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Is it possible to get pregnant again while breastfeeding and how safe is it? Menstruation during breastfeeding - after what time the mother’s body is fully restored

The birth of a baby brings great joy to a young mother and father. Sometimes they are so absorbed in communicating with the child that they don’t even think about intimate life. In addition, many are afraid of the risk of getting pregnant again while breastfeeding.

The feelings that arise in this case are quite understandable and justified: a woman who has recently given birth may worry that her body has not yet recovered from a previous birth, and besides, she wants to devote all her time to the newborn baby.

Friends and relatives can confidently say that during lactation the probability of becoming pregnant is negligible or even zero. Is it really? Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding?

What is the probability of pregnancy during lactation?

For some, the argument for the inability of a nursing mother to become pregnant is the absence of menstruation. In other words, pregnancy is impossible if menstruation has not resumed. In principle, this is true.

A woman’s body is structured as follows: during lactation, her pituitary gland actively secretes prolactin, a hormone that blocks the maturation of the follicle. As a result of this process, ovulation does not occur, and, consequently, pregnancy itself does not occur.

Why does pregnancy sometimes occur?

There are often cases when you can get pregnant while breastfeeding. The first ovulation after childbirth occurs before the start of menstruation. If, without seeing signs of menstruation, a woman continues to have unprotected sex life, the egg that matures during ovulation can be safely fertilized without the knowledge of its owner.

It often happens that a young mother finds out about a second pregnancy already quite a long time ago, when the baby’s movements are already clearly noticeable. This can happen if pregnancy occurred during the first ovulation, there were no periods, and the woman does not even suspect what happened in her body. She believes that there are still no periods because the body has not yet returned to normal after childbirth, but in fact they are absent due to a new pregnancy.

When is the lactational amenorrhea method effective?

To avoid the possibility of fertilization during lactation, it is important to strictly observe certain conditions:

  1. Feed your baby not according to a schedule, but on demand.
  2. The baby's diet should consist only of mother's milk. That is, supplementary feeding with formulas, complementary feeding with new foods and drinking should be completely absent.
  3. The mother must feed the child with her milk from the moment of his birth.
  4. The feeding frequency should be at least 6 times every 24 hours.
  5. Mom and her baby should be healthy and feel good.

If these conditions are not met, the risk of pregnancy is very high. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the female body and resort to safe methods of contraception, since relying on natural lactation is unreliable.

Symptoms of pregnancy occurring during lactation

Considering how unnoticed conception can occur for a breastfeeding woman, it is useful to know the main signs.

From the child's side:

During pregnancy, breast milk changes its structure and may have a different taste and consistency. Not every baby likes these changes.

When a mother notices that her baby is eating less well or is refusing milk altogether, while feeling well, she should check to see if she is pregnant.

From mom's side:

  • If a new pregnancy occurs during feeding, the body begins to take care of it. It actively works to support nascent life and therefore reduces the resources spent on lactation. As a result, milk may not be produced as actively as before, and in smaller quantities.
  • When a woman notices pain, swelling, swelling of the breasts (in this case, injuries and improper attachment of the baby are excluded) - this is a sure sign of pregnancy.
  • If your periods have already resumed, but there is currently a delay, you should resort to a pregnancy test.
  • When a woman is breastfeeding, her uterus may periodically contract. This is fine. But if she notices that contractions have become more frequent and intense, this is a reason to check her condition.
  • Also, the pregnancy of a nursing woman may be accompanied by the same symptoms as those of a non-breastfeeding woman (the so-called toxicosis of pregnant women). If you experience nausea, vomiting, frequent urge to go to the toilet, loss of appetite, lower back pain, etc., you should be checked for pregnancy.

Which contraceptives are safe?

So, can you get pregnant while breastfeeding? The answer is clear - you can. If this is not part of the new parents' plans, they need to be careful. It is worth consulting with your gynecologist which method of protection is best to use.

In general, the following contraceptives are safe for a child:

  • condoms
  • IUD (intrauterine device)
  • injections
  • implants
  • mini-pill
  • sterilization

You should not use birth control pills that contain hormones (progesterone and estrogen).

It is important to remember that none of the proposed methods of contraception can guarantee 100% protection. Still, they are more reliable than the lactational amenorrhea method.

When is the best time to plan your next pregnancy?

Perhaps the baby’s mom and dad are not at all against him having a brother or sister. Most likely, they will accept the news of such an imminent conception with pleasure. This is amazing.

