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Is it possible to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy? Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy: how to avoid a repeat scenario

Frozen pregnancy is a special pathology. This is the name given to the moment when the fetus dies in the uterus, without subsequent miscarriage, which is not only a physical problem but also a psychological trauma for the mother. Some women think that after a frozen pregnancy it is no longer possible to safely carry a child to term. On the contrary, it is possible. You just need to undergo a full examination after cleaning and mentally prepare for the next pregnancy.

What is a frozen pregnancy?

A frozen pregnancy means a stoppage of fetal development. On average, the embryo stops developing until the twenty-eighth week. At the moment, gynecologists and obstetricians identify several periods during which the risk of arresting fetal development is especially high:

  • 3 and 4 weeks;
  • From 8 to 11 weeks inclusive;
  • From 16 to 18 weeks.

Gynecologists warn that you need to be especially careful in the eighth week, when various negative factors can negatively affect the development of the fetus. After all, it is at this time that the laying of all organs occurs.

Features of terminating a frozen pregnancy

If the death of the fetus is determined, the uterus must be urgently cleaned. If the procedure is delayed, the embryo begins to rot, causing harm to the entire mother’s body.

Cleaning is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • Medication.

It is carried out without surgical intervention. For medicinal cleansing, it is necessary to take a special drug that stimulates labor in the uterus to reject the dead fetus.

  • Surgical.

When a miscarriage does not occur for various reasons, surgical cleaning of the uterus is performed - the fetus is scraped out. But, this method of cleaning poses a particular danger to the pelvic organs - with one wrong movement, irreparable harm can be caused.

  • Coryutage.

Anesthesia is prescribed for the procedure. During corutage, special dilators are installed on the cervix. Special instruments are inserted through the dilators, with the help of which the uterus is completely cleaned, including the removal of the top layer of mucus.

  • Vacuum aspiration.

With vacuum aspiration, a device is inserted into the uterus to suck out the remains, without the use of local anesthesia.

  • Childbirth.

If all the methods listed above are used exclusively to remove the remains of a small embryo, then they are not suitable for a large and fully mature fetus. The birth process is stimulated.

Planning a new pregnancy after a frozen one

If a woman wants to have her own children in the future, planning a pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy begins immediately after clearing the uterus of the dead fetus.

First, it is necessary to conduct a histological examination of the remains of the embryo. The results obtained will allow us to find out whether genetic mutations were the cause of the missed pregnancy and whether its recurrence can be avoided. After all, it is genetic errors that in 85% of cases lead to freezing. Histology will also help answer the question of whether chronic diseases (if present in the mother) could affect the development of hormonal disorders of the embryo.

The next important step is the mental and physical restoration of the body. The loss of a child, even an unborn one, is a terrible blow for every mother. Therefore, a course of rehabilitation is necessary, which includes both taking medications prescribed by a doctor and visiting a psychologist.

Planning for the next pregnancy should begin only after six months, at least.

It is after six months that the mother’s body is able to survive the state of shock and will be ready for a new pregnancy. But, under no circumstances should you rush to get pregnant quickly. Moreover, under pressure from loved ones or husband. You shouldn’t think: “I can’t get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy” in the first months after pregnancy. It’s possible, the body is simply recovering. It is necessary to be prepared for a new pregnancy without mental trauma.

Subtleties of the examination

A frozen pregnancy is a clear reason for a full medical examination. A woman must find out what caused the fetal development to stop. One option is genetic competition between the partners’ chromosomes, which leads to failure of the embryo’s development. It is worth paying attention to the hormonal background of the mother herself. Frequent disruptions in the functioning of hormones can lead to a repetition of the sad situation.

The most important stage of preparation is conducting an examination of both the mother and her partner, which includes:

  • A visit to a gynecologist who will not only conduct a full examination of the genital organs, but also take smears for testing;
  • A visit to an endocrinologist is also necessary. After all, it is hormonal disorders that are caused by malfunctions of the thyroid gland that become one of the reasons for stopping the development of the fetus. The endocrinologist will help the woman undergo hormone tests and perform a complete ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs can be performed. The study is necessary in order to finally make sure that the uterus is completely cleaned, that there are no remains or accumulations of blood left in the cavity. Although this is not a mandatory point of the study, an ultrasound is necessary in order to identify the possible presence of hidden pathologies, which in the future may affect the possibility of conceiving and bearing a child;
  • Visit to a geneticist and consultation based on the results of histological examination. Once the histology results are received, it will be clear whether genetic consultation is necessary. Even in the absence of a positive answer to the presence of genetic abnormalities, the geneticist will ask about hereditary diseases, how previous pregnancies proceeded (if any) and the possible presence of diseases in the couple’s parents;
  • A man also does not stand aside; he can visit a urologist. The specialist will not only conduct a superficial examination, but will also offer to submit sperm for testing. A spermogram will help indicate how vital the sperm are;
  • A visit to a therapist and immunologist for consultation is the last point of the study. Specialists will help the couple and advise if they have chronic diseases or if blood tests reveal any abnormalities.

List of tests that need to be taken in preparation for a new pregnancy

As is already clear from the list above, visits to doctors will be accompanied by certain tests. It is the results of the obtained research that will help determine the reason why the fading occurred. No one excludes the possibility that the freezing was just a tragic accident, but it is necessary to finally be convinced of this by undergoing a full examination.

