls chose their successors. Or: “Aliis inserviendo consumor”, which means “serving others I waste myself”; The meaning of this inscription was self-sacrifice; it was written under a candle. It was also found in many ancient publications and collections of various symbols.

Tattoos on a woman’s body are always beautiful; they can give a girl mystery and show her individuality. A tattoo in the form of an inscription in a foreign language can most accurately convey the character and spiritual predisposition of a girl, but when choosing, you should take into account not only the beauty of the sound and font, but also the translation of the words.

The choice of place for a tattoo is an important factor: firstly, the place can complement the meaning of the words; secondly, different parts of the body are to varying degrees accessible to view; and thirdly, the quality of the tattoo and the strength of the pain when applying it may depend on this choice.

On the back

The most popular place to get a tattoo inscription is the upper back.. Firstly, this is a very sexy part of the female body, and a beautiful inscription can make it even more attractive. In addition, for many girls, the back is an area of ​​increased susceptibility to various imperfections of both the spine and skin. And a tattoo, by diverting attention to itself, will smooth out these shortcomings.

However, there are also disadvantages. The upper back has a number of protrusions: the spine and shoulder blades. Reproduction of the pattern in this area will be quite painful, especially at the edges of the bone. In addition, for an inexperienced or inexperienced tattoo artist, this can become a problem, because on curves and bulges many factors need to be taken into account so that the design is not distorted.

Therefore, you need to choose a specialist not by price, but by professionalism. Also, due to the difficulty of access for initial care of the tattoo inscription, you will have to get a person who can help with this: apply cream, put on a bandage and monitor whether the paint falls out.

On the stomach

Tattoos in the abdomen also look very attractive, and besides, only the owner of the inscription can decide whether to show body art to the world or not. However, there are also a number of disadvantages. The abdomen is a very sensitive area, which can cause discomfort, both during the drawing process and after. Also, after getting a tattoo, a number of questions may arise.

Tattoo inscriptions with translation for girls can be done in different languages.

First of all, this is due to the fact that this is exactly the part of the body with which the hardest part of the trousers comes into contact. Frequent rubbing will not only cause pain, but will also cause paint particles to fall out prematurely, ruining the entire job. This problem can be solved by refusing to wear clothes made from hard materials, such as jeans.

body art on the arm will have to be corrected quite often.

Also During healing, you should give preference to trousers or skirts with a low waist. Among other things, the abdomen is an area prone to various deformations (the fat layer most quickly increases or decreases, pregnancy, diseases of the internal organs located in this area), and therefore the inscription may also change its original proportions.

However, if a change in the abdomen does not occur due to illness, then the process takes place gradually and the tattoo does not deteriorate.

On the hand

The inner part of the arm above the elbow is ideal for a tattoo of an inscription with a translation. for girls who do not want to unnecessarily show off the drawing, making it for personal pleasure. However, this area is also associated with frequent friction, and therefore body art will have to be corrected quite often.

On the wrist

The wrist is a small surface with many veins and small but mobile bones. This The place is perfect for girls who want to write a short but meaningful phrase.

The mobility of the bones can become the initiator of crooked lines and some errors, so you should choose a specialist with a steady, practiced hand. A large accumulation of veins and their proximity to the surface of the skin is a factor in the increased risk of infection, so when choosing this place you should be prepared for more thorough and frequent care.

On the brush

When applying an inscription to the hand, the same problem of mobility of the bones appears as with the wrist. However, this part of the hand has a larger area, which means the inscription can be longer.

When choosing this place, you should take into account your future professional activities: some serious organizations, especially those that involve frequent communication with people, often refuse job applicants who have tattoos. And it will be almost impossible to hide it in this place.

On the foot

Tattoo inscriptions on the foot look very interesting.. However, this part of the body is subject to frequent contact, which affects the quality and life expectancy of the pattern. An equally attractive location is the side of the foot, which is not only less at risk, but also more likely to be seen. Moreover, it won’t be difficult to hide it.

On the ankle

The ankle is an ideal place for a lettering tattoo. It can be applied either as a phrase on one side of the ankle, or in a circle, creating the effect of a bracelet. However, the inscription should not be overly overloaded with patterns, otherwise people may think there are skin problems.

On the neck

Making an inscription on the neck, despite all the sophistication of the tattoo translation, is not recommended for overweight girls: every movement of the head will create folds that will quickly spoil the artist’s work. Due to the presence of vertebral cartilage in the neck, getting a tattoo in this area can be quite painful.