Still, doctors recommend not to rush with the next child for some time after giving birth. If you wait until the newborn baby gets stronger, receiving all the necessary vitamins and microelements from the mother, this will have a good effect on both his health and the health of the mother and the next baby.

The ideal time for another pregnancy is 2-4 years after childbirth. During this period, the woman’s body will recover, replenish its reserves of necessary substances and be ready to support a new life.

Conception: how does it happen?

As you know, conception is the result of the union of two germ cells - a female (egg) and a male (sperm). The female reproductive cell must first mature.

This process occurs in the ovaries. The immature reproductive cell is called a follicle. It has small dimensions - 2-3 mm. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is produced in the most important regulatory center (pituitary gland), the follicle begins to grow and by the middle of the cycle (12-14 days) reaches 18-20 mm in diameter. It synthesizes the female sex hormones estrogens.

Further, under the influence of peak concentrations of pituitary hormones (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating), ovarian tissue ruptures, and a mature egg is released into the abdominal cavity (ovulation), picked up by the fimbriae (villi) of the fallopian tubes and sent towards its “prince” - the sperm. She can be fertilized within three days. If this does not happen, the egg dies.

The fusion of sperm and egg is marked by the formation of a zygote - a new organism carrying maternal and paternal chromosomes. Immediately after fertilization, the process of cell division begins. First, two cells are formed, then after ten hours there are already four, and so on every ten hours.

In this case, the embryo gradually moves through the tube to the uterus. The cilia of the fallopian tube help it move. After 4 days, the embryo reaches the uterus, after 7–9 days it is implanted into the uterine mucosa. This is how pregnancy occurs

Natural contraceptive prolactin

Prolactin plays an important role in the regulation of hormonal status and ovarian function. It is produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland throughout life.

But the main function of prolactin is to participate in the production of breast milk. During pregnancy, high levels of prolactin promote the maturation and enlargement of the mammary glands. But lactation does not occur, since this process is inhibited by the hormone progesterone, synthesized by the placenta.

Once the baby and placenta are born, progesterone levels drop and lactation becomes possible. On the 3-4th day of the postpartum period, the concentration of prolactin in the blood reaches its highest value. It ensures the formation of milk (lactogenesis): increases the secretion of colostrum; promotes the transformation of colostrum into mature milk; stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands, increasing the number of lobules and ducts in them.

Releases of prolactin are observed during stressful situations and emotional stress. Its role at such moments is to mitigate stress and reduce its negative impact on the body. This is especially important for a nursing mother: she must be calm so that adrenaline does not get into the milk, which causes lactation to stop.

Prolactin is secreted in our body in order to reduce excitability. It inhibits the action of dopamine, which is responsible for sexual arousal. It is prolactin that provides a period of relaxation and rest after orgasm. Therefore, during lactation, women often have no sexual desire.

Thus, prolactin not only activates lactation processes, but also protects it: reduces the impact of harmful stress; reduces libido so that the mother’s interests are concentrated only on the baby; prevents conception to avoid pregnancy “distracting” from breastfeeding.

Prolactin is a natural contraceptive. It blocks the synthesis of sex hormones responsible for ovulation. Its effects explain the possible absence of menstruation and a decrease in the likelihood of becoming pregnant during breastfeeding. This is how nature protects a nursing mother from another pregnancy.

However, the contraceptive effect of prolactin is not 100% reliable. While breastfeeding, ovulation can still “skip”, resulting in unplanned conception.

Contraception and breastfeeding

Since a high level of prolactin and the absence of menstruation during breastfeeding does not guarantee that you will not become pregnant again, I would recommend that all breastfeeding mothers take precautions.

Oral contraceptives containing estrogens should not be used during lactation. If you like hormonal contraception, you should prefer pure gestagens: in tablets (Charozetta, Pini-Pili), injections (Depo-Provera) or sewn-in capsules (Norplant).

Pure gestagens have high contraceptive effectiveness, comparable to that of combined oral contraceptives. These drugs have a fairly mild effect on the female body, without affecting the composition and taste of mother's milk.

Pure gestagens do not suppress ovulation; their contraceptive effect is based on the following mechanisms:

Changes in the quality of cervical mucus - an increase in thickness, which prevents sperm from penetrating through the cervix;
decreased peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, preventing the movement of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity;
disruption of embryo implantation due to the effect on the uterine mucosa.