You will need to prepare for:

  • Analysis of a smear for various sexually transmitted infections and flora - everything that negatively affects the development of the fetus. After all, quite a lot of diseases occur in the body without any symptoms for many years, and this analysis is able to identify them;
  • General blood test of partners and compatibility test for Rh factor. These analyzes are, in fact, the most important. The results obtained will provide complete information on your health status. Parents will also find out whether Rhesus conflict arises at the time of conception and development. A new pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy largely depends on the results obtained;
  • Carrying out a spermogram will help check how viable the partner’s sperm are, since with a bad spermogram there is a high risk of another frozen pregnancy;
  • Conducting an analysis of the thyroid gland and genital hormones. After all, any surge in hormones can negatively affect both the health of the mother and the development of her child in the womb.
  • An analysis for the presence of antiphospholipid syndrome is necessary in order to determine whether the mother’s body produces special antibodies against her own child. During the analysis, the level of the hormone homocysteine ​​is determined. This is a toxic substance, the excess of which in a woman’s body provokes the production of antibodies for rejection of the fetus in the womb;
  • You may also need a genetic analysis of chromosomes, which is recommended only by a geneticist. It is especially recommended for those women who have already experienced problems with bearing a fetus, have various genetic diseases in their family, or the expectant mother is over thirty-five years old.

Features of preparing for a new pregnancy

On average, the body needs up to six months to fully recover from a frozen pregnancy. In especially severe cases, this period can last up to a couple of years (in case of severe illnesses). This is why it is so important to use a variety of contraceptives for protection.

The body has not yet fully recovered and the risk of another frozen pregnancy is very high. In most cases, the pathology of a frozen pregnancy is simply a tragic accident. And if all prescribed recommendations are followed, the woman does not lose her reproductive functions and is able to bear a healthy child.

In order to recover both physically and mentally, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • Conducting a full examination.
  • You should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, including eating right.
  • Approaching conception correctly.
  • Avoid stress in life.

Despite the fact that a frozen pregnancy is a strong blow for a woman, a new pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy, followed by the birth of a healthy baby, is possible.

The path to adding to your family can sometimes be difficult and even tragic. According to statistics, about 15% of expectant mothers face the terrible diagnosis of “fading pregnancy.” Losing a child, even an unborn one, is a very difficult experience for a woman.

Why did the pregnancy fail? Was it possible to prevent this? What will help avoid a repeat of the tragedy?

According to the scientific definition, a frozen pregnancy is one of the types of miscarriage in which the death of the embryo/fetus occurs, but there are no clinical signs of spontaneous miscarriage. This usually happens in the first trimester of pregnancy. Later fetal freezing is less common.

Why does pregnancy stop?

Fetal freezing, according to scientists, is a kind of protective mechanism that prevents the birth of non-viable children with genetic abnormalities or other developmental pathologies. Disorders that cause fetal death can be inherited from one of the parents, or appear in a healthy couple due to incompatibility of partners.

In addition, one of the reasons for intrauterine fetal death may be hormonal imbalances in a woman.

Infections also create the risk of miscarriage. Infections such as cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis, human papillomavirus, trichomoniasis, syphilis, HIV infection, gonorrhea, bacterial urethritis, candidiasis increase the risk of miscarriage.

The cause of pregnancy disorders may be a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. The risk of miscarriage increases if there is a lack of folic acid in the body, especially in combination with a lack of vitamins B 2 and B 6.

The microelement selenium also affects the course of pregnancy. Its deficiency in the mother's body can cause miscarriages and fetal death. A study was conducted in which women with a history of frozen pregnancy took selenium and magnesium supplements.

After restoring the level of these microelements in the body, almost all women were able to become pregnant and safely bear children.

Vitamins E and C are also very important for the healthy development of the fetus in the womb. Research has shown that taking vitamin C supplements reduces the risk of fetal failure and helps normalize the level of the hormone progesterone.

Often, fetal death occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle, severe emotional turmoil, heavy physical exertion, etc.

When can you plan a pregnancy after miscarriage?

The body's recovery process can take place in different ways. But in almost all cases, pregnancy should be planned no earlier than 6 months after the fetus has died. This period is necessary for the woman’s body to undergo natural physiological processes (the uterine cavity is cleansed and the endometrium is restored).

Before planning a second pregnancy, be sure to undergo an examination by a gynecologist to assess the condition of the reproductive system.

What examinations are necessary before getting pregnant again?

Immediately after the pregnancy has died, a cytogenetic study of the fetus is carried out, which in some cases makes it possible to identify the cause of miscarriage.

A woman planning a second pregnancy after a missed abortion is recommended to undergo the following examinations:

Depending on the woman’s health condition, the doctor may prescribe other examinations.

It is also advisable for the future father to undergo tests for hormones, a smear for sexually transmitted diseases, a TORCH complex and a spermogram.

How to plan for another pregnancy?

In order for a second pregnancy to proceed normally, you first need to find out the reasons why the previous one was interrupted and eliminate them or correct the condition.

If the pregnancy was terminated due to hormonal imbalances, then it is necessary to eliminate the hormonal imbalance. If pregnancy loss occurs due to infections, both the woman and the man should undergo a course of treatment. If therapy with antibacterial drugs is indicated, it is important to remember that you can plan a second pregnancy only a few months after you stop taking antibiotics.

But if the examination has not established obvious reasons for the fading of pregnancy, then to the standard preparation for conception it is worth adding concern for the restoration of the genetic material of the mother and father.

This may seem strange, but in this situation, first of all, you should pay attention to the male reproductive system. The fact is that a man’s genetic material – sperm – is renewed every 72 days, and if during the period of sperm maturation a man was exposed to harmful factors, then the sperm will be damaged.