An equally attractive place for a tattoo is the side of the foot, which is not only less at risk, but also has a better chance of being seen.

However, due to the small area, the duration of pain will not be so high as to refuse to apply the inscription in this particular place. Having a tattoo on the neck will brighten up even the most casual look of a girl, which will consist of a bun hairstyle and old jeans. Tattoos of inscriptions on the neck look most attractive if they are accompanied by a small image.

On the collarbone

This area is one of the most sensitive to tattoo and will have a very painful effect. This is especially true for excessively thin girls whose collarbones are not covered with at least a small layer of fat.

However, if pain is not an excuse for retreat, then one cannot help but notice that this part of the body seems to be intended for inscriptions on it. And it's not just the shape, but also the fact that this is the area least susceptible to friction.

The collarbone area is one of the most sensitive to get a tattoo and will have a very painful effect.

Also tattoos on the collarbones are practically not deformed(often upon reaching the age of 18, girls are no longer subject to bone growth, and it is almost impossible to gain fat mass in this area), and also do not fade from sunlight (the shadow of the head almost always falls on the collarbones, preventing direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation).

Lettering tattoos for girls

It just so happens that girls are thoughtful, vulnerable and very sentimental creatures. Therefore, the inscriptions that they put on their body, which are close to their emotions and worldview, are often associated with the personal sphere of life.

Women's inscriptions

About love

Each girl has her own idea of ​​love, depending on her personal experience and view, as well as her current marital status. Although, many do not recommend getting a tattoo, focusing on the last criterion: everything is changeable, and removing a tattoo is not so easy and painless.

You can put an inscription once seen in a movie or read in a book, but it should not just be beautiful - it should sink into the soul, playing on its strings. After all, any inscription that will last on the body longer than a slight infatuation must reflect a worldview, thoughts that are not permissible to express out loud, but they often spin in the head.

Inscriptions about love can consist of one word, for example, “always”, “love”, “together”, etc., or of full-fledged phrases and expressions.

Examples of such phrases:

  1. For lovers there is a world invisible to others.
  2. My heart has chosen the path.
  3. It takes two people to love.
  4. He who loves bears scars. Wounds are only medicines for karma.

About life

Such inscriptions, expressed in tattoos, will become a translation of the life credo of any girl. You can formulate the message that you want to imprint on your body yourself, by listening to your own thoughts, feelings and worldviews. The main thing is to be able to capture the whole point briefly, concisely and unambiguously.

Those who find this task overwhelming should also not be discouraged: over the long history of the creation of fiction books and films, the archives contain an immense number of phrases and quotes about life that can suit girls with a wide variety of tastes and views on this very life.

They can inspire, motivate, or they can also express skepticism: it all depends on personal preferences. The main thing when choosing an inscription is to try not to focus on popular statements (even if they coincide with views), but on those that you found or came up with yourself. Otherwise, instead of self-expression, it may result in what is called repetition and the herd effect.

Example phrases:

  1. There will always be difficulties, learn to be happy in spite of them.
  2. Life is too short to waste it on hatred.
  3. I want it. So it will happen.
  4. When dying, smile.

About family

Almost every girl dreams of family, home comfort and the warmth of the family hearth. This is exactly what can be expressed with a tattoo. Of course, in the modern world there are many who strive for financial independence, creating a career and all kinds of self-expression. This point of view can also be expressed through a tattoo.

With the help of inscription tattoos you can express your love for your most beloved family members: mother, father, grandmother, child, etc.

In addition to my own opinion about starting a family, you can mark on the body significant, important moments of an already created family. For example, this could be the phrase with which the acquaintance began or a line from a song that marked a significant day. Also, with the help of tattoo inscriptions, you can express love for your most beloved family members: mother, father, grandmother, child, etc.

Example phrases:

  1. I wanted to be where my mother sang to us.
  2. Parents are immortalized in our love.
  3. Family is our everything.


Such tattoos are also very popular among girls, because they carry a huge meaning behind them. With the help of philosophical inscriptions on the body, you can designate not only your life path, but also indicate what is most important in life, what you want to strive for. Such a tattoo will become like a guiding ray to the intended goal.

The inscriptions that tell about good and evil, about faith (and not necessarily in God), the meaning of life and even death look very impressive.

Example phrases:

  1. To those whose soul has not grown cold in the cold, the universe gives a miracle.
  2. If you don't try, you won't pass.
  3. As long as I live, I will rush to the edge.
  4. Everything did not happen in vain.