It is not advisable to install an intrauterine device in the next six months after birth due to the high risk of infection. The uterus should recover after childbirth.

Barrier methods of contraception, such as a condom, are relevant for the lactation period. It will protect against unwanted pregnancy and prevent the development of endometritis, the likelihood of which is high during the process of postpartum involution (shrinkage) of the uterus.

Restoring intimate life after childbirth

If you have recovered from childbirth, stocked up on reliable contraception and are ready to improve your intimate life, then when resuming sexual relations you should consider important points:

1. It is better to start having vaginal sex a few weeks after childbirth, when the uterus and vagina have returned to their original state.

2. Immediately after childbirth, alternative forms of intimate relationships are acceptable: caresses, oral sex, sexual intercourse without full penetration into the vagina, between the woman’s closed thighs or between the mammary glands.

3. If the birth was accompanied by an episiotomy (perineal incision) or was surgical (caesarean section), it is better to consult a doctor regarding the timing of resumption and the form of intimate relationships.

Love yourself! Value your health!

Always with you,

Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? Surely, many of you think that no, pregnancy cannot occur during lactation. But this statement is not always correct. In some cases, conception can still occur. Let's look at the features of the contraceptive method called “lactation amenorrhea”.

A woman’s body, including reproductive function, does not recover immediately after childbirth. And for lactating women, as a rule, it takes even longer. There may be no periods during the entire lactation period. However, the absence of menstruation does not always mean that a woman is “temporarily infertile.” It is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding; this fact is proven by numerous stories of women that can be read on the Internet.

However, the fertility of a nursing woman is indeed reduced. The fact is that during lactation, hormones are produced that suppress reproductive function; the same prolactin, produced in large quantities, prevents one from becoming a future mother again in a short time after the birth of a child. However, the effectiveness of this method of contraception is greatly influenced by the frequency of feeding the child. You need to feed your child not on a schedule, as recommended by the well-known Doctor Spock, but on demand. The more often, the less likely it is to become pregnant. During the day, you need to feed your baby at least once every 3-4 hours; the night feeding break should be no more than 6 hours.

But even if feeding is frequent, the effectiveness of this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy weakens after the baby is 6-7 months old, this is due to the introduction of complementary foods, as a result of which he needs less mother’s milk. If the mother’s menstrual cycle has resumed, this is also one of the indicators that the body is ready for pregnancy again. Therefore, you need to look for other, more reliable means of contraception, since the answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding” is definitely “yes”!

Contraception for nursing mothers

1. Condoms. Not all couples can use this most common and ancient type of contraception. Firstly, for men who use them, the pleasure from the process is somewhat dulled, and if we also take into account the fact that a woman’s vagina after childbirth becomes somewhat larger in volume, then we can only rely on tactile sensations. But what are the tactile sensations if you are wearing a condom? However, not everything is so simple. There are a number of condoms made from super-thin latex, which is almost imperceptible, the main thing is to choose the right size. Women may also experience less pleasure because of a condom, especially after childbirth, when there is not enough natural lubrication. In this case, you can use lubricants offered by pharmacies. They are quite inexpensive - 150-250 rubles per jar.

2. Spermicides. Suppositories such as Pharmatex and Patentex Oval are known to many women. Their effectiveness, when used correctly, is above 90 percent, which is quite enough for women who have not yet regained fertility, since it is possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding. These substances do not penetrate into the woman’s blood, which means they do not enter the milk and do not in any way affect its quantity or the health of the baby. Convenient if there is no individual intolerance to these contraceptives.

3. Intrauterine device. It can be placed as early as 6-8 weeks after birth. The installation takes place without problems, since the woman who has given birth remains a slightly open cervix, which facilitates medical manipulations and minimizes the risk of injury to the cervix when it is opened with instruments. The spiral, as a rule, is installed for a period of up to 5-7 years (but if the patient wishes or if there are indications, the doctor can remove it from the uterus at any time). Reliability is almost 100 percent. Excellent contraception for those who have no contraindications.

4. Oral contraceptives. Yes, they can also be drunk by nursing mothers. But not the usual combination ones containing ethinyl estradiol, but without it. These tablets are also called mini-pills. They do not in any way affect the amount of breast milk, much less the baby’s health. You can start taking them approximately 2 months after giving birth, even if you have not had menstrual bleeding yet. But a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary in any case. After 6 months, doctors recommend that women switch to combined oral contraceptives, since they are more physiological, so to speak, for the female body and are reliable. Their effect on the amount of milk will have a slight effect, given that at 6-7 months all babies should already be receiving solid foods. Please note that you can become pregnant while breastfeeding if you are more than 3 hours late in taking mini-pills (Charozetta, Exluton, Microlut, etc.).