Free radicals are especially damaging to genetic material. They are formed in increased quantities under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, smoking, inhalation of dirty air and car exhaust, contact with preservatives and pesticides... And although we do not feel an excess of free radicals, at the cellular level they cause significant damage to our body. Under the influence of free radicals, DNA chains (genetic material) located in the head of the sperm are broken into fragments.

But there is another side to this phenomenon. If you protect the male body from free radicals for 2-3 months (the duration of spermatogenesis), then the number of sperm with the correct genes increases sharply. This means the likelihood of having a healthy child increases.

Antioxidants protect against free radicals. It was developed especially for situations where a man and a woman require antioxidants in preparation for conception. Contains 6 powerful natural antioxidants that protect the cells of the reproductive system, both men and women.

Yes, a woman’s reproductive system also needs protection from free radicals. Although women's genetic material is laid down once in a lifetime, over time the eggs also become damaged. Therefore, the expectant mother should take it during the period of preparation for conception. By the way, it is also allowed during pregnancy. Red cell magnesium and glutathione peroxidase in infertile women–effects of oral supplementation with magnesium and selenium. Howard JM, Davies S, Hunnisett A. – Magnesium research: official body of the International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium. 1994 Mar;7(1):49-57.

Vitamin C Found to Increase Progesterone Levels and Correct Luteal Phase Defect. Richard J. Fehring – Reprint from Current Medical Research. Vol 15, No 1-2, Winter/Spring 2004

The expectation of a miracle is more beautiful than the accomplished fact, as one can say about a desired pregnancy. Nine months of pleasant hopes end with the happiness of motherhood. But, due to various circumstances, not every pregnancy ends in childbirth; sometimes the fetus freezes in the womb at a certain stage of development. This is hard to go through, so such women do not immediately decide to conceive again. Cleaning disrupts the inner layer of the uterus, so the question is fair: after what period of time can you become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy? Only a newborn can dispel the grief of losing a long-awaited baby.

Ethical and psychological aspect of frozen pregnancy

Every family joyfully awaits a new addition after the pregnancy test “flashes.” Not all dreams of happy motherhood are destined to come true. The words “frozen pregnancy” are perceived as a death sentence, especially when a couple has not been able to conceive for a long time. No amount of persuasion from loved ones, such as “I could do it then, you’ll get pregnant again” or “you will have more children,” does not work. The woman withdraws and is depressed for a long time, not trying to find out what her chances are of getting pregnant again after a missed pregnancy.

Some women then refuse to have sex for an indefinite period, citing the fact that they will not survive a second loss. There are even statistics of divorces due to stress caused by a missed pregnancy. Unknowingly, failed mothers push their husbands away. This is a severe psychological trauma, complexes develop, the woman begins to blame herself and look for reasons. It’s more correct to pull yourself together, calm down, accept the loss as a blow of fate and inquire about how to get pregnant again after a frozen pregnancy.

Advice: If a grieving woman is unable to get out of the cycle of self-flagellation on her own, loved ones should organize a meeting with a psychologist or psychotherapist.
A frozen pregnancy is a serious stress, but not a death sentence. This happened at all times, and people did not find an explanation for it, they simply humbly accepted everything as from God. It is unknown what pathologies the baby might have been born with. Perhaps natural mechanisms themselves or heavenly forces intervened to stop the development of a fetus with a genetic disorder or severe pathology. It’s better to get pregnant again and give birth to a full-fledged baby than to give birth to something that is impossible to look at without mental anguish.

Sometimes they turn to priests with this problem to remove the family curse (a chain of similar failures passed down the family). At the same time, priests recommend fasting, but what is more important is not so much abstinence from food as spiritual cleansing. Father will not give bad advice. If he says that you need to confess, take communion, forgive all offenders and dead relatives, then this is important before the birth of a new life. They often ask about sex before marriage not out of idle curiosity. According to spiritual laws, children born out of wedlock are “not blessed.” It is advisable to get married, get married in church (perform the ceremony according to the canons of your religion) and only then think about conceiving your first child. There is a high probability of getting pregnant again after a frozen pregnancy in a month, if the pregnancy was short.

There are completely understandable, from a medical point of view, and completely inexplicable cases of spontaneous abortion or fetal death. Every family needs to be prepared for anything. Until the egg reaches birth, anything can happen:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • abortion for medical reasons;
  • miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • birth injury.
The main thing is not to think about “why did this happen” or “why to me?!” It is important to go over all possible mistakes in your mind to prevent mistakes in the future. Women ask each other and doctors about how long it took (after cleansing, abortion, miscarriage) to become pregnant and give birth normally? It’s different for everyone, the main thing is a positive psychological attitude and the readiness of the reproductive organs for the next maturation of the embryo. In a stressful situation, it is important not to destroy your happiness with your own hands. Every family must wait for their child.

I can’t get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy. Why does the fetus stop developing?

The embryo can freeze at any stage, even before birth. If the frozen fetus was not immediately detected, necrotic tissue could “poison” the bloodstream for some time. It is important to pause until the period of intoxication of the female body passes. Removal occurs in different ways:
  • natural (rejection of a frozen fetus is similar to menstruation);
  • medicinal (drugs);
  • surgical (a mini-abortion or abortion is performed using a medical instrument);
  • artificial birth (long term).
Approximately 90% of women who survive a frozen pregnancy successfully conceive and give birth to full-fledged offspring in the foreseeable future.