Examples of interesting phrases in different languages

Various tattoo inscriptions look most exotic and beautiful in foreign languages. However, before applying the phrase to her body, the girl needs to find out a clear translation so as not to get into trouble.

In Latin

Phrases options:

  1. Quod me netrit me destruit (What nourishes me also destroys).
  2. Quello che voi siete, noi eravamo. Quello che noi, siamo voi sarete (You are who we once were. We are who you will become). This phrase towers over the entrance to the Imperial Crypt in Rome.
  3. Carpe Diem, Quam Minimum Credular Postero (Living in today, I will not worry about tomorrow).
  4. Tempus neminem manet (Time will wait for no one).
  5. A posse ad esse (From the possible to the real).

In Hebrew

Example phrases:

  • החיים קצרים (Life is short);
  • אהבה זוכה בכל דבר (Love will conquer anything);
  • או אנחנו, או אותנו (Either we, or us).

In the Arabic language

Example phrases:

In English

Example phrases:

  1. Childhood forever.
  2. Death comes after all (Death will come for everyone).
  3. I want you to stay (I want you to stay).
  4. Stressed Out.
  5. Desires generate actions.

In Italian


  1. Senza fallimenti non c’è successo (Without failures you cannot achieve success).
  2. Prima ancor di vivere (Not having seen life).
  3. Spero di morire in primavera (I hope that I die in the spring).
  4. L'eterna canzone d'amore (The Eternal Song of Love).

In Spanish


  1. Mi amor es eterno (My love is eternal).
  2. En una hora de amor, una vida (In one hour of love there is a whole life).
  3. En tiempos oscuros, es mejor ver personas brillantes (In dark times, bright people are better seen).
  4. La amistad es una cruz (Friendship is a cross).

In French


  1. Je l'aime à mourir (I love you to death).
  2. Pardonne-moi, reviens moi comme avant (Forgive me, come back to me as before).
  3. L'amour est plein de risques. Et ça vaut le coup (Love is full of risk. And it is worth it).
  4. Laissez le froid être juste le temps. Il ne sera pas au Coeur (Let the cold be only the weather. It should not be in the soul).

In Chinese

For example:

  • 不要說如果它不改變沉默 (Don't talk unless it changes the silence for the better).
  • 他們笑的小屋比宮殿更富有,他們覺得無聊 (The hut where they laugh is richer than the palace where they are sad).
  • 生命力 (Life force).
  • 愛 (Love).

In Japanese


  • 望む (Desired).
  • 幸福 (Happiness).
  • 愛 (Love).
  • 精神の強さ (Fortitude).

Beautiful fonts for women's tattoos

To date, more than a million fonts have been invented and invented, each of which can become the one.

It is no secret that a font is capable of influencing a person’s subconscious, conveying to him feelings, emotions and impressions. Therefore, girls who are going to get an inscription tattoo, in addition to the translation, need to carefully think about the image of the letters.

If the meaning of the phrase is more romantic, then the font should be soft, gentle, with rounded lines.

So, for example, not a single girl would get a tattoo with the Times New Roman font: firstly, the font is overly famous, and therefore banal, and secondly, this style of writing is imprinted in the minds of many as something official (it is often used to create job application resumes, as well as when writing papers for higher educational institutions).

Letters with angular, clear and straight styles are suitable for inscriptions, the seriousness of which must be emphasized. If the meaning of the phrase is more romantic, then the font should be soft, gentle, with rounded lines. You should also take into account the size of the words, the development of words into a pattern or design, and remember that in some cases capital letters look ugly.

However, having decided on the mood of the inscription and the meaning that you want to convey, choosing a font will not be so difficult. The main thing is the desire to search. Since today, tattooing inscriptions on the body has become popular among boys and girls, then designers have created special platforms where you can choose the most suitable font online.

Before actually applying a tattoo, many experts recommend first doing a “translation” in ink to understand how the phrase will look on the body. After all, there is a significant difference between a drawing on paper and on skin.

Inscriptions that should not be made

Do not put controversial, rude or vulgar messages on your body, which at first glance may seem funny and witty, but over time will turn into a stigma. Also, you should not do body art with words of love near intimate areas, as they can become ambiguous.

Many girls made the mistake of applying names, initials or any other distinctive symbols associated with their lovers in a fit of passion and love. Falling in love is a strong feeling, but, unlike a tattoo, it has the ability to disappear. And not every guy will be able to adequately perceive the reminder of his “ex” that is always flashing from his girlfriend.

