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In what month can you feel movement? When does the baby start to move?

Fetal movements are the most touching and most emotional moment of the entire pregnancy. This is especially true for the first movements. Any mother anxiously awaits the hour when the baby makes its presence felt for the first time. As a rule, this happens by the time the woman has become accustomed to her new position and is looking forward to meeting the baby. The mystery and solemnity of the moment also lies in the fact that no one else in the world has been awarded such an honor except the mother: to feel her baby for the first time.

Incredibly, the fetus begins to move already from the 8-9th week. However, it is still too small, when “swimming” it rarely touches the walls of the uterus, and the mother does not feel these movements. The opinion that some foods can “wake up” a baby is most likely wrong - the baby’s activity does not depend on the food the mother consumes. It is believed that the baby's distinct movements can be heard for the first time on average - he stretches out his arms and legs, touching the walls of the uterus. But everything is very individual, and the timing may vary significantly. Thin women usually feel the first movements before plump ones. It also depends on what kind of pregnancy you are having: most multiparous women feel the first movements of the baby already at 18 weeks or even earlier. In general, women feel fetal movement during repeated pregnancies about 2-4 weeks earlier than during the first. This happens mainly because the woman is already familiar with this sensation, and the muscles of the uterus are already prepared for it. And first-time mothers may not feel the baby even at 24 weeks. If the doctor assures you that the pregnancy is progressing normally, that you and the baby are in perfect health, then you should not worry about the lack of movements. Very soon they will become regular and distinct, and you will definitely recognize them. In the meantime, you can try this method. Drink a glass of milk in the evening, lie down on your back and lie down for a while. It is believed that this position is very uncomfortable for the child, and it is quite possible that he will let you know about this with his kicks.

Usually, your family and friends can experience the joy of the movements. The shocks become strong enough to be felt by other people. But will the baby want to communicate with “strangers”? If only you got used to their voice and frequent touches of the hand.

As the period of movement increases, the crumbs should increase intensity and strength. At week 20, the fetus makes an average of 200 movements per day, and between 28 and 32 weeks their number reaches its maximum: 600 movements. Before birth, the child has already grown enough, there is very little space in the tummy, so the number of movements gradually decreases, although their strength remains the same or even increases.

Studies show that by the end of the term, the child’s activity increases from 8 pm to 8 am - during the day the baby sleeps, lulled by the movement of the mother.

What does a child do in the mother's womb?

What do the movements of a baby in the womb look like? Women who are looking forward to this moment are afraid of missing it, so they want to have a very accurate idea of ​​​​what is coming. But for each of them, the child’s first movements evoke different associations: for some they resemble the fluttering of a butterfly or the splashing of a fish, while for others they resemble stroking, tickling, or the most common kicks. They are often compared to intestinal peristalsis.

For now, the child has only one task: to grow. But this is a complex process that prepares a small organism for independent life. And for this, the baby needs to learn a lot. You can often see him sucking his thumb. But the child can do a lot more! Already from the ninth week of pregnancy, the fetus can swallow amniotic fluid, and this is a complex motor process. He smacks his lips, stretches, moves his limbs. At 17 weeks the fetus begins to squint. At 18 weeks, she fingers the umbilical cord with her hands, clenches and unclenches her fingers, touches her face and even covers her face when there are sharp, loud and unpleasant sounds.

The language of movements - how to understand the baby?

The movements are not just a sign of life inside the mother. This is a way of communication between her and her child. The language of the movements has great mystery, since it is understandable only to these two. Based on the nature and intensity of the movements, the mother is able to understand whether the little one is happy, playing or indignant. Already from 16 weeks, the baby is able to respond with movements to sounds (primarily to the mother’s voice).

As a rule, children move most actively in a state of mother's calm. As soon as a woman lies down or sits quietly, the baby immediately begins to frolic. But during mother’s physical activity, children usually sleep.

Already now a small character is beginning to appear. For example, children react differently to loud sounds: some calm down, others, on the contrary, “rage”. Almost everyone is indignant when the mother takes an uncomfortable position (lying on her back, sitting cross-legged) or working a lot. There is an opinion that the baby's excessive movements are a sign of fetal oxygen deficiency. But too sluggish and weak movements should be a cause for concern and a mandatory consultation with a doctor. To assess the baby's condition, a special fetal movement test is used.