“Untreated” infectious diseases often cause fetal death:

  • insufficient placental barrier;
  • weak immunity of the expectant mother;
  • aggression of viral attacks;
  • organic lesions.
Do not forget about the hereditary predisposition to miscarriages and fetal death at different stages. If this happened in your family (mother, grandmother, great-grandmother), there is a high probability of sharing their fate. It is worth talking to your doctor about the precedent so that he can take measures to maintain the pregnancy. Tell me straight - I want to get pregnant after a missed abortion, but women of my kind had problems with this. In some families it is not customary to discuss this until something happens, but the DNA code does its job.
Attention: If a spontaneous miscarriage occurs in the early stages, there are no obstacles to conception at the next ovulation. But if the nature of the fading is not established, there is a possibility of a repetition of the failure, moreover, at any stage of pregnancy.

The recommended curettage of the uterine cavity from tissue necrosis from the embryo that was in the womb is a necessary measure. After this unpleasant procedure, the mucous membrane on the inner surface of the uterine cavity should have time to recover before the next conception. Otherwise, the fertilized egg will have nowhere to settle, and another death is possible. Such cases happen after an abortion, if all processes are left to chance.

Then the question is fair: how long can it take to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy? There is no need to rush, especially after scraping. The optimal period is 4-6 months, by which time the woman’s psyche returns to normal. During this period, it is worth actively working on restoring health and mental balance.

If a pregnancy failure has become a severe shock for your husband, it is advisable to strengthen a trusting relationship and maintain faith in a better future in your partner. Sometimes visitors to forums write that “they made peace with their husband, got pregnant almost immediately after a frozen pregnancy, everything is fine, the baby is healthy.” This kind of message always makes me happy.

Along the way, do not forget to undergo an examination to see if there are pathogens of fungal and sexually transmitted diseases in your body. In the last decade, influenza mutations have become so strong that they often cause miscarriages and missed pregnancies.

At the same time, take an extended hormonogram and genetic analysis - karyotyping. They will show whether there are any problems with hormonal levels or pathologies. This is necessary not only for the successful maturation of the egg and fertilization, but also for normal gestation. Moreover, the stress of losing an expected baby “shatters” not only the nerves, but also the hormonal balance.

How to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy?

Every woman should realize that happy motherhood is impossible without taking care of her health. Planning a second pregnancy after a frozen fetus is a serious step. A thoughtful approach is needed, taking into account negative experience.
  1. First of all, it is recommended to clarify the cause of pregnancy failure so as not to step on the same rake twice.
  2. The couple will have to change their lifestyle in order to improve their health and give up bad habits (a woman is a passive smoker if she does not smoke). You should not sit for a long time in front of the computer and TV, or work on the verge of chronic fatigue.
  3. Review your daily routine and diet - less simple carbohydrates and fried foods, more proteins and vitamins.
  4. Treat your chronic diseases, especially mild viral and inflammatory infections.
  5. Before becoming pregnant after a frozen fetus, a woman is recommended to undergo a full examination (blood test for hormone levels, ultrasound, smear for microflora; eggworm test, histology of the uterine mucosa), including a genetic examination for the compatibility of partners (if available).
Chronic miscarriage is the most difficult to treat. It happens for various reasons - hereditary factors or an unformed or “childish” uterus. Chronic malnutrition also has a low likelihood of a full pregnancy. There has not yet been a single case of an “anorexic” woman carrying and giving birth to a child. They also write on the forums “I can’t get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy.” Decide for yourself what is more important – “a quirk in your figure” or the happiness of motherhood?!

Put aside all diets and unnecessary worries about your figure before trying to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy. You can lose your former slimness after breastfeeding, especially since it is beneficial for mother and child. Cases where there was only one pregnancy and it failed are statistically extremely rare. They say that infertility is excluded. It is important to undergo patient treatment to normalize your reproductive function. As a last resort, you can use the services of “test tube medicine”. Love, give birth and be happy!

A frozen pregnancy is a serious trauma for a woman. Some give up, especially if it was an attempt to get pregnant using IVF. But a new pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy is possible. You just need to carefully prepare, take into account and eliminate previous mistakes.

Even under ideal conditions, the probability of pregnancy does not exceed 40%. The 60% of dropouts include terminated pregnancies that women did not even know about. But even in this 40% selection occurs. About a fifth will also fail to develop and will end in abort.

Missed pregnancies account for 9% of all spontaneous abortions. The majority of undeveloped pregnancies are observed in the first trimester.

Who's at risk

The mechanisms for stopping embryo development are not fully understood. But factors have been identified that most likely lead to the development of a frozen pregnancy:

  • violation of the anatomy of the genital organs;
  • chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo;
  • endometrial pathology;
  • blood clotting disorders.

There are also studies that have shown a connection between frozen pregnancy and immunological incompatibility of partners, abnormal activity of NK killer leukocytes and the formation of antibodies to the tissues of the fetus.

Risk factors that increase the incidence of failed pregnancies include:

  • age over 30 years;
  • a large number of miscarriages;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • drug addiction;
  • low body mass index;
  • stress;
  • caffeine abuse.

A woman can influence some of these factors on her own: quit smoking, alcohol, caffeine, change weight. And diseases need to be corrected at the stage of planning conception by contacting a specialist. A frozen pregnancy reduces the chances of a subsequent successful pregnancy.

Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy: how to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy

After curettage of a frozen pregnancy, you should plan a new one no earlier than six months later. Until this moment, it is necessary to conduct an examination and eliminate the causes of miscarriage. Both parents need to see a doctor.


After a frozen pregnancy, the following studies are necessary.

  • Genetic analysis. The karyotype of the fetal egg remains and the karyotype of the parents are examined. This is necessary to exclude hereditary pathologies. If inherited chromosomal or genetic diseases are detected, it is recommended to resort to assisted reproductive technologies using donor material.
  • Study of anamnesis. This allows us to exclude environmental factors, working and living conditions that can lead to the arrest of embryo development. This also includes giving up bad habits and improving your diet.
  • Detection of anatomical abnormalities. It is necessary to do an ultrasound. They also resort to invasive methods - hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography. If necessary, surgical correction is performed.
  • Hormonal examination. In addition to hormones of the reproductive system, the concentration of prolactin is examined. Mandatory - thyroid hormones: TSH, thyroxine, antibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase, as well as glycosylated hemoglobin.
  • Immunological examination. Indicators indicating the possible presence of antiphospholipid syndrome are examined, typing is carried out using the HLA system, and antisperm antibodies are examined.
  • Search for infection. Smear examinations are being carried out, as well as PCR diagnostics, which will help identify hidden sexually transmitted infections. In some cases, endometrial histology is necessary.
  • Search for thrombophilias. If there is a tendency to thrombosis, it is necessary to exclude hereditary diseases of the blood coagulation system.

How long it will take to become pregnant depends on the identified pathologies. In some cases, treatment for a month is sufficient, and conception can be planned after six months.

Treatment and rehabilitation

It has been proven that women with recurrent pregnancy loss have chronic endometritis. Therefore, treatment should begin immediately after curettage or medical disposal of the remnants of the fertilized egg. Uterine discharge and pain are not a problem.

Treatment is one of the stages of preparation for subsequent pregnancy. If you don’t start right away, it will be ineffective: the percentage of successful pregnancy drops to 18. At the same time, in women who undergo full rehabilitation on time, success is observed in 67% of cases.

If the presence of infection in the endometrium is proven, antibiotic therapy is carried out. Broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed:

  • protected penicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • macrolides;
  • imidazole derivatives.

Treatment takes place at home. Hospitalization and intravenous administration are necessary only for severe conditions requiring medical supervision or surgical care.

Planning pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy includes rehabilitation of the endometrium. Anti-inflammatory therapy with non-steroidal drugs is necessary for recovery. Also important:

  • correct immune disorders;
  • normalize microcirculation;
  • improve metabolism;
  • restore microbiocenosis.

Hormonal correction can also influence the structure of the endometrium, its secretory function and receptivity for subsequent conceptions. For these purposes, combined estrogen-gestagen drugs or progesterone alone are prescribed. Treatment lasts 3-6 months. The speed of endometrial recovery will determine when you can plan a new pregnancy after a frozen one.

Preparing for conception

Treatment should smoothly transition into preconception preparation. Before you become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, you need to take care of saturating your body with folates. They protect against the development of neural tube defects. These can be individual folic acid tablets or combined preparations “Jess Plus” and “Yarina Plus”. This method of treatment will allow you not only to prepare for conception, but to avoid unwanted pregnancy ahead of schedule.

Sometimes only Duphaston is used. It is prescribed from days 16 to 25 of the cycle. Women regain their periods after this treatment. Treatment for three to four cycles is sufficient.

Physiotherapy methods are also used. The effectiveness of mud therapy, plasma therapy, autohemotherapy, and intrauterine lavage is demonstrated. The following methods are also used:

  • radon baths;
  • ultrasound;
  • a magnetic field;
  • phonophoresis of drugs;
  • low frequency laser.

In order to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, carry and give birth to a healthy child, it is important for both partners to get rid of bad habits and eat right. The doctor will advise the couple on suitable vitamin and mineral complexes. Women will have their vaginal biocenosis corrected. Reviews from mothers who have experienced a successful pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy indicate the high effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation and preparation.

Life after a frozen pregnancy is not easy. A frozen pregnancy often goes unnoticed. Therefore, all women should know about this condition.

Menstruation after a frozen pregnancy

Menstruation after a frozen pregnancy should begin on time. In principle, a delay in menstruation of up to 45 days is considered normal. The delay is due to the stress that the woman has experienced. It takes time to restore the cycle. Sexual activity is not advisable before the first menstruation occurs.

Reasons for deviations from normal deadlines:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels.
  2. Internal inflammation.
  3. This can happen if parts of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus. Be sure to undergo a control ultrasound 10 days after curettage.

Discharge after a frozen pregnancy

Discharge after a frozen pregnancy is normal. During curettage, the endometrium is partially removed from the uterus. Removing the fertilized egg without bleeding is not possible. Bleeding usually lasts 3-4 days. After 10 days you will have an ultrasound to see if everything is okay. Sharp painful sensations should prompt a woman to contact a gynecologist ahead of schedule.

Brown discharge after a frozen pregnancy

Brown discharge after a frozen pregnancy, starting later than 2 weeks after curettage, should alert you. They may be signs of inflammation. If heavy brown discharge after a frozen pregnancy is also accompanied by pain and a rise in temperature, you need to go to the doctor immediately!

Yellow discharge after a frozen pregnancy

Yellow discharge after a frozen pregnancy is a sign of inflammation that requires drug treatment.

Abdominal pain after frozen pregnancy

Abdominal pain after a frozen pregnancy is observed as a reaction to injury during curettage. Short-term cramping pain is also possible.

Pain in the lower abdomen in the absence of discharge may indicate the development of a complication in which blood is retained in the uterine cavity. If there is pain and bleeding, this may indicate injury to the uterine wall (perforation) and retention of parts of the fertilized egg. If the discharge after curettage of a frozen pregnancy is not profuse, there is no pain, you are allowed to go home in the evening of the same day. Life continues after a frozen pregnancy; 90% of subsequent pregnancies in such women proceed normally. In just 6-9 months you will be able to think about having a baby again.

Chest pain after missed pregnancy

Chest pain after a frozen pregnancy is a common occurrence, which is explained by a hormonal imbalance that has occurred. The doctor will correct this condition by prescribing oral contraceptives for medicinal purposes.

Delayed menstruation after a frozen pregnancy

A delay in menstruation after a frozen pregnancy can last up to 2 months. If your period begins, but it is very strong, with clots, you need to do an ultrasound to make sure that fetal particles do not remain in the uterus, this is fraught with intoxication and the development of sepsis. Pay special attention to such signs of problems in the body as a long delay in menstruation after a missed pregnancy or, conversely, too heavy menstruation.

Temperature after cleaning a frozen pregnancy

The temperature after cleaning a frozen pregnancy can rise to 38C. Later, the slightest increase in temperature is an alarming signal.

Depression after a missed pregnancy

A depressed state and depression after a missed pregnancy is a reason to consult a doctor. The main thing you must understand is that you cannot significantly influence the development of the fetus. A frozen pregnancy may have saved you from having a sick child. Depression after a missed pregnancy is accompanied by very strong depression, apathy and constant crying.

In addition to contacting a psychologist, you should still gather your strength and distract yourself. Yoga classes help best.

Motherhood is a joy that you will definitely recognize! Limit your communication with your friends' children for a while. But be sure to communicate with peers, look for support and support from friends and family. You have experienced a loss. Don't hold back your emotions, cry. Avoiding communication makes the pain worse. On the contrary, a kind word from a loved one can calm her down and make her feel better. You can also help those who find themselves in the same situation.

A frozen pregnancy after 20 weeks is rare. In this case, the woman has to give birth to a stillborn child. To avoid infection, cesarean section should not be performed. The woman is left alone with her grief. Shame, doubt, anger - these are all normal human emotions, reactions to trauma. It is often really difficult to do without the help of a specialist. The depressive state usually lasts about six months. But in some cases, women experience the consequences of a missed abortion even after the birth of another child.

Endometritis after frozen pregnancy

Endometritis after a frozen pregnancy is a consequence of curettage. Endometritis is an inflammation of the membrane lining the uterus. If curettage is not done, blood poisoning may develop. In the early stages, the fetus is removed using a vacuum, then the risk of endometritis is reduced.

Chronic endometritis is a common cause of infertility after a missed pregnancy.

If, after curettage of a frozen pregnancy, you feel weakness and pain in the lower abdomen, this may be the beginning of endometritis. To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is prescribed. You will be prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, sedatives and physical therapy.

Ovarian cyst after frozen pregnancy

An ovarian cyst after a missed pregnancy is a reaction of a woman’s hormonal system to the cessation of fetal development. An ovarian cyst is a cavity in which fluid has accumulated. 8 out of 10 cysts go away on their own. Physical activity causes the cyst to become compressed and twisted. Suppuration occurs. In case of torsion, weakness appears and the woman loses consciousness.

Only a gynecologist can identify a cyst without torsion. He prescribes hormonal medications and physical therapy for a woman who has a cyst after a missed pregnancy.

Complications after a frozen pregnancy

Complications after a frozen pregnancy are most often associated with inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis. During curettage during a frozen pregnancy, infectious agents sometimes enter the uterus. In addition to missed abortion, endometritis is often caused by abortion. 20% of abortions end with a diagnosis of endometritis. Due to mechanical injury, local immunity is reduced. Intense bleeding and high temperature are reasons for an emergency visit to the gynecologist and even calling an ambulance. Sometimes a woman may need hospitalization. Complications of endometritis can include sepsis, adhesions and infertility. Endometritis is treated with antibiotics.

This concerns the physical condition of a woman. But let's also talk about such an aspect as psychological crisis and depression after a missed pregnancy. A frozen pregnancy does not leave its mark on the psyche of the failed mother and causes her mental suffering. And no amount of consolation, even the fact that 15% of pregnancies miscarry, can console a woman. She waited and already fell in love with this particular baby. Life after a frozen pregnancy splits into two halves for her - before and after the tragic incident. Those close to her must definitely help her not withdraw into herself. There is no need to be embarrassed to seek professional psychological help.

Examination after a frozen pregnancy

An examination after a frozen pregnancy is necessary to eliminate the mistakes that led to the tragedy.

You need to take the following tests:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  2. Tests for mycoplasma, chlamydia, papilloma, herpes, gonorrhea.
  3. Analysis for the content of female and male sex hormones.
  4. Immunogram.
  5. Genetic research.

Tests after a frozen pregnancy

Tests after a frozen pregnancy that a gynecologist, endocrinologist or geneticist may recommend to you:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  2. Blood for RV, HIV, hepatitis B and C.
  3. Antibodies to herpes and toxoplasmosis.
  4. Flora smear.
  5. PCR for chlamydia, ureaplasma, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea.
  6. Analysis of hormonal levels: LH, FSH, prolactin, testosterone.

Histology after frozen pregnancy

Histology after a frozen pregnancy helps to determine fetal malformations. Most often these are genetic disorders and viral infections, such as herpes. Thanks to histology, it is possible to prevent disorders in future pregnancies. Ultrasound after a frozen pregnancy

An ultrasound after a frozen pregnancy is done for 14 days to check whether parts of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus. Consultation with a geneticist after a missed pregnancy Consultation with a geneticist after a missed pregnancy is especially necessary for women over 35 years of age, with an unfavorable family history, in cases of consanguineous marriage and bleeding disorders in relatives. Most often, during a frozen pregnancy, genetic and environmental factors are combined.

Repeated curettage after a frozen pregnancy

Repeated curettage after a frozen pregnancy is done if an ultrasound scan 14 days after cleaning reveals remains of the fertilized egg or if the woman previously presented with alarming symptoms, such as fainting and fever, sharp pain in the lower abdomen and copious discharge with clots not associated with menstruation. Consequences after a frozen pregnancy The consequences after a frozen pregnancy are difficult to underestimate: life after a frozen pregnancy is often painted in dark colors for a failed mother. The baby she had been waiting for, who may have already begun to move, will not be born. This news comes as a shock. Often loved ones cannot understand a woman, because only she felt the birth of this new life within herself. This affects both the physical and mental state. A frozen pregnancy can happen at any stage, but most often occurs before 12 weeks, when the fetus is very vulnerable and is just forming.

The consequences of a frozen pregnancy do not imply future miscarriage. You just need to carefully prepare for a new pregnancy and get tested. Rest more, go to an appointment with a gynecologist with your husband, he will explain to him the reason for your unstable emotional state. It may be necessary to also examine the father of the deceased child. Sometimes the cause of a missed pregnancy is stress or hormonal problems. To minimize the consequences during the next pregnancy, you need to remove all risk factors.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy consists, first of all, in removing the dead fetus from the uterus (this can be a medical abortion or mechanical cleansing, or at a later date - artificial childbirth). After this, the woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Hormonal medications may also be prescribed to restore imbalanced hormonal balance and vitamin complexes.

The most common antibiotics for frozen pregnancy are broad-spectrum antibiotics. One such drug is gentamicin. During a frozen pregnancy, it is administered intramuscularly. Daily dose – 3 mg/kg. The frequency of administration is 2-3 times. Treatment lasts 7-10 days. Possible side effects include muscle twitching, anemia, nausea, vomiting, skin rash and itching. In patients with renal failure, renal necrosis is possible.

Hormonal pills after a frozen pregnancy are prescribed if menstruation does not come within 60 days after curettage. Also, considering that it is not recommended to become pregnant for 9-12 months, they can serve as a contraceptive.

Doctors often recommend Janine after a missed abortion. Janine – COC (gestagen + estrogen). Take 1 tablet 21 days from the first day of the cycle, then take a 7-day break. Side effects: anemia, vaginal candidiasis, decreased mood, migraine, abdominal pain. Contraindications: deep vein thrombosis, angina pectoris and a history of heart attack, migraine, diabetes mellitus with vascular complications, arterial hypertension.

Recovery after a frozen pregnancy

Recovery after a frozen pregnancy includes both regaining lost psychological comfort and giving up bad habits, a healthy lifestyle and taking vitamin complexes, drugs to strengthen the immune system, and hardening procedures. Life after a frozen pregnancy should be structured so that the next time you try to get pregnant, tragedy does not occur. Hormone therapy may also be prescribed if the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

Sedatives and tranquilizers may be prescribed if a woman has a neuropsychiatric disorder.

Restoring the cycle after a frozen pregnancy

Restoration of the cycle after a frozen pregnancy should occur naturally within 2 months. If this does not happen, the woman is prescribed combined oral contraceptives. In many cases, Duphaston becomes the drug of choice. After a frozen pregnancy, Duphaston is taken 2 times a day from days 11 to 25 of the cycle. Close to natural progesterone. Does not affect blood clotting parameters. Does not adversely affect liver function. Side effects: headache, migraine, skin rash, itching, urticaria.

Contraception after a missed pregnancy

Contraception after a missed pregnancy may be needed if there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle and for contraceptive purposes (it is not advisable to get pregnant right away). Often, to correct it, the drug Regulon is used based on a combination of two hormones: estrogen and gestagen. If the menstrual cycle is normal, Regulon is started on the first day of the cycle and taken for 21 days at the same time of day. Then take a 7-day break. Contraindications: heart attack, angina pectoris, stroke, migraine, epilepsy, severe depression, venous embolism in relatives, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, Gilbert's syndrome, liver tumors, smoking after 35 years. Side effects of Regulon after a frozen pregnancy: nausea, Crohn's disease, depression.

Yarina after a frozen pregnancy Yarina after a frozen pregnancy is used for contraceptive purposes and to restore the body. Yarina is an estrogen-progestogen COC. The drug is taken for 21 days, after which they take a break for 7 days and start taking tablets from a new package. Contraindications to the use of Yarin after a frozen pregnancy: deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, stroke, migraine, diabetes, arterial hypertension. Side effects: Crohn's disease, migraine, nausea. During antibiotic therapy and for 7 days after their discontinuation, you should additionally use a condom.

Jess plus after a frozen pregnancy

Jess Plus after a frozen pregnancy is used as a contraceptive and a means to restore the menstrual cycle.

Jess Plus is a low-dose preoral estrogen-progestin contraceptive. The drug suppresses ovulation and makes menstruation more regular. Contraindications: hypersensitivity or intolerance to components, thrombosis and thromboembolism, migraine with severe neurological symptoms, diabetes mellitus. Use in the order indicated on the package for 28 days. Start taking the tablets from the next package without interruption. Side effects: migraine, mood swings, decreased libido, arterial and venous thromboembolism. Utrozhestan after a frozen pregnancy Utrozhestan after a frozen pregnancy is used to restore hormonal levels. The active substance is progesterone. The drug is taken orally in a daily dose of 200-300 mg (2-3 caps.) in the II phase of the menstrual cycle for 10 days. Contraindicated in cases of severe liver dysfunction and individual sensitivity.

Hormones after a frozen pregnancy

Hormones after a frozen pregnancy are prescribed to prevent a new frozen pregnancy or miscarriage due to disrupted hormonal levels or, if the menstrual cycle cannot be restored, to bring it back to normal. Also, if a woman does not want to use other methods of protection while preparing for the next pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed. HCG after frozen pregnancy

The level of hCG after a frozen pregnancy drops rapidly, and pregnancy tests give a negative result. This is a reason to be wary and immediately run to a gynecologist. Based on the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, other developmental pathologies can be suspected.

Metypred after a frozen pregnancy

Metypred after a frozen pregnancy is prescribed for elevated levels of male hormones, which provokes fading. Side effects: weight gain, mental disorders, changes in carbohydrate metabolism. The dosage is prescribed individually. Hyperandrogenism is a common problem that makes it difficult to bear a baby. The drug Metypred is prescribed to correct the level of adrenal hormone. Doctors recommend that a woman reduce her calorie intake to avoid weight problems.

Wobenzym after a frozen pregnancy

After a frozen pregnancy, Wobenzym has a complex effect on a woman’s health: it improves immunity and increases the bioavailability of antibiotics. Wobenzym is an enzyme preparation that does not inhibit the body’s production of its enzymes. It is well tolerated. Wobenzym can be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment for STDs, mastopathy and miscarriage. Contraindications: individual intolerance, disorders of the blood coagulation system. Side effects: changes in stool and diarrhea. Dosage: 3 tablets 3 times a day for 2-5 weeks.

Antibiotics after frozen pregnancy

Antibiotics after a frozen pregnancy are prescribed after cleaning in order to avoid infectious consequences, as after any surgical intervention. One of the antibiotics suitable in this case is ceftriaxone.

The average daily dose is 1-2 g once a day or 0.5 g 2 times a day. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Duration of treatment is 2-3 days.

Contraindications: renal failure, liver failure, ulcerative colitis. Hypersensitivity reactions.

Side effects: changes in blood picture, dyspepsia, bronchospasm, candidiasis, vaginitis.

The diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy can only be made by a doctor, since based on subjective data, such as the cessation of nausea, it is impossible to say for sure whether it is a frozen pregnancy or toxicosis is going away.

  • Pay attention to any warning signs during your next pregnancy. Plan your pregnancy. You can prevent pregnancy from fading by treating all infections and STDs in advance.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Minimize the number of abortions.
  • Avoid stress.

Sexual life after a frozen pregnancy

Sexual activity after a frozen pregnancy is allowed after 2 weeks, if the pregnancy was short and you had a vacuum extraction or medical abortion. If mechanical curettage took place, then in order to avoid infection, you should abstain from sex for a month. In addition, you may experience pain in the first weeks.

Sports after a frozen pregnancy

Sports after a frozen pregnancy are allowed 1 month after curettage; walking, yoga, and a swimming pool are very useful for maintaining good physical shape. Life after a frozen pregnancy will become interesting again after some time. Take your mind off your problems. And the best way to do this is through sports. They will help you not to dwell on what happened. You can play sports with the whole family, let your husband also take part, because his health plays a big role in the life of your future baby.

Vitamins after frozen pregnancy

Vitamins after a frozen pregnancy are needed in order to saturate the body with everything it needs while planning the next pregnancy. The future father also needs to take vitamins before conception. Vitamins E and B9 (folic acid) reduce the formation of low-quality sperm in the semen, vitamin C makes sperm more viable. There are about 5% defective sperm in male sperm. To reduce their number you need to take folic acid supplements. Folic acid is found in bananas and liver, but can be destroyed by heat treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to compensate for its deficiency with the help of drugs.

Vitamin C is necessary for the expectant mother for strong immunity. Vitamin E restores the cycle. Remember that hypervitaminosis, like vitamin deficiency, is harmful to the body. Folic acid after a frozen pregnancy Folic acid after a frozen pregnancy is prescribed to prevent malformations in the fetus during a future pregnancy. It is the defects that are incompatible with life that become an obstacle to the development of pregnancy. Eat more greens and vegetables; liver is very beneficial. Also take folic acid in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Let your spouse take folic acid supplements as well.

Prayer after a frozen pregnancy

Prayer to the wife who will always disgorge the baby (Read only by a priest and only in case of a non-violent miscarriage)

Master Lord our God, born of the Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, and lying in the manger like a babe, Thy servant Himself this day in sin, who fell into murder, willingly or unwillingly, and who was conceived in her, have mercy according to Thy great mercy, and forgive her voluntary and involuntary sins, and save her from all the devil’s intrigues, and cleanse the filth, heal illnesses, health and blessings to her body and soul, O Lover of mankind, grant, and protect this with a bright angel, from every invasion of invisible demons, her Lord, from illness and weakening. And cleanse me from bodily filth, and the various constrictions of the womb that come with it, and remove me with Your much mercy from her humble body. And I raised me from the bed on which I lay, as if we were born in sins, and in iniquities, and we are all filthiness before You, Lord, and we cry out in fear and say: look from heaven and see the weakness of us condemned, and forgive this Thy servant (name ), who is in sins, who fell into murder, willingly or unwillingly, and who was conceived in her, and all who are found and touched by her, according to Your great mercy, as the Good and Lover of Mankind God, have mercy and forgive, for You alone have the power to forgive sins and iniquities, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all the saints. For all glory, honor and worship is due to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

One frozen pregnancy is not a death sentence. 80% of women give birth to a child after it. Life goes on after a frozen pregnancy, and you should not lose hope of holding your baby in your arms - you will succeed.

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