Remember that it is always better to be safe than sorry. And even if our great-great-grandmothers used the method of lactational amenorrhea, it was a forced measure, and, by the way, many of them, despite this, became pregnant when their children were 2-3 months old. In fact, a woman’s fertility can return as early as 4 weeks after giving birth, which means that after 6 weeks she won’t have to ask “is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding”, the answer will already be obvious. Such cases may be rare, but they do exist. So, it’s not worth the risk, especially since for breastfeeding women the choice of modern contraception is not much less than for non-breastfeeding women.

After the arrival of a long-awaited baby, all women, without exception, are concerned about the issue of proper restoration of the body. Many people are concerned about the question of whether menstruation occurs during breastfeeding and when they appear.

It is known that on average the postpartum period lasts up to 8 weeks, during which time the uterus regains its original size and the mother’s body reorients itself to breastfeeding the baby. When do periods appear?

Periods after childbirth

The onset of menstruation after childbirth is caused by many factors. These include:

  • hormonal background;
  • state of the reproductive system;
  • method of childbirth;
  • what kind of feeding does a child have?

As studies show, if there is no breastfeeding, the cycle is restored at 15 weeks after birth. Breastfeeding mothers get their periods later due to increased prolactin hormone. Irregular periods while breastfeeding are acceptable and can be due to many factors.

  • If the baby is constantly breastfed, the cycle can be restored only after the end of lactation.
  • If feeding is mixed, and doctors recommend starting complementary feeding at 6 months, menstruation can begin at any time.

However, there are cases when the cycle is restored even with full natural feeding, this is influenced by long breaks between feedings.

As for natural feeding during menstruation, doctors are confident that it does not need to be interrupted. At this time, the milk does not change its quality and taste. The main thing to remember is that you can get pregnant while breastfeeding. and take care of this in advance of the restoration of intimate life.

On average, a full cycle should be restored within 3 months after the end of lactation; if this does not happen, you need to consult a doctor to diagnose the causes of this pathology, as this may be the result of quite serious problems in the body. The main thing to remember is that good natural feeding means good physical and psychological health for the mother.

Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding?

This is the second most frequently asked question among moms. Many are completely confident that such a natural method as breastfeeding completely protects them from another pregnancy. However, there are cases when even at this time it is possible to conceive a child. This is possible even in the absence of menstruation. It has been proven that a new pregnancy can occur at the time of the first ovulation, which can occur unnoticed.

To minimize pregnancy during breastfeeding, you must follow these rules:

  • Feeding should not take place at certain times, but at the baby’s first request. Complete refusal of any additional feeding and even refusal of water. On average, a child should receive 10 small feedings or 6 long ones during the day. The maximum intervals between them are 5 hours.
  • These rules work when the baby has not yet reached 7 months of age. Older children are given complementary foods, which means less milk is required. It is from this period that you need to start using protection if you do not want to get pregnant again.

If you are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if, first you need to answer the following - are you against giving birth to children of the same age? Although conceiving immediately after childbirth is not entirely good for your health, due to hormonal changes in the body and breastfeeding the baby. Doctors say that the optimal option for a second pregnancy is two years after the previous birth. During this time, the body will regain strength, and the mother will also be able to rest mentally. Many mothers in conversations among themselves claim that “I don’t have periods, it’s impossible to get pregnant.” As you know, the first menstruation occurs after ovulation, so pregnancy can occur even without menstruation, which simply does not have time to begin.

Contraception during breastfeeding

Modern medicine has developed means of contraception for nursing mothers that will not harm the baby, who is still receiving milk.