On a note

  • If there are stones in the gall bladder, the baby’s movements during the long term can cause discomfort in the mother.
  • If a pregnant woman has a scar on the uterus after a cesarean section and she feels pain in the area of ​​the scar when the baby moves, then she should bring this to the attention of an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • The expectant mother may sometimes feel a pulsation in her abdomen. This is the pulsation of blood in the umbilical cord or blood vessels of the woman. If this phenomenon is not permanent, then there is no need to worry.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Finally, debilitating toxicosis, weakness, and anxiety about the possible threat of miscarriage are left behind, and pregnancy enters the next phase. The expectant mother eagerly awaits the first movement of her baby and begins to worry if his activity does not appear. To avoid unnecessary worries, you need to know in what week the movements are felt, what determines the intensity of the tremors?

At what time does the fetus begin to move?

The baby begins to move much earlier than the expectant mother feels the tremors. In the third week of pregnancy, the embryo's heart is already beating. On the 10th day, the child independently changes the trajectory of his movements. From the 3rd month, the nervous system is formed and the first reflexes develop. The embryo is already making a very difficult movement, swallowing amniotic fluid.

At the 4th month, he should distinguish sounds, reacting to them, distinguish intonations, feel the emotional state of the mother. On average, it is at the 4th month that fetal movements that are sensitive to a woman begin. During the research, it became known that when they hear a loud sound, some babies cover their faces with their hands. At week 17, the baby blinks and squints. After just 7 days, the fetus should be able to:

  • finger the umbilical cord with your hands;
  • clench and unclench fists;
  • touch your head;
  • change body position.

From the moment of the first noticeable movement, the activity of the fetus will increase with each day of pregnancy. The intensity of movements reaches its peak at 24–32 obstetric weeks. From the beginning of the last trimester, the child develops an individual routine: 16–20 hours are allocated for sleep, 4–6 hours for wakefulness.

When can a mother feel movement?

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To the question of when a child begins to move, not a single table will give a definite answer. In most cases, between 18 and 22 weeks you can already feel some movement inside. However, the exact time is individual for each woman and varies depending on the following factors:

  • how many pregnancies the woman had;
  • How does gestation proceed?
  • what is the thickness of the fat layer on the mother’s abdominal wall.

Thin or multiparous women feel the baby moving two weeks before the designated period. The first movements are weakly expressed, similar to intestinal peristalsis.

During the first pregnancy

As a rule, during the first pregnancy, fetal movement is felt at 20 weeks. In primiparous women, the uterine muscles are less sensitive. Experts say that even minor movements of each subsequent baby are felt earlier, because an experienced mother can accurately recognize them.

If the placenta is attached to the posterior uterine wall, the woman will feel the baby's movements several weeks earlier. Located in front, it softens his movements, and the mother will feel the movements much later.

It matters a lot what kind of build a woman has. If the expectant mother is overweight, she will notice movements much later than a thin mother who does not have a fat layer to soften the shocks.

For repeat pregnancies

During the second and third gestations, women notice the first movement earlier than first-time mothers. Why is this happening? Having previously experienced the sensation of movements, a woman knows exactly how this happens and does not confuse intrauterine movements with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

During the second pregnancy, a woman notices the baby’s movements already at 16–17 weeks. With each subsequent gestation, kicks are heard earlier. If noticeable movements of the first child appeared at 20 weeks, when carrying the second they will appear 2 weeks earlier, the third and subsequent ones - at 15–16.

How to understand that it is the baby’s movement that is felt?

Pregnant women often wonder how not to miss the first intrauterine movements and not confuse them with intestinal peristalsis? Doctors assure that this phenomenon cannot be confused with anything else.

At first the child does not kick, his movements are quite weak, reminiscent of the movement of bubbles. When asked what the first movements of the fetus can be compared with, the following answers were received:

  • with the splash of a small fish;
  • with the bouncing of a small ball;
  • with gentle stroking from the inside;
  • with light butterfly flutters;
  • with the tickling of a feather;
  • with mild tremors.