This can apply to many other things: for example, the names of your favorite musical groups (today they are in the TOP, but who knows what will happen tomorrow). The inscriptions must refer to eternal things that will remain unchanged.

You should not do body art with words of love near intimate areas, as they can become ambiguous.

Deciding on a tattoo inscription is not always easy, but to make the decision easier the girl needs to carefully think through every detail: drawing, style, font, translation and meaning of the phrase.

Having resolved all controversial issues regarding the desired body art, having carefully studied every detail, you can be sure that the tattoo will only cause joy at every glance. And not only the owner, but also ordinary people who see the drawing.

Video about tattoo inscriptions for girls

Photo of tattoo inscriptions with translation for girls:

Photo of tattoo inscriptions on the neck with translation:

Phrases and sayings for tattoos are a very popular trend in body art. Sayings are decorated with ornaments, flowers, thematic designs, and the quotes themselves are filled with beautiful fonts to give the tattoo uniqueness and highlight the character of the text.

The Latin language or Latin is a unique, one of the most ancient written languages. Classical Latin refers to the literary language that achieved its greatest expressiveness and syntactic harmony in the works of Cicero, Caesar, Virgil, Horace and Ovid. Along with ancient Greek, Latin has long served as a source for the formation of international socio-political and scientific terminology. Aphorisms, catchphrases and quotes in Latin about love are a rich source of inspiration among tattoo lovers.

Beautiful phrases for tattoos in Latin with translation

Magna res est amor.
Love is a great deal.

Vale et me ama.
Farewell and love me.

Amantes sunt amentes.
Lovers are crazy.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant.
Friends are made by happiness, misfortune tests them.

Amor etiam deos tangit.
Even the gods are subject to love.

Amor non est medicabilis herbis.
Love cannot be cured with herbs. (there is no cure for love. Ovid, “Heroids”)

Love conquers everything.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.
Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.

Febris erotica.
Love fever.

Ira odium generat, concordia nutrit amorem.
Anger gives rise to hatred, agreement feeds love.

Antiquus amor cancer est.
Old love is not forgotten.

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem.
I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.

Amantium irae amoris integratio est.
The wrath of lovers is the renewal of love.

Dum spiro, amo atque credo.
As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audet.
Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.

A nullo diligitur, qui neminem diligit.
Nobody loves someone who doesn't love anyone.

Finis vitae, sed non amoris.
Life ends, but not love.

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium.
In love, pain and joy always compete.

Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare.
It is very pleasant to be loved, but it is no less pleasant to love yourself.

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
I hate and love. You ask why I do this?
I don’t know, but I feel that this is happening, and I go out in torment

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori.
Love conquers everything, and we submit to love.

Amor tussisque non celantur.
You can't hide love and cough

I hate it and love it.

Si vis amari, ama.
If you want to be loved, love.

Prima cartitas ad me.
First love is me.

Cantica giginit amor.
Love gives birth to songs

Amorem canat aetas prima.
Let youth sing about love.

Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est.
Only a mother is worthy of love, only a father is worthy of respect.

To be loved, be worthy of love.

Vivamus atque amemus.
Let's live and love.

Amantes sunt amentes!
Lovers are crazy!

Animae dimidium meae.
Half of my soul

Amor dolor.
Love is suffering.

Con amore.
With love.

Latin tattoos never seem to go out of style. Agree, there is something mystical in the language spoken by one of the most ancient cultures. And starting from the 1st century AD, many European settlements communicated through it. Unfortunately, today the Latin language is considered completely dead, but great phrases in it are still in great demand and respect. Many people choose some kind of Latin inscription for a tattoo. Most often these are philosophical, love and family themes.

Today it is difficult to independently translate the required inscription for a tattoo, but many resources have been created on the Internet for this. However, as you yourself understand, you should not completely trust them. Check the translation in more than one source before applying words to your body. Many people act quite reasonably, using long-established and proven phrases in Latin. It's a mistake to think that this narrows your choices. There are so many Latin phrases that you may have difficulty coming up with a definitive definition. continues to collect all the most interesting things for you. Our selection today is entirely devoted to tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation.

