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DIY men's bouquet: ideas for any occasion. DIY bouquet for men from beer and various snacks: new ideas

A bouquet of beer with your own hands can be called one of the most original and unusual gift options for any occasion. To decorate this edible gift, of course, you will need more than just a bottle of beer. An essential element of such a masculine bouquet is the right appetizer. This can be dried fish (for example, roach), crayfish, chips, sausage, nuts and other products that are usually consumed with a can of beer. In addition, you can diversify the bouquet with other types of bottled alcohol. If we talk about the design itself, it also requires additional materials. For example, you can make the basis for such a bouquet from a small basket or thick paper. Next, we offer you several new ideas with step-by-step master classes with photos on how to make a men’s bouquet from beer and snacks. We are sure that among them you will find ideal options that will delight your beloved men, husbands, fathers, friends or just colleagues!

DIY edible bouquet of beer for a man - master class with photos step by step

The first version of an edible bouquet of beer with your own hands is ideal for a man with a sweet tooth. Yes, in addition to the traditional salty snack, you can also use sweets, such as candies, to decorate a beer bouquet. Of course, they are unlikely to be suitable as a beer snack. But they will make an edible bouquet of beer with their own hands for a man that will be very beautiful, presentable and original.

Necessary materials for a DIY edible bouquet of beer for men

  • bottled beer
  • candies
  • skewers
  • scotch
  • basket
  • corrugated paper
  • Styrofoam
  • film
  • ribbon
  • New Year's rain

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an edible bouquet with your own hands from beer and sweets for a man

DIY men's bouquet of beer and snacks step by step - detailed lesson with photos

The next version of a men's bouquet of beer with your own hands with various snacks can be called a quick and original gift. It will take no more than half an hour to create, even for inexperienced craftsmen. Learn more about how to make a men's bouquet of beer and snacks with your own hands in the step-by-step lesson with photos below.

Necessary materials for a DIY men's bouquet of snacks and beer

  • sausages
  • sausages
  • pistachios
  • peanut
  • pretzels
  • skewers
  • twine
  • craft paper and newspapers
  • scotch
  • scissors
  • cling film
  • packages

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a men's bouquet with beer and snacks with your own hands

Cool bouquet of beer and fish with your own hands - new gift ideas, master class with photos

You can also make a cool bouquet of beer with your own hands as a gift with dried fish. You can also use additional snacks to decorate this gift. Read more about how to make a new gift in the form of a cool bouquet with fish and beer with your own hands below.

Necessary materials for a cool bouquet with fish and beer with your own hands

  • crackers
  • squid
  • nuts
  • skewers
  • newspaper
  • ribbon
  • scotch
  • packages
  • cling film

Step-by-step instructions for a new gift in the form of a cool DIY bouquet with beer and fish

An original bouquet of beer and sausage for a man, step by step - detailed instructions with photos

The next original bouquet of beer and sausage for a man is slightly different from the previous options. For example, this tutorial does not use tape. Learn more about how to put together an original bouquet for a man using beer and sausage in the step-by-step lesson below.

Necessary materials for an original bouquet with beer and sausages for a man

  • different types of sausages
  • several types of cheeses
  • hot peppers
  • twine
  • thick paper
  • skewers
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions on how to put together a bouquet for a man using beer and sausage with your own hands

DIY men's bouquet of beer with various snacks - master class with photos

You will find another version of a men's bouquet of beer with your own hands with various delicious snacks below. Unlike previous bouquets, fresh vegetables and aromatic herbs are used to decorate this gift. How to make such an original men's bouquet from beer and various snacks with your own hands, read below.

Necessary materials for a men's bouquet of beer with a snack with your own hands

  • sausages
  • garlic
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • sprigs of rosemary
  • skewers
  • scotch
  • cling film
  • gift paper

Step-by-step instructions for a men's bouquet with different snacks for beer

Do-it-yourself men's bouquet of beer and a snack in a box - step-by-step master class, video

It’s not difficult to make a bouquet of beer with your own hands with a variety of snacks in a box at home. Moreover, depending on the content, such a gift can be either very budget-friendly or quite expensive and presentable. As a universal snack for a man's bouquet, it is best to use dried fish, especially roach, crayfish, sausages, cheeses, nuts, and chips. Sometimes it is appropriate to dilute this edible gift with original beer in cans or other types of bottled alcohol. In the next step-by-step master class with video, you will find new ideas with unusual products for creating an original bouquet for your beloved man or husband.