Based on the answers, it is not difficult to understand that each pregnant woman perceives the baby’s movements in her own way. Sometimes even an experienced mother finds it difficult to determine the cause of the sensations that arise within her, but over time, everyone begins to recognize the baby’s signals.

What determines the intensity of fetal movements?

With the first movements of the fetus, pregnancy enters a new stage. Observing the fetus's activities during an ultrasound, you can see how it twists its legs, swallows amniotic fluid, sucks its fingers, fingers the umbilical cord, and turns its head. Every day the movements become more intense. Hiccups are noted - a normal phenomenon caused by ingestion of amniotic fluid. The activity of fetal movements depends on the duration of pregnancy. The following standards exist:

  • Strong, frequent kicks can be easily felt at 24–25 weeks. The fetus has already grown and is actively moving. If the music is playing too loudly or the pregnant woman’s position provokes a lack of oxygen, its activity increases: the woman feels painful tremors.
  • By the 32nd week, the baby hears all sounds, recognizes the voices of loved ones, his nervous system is already developed. The fetus is actively turning and spinning, but it has grown and does not have enough free space, so its movements can cause discomfort to the pregnant woman.

Sometimes the baby's movements disturb his mother's sleep at night. Since the mother has laid down and her belly is no longer swaying, the baby is spinning, trying to get into a more comfortable position.

Is it possible to cause movements and how to do this?

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to get the baby to move, to stir him up. If it seems that the child has begun to move, but there is no certainty, it is recommended to resort to the following methods:

  • To begin with, drink 200 ml of slightly warmed milk or eat something sweet to stimulate the activity of the fetus with the help of glucose. Then lie on your back, close your eyelids, and place your palm on your stomach, without pressing on it, relax. Listen to yourself, imagining how the child is moving inside. The feeling of lightly floating bubbles is the baby’s first movement.
  • While in the womb, children react very actively to discomfort. The placenta continuously supplies nutrients and oxygen to the tiny body. If you hold your breath for a while, the baby will express his dissatisfaction with a tangible kick. However, you should not “cut off the oxygen” for more than 10 seconds.

How should a baby normally move during pregnancy?

At 12–14 weeks, the part of the brain responsible for coordination is actively working. The embryo's movements become more precise: it rubs its eyes, sucks its finger, and performs various actions with its arms and legs. Although the reproductive organ gradually leaves the pelvic area, the woman does not yet feel the baby’s movements. During an ultrasound, it is not difficult to see how the baby moves in the stomach. For more information about this, watch the video below.

At 16–20 weeks, the mother feels the first movements. They are almost imperceptible and resemble intestinal peristalsis. A pregnant woman feels as if air bubbles are bursting in her stomach. Not all women feel the first movements of the embryo at this stage.

At 20–24 weeks, the baby pushes more intensely, because he has grown and become stronger (we recommend reading: (we recommend reading:)). The woman feels quite noticeable movements, the baby begins to kick at the most unexpected moment.

Peak physical activity occurs between 25 and 32 weeks. The baby's mother constantly hears strong movements inside her abdomen. The embryo spins and turns over several times a day, occupying different positions. Its tremors are felt in a variety of places (in the stomach, kidneys, bladder, etc.).

After the 32nd week, the motor activity of the fetus begins to decline: it has grown and there is not enough space for it. Since it has become difficult to roll over, the nature of the movements changes. Now the baby does not kick, but stretches his limbs, as if trying to stretch the uterus. In rare moments when he pushes, you can see a protruding clenched fist or leg under the skin of the abdomen. If you listen to your feelings, you can feel light stroking from the inside.

If a child pushes about 15 times per hour, this is normal. If there is no movement for 3 hours, most likely the fetus has fallen asleep. It is important to know that the severity of movements depends on the following factors:

  • the fetus is more active in the evening or at night;
  • if the mother is under stress, the fetus may hide or, on the contrary, movements intensify;
  • when a woman performs physical exercises, the baby becomes quiet;
  • when hungry, the child becomes very active, the same happens after glucose enters the body;
  • loud sounds frighten the fetus and it becomes quiet, but there is a reverse reaction when the intensity of its movements increases;
  • If the mother takes a position that is uncomfortable for the child and remains in it for a long time, a violent reaction from the fetus will follow.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If the baby does not move for 10–12 hours, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. It is better to play it safe, because some conditions dangerous to the fetus arise suddenly and develop rapidly, requiring emergency medical care. Often, the transition from excessive activity to a prolonged state of rest indicates the development of hypoxia, which can cause a number of complications, even fetal death. In this case, you cannot do without medical help.

Pregnancy time is one of the brightest and happiest times for every representative of the fair sex. But every expectant mother at the beginning of pregnancy is faced with many questions, for answers to which she turns to specialists. One of these important questions is: at what week does the baby move in the stomach? When should you expect your baby to notice noticeable movements?

Starting from 8-9 weeks, the fetus is already moving in the amniotic fluid. But so far the woman does not feel these movements. Why is this happening? The answer is simple. The baby's movements are not felt by the mother, since the size of the fetus is still too small. An ultrasound examination can show how the baby touches the walls of the uterus with its limbs. At what week does the baby move so that a woman can feel it? As a rule, a woman can detect the first movements at 20 weeks of pregnancy. But it happens that this happens earlier or later by 3-4 weeks. The norm for feeling the baby’s movements is the time period from 16 to 24 weeks.

The time at which a woman begins to feel the baby’s movements may depend on several factors.:

  • The baby's weight and position in the womb. The movements of a large child are felt by the mother earlier than if the child had a small body weight.
  • The subcutaneous fat layer of a pregnant woman, and in particular its thickness. Overweight mothers feel fetal movements later than slender ones.
  • Sensitivity of nerve endings. The sensitivity threshold is different for every woman. It happens that some women feel those same tremors at 8-9 weeks. But such high sensitivity is rare.
  • Active bowel function, which may be confused with the baby's movements.
  • During the first pregnancy, movements are noticed 2-3 weeks later than when the baby began to move earlier in the second and subsequent pregnancies.

How should a baby move during pregnancy?

So, we found out when the baby starts to move. Typically, this occurs at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, muscle bundles are formed and the development of nerve endings begins. The nervous system is not yet fully functioning, so the baby may move convulsively, frequently and chaotically. The embryo is so small that its movements are not noticeable to the woman. In addition, it is surrounded by amniotic fluid, in which it moves without reaching the walls of the uterus itself.

Closer to 11-15 weeks, the cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres are formed, so the baby’s movements become stronger and more coordinated, the child can purposefully move his limbs and even put a finger in his mouth. But the mother still cannot notice the fact that the baby has begun to move, since she does not feel it. It happens that women, when answering the question - at what week does the baby move, answer that they feel tremors at 13-14 weeks. Doctors are skeptical about such statements. In the first trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers may claim that the baby is moving in the lower abdomen, however, they confuse the movements of their intestines with the movements of the embryo.

At what week does the baby move?

As a rule, the baby begins to move between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. Knowing the period at which week the baby began to move, you can find out the PDA (approximate date of birth). When counting women giving birth for the first time, 20 weeks are added to the date of the first movements of the child, and 22 weeks are added to those giving birth again. Taking into account the ultrasound result and the date of the last menstruation, it is possible to almost accurately calculate the duration of pregnancy.

After the first sensations, when you feel the baby moving, his activity will increase every day. During which week the baby moves most actively is in the period from 24 to 32 weeks. By the 24th week, the baby in the womb already has its own rest and wakefulness routine. As a rule, about 20 hours a day are allotted for sleep, the rest of the time he is active.

It has been noticed that the period of wakefulness of mother and baby does not coincide; the most active movements occur at the time when the expectant mother is about to rest. Perhaps this happens because when the expectant mother actively performs any activities while she is awake, it rocks the baby inside her. And at night, when the woman goes to bed, the child is at the peak of its activity. In addition, the woman’s emotional state directly influences the baby’s movement activity. For example, if a woman is upset about something, the baby may freeze, rarely move, or, conversely, begin to move too actively and painfully.

By the 32nd week of pregnancy, there is not so much space in the uterus, so the baby, being in close quarters, begins to push the woman more painfully from the inside. The baby may begin to move less often and less, but much more painfully. During this period, a woman should stop sleeping lying on her back and try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. You just need to endure this period.

It becomes clear that motor activity changes based on such factors:

  • Change of time of day– the child is more active in the evening and at night.
  • Psychological state of a pregnant woman. During a stressful situation, the activity of the baby’s movements decreases or, conversely, increases.
  • Nutrition for the expectant mother– when a woman is hungry, the baby is also hungry, so activity increases with the onset of hunger.
  • Physical exercise– the child’s wakefulness occurs during the woman’s rest period.
  • Ambient sounds. A child may respond to loud sounds by increasing motor activity, but in some cases the baby temporarily stops moving.
  • Finding a pregnant woman in an uncomfortable position for a long time entails active painful tremors from the child.

Is it important to feel fetal kicks during pregnancy? For every woman, the day and week on which the baby moves for the first time becomes a very memorable date. This day is also important for the doctor managing the pregnancy. The date of the first tremors is entered into the pregnant woman’s medical record. If the baby stops moving for some time, the doctor prescribes additional examinations.

If the baby stops moving in the second half of pregnancy, then there is a risk that the baby may be suffering from hypoxia (he lacks oxygen) or his development has stopped altogether. If there are no movements for 6 hours or more, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the appointment at the antenatal clinic is already over at this time, then you need to call an ambulance. It happens that the reason for the cessation of movements is the fading of pregnancy.

What sensations does a woman experience at the first movements of the baby?

How can an expectant mother feel when the baby moves for the first time? How do you understand that these are the first, long-awaited tremors? How not to confuse them with intestinal activity? It is difficult to answer all these questions unambiguously, because the characteristics of sensations depend on the individual structure of each organism. Therefore, the question of what the very first tremors are like can be answered in different ways.

Some women compare these sensations to light stroking from the inside, others note the presence of weak tremors, reminiscent of a fish swimming in an aquarium and the flapping of the wings of a butterfly trying to break through the glass.

Some people define movements as tickling, trembling, gurgling, tapping from the inside or light clicks. Some women notice painful sensations when the baby moves.

Many women are interested in what week the baby moves and in what area of ​​the abdomen the sensation of movement may first appear. Since the baby has not yet taken a certain position inside the uterus, kicks may be noted in different parts of the abdomen. The baby takes a permanent position by the 30th week and, therefore, he will only move in a certain place. More often, the baby takes a position in the uterus upside down (cephalic presentation). But it happens that the baby is placed in the mother’s stomach with its legs down (breech presentation). With a pelvic position, the expectant mother feels that the baby is moving in the lower abdomen; with a cephalic position, on the contrary, it is pushing in the upper sections.

Movements during first pregnancy

At what week does the baby move during the first pregnancy? As a rule, this happens at 20 weeks. If a woman has a slim figure, then she can feel the tremors 1-2 weeks earlier.

Movements during second pregnancy

Women who find themselves pregnant for the second time know what kind of sensations to expect, but they do not know at what week the baby moves during the second pregnancy. The muscles of the uterus in multiparous women are stretched, so it is possible to feel the movements of the baby a little earlier than it was during the first pregnancy. The second baby can make itself felt as early as 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Baby movements during third pregnancy

How does the process of detecting baby movements differ during the third and subsequent pregnancies? The developmental characteristics of children do not depend on the number of pregnancies. They are distinguished only by the stretched tissue of the uterus with each birth, and its sensitivity also changes. Women who have given birth more than twice feel more confident and monitor changes in their condition more closely.

Fetal hypoxia. Symptoms and methods for determining hypoxia

Increased activity of the child or excessive lethargy indicate a possible lack of oxygen, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus.

The causes of hypoxia may be:

  • the mother has a disease such as diabetes;
  • embryonic developmental defects;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiotocography or ultrasound is used to diagnose hypoxia. Cardiotocography examines the fetal heartbeat by measuring the baby's heart rhythms over an hour. Normally, the rhythm should be from 120 to 160 beats per minute. If the number of heart beats is close to 90, then this indicates a severe form of hypoxia. If hypoxia develops at 30 weeks or more, delivery by cesarean section is prescribed.

A pregnant woman can notice such developmental disorders herself using a special “count to 10” technique. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., it is necessary to count how many times the baby moves during this time. Every tenth movement is recorded on the card. If the child moves little, then help and consultation with a doctor is necessary.

If the baby is quiet, then this is not a reason to panic; perhaps this is a temporary lull.

Methods. how to make it move:

  • Lie on your back and don't move. Usually, within 5 minutes the baby begins to move.
  • Spend lying on your side for 15 minutes. This position is not comfortable for the child, so he will want to change his position.
  • Lying on your back, talk to your baby, tell him something or sing a song. This method will not only help activate kicks, but will also help establish contact between mother and baby.
  • Walk up and down the stairs.
  • Take a shower, preferably a contrast shower.

If there are no movements for more than 12 hours, you should contact your doctor.

For every expectant mother, the day when she felt the first hesitant tremors of her baby is a big, significant event. It is the movements that make it possible to fully feel that a living person is developing inside her body. Now you know at what week the baby moves and how this happens during the first, second and subsequent pregnancies. With the help of pushes, the baby communicates with his mother. Very soon the baby will respond to your voice with its movements. If you have the slightest doubt about rare or too active movements, it is better to consult a doctor. Remember that every pregnancy is individual; even for one woman, the two gestation processes will be significantly different.

Have an easy pregnancy and successful birth!

  • Motor activity in the fetus appears quite early ( at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy).
  • From 10-11 weeks movements become more conscious, the child develops a swallowing reflex. At this time, the fetus is still very small in size and practically does not touch the walls of the uterus during movement, so a woman cannot feel movement at such a time.
  • Closer the fetus develops a motor reaction to external stimuli (loud sound, bright light).
  • At 18-19 weeks the child begins conscious movements with his hands: touching his face, fingering the umbilical cord, squeezing and unclenching his fingers.

First fetal movements

It is believed that a woman begins to feel the first movements of the child during her first pregnancy. , during the second and subsequent pregnancies - with. However, these are average statistics; in reality, everything depends on the woman’s individual sensitivity and other factors. For example, slender women who lead an active lifestyle begin to feel the baby’s movements earlier.

additionally Thus, the first movements of the baby, felt by the mother, may appear in the period from 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

The first movements of the fetus are usually very weak and rare. The sensations from the movements are quite difficult to describe: some compare them to “gurgling”; for others they resemble light stroking or tickling. Closer to 24 weeks, the movements become more distinct, more and more reminiscent of pushes, and they can be felt by people around them by placing their hand on the stomach.

Norm of fetal motor activity

The fetus is in constant motion, except during periods of sleep. Thus, it was calculated that at 20 weeks a child makes up to 200 movements during the day, at 26-32 weeks the number of movements increases to 600, then motor activity begins to decrease, which is associated with an increase in the size of the fetus. Naturally, the woman does not feel most of these movements.

A child’s motor activity depends on many factors:

  1. Times of Day(as a rule, the fetus is more active in the evening and at night);
  2. Psychological state of a woman. When the mother is in a state of fear, the child may hide or, on the contrary, begin to move very actively;
  3. Physical exercise. The most frequent and strongest movements of the fetus become when the mother is at rest;
  4. Women's nutrition. When the mother feels hungry, the child begins to move more actively, and movements also become stronger and more distinct after eating food, especially sweets;
  5. Ambient sounds. The child reacts to loud, sharp sounds with increased movements; in some cases, on the contrary, he may calm down;
  6. Uncomfortable long-term mother's position(as a rule, the fetus reacts to it with increased and painful movements).

information On average, while the baby is awake, a woman can feel up to 10-15 pushes per hour. Normally, movements may be completely absent for 3-4 hours, during which time the child sleeps.

Methods for counting fetal movements

Baby moving– this is a kind of indicator of his well-being. Too violent, painful or, on the contrary, rare weak movements can be a bad prognostic sign and indicate the development of acute or chronic fetal hypoxia. Also, changes in movement may appear when the volume of amniotic fluid is disturbed: with oligohydramnios, movements become stronger and more painful; with polyhydramnios, on the contrary, the motor activity of the fetus becomes less noticeable.

At the moment, there are several methods for determining the motor activity of the fetus.:

  1. Pearson method;
  2. Cardiff method;
  3. Sadowski method.

Pearson method

The Pearson method involves observing the baby's movements for 12 hours (from 9 am to 9 pm). At this time, a woman should limit physical activity as much as possible, because... it can reduce fetal motor activity.

The time of the beginning of counting and every tenth movement of the fetus should be entered in a special table, as well as any movements of the fetus should be recorded. If less than an hour passes between the first and tenth movements, this is a normal indicator of fetal movement. If more than an hour passes, the woman should try to independently provoke increased fetal movements (walk up the stairs, lie on her back, eat something sweet) and continue counting the movements. If rare movements continue throughout the day, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo additional examination.

Cardiff method

The Cardiff method is also based on counting movements over 12 hours, but the woman can choose the start time of the study herself. The table records the start time of counting and the time when the tenth movement occurred. If the tenth fetal movement occurred earlier than 12 hours later, then the counting can be completed. If a child does not make ten movements within 12 hours, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Sadowski method

dangerous A terrible and alarming indicator is a decrease in motor activity or the disappearance of the child’s movements. This suggests that the fetus is already suffering from hypoxia, that is, lack of oxygen. If you notice that your baby begins to move less often, or you do not feel his movements for more than 6 hours, you should immediately consult an obstetrician. If it is not possible to visit a doctor on an outpatient basis, you can call an ambulance.

First of all, the doctor will use an obstetric stethoscope to listen to the fetal heartbeat; normally it should be 120-160 beats per minute (on average 136-140 beats per minute). Even if during normal auscultation (listening) the fetal heart rate is determined within normal limits, it is necessary to carry out another procedure - a cardiotocographic study (CTG). CTG is a method that allows you to evaluate the fetal heartbeat and its functional state, to check whether the baby is suffering from hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

During the study, a special sensor is attached with straps to the anterior abdominal wall on the back of the child in the approximate projection of his heart. This sensor detects the fetal heartbeat curve. At the same time, the pregnant woman holds a special button in her hand, which should be pressed when she feels the fetus moving.

This is shown on the chart with special marks. Normally, in response to movement, the fetal heart rate begins to increase in frequency: this is called the “motor-cardiac reflex.” This reflex appears after 30-32 weeks, so CTG before this period is not sufficiently informative.

CTG is performed for 30 minutes. If during this time no increase in heart rate is recorded in response to movements, then the doctor asks the pregnant woman to walk for a while or climb up the stairs several times, and then makes another recording.

If myocardial complexes do not appear, then this indirectly indicates fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen). In this case, and also if the baby begins to move poorly before 30-32 weeks, the doctor will prescribe. During this test, the doctor measures the speed of blood flow in the umbilical cord vessels and in some fetal vessels. Based on these data, it is also possible to determine whether the fetus is suffering from hypoxia.

The time when a woman carries a child in her womb is one of the happiest and most enjoyable moments. However, with the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother has many questions with which she turns to her friends or the local gynecologist. This article will talk about how a baby moves in the stomach. You will learn all the intricacies of this process. You can also find out at what weeks the baby begins to move during the first pregnancy.

Fetal movements: general description of the process and its features

To begin with, it’s worth saying a few words about what movements are. Immediately after conception, the embryo looks more like a fetus. It is a lump of continuously dividing cells. After the implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, the rapid transformation of a new organism begins. At this stage, the expectant mother is just learning about her new position and often does not think about how many weeks the baby begins to move. However, over time, everything changes, and a pregnant woman has new questions.

At what age does a baby start to move?

It is worth noting that it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. There are several stages of baby development, and at each of them movements can be completely different. Let's look at each term separately.

Pregnancy 8-10 weeks: first movements

At what weeks does the baby begin to move in the mother's belly? This process begins exactly at the specified time. However, at this time the woman does not yet feel any changes. Most representatives of the fair sex who are in an interesting position do not even have a visible belly yet. The uterus is located deep in the pelvis.

How does the baby move in the stomach at this stage? The movements of the embryo during this period are chaotic. The baby is just starting to move his arms and legs. For him, such a process can be called new. The child learns to bend and straighten his fingers and clench his fists.

Gestational age 12-14 weeks: establishing coordination

How should the baby move at this stage? This period plays an important role in the development of the embryo. It is at 12-14 weeks that the brain begins to actively work, or rather the part of it that is responsible for coordination. The child's movements are more concentrated and precise. The baby can already rub his eyes, suck his thumb and do other work with his limbs.

Despite the fact that at this stage the uterus begins to leave the pelvic area, the expectant mother does not yet feel the movements of her unborn child. It is worth noting that the first ultrasound examination is carried out precisely at this time. If a woman does not yet feel the baby’s movements, she will be able to see them on the monitor of the device.

Pregnancy 16-20 weeks: first noticeable kicks

At what stage does the baby move so that the mother feels it? It is at this stage of development. The expectant mother may not at first understand that it is her baby who is moving. Especially primiparous women often confuse the first noticeable movements of the fetus with bowel movements. At this stage, movements are more like air bubbles that burst in the stomach. Also, many expectant mothers compare the baby’s first movements to the swimming of a fish.

Movements during this period are felt very rarely and only at rest. In order to feel the tremors, a woman needs to lie on her back and place her hand on her lower abdomen.

Pregnancy period 20-24 weeks: active movements

At this time period, more intense movement of the unborn child begins. He is getting stronger and bigger. Mom can no longer feel the swimming of a fish or bubbles, but obvious unexpected tremors. It is worth noting that pregnant women can feel movements in completely different places.

Gestational age 25-32 weeks: peak physical activity

At this stage, the baby's movements are very different from the first tremors. The expectant mother may constantly feel movements. The baby is spinning in the womb, he is still quite free there. The baby can roll over several times a day, push its mother and hit nearby organs. Thus, pregnant women often say that the baby is knocking on the bladder.

Pregnancy over 32 weeks: lazy stroking

This time period is characterized by a decrease in motor activity. The baby is already feeling cramped and cannot spin around easily. At this stage, the expectant mother begins to feel new movements of the baby. The embryo no longer pushes with an arm or leg, but puts out any limb and stretches the uterus.

Such movements are more like the baby stroking the mother from the inside. Sometimes you can still feel sharp kicks from the baby, but this happens less and less often. More often than not, mom (and other people) can see her belly “walking.” Different body parts are constantly sticking out of it.

First pregnancy: fetal movement

To begin with, it is worth saying that every pregnancy is individual. Many doctors claim that with each subsequent child the first movements are felt earlier and earlier. This happens because the woman already knows what to expect. This time she won't confuse the first slight tremors with bowel movements.

Much also depends on the location of the placenta. If this organ is located on the back wall of the reproductive organ, then the mother will feel the baby’s movements several weeks earlier. When the placenta is located in front, it softens the blows of the baby and its movements are recognized later. The physique of the expectant mother plays a big role in the period at which the baby begins to move. Thin women begin to feel movements a little earlier than plump women. This is explained by the fact that the layer of fat acts as a pillow and absorbs the baby’s shocks.

There are women who claim that they feel the first movements as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors are very skeptical about such statements and say that this is simply impossible. Also, some expectant mothers claim that movements are noticeable as early as 5 weeks. This statement can be considered complete nonsense. At this stage, the baby is still a fetus and does not show any motor activity. Most likely, these women confuse increased gas production with the movements of the baby.

Summary and conclusion

So, now you know what features pregnancy has. The baby often moves mainly at the border of the second and third trimester. If you are concerned about your baby's movements, talk to your doctor. You shouldn’t listen too much to the stories of experienced friends. Every woman is individual. Pregnancy is completely different for everyone.

If you do not feel movement for quite a long time (up to 25 weeks), then we may be talking about delayed development or a frozen pregnancy. In this case, the doctor recommends ultrasound diagnostics to make sure that everything is fine with the baby. An ultrasound should also be done if the previously active baby suddenly became quiet (for a day or more), and the expectant mother stopped feeling his movements.

Enjoy your new position and don't worry. The day will come when you will feel light tremors, which will intensify and change each time. Have an easy pregnancy and successful birth!

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