Motivational tattoo inscriptions in Latin

The Latin language is great for phrases that motivate and inspire a person to do something. It was spoken by the great generals and rulers of Rome; it was during that era that many well-known sayings arose. Here are some of them:

  • non ducor duco - I am not a follower, I lead myself.
  • semper ad meliora - moving only forward is the best solution.
  • dum vita est, spes est - while I breathe, I hope.
  • Recordare quia ego Dominus - remember that you must live.
  • Sed anima plus est quam manere - life is more than just being on this earth.
  • Ille vincit qui se vincit - the one who can defeat himself wins.
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae - every person is the creator of his own destiny.
  • Qui estis - be who you are.
  • Nunc aut numquam - now or never.
  • Dicere non audeamus - have the courage to say no.
  • Rectum, quia honestum est - do what you think is right, because it is right.
  • Te obtinuit amittere duobus proeliis vincere - before winning the main fight, you need to sacrifice the previous ones.
  • Aut vincere, aut mori - either win or die.
  • Certum voto pete finem - set yourself only achievable goals (i.e. don’t fly in the clouds).
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis - actions are stronger than words.
  • Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - not a step back, always forward.
Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation: on the wrist

Love tattoo lettering in Latin

As the Romans themselves said, even the Gods are subject to love. Not a single living creature on the planet can do without it. For some, love brings a feeling of euphoria and joy, for others it brings pain and suffering. Many people strive to immortalize their feelings, whatever they may be, on their body. Here are some of them:

  • Amantes sunt amentes - lovers are mad.
  • Amor etiam deos tangit - even the gods are subject to love.
  • Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.
  • Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem - I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.
  • Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audit - happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - life ends, but not love.
  • In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium - pain and joy always compete in love.
  • nunc scio quid sit amor - now I know what love means.
  • omnia vincit amor - love conquers all obstacles.
  • si vis amari ama - if you want to be loved, love yourself.
  • Amor gignit amorem - love begets love.
  • Una in perpetuum - together forever.
  • Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - I want to live and die with you.
  • Tuus perdite sodalis amans - forever your loving soul mate.
  • Numquam te amare desistam - I will never stop loving you.
  • Amor meus amplior quam verba est - my love is more than words.
  • ecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - with you I would like to live, with you I would like to die.
  • Sine amore, nihil est vita - life is meaningless without love.
  • Mea vita et anima es - you are my life and soul.

Philosophical tattoo inscriptions in Latin

A lot of things in life require reflection. Life is not an easy thing. Every person strives to somehow realize himself, achieving his goals through many obstacles. Some believe that life is a thorny path, others believe that this path is very short. These thoughts were not alien to the ancient philosophers. It is thanks to them that today we have many beautiful Latin phrases on eternal philosophical topics that make us think. Here are some of them:

  • Vitam diligere. Amabit te - love life, it will love you back.
  • De vita nusquam abruptis - never regret.
  • Tolle quod dat vitam - take what life offers you.
  • Video faciem optimism vitam specula - I look at life only with optimism.
  • Vita difficile est. Te potest esse difficilius - life is cruel, but you can be tougher.
  • Non quae libri vita docet - life teaches what is not written about in books.
  • Populus, populi ad vitam resurgit - people come, people go, but life goes on.
  • Vita multas tempestates sedat aliqua - life is striped.
  • Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat - every hour wounds, the last one kills.
  • Perigrinatio est vita - life is a journey.

In previous articles on the topic of tattoos with translation, we have already given examples of the most original ideas. Today, such options have not escaped our attention. I would especially like to highlight the tattoo inscription (Latin with translation) in the form of three crossed circles, reminiscent of Infinity sign. More than one Latin phrase can fit on such a tattoo. For some, this can be a real salvation.

: on the back

Also, for those who want to place more text on their body, we can offer this option. Latin stitches always look very attractive on the shoulder blade. This design suits both boys and girls. Remember Angelina Jolie.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : on the shoulder blade

Among the representatives of the stronger half, inscriptions on the chest are very popular. Here is one such example.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : on the chest

Girls can decorate their inscription with various elements, a heart, a bird, a flower. While men most often prefer strict and in some cases “hard” design.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : on the foot with a butterfly

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : on the foot with a bird

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : On the hand

Latin is the noblest language in existence. Maybe because he's dead? Knowing Latin is not a utilitarian skill, it is a luxury. You won’t be able to speak it, but you won’t be able to shine in society... There is no language that helps so much to make an impression!

1. Scio me nihil scire
[scio me nihil scire]

“I know that I know nothing,” - according to Plato, this is what Socrates said about himself. And he explained this idea: people usually believe that they know something, but it turns out that they know nothing. Thus, it turns out that, knowing about my ignorance, I know more than everyone else. A phrase for lovers of fog and reflective people.