  • Barrier contraception. This includes condoms and the vaginal diaphragm. They have high efficiency rates. If there is increased vaginal dryness, lubricant will become indispensable. Diaphragm - is a dome-shaped latex cap that blocks the path of sperm into the uterus; its effectiveness when used properly reaches 90%.
  • Spermicidal agents. These products include creams, tablets and suppositories. The principle of their main action is associated with the creation of a certain environment inside the body in which sperm die. The effectiveness is 80%, which is quite suitable if fertility is not fully restored. The main substances do not penetrate into the milk, which means that the baby is not in danger.
  • Intrauterine device. It is an excellent remedy if there are no contraindications. Its validity period is from 5 to 7 years; in addition, it can be removed at any time. This device can be installed at 8 weeks after birth, at which time the cervix is ​​still soft, which will make it easier to install the IUD without damage. The reliability of this method is close to 100%.
  • Oral contraceptives acceptable contraception during breastfeeding. Today, tablets that do not contain ethinyl estradiol are available in pharmacies, they are called mini-pills. They can be used as early as two months after the baby is born. Studies have not revealed any effect on the quantity or quality of milk, or negative consequences on the child. It is better to use them after consulting a doctor. However, this method requires compliance with deadlines; delay significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

Breastfeeding protection is important to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. The number of contraceptive methods is quite diverse; every nursing mother can choose what is right for her.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

This situation occurs quite rarely, but it does occur. We are talking about pregnancy during feeding; this can be either a planned or an accidental episode. With the onset of pregnancy, many questions always arise regarding the development of a new life and how not to harm it. In this situation, it is better to immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will explain all the features of breastfeeding during the second pregnancy.

According to experts, if pregnancy proceeds normally, this is not a problem for lactation. The main thing to remember is that nature intends to give all the best to the child in the womb, which means you need to take care of additional nutrition for the child and mother. You may need to start taking vitamins to help replenish your body's balance.

If you breastfeed during a new pregnancy, you may experience slight discomfort, which will soon go away. The hormone produced during feeding does not affect the muscles of the uterus and does not lead to premature birth. Only a doctor can advise interrupting feeding after examination and the necessary tests. Weaning can be done independently if the mother has toxicosis, the first birth was premature, or there have been previous miscarriages or bleeding.

If pregnancy occurs when the baby is already one year old, it is better to stop feeding, although the baby himself will gradually refuse, since the milk will not be as tasty for him. If the baby has not reached this age, the best time to interrupt natural feeding will be 2 months before birth, during which time the baby will adapt to the new diet, and the mother will be able to gain strength until another birth. It is important to remember that only your doctor can give an exact answer to the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed during pregnancy in your particular case.

Pregnancy test for breastfeeding

Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? The answer is yes. You can understand when this happened using a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test detects elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin. If a woman is breastfeeding her baby and is sexually active, it is better to do such tests every month. The test will establish pregnancy within a few days after conception; breastfeeding does not affect its accuracy.

If a nursing mother's cycle has been restored, and there is even a slight delay, but the test shows a negative result, it is better to repeat it after some time. Perhaps ovulation occurred closer to the end of the cycle, and the hormone level has not yet had time to increase.

Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding

How to determine pregnancy while breastfeeding? For most women, repeat pregnancy is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • changes in the quality of milk, which can be determined by the child’s behavior;
  • decreased milk supply for no reason;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • typical signs of toxicosis;
  • cycle delay.

Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? The answer is yes. It is important to remember this when returning to normal sex life after childbirth. right after the first one? Although doctors recommend taking a break of 2-3 years between births, if you feel that you have the strength to give birth to a second child immediately after the first, give birth! After all, among your friends there are twins and even triplets! And nothing! Moms cope. It's not easy though.

Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? How quickly will the next conception occur? How to use a natural method of contraception? Is pregnancy likely in the absence and presence of menstruation a short time after childbirth?

A new pregnancy a couple of months after birth is rarely expected and favorable. And the point is not only that few women decide to give birth to children the same age, realizing how difficult it will be to care for two young children.

The body of a young mother is not yet physiologically ready for the onset and bearing of a new pregnancy. “The human reproductive cycle is 3-5 years,” lactation expert Natalya Razakhatskaya comments on the issue. “It is during this period that the body has time to fully recover.” However, this does not mean that pregnancy is impossible.

Reproductive system restoration

Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth, after a cesarean section? The question is individual. The answer to this is the recovery time of a woman’s reproductive system, which takes place over different periods of time. Breastfeeding mothers recover significantly longer than women who practice artificial feeding. And even the presence of supplementary feeding during natural nutrition reduces the time for the resumption of reproductive function.

The absence of menstruation can be observed in a nursing woman throughout the entire period of lactation. But this does not protect against unplanned pregnancy, since it is impossible to predict the release date of a mature egg.