We hope that such a delicious men's bouquet of beer and snacks in a box with your own hands will definitely please its recipient!

Gifts are increasingly taking on creative forms. It is much more important to put your soul into a holiday gift than to fork out a tidy sum. A bouquet for February 23 is the best way to show your imagination and develop your creative abilities, pay attention and show love to your man.

Everything has its time. Just recently, it was popular to give your man a jar with notes; pillows, mouse pads and linens with reprinted family photos; paired T-shirts, hats, etc. The ideas are very creative, but, unfortunately, this will not surprise anyone. But a DIY bouquet for a man is quite exclusive and funny.

In this article you will find a whole list of original ideas on how to use such an unusual gift. You can choose the option that suits your man.

DIY bouquet of socks for men

Giving socks on February 23 is not a banality, but rather a tradition. Surely all men are already expecting to receive this particular gift for Defender’s Day. But why not beat his serve? After all, you can present such a necessary and practical thing in any way.

These socks are fastened with a small pin. Thus, as shown in the picture.

You can form and decorate a bouquet in any way. For greater sophistication, you can put it in the middle of a candy, in a beautiful wrapper. This will create the image of a beautiful center of the flower.

DIY bouquet of underpants for men

Another traditional gift that will always come in handy.

A small tank would be an excellent alternative. Quite thematic and original. The same can be applied to socks.

DIY fish and beer bouquet

Any man will like this kind of romance. And if his wife gives such an unusual bouquet, he will be completely speechless with joy.

This bouquet is sure to include a couple of cans of your favorite beer. The wrapper should also complement the image, so wrap the fish in newspaper.

DIY meat bouquet for men

Another original idea for an edible bouquet for men. This is a good decision to combine your creativity and culinary skills into one gift.

The most practical material for a meat bouquet is bacon. The product is quite flexible, and the ability to cut it into slices will make the preparation process easier for you. In addition, this gift can be presented in a bouquet or served on a plate, smoked or fried.

The bacon needs to be shaped into a flower and secured in the middle with a toothpick.

DIY bouquet of alcohol for a man

A bouquet of expensive alcohol is ideal for connoisseurs of good alcoholic drinks.

  • The main idea is to buy small bottles of good whiskey, gin, rum, etc. (whatever you like) and put it in a bouquet.
  • You can also combine alcohol to make sure you guess.

  • Alcohol can be placed on glue or the sticks can be secured with tape, as shown in the picture.

DIY candy bouquet for a man

No wonder they say that men are little children. Most representatives of the stronger sex will rejoice at candy as much as they would rejoice at the victory of the football team at the World Cup.

The popularity of this bouquet is justified by the variety of design options. The only obstacle may be your wild imagination. Surely you will not immediately choose a specific style. After all, there are a lot of them. Candies can be wrapped in almost any material:

  • paper
  • textile
  • foil
  • gift ribbon

You can arrange a basket as a bouquet or decorate a bottle of champagne, hinting to your loved one for a romantic evening.

Flower bouquet for a man

It's time to move away from the stereotype that flowers are given only to women. It is not true. You can safely present such a gift to your boss or work colleague. But it is worth considering all the subtleties of this gift.

Do not forget that you are giving a bouquet to a man, so it should look laconic in relation to the event.

  1. Glitter away— you should not decorate the bouquet with additional accessories. Flowers are already a significant attribute of beauty. IN in this case it may look pretentious and ambiguous.
  2. Form The bouquet should be even, and the flowers themselves should be on a high stem. Thus, we achieve the effect of severity. In addition, it will look symbolic, as if characterizing the man as elegant, purposeful and successful.

  1. Composition of the bouquet- men have no use for herbs and combined bouquets. Give preference to one color and stick to monotony.
  2. Color— a beautiful bouquet for a man should have a monochromatic, slightly dark color. An excellent option would be classic dark red, all shades of burgundy, cherry and blue. These colors will always look appropriate and elegant.
  3. Decor— the best design would be a transparent wrapper. If you have already decided on a ribbon, then let it be wide and match the colors.

Which colors should you prefer?

Flowers are the most important factor. There are few flowers from which you can create a bouquet for men on February 23rd. They all have a beautiful, strict appearance.

  • Orchid- a symbol of harmony and perfection. The beauty of an orchid is unique. A sprig of blue flower in a transparent wrapper will look very elegant.

  • Rose- a symbol of sensuality and passion. A classic and win-win option. The rose is a strict and beautiful flower, perhaps the most suitable choice for February 23rd.
  • Heliconia- a symbol of a completed dream. Ideal as a gift for your boss, family dentist or lawyer. The very appearance of a flower does not imply a close relationship, so it is often given as a gift to express gratitude or respect.
  • Tulips- a symbol of admiration. Unlike heliconia, on the contrary, tulips are given to loved ones. Ideal for the holiday on February 23rd.
  • Eustoma- a symbol of devotion and fidelity. Ideal for the man you love. Purple eustoma looks very elegant and even extravagant. It is recommended to take this particular range for a men's bouquet.

Men have excessive inappropriate sensuality, but nevertheless, they are the same connoisseurs of attention as women. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that your gift will remain unappreciated. The effort and love that you put into an unusual bouquet for a man simply will not go unnoticed. In addition, perhaps this gift will reveal you in the eyes of your man from a new, hitherto unknown side. Namely, as a creative, talented and creative person with an indefatigable imagination.

Video: Bouquet for a man made from socks

Bouquets traditionally act as a pleasant addition to the main gift. At first glance, it seems that choosing such a composition for a man is quite difficult. In our article you will find ideas that will help you create original bouquets for men with your own hands.

Original bouquets for men

A bouquet of flowers for a man is just one of the possible options for a holiday gift. Today you can collect congratulatory compositions consisting of useful things, as well as the recipient’s favorite delicacies, sweets or drinks. For example, a bouquet of socks for a man will be an excellent accompaniment to the main gift.

Bouquet for a man made from beer

If a man is partial to beer, a composition made from beer cans will be a pleasant gift. A bouquet for a man from beer can be assembled in several ways:

  • Place the jars in a round cake-style shape and tie with decorative ribbon or twine.
  • Form a bouquet by placing the jars on a specially prepared form.

Let's take a closer look at how to put together a bouquet for a man from cans of his favorite foamy drink:

  1. A piece of foam plastic 2 centimeters thick is cut out. The shape of the base resembles a tennis racket.
  2. For greater strength, the base is strengthened with cardboard glued to wooden skewers.
  3. The resulting base is decorated. For this use:
    • textile;
    • craft or wrapping paper;
    • corrugated paper;
    • floral mesh.
  4. Next, cup holders are created from thick paper, for example, from whatman paper, into which the cans will be installed. They are glued to the base of the bouquet with hot glue, or secured with a construction stapler.
  5. Ready-made coasters are decorated.
  6. To make the bouquet truly festive, the composition is complemented with all kinds of snacks. For this, dried fish, seafood, pistachios, and nuts are used.
  7. All edible elements are wrapped in a special film. You can also purchase small packages that will look good in a bouquet.

Bouquet for a man made from food

Another original option is to create an edible bouquet for a man with your own hands.

A bouquet of products for men may contain:

  • smoked or baked deli meats;
  • hard or smoked cheeses.

The following will be useful as a decorative and at the same time edible part of the composition:

  • buns;
  • hot peppers;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • all kinds of greens.

Delicious bouquets for men should be placed in baskets or boxes made of thick cardboard. In the second case, the base will have to be additionally decorated.

In order for the edible composition to retain its fresh appearance longer, it is worth storing it in the refrigerator, packed in a special film. In addition, bouquets of food for men should be collected on the same day when you plan to give the gift.

Edible elements of a men's bouquet can also include:

  • candies;
  • cookie;
  • chocolates;
  • chocolate or wafer bars.

The ideal decor for sweet bouquets is corrugated paper, ribbons, matte film.

Bouquet of fresh flowers for a man

The options described above are unusual and are suitable as a solution for a gift with humor or a non-standard surprise. However, on most holiday occasions it is better to give a man a bouquet of fresh flowers. In this case, you should follow some rules for creating male flower arrangements.

Bouquet for a man's birthday

If you want to put together a bouquet for a man’s birthday yourself, give preference to straight lines and strict shapes.

The main characters of a “male” flower arrangement can be:

  • Roses are one of the universal options for a bouquet of flowers for a man for his anniversary.
  • Callas are strict and at the same time fascinating.
  • Carnations are suitable even for men of conservative views. These flowers symbolize success, freedom and fidelity, and the variety of colors allows you to create the perfect gift for your life partner, colleague, boss or teacher.
  • Chrysanthemums, gerberas and sunflowers are sunny flowers that will allow you to express your warmest and most sincere wishes.

When composing a bouquet for a man’s anniversary, pay attention to the colors that florists recommend using in such bouquets. Preference should be given to bright and rich shades. The exception to this rule is white.

Flowers of the following colors will look impressive and festive in a composition for a man:

  • red;
  • dark pink;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • blue;
  • purple.

Where can I buy a beautiful bouquet of flowers for a man?

You can buy a bouquet for a man or fresh flowers from which you can create your own composition using the services of the Tsvet’Ok online store. The store's experienced florists will help you choose the right flowers and color scheme for a bouquet that will be an ideal gift for any occasion.

By contacting the Tsvet’Ok online store, you are guaranteed to receive:

  • Huge selection of types and varieties of flowers.
  • Only the freshest flowers at the best prices.
  • Possibility to order flowers 24/7.
  • 24-hour courier delivery.
  • Comprehensive support from experienced florists and impeccable service.

What to give to your loved one, husband, brother, dad or grandfather? You can guess for a long time, so it’s better to take the simple route. Today, the most fashionable and stylish gift for a man is a beer bouquet.

This composition consists of beer and several snacks to go with it. In order not to turn to specialists for help, learn how to make an edible bouquet yourself, and the master class below will help you with this.

For work you will need the following materials and products:

2 cans of beer;

4 long, straight sticks from any wood;

thin wooden skewers;



packaging polyethylene;


chips, crackers, salted peanuts;

smoked and dried fish;

greens (parsley and onion);

hot red pepper;

paper for packaging.

First, take 2 cans of beer (bottles are fine) and 4 long, even sticks, cut from the first tree you come across.

Tape the edges of the sticks to the bottom of the tin container with tape, as shown in the photo.

Tie the sticks together with pieces of twine.

Insert a thin wooden skewer into the dried bream.

Secure the fish behind the beer cans.

To beautifully serve salted peanuts, crackers and other similar products with beer, cut the packaging polyethylene into squares measuring 20x20 cm.

Twist a long corner that is hollow inside.

Place snacks in there and tie with twine.

Fill the same bags with crackers and salted peanuts.

You can also make round bags. To do this, pour the snack into the center of a plastic square.

Connect the corners and edges and tie them with twine. These are the blanks you get.

Place both round and cone-shaped bags on thin long skewers.

Fix these blanks in the bouquet by tying them to the sticks with twine.

So gradually form a stepwise composition.

You can add 3 more smoked fish.

Place them on skewers.

Place in a bouquet.

Red pepper will add brightness.

Place the pods in the composition at your discretion.

For example, between beer snacks.

Greenery wouldn’t hurt in the bouquet either.

Wrap bunches of parsley to skewers with tape. It retains moisture, prevents the stems from drying out and thereby prolongs the freshness of the greens.

Also take a few green onions.

Divide them among other snacks.

The composition of beer, salty snacks and greens is almost ready.

All that remains is to form a handle and wrap everything in beautiful paper.

This is what the finished bouquet looks like in the package.

All the delicious ingredients are in plain sight.

The handle is comfortable and reliable.

This beer bouquet will delight any man.

In the same way, you can make a bouquet of sweets, in which the main component is not beer, but lemonade. Fruits go best with champagne, and cognac goes well with sausages and hard cheeses. Experiment, and your edible gift will be not only tasty, but also original.

Leave your comment.

How to make a bouquet of roach with your own hands?

    Such bouquets of roach, you can even buy it. Excellently designed, can include both nuts and a bottle of beer. An excellent gift for Fisherman's Day, February 23, a man's birthday.

    Or you can make such a bouquet yourself, put each fish in a bag, tie it beautifully with a ribbon, then collect it into a bouquet and wrap it in corrugated paper.

    It happened unexpectedly for me. I collected the fish into a bouquet, wrapped it beautifully in packaging, and tied it with a wide ribbon, much like in the video below. Only the bouquet was actually made from roach and I didn’t include a jar of beer, but a larger one.

    Or you can do it like in the photo, wrap roach around wooden skewers with cling film, glue pistachios onto other skewers, collect everything in a bouquet, add blades of grass and flowers, whether paper or real, then it will turn out great. Wrap the bottom parts of the skewers in decorative paper and everything will look like a real bouquet.

    A wonderful gift for a beer lover would be a modest bouquet of roach, wrapped in newspaper and tied with a red ribbon:) It’s very simple to make: we tie the tails with an elastic band for money and decorate them beautifully with newspaper, tie them with a satin ribbon and the bouquet is ready:)

    If you don’t want to decorate the roach with newspaper at all, then wrap it as follows :)

    Now it has become fashionable to make original and unusual gifts. Such gifts also include a creative gift for a man in the form of a bouquet of dried roach. There will be enough beer for a small group and plenty of fun. Here is a photo of such a bouquet, I think it’s clear that there is nothing complicated in making a bouquet from roach. create a bouquet of roach with your own hands, you need to catch it with your own hands. Especially if the wife herself secretly buys gear, early in the morning while her husband is sleeping, she goes fishing, and catches it and then dries it for any holiday. And when the husband is at the men's a holiday is waiting for a gift... well, there are socks or eau de toilette. Whoops! The handsome wife brings him a personally caught, dried roach, decorated with all sorts of trinkets and of course Lada beer! And the beer, as before, he poured it on the bench and sat down and stuck. Well, of course, the most important gift not a bouquet of roach, but such a wife! Sweetheart is a beauty! She didn’t sleep at night, thinking about how to please her husband! This is a wife from the Lord!

    You can not waste much effort on packaging and make a bouquet using a simple newspaper and a large bright jar, as shown in the pictures below.

    Or you can wrap the fish in corrugated paper in front of the newspaper.

    You can also take a more sophisticated approach to the design of this bouquet.

    If the smell bothers you, then each fish must first be wrapped in transparent film.

    The bouquet can act as an independent gift or as part of a design. For example, the reason could be as follows.

    You can also give a roach in a basket.

    For beer lovers, there is no sweeter sweetness than vobla or taranka and no more beautiful bouquet. than a bouquet and dried fish.

    So why not combine business with pleasure and give such pleasure to a person by making a beautiful and elegant one out of an ordinary roach. and most importantly, a fragrant bouquet?

    In order for the roach to fit well in a bouquet, you must first attach each fish with tape or rope to bamboo skewers, you can make the tips of the sticks peek out a little and tie bows on them.

    Examples in the photo below:

    I am sure you will like your bouquet the most and will not stagnate in the vase!

How to make a bouquet of fish with your own hands step by step?

The fish bouquet is gaining more and more popularity every year. A relatively new direction already has its own technology, delivery methods and fresh trends.

Classic fish bouquet

This bouquet is held on “stems” and gathered at the bottom with a tight cord. It’s easy to recreate such a bouquet, and even a beginner can do the job perfectly.

To work on the bouquet we will need:

  • Dry lean fish of the same size;
  • Bamboo skewers (can be found in every supermarket, sold for making kebabs and desserts);
  • Thin tape or hot glue;
  • Wrapping. This can be either newspaper or other paper with a rough texture;
  • Awl;
  • Twine or textile tape. Needed for re-upholstering a bouquet.

The minimum number of fish is 3-5, the maximum is 15-17.

Let's get to work:

  • We pierce the tail at the base and thread the twine, tying it to a skewer. Additionally, we fix it with tape or hot glue;
  • Repeat fixing to the skewers with the remaining fish;
  • We tie the finished “buds” together with twine into a strong bouquet. We make sure that the “buds” do not start to wobble and fall off. We fix it along the base with twine, wrapping it 3-5 cm, so that there is no embarrassment during the donation process;
  • We measure the length of the bouquet; we take this length as a basis when cutting out newspaper or wrapping paper. Cut 5-6 pieces into even squares;
  • We place one square on the base and assemble it so that the newspaper completely covers the bottom of the skewers and reaches the middle of the bouquet. Wrap tightly with tape;
  • We place newspaper squares one after another so that they completely cover the bouquet in a circle. We collect and twist with twine.

Horizontal bouquet of roach, bream, silver bream and other dried fish

This bouquet contains several types and sizes of fish, which creates the impressiveness and beauty of the bouquet.

Making a bouquet:

  • The central fish is the largest, we place it on the table to prepare the exhibition;
  • We frame with medium fish, after the smallest;
  • Be sure to prepare several smelts; they perfectly frame a large fish, creating the image of delicate thin petals;
  • On each tail of a small and medium-sized fish, we tie a blind corner with twine and tie it to a large fish from the middle and down so that the upper ones, like scales, cover the lower knots of twine;
  • We put rough wrapping paper under them, and we also tie it around the tail and tie it with twine.

Fish, beer and nature

Who said that a traditional bouquet cannot be given to a man? Of course, give it as a gift, replacing the buds with delicious assorted dried fish. To enhance the effect, be sure to prepare some crackers, nuts, pistachios, etc.

Let's get started:

  • We cut more transparent packaging paper of different sizes (depending on the size of the fish and small ones for nuts and crackers;
  • Use hot glue to glue the tail of the fish to the skewer, and also make sure that the adhesion is strong and does not go into the flesh;
  • We put each fish in transparent paper and wrap the tape with green ribbon in the area of ​​the tail;

  • We take nuts and crackers in small handfuls and roll them into bags, which are screwed to skewers at the base;
  • Take a strip 4-5 cm wide and 10 cm long on one side, cut vertically to a depth of 2-2.5 cm, wrap the crackers and nuts, tie the tape with tape and straighten it. It turns out dandelions with an edible core;
  • Wrap one pistachio at a time in transparent film and screw it to a skewer. We cut out two leaves per pistachio from green corrugated paper, stretch it a little in the middle and squeeze it along the edge, forming a leaf. Screw it to the pistachio, creating a bud;
  • We collect the bouquet, evenly distributing all the parts. Tighten tightly with a tourniquet or tape;
  • We gather wrapping paper around the bouquet and tie it with ribbon. Between the improvised buds of fish and snacks we place sisal and small leaves of corrugated paper;
  • If desired, place butterflies on a bouquet and lady's flowers on hot glue. We fix everything and the bouquet is ready!

Such a bouquet will be a worthy decoration for any men's holiday, and even the best gift! Although it will take more time to prepare, the luxurious gift you receive is worth it.

To make a bouquet you will need:

  • Wicker basket in the shape of a fish;
  • Delicious, varied fish, and the more shapes and sizes, the more interesting the bouquet will look;
  • Several bottles of beer;
  • Snacks, pistachios;
  • Straws, bagels and other traditional and non-traditional snacks for beer;
  • Hot peppers of various colors;
  • Transparent packaging film;
  • Bamboo skewers;
  • Sisal;
  • Foam oval base;
  • Green floral wire and tape;
  • Hot glue;
  • Additional decor upon request.

The work process is in many ways similar to the previous options, but with a more complicated bouquet assembly.

Let's start making:

  • We wrap each fish in clear packaging film and attach it to a skewer with hot glue. Decoratively tie a ribbon at the top and bottom of the fish;
  • Apply hot glue in small sections onto a bamboo skewer in a spiral and quickly glue the pistachios. It turns out to be a stick strewn with nuts;
  • We also create our own skewer with unshelled peanuts;
  • We thread the bagels on a rope through a skewer and fix the rope with glue so that the bagels “stand” beautifully in the basket;
  • We wrap small handfuls of snacks and nuts in bags and screw them onto skewers. We decorate with corrugated paper into buds;
  • Let's start assembling. We cut out two holes for beer in the base. We insert the base into the basket, and the beer into the base. We check that everything is holding well;
  • We distribute the fish evenly, followed by snacks, bagels, straws and nuts, sticking skewers into the foam base. Add pepper;
  • We make artificial reeds from floral wire and also stick them into the base;

  • We fill the remaining gaps with sisal. The bouquet basket is ready!

Video: Bouquet of roach in a newspaper

Bouquet of dried fish for men: options

The techniques for preparing fish for formation into a bouquet are very simple and similar. At the same time, the arrangement of bouquets is very diverse. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several options for bouquets of dried fish and, inspired by other people’s works, create your own unique one!

Bouquet of dried fish “Sea Breeze”

Video: Gift idea for a bouquet of fish: joint video

  • Mini Aquariums with fish
  • Gifts for newborns and babies
  • Gardens in a glass/florariums
  • Floating lamps
  • Balloons
  • Plants floating in the air
  • Bouquets of socks and underwear
  • Live butterflies
  • Edible bouquets
  • Gifts and bouquets of flowers
  • Sweet gifts and bouquets
  • Cakes and gifts made from towels
  • Original gifts
  • Gifts by holidays and categories
  • New Year's decoration
  • Decor for your holiday (accessories, decor)
  • HOLIDAY WORKSHOP Podarkilive

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