2. Cogito ergo sum
[kogito, ergo sum]

“I think, therefore I am” is the philosophical statement of Rene Descartes, a fundamental element of Western rationalism of the New Age.

“Cogito ergo sum” is not the only formulation of Descartes’ idea. More precisely, the phrase sounds like “Dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo sum” - “I doubt, therefore I think; I think, therefore I exist.” Doubt is, according to Descartes, one of the modes of thinking. Therefore, the phrase can also be translated as “I doubt, therefore I exist.”

3. Omnia mea mecum portо
[omnia mea mekum porto]

“I carry everything I have with me.” Roman historians say that during the days of the Persian conquest of the Greek city of Priene, the sage Bias calmly walked lightly behind a crowd of fugitives who were barely carrying heavy property. When they asked him where his things were, he grinned and said: “I always carry everything I have with me.” He spoke Greek, but these words have come down to us in a Latin translation.

It turned out, historians add, that he was a real sage; On the way, all the refugees lost their goods, and soon Biant fed them with the gifts that he received, conducting instructive conversations with their inhabitants in cities and villages.

This means that a person’s inner wealth, his knowledge and intelligence are more important and valuable than any property.

4. Dum spiro, spero
[dum spiro, spero]

By the way, this phrase is also the slogan of the underwater special forces - combat swimmers of the Russian Navy.

5. Errare humanum est
[errare humanum est]

“To err is human” is an aphorism by Seneca the Elder. In fact, this is just part of an aphorism, the whole thing goes like this: “Errare humanum est, stultum est in errore perseverare” - “It is human nature to make mistakes, but it is stupid to persist in your mistakes.”

6. O tempora! Oh more!
[o tempora, o mores]

“Oh times! Oh morals! - Cicero's most famous expression from the First Oration against Catiline, which is considered the pinnacle of Roman oratory. Revealing the details of the conspiracy at a meeting of the Senate, Cicero with this phrase expresses indignation both at the impudence of the conspirator, who dared to appear in the Senate as if nothing had happened, and at the inaction of the authorities.

Usually the expression is used to state the decline of morals, condemning an entire generation. However, this expression may well become a funny joke.

7. In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas
[in wine veritas, in aqua sanitas]

“Truth is in wine, health is in water” - almost everyone knows the first part of the saying, but the second part is not so widely known.

8. Homo homini lupus est
[homo homini lupus est]

“Man is a wolf to man” is a proverbial expression from Plautus’s comedy “Donkeys.” They use it when they want to say that human relationships are pure selfishness and hostility.

In Soviet times, this phrase characterized the capitalist system, in contrast to which, in the society of the builders of communism, man is friend, comrade and brother to man.

9. Per aspera ad astra
[translated by aspera ed astra]

"Through hardship to the stars". The option “Ad astra per aspera” - “To the stars through thorns” is also used. Perhaps the most poetic Latin saying. Its authorship is attributed to Lucius Annaeus Seneca, an ancient Roman philosopher, poet and statesman.

10. Veni, vidi, vici
[veni, vidi, vichi]

“I came, I saw, I conquered” - this is what Gaius Julius Caesar wrote in a letter to his friend Amyntius about the victory over one of the Black Sea fortresses. According to Suetonius, these are the words that were written on the board that was carried during Caesar's triumph in honor of this victory.

11. Gaudeamus igitur
[gaudeamus igitur]

“So let us be merry” is the first line of the student anthem of all times. The hymn was created in the Middle Ages in Western Europe and, contrary to church-ascetic morality, praised life with its joys, youth and science. This song goes back to the genre of drinking songs of vagants - medieval wandering poets and singers, among whom were students.

12. Dura lex, sed lex
[stupid lex, sad lex]

There are two translations of this phrase: “The law is harsh, but it is the law” and “The law is the law.” Many people think that this phrase dates back to Roman times, but this is not true. The maxim dates back to the Middle Ages. In Roman law there was a flexible legal order that allowed the letter of the law to be softened.

13. Si vis pacem, para bellum
[se vis pakem para bellum]

14. Repetitio est mater studiorum
[repetitio est mater studiorum]

One of the most beloved proverbs by the Latins is also translated into Russian by the proverb “Repetition is the mother of learning.”

15. Amor tussisque non celantur
[amor tusiskwe non tselantur]

“You can’t hide love and a cough” - there are actually a lot of sayings about love in Latin, but this one seems to us the most touching. And relevant on the eve of autumn.

Fall in love, but be healthy!

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