The main player in returning the ability to get pregnant is the hormone prolactin. Its production occurs throughout a woman’s life, but in different quantities. During pregnancy, its level increases, which allows the mammary glands to grow glandular tissue, where milk is “produced”. But it begins to be produced after childbirth, because the level of the hormone progesterone, a prolactin antagonist, drops sharply.

After the separation of the placenta, there are no competitors for prolactin in the woman’s body. After childbirth, its level reaches its peak. It is during this period that breast milk production begins. But other processes are also taking place at the same time.

  • Decreased libido. Prolactin has a natural sedative effect. It increases a woman’s resistance to stress, making her less susceptible to experiences and emotional stress. This effect is very important for a nursing mother, as it protects her from nervousness and the associated decreased milk production. But at the same time it suppresses a woman’s sexual desire. The mother's attention is completely focused on the child, and she is of little interest in sex.
  • Natural contraception. Prolactin disrupts the production of sex hormones responsible for ovulation. With its high content in a woman’s body, pregnancy becomes impossible. A contraceptive method called lactation aminorrhea is based on this physiological fact. And evolutionarily there are good reasons for this method. Until now, women did not have access to quality medical care, and there was a high mortality rate during childbirth. Preserving a woman's life largely depended on how often she gave birth. Long-term feeding - breastfeeding for three, four, five years - made it possible to reduce the risk of death during childbirth. And all this time the women did not menstruate.

Today, natural biological rhythms have gone astray. The reason for this is a change in the approach to breastfeeding, which women no longer consider as a way to save themselves and their child. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding a month after giving birth has become relevant.

Signs of fertility

The absence of menstruation in a breastfeeding woman is not the main indicator of inability to conceive. The hormonal background of a young mother undergoes changes. Therefore, there may be no menstruation, until lactation involution. But pregnancy can occur.

A sufficient level of protection against pregnancy is maintained only if several factors are met.

  • Only natural feeding. The baby should not receive any food other than your milk. Only in this case the level of the hormone prolactin remains so high as to block the release of the egg from the ovaries.
  • No additional water. The presence of water in a child’s diet implies a decrease in the number of breastfeedings and inhibits lactation. There is no need to supplement your baby's food. Not only lactation consultants, but also experts from the World Health Organization think so. According to WHO recommendations, there is no need to supplement an infant with water until the age of six months.
  • Lack of breast substitutes. If a woman does not offer the child pacifiers or pacifiers, it means that the child satisfies the sucking reflex exclusively with the help of the breast. This ensures frequent attachments to her and a high level of prolactin in the mother’s body.
  • Feeding on demand. The baby’s “demand” is not at all a whim or a desire to use the mother as a pacifier. This is a physiological need to attach to the breast in order to eat, warm up, calm down, and relieve pain. Until six months, it is the breast that remains the solution to all of the baby’s problems, acting as a “bridge” between mother and baby, similar to the umbilical cord. And only feeding on demand can maintain the level of prolactin in a woman’s body that protects her from conception.

Lactation consultants call these factors associated with successful lactation. And it is they who exclude pregnancy until a certain period. The period can be considered completed if you observe the following changes.

  • Your periods have resumed. The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding if you have your period, for example, two months after giving birth, should be answered unequivocally. Can! The resumption of menstruation, even if it is irregular, indicates that your reproductive system is ready to perform its functions.
  • You regularly supplement your baby with formula and water. Regardless of your baby's age, pregnancy is possible.
  • You take long breaks from feeding, for example, do not feed at night. Between three and eight o'clock in the morning, the body produces the maximum amount of prolactin. If there is no stimulation of the breast at this time, its level decreases, which inhibits lactation and allows your sex hormones to “come into their own.”
  • Your baby is over six months old. The baby's age is six months - the limit of the lactation aminorrhea method. He doesn't work any longer. This is due to the fact that during this period all children, without exception, begin to get acquainted with new food in the form of complementary foods. Even if you don’t have your period, the question of whether you can get pregnant while breastfeeding, according to experts, should be considered resolved. Yes, such a possibility exists. Therefore, the mandatory use of additional contraception is necessary.

Protection against unplanned pregnancy for up to six months, subject to the rules of successful lactation, is high. But it is 98%. That is, your body cannot give a complete guarantee that conception will not occur.

If you suspect pregnancy, consult a gynecologist. A specialist will help you dispel doubts and make the right decision about the possibility of preserving and bearing the fetus, feeding the first baby and the subsequent one (tandem). Contraception can help prevent unwanted conception, and an obstetrician-gynecologist will also help you select